blob: 3042ed8ab758abbd310b52ab97ef702d5ac298e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// *****************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) 2018 Agence spatiale canadienne / Canadian Space Agency
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// Contributors:
// Pierre Allard - initial API and implementation
// Regent L'Archeveque
// Olivier L. Larouche
// SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0
// *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) 2018 Agence spatiale canadienne / Canadian Space Agency
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
Pierre Allard - initial API and implementation
Regent L'Archeveque
Olivier L. Larouche
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0
@GenModel(dynamicTemplates="true", templateDirectory="platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.apogy.common.emf.codegen/templates")
package org.eclipse.apogy.core.invocator.ui
import org.eclipse.apogy.common.emf.Exception
import org.eclipse.apogy.common.emf.ui.NamedDescribedWizardPagesProvider
import org.eclipse.apogy.core.invocator.AbstractTypeImplementation
import org.eclipse.apogy.core.invocator.Type
import org.eclipse.apogy.core.invocator.Context
import org.eclipse.apogy.core.invocator.ProgramSettings
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
import java.util.List
import java.util.HashMap
import org.eclipse.apogy.core.invocator.Variable
import org.eclipse.apogy.core.invocator.VariablesList
import org.eclipse.apogy.core.invocator.Program
import org.eclipse.apogy.common.Apogy
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* DataTypes.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
type MPart wraps org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.MPart
type CompoundCommand wraps org.eclipse.emf.common.command.CompoundCommand
type ListVariables wraps List<Variable>
type ListTypes wraps List<Type>
type SortedSet<T> wraps java.util.SortedSet
type HashMap<key, value> wraps HashMap
type Composite wraps org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite
type ISelectionListener wraps org.eclipse.ui.ISelectionListener
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Utilities
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@Apogy(isSingleton="true", hasCustomClass="true")
class ApogyCoreInvocatorUIFacade{
* Copies the Initialization Data.
* @param source Reference to the source context.
* @param destination Reference to the destination context.
op void copyInitializationData(Context source, Context destination) throws Exception
* Copies the Initialization Data.
* @param source Reference to the source implementation.
* @param destination Reference to the destination implementation.
* @param command Reference to the stack command.
op void copyInitializationData(AbstractTypeImplementation source, AbstractTypeImplementation destination, CompoundCommand command) throws Exception
* Initializes the active session.
op void initSession()
* Disposes the active session.
op void disposeSession()
* Adds the variable to the specified list using a transaction.
* @param variablesList List of variables.
* @param variable Variable to add.
* @see ApogyCoreInvocatorFacade#addVariable(VariablesList variablesList, Variable variable)
op void addVariable(VariablesList variablesList, Variable variable)
* Delete the variables from the specified list using a transaction.
* @param variablesList List of variables.
* @param variables Variables to remove.
* @see ApogyCoreInvocatorFacade#deleteVariable(VariablesList variablesList, Variable variable)
op void deleteVariables(VariablesList variablesList, ListVariables variables)
* Saves a specified EObject to a part's Persisted State. The Resource Set used is the one associated with the active session.
* @param mPart The part.
* @param persistedStateKey The persisted state key under which the eObject will be saved.
* @param eObject The EObject to save.
op void saveToPersistedState(MPart mPart, String persistedStateKey, EObject eObject)
* Reads an EObject from a part's Persisted State. . The Resource Set used is the one associated with the active session.
* @param mPart The part.
* @param persistedStateKey The persisted state key under which the eObject is stored.
* @return The EObject read, null if none could be read.
op EObject readFromPersistedState(MPart mPart, String persistedStateKey)
* Sorts a list of types based on their name.
* @param types List of Type to be sorted.
* @return The Type sorted by name.
op SortedSet<Type> sortTypeByName(ListTypes types)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Settings to be used in wizards
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class NewProgramSettings
* EClass of the program
contains EClass eClass
* Settings of the program.
contains ProgramSettings programSettings
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Registry to get the factory for UI elements of a Program EClass
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@Apogy(isSingleton="true", hasCustomClass="true")
class ProgramUIFactoriesRegistry
readonly transient String PROGRAM_FACTORY_PROVIDER_CONTRIBUTORS_POINT_ID = "org.eclipse.apogy.core.invocator.ui.programUIFactoryProvider"
readonly transient String PROGRAM_FACTORY_PROVIDER_CONTRIBUTORS_ECLASS_ID = "programUIFactoryEClass"
HashMap<EClass,ProgramUIFactory> programUIFactoriesMap
* Gets the factory corresponding to the EClass
op ProgramUIFactory getFactory(EClass eClass)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Factory used to create Program specific UI elements.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
abstract class ProgramUIFactory
* Creates a Program specific composite for the specified program.
* @param parent The parent composite.
* @param program The Program to display in the composite.
* @param selectionListener The selectionListener to call when a selection if made within the returned composite.
* @return The composite used to display the Program.
op Composite createProgramComposite(Composite parent, Program program, ISelectionListener selectionListener)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Factory used to create OperationCallsList specific UI elements.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class OperationCallsListProgramUIFactory extends ProgramUIFactory
* Wizard Provider used to create TypeMember.
class TypeMemberWizardPagesProvider extends NamedDescribedWizardPagesProvider