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* JScience - Java(TM) Tools and Libraries for the Advancement of Sciences.
* Copyright (C) 2006 - JScience (
* All rights reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is
* freely granted, provided that this notice is preserved.
package javax.measure.converter;
* <p> This class represents a converter multiplying numeric values by an
* exact scaling factor (represented as the quotient of two
* <code>long</code> numbers).</p>
* <p> Instances of this class are immutable.</p>
* @author <a href="">Jean-Marie Dautelle</a>
* @version 3.1, April 22, 2006
public final class RationalConverter extends UnitConverter {
* Holds the converter dividend.
private final long _dividend;
* Holds the converter divisor (always positive).
private final long _divisor;
* Creates a rational converter with the specified dividend and
* divisor.
* @param dividend the dividend.
* @param divisor the positive divisor.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>divisor &lt; 0</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>dividend == divisor</code>
public RationalConverter(long dividend, long divisor) {
if (divisor < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative divisor");
if (dividend == divisor)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Identity converter not allowed");
_dividend = dividend;
_divisor = divisor;
* Returns the dividend for this rational converter.
* @return this converter dividend.
public long getDividend() {
return _dividend;
* Returns the positive divisor for this rational converter.
* @return this converter divisor.
public long getDivisor() {
return _divisor;
public UnitConverter inverse() {
return _dividend < 0 ? new RationalConverter(-_divisor, -_dividend)
: new RationalConverter(_divisor, _dividend);
public double convert(double amount) {
return amount * _dividend / _divisor;
public boolean isLinear() {
return true;
public UnitConverter concatenate(UnitConverter converter) {
if (converter instanceof RationalConverter) {
RationalConverter that = (RationalConverter) converter;
long dividendLong = this._dividend * that._dividend;
long divisorLong = this._divisor * that._divisor;
double dividendDouble = ((double)this._dividend) * that._dividend;
double divisorDouble = ((double)this._divisor) * that._divisor;
if ((dividendLong != dividendDouble) ||
(divisorLong != divisorDouble)) { // Long overflows.
return new MultiplyConverter(dividendDouble / divisorDouble);
long gcd = gcd(dividendLong, divisorLong);
return RationalConverter.valueOf(dividendLong / gcd, divisorLong / gcd);
} else if (converter instanceof MultiplyConverter) {
return converter.concatenate(this);
} else {
return super.concatenate(converter);
private static UnitConverter valueOf(long dividend, long divisor) {
return (dividend == 1L) && (divisor == 1L) ? UnitConverter.IDENTITY
: new RationalConverter(dividend, divisor);
* Returns the greatest common divisor (Euclid's algorithm).
* @param m the first number.
* @param nn the second number.
* @return the greatest common divisor.
private static long gcd(long m, long n) {
if (n == 0L) {
return m;
} else {
return gcd(n, m % n);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;