blob: 0c7d6ecf06fcbc8d3f52606b6fbfe2a798e6947c [file] [log] [blame]
APP4MC AMALTHEA Headless Migration Tool
The headless migration tool can be started in different ways:
1. Launch via Equinox launcher executable, e.g. on Windows (amalthea_migration.exe)
amalthea_migration [-v, --version <model_version>] [-r, --recursive] [-nb, --nobackup] <filename> [-consoleLog] [-console]
-v, --version The model version to which the model should be migrated to [optional].
If not provided the latest supported version will be used.
-r, --recursive If folders should be traversed recursively [optional].
If not provided only the files in the given folder will be migrated.
-nb, --nobackup If backup files should be created before the migration process [optional].
If not provided a backup file will be created for every model file.
-consoleLog When using the launcher, the console outputs are not printed to the shell.
By using this option a separate shell is opened to which the results are printed.
-console Starts the amalthea model migration in interactive mode. Opens the OSGi console
where the app4mc:convert console command can be executed.
Note: When using this option all other options and parameter are not required.
filename The filename of the model file or the folder that contains model files to migrate
Open the model migration in interactive mode:
amalthea_migration -console
Trigger a migration of the test.amxmi file to the latest supported model version:
amalthea_migration test.amxmi
Trigger a migration of the test.amxmi file to model version 0.9.5:
amalthea_migration -v 0.9.5 test.amxmi
Trigger a migration of the test.amxmi file to model version 0.9.5 and check outputs in logging console:
amalthea_migration -v 0.9.5 test.amxmi -consoleLog
Trigger a migration of the test.amxmi file to the latest supported model version without file backup:
amalthea_migration -nb test.amxmi
Trigger a migration of all model files in the folder test to the latest supported model version:
amalthea_migration test
Trigger a migration of all model files in the folder test and subfolders to the latest supported model version:
amalthea_migration -r test
2. Launch via Equinox Framework JAR
java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.13.0.v20180409-1500.jar -configuration ./configuration [-v, --version <model_version>] [-r, --recursive] [-nb, --nobackup] <filename> [-console]
-v, --version The model version to which the model should be migrated to [optional].
If not provided the latest supported version will be used.
-r, --recursive If folders should be traversed recursively [optional].
If not provided only the files in the given folder will be migrated.
-nb, --nobackup If backup files should be created before the migration process [optional].
If not provided a backup file will be created for every model file.
-console Starts the amalthea model migration in interactive mode. Opens the OSGi console
where the app4mc:convert console command can be executed.
Note: When using this option all other options and parameter are not required.
filename The filename of the model file or the folder that contains model files to migrate
-configuration <location>
This parameter is needed to specify the location of the config.ini file.
When starting the via Equinox Framework JAR the location needs to be provided this way to startup correctly.
Open the model migration in interactive mode:
java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.13.0.v20180409-1500.jar -configuration ./configuration -console
Trigger a migration of the test.amxmi file to the latest supported model version:
java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.13.0.v20180409-1500.jar -configuration ./configuration test.amxmi
Trigger a migration of the test.amxmi file to model version 0.9.5:
java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.13.0.v20180409-1500.jar -configuration ./configuration -v 0.9.5 test.amxmi
3. Launch via executable jar (uses the bnd launcher)
java -jar amalthea_migration.jar [-v, --version <model_version>] [-r, --recursive] [-nb, --nobackup] <filename>
-v, --version The model version to which the model should be migrated to [optional].
If not provided the latest supported version will be used.
-r, --recursive If folders should be traversed recursively [optional].
If not provided only the files in the given folder will be migrated.
-nb, --nobackup If backup files should be created before the migration process [optional].
If not provided a backup file will be created for every model file.
filename The filename of the model file or the folder that contains model files to migrate
Trigger a migration of the test.amxmi file to the latest supported model version:
java -jar amalthea_migration.jar test.amxmi
Trigger a migration of the test.amxmi file to model version 0.9.5:
java -jar amalthea_migration.jar -v 0.9.5 test.amxmi
Trigger a migration of the test.amxmi file to the latest supported model version without file backup:
java -jar amalthea_migration.jar -nb test.amxmi
Trigger a migration of all model files in the folder test to the latest supported model version:
java -jar amalthea_migration.jar test
Trigger a migration of all model files in the folder test and subfolders to the latest supported model version:
java -jar amalthea_migration.jar -r test
Open the model migration in interactive mode:
java -jar -Dosgi.console= amalthea_migration.jar
Start the migration with modified console log level (default is ERROR):
java -jar -Dapp4mc.log.level=DEBUG amalthea_migration.jar
OSGi console interaction:
app4mc:convert - start an AMALTHEA model migration
convert [-v, --version <model_version>] [-r, --recursive <true|false>] [-nb, --nobackup <true|false>] <filename>
-v, --version The model version to which the model should be migrated to [optional].
If not provided the latest supported version will be used.
-r, --recursive If folders should be traversed recursively [optional].
Value needs to be provided as true|false.
If not provided only the files in the given folder will be migrated.
-nb, --nobackup If backup files should be created before the migration process [optional].
Value needs to be provided as true|false.
If not provided a backup file will be created for every model file.
filename The filename of the model file or the folder that contains model files to migrate
help - lists all available commands in the OSGi shell
exit - exit the OSGi console