blob: d855420e3c9f0ac2834004b2894b02e513eb9d72 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts - initial API and implementation
#include <getopt.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "trace_utils_BTF.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define CORE_STACK_SIZE 16
#define TRACE_PATH_SIZE 512
/*-------------------------GOLBAL VARIABLES--------------------*/
const char *btf_trace_version = "#version 1.0";
/*-------------------------STATIC GOLBAL VARIABLES--------------------*/
static btf_trace_header_config_t btf_header;
static uint8_t output_trace_path[TRACE_PATH_SIZE];
static btf_trace_entity_table entity_table[BTF_TRACE_ENTITY_TABLE_SIZE];
static uint8_t isEntityTypeHeaderWritten = BTF_TRACE_FALSE;
static uint8_t isEntityTableHeaderWritten = BTF_TRACE_FALSE;
static uint8_t isEntityTypTableHeaderWritten = BTF_TRACE_FALSE;
static btf_trace_data core0_trace_data[CORE_STACK_SIZE];
static btf_trace_data core1_trace_data[CORE_STACK_SIZE];
static int8_t core0_stack_top = -1;
static int8_t core1_stack_top = -1;
static int scale_factor = 1;
/*-------------------------CONST VARIABLES---------------------------*/
const uint8_t event_type[][8] = {
const uint8_t event_name[][16] = {
/*-------------------------STATIC FUNCTIONS----------------------------*/
static void print_usage(void);
static void get_trace_timestamp(uint8_t *buffer);
static int16_t find_first_free_index(void);
static void get_trace_timestamp(uint8_t *buffer);
static uint8_t update_entity_entry(unsigned int id, unsigned int instance, unsigned int event_state);
static void process_btf_trace_data(FILE *stream, btf_trace_data *data, int8_t *top_of_stack, unsigned int *data_buffer);
static void push_on_stack(btf_trace_data *data, int8_t *top_of_stack, unsigned int *data_buffer);
static btf_trace_data pop_from_stack(btf_trace_data *data, int8_t *top_of_stack);
static int find_task_in_execution(btf_trace_data *data, int8_t stack_top, btf_trace_event_type type);
static void dump_btf_trace_data(FILE *stream, unsigned int ticks, unsigned int srcId, unsigned int srcInstance,
btf_trace_event_type type, unsigned int target, unsigned int targetInstance,
btf_trace_event_name event, unsigned int data);
/* Function to get the first free available index */
static int16_t find_first_free_index(void)
int index = 0;
for(index = 0; index < BTF_TRACE_ENTITY_TABLE_SIZE; index++)
if (entity_table[index].is_occupied == 0x00)
return index;
return -1;
/* Function to get the entity name based on the id passed */
static unsigned char * get_entity_name(unsigned int id)
int index = 0;
for(index = 0; index < BTF_TRACE_ENTITY_TABLE_SIZE; index++)
if (entity_table[index].is_occupied == 0x01)
if (id == entity_table[index].entity_data.entity_id)
return entity_table[index].entity_data.entity_name;
return NULL;
/* Function to get the current time of creation of btf trace file */
static void get_trace_timestamp(uint8_t *buffer)
time_t timer;
char date[16] = {0};
char time_t[16] = {0};
struct tm* tm_info;
tm_info = localtime(&timer);
/* The total number of characters to display time is 26 */
strftime((char *)date, 16, "%Y-%m-%d", tm_info);
strftime((char *)time_t, 16, "%H:%M:%S", tm_info);
/* Set the time in ISO 8601 extended specification format */
snprintf((char *)buffer, 26, "%s%c%s", date, 'T', time_t);
/* Function to display to usage of the command line parameters */
static void print_usage(void)
fprintf(stdout, "Usage:\n");
fprintf(stdout,"\t[-t|--trace-btf]=<Output trace file name.>\n");
fprintf(stdout,"\t[-m|--model-file]=<Model file name used to generate the trace file.>\n");
fprintf(stdout,"\t[-s|--scale]=<Timing scale used to generate the trace file in microseconds. Accepted values are 100 and 1000.>\n");
fprintf(stdout,"\t[-d|--device]=<Device target on which the trace file is generated.>\n");
fprintf(stdout,"\t[-h|--help]=<Print the help message.>\n");
fprintf(stdout,"\t./host_main_example1 -t trace.btf -s 100 -m model.xml -d parallella\n");
/* Function to update the entity entry table */
static uint8_t update_entity_entry(unsigned int id, unsigned int instance, unsigned int event_state)
int index;
//Parse the entity table to check for any new event or instance.
for(index = 0; index < BTF_TRACE_ENTITY_TABLE_SIZE; index++)
if ((entity_table[index].is_occupied == 0x01) && (id == entity_table[index].entity_data.entity_id))
if ((entity_table[index].entity_data.instance != instance) ||
(entity_table[index].entity_data.state != event_state))
entity_table[index].entity_data.instance = instance;
entity_table[index].entity_data.state = event_state;
/* Function to push any entity event on core stack */
static void push_on_stack(btf_trace_data *data, int8_t *top_of_stack, unsigned int *data_buffer)
int8_t stack_top = *top_of_stack;
if(stack_top >= CORE_STACK_SIZE - 1)
fprintf(stdout, "\n\tSTACK is over flow");
data[stack_top].eventTypeId = data_buffer[EVENT_TYPE_FLAG];
data[stack_top].srcId = data_buffer[SOURCE_FLAG];
data[stack_top].srcInstance = data_buffer[SOURCE_INSTANCE_FLAG];
data[stack_top].taskId = data_buffer[TARGET_FLAG];
data[stack_top].taskInstance = data_buffer[TARGET_INSTANCE_FLAG];
data[stack_top].eventState = data_buffer[EVENT_FLAG];
data[stack_top].data = data_buffer[DATA_FLAG];
*top_of_stack = stack_top;
/* Function to pop any entity event on core stack */
static btf_trace_data pop_from_stack(btf_trace_data *data, int8_t *top_of_stack)
btf_trace_data task = {0};
int8_t stack_top = *top_of_stack;
if(stack_top <= -1)
fprintf(stdout, "\n\t Stack is under flow");
return task;
task = data[stack_top];
*top_of_stack = stack_top;
return task;
/* Function to find the current active task */
static int find_task_in_execution(btf_trace_data *data, int8_t stack_top, btf_trace_event_type type)
int index = -1;
int found = -1;
for(index = 0; index <= stack_top; index++)
if (data[index].eventTypeId == type && ((data[index].eventState == PROCESS_START)
|| (data[index].eventState == PROCESS_RESUME)))
found = index;
return found;
/* Function to dump the BTF trace data on output trace file */
static void dump_btf_trace_data(FILE *stream, unsigned int ticks,
unsigned int srcId, unsigned int srcInstance,
btf_trace_event_type type,
unsigned int target, unsigned int targetInstance,
btf_trace_event_name event, unsigned int data)
unsigned char * source_name = get_entity_name(srcId);
unsigned char * target_name = get_entity_name(target);
const unsigned char *event_type_string = event_type[type];
const unsigned char *event_name_string = event_name[event];
if ((source_name != NULL) && (target_name != NULL))
fprintf(stream,"%d,%s,%d,%s,%s,%d,%s,%d\n", (ticks * scale_factor * 1000) , source_name, srcInstance,
event_type_string, target_name, targetInstance, event_name_string, data);
/* Function to process event on each core */
static void process_btf_trace_data(FILE *stream, btf_trace_data *data, int8_t *top_of_stack, unsigned int *data_buffer)
if (*top_of_stack == -1)
// Stack is empty.Push on stack
push_on_stack(data, top_of_stack, data_buffer);
dump_btf_trace_data(stream, data_buffer[TIME_FLAG], data_buffer[SOURCE_FLAG],
data_buffer[SOURCE_INSTANCE_FLAG], data_buffer[EVENT_TYPE_FLAG],
data_buffer[TARGET_FLAG], data_buffer[TARGET_INSTANCE_FLAG],
data_buffer[EVENT_FLAG], data_buffer[DATA_FLAG]);
btf_trace_data previousTask;
if (data_buffer[EVENT_FLAG] == PROCESS_START)
//Preempt the current running task and suspend the associated runnable
int task = find_task_in_execution(data, *top_of_stack, TASK_EVENT);
int runnable = find_task_in_execution(data, *top_of_stack, RUNNABLE_EVENT);
if((task != -1) && (data[task].taskId != data_buffer[SOURCE_FLAG]))
// print task to preemption
data[task].eventState = PROCESS_PREEMPT;
dump_btf_trace_data(stream, data_buffer[TIME_FLAG], data[task].srcId,
data[task].srcInstance, data[task].eventTypeId,
data[task].taskId, data[task].taskInstance,
data[task].eventState, data[task].data);
if((runnable != -1) && (data[runnable].srcId != data_buffer[TARGET_FLAG]))
// print runnable to suspend
data[runnable].eventState = PROCESS_SUSPEND;
dump_btf_trace_data(stream, data_buffer[TIME_FLAG], data[runnable].srcId,
data[runnable].srcInstance, data[runnable].eventTypeId,
data[runnable].taskId, data[runnable].taskInstance,
data[runnable].eventState, data[runnable].data);
//print the task which started and push it on the stack
push_on_stack(data, top_of_stack, data_buffer);
dump_btf_trace_data(stream, data_buffer[TIME_FLAG], data_buffer[SOURCE_FLAG],
data_buffer[SOURCE_INSTANCE_FLAG], data_buffer[EVENT_TYPE_FLAG],
data_buffer[TARGET_FLAG], data_buffer[TARGET_INSTANCE_FLAG],
data_buffer[EVENT_FLAG], data_buffer[DATA_FLAG]);
else if (data_buffer[EVENT_FLAG] == PROCESS_TERMINATE)
//Get the previous task and dump on the trace file if the task ID and instance match
previousTask = data[*top_of_stack];
if((data_buffer[TARGET_FLAG] == previousTask.taskId)
&& (data_buffer[TARGET_INSTANCE_FLAG] == previousTask.taskInstance))
dump_btf_trace_data(stream, data_buffer[TIME_FLAG], data_buffer[SOURCE_FLAG],
data_buffer[SOURCE_INSTANCE_FLAG], data_buffer[EVENT_TYPE_FLAG],
data_buffer[TARGET_FLAG], data_buffer[TARGET_INSTANCE_FLAG],
data_buffer[EVENT_FLAG], data_buffer[DATA_FLAG]);
pop_from_stack(data, top_of_stack);
if ((*top_of_stack >= 1) && (data_buffer[EVENT_TYPE_FLAG] == TASK_EVENT))
// Check if there is any task in preempt or suspend state. Resume them.
previousTask = data[*top_of_stack - 1];
int8_t prevRunnable = *top_of_stack;
btf_trace_data runnableTask = data[prevRunnable];
dump_btf_trace_data(stream, data_buffer[TIME_FLAG], previousTask.srcId, previousTask.srcInstance,
previousTask.eventTypeId, previousTask.taskId, previousTask.taskInstance,
dump_btf_trace_data(stream, data_buffer[TIME_FLAG], runnableTask.srcId, runnableTask.srcInstance,
runnableTask.eventTypeId, runnableTask.taskId, runnableTask.taskInstance,
data[*top_of_stack].eventState = PROCESS_RESUME;
data[prevRunnable].eventState = PROCESS_RESUME;
//Do nothing
* Function to get the file name of the trace file along with the
* absolute path.
void get_btf_trace_file_path(char *trace_file_path)
if (trace_file_path == NULL)
char lcwd[PATH_MAX-1];
if (getcwd(lcwd, sizeof(lcwd)) != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Current working dir: %s\n", lcwd);
} else {
perror("getcwd() error");
if(0 != access(lcwd, W_OK))
fprintf(stderr,"You don't have write access to the directory in which you are trying to create the btf file\n");
sprintf(trace_file_path,"%s" "%c" "%s",lcwd,'/', output_trace_path);
* Parse the command line arguments for generating the BTF trace file
int parse_btf_trace_arguments(int argc, char **argv)
int opt= 0;
int is_time_unit_provided = BTF_TRACE_FALSE;
int is_time_scale_provided = BTF_TRACE_FALSE;
/* Reset the posix variable associated to getopt_long */
opterr = 0;
static const struct option long_options[] = {
{"trace-btf", required_argument, NULL, 't' },
{"model-file", required_argument, NULL, 'm' },
{"scale", optional_argument, NULL, 's'},
{"unit", optional_argument, NULL, 'u'},
{"device", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
int long_index =0;
while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv,"t:m:s:d:",
long_options, &long_index )) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case 't' :
strncpy((char *)output_trace_path, (const char *)optarg, sizeof(output_trace_path));
case 'm' :
strncpy((char *)btf_header.modelfile, (const char *)optarg, sizeof(btf_header.modelfile));
case 'd' :
strncpy((char *)btf_header.creator, (const char *)optarg, sizeof(btf_header.creator));
case 'u' :
strncpy((char *)btf_header.timeunit, (const char *)optarg, sizeof(btf_header.timeunit));
is_time_unit_provided = BTF_TRACE_TRUE;
case 's' :
btf_header.timescale = atoi(optarg);
scale_factor = btf_header.timescale;
/* Accepted scale factor is 100us and 1000us */
if ((scale_factor == 100) || (scale_factor == 1000))
// No action needed.
is_time_scale_provided = BTF_TRACE_TRUE;
case 'h' :
case '?' :
default :
/* Set the default time scale as us */
if (is_time_unit_provided == BTF_TRACE_FALSE)
strncpy((char *)btf_header.timeunit, (const char *)"ns", sizeof(btf_header.timeunit));
/* Set the default time scale as 1000 which corresponds to 1 ms. */
if (is_time_scale_provided == BTF_TRACE_FALSE)
btf_header.timescale = 1000;
scale_factor = btf_header.timescale;
return btf_header.timescale;
* This function is used to store the entity information of all the
* tasks, runnables and labels.
void store_entity_entry(entity_id typeId, btf_trace_event_type type, const char *name)
int16_t index = 0;
index = find_first_free_index();
if (index >= 0)
entity_table[index].entity_data.entity_id = typeId;
entity_table[index].entity_data.instance = -1;
entity_table[index].entity_data.state = INIT;
entity_table[index].entity_data.entity_type = type;
strcpy((char *)entity_table[index].entity_data.entity_name, (const char *)name);
entity_table[index].is_occupied = 0x01;
* This function is responsible for writing the BTF trace header information.
void write_btf_trace_header_config(FILE *stream)
if (stream == NULL)
/* 32 bytes is enough to store the timescale format */
uint8_t time_string[32] = {0};
fprintf(stream, "%s\n", btf_trace_version);
fprintf(stream, "#creator %s\n", btf_header.creator);
fprintf(stream, "#creationdate %s\n", time_string);
fprintf(stream, "#inputFile %s\n", btf_header.modelfile);
fprintf(stream, "#timescale %s\n", btf_header.timeunit);
* This function to write entity type in BTF header data.
void write_btf_trace_header_entity_type(FILE *stream, btf_trace_event_type type)
if (stream == NULL)
if (isEntityTypeHeaderWritten == BTF_TRACE_FALSE)
fprintf(stream, "#entityType\n");
isEntityTypeHeaderWritten = BTF_TRACE_TRUE;
fprintf(stream, "#-%d %s\n", type, event_type[type]);
* This function writes the entity type table in the BTF header.
void write_btf_trace_header_entity_type_table(FILE *stream)
if (stream == NULL)
if (isEntityTypTableHeaderWritten == BTF_TRACE_FALSE)
fprintf(stream, "#entityTypeTable\n");
isEntityTypTableHeaderWritten = BTF_TRACE_TRUE;
int index = 0;
for(index = 0; index < BTF_TRACE_ENTITY_TABLE_SIZE; index++)
if (entity_table[index].is_occupied == 0x01)
int type_index = entity_table[index].entity_data.entity_type;
fprintf(stream, "#-%s %s\n", event_type[type_index],
* Function to write entity type in BTF header data
void write_btf_trace_header_entity_table(FILE *stream)
if (stream == NULL)
if (isEntityTableHeaderWritten == BTF_TRACE_FALSE)
fprintf(stream, "#entityTable\n");
isEntityTableHeaderWritten = BTF_TRACE_TRUE;
int index = 0;
for(index = 0; index < BTF_TRACE_ENTITY_TABLE_SIZE; index++)
if (entity_table[index].is_occupied == 0x01)
fprintf(stream, "#-%d %s\n", entity_table[index].entity_data.entity_id,
* Function to write the data section of the BTF
void write_btf_trace_data(FILE *stream, uint8_t core_id, unsigned int * data_buffer)
if (stream == NULL || (data_buffer == NULL))
if (core_id == 1)
process_btf_trace_data(stream, core1_trace_data, &core1_stack_top, data_buffer);
else if (core_id == 0)
#if 0
fprintf(stream,"Input ---%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", data_buffer[TIME_FLAG], data_buffer[SOURCE_FLAG],
data_buffer[SOURCE_INSTANCE_FLAG], data_buffer[EVENT_TYPE_FLAG], data_buffer[TARGET_FLAG],
data_buffer[TARGET_INSTANCE_FLAG], data_buffer[EVENT_FLAG]);
process_btf_trace_data(stream, core0_trace_data, &core0_stack_top, data_buffer);
#if 0
int index = 0;
if (core0_stack_top >= 0)
fprintf(stream, "stack size=%d\n", core0_stack_top);
for(index = core0_stack_top; index >= 0; index--)
fprintf(stream,"Src=%d Target=%d Event=%d\n",core0_trace_data[index].srcId,
core0_trace_data[index].taskId, core0_trace_data[index].eventState);
// Do nothing