Merging c-Eclipse code to camf repo.
Changes to *.tosca.editor 
chained changes to *.infosystem.model

Change-Id: Ifd2cb20824ae4c52b9c8415fc9e5bd1dff4f531f
Signed-off-by: Athanasios Foudoulis <>
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/model/InfoSystem.genmodel b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/model/InfoSystem.genmodel
index 83c982e..48dcc10 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/model/InfoSystem.genmodel
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/model/InfoSystem.genmodel
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
     modelName="InfoSystem" importerID="org.eclipse.emf.importer.ecore" complianceLevel="6.0"

     copyrightFields="false" classNamePattern="">


-  <genPackages prefix="InfoSystem" basePackage="org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model" resource="XML"

-      disposableProviderFactory="true" ecorePackage="infosystem.ecore#/">

+  <genPackages prefix="InfoSystem" basePackage="org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model"

+      resource="XML" disposableProviderFactory="true" ecorePackage="infosystem.ecore#/">

     <genEnums typeSafeEnumCompatible="false" ecoreEnum="infosystem.ecore#//VirtualMachineImageType">

       <genEnumLiterals ecoreEnumLiteral="infosystem.ecore#//VirtualMachineImageType/BaseImage"/>

       <genEnumLiterals ecoreEnumLiteral="infosystem.ecore#//VirtualMachineImageType/CustomImage"/>

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
       <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//MonitoringProbe/uID"/>

       <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//MonitoringProbe/name"/>

       <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//MonitoringProbe/description"/>

-      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//MonitoringProbe/uRL"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//MonitoringProbe/metrics"/>


     <genClasses ecoreClass="infosystem.ecore#//ResizingAction">

       <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//ResizingAction/uID"/>

@@ -44,5 +44,47 @@
       <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//UserApplication/uRL"/>

       <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//UserApplication/type"/>


+    <genClasses ecoreClass="infosystem.ecore#//KeyPair">

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//KeyPair/uID"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//KeyPair/name"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//KeyPair/publicKey"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//KeyPair/Description"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//KeyPair/URL"/>

+    </genClasses>

+    <genClasses ecoreClass="infosystem.ecore#//VirtualMachineImageFlavor">

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//VirtualMachineImageFlavor/name"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//VirtualMachineImageFlavor/uID"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//VirtualMachineImageFlavor/ram"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//VirtualMachineImageFlavor/hdd"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//VirtualMachineImageFlavor/vCPU"/>

+    </genClasses>

+    <genClasses ecoreClass="infosystem.ecore#//VirtualNetwork">

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//VirtualNetwork/uID"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//VirtualNetwork/name"/>

+    </genClasses>

+    <genClasses ecoreClass="infosystem.ecore#//VirtualInstance">

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//VirtualInstance/uID"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//VirtualInstance/name"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//VirtualInstance/status"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//VirtualInstance/IPs"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//VirtualInstance/URI"/>

+    </genClasses>

+    <genClasses ecoreClass="infosystem.ecore#//SecurityGroup">

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//SecurityGroup/uID"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//SecurityGroup/name"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//SecurityGroup/description"/>

+    </genClasses>

+    <genClasses ecoreClass="infosystem.ecore#//Deployment">

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//Deployment/depID"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//Deployment/deploymentName"/>

+      <genFeatures notify="false" createChild="false" propertySortChoices="true" ecoreFeature="ecore:EReference infosystem.ecore#//Deployment/modules"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//Deployment/Status"/>

+    </genClasses>

+    <genClasses ecoreClass="infosystem.ecore#//Module">

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//Module/modID"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//Module/moduleName"/>

+      <genFeatures notify="false" createChild="false" propertySortChoices="true" ecoreFeature="ecore:EReference infosystem.ecore#//Module/instances"/>

+      <genFeatures createChild="false" ecoreFeature="ecore:EAttribute infosystem.ecore#//Module/initInstances"/>

+    </genClasses>



diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/model/infosystem.ecore b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/model/infosystem.ecore
index 35762f4..6df2058 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/model/infosystem.ecore
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/model/infosystem.ecore
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
         <details key="namespace" value="##targetNamespace"/>



-    <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="uRL" lowerBound="1" eType="ecore:EDataType">

+    <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="metrics" lowerBound="1"

+        eType="ecore:EDataType">

       <eAnnotations source="http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData">

         <details key="kind" value="element"/>

         <details key="name" value="URL"/>

diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/
index ce95b05..d704eef 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/
@@ -110,15 +110,15 @@
-	 * The feature id for the '<em><b>URL</b></em>' attribute.
+	 * The feature id for the '<em><b>Metrics</b></em>' attribute.
 	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
-   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
+	 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 	 * @generated
 	 * @ordered
-  /**
+		/**
 	 * The number of structural features of the '<em>Monitoring Probe</em>' class.
 	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
    * <!-- end-user-doc -->
@@ -824,17 +824,17 @@
   EAttribute getMonitoringProbe_Description();
-	 * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.MonitoringProbe#getURL <em>URL</em>}'.
+	 * Returns the meta object for the attribute '{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.MonitoringProbe#getMetrics <em>Metrics</em>}'.
 	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
-   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
-	 * @return the meta object for the attribute '<em>URL</em>'.
-	 * @see org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.MonitoringProbe#getURL()
+	 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
+	 * @return the meta object for the attribute '<em>Metrics</em>'.
+	 * @see org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.MonitoringProbe#getMetrics()
 	 * @see #getMonitoringProbe()
 	 * @generated
-  EAttribute getMonitoringProbe_URL();
+	EAttribute getMonitoringProbe_Metrics();
-  /**
+		/**
 	 * Returns the meta object for class '{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.ResizingAction <em>Resizing Action</em>}'.
 	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
    * <!-- end-user-doc -->
@@ -1541,14 +1541,14 @@
     EAttribute MONITORING_PROBE__DESCRIPTION = eINSTANCE.getMonitoringProbe_Description();
-		 * The meta object literal for the '<em><b>URL</b></em>' attribute feature.
+		 * The meta object literal for the '<em><b>Metrics</b></em>' attribute feature.
 		 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
-     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
+		 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 		 * @generated
-    EAttribute MONITORING_PROBE__URL = eINSTANCE.getMonitoringProbe_URL();
+		EAttribute MONITORING_PROBE__METRICS = eINSTANCE.getMonitoringProbe_Metrics();
-    /**
+				/**
 		 * The meta object literal for the '{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.impl.ResizingActionImpl <em>Resizing Action</em>}' class.
 		 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
      * <!-- end-user-doc -->
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/
index ce97813..106c302 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
  *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.MonitoringProbe#getUID <em>UID</em>}</li>
  *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.MonitoringProbe#getName <em>Name</em>}</li>
  *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.MonitoringProbe#getDescription <em>Description</em>}</li>
- *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.MonitoringProbe#getURL <em>URL</em>}</li>
+ *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.MonitoringProbe#getMetrics <em>Metrics</em>}</li>
  * </ul>
  * </p>
@@ -121,30 +121,30 @@
   void setDescription(String value);
-	 * Returns the value of the '<em><b>URL</b></em>' attribute.
+	 * Returns the value of the '<em><b>Metrics</b></em>' attribute.
 	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
-   * <p>
-   * If the meaning of the '<em>URL</em>' attribute isn't clear,
-   * there really should be more of a description here...
-   * </p>
-   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
-	 * @return the value of the '<em>URL</em>' attribute.
-	 * @see #setURL(String)
-	 * @see org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.InfoSystemPackage#getMonitoringProbe_URL()
+	 * <p>
+	 * If the meaning of the '<em>Metrics</em>' attribute isn't clear,
+	 * there really should be more of a description here...
+	 * </p>
+	 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
+	 * @return the value of the '<em>Metrics</em>' attribute.
+	 * @see #setMetrics(String)
+	 * @see org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.InfoSystemPackage#getMonitoringProbe_Metrics()
 	 * @model dataType="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.String" required="true"
 	 *        extendedMetaData="kind='element' name='URL' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
 	 * @generated
-  String getURL();
+	String getMetrics();
-  /**
-	 * Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.MonitoringProbe#getURL <em>URL</em>}' attribute.
+		/**
+	 * Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.MonitoringProbe#getMetrics <em>Metrics</em>}' attribute.
 	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
-   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
-	 * @param value the new value of the '<em>URL</em>' attribute.
-	 * @see #getURL()
+	 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
+	 * @param value the new value of the '<em>Metrics</em>' attribute.
+	 * @see #getMetrics()
 	 * @generated
-  void setURL(String value);
+	void setMetrics(String value);
 } // MonitoringProbe
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/
index 4735600..71f8acb 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/
@@ -23,16 +23,11 @@
  * <p>

  * The following features are supported:

  * <ul>

- * <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getUID <em>

- * UID</em>}</li>

- * <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getName

- * <em>Name</em>}</li>

- * <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getStatus

- * <em>Status</em>}</li>

- * <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getIPs <em>

- * IPs</em>}</li>

- * <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getURI <em>

- * URI</em>}</li>

+ *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getUID <em>UID</em>}</li>

+ *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getName <em>Name</em>}</li>

+ *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getStatus <em>Status</em>}</li>

+ *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getIPs <em>IPs</em>}</li>

+ *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getURI <em>URI</em>}</li>

  * </ul>

  * </p>


@@ -59,12 +54,9 @@
 	String getUID();



-	 * Sets the value of the '

-	 * {@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getUID

-	 * <em>UID</em>}' attribute. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->

-	 * 

-	 * @param value

-	 *            the new value of the '<em>UID</em>' attribute.

+	 * Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getUID <em>UID</em>}' attribute.

+	 * <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->

+	 * @param value the new value of the '<em>UID</em>' attribute.

 	 * @see #getUID()

 	 * @generated


@@ -88,12 +80,9 @@
 	String getName();



-	 * Sets the value of the '

-	 * {@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getName

-	 * <em>Name</em>}' attribute. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->

-	 * 

-	 * @param value

-	 *            the new value of the '<em>Name</em>' attribute.

+	 * Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getName <em>Name</em>}' attribute.

+	 * <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->

+	 * @param value the new value of the '<em>Name</em>' attribute.

 	 * @see #getName()

 	 * @generated


@@ -147,12 +136,9 @@
 	String getIPs();



-	 * Sets the value of the '

-	 * {@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getIPs

-	 * <em>IPs</em>}' attribute. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->

-	 * 

-	 * @param value

-	 *            the new value of the '<em>IPs</em>' attribute.

+	 * Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getIPs <em>IPs</em>}' attribute.

+	 * <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->

+	 * @param value the new value of the '<em>IPs</em>' attribute.

 	 * @see #getIPs()

 	 * @generated


@@ -176,12 +162,9 @@
 	String getURI();



-	 * Sets the value of the '

-	 * {@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getURI

-	 * <em>URI</em>}' attribute. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->

-	 * 

-	 * @param value

-	 *            the new value of the '<em>URI</em>' attribute.

+	 * Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualInstance#getURI <em>URI</em>}' attribute.

+	 * <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->

+	 * @param value the new value of the '<em>URI</em>' attribute.

 	 * @see #getURI()

 	 * @generated


diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/impl/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/impl/
index bdc037c..1aff9bf 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/impl/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/impl/
@@ -254,15 +254,14 @@
 	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
-   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
+	 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 	 * @generated
-  public EAttribute getMonitoringProbe_URL()
-  {
+	public EAttribute getMonitoringProbe_Metrics() {
 		return (EAttribute)monitoringProbeEClass.getEStructuralFeatures().get(3);
-  /**
+		/**
 	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
    * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 	 * @generated
@@ -870,7 +869,7 @@
 		createEAttribute(monitoringProbeEClass, MONITORING_PROBE__UID);
 		createEAttribute(monitoringProbeEClass, MONITORING_PROBE__NAME);
 		createEAttribute(monitoringProbeEClass, MONITORING_PROBE__DESCRIPTION);
-		createEAttribute(monitoringProbeEClass, MONITORING_PROBE__URL);
+		createEAttribute(monitoringProbeEClass, MONITORING_PROBE__METRICS);
 		resizingActionEClass = createEClass(RESIZING_ACTION);
 		createEAttribute(resizingActionEClass, RESIZING_ACTION__UID);
@@ -986,7 +985,7 @@
 		initEAttribute(getMonitoringProbe_UID(), theXMLTypePackage.getString(), "uID", null, 1, 1, MonitoringProbe.class, !IS_TRANSIENT, !IS_VOLATILE, IS_CHANGEABLE, !IS_UNSETTABLE, !IS_ID, IS_UNIQUE, !IS_DERIVED, IS_ORDERED);
 		initEAttribute(getMonitoringProbe_Name(), theXMLTypePackage.getString(), "name", null, 1, 1, MonitoringProbe.class, !IS_TRANSIENT, !IS_VOLATILE, IS_CHANGEABLE, !IS_UNSETTABLE, !IS_ID, IS_UNIQUE, !IS_DERIVED, IS_ORDERED);
 		initEAttribute(getMonitoringProbe_Description(), theXMLTypePackage.getString(), "description", null, 1, 1, MonitoringProbe.class, !IS_TRANSIENT, !IS_VOLATILE, IS_CHANGEABLE, !IS_UNSETTABLE, !IS_ID, IS_UNIQUE, !IS_DERIVED, IS_ORDERED);
-		initEAttribute(getMonitoringProbe_URL(), theXMLTypePackage.getString(), "uRL", null, 1, 1, MonitoringProbe.class, !IS_TRANSIENT, !IS_VOLATILE, IS_CHANGEABLE, !IS_UNSETTABLE, !IS_ID, IS_UNIQUE, !IS_DERIVED, IS_ORDERED);
+		initEAttribute(getMonitoringProbe_Metrics(), theXMLTypePackage.getString(), "metrics", null, 1, 1, MonitoringProbe.class, !IS_TRANSIENT, !IS_VOLATILE, IS_CHANGEABLE, !IS_UNSETTABLE, !IS_ID, IS_UNIQUE, !IS_DERIVED, IS_ORDERED);
 		initEClass(resizingActionEClass, ResizingAction.class, "ResizingAction", !IS_ABSTRACT, !IS_INTERFACE, IS_GENERATED_INSTANCE_CLASS);
 		initEAttribute(getResizingAction_UID(), theXMLTypePackage.getString(), "uID", null, 1, 1, ResizingAction.class, !IS_TRANSIENT, !IS_VOLATILE, IS_CHANGEABLE, !IS_UNSETTABLE, !IS_ID, IS_UNIQUE, !IS_DERIVED, IS_ORDERED);
@@ -1114,7 +1113,7 @@
 			 "namespace", "##targetNamespace"
-		  (getMonitoringProbe_URL(), 
+		  (getMonitoringProbe_Metrics(), 
 		   new String[] {
 			 "kind", "element",
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/impl/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/impl/
index bc941bc..5b50119 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/impl/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model/src/org/eclipse/camf/infosystem/model/base/impl/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
  *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.impl.MonitoringProbeImpl#getUID <em>UID</em>}</li>
  *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.impl.MonitoringProbeImpl#getName <em>Name</em>}</li>
  *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.impl.MonitoringProbeImpl#getDescription <em>Description</em>}</li>
- *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.impl.MonitoringProbeImpl#getURL <em>URL</em>}</li>
+ *   <li>{@link org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.impl.MonitoringProbeImpl#getMetrics <em>Metrics</em>}</li>
  * </ul>
  * </p>
@@ -102,26 +102,26 @@
   protected String description = DESCRIPTION_EDEFAULT;
-	 * The default value of the '{@link #getURL() <em>URL</em>}' attribute.
+	 * The default value of the '{@link #getMetrics() <em>Metrics</em>}' attribute.
 	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
-   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
-	 * @see #getURL()
+	 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
+	 * @see #getMetrics()
 	 * @generated
 	 * @ordered
-  protected static final String URL_EDEFAULT = null;
+	protected static final String METRICS_EDEFAULT = null;
-  /**
-	 * The cached value of the '{@link #getURL() <em>URL</em>}' attribute.
+		/**
+	 * The cached value of the '{@link #getMetrics() <em>Metrics</em>}' attribute.
 	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
-   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
-	 * @see #getURL()
+	 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
+	 * @see #getMetrics()
 	 * @generated
 	 * @ordered
-  protected String uRL = URL_EDEFAULT;
+	protected String metrics = METRICS_EDEFAULT;
-  /**
+		/**
 	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
    * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 	 * @generated
@@ -213,28 +213,26 @@
 	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
-   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
+	 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 	 * @generated
-  public String getURL()
-  {
-		return uRL;
+	public String getMetrics() {
+		return metrics;
-  /**
+		/**
 	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
-   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
+	 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 	 * @generated
-  public void setURL(String newURL)
-  {
-		String oldURL = uRL;
-		uRL = newURL;
+	public void setMetrics(String newMetrics) {
+		String oldMetrics = metrics;
+		metrics = newMetrics;
 		if (eNotificationRequired())
-			eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, InfoSystemPackage.MONITORING_PROBE__URL, oldURL, uRL));
+			eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, InfoSystemPackage.MONITORING_PROBE__METRICS, oldMetrics, metrics));
-  /**
+		/**
 	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
    * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 	 * @generated
@@ -249,8 +247,8 @@
 				return getName();
 				return getDescription();
-			case InfoSystemPackage.MONITORING_PROBE__URL:
-				return getURL();
+			case InfoSystemPackage.MONITORING_PROBE__METRICS:
+				return getMetrics();
 		return super.eGet(featureID, resolve, coreType);
@@ -273,8 +271,8 @@
-			case InfoSystemPackage.MONITORING_PROBE__URL:
-				setURL((String)newValue);
+			case InfoSystemPackage.MONITORING_PROBE__METRICS:
+				setMetrics((String)newValue);
 		super.eSet(featureID, newValue);
@@ -298,8 +296,8 @@
-			case InfoSystemPackage.MONITORING_PROBE__URL:
+			case InfoSystemPackage.MONITORING_PROBE__METRICS:
+				setMetrics(METRICS_EDEFAULT);
@@ -320,8 +318,8 @@
 				return NAME_EDEFAULT == null ? name != null : !NAME_EDEFAULT.equals(name);
 				return DESCRIPTION_EDEFAULT == null ? description != null : !DESCRIPTION_EDEFAULT.equals(description);
-			case InfoSystemPackage.MONITORING_PROBE__URL:
-				return URL_EDEFAULT == null ? uRL != null : !URL_EDEFAULT.equals(uRL);
+			case InfoSystemPackage.MONITORING_PROBE__METRICS:
+				return METRICS_EDEFAULT == null ? metrics != null : !METRICS_EDEFAULT.equals(metrics);
 		return super.eIsSet(featureID);
@@ -343,8 +341,8 @@
 		result.append(", description: ");
-		result.append(", uRL: ");
-		result.append(uRL);
+		result.append(", metrics: ");
+		result.append(metrics);
 		return result.toString();
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
index e30e05e..b459cab 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@,
- org.eclipse.ui.part
+ org.eclipse.ui.part,
+ org.json
 Export-Package: org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor,
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/
index 565bc92..cd77657 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.DocumentRoot;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.ImplementationArtifactType;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.SourceElementType;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TArtifactTemplate;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TDeploymentArtifact;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TNodeTemplate;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TNodeTypeImplementation;

@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@



+import org.eclipse.graphiti.platform.IDiagramBehavior;


 import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.editor.DiagramEditor;

 import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.editor.DiagramEditorInput;

@@ -80,527 +82,540 @@


 public class ToscaDiagramEditor extends DiagramEditor {


-  private static GraphicalViewer gViewer;


-  private ToscaModelChangeListener toscaModelChangeListener;


-  private TransactionalEditingDomain transactionalEditingDomain;


-  private static IProject activeProject = null;


-  /**

-   * The Tosca Diagram Editor Constructor.

-   */

-  public ToscaDiagramEditor () {

-    super ();

-  }


-  public static IProject getActiveProject(){


-    return activeProject;


-  }


-  protected void registerBusinessObjectsListener() {


-    this.toscaModelChangeListener = new ToscaModelChangeListener(this);


+	  private static GraphicalViewer gViewer;


+	  public static IDiagramBehavior db = null;


+	  private ToscaModelChangeListener toscaModelChangeListener;


+	  private TransactionalEditingDomain transactionalEditingDomain;


+	  private static IProject activeProject = null;


+	  /**

+	   * The Tosca Diagram Editor Constructor.

+	   */

+	  public ToscaDiagramEditor () {


+	    super ();


+	  }


+	  public static IProject getActiveProject(){


+	    return activeProject;


+	  }


+	  protected void registerBusinessObjectsListener() {


+	    this.toscaModelChangeListener = new ToscaModelChangeListener(this);


-    final TransactionalEditingDomain ted = getEditingDomain();

-    ted.addResourceSetListener(this.toscaModelChangeListener);

-  }

+	    final TransactionalEditingDomain ted = getEditingDomain();

+	    ted.addResourceSetListener(this.toscaModelChangeListener);

+	  }


-  /* (non-Javadoc)

-   * @see org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.editor.DiagramEditor#getEditingDomain()

-   */

-  @Override

-  public TransactionalEditingDomain getEditingDomain() {

-    TransactionalEditingDomain ted = super.getEditingDomain();

+	  /* (non-Javadoc)

+	   * @see org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.editor.DiagramEditor#getEditingDomain()

+	   */

+	  @Override

+	  public TransactionalEditingDomain getEditingDomain() {

+	    TransactionalEditingDomain ted = super.getEditingDomain();


-    if (ted == null) {

-      ted = this.transactionalEditingDomain;

-    }

+	    if (ted == null) {

+	      ted = this.transactionalEditingDomain;

+	    }


-    return ted;

-  }

+	    return ted;

+	  }


-  @Override

-  public void init(final IEditorSite site, final IEditorInput input) throws PartInitException {


-    IEditorInput finalInput = null;

+	  @Override

+	  public void init(final IEditorSite site, final IEditorInput input) throws PartInitException {


+	    IEditorInput finalInput = null;


-    try {

-      if (input instanceof ToscaDiagramEditorInput) {

-        finalInput = input;

-      } else {

-        finalInput = createNewDiagramEditorInput(input);

-      }

-    } catch (CoreException exception) {

-      exception.printStackTrace();

-    }

+	    try {

+	      if (input instanceof ToscaDiagramEditorInput) {

+	        finalInput = input;

+	      } else {

+	        finalInput = createNewDiagramEditorInput(input);

+	      }

+	    } catch (CoreException exception) {

+	      exception.printStackTrace();

+	    }


-    if ( finalInput instanceof ToscaDiagramEditorInput ){

-      activeProject = ((ToscaDiagramEditorInput) finalInput).getToscaFile().getProject();

-    }

+	    if ( finalInput instanceof ToscaDiagramEditorInput ){

+	      activeProject = ((ToscaDiagramEditorInput) finalInput).getToscaFile().getProject();

+	    }


-    super.init(site, finalInput);

-    // Refresh Palette Compartments

-    getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider().getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagramBehavior().refreshPalette();


-  }


+	    super.init(site, finalInput);

+	    // Refresh Palette Compartments

+	    ToscaDiagramEditor.db = getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider().getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagramBehavior();

+	    getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider().getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagramBehavior().refreshPalette();


+	  }



-  private ToscaDiagramEditorInput createNewDiagramEditorInput(final IEditorInput input) throws CoreException {

+	  private ToscaDiagramEditorInput createNewDiagramEditorInput(final IEditorInput input) throws CoreException {


-    final IFile dataFile = ToscaFileService.getDataFileForInput(input);

+	    final IFile dataFile = ToscaFileService.getDataFileForInput(input);


-    // now generate the temporary diagram file

-    final IPath dataFilePath = dataFile.getFullPath();

+	    // now generate the temporary diagram file

+	    final IPath dataFilePath = dataFile.getFullPath();


-    // get or create the corresponding temporary folder

-    final IFolder tempFolder = ToscaFileService.getOrCreateTempFolder(dataFilePath);

+	    // get or create the corresponding temporary folder

+	    final IFolder tempFolder = ToscaFileService.getOrCreateTempFolder(dataFilePath);


-    // finally get the diagram file that corresponds to the data file

-    final IFile diagramFile = ToscaFileService.getTemporaryDiagramFile(dataFilePath, tempFolder);

+	    // finally get the diagram file that corresponds to the data file

+	    final IFile diagramFile = ToscaFileService.getTemporaryDiagramFile(dataFilePath, tempFolder);


-    // Create new temporary diagram file

-    ToscaDiagramCreator creator = new ToscaDiagramCreator();

+	    // Create new temporary diagram file

+	    ToscaDiagramCreator creator = new ToscaDiagramCreator();


-    return creator.createToscaDiagram(dataFile, diagramFile, this, false);

-  }


-  @Override

-  public void doSave(final IProgressMonitor monitor) {

-    super.doSave(monitor);


-//    final ToscaDiagramEditorInput tdei = (ToscaDiagramEditorInput) getEditorInput();


-    ((BasicCommandStack) getEditingDomain().getCommandStack()).saveIsDone();

-    updateDirtyState();

-  }


-  @Override

-  public boolean isDirty() {

-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = getEditingDomain();

-    // Check that the editor is not yet disposed

-    if (editingDomain != null && editingDomain.getCommandStack() != null) {

-      return ((BasicCommandStack) editingDomain.getCommandStack()).isSaveNeeded();

-    }

-    return false;

-  }


-  @Override

-  protected void setInput(final IEditorInput input) {

-    super.setInput(input);

+	    return creator.createToscaDiagram(dataFile, diagramFile, this, false);

+	  }


+	  @Override

+	  public void doSave(final IProgressMonitor monitor) {

+	    super.doSave(monitor);


+//	    final ToscaDiagramEditorInput tdei = (ToscaDiagramEditorInput) getEditorInput();


+	    ((BasicCommandStack) getEditingDomain().getCommandStack()).saveIsDone();

+	    updateDirtyState();

+	  }


+	  @Override

+	  public boolean isDirty() {

+	    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = getEditingDomain();

+	    // Check that the editor is not yet disposed

+	    if (editingDomain != null && editingDomain.getCommandStack() != null) {

+	      return ((BasicCommandStack) editingDomain.getCommandStack()).isSaveNeeded();

+	    }

+	    return false;

+	  }


+	  @Override

+	  protected void setInput(final IEditorInput input) {

+	    super.setInput(input);


-    final ToscaDiagramEditorInput tdei = (ToscaDiagramEditorInput) input;

-    final IFile dataFile = tdei.getToscaFile();


-    final ToscaModelLayer model = new ToscaModelLayer(getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider(), dataFile);

-    ModelHandler.addModel(EcoreUtil.getURI(getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagram()), model);


-    DocumentRoot documentRoot = null;

-    TOSCAResource toscaResource = null ;

-    ICloudElement findElement = CloudModel.getRoot().findElement( dataFile );

-    if (findElement instanceof TOSCAResource) {

-      toscaResource = (TOSCAResource) findElement;

-    }


-    URI resourceURI = null;

-    //IEditorInput eInput = getEditorInput();


-    if( getEditorInput() instanceof ToscaDiagramEditorInput ) {

-      IFile modelFile = ((ToscaDiagramEditorInput) getEditorInput()).getToscaFile();      

-      resourceURI = URI.createPlatformResourceURI( modelFile.getFullPath().toString(), false );      

-    } 


-    Exception exception = null;

-    Resource resource = null;

-    try {

-      /* Load the resource through the editing domain. */

-      resource = getEditingDomain().getResourceSet().getResource( resourceURI, true );

-    } catch( Exception e ) {

-      exception = e;

-      resource = getEditingDomain().getResourceSet().getResource( resourceURI, false );

-    }

-    Diagnostic diagnostic = analyzeResourceProblems( resource, exception );


-    if( diagnostic.getSeverity() != Diagnostic.OK ) {

-      //todo

-    } else {

-      documentRoot = getDocumentRoot( resource );

-//      documentRoot = toscaResource.getTOSCAModel().getDocumentRoot();

-    }

+	    final ToscaDiagramEditorInput tdei = (ToscaDiagramEditorInput) input;

+	    final IFile dataFile = tdei.getToscaFile();


+	    final ToscaModelLayer model = new ToscaModelLayer(getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider(), dataFile);

+	    ModelHandler.addModel(EcoreUtil.getURI(getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagram()), model);


+	    DocumentRoot documentRoot = null;

+	    TOSCAResource toscaResource = null ;

+	    ICloudElement findElement = CloudModel.getRoot().findElement( dataFile );

+	    if (findElement instanceof TOSCAResource) {

+	      toscaResource = (TOSCAResource) findElement;

+	    }


+	    URI resourceURI = null;

+	    //IEditorInput eInput = getEditorInput();


+	    if( getEditorInput() instanceof ToscaDiagramEditorInput ) {

+	      IFile modelFile = ((ToscaDiagramEditorInput) getEditorInput()).getToscaFile();      

+	      resourceURI = URI.createPlatformResourceURI( modelFile.getFullPath().toString(), false );      

+	    } 


+	    Exception exception = null;

+	    Resource resource = null;

+	    try {

+	      /* Load the resource through the editing domain. */

+	      resource = getEditingDomain().getResourceSet().getResource( resourceURI, true );

+	    } catch( Exception e ) {

+	      exception = e;

+	      resource = getEditingDomain().getResourceSet().getResource( resourceURI, false );

+	    }

+	    Diagnostic diagnostic = analyzeResourceProblems( resource, exception );


+	    if( diagnostic.getSeverity() != Diagnostic.OK ) {

+	      //todo

+	    } else {

+	      documentRoot = getDocumentRoot( resource );

+//	      documentRoot = toscaResource.getTOSCAModel().getDocumentRoot();

+	    }



-    if( documentRoot != null ) {

-      model.setDocumentRoot( documentRoot );

-      BasicCommandStack basicCommandStack = ( BasicCommandStack )getEditingDomain().getCommandStack();

-      if( input instanceof DiagramEditorInput ) {

-        basicCommandStack.execute( new RecordingCommand( getEditingDomain() ) {


+	    if( documentRoot != null ) {

+	      model.setDocumentRoot( documentRoot );

+	      BasicCommandStack basicCommandStack = ( BasicCommandStack )getEditingDomain().getCommandStack();

+	      if( input instanceof DiagramEditorInput ) {

+	        basicCommandStack.execute( new RecordingCommand( getEditingDomain() ) {


-          @Override

-          protected void doExecute() {

-            importDiagram( model );

-          }

-        } );

-      }

-      basicCommandStack.saveIsDone();

-      basicCommandStack.flush();

-    }

-  }


-  private final DocumentRoot getDocumentRoot( final Resource resource ) {

-    // Get an iterator to iterate through all contents of the resource.

-    TreeIterator<EObject> iterator = resource.getAllContents();

-    DocumentRoot result = null;

-    while( iterator.hasNext() ) {

-      EObject testElement =;

-      /*

-       * Instance-of checks for each EObject that appears in the resource. We

-       * want to get the DocumentRoot EObject which is the root Element inside a

-       * Tosca Document.

-       */

-      if( testElement instanceof DocumentRoot ) {

-        result = ( DocumentRoot ) testElement;

-      }

-    }

-    return result;

-  }



-  /**

-   * @param resource

-   * @param exception

-   * @return

-   */

-  private Diagnostic analyzeResourceProblems( final Resource resource,

-                                             final Exception exception )

-  {

-    Diagnostic basicDiagnostic = null;

-    if( !resource.getErrors().isEmpty() || !resource.getWarnings().isEmpty() ) {

-      basicDiagnostic = new BasicDiagnostic( Diagnostic.ERROR,

-                                             Activator.PLUGIN_ID,

-                                             0,

-                                             String.format( Messages.getString( "ToscaEditor.CreateModelErrorMessage" ), //$NON-NLS-1$

-                                                            resource.getURI() ),

-                                             new Object[]{

-                                               exception == null

-                                                                ? ( Object )resource

-                                                                : exception

-                                             } );

-      ( ( BasicDiagnostic )basicDiagnostic ).merge( EcoreUtil.computeDiagnostic( resource,

-                                                                                 true ) );

-    } else if( exception != null ) {

-      basicDiagnostic = new BasicDiagnostic( Diagnostic.ERROR,

-                                             Activator.PLUGIN_ID,

-                                             0,

-                                             Messages.getString( "ToscaEditor.CreateModelErrorMessage" ), //$NON-NLS-1$

-                                             new Object[]{

-                                               exception

-                                             } );

-    } else {

-      basicDiagnostic = Diagnostic.OK_INSTANCE;

-    }

-    return basicDiagnostic;

-  }



-  protected void importDiagram( final ToscaModelLayer model ) {

-    final Diagram diagram = getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagram();

-    diagram.setActive( true );

-    getEditingDomain().getCommandStack()

-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( getEditingDomain() ) {

+	          @Override

+	          protected void doExecute() {

+	            importDiagram( model );

+	          }

+	        } );

+	      }

+	      basicCommandStack.saveIsDone();

+	      basicCommandStack.flush();

+	    }

+	  }


+	  private final DocumentRoot getDocumentRoot( final Resource resource ) {

+	    // Get an iterator to iterate through all contents of the resource.

+	    TreeIterator<EObject> iterator = resource.getAllContents();

+	    DocumentRoot result = null;

+	    while( iterator.hasNext() ) {

+	      EObject testElement =;

+	      /*

+	       * Instance-of checks for each EObject that appears in the resource. We

+	       * want to get the DocumentRoot EObject which is the root Element inside a

+	       * Tosca Document.

+	       */

+	      if( testElement instanceof DocumentRoot ) {

+	        result = ( DocumentRoot ) testElement;

+	      }

+	    }

+	    return result;

+	  }



+	  /**

+	   * @param resource

+	   * @param exception

+	   * @return

+	   */

+	  private Diagnostic analyzeResourceProblems( final Resource resource,

+	                                             final Exception exception )

+	  {

+	    Diagnostic basicDiagnostic = null;

+	    if( !resource.getErrors().isEmpty() || !resource.getWarnings().isEmpty() ) {

+	      basicDiagnostic = new BasicDiagnostic( Diagnostic.ERROR,

+	                                             Activator.PLUGIN_ID,

+	                                             0,

+	                                             String.format( Messages.getString( "ToscaEditor.CreateModelErrorMessage" ), //$NON-NLS-1$

+	                                                            resource.getURI() ),

+	                                             new Object[]{

+	                                               exception == null

+	                                                                ? ( Object )resource

+	                                                                : exception

+	                                             } );

+	      ( ( BasicDiagnostic )basicDiagnostic ).merge( EcoreUtil.computeDiagnostic( resource,

+	                                                                                 true ) );

+	    } else if( exception != null ) {

+	      basicDiagnostic = new BasicDiagnostic( Diagnostic.ERROR,

+	                                             Activator.PLUGIN_ID,

+	                                             0,

+	                                             Messages.getString( "ToscaEditor.CreateModelErrorMessage" ), //$NON-NLS-1$

+	                                             new Object[]{

+	                                               exception

+	                                             } );

+	    } else {

+	      basicDiagnostic = Diagnostic.OK_INSTANCE;

+	    }

+	    return basicDiagnostic;

+	  }



+	  protected void importDiagram( final ToscaModelLayer model ) {

+	    final Diagram diagram = getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagram();

+	    diagram.setActive( true );

+	    getEditingDomain().getCommandStack()

+	      .execute( new RecordingCommand( getEditingDomain() ) {


-        @Override

-        protected void doExecute() {

-          if (model.getDocumentRoot() != null) {

-            DocumentRoot documentRoot = model.getDocumentRoot();

-            DefinitionsType definitionsType = documentRoot.getDefinitions();

-            EList<TServiceTemplate> serviceTemplates = definitionsType.getServiceTemplate();

-            EList<TNodeTypeImplementation> nodeTypesImplementation = definitionsType.getNodeTypeImplementation();


-            Boolean substitute = false;

-            ContainerShape containerShapeTST = null;


-            for (TServiceTemplate tst : serviceTemplates) { 


-              if ( tst.getSubstitutableNodeType() != null ){

-                //tst is a group component

-                TServiceTemplateExtension tstG = (TServiceTemplateExtension) tst;

-                addContainerElement (tst, containerShapeTST, tstG.getX(), tstG.getY(), tstG.getWidth(), tstG.getHeight());

-                substitute = true;

-              }


-              else{

-                TServiceTemplateExtension tste = (TServiceTemplateExtension) tst;

-                addContainerElement (tst, diagram, 0, 0, tste.getWidth(), tste.getHeight());

-                containerShapeTST = ( ContainerShape )getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

-                    .getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( tst );

-              }


-              ContainerShape containerShape = ( ContainerShape )getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

-                .getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( tst ); 


-              TTopologyTemplate topology = tst.getTopologyTemplate();


-              if (topology == null)

-                break;


-                for (TNodeTemplate tnt : topology.getNodeTemplate()) {

+	        @Override

+	        protected void doExecute() {

+	          if (model.getDocumentRoot() != null) {

+	            DocumentRoot documentRoot = model.getDocumentRoot();

+	            DefinitionsType definitionsType = documentRoot.getDefinitions();

+	            EList<TServiceTemplate> serviceTemplates = definitionsType.getServiceTemplate();

+	            EList<TNodeTypeImplementation> nodeTypesImplementation = definitionsType.getNodeTypeImplementation();

+	            EList<TArtifactTemplate> artifactTemplates = definitionsType.getArtifactTemplate();        


+	            Boolean substitute = false;

+	            ContainerShape containerShapeTST = null;


+	            for (TServiceTemplate tst : serviceTemplates) { 


+	              if ( tst.getSubstitutableNodeType() != null ){

+	                //tst is a group component

+	                TServiceTemplateExtension tstG = (TServiceTemplateExtension) tst;

+	                addContainerElement (tst, containerShapeTST, tstG.getX(), tstG.getY(), tstG.getWidth(), tstG.getHeight());

+	                substitute = true;

+	              }


+	              else{

+	                TServiceTemplateExtension tste = (TServiceTemplateExtension) tst;

+	                addContainerElement (tst, diagram, 0, 0, tste.getWidth(), tste.getHeight());

+	                containerShapeTST = ( ContainerShape )getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

+	                    .getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( tst );

+	              }


+	              ContainerShape containerShape = ( ContainerShape )getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

+	                .getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( tst ); 


+	              TTopologyTemplate topology = tst.getTopologyTemplate();


+	              if (topology == null)

+	                break;


+	                for (TNodeTemplate tnt : topology.getNodeTemplate()) {


-                  if ( (tnt.getType()!=null) && (tnt.getType().toString().contains( "substituteNode" )) ) {//$NON-NLS-1$

-                    continue;

-                  }


-                  TNodeTemplateExtension tnte = (TNodeTemplateExtension) tnt;

-                  addContainerElement( tnt, containerShape, tnte.getX(), tnte.getY(), tnte.getWidth(), tnte.getHeight() );


-                  ContainerShape containerShapeTNT = ( ContainerShape )getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

-                      .getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( tnt ); 


-                  //Add Deployment Artifacts

-                  if ( tnt.getDeploymentArtifacts() != null && tnt.getDeploymentArtifacts().getDeploymentArtifact() != null ){

-                      for (TDeploymentArtifact tda : tnt.getDeploymentArtifacts().getDeploymentArtifact() ){

+	                  if ( (tnt.getType()!=null) && (tnt.getType().toString().contains( "substituteNode" )) ) {//$NON-NLS-1$

+	                    continue;

+	                  }


+	                  TNodeTemplateExtension tnte = (TNodeTemplateExtension) tnt;

+	                  addContainerElement( tnt, containerShape, tnte.getX(), tnte.getY(), tnte.getWidth(), tnte.getHeight() );


+	                  ContainerShape containerShapeTNT = ( ContainerShape )getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

+	                      .getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( tnt ); 


+	                  //Add Deployment Artifacts

+	                  if ( tnt.getDeploymentArtifacts() != null && tnt.getDeploymentArtifacts().getDeploymentArtifact() != null ){

+	                      for (TDeploymentArtifact tda : tnt.getDeploymentArtifacts().getDeploymentArtifact() ){


-                                addContainerElement( tda, containerShapeTNT, 0, 0, 0, 0 );


-                      }

-                  }


-//                  //Find NodeTypeImplementation

-//                  TNodeTypeImplementation nodeTypeImplementation = null;

-//                  for (TNodeTypeImplementation tempNodeImplementation : nodeTypesImplementation){

-//                    if (tnt.getName().equals( tempNodeImplementation.getNodeType().toString())){

-//                      nodeTypeImplementation = tempNodeImplementation;

-//                      break;

-//                    }

-//                  }

-//                  if (nodeTypeImplementation!=null && nodeTypeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts()!=null){

-//                    EList<ImplementationArtifactType> implementationArtifacts = nodeTypeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts().getImplementationArtifact();

-//                    for (ImplementationArtifactType tempImplementationArtifact : implementationArtifacts){

-//                      addContainerElement( tempImplementationArtifact, containerShapeTNT, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

-//                    }

-//                  }


-                }                


-                if ( substitute ){

-                  //Composite Component Service Template

-                  //Add deployment artifacts to composite component's service template


-                  for (TServiceTemplate tempTst : serviceTemplates) { 

-                    for (TNodeTemplate tnt : tempTst.getTopologyTemplate().getNodeTemplate()) {



-                          if ( tst.getSubstitutableNodeType() != null && (tnt.getType()!=null) && tnt.getType().toString().equals( tst.getSubstitutableNodeType().toString()) ){

-                            //Found the service template that substitutes the specific node template


-                            ContainerShape containerShapeTNT = ( ContainerShape )getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

-                                .getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( tst ); 


-                            //Add Deployment Artifacts

-                            if ( tnt.getDeploymentArtifacts() != null && tnt.getDeploymentArtifacts().getDeploymentArtifact() != null ){

-                                for (TDeploymentArtifact tda : tnt.getDeploymentArtifacts().getDeploymentArtifact() ){

+	                                addContainerElement( tda, containerShapeTNT, 0, 0, 0, 0 );


+	                      }

+	                  }


+	                  //Find NodeTypeImplementation

+	                  TNodeTypeImplementation nodeTypeImplementation = null;

+	                  for (TNodeTypeImplementation tempNodeImplementation : nodeTypesImplementation){

+	                    if (tnt.getName().equals( tempNodeImplementation.getNodeType().toString())){

+	                      nodeTypeImplementation = tempNodeImplementation;

+	                      break;

+	                    }

+	                  }

+	                  if (nodeTypeImplementation!=null && nodeTypeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts()!=null){

+	                    EList<ImplementationArtifactType> implementationArtifacts = nodeTypeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts().getImplementationArtifact();

+	                    for (ImplementationArtifactType tempImplementationArtifact : implementationArtifacts){

+	                      if (tempImplementationArtifact.getOperationName().equals( "execute" ))

+	                      {

+	                        for (TArtifactTemplate tempArtifactTemplate : artifactTemplates){

+	                          if (tempArtifactTemplate.getId().equals(tempImplementationArtifact.getArtifactRef().toString()))

+	                            addContainerElement( tempArtifactTemplate, containerShapeTNT, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

+	                        }

+	                      }


+	                    }

+	                  }


+	                }                


+	                if ( substitute ){

+	                  //Composite Component Service Template

+	                  //Add deployment artifacts to composite component's service template


+	                  for (TServiceTemplate tempTst : serviceTemplates) { 

+	                    for (TNodeTemplate tnt : tempTst.getTopologyTemplate().getNodeTemplate()) {



+	                          if ( tst.getSubstitutableNodeType() != null && (tnt.getType()!=null) && tnt.getType().toString().equals( tst.getSubstitutableNodeType().toString()) ){

+	                            //Found the service template that substitutes the specific node template


+	                            ContainerShape containerShapeTNT = ( ContainerShape )getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

+	                                .getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( tst ); 


+	                            //Add Deployment Artifacts

+	                            if ( tnt.getDeploymentArtifacts() != null && tnt.getDeploymentArtifacts().getDeploymentArtifact() != null ){

+	                                for (TDeploymentArtifact tda : tnt.getDeploymentArtifacts().getDeploymentArtifact() ){


-                                          addContainerElement( tda, containerShapeTNT, 0, 0, 0, 0 );


-                                }

-                            } 

-                            break;

-                          }



-                    }

-                  }

-                  substitute = false;

-                }

-                else{

-                  //Application Service Template

-                  //Add deployment artifacts to application's service template


-                }

+	                                          addContainerElement( tda, containerShapeTNT, 0, 0, 0, 0 );


+	                                }

+	                            } 

+	                            break;

+	                          }



+	                    }

+	                  }

+	                  substitute = false;

+	                }

+	                else{

+	                  //Application Service Template

+	                  //Add deployment artifacts to application's service template


+	                }


-            }


-            //Add Relationships

-            for (TServiceTemplate tst : serviceTemplates) { 


-              if ( tst.getTopologyTemplate() == null )

-                continue;


-              for (TRelationshipTemplate trt : tst.getTopologyTemplate().getRelationshipTemplate()) {    


-               SourceElementType se = trt.getSourceElement();

-               TargetElementType te = trt.getTargetElement();

-               String sourceID = se.getRef();

-               String targetID = te.getRef();

-               Anchor sourceAnchor = null, targetAnchor = null;

-               for (TServiceTemplate tstTemp : serviceTemplates) {

-                   for (TNodeTemplate tnt : tstTemp.getTopologyTemplate().getNodeTemplate()) {


-                       ContainerShape containerShapeTNT;


-                       if ( tnt.getId().equals(sourceID) ){

-                           if ( (tnt.getType()!=null) && (tnt.getType().toString().contains( "substituteNode" ) == true) ){

-                               containerShapeTNT = getAnchorContainer(model, tnt);

-                           }else{

-                               containerShapeTNT = ( ContainerShape )getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

-                                       .getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( tnt ); 

-                           }

-                           if ( containerShapeTNT.getAnchors() != null ){

-                                for ( Anchor anchor : containerShapeTNT.getAnchors() ){

-                                    if (anchor instanceof ChopboxAnchor){

-                                        sourceAnchor = anchor;

-                                        break;

-                                    }

-                                }

-                           }


-                       } else if ( tnt.getId().equals(targetID) ){

-                           if ( ((tnt.getType()!=null)) && (tnt.getType().toString().contains( "substituteNode" ) == true) ){

-                               containerShapeTNT = getAnchorContainer(model, tnt);

-                           }else{

-                               containerShapeTNT = ( ContainerShape )getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

-                                       .getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( tnt ); 

-                           }

-                           if ( containerShapeTNT.getAnchors() != null ){

-                                for ( Anchor anchor : containerShapeTNT.getAnchors() ){

-                                    if (anchor instanceof ChopboxAnchor){

-                                        targetAnchor = anchor;

-                                        break;

-                                    }

-                                }

-                           }

-                       }

-                   }

-               }



-               addRelationshipContainerElement( trt, sourceAnchor, targetAnchor );

-              }

-          }

-          }

-        }

+	            }


+	            //Add Relationships

+	            for (TServiceTemplate tst : serviceTemplates) { 


+	              if ( tst.getTopologyTemplate() == null )

+	                continue;


+	              for (TRelationshipTemplate trt : tst.getTopologyTemplate().getRelationshipTemplate()) {    


+	               SourceElementType se = trt.getSourceElement();

+	               TargetElementType te = trt.getTargetElement();

+	               String sourceID = se.getRef();

+	               String targetID = te.getRef();

+	               Anchor sourceAnchor = null, targetAnchor = null;

+	               for (TServiceTemplate tstTemp : serviceTemplates) {

+	                   for (TNodeTemplate tnt : tstTemp.getTopologyTemplate().getNodeTemplate()) {


+	                       ContainerShape containerShapeTNT;


+	                       if ( tnt.getId().equals(sourceID) ){

+	                           if ( (tnt.getType()!=null) && (tnt.getType().toString().contains( "substituteNode" ) == true) ){

+	                               containerShapeTNT = getAnchorContainer(model, tnt);

+	                           }else{

+	                               containerShapeTNT = ( ContainerShape )getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

+	                                       .getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( tnt ); 

+	                           }

+	                           if ( containerShapeTNT.getAnchors() != null ){

+	                                for ( Anchor anchor : containerShapeTNT.getAnchors() ){

+	                                    if (anchor instanceof ChopboxAnchor){

+	                                        sourceAnchor = anchor;

+	                                        break;

+	                                    }

+	                                }

+	                           }


+	                       } else if ( tnt.getId().equals(targetID) ){

+	                           if ( ((tnt.getType()!=null)) && (tnt.getType().toString().contains( "substituteNode" ) == true) ){

+	                               containerShapeTNT = getAnchorContainer(model, tnt);

+	                           }else{

+	                               containerShapeTNT = ( ContainerShape )getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

+	                                       .getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( tnt ); 

+	                           }

+	                           if ( containerShapeTNT.getAnchors() != null ){

+	                                for ( Anchor anchor : containerShapeTNT.getAnchors() ){

+	                                    if (anchor instanceof ChopboxAnchor){

+	                                        targetAnchor = anchor;

+	                                        break;

+	                                    }

+	                                }

+	                           }

+	                       }

+	                   }

+	               }



+	               addRelationshipContainerElement( trt, sourceAnchor, targetAnchor );

+	              }

+	          }

+	          }

+	        }


-      } );

-  }



-  private ContainerShape getAnchorContainer(final ToscaModelLayer model, TNodeTemplate nodeTemplate){

-        // Find the substitute TServiceTemplate

-      TServiceTemplate substituteNode = null;

+	      } );

+	  }



+	  private ContainerShape getAnchorContainer(final ToscaModelLayer model, TNodeTemplate nodeTemplate){

+	        // Find the substitute TServiceTemplate

+	      TServiceTemplate substituteNode = null;


-        for (TServiceTemplate tempServiceTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

-          .getDefinitions()

-          .getServiceTemplate()){


-          if (tempServiceTemplate.getSubstitutableNodeType() != null &&

-                  tempServiceTemplate.getId().equals(nodeTemplate.getId())) 

-          {

-            substituteNode = tempServiceTemplate;

-            break;

-          }

-        }

-        return ( ContainerShape )getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

-                .getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( substituteNode ); 

-  }


-  protected PictogramElement addContainerElement( final EObject element,

-                                                  final ContainerShape parent, int x_axis, int y_axis, int width, int height )

-  {


-    final IFeatureProvider featureProvider = getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider();


-    AddContext context = new AddContext( new AreaContext(), element );

-    IAddFeature addFeature = featureProvider.getAddFeature( context );

-    context.setNewObject( element );    

-    context.setTargetContainer( parent );

-    context.setLocation(x_axis, y_axis);

-    context.setSize( width, height );

-    PictogramElement pictElement = null;


-    boolean canAdd  = false;

-    if (addFeature != null) {

-      canAdd = addFeature.canAdd( context ) ;

-    }


-    if( canAdd ) {

-      pictElement = addFeature.add( context );


-      if (element instanceof TDeploymentArtifact && ((TDeploymentArtifact) element).getArtifactType().toString().compareTo( "MonitoringProbe" )==0){

-        //There is no pictogram element linked to the monitoring image

-        return pictElement;

-      }    

-      else{

- pictElement, new Object[]{ element } );

-        return pictElement;

-      }

-    }


-    return null;

+	        for (TServiceTemplate tempServiceTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

+	          .getDefinitions()

+	          .getServiceTemplate()){


+	          if (tempServiceTemplate.getSubstitutableNodeType() != null &&

+	                  tempServiceTemplate.getId().equals(nodeTemplate.getId())) 

+	          {

+	            substituteNode = tempServiceTemplate;

+	            break;

+	          }

+	        }

+	        return ( ContainerShape )getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

+	                .getPictogramElementForBusinessObject( substituteNode ); 

+	  }


+	  protected PictogramElement addContainerElement( final EObject element,

+	                                                  final ContainerShape parent, int x_axis, int y_axis, int width, int height )

+	  {


+	    final IFeatureProvider featureProvider = getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider();


+	    AddContext context = new AddContext( new AreaContext(), element );

+	    IAddFeature addFeature = featureProvider.getAddFeature( context );

+	    context.setNewObject( element );    

+	    context.setTargetContainer( parent );

+	    context.setLocation(x_axis, y_axis);

+	    context.setSize( width, height );

+	    PictogramElement pictElement = null;


+	    boolean canAdd  = false;

+	    if (addFeature != null) {

+	      canAdd = addFeature.canAdd( context ) ;

+	    }


+	    if( canAdd ) {

+	      pictElement = addFeature.add( context );


+	      if (element instanceof TDeploymentArtifact && ((TDeploymentArtifact) element).getArtifactType().toString().compareTo( "MonitoringProbe" )==0){

+	        //There is no pictogram element linked to the monitoring image

+	        return pictElement;

+	      }    

+	      else{

+ pictElement, new Object[]{ element } );

+	        return pictElement;

+	      }

+	    }


+	    return null;


-  }

+	  }


-  protected PictogramElement addRelationshipContainerElement( final EObject element,

-          final Anchor sourceAnchor, final Anchor targetAnchor ){


-      if (sourceAnchor == null)

-          return null;


-      if (targetAnchor == null)

-          return null;


-      AddConnectionContext context = new AddConnectionContext(sourceAnchor, targetAnchor);

-      context.setNewObject( element );


-      final IFeatureProvider featureProvider = getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider();

-      IAddFeature addFeature = featureProvider.getAddFeature( context );


-        PictogramElement pictElement = null;


-        boolean canAdd = addFeature.canAdd( context ) ;


-        if( canAdd ) {

-          pictElement = addFeature.add( context );

- pictElement, new Object[]{ element } );

-        }


-        return pictElement;

+	  protected PictogramElement addRelationshipContainerElement( final EObject element,

+	          final Anchor sourceAnchor, final Anchor targetAnchor ){


+	      if (sourceAnchor == null)

+	          return null;


+	      if (targetAnchor == null)

+	          return null;


+	      AddConnectionContext context = new AddConnectionContext(sourceAnchor, targetAnchor);

+	      context.setNewObject( element );


+	      final IFeatureProvider featureProvider = getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider();

+	      IAddFeature addFeature = featureProvider.getAddFeature( context );


+	        PictogramElement pictElement = null;


+	        boolean canAdd = addFeature.canAdd( context ) ;


+	        if( canAdd ) {

+	          pictElement = addFeature.add( context );

+	 pictElement, new Object[]{ element } );

+	        }


+	        return pictElement;


-  }

+	  }




-  @Override

-  public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {

-    super.createPartControl(parent);

-    // hides grid on diagram, but you can reenable it

-    if (getGraphicalViewer() != null && getGraphicalViewer().getEditPartRegistry() != null) {

-      ScalableFreeformRootEditPart rootEditPart = (ScalableFreeformRootEditPart) getGraphicalViewer().getEditPartRegistry().get(LayerManager.ID);

-      IFigure gridFigure = ((LayerManager) rootEditPart).getLayer(LayerConstants.GRID_LAYER);

-      gridFigure.setVisible(true);

-    }

-    // setPartName("MyDiagram2");

-  }



+	  @Override

+	  public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {

+	    super.createPartControl(parent);

+	    // hides grid on diagram, but you can reenable it

+	    if (getGraphicalViewer() != null && getGraphicalViewer().getEditPartRegistry() != null) {

+	      ScalableFreeformRootEditPart rootEditPart = (ScalableFreeformRootEditPart) getGraphicalViewer().getEditPartRegistry().get(LayerManager.ID);

+	      IFigure gridFigure = ((LayerManager) rootEditPart).getLayer(LayerConstants.GRID_LAYER);

+	      gridFigure.setVisible(true);

+	    }

+	    // setPartName("MyDiagram2");

+	  }


-//  @Override

-//  protected ContextMenuProvider createContextMenuProvider() {

-//    return new ActivitiEditorContextMenuProvider(getGraphicalViewer(), getActionRegistry(), getDiagramTypeProvider());

-//  }

+	//  @Override

+	//  protected ContextMenuProvider createContextMenuProvider() {

+//	    return new ActivitiEditorContextMenuProvider(getGraphicalViewer(), getActionRegistry(), getDiagramTypeProvider());

+	//  }


-  public static GraphicalViewer getActiveGraphicalViewer() {

-    return gViewer;

-  }

+	  public static GraphicalViewer getActiveGraphicalViewer() {

+	    return gViewer;

+	  }


-  @Override

-  public void dispose() {

-    super.dispose();

+	  @Override

+	  public void dispose() {

+	    super.dispose();


-    final ToscaDiagramEditorInput tdei = (ToscaDiagramEditorInput) getEditorInput();

+	    final ToscaDiagramEditorInput tdei = (ToscaDiagramEditorInput) getEditorInput();


-    ModelHandler.removeModel(EcoreUtil.getURI(getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagram()));

-    ToscaDiagramCreator.dispose(tdei.getDiagramFile());

-  }



+	    ModelHandler.removeModel(EcoreUtil.getURI(getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagram()));

+	    ToscaDiagramCreator.dispose(tdei.getDiagramFile());

+	  }


+	}

diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/diagram/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/diagram/
index 108608c..9b87766 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/diagram/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/diagram/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@

 import org.eclipse.camf.core.model.impl.ResourceCloudElement;

 import org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.ResizingAction;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TArtifactTemplate;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TDeploymentArtifact;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TNodeTemplate;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TRelationshipTemplate;

@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.features.CreateUserApplicationFeature;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.features.CreateVMIFeature;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.features.DeleteApplicationComponentFeature;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.features.DeleteArtifactTemplateFeature;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.features.DeleteDeploymentArtifactFeature;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.features.DeleteGroupFeature;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.features.DirectEditApplicationComponentFeature;

@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.features.ResizeCompositeComponentFeature;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.features.UpdateApplicationComponentFeature;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.features.UpdateCompositeComponentFeature;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage;

 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;

 import org.eclipse.graphiti.dt.IDiagramTypeProvider;

 import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IAddFeature;

@@ -94,230 +97,214 @@
 import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.features.DefaultFeatureProvider;


 public class ToscaFeatureProvider extends DefaultFeatureProvider {


+	  private String imageType = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getImageArtifactPropertiesType().getName();


-  public ToscaFeatureProvider( final IDiagramTypeProvider dtp ) {

-    super( dtp );

-  }

+	  public ToscaFeatureProvider( final IDiagramTypeProvider dtp ) {

+	    super( dtp );

+	  }


-  // Returns the add feature for the context

-  @Override

-  public IAddFeature getAddFeature( final IAddContext context ) {    

-    if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {

-      return new AddApplicationComponentFeature( this );

-    } 

-//    else if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TRelationshipTemplate

-//               && ( ( TRelationshipTemplate )context.getNewObject() ).getType().toString().compareTo("Bidirected") == 0 ) //$NON-NLS-1$

-//    {

-//      return new AddBidirectionalRelationFeature( this );

-//    }

-    else if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TRelationshipTemplate ) {

-      return new AddDirectedRelationFeature( this );

-    } else if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

-      if (((TDeploymentArtifact)context.getNewObject()).getArtifactType().toString().compareTo( "UA" )==0)

-          return new AddUserApplicationFeature( this );

-      else if (((TDeploymentArtifact)context.getNewObject()).getArtifactType().toString().compareTo( "SD" )==0)

-          return new AddSoftwareDependencyFeature( this );

-      else if (((TDeploymentArtifact)context.getNewObject()).getArtifactType().toString().compareTo( "VMI" )==0)

-          return new AddVirtualMachineFeature( this );

-      else if (((TDeploymentArtifact)context.getNewObject()).getArtifactType().toString().compareTo( "KeyPair" )==0)

-        return new AddKeyPairFeature( this );

-      else if (((TDeploymentArtifact)context.getNewObject()).getArtifactType().toString().compareTo( "Network" )==0)

-        return new AddNetworkFeature( this );

-      else if (((TDeploymentArtifact)context.getNewObject()).getArtifactType().toString().compareTo( "MonitoringProbe" )==0)

-        return new AddMonitorProbeFeature( this );


-    } else if( context.getNewObject() instanceof ResourceCloudElement) {


-      return getIFileFeature(context);

-    }

-    else if( context.getNewObject() instanceof ResizingAction ) {

-      return new AddResizingActionFeature( this );

-    } 

-    // its a substitutional Service Template

-    else if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TServiceTemplate

-        && ( ( TServiceTemplate )context.getNewObject() ).getSubstitutableNodeType() != null )

-    {

-      return new AddGroupFeature( this );

-    } else if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TServiceTemplate ) {

-      return new AddServiceTemplateFeature( this );

-    } 

-    return super.getAddFeature( context );

-  }

+	  // Returns the add feature for the context

+	  @Override

+	  public IAddFeature getAddFeature( final IAddContext context ) {    

+	    if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {

+	      return new AddApplicationComponentFeature( this );

+	    } 

+	    else if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TRelationshipTemplate ) {

+	      return new AddDirectedRelationFeature( this );

+	    } else if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

+	      if (((TDeploymentArtifact)context.getNewObject()).getArtifactType().toString().compareTo( "UA" )==0)

+	          return new AddUserApplicationFeature( this );

+	      else if (((TDeploymentArtifact)context.getNewObject()).getArtifactType().getLocalPart().compareTo( imageType )==0)

+	        return new AddVirtualMachineFeature( this );

+	      else if (((TDeploymentArtifact)context.getNewObject()).getArtifactType().toString().compareTo( "KeyPair" )==0)

+	        return new AddKeyPairFeature( this );

+	      else if (((TDeploymentArtifact)context.getNewObject()).getArtifactType().toString().compareTo( "MonitoringProbe" )==0)

+	        return new AddMonitorProbeFeature( this );


+	    }else if (context.getNewObject() instanceof TArtifactTemplate){

+	      if (((TArtifactTemplate)context.getNewObject()).getName()!=null && ((TArtifactTemplate)context.getNewObject()).getName().contains( "SD" ))

+	        return new AddSoftwareDependencyFeature( this );

+	    }


+	    else if( context.getNewObject() instanceof ResourceCloudElement) {


+	      return getIFileFeature(context);

+	    }

+	    else if( context.getNewObject() instanceof ResizingAction ) {

+	      return new AddResizingActionFeature( this );

+	    } 

+	    // its a substitutional Service Template

+	    else if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TServiceTemplate

+	        && ( ( TServiceTemplate )context.getNewObject() ).getSubstitutableNodeType() != null )

+	    {

+	      return new AddGroupFeature( this );

+	    } else if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TServiceTemplate ) {

+	      return new AddServiceTemplateFeature( this );

+	    } 

+	    return super.getAddFeature( context );

+	  }


-  /**

-   * @return

-   */

-	private AbstractAddShapeFeature getIFileFeature(final IAddContext context) {

-		ResourceCloudElement element = (ResourceCloudElement) context

-				.getNewObject();

-		AbstractAddShapeFeature result = null;

+	  /**

+	   * @return

+	   */

+	  private AbstractAddShapeFeature getIFileFeature(final IAddContext context) {

+	    ResourceCloudElement element = (ResourceCloudElement) context.getNewObject();

+	    AbstractAddShapeFeature result = null;


+	    String extension = element.getResource().getFileExtension();

+	    System.out.println(extension);


-		String extension = element.getResource().getFileExtension();


-		TDeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE

-				.createTDeploymentArtifact();

-		deploymentArtifact.setName(element.getName());

-		CreateContext createContext = new CreateContext();

-		createContext.setTargetContainer(context.getTargetContainer());

+	    if (extension.equals( "pub" )) { //$NON-NLS-1$

+	      // Call the Create User Application Feature to create a deployment artifact for the deployment script and add it to the artifacts list 

+	      CreateKeyPairFeature createKPFeature = new CreateKeyPairFeature( new ToscaFeatureProvider(getDiagramTypeProvider()) );


+	      TDeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTDeploymentArtifact();

+	      deploymentArtifact.setName( element.getName() );

+	      deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType( new QName( "KeyPair" ) );  


+	      createKPFeature.setContextObject( deploymentArtifact );


+	      CreateContext createContext = new CreateContext();

+	      createContext.setTargetContainer( context.getTargetContainer()  );


+	      if ( createKPFeature.canCreate( createContext )){

+	        createKPFeature.create( createContext );

+	      }


+	    }


+	    return result;

+	  }



-		if (extension.equals("pub")) { //$NON-NLS-1$

-			// Call the Create User Application Feature to create a deployment

-			// artifact for the deployment script and add it to the artifacts

-			// list

-			CreateKeyPairFeature createKPFeature = new CreateKeyPairFeature(

-					new ToscaFeatureProvider(getDiagramTypeProvider()));

+	  // Initializes all create features

+	  @Override

+	  public ICreateFeature[] getCreateFeatures() {

+	    return new ICreateFeature[]{

+	      new CreateApplicationComponentFeature( this ),

+	      new CreateVMIFeature( this ),

+	      new CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature( this ),

+	      new CreateMonitorProbeFeature( this ),

+	      new CreateServiceTemplateFeature( this ),

+	      new CreateResizeActionFeature( this ),

+	      new CreateUserApplicationFeature( this ),

+	      new CreateGroupFeature( this ),

+	      new CreateKeyPairFeature( this )

+	    };

+	  }


-			deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType(new QName("KeyPair"));

+	  // Custom delete feature for application components and composite components

+	  @Override

+	  public IDeleteFeature getDeleteFeature(IDeleteContext context){

+	    PictogramElement pictogramElement = context.getPictogramElement();

+	    Object bo = getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( pictogramElement );

+	    if( bo instanceof TServiceTemplate ) {

+	      //TServiceTemplate representing Composite Component

+	      return new DeleteGroupFeature( this );

+	    }

+	    else if (bo instanceof TNodeTemplate){

+	      return new DeleteApplicationComponentFeature( this );

+	    }

+	    else if ( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact){

+	      return new DeleteDeploymentArtifactFeature( this );

+	    }else if (bo instanceof TArtifactTemplate){

+	      if (((TArtifactTemplate)bo).getName()!=null && ((TArtifactTemplate)bo).getName().contains( "SD" ))

+	        return new DeleteArtifactTemplateFeature( this );

+	    }


+	    return super.getDeleteFeature( context );

+	  }


+	  // Enables direct editing

+	  @Override

+	  public IDirectEditingFeature getDirectEditingFeature( final IDirectEditingContext context )

+	  {

+	    PictogramElement pe = context.getPictogramElement();

+	    Object bo = getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( pe );

+	    if( bo instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {

+	      return new DirectEditApplicationComponentFeature( this );

+	    }

+	    else if( bo instanceof TServiceTemplate ) {

+	      return new DirectEditCompositeComponentFeature( this );

+	    }

+	    return super.getDirectEditingFeature( context );

+	  }


-			createKPFeature.setContextObject(deploymentArtifact);

+	  // Returns layout features

+	  @Override

+	  public ILayoutFeature getLayoutFeature( final ILayoutContext context ) {

+	    PictogramElement pictogramElement = context.getPictogramElement();

+	    Object bo = getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( pictogramElement );

+	    if( bo instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {

+	      return new LayoutApplicationComponentFeature( this );

+	    }

+	    if ( bo instanceof TServiceTemplate ){

+	      return new LayoutServiceTemplateFeature( this );

+	    }

+	    return super.getLayoutFeature( context );

+	  }


-			if (createKPFeature.canCreate(createContext)) {

-				createKPFeature.create(createContext);

-			}

+	  // Enables update features

+	  @Override

+	  public IUpdateFeature getUpdateFeature( final IUpdateContext context ) {

+	    PictogramElement pictogramElement = context.getPictogramElement();

+	    if( pictogramElement instanceof ContainerShape ) {

+	      Object bo = getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( pictogramElement );

+	      if( bo instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {

+	        return new UpdateApplicationComponentFeature( this );

+	      }

+	      else if( bo instanceof TServiceTemplate ) {

+	        return new UpdateCompositeComponentFeature( this );

+	      }

+	    }

+	    return super.getUpdateFeature( context );

+	  }


-		} else if (extension.equals("sh")) {

-			CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature createSDFeature = new CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature(

-					new ToscaFeatureProvider(getDiagramTypeProvider()));

+	  // Enables moving of figures

+	  @Override

+	  public IMoveShapeFeature getMoveShapeFeature( final IMoveShapeContext context )

+	  {

+	    Shape shape = context.getShape();

+	    Object bo = getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( shape );

+	    if( bo instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {

+	      return new MoveApplicationComponentFeature( this );

+	    }

+	    if ( bo instanceof TServiceTemplate ){

+	      return new MoveCompositeComponentFeature( this );

+	    }

+	    return super.getMoveShapeFeature( context );

+	  }


-			deploymentArtifact.setName(element.getName());

-			deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType(new QName("SD"));

-			createSDFeature.setContextObject(deploymentArtifact);


+	  // Feature for renaming application components

+	  @Override

+	  public ICustomFeature[] getCustomFeatures( ICustomContext context ) {

+	    return new ICustomFeature[]{

+	      new RenameApplicationComponentFeature( this ),

+	      new RenameCompositeComponentFeature( this ),

+	    };

+	  }


-			if (createSDFeature.canCreate(createContext)) {

-				createSDFeature.create(createContext);

-			}

-		}


-		return result;

+	  // Initializes relationships' create features

+	  @Override

+	  public ICreateConnectionFeature[] getCreateConnectionFeatures() {

+	    return new ICreateConnectionFeature[]{

+	      new CreateDirectedRelationFeature( this )

+//	      ,

+//	      new CreateBidirectionalRelationFeature( this )

+	    };

+	  }


+	  @Override

+	  public IResizeShapeFeature getResizeShapeFeature(IResizeShapeContext context) {

+	      Shape shape = context.getShape();

+	      Object bo = getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement(shape);

+	      if (bo instanceof TNodeTemplate) {

+	        return new ResizeApplicationComponentFeature(this);

+	      }

+	      if (bo instanceof TServiceTemplate){

+	        return new ResizeCompositeComponentFeature(this);

+	      }

+	      return super.getResizeShapeFeature(context);

+	  }




-  // Initializes all create features

-  @Override

-  public ICreateFeature[] getCreateFeatures() {

-    return new ICreateFeature[]{

-      new CreateApplicationComponentFeature( this ),

-      new CreateVMIFeature( this ),

-      new CreateNetworkFeature( this ),

-      new CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature( this ),

-      new CreateMonitorProbeFeature( this ),

-      new CreateServiceTemplateFeature( this ),

-      new CreateResizeActionFeature( this ),

-      new CreateUserApplicationFeature( this ),

-      new CreateGroupFeature( this ),

-      new CreateKeyPairFeature( this )

-    };

-  }


-  // Custom delete feature for application components and composite components

-  @Override

-  public IDeleteFeature getDeleteFeature(IDeleteContext context){

-    PictogramElement pictogramElement = context.getPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( pictogramElement );

-    if( bo instanceof TServiceTemplate ) {

-      //TServiceTemplate representing Composite Component

-      return new DeleteGroupFeature( this );

-    }

-    else if (bo instanceof TNodeTemplate){

-      return new DeleteApplicationComponentFeature( this );

-    }

-    else if ( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact){

-      return new DeleteDeploymentArtifactFeature( this );

-    }


-    return super.getDeleteFeature( context );

-  }


-  // Enables direct editing

-  @Override

-  public IDirectEditingFeature getDirectEditingFeature( final IDirectEditingContext context )

-  {

-    PictogramElement pe = context.getPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( pe );

-    if( bo instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {

-      return new DirectEditApplicationComponentFeature( this );

-    }

-    else if( bo instanceof TServiceTemplate ) {

-      return new DirectEditCompositeComponentFeature( this );

-    }

-    return super.getDirectEditingFeature( context );

-  }


-  // Returns layout features

-  @Override

-  public ILayoutFeature getLayoutFeature( final ILayoutContext context ) {

-    PictogramElement pictogramElement = context.getPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( pictogramElement );

-    if( bo instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {

-      return new LayoutApplicationComponentFeature( this );

-    }

-    if ( bo instanceof TServiceTemplate ){

-      return new LayoutServiceTemplateFeature( this );

-    }

-    return super.getLayoutFeature( context );

-  }


-  // Enables update features

-  @Override

-  public IUpdateFeature getUpdateFeature( final IUpdateContext context ) {

-    PictogramElement pictogramElement = context.getPictogramElement();

-    if( pictogramElement instanceof ContainerShape ) {

-      Object bo = getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( pictogramElement );

-      if( bo instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {

-        return new UpdateApplicationComponentFeature( this );

-      }

-      else if( bo instanceof TServiceTemplate ) {

-        return new UpdateCompositeComponentFeature( this );

-      }

-    }

-    return super.getUpdateFeature( context );

-  }


-  // Enables moving of figures

-  @Override

-  public IMoveShapeFeature getMoveShapeFeature( final IMoveShapeContext context )

-  {

-    Shape shape = context.getShape();

-    Object bo = getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( shape );

-    if( bo instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {

-      return new MoveApplicationComponentFeature( this );

-    }

-    if ( bo instanceof TServiceTemplate ){

-      return new MoveCompositeComponentFeature( this );

-    }

-    return super.getMoveShapeFeature( context );

-  }


-  // Feature for renaming application components

-  @Override

-  public ICustomFeature[] getCustomFeatures( ICustomContext context ) {

-    return new ICustomFeature[]{

-      new RenameApplicationComponentFeature( this ),

-      new RenameCompositeComponentFeature( this ),

-    };

-  }


-  // Initializes relationships' create features

-  @Override

-  public ICreateConnectionFeature[] getCreateConnectionFeatures() {

-    return new ICreateConnectionFeature[]{

-      new CreateDirectedRelationFeature( this )

-//      ,

-//      new CreateBidirectionalRelationFeature( this )

-    };

-  }


-  @Override

-  public IResizeShapeFeature getResizeShapeFeature(IResizeShapeContext context) {

-      Shape shape = context.getShape();

-      Object bo = getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement(shape);

-      if (bo instanceof TNodeTemplate) {

-        return new ResizeApplicationComponentFeature(this);

-      }

-      if (bo instanceof TServiceTemplate){

-        return new ResizeCompositeComponentFeature(this);

-      }

-      return super.getResizeShapeFeature(context);

-  }


diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/diagram/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/diagram/
index a18e15c..6d913d4 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/diagram/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/diagram/
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 import org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualMachineImage;

 import org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualMachineImageType;

 import org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.base.VirtualNetwork;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TArtifactTemplate;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TDeploymentArtifact;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TNodeTemplate;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.ToscaFactory;

@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.TNodeTemplateExtension;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.TServiceTemplateExtension;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage;

 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;

 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;

 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;

@@ -95,15 +97,25 @@
 import org.eclipse.graphiti.tb.IContextMenuEntry;

 import org.eclipse.graphiti.tb.IDecorator;

 import org.eclipse.graphiti.tb.ImageDecorator;

+import org.json.JSONArray;

+import org.json.JSONException;

+import org.json.JSONObject;


 public class ToscaToolBehaviorProvider extends DefaultToolBehaviorProvider {


-  MockUpInfoSystem mockUpInfoSystemInstance; 


+	MockUpInfoSystem mockUpInfoSystemInstance; 


+	private String typesPrefix = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getNsPrefix();


-  public ToscaToolBehaviorProvider( final IDiagramTypeProvider dtp ) {

-    super( dtp );

-  }

+	private String typesNamespace = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getNsURI();


+	private String imageType = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getImageArtifactPropertiesType().getName();


+	private String scriptArtifactType = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getScriptArtifactPropertiesType().getName();


+	public ToscaToolBehaviorProvider( final IDiagramTypeProvider dtp ) {

+		super( dtp );

+	}



   public IContextButtonPadData getContextButtonPad( IPictogramElementContext context )

@@ -142,31 +154,31 @@



-  private void fetchResources() {

-    Job job = new Job( "Resource Fetching" ) { //$NON-NLS-1$


-      @Override

-      protected IStatus run( final IProgressMonitor monitor ) {

-        monitor.beginTask( "Fetching Resources from Cloud Provider", 100 );

-        MockUpInfoSystem.getInstance();

-        for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {

-          try {

-            // sleep a second

-            TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep( 1 );

-            monitor.subTask( "Resource bundle #" + i );

-            // report that 20 additional units are done

-            monitor.worked( 20 );

-          } catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {

-            e1.printStackTrace();

-            return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;

-          }

-        }

-        System.out.println( "Called save" );

-        return Status.OK_STATUS;

-      }

-    };

-    job.schedule();

-  }

+//  private void fetchResources() {

+//    Job job = new Job( "Resource Fetching" ) { //$NON-NLS-1$


+//      @Override

+//      protected IStatus run( final IProgressMonitor monitor ) {

+//        monitor.beginTask( "Fetching Resources from Cloud Provider", 100 );

+//        MockUpInfoSystem.getInstance();

+//        for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {

+//          try {

+//            // sleep a second

+//            TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep( 1 );

+//            monitor.subTask( "Resource bundle #" + i );

+//            // report that 20 additional units are done

+//            monitor.worked( 20 );

+//          } catch( InterruptedException e1 ) {

+//            e1.printStackTrace();

+//            return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;

+//          }

+//        }

+//        System.out.println( "Called save" );

+//        return Status.OK_STATUS;

+//      }

+//    };

+//    job.schedule();

+//  }


   // Creates the Palette. Palette entries are retrieved from an SQL database.


@@ -329,6 +341,7 @@

                                                                                          appCompCF );

           stackEntry.addCreationToolEntry( objectCreationToolEntry );

+          break;




@@ -354,6 +367,7 @@

                                                                                        groupCF );

         stackEntry.addCreationToolEntry( objectCreationToolEntry );

+        break;




@@ -399,10 +413,14 @@
           if( cf instanceof CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature ) {

             CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature sdCF = ( CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature )cf;


-            TDeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTDeploymentArtifact();

-            deploymentArtifact.setName( script.getName() );

-            deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType( new QName( "SD" ) );

-            sdCF.setContextObject( deploymentArtifact );


+            TArtifactTemplate artifactTemplate = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTArtifactTemplate();

+            artifactTemplate.setName( "SD"+script.getName() );

+            artifactTemplate.setId( script.getName() );

+            artifactTemplate.setType( new QName( typesNamespace, scriptArtifactType, typesPrefix ) );

+            sdCF.setContextObject( artifactTemplate );



             // add new stack entry to new compartment

             IToolEntry entry = new ObjectCreationToolEntry( script.getName(),


@@ -410,6 +428,7 @@

                                                             sdCF );

             compartmentEntry.addToolEntry( entry );

+            break;




@@ -511,9 +530,6 @@



-      // Now check the InfoService for additional KeyPairs

-      keyPairList.addAll( this.mockUpInfoSystemInstance.getKeyPairs() );


       // add new compartment at the end of the existing compartments

       PaletteCompartmentEntry compartmentEntry = new PaletteCompartmentEntry( "Key Pairs", null ); //$NON-NLS-1$

       ret.add( compartmentEntry );

@@ -537,6 +553,7 @@

                                                             kpCF );

             compartmentEntry.addToolEntry( entry );

+            break;




@@ -596,9 +613,7 @@
             /* ... */


           String imageId = out.toString();


-          /////////////////////////////////////////////////////



           VirtualMachineImage vmi = InfoSystemFactory.eINSTANCE.createVirtualMachineImage();

           vmi.setUID( imageId );

           vmi.setName( tempResource.getName() );

@@ -629,7 +644,8 @@
           TDeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTDeploymentArtifact();

           deploymentArtifact.setName( vmi.getUID() );

           deploymentArtifact.setArtifactRef( new QName(vmi.getUID()) );

-          deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType( new QName( "VMI" ) );

+          //deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType( new QName( "VMI" ) );

+          deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType( new QName( typesNamespace, imageType, typesPrefix ));

           vmiCF.setContextObject( deploymentArtifact );


           ObjectCreationToolEntry objectCreationToolEntry = new ObjectCreationToolEntry( vmi.getUID(),

@@ -638,22 +654,158 @@

                                                                                          vmiCF );

           stackEntry.addCreationToolEntry( objectCreationToolEntry );

+          break;




-    // add all create-connection-features to the new stack-entry    

-    ICreateConnectionFeature[] createConnectionFeatures = featureProvider.getCreateConnectionFeatures();

-    for( ICreateConnectionFeature connFeat : createConnectionFeatures ) {

-      ConnectionCreationToolEntry connectionCreationToolEntry = new ConnectionCreationToolEntry( vmi.getName(),

-                                                                                                 connFeat.getName(),

-                                                                                                 connFeat.getCreateImageId(),

-                                                                                                 connFeat.getCreateLargeImageId() );

-      connectionCreationToolEntry.addCreateConnectionFeature( connFeat );

-      stackEntry.addCreationToolEntry( connectionCreationToolEntry );

-    }




+//Create Palette compartment for Monitoring Probes

+ private void addJCatascopiaMonitorProbeCompartment( List<IPaletteCompartmentEntry> ret )

+ {


+ ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> mps = this.mockUpInfoSystemInstance.getMonitoringProbes();


+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

+ ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> mpsCopy = ( ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> )mps.clone();


+   // Add custom probes from project explorer


+ IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();

+ IProject monitoringProbesProject = workspaceRoot.getProject( "MonitoringProbe" );


+ if( monitoringProbesProject.exists() ) {

+   IFolder srcFolder = monitoringProbesProject.getFolder( "src" );

+   IResource[] artifactsResource = null;

+   try {

+     artifactsResource = srcFolder.members();

+   } catch( CoreException e ) {

+     // TODO Auto-generated catch block

+     e.printStackTrace();

+   }

+   if ( artifactsResource != null ){

+     for( IResource tempResource : artifactsResource ) {

+       if( tempResource instanceof IFile ) {

+         MonitoringProbe mp = InfoSystemFactory.eINSTANCE.createMonitoringProbe();

+         mp.setUID( tempResource.getName().replaceFirst( ".java", "" ));

+         mp.setName( tempResource.getName().replaceFirst( ".java", "" ));

+         mp.setDescription( "" );

+         // add new probe to monitoring list

+         mpsCopy.add( 0, mp );

+       }

+     }

+   }

+ }


+   // add new compartment at the end of the existing compartments

+   PaletteCompartmentEntry compartmentEntry = new PaletteCompartmentEntry( "Monitor Probes", null ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+   compartmentEntry.setInitiallyOpen( false );

+   ret.add( compartmentEntry );


+   for( MonitoringProbe mp : mpsCopy ) {


+     String metricsString = mp.getMetrics();

+     if ( metricsString.equals( "" ) == false ){

+       // add new Metric Probe entry to probes compartment

+       StackEntry stackEntry = new StackEntry(  mp.getName(), mp.getDescription(), null );

+       compartmentEntry.addToolEntry( stackEntry );

+       compartmentEntry.setInitiallyOpen( false );   


+       IFeatureProvider featureProvider = getFeatureProvider();

+       ICreateFeature[] createFeatures = featureProvider.getCreateFeatures();

+       for( ICreateFeature cf : createFeatures ) {

+         if( cf instanceof CreateMonitorProbeFeature ) {

+           CreateMonitorProbeFeature mpCF = ( CreateMonitorProbeFeature )cf;


+           TDeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTDeploymentArtifact();

+           deploymentArtifact.setName( mp.getName() );

+           deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType( new QName( "MonitoringProbe" ) );

+           mpCF.setContextObject( deploymentArtifact );


+           ObjectCreationToolEntry objectCreationToolEntry = new ObjectCreationToolEntry( mp.getName(),

+                                                                                          mp.getDescription(),

+                                                                                          mpCF.getCreateImageId(),

+                                                                                          mpCF.getCreateLargeImageId(),

+                                                                                          mpCF );

+           stackEntry.addCreationToolEntry( objectCreationToolEntry );

+           break;

+         }

+       }


+       String metrics = "{\"metrics\":" + metricsString + "}";

+       JSONObject obj = null;

+       JSONArray metrics_array = null;

+       try {

+         obj = new JSONObject( metrics );

+         metrics_array = obj.getJSONArray( "metrics" );

+       } catch( JSONException e ) {

+         // TODO Auto-generated catch block

+         e.printStackTrace();

+       } //$NON-NLS-1$


+       for ( int i=0; i < metrics_array.length(); i++){

+         String metricLabel = null;

+         String metricDescription = null;

+         try {

+           metricLabel = metrics_array.getJSONObject( i ).getString( "name" );

+           metricDescription = metrics_array.getJSONObject( i ).getString( "desc" );

+         } catch( JSONException e ) {

+           // TODO Auto-generated catch block

+           e.printStackTrace();

+         }

+         // add all create-features to the new stack-entry

+         featureProvider = getFeatureProvider();

+         createFeatures = featureProvider.getCreateFeatures();

+         for( ICreateFeature cf : createFeatures ) {

+           if( cf instanceof CreateMonitorProbeFeature ) {

+             CreateMonitorProbeFeature mpCF = ( CreateMonitorProbeFeature )cf;


+             TDeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTDeploymentArtifact();

+             deploymentArtifact.setName( metricLabel );

+             deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType( new QName( "MonitoringProbe" ) );

+             mpCF.setContextObject( deploymentArtifact );


+             ObjectCreationToolEntry objectCreationToolEntry = new ObjectCreationToolEntry( metricLabel,

+                                                                                            metricDescription,

+                                                                                            mpCF.getCreateImageId(),

+                                                                                            mpCF.getCreateLargeImageId(),

+                                                                                            mpCF );


+             stackEntry.addCreationToolEntry( objectCreationToolEntry );

+             break;

+           }

+         }


+       }

+     }

+     else{

+     // Custom Monitoring Probes

+     // add all create-features to the new stack-entry

+     IFeatureProvider featureProvider = getFeatureProvider();

+     ICreateFeature[] createFeatures = featureProvider.getCreateFeatures();

+     for( ICreateFeature cf : createFeatures ) {

+       if( cf instanceof CreateMonitorProbeFeature ) {

+         CreateMonitorProbeFeature mpCF = ( CreateMonitorProbeFeature )cf;


+         TDeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTDeploymentArtifact();

+         deploymentArtifact.setName( mp.getName() );

+         deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType( new QName( "MonitoringProbe" ) );

+         mpCF.setContextObject( deploymentArtifact );


+         // add new stack entry to new compartment

+         IToolEntry entry = new ObjectCreationToolEntry( mp.getName(),

+                                                         mp.getDescription(),

+                                                         null,

+                                                         null,

+                                                         mpCF );

+         compartmentEntry.addToolEntry( entry );


+       }

+     }

+   }

+   }

+ }


   // Create Palette compartment for Monitoring Probes

   private void addMonitorProbeCompartment( List<IPaletteCompartmentEntry> ret )


@@ -721,6 +873,7 @@

                                                                                            mpCF );

             stackEntry.addCreationToolEntry( objectCreationToolEntry );

+            break;




@@ -746,7 +899,8 @@
                                                                                              mpCF );


               stackEntry.addCreationToolEntry( objectCreationToolEntry );

-            }

+              break;

+            }            




@@ -772,7 +926,7 @@

                                                           mpCF );

           compartmentEntry.addToolEntry( entry );


+          break;




@@ -785,6 +939,7 @@

     ArrayList<ResizingAction> ras = this.mockUpInfoSystemInstance.getResizingActions();


+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

     ArrayList<ResizingAction> rasCopy = ( ArrayList<ResizingAction> )ras.clone();

     // Add custom images from project explorer

     IProject activeProject = ToscaDiagramEditor.getActiveProject();

@@ -831,6 +986,7 @@

                                                                                          raCF );

           stackEntry.addCreationToolEntry( objectCreationToolEntry );

+          break;




@@ -904,7 +1060,12 @@
   public GraphicsAlgorithm[] getClickArea( final PictogramElement pe ) {

     IFeatureProvider featureProvider = getFeatureProvider();

     Object bo = featureProvider.getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( pe );

-    if( bo instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {


+    if (bo instanceof TNodeTemplate)

+      if ( ((TNodeTemplate) bo)==null || ((TNodeTemplate) bo).getType() == null)

+        return null;


+    if( bo instanceof TNodeTemplate && ((TNodeTemplate) bo).getType().toString().contains("substituteNode")==false) {

       GraphicsAlgorithm invisible = pe.getGraphicsAlgorithm();

       GraphicsAlgorithm rectangle = invisible.getGraphicsAlgorithmChildren()

         .get( 0 );

diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/dialog/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/dialog/
index 422996d..e897783 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/dialog/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/dialog/
@@ -68,394 +68,394 @@
 public class ElasticityConditionDialog extends Dialog {



-  private Label lblCondition;

-  private CCombo cmbCondition;

-  private boolean conditionSelected;

-  private Label lblCondition2;

-  private CCombo cmbCondition2;

-  private boolean conditionSelected2;

-  private ToscaModelLayer model;

-  private String condition;

+	  private Label lblCondition;

+	  private CCombo cmbCondition;

+	  private boolean conditionSelected;

+	  private Label lblCondition2;

+	  private CCombo cmbCondition2;

+	  private boolean conditionSelected2;

+	  private ToscaModelLayer model;

+	  private String condition;



-  protected Text typeText;

-  protected Text valueText;

-  protected boolean editMode = false;

-  protected boolean addMode = false;

-  protected String newType;

-  protected String elasticityRequirement;

-  private CCombo cmbGlobalElasticityReq;

-  private CCombo cmbOperator;

-  private String component;

-  private Label unitLabel;


-  private String unit;


-  private String strategyName;

-  private Label strategyLabel;


-  private String conditionLeft;

-  private String conditionRight;

-  private String conditionOperator;


-  /**

-   * @param parentShell

-   * @param pe 

-   * @param existingDataStage

-   */

-  public ElasticityConditionDialog( final Shell parentShell,  String component,

-		  ToscaModelLayer model, String strategyName

-                                        )

-  {

-    super( parentShell );

-    this.conditionSelected = false;

-    this.conditionSelected2 = false;

-    this.model = model;

-    this.component = component;

-    this.strategyName = strategyName;

-  }


-  @Override

-  protected void configureShell( final Shell shell ) {

-    super.configureShell( shell );

-    shell.setText( "Apply Strategy Under Condition" );

-    shell.setSize( 330, 400 );


-  }


-  @Override

-  protected Control createDialogArea( final Composite parent ) {

-    Composite composite = ( Composite )super.createDialogArea( parent );

-    composite.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

-    composite.setLayoutData( new GridData( GridData.FILL_BOTH ) );


-    this.strategyLabel = new Label( composite, SWT.NONE );

-    this.strategyLabel.setText( this.strategyName );


-    GridData gd = new GridData( GridData.FILL_BOTH );

-    gd.verticalIndent = 7;

-    gd.heightHint = 10;

-    this.strategyLabel.setLayoutData( gd );




-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


-    Group newConstraintGroup = new Group( composite, SWT.NONE );

-    newConstraintGroup.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

-    newConstraintGroup.setText( "&Specify New Condition" );

-    GridData gData = new GridData( SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true );

-    newConstraintGroup.setLayoutData( gData );




-    Composite newConstraintComposite = new Composite( newConstraintGroup, SWT.NONE );

-    newConstraintComposite.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

-    //GridLayout gLayout = new GridLayout( 2, false );

-    newConstraintComposite.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

-    gData = new GridData( GridData.FILL_BOTH );

-    //gData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;

-    //gData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;

-    newConstraintComposite.setLayoutData( gData );


-    Composite typeComposite = new Composite( newConstraintComposite, SWT.NONE );

-    GridLayout gLayout = new GridLayout( 2, false );

-    typeComposite.setLayout( gLayout );

-    gData = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

-    typeComposite.setLayoutData( gData );


-    Label typeLabel = new Label( typeComposite, SWT.LEAD );

-    typeLabel.setText( "Type" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    gd = new GridData( 50, 20 );

-    typeLabel.setLayoutData( gd );

-    // Combo - GlobalElasticityReq

-    this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq = new CCombo( typeComposite, SWT.BORDER );

-    this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.setEnabled( true );

-    gd = new GridData( 212, 20 );

-    this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.setLayoutData( gd );


-    ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> mps = getMetrics();

-    for (MonitoringProbe mp : mps){

-      String metricsString = mp.getDescription();

-      if (metricsString.equals( "" )==false){

-        metricsString = metricsString.substring( 2, metricsString.length()-2 );

-        metricsString = metricsString.replace( "\"", "" );

-      String[] metrics = metricsString.split( "," );

-      for (String metric : metrics)

-        this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.add(metric);

-      }

-      else{

-        this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.add(mp.getName());

-      }

-    }


-    Composite valueComposite = new Composite( newConstraintComposite, SWT.NONE );

-    gLayout = new GridLayout( 3, false );

-    valueComposite.setLayout( gLayout );

-    gData = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

-    valueComposite.setLayoutData( gData );


-    Label valueLabel = new Label( valueComposite, SWT.LEAD );

-    valueLabel.setText( "Value" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    gd = new GridData( 50, 20 );

-    valueLabel.setLayoutData( gd );


-    // Combo - Operator

-    this.cmbOperator = new CCombo( valueComposite, SWT.BORDER );

-    this.cmbOperator.setEnabled( true );

-    gd = new GridData( 40, 20 );

-    this.cmbOperator.setLayoutData( gd );

-    this.cmbOperator.add( "=" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    this.cmbOperator.add( "<" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    this.cmbOperator.add( ">" );  //$NON-NLS-1$

-    this.cmbOperator.setText( this.cmbOperator.getItem( 0 ) );  


-    this.valueText = new Text( valueComposite, SWT.BORDER );

-    gd = new GridData( 154, 20 );

-    this.valueText.setLayoutData( gd );


-    this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.setEditable( false );

-    this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.addModifyListener( new ModifyListener() {


-      public void modifyText( final ModifyEvent e ) {


-        ElasticityConditionDialog.this.cmbCondition.setEnabled( true );

-        ElasticityConditionDialog.this.cmbCondition2.setEnabled( true );


-        ElasticityConditionDialog.this.newType = ElasticityConditionDialog.this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.getText();



-      }

-    } );


-    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

-    Group constraintGroup = new Group( composite, SWT.NONE );

-    constraintGroup.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

-    constraintGroup.setText( "&Select Constraint" );

-    gData = new GridData( SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true );

-    constraintGroup.setLayoutData( gData );


-    Composite constraintComposite = new Composite( constraintGroup, SWT.NONE );

-    constraintComposite.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

-    gData = new GridData( GridData.GRAB_HORIZONTAL );

-    //gData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;

-    //gData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;

-    constraintComposite.setLayoutData( gData );



-    // Condition label

-    this.lblCondition = new Label( constraintComposite, SWT.NONE );

-    this.lblCondition.setText( "When fulfilled Constraint:" );

-    gd = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

-    gd.widthHint = 280;

-    this.lblCondition.setLayoutData( gd );


-    // Combo - Condition

-    this.cmbCondition = new CCombo( constraintComposite, SWT.BORDER );

-    this.cmbCondition.setEnabled( true );

-    gd = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

-    gd.widthHint = 280;

-    this.cmbCondition.setLayoutData( gd );

-    this.cmbCondition.setEnabled( false );



-    ArrayList<String> elasticityConstraints = getAllConstraints();


-    if ( elasticityConstraints.size() > 0 ){

-        for ( String constraint : elasticityConstraints ){

-            this.cmbCondition.add(constraint);

-        }

-    }  


-    this.cmbCondition.setText( "" );


-    this.cmbCondition.addModifyListener( new ModifyListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void modifyText( ModifyEvent e ) {

-        if (ElasticityConditionDialog.this.cmbCondition.getText() != ""){

-          ElasticityConditionDialog.this.conditionSelected = true;

-        }


-      }


-    });


-    // Condition label

-    this.lblCondition2 = new Label( constraintComposite, SWT.NONE );

-    this.lblCondition2.setText( "When violated Constraint:" );

-    gd = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

-    gd.widthHint = 280;

-    this.lblCondition2.setLayoutData( gd );


-    // Combo - Condition

-    this.cmbCondition2 = new CCombo( constraintComposite, SWT.BORDER );

-    this.cmbCondition2.setEnabled( true );

-    gd.widthHint = 280;

-    gd = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

-    this.cmbCondition2.setLayoutData( gd );


-    if ( elasticityConstraints.size() > 0 ){

-        for ( String constraint : elasticityConstraints ){

-            this.cmbCondition2.add(constraint);

-        }

-    }  


-    this.cmbCondition2.setText( "" );


-    this.cmbCondition2.addModifyListener( new ModifyListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void modifyText( ModifyEvent e ) {

-        if (ElasticityConditionDialog.this.cmbCondition2.getText() != ""){

-          ElasticityConditionDialog.this.conditionSelected2 = true;

-        }


-      }


-    });


-    return composite;

-  }


-  public ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> getMetrics(){


-    ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> mps = MockUpInfoSystem.getInstance()

-        .getMonitoringProbes();


-        ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> mpsCopy = ( ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> )mps.clone();


-    IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();

-    IProject monitoringProbesProject = workspaceRoot.getProject( "MonitoringProbe" );


-    if( monitoringProbesProject.exists() ) {

-      IFolder srcFolder = monitoringProbesProject.getFolder( "src" );

-      IResource[] artifactsResource = null;

-      try {

-        artifactsResource = srcFolder.members();

-      } catch( CoreException e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

-        e.printStackTrace();

-      }

-      for( IResource tempResource : artifactsResource ) {

-        if( tempResource instanceof IFile ) {

-          MonitoringProbe mp = InfoSystemFactory.eINSTANCE.createMonitoringProbe();

-          mp.setUID( tempResource.getName().replaceFirst( ".java", "" ));

-          mp.setName( tempResource.getName().replaceFirst( ".java", "" ));

-          mp.setDescription( "" );

-          mp.setURL( "" );

-          // add new probe to monitoring list

-          mpsCopy.add( 0, mp );

-        }

-      }

-    }


-    return mpsCopy;

-  }


-  // Returns all global, composite and component level elasticity constraints;

-  private ArrayList<String> getAllConstraints(){


-	  ArrayList<String> constraints = new ArrayList<String>();

+	  protected Text typeText;

+	  protected Text valueText;

+	  protected boolean editMode = false;

+	  protected boolean addMode = false;

+	  protected String newType;

+	  protected String elasticityRequirement;

+	  private CCombo cmbGlobalElasticityReq;

+	  private CCombo cmbOperator;

+	  private String component;

+	  private Label unitLabel;


+	  private String unit;


+	  private String strategyName;

+	  private Label strategyLabel;


-	  DocumentRoot toscaRoot = this.model.getDocumentRoot();

-	  EList<TServiceTemplate> toscaServiceTemplates = toscaRoot.getDefinitions().getServiceTemplate();

-	  EList<TNodeTemplate> tempNodeTemplates;

-	  for ( TServiceTemplate tempServiceTemplate : toscaServiceTemplates ){


-		  //TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension ) tempServiceTemplate.getBoundaryDefinitions();


-	    TBoundaryDefinitions boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitions ) tempServiceTemplate.getBoundaryDefinitions();

+	  private String conditionLeft;

+	  private String conditionRight;

+	  private String conditionOperator;


+	  /**

+	   * @param parentShell

+	   * @param pe 

+	   * @param existingDataStage

+	   */

+	  public ElasticityConditionDialog( final Shell parentShell,  String component,

+			  ToscaModelLayer model, String strategyName

+	                                        )

+	  {

+	    super( parentShell );

+	    this.conditionSelected = false;

+	    this.conditionSelected2 = false;

+	    this.model = model;

+	    this.component = component;

+	    this.strategyName = strategyName;

+	  }


+	  @Override

+	  protected void configureShell( final Shell shell ) {

+	    super.configureShell( shell );

+	    shell.setText( "Apply Strategy Under Condition" );

+	    shell.setSize( 330, 400 );


+	  }


+	  @Override

+	  protected Control createDialogArea( final Composite parent ) {

+	    Composite composite = ( Composite )super.createDialogArea( parent );

+	    composite.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

+	    composite.setLayoutData( new GridData( GridData.FILL_BOTH ) );


+	    this.strategyLabel = new Label( composite, SWT.NONE );

+	    this.strategyLabel.setText( this.strategyName );


-		  if ( boundaryDef != null ){


-			  PoliciesType1 globalPolicies = boundaryDef.getPolicies();


-			  if ( globalPolicies != null ){


-				  for ( int k=0; k<globalPolicies.getPolicy().size(); k++){


-					  if ( globalPolicies.getPolicy().get(k).getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ){

-						  constraints.add(globalPolicies.getPolicy().get(k).getName());

-					  }

-				  }

+	    GridData gd = new GridData( GridData.FILL_BOTH );

+	    gd.verticalIndent = 7;

+	    gd.heightHint = 10;

+	    this.strategyLabel.setLayoutData( gd );



-			  }

-		  }


+	    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


+	    Group newConstraintGroup = new Group( composite, SWT.NONE );

+	    newConstraintGroup.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

+	    newConstraintGroup.setText( "&Specify New Condition" );

+	    GridData gData = new GridData( SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true );

+	    newConstraintGroup.setLayoutData( gData );




+	    Composite newConstraintComposite = new Composite( newConstraintGroup, SWT.NONE );

+	    newConstraintComposite.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

+	    //GridLayout gLayout = new GridLayout( 2, false );

+	    newConstraintComposite.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

+	    gData = new GridData( GridData.FILL_BOTH );

+	    //gData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;

+	    //gData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;

+	    newConstraintComposite.setLayoutData( gData );


+	    Composite typeComposite = new Composite( newConstraintComposite, SWT.NONE );

+	    GridLayout gLayout = new GridLayout( 2, false );

+	    typeComposite.setLayout( gLayout );

+	    gData = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

+	    typeComposite.setLayoutData( gData );


+	    Label typeLabel = new Label( typeComposite, SWT.LEAD );

+	    typeLabel.setText( "Type" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+	    gd = new GridData( 50, 20 );

+	    typeLabel.setLayoutData( gd );

+	    // Combo - GlobalElasticityReq

+	    this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq = new CCombo( typeComposite, SWT.BORDER );

+	    this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.setEnabled( true );

+	    gd = new GridData( 212, 20 );

+	    this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.setLayoutData( gd );


+	    ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> mps = getMetrics();

+	    for (MonitoringProbe mp : mps){

+	      String metricsString = mp.getDescription();

+	      if (metricsString.equals( "" )==false){

+	        metricsString = metricsString.substring( 2, metricsString.length()-2 );

+	        metricsString = metricsString.replace( "\"", "" );

+	      String[] metrics = metricsString.split( "," );

+	      for (String metric : metrics)

+	        this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.add(metric);

+	      }

+	      else{

+	        this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.add(mp.getName());

+	      }

+	    }

+	    this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.add("Cost");


+	    Composite valueComposite = new Composite( newConstraintComposite, SWT.NONE );

+	    gLayout = new GridLayout( 3, false );

+	    valueComposite.setLayout( gLayout );

+	    gData = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

+	    valueComposite.setLayoutData( gData );


+	    Label valueLabel = new Label( valueComposite, SWT.LEAD );

+	    valueLabel.setText( "Value" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+	    gd = new GridData( 50, 20 );

+	    valueLabel.setLayoutData( gd );


+	    // Combo - Operator

+	    this.cmbOperator = new CCombo( valueComposite, SWT.BORDER );

+	    this.cmbOperator.setEnabled( true );

+	    gd = new GridData( 40, 20 );

+	    this.cmbOperator.setLayoutData( gd );

+	    this.cmbOperator.add( "=" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+	    this.cmbOperator.add( "<" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+	    this.cmbOperator.add( ">" );  //$NON-NLS-1$

+	    this.cmbOperator.setText( this.cmbOperator.getItem( 0 ) );  


+	    this.valueText = new Text( valueComposite, SWT.BORDER );

+	    gd = new GridData( 154, 20 );

+	    this.valueText.setLayoutData( gd );


+	    this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.setEditable( false );

+	    this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.addModifyListener( new ModifyListener() {


+	      public void modifyText( final ModifyEvent e ) {


+	        ElasticityConditionDialog.this.cmbCondition.setEnabled( true );

+	        ElasticityConditionDialog.this.cmbCondition2.setEnabled( true );


+	        ElasticityConditionDialog.this.newType = ElasticityConditionDialog.this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.getText();



+	      }

+	    } );


+	    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

+	    Group constraintGroup = new Group( composite, SWT.NONE );

+	    constraintGroup.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

+	    constraintGroup.setText( "&Select Constraint" );

+	    gData = new GridData( SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true );

+	    constraintGroup.setLayoutData( gData );


+	    Composite constraintComposite = new Composite( constraintGroup, SWT.NONE );

+	    constraintComposite.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

+	    gData = new GridData( GridData.GRAB_HORIZONTAL );

+	    //gData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;

+	    //gData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;

+	    constraintComposite.setLayoutData( gData );



+	    // Condition label

+	    this.lblCondition = new Label( constraintComposite, SWT.NONE );

+	    this.lblCondition.setText( "When fulfilled Constraint:" );

+	    gd = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

+	    gd.widthHint = 280;

+	    this.lblCondition.setLayoutData( gd );


+	    // Combo - Condition

+	    this.cmbCondition = new CCombo( constraintComposite, SWT.BORDER );

+	    this.cmbCondition.setEnabled( true );

+	    gd = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

+	    gd.widthHint = 280;

+	    this.cmbCondition.setLayoutData( gd );

+	    this.cmbCondition.setEnabled( false );



+	    ArrayList<String> elasticityConstraints = getAllConstraints();


+	    if ( elasticityConstraints.size() > 0 ){

+	        for ( String constraint : elasticityConstraints ){

+	            this.cmbCondition.add(constraint);

+	        }

+	    }  


+	    this.cmbCondition.setText( "" );


+	    this.cmbCondition.addModifyListener( new ModifyListener() {


+	      @Override

+	      public void modifyText( ModifyEvent e ) {

+	        if (ElasticityConditionDialog.this.cmbCondition.getText() != ""){

+	          ElasticityConditionDialog.this.conditionSelected = true;

+	        }


+	      }


+	    });


+	    // Condition label

+	    this.lblCondition2 = new Label( constraintComposite, SWT.NONE );

+	    this.lblCondition2.setText( "When violated Constraint:" );

+	    gd = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

+	    gd.widthHint = 280;

+	    this.lblCondition2.setLayoutData( gd );


+	    // Combo - Condition

+	    this.cmbCondition2 = new CCombo( constraintComposite, SWT.BORDER );

+	    this.cmbCondition2.setEnabled( true );

+	    gd.widthHint = 280;

+	    gd = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

+	    this.cmbCondition2.setLayoutData( gd );


+	    if ( elasticityConstraints.size() > 0 ){

+	        for ( String constraint : elasticityConstraints ){

+	            this.cmbCondition2.add(constraint);

+	        }

+	    }  


+	    this.cmbCondition2.setText( "" );


+	    this.cmbCondition2.addModifyListener( new ModifyListener() {


+	      @Override

+	      public void modifyText( ModifyEvent e ) {

+	        if (ElasticityConditionDialog.this.cmbCondition2.getText() != ""){

+	          ElasticityConditionDialog.this.conditionSelected2 = true;

+	        }


+	      }


+	    });


+	    return composite;

+	  }


+	  public ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> getMetrics(){


+	    ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> mps = MockUpInfoSystem.getInstance()

+	        .getMonitoringProbes();


+	        ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> mpsCopy = ( ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> )mps.clone();


+	    IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();

+	    IProject monitoringProbesProject = workspaceRoot.getProject( "MonitoringProbe" );


+	    if( monitoringProbesProject.exists() ) {

+	      IFolder srcFolder = monitoringProbesProject.getFolder( "src" );

+	      IResource[] artifactsResource = null;

+	      try {

+	        artifactsResource = srcFolder.members();

+	      } catch( CoreException e ) {

+	        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

+	        e.printStackTrace();

+	      }

+	      for( IResource tempResource : artifactsResource ) {

+	        if( tempResource instanceof IFile ) {

+	          MonitoringProbe mp = InfoSystemFactory.eINSTANCE.createMonitoringProbe();

+	          mp.setUID( tempResource.getName().replaceFirst( ".java", "" ));

+	          mp.setName( tempResource.getName().replaceFirst( ".java", "" ));

+	          mp.setDescription( "" );

+	          // add new probe to monitoring list

+	          mpsCopy.add( 0, mp );

+	        }

+	      }

+	    }


+	    return mpsCopy;

+	  }


+	  // Returns all global, composite and component level elasticity constraints;

+	  private ArrayList<String> getAllConstraints(){


-		  if ( tempServiceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate() != null && tempServiceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate().getNodeTemplate() != null ){

+		  ArrayList<String> constraints = new ArrayList<String>();


+		  DocumentRoot toscaRoot = this.model.getDocumentRoot();

+		  EList<TServiceTemplate> toscaServiceTemplates = toscaRoot.getDefinitions().getServiceTemplate();

+		  EList<TNodeTemplate> tempNodeTemplates;

+		  for ( TServiceTemplate tempServiceTemplate : toscaServiceTemplates ){


-			  tempNodeTemplates = tempServiceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate().getNodeTemplate();


-			  for ( final TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : tempNodeTemplates ){

+			  //TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension ) tempServiceTemplate.getBoundaryDefinitions();


+		    TBoundaryDefinitions boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitions ) tempServiceTemplate.getBoundaryDefinitions();


+			  if ( boundaryDef != null ){


+				  PoliciesType1 globalPolicies = boundaryDef.getPolicies();


-				  if ( tempNodeTemplate.getPolicies() != null && tempNodeTemplate.getPolicies().getPolicy() != null ){

-					  for ( int j=0; j<tempNodeTemplate.getPolicies().getPolicy().size(); j++){


-						  if (tempNodeTemplate.getPolicies().getPolicy().get(j).getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ){

-							  constraints.add(tempNodeTemplate.getPolicies().getPolicy().get(j).getName());

+				  if ( globalPolicies != null ){


+					  for ( int k=0; k<globalPolicies.getPolicy().size(); k++){


+						  if ( globalPolicies.getPolicy().get(k).getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ){

+							  constraints.add(globalPolicies.getPolicy().get(k).getName());

+						  }

+					  }


+				  }

+			  }


+			  if ( tempServiceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate() != null && tempServiceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate().getNodeTemplate() != null ){


+				  tempNodeTemplates = tempServiceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate().getNodeTemplate();


+				  for ( final TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : tempNodeTemplates ){


+					  if ( tempNodeTemplate.getPolicies() != null && tempNodeTemplate.getPolicies().getPolicy() != null ){

+						  for ( int j=0; j<tempNodeTemplate.getPolicies().getPolicy().size(); j++){


+							  if (tempNodeTemplate.getPolicies().getPolicy().get(j).getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ){

+								  constraints.add(tempNodeTemplate.getPolicies().getPolicy().get(j).getName());

+							  }











+		  return constraints;





-	  return constraints;

+	  /**

+	   * Access to the List of Data Stage-In elements.

+	   * 

+	   * @return DataStage-In list set by the user.

+	   */

+	  public String getSelectedCondition() {

+	    return ElasticityConditionDialog.this.condition;

+	  }


+	  public ConditionType getSYBLCondition() {


+	    ConditionType strategyCondition = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createConditionType();

+	    BinaryRestriction br = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createBinaryRestriction();

+	    br.setType( this.conditionOperator );

+	    LeftHandSideType conditionLeft = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createLeftHandSideType();

+	    conditionLeft.setMetric( this.conditionLeft );

+	    br.setLeftHandSide( conditionLeft );

+	    RightHandSideType conditionRight = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createRightHandSideType();

+	    conditionRight.setNumber( this.conditionRight );

+	    br.setRightHandSide( conditionRight );

+	    UnaryRestriction ur = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createUnaryRestriction();

+	    ur.setType( "hi4" );

+	    strategyCondition.getBinaryRestrictionsConjunction().add( br );

+	    strategyCondition.getUnaryRestrictionsConjunction().add( ur );


+	    return strategyCondition;


-  }

+	  }



-  /**

-   * Access to the List of Data Stage-In elements.

-   * 

-   * @return DataStage-In list set by the user.

-   */

-  public String getSelectedCondition() {

-    return ElasticityConditionDialog.this.condition;

-  }


-  public ConditionType getSYBLCondition() {


-    ConditionType strategyCondition = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createConditionType();

-    BinaryRestriction br = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createBinaryRestriction();

-    br.setType( this.conditionOperator );

-    LeftHandSideType conditionLeft = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createLeftHandSideType();

-    conditionLeft.setMetric( this.conditionLeft );

-    br.setLeftHandSide( conditionLeft );

-    RightHandSideType conditionRight = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createRightHandSideType();

-    conditionRight.setNumber( this.conditionRight );

-    br.setRightHandSide( conditionRight );

-    UnaryRestriction ur = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createUnaryRestriction();

-    ur.setType( "hi4" );

-    strategyCondition.getBinaryRestrictionsConjunction().add( br );

-    strategyCondition.getUnaryRestrictionsConjunction().add( ur );


-    return strategyCondition;


-  }


-  @SuppressWarnings("boxing")

-  @Override

-  protected void okPressed() {


-    ElasticityConditionDialog.this.conditionLeft = this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.getText();

-    ElasticityConditionDialog.this.conditionRight = this.valueText.getText();

-    ElasticityConditionDialog.this.conditionOperator = this.cmbOperator.getText();

-    if ( this.conditionSelected ){

-      ElasticityConditionDialog.this.condition = "CASE fulfilled(" + this.cmbCondition.getText().split( ":" )[0] + "):";

-    }

-    else if ( this.conditionSelected2 ){

-    	ElasticityConditionDialog.this.condition = "CASE violated(" + this.cmbCondition2.getText().split( ":" )[0] + "):";

-    }

-    else {      

-      ElasticityConditionDialog.this.condition = "CASE " + this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.getText() + this.cmbOperator.getText() + this.valueText.getText();

-    }


-    super.okPressed();

-  }


+	  @SuppressWarnings("boxing")

+	  @Override

+	  protected void okPressed() {


+	    ElasticityConditionDialog.this.conditionLeft = this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.getText();

+	    ElasticityConditionDialog.this.conditionRight = this.valueText.getText();

+	    ElasticityConditionDialog.this.conditionOperator = this.cmbOperator.getText();

+	    if ( this.conditionSelected ){

+	      ElasticityConditionDialog.this.condition = "CASE fulfilled(" + this.cmbCondition.getText().split( ":" )[0] + "):";

+	    }

+	    else if ( this.conditionSelected2 ){

+	    	ElasticityConditionDialog.this.condition = "CASE violated(" + this.cmbCondition2.getText().split( ":" )[0] + "):";

+	    }

+	    else {      

+	      ElasticityConditionDialog.this.condition = "CASE " + this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.getText() + this.cmbOperator.getText() + this.valueText.getText();

+	    }


+	    super.okPressed();

+	  }

+	}


diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/dialog/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/dialog/
index fc252ef..b808e32 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/dialog/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/dialog/
@@ -52,19 +52,14 @@

 public class ElasticityConstraintDialog extends Dialog {


-  protected Text typeText;

-  protected Text valueText;

-  protected boolean editMode = false;

-  protected boolean addMode = false;

-  protected String newType;

-  protected String elasticityRequirement;

-  private CCombo cmbGlobalElasticityReq;

-  private CCombo cmbOperator;

-  private String component;

-  private String constraintLeft;

-  private String constraintRight;

-  private String constraintOperator;


+	 protected Text typeText;

+	  protected Text valueText;

+	  protected boolean editMode = false;

+	  protected boolean addMode = false;

+	  protected String newType;

+	  protected String elasticityRequirement;

+	  private CCombo cmbGlobalElasticityReq;

+	  private CCombo cmbOperator;



    * @param parentShell

@@ -74,7 +69,6 @@
     super( parentShell );

     this.elasticityRequirement = null;

     this.addMode = true;

-    this.component = component;




@@ -101,33 +95,28 @@
     this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.setEnabled( true );

     gd = new GridData( 212, 20 );

     this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.setLayoutData( gd );


     ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> mps = getMetrics();


-    for (MonitoringProbe mp : mps){

+    for( MonitoringProbe mp : mps ) {

       String metricsString = mp.getDescription();

-      if (metricsString.equals( "" )==false){

-        metricsString = metricsString.substring( 2, metricsString.length()-2 );

+      if( metricsString.equals( "" ) == false ) {

+        metricsString = metricsString.substring( 2, metricsString.length() - 2 );

         metricsString = metricsString.replace( "\"", "" );

-      String[] metrics = metricsString.split( "," );

-      for (String metric : metrics)

-        this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.add(metric);

-      }

-      else{

-        this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.add(mp.getName());

+        String[] metrics = metricsString.split( "," );

+        for( String metric : metrics )

+          this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.add( metric );

+      } else {

+        this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.add( mp.getName() );



     this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.add( "CostPerHour ($)" );


+    this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.add( "Response Time" );

     Composite valueComposite = new Composite( composite, SWT.NONE );

     gLayout = new GridLayout( 3, false );

     valueComposite.setLayout( gLayout );


     Label valueLabel = new Label( valueComposite, SWT.LEAD );

     valueLabel.setText( "Value" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

     gd = new GridData( 50, 20 );

     valueLabel.setLayoutData( gd );


     // Combo - Operator

     this.cmbOperator = new CCombo( valueComposite, SWT.BORDER );

     this.cmbOperator.setEnabled( true );

@@ -135,92 +124,55 @@
     this.cmbOperator.setLayoutData( gd );

     this.cmbOperator.add( "=" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

     this.cmbOperator.add( "<" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    this.cmbOperator.add( ">" );  //$NON-NLS-1$

-    this.cmbOperator.setText( this.cmbOperator.getItem( 0 ) );  


+    this.cmbOperator.add( ">" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+    this.cmbOperator.setText( this.cmbOperator.getItem( 0 ) );

     this.valueText = new Text( valueComposite, SWT.BORDER );

     gd = new GridData( 154, 20 );

-    this.valueText.setLayoutData( gd ); 


+    this.valueText.setLayoutData( gd );

     return composite;



-  public ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> getMetrics(){


-    ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> mps = MockUpInfoSystem.getInstance()

-        .getMonitoringProbes();


-        ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> mpsCopy = ( ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> )mps.clone();


-    IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();

-    IProject monitoringProbesProject = workspaceRoot.getProject( "MonitoringProbe" );

+  public ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> getMetrics() {

+	    ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> mps = MockUpInfoSystem.getInstance()

+	      .getMonitoringProbes();

+	    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

+	    ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> mpsCopy = ( ArrayList<MonitoringProbe> )mps.clone();

+	    IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();

+	    IProject monitoringProbesProject = workspaceRoot.getProject( "MonitoringProbe" );

+	    if( monitoringProbesProject.exists() ) {

+	      IFolder srcFolder = monitoringProbesProject.getFolder( "src" );

+	      IResource[] artifactsResource = null;

+	      try {

+	        artifactsResource = srcFolder.members();

+	      } catch( CoreException e ) {

+	        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

+	        e.printStackTrace();

+	      }

+	      for( IResource tempResource : artifactsResource ) {

+	        if( tempResource instanceof IFile ) {

+	          MonitoringProbe mp = InfoSystemFactory.eINSTANCE.createMonitoringProbe();

+	          mp.setUID( tempResource.getName().replaceFirst( ".java", "" ) );

+	          mp.setName( tempResource.getName().replaceFirst( ".java", "" ) );

+	          mp.setDescription( "" );

+	          // add new probe to monitoring list

+	          mpsCopy.add( 0, mp );

+	        }

+	      }

+	    }

+	    return mpsCopy;

+	  }


-    if( monitoringProbesProject.exists() ) {

-      IFolder srcFolder = monitoringProbesProject.getFolder( "src" );

-      IResource[] artifactsResource = null;

-      try {

-        artifactsResource = srcFolder.members();

-      } catch( CoreException e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

-        e.printStackTrace();

-      }

-      for( IResource tempResource : artifactsResource ) {

-        if( tempResource instanceof IFile ) {

-          MonitoringProbe mp = InfoSystemFactory.eINSTANCE.createMonitoringProbe();

-          mp.setUID( tempResource.getName().replaceFirst( ".java", "" ));

-          mp.setName( tempResource.getName().replaceFirst( ".java", "" ));

-          mp.setDescription( "" );

-          mp.setURL( "" );

-          // add new probe to monitoring list

-          mpsCopy.add( 0, mp );

-        }

-      }

-    }


-    return mpsCopy;

-  }


-  public String getElasticityConstraint() {

-    return ElasticityConstraintDialog.this.elasticityRequirement;

-  }


-  public SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription getSYBLConstraint(){

+	  public String getElasticityConstraint() {

+	    return ElasticityConstraintDialog.this.elasticityRequirement;

+	  }


-    SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription serd = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createSyblElasticityRequirementsDescription();


-    Constraint propertiesConstraint = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createConstraint();

-    ToEnforceType1 constraintToEnforce = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createToEnforceType1();

-    propertiesConstraint.setId( "hi" );

-    propertiesConstraint.setToEnforce( constraintToEnforce );


-    BinaryRestriction br = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createBinaryRestriction();

-    br.setType( this.constraintOperator );

-    LeftHandSideType constraintLeft = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createLeftHandSideType();

-    constraintLeft.setMetric( this.constraintLeft );

-    br.setLeftHandSide( constraintLeft );

-    RightHandSideType constraintRight = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createRightHandSideType();

-    constraintRight.setNumber( this.constraintRight );

-    br.setRightHandSide( constraintRight );

-    constraintToEnforce.getBinaryRestrictionsConjunction().add( br );


-    SYBLSpecificationType sst = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createSYBLSpecificationType();

-    sst.getConstraint().add( propertiesConstraint );

-    serd.getSYBLSpecification().add( sst );


-    return serd;

-  }


-  @SuppressWarnings("boxing")

-  @Override

-  protected void okPressed() {


-    ElasticityConstraintDialog.this.constraintLeft = this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.getText();

-    ElasticityConstraintDialog.this.constraintRight = this.valueText.getText();

-    ElasticityConstraintDialog.this.constraintOperator = this.cmbOperator.getText();


-    ElasticityConstraintDialog.this.elasticityRequirement = this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.getText() + this.cmbOperator.getText() + this.valueText.getText();


-    super.okPressed();

-  }

+	  @SuppressWarnings("boxing")

+	  @Override

+	  protected void okPressed() {

+	    ElasticityConstraintDialog.this.elasticityRequirement = this.cmbGlobalElasticityReq.getText()

+	                                                            + this.cmbOperator.getText()

+	                                                            + this.valueText.getText();

+	    super.okPressed();

+	  }



diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/dialog/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/dialog/
index bd46d88..31332f5 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/dialog/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/dialog/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@

 public class ElasticityStrategyDialog extends Dialog {


-  protected Text typeText;

+	protected Text typeText;

   protected Text valueText;

   protected boolean editMode = false;

   protected boolean addMode = false;

@@ -48,19 +48,17 @@
   private CCombo cmbStrategy;

   private CCombo cmbMetric;

   private CCombo cmbElasticityAction;

-  private String component;


+  private String nodeName;



    * @param parentShell


-  public ElasticityStrategyDialog( final Shell parentShell, String component )

-  {

+  public ElasticityStrategyDialog( final Shell parentShell, String component, String nodeName ) {

     super( parentShell );

     this.addMode = true;

-    this.component = component;

+    this.nodeName = nodeName;





   protected void configureShell( final Shell shell ) {

     super.configureShell( shell );

@@ -73,69 +71,47 @@
     Composite composite = ( Composite )super.createDialogArea( parent );

     composite.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

     composite.setLayoutData( new GridData( GridData.FILL_BOTH ) );


     // Choose from Supported Elasticity Actions Group

     Group elasticityActionsGroup = new Group( composite, SWT.NONE );

     elasticityActionsGroup.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

     elasticityActionsGroup.setText( "&Select Strategy" );

     GridData gData = new GridData( SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true );

     elasticityActionsGroup.setLayoutData( gData );


     // Combo - GlobalElasticityReq

     this.cmbElasticityAction = new CCombo( elasticityActionsGroup, SWT.BORDER );

     this.cmbElasticityAction.setEnabled( true );

     GridData gd = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

     this.cmbElasticityAction.setLayoutData( gd );


-    this.cmbElasticityAction.add( "AddVM" );

-    this.cmbElasticityAction.add( "RemoveVM" );

-    this.cmbElasticityAction.setText( this.cmbElasticityAction.getItem( 0 ) );  


+//	    this.cmbElasticityAction.add( "AddVM" );

+//	    this.cmbElasticityAction.add( "RemoveVM" );

+    this.cmbElasticityAction.add( "scaleIn" );

+    this.cmbElasticityAction.add( "scaleOut" );

+    this.cmbElasticityAction.setText( this.cmbElasticityAction.getItem( 0 ) );

     this.cmbElasticityAction.setEditable( false );


-    //Create New Strategy Group

+    // Create New Strategy Group

     Group customStrategyGroup = new Group( composite, SWT.NONE );

     customStrategyGroup.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, false ) );

     customStrategyGroup.setText( "&Specify New Strategy" );

     gData = new GridData( SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true );

     customStrategyGroup.setLayoutData( gData );


     // Combo - GlobalElasticityReq

     this.cmbStrategy = new CCombo( customStrategyGroup, SWT.BORDER );

     this.cmbStrategy.setEnabled( true );

     gd = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

     this.cmbStrategy.setLayoutData( gd );


     this.cmbStrategy.add( "Maximize" );

     this.cmbStrategy.add( "Minimize" );

-    this.cmbStrategy.setText( this.cmbStrategy.getItem( 0 ) );  


+    this.cmbStrategy.setText( this.cmbStrategy.getItem( 0 ) );

     this.cmbStrategy.setEditable( false );


     // Combo - Metric


     this.cmbMetric = new CCombo( customStrategyGroup, SWT.BORDER );

     this.cmbMetric.setEnabled( true );

     this.cmbMetric.setEditable( false );

     GridData gdMetric = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );

     this.cmbMetric.setLayoutData( gdMetric );


-//    if( this.component.compareTo( "Application" ) == 0 ) {

-//      List<ElasticityRequirementCategory> categories = ElasticityRequirementCategory.VALUES;

-//      for( ElasticityRequirementCategory tempCat : categories ) {

-//        this.cmbMetric.add( tempCat.toString() );

-//      }

-//    } 

-//    else if( this.component.compareTo( "Application Component" ) == 0 ) {

-//      List<ApplicationComponentElasticityRequirementCategory> categories = ApplicationComponentElasticityRequirementCategory.VALUES;

-//      for( ApplicationComponentElasticityRequirementCategory tempCat : categories )

-//      {

-//        this.cmbMetric.add( tempCat.toString() );

-//      }

-//      this.cmbMetric.add( "Latency" );

-//    }


-    this.cmbMetric.add( "Latency" );

+    this.cmbMetric.add( "Cost" );

+    this.cmbMetric.add( "Throughput" );

+    this.cmbMetric.add( "Response Time" );

     return composite;



@@ -147,35 +123,22 @@
   public String getElasticityStrategy() {

     return ElasticityStrategyDialog.this.elasticityStrategy;



-  public SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription getSYBLStrategy(){


-    SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription serd = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createSyblElasticityRequirementsDescription();


-    Strategy propertiesStrategy = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createStrategy();

-    ToEnforceType strategyToEnforce = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createToEnforceType();

-    propertiesStrategy.setId( "hi" );

-    propertiesStrategy.setToEnforce( strategyToEnforce );

-    strategyToEnforce.setActionName( this.elasticityStrategy );

-    strategyToEnforce.setParameter( "hi2" );

-    SYBLSpecificationType sst = SyblFactory.eINSTANCE.createSYBLSpecificationType();

-    sst.getStrategy().add( propertiesStrategy );

-    serd.getSYBLSpecification().add( sst );


-    return serd;

-  }




   protected void okPressed() {


-    if ( !(this.cmbMetric.getText().equals( "" )) ){

-      ElasticityStrategyDialog.this.elasticityStrategy = this.cmbStrategy.getText() + " (" + this.cmbMetric.getText() + ")";

-    } 

-    else{

-      ElasticityStrategyDialog.this.elasticityStrategy = this.cmbElasticityAction.getText();

+    if( !( this.cmbMetric.getText().equals( "" ) ) ) {

+      ElasticityStrategyDialog.this.elasticityStrategy = this.cmbStrategy.getText()

+                                                         + " ("

+                                                         + this.cmbMetric.getText()

+                                                         + ")";

+    } else {

+      //ElasticityStrategyDialog.this.elasticityStrategy = this.cmbElasticityAction.getText();

+      ElasticityStrategyDialog.this.elasticityStrategy = this.cmbElasticityAction.getText()

+          + " ("

+          + this.nodeName

+          + ")";






diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
index 65097d2..2b59eb5 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
@@ -16,12 +16,14 @@
 package org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.features;
+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TArtifactTemplate;
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TDeploymentArtifact;
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.StyleUtil;
 import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IAddFeature;
 import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IFeatureProvider;
 import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.IAddContext;
 import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.IContext;
+import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.impl.AbstractAddShapeFeature;
 import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.impl.AbstractFeature;
@@ -38,8 +40,7 @@
 import org.eclipse.graphiti.util.ColorConstant;
 import org.eclipse.graphiti.util.IColorConstant;
-public class AddSoftwareDependencyFeature extends AbstractFeature
-  implements IAddFeature
+public class AddSoftwareDependencyFeature extends AbstractAddShapeFeature
   private static final IColorConstant E_CLASS_TEXT_FOREGROUND = IColorConstant.BLACK;
@@ -59,14 +60,16 @@
   public boolean canAdd( final IAddContext context ) {
 	    boolean result = false;
-	    boolean diagraminstance = context.getTargetContainer() instanceof Diagram;
-	    if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TDeploymentArtifact
-	        && !diagraminstance )
-	    {
-	      if (((TDeploymentArtifact)context.getNewObject()).getArtifactType().toString().compareTo( "SD" )==0)
-	        result = true;
-	    }
+	    boolean diagraminstance = context.getTargetContainer() instanceof Diagram;    
+	     if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TArtifactTemplate
+      && !diagraminstance )
+      {
+        if (((TArtifactTemplate)context.getNewObject()).getName().contains( "SD" ))
+          result = true;
+      }
 	    return result;
@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@
   public PictogramElement add( final IAddContext context ) {
-	TDeploymentArtifact addedClass = ( TDeploymentArtifact )context.getNewObject();
+    TArtifactTemplate addedClass = ( TArtifactTemplate )context.getNewObject();
     ContainerShape targetDiagram = context.getTargetContainer();
     Object[] targetDiagrams = targetDiagram.getChildren().toArray();
@@ -135,7 +138,9 @@
       // create shape for text
       Shape shape = peCreateService.createShape( containerShape, false );
       // create and set text graphics algorithm
-      Text text = gaService.createText( shape, addedClass.getName() );
+      // 2 is the size of "SD"
+      Text text = gaService.createText( shape, addedClass.getName().substring( 2 ) );
+      //Text text = gaService.createText( shape, findImplementationArtifactName(addedClass.getId()) );
       text.setForeground( manageColor( E_CLASS_TEXT_FOREGROUND ) );
       text.setHorizontalAlignment( Orientation.ALIGNMENT_CENTER );
       // vertical alignment has as default value "center"
@@ -151,13 +156,23 @@
     return containerShape;
-  @Override
-  public boolean canExecute( final IContext context ) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public void execute( final IContext context ) {
-    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
-  }
+//  private String findImplementationArtifactName(String artifactId){
+//    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );
+//    DocumentRoot dr = model.getDocumentRoot();
+//    DefinitionsType dt = dr.getDefinitions();
+//    EList<TArtifactTemplate> artifactTemplates =
+//    dt.getArtifactTemplate();
+//    for (TArtifactTemplate tempArtifactTemplate : artifactTemplates){
+//      if (tempArtifactTemplate.getId().equals( artifactId )){
+//        TArtifactReference artifactRef = tempArtifactTemplate.getArtifactReferences().getArtifactReference().get( 0 );
+//        String artifactReference = artifactRef.getReference();
+//        String artifactName = artifactReference.substring( artifactReference.indexOf( "\\" ) +1);
+//        return artifactName;
+//      }
+//    }
+//   return null;
+//  }
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
index 66c4650..428f20e 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TDeploymentArtifact;
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.StyleUtil;
+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage;
 import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IFeatureProvider;
 import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.IAddContext;
 import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.impl.AbstractAddShapeFeature;
@@ -37,100 +38,102 @@
 public class AddVirtualMachineFeature extends AbstractAddShapeFeature {
-  private static final IColorConstant E_CLASS_TEXT_FOREGROUND = IColorConstant.BLACK;
-  private static final IColorConstant E_CLASS_FOREGROUND = new ColorConstant( 98,
-                                                                              131,
-                                                                              167 );
-  private static final IColorConstant E_CLASS_BACKGROUND = new ColorConstant( 32,
-                                                                              178,
-                                                                              170 );
+	  private static final IColorConstant E_CLASS_TEXT_FOREGROUND = IColorConstant.BLACK;
+	  private static final IColorConstant E_CLASS_FOREGROUND = new ColorConstant( 98,
+	                                                                              131,
+	                                                                              167 );
+	  private static final IColorConstant E_CLASS_BACKGROUND = new ColorConstant( 32,
+	                                                                              178,
+	                                                                              170 );
+	  private String imageType = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getImageArtifactPropertiesType().getName();
+	  public AddVirtualMachineFeature( final IFeatureProvider fp ) {
+	    super( fp );
+	  }
-  public AddVirtualMachineFeature( final IFeatureProvider fp ) {
-    super( fp );
-  }
+	  // Checks whether a VM Image can be added to the target object
+	  @Override
+	  public boolean canAdd( final IAddContext context ) {
+	    boolean result = false;
+	    boolean diagraminstance = context.getTargetContainer() instanceof Diagram;
+//	    if( context.getNewObject() instanceof VirtualMachineImage
+//	        && !diagraminstance )
+//	    {
+//	      result = true;
+//	    }
+	    if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TDeploymentArtifact
+	        && !diagraminstance )
+	    {
+	      //if (((TDeploymentArtifact)context.getNewObject()).getArtifactType().toString().compareTo( "VMI" )==0)
+	      if (((TDeploymentArtifact)context.getNewObject()).getArtifactType().getLocalPart().compareTo( imageType )==0)
+	        result = true;
+	    }
+	    return result;
+	  }
-  // Checks whether a VM Image can be added to the target object
-  @Override
-  public boolean canAdd( final IAddContext context ) {
-    boolean result = false;
-    boolean diagraminstance = context.getTargetContainer() instanceof Diagram;
-//    if( context.getNewObject() instanceof VirtualMachineImage
-//        && !diagraminstance )
-//    {
-//      result = true;
-//    }
-    if( context.getNewObject() instanceof TDeploymentArtifact
-        && !diagraminstance )
-    {
-      if (((TDeploymentArtifact)context.getNewObject()).getArtifactType().toString().compareTo( "VMI" )==0)
-        result = true;
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
+	  // Adds a VM Image figure to the target object
+	  @Override
+	  public PictogramElement add( final IAddContext context ) {
-  // Adds a VM Image figure to the target object
-  @Override
-  public PictogramElement add( final IAddContext context ) {
-    TDeploymentArtifact addedClass = ( TDeploymentArtifact )context.getNewObject();
-    ContainerShape targetDiagram = ( ContainerShape )context.getTargetContainer();
-    int targetContainerHeight = targetDiagram.getGraphicsAlgorithm().getHeight();
-    int targetContainerWidth = targetDiagram.getGraphicsAlgorithm().getWidth();
-    IPeCreateService peCreateService = Graphiti.getPeCreateService();
-    ContainerShape containerShape = peCreateService.createContainerShape( targetDiagram,
-                                                                          true );
-    final int width = targetContainerWidth;
-    final int height = 20;
-    IGaService gaService = Graphiti.getGaService();
-    RoundedRectangle roundedRectangle;
-    {
-      // create and set graphics algorithm
-      roundedRectangle = gaService.createRoundedRectangle( containerShape, 5, 5 );
-      roundedRectangle.setForeground( manageColor( E_CLASS_FOREGROUND ) );
-      roundedRectangle.setBackground( manageColor( E_CLASS_BACKGROUND ) );
-      roundedRectangle.setLineWidth( 2 );
-      gaService.setLocationAndSize( roundedRectangle,
-                                    0,
-                                    targetContainerHeight - 20,
-                                    width,
-                                    height );
-      if( addedClass.eResource() == null ) {
-        getDiagram().eResource().getContents().add( addedClass );
-      }
-      // create link and wire it
-      link( containerShape, addedClass );
-    }
-    {
-      // create shape for line
-      Shape shape = peCreateService.createShape( containerShape, false );
-      // create and set graphics algorithm
-      Polyline polyline = gaService.createPolyline( shape, new int[]{
-        0, 20, width, 20
-      } );
-      polyline.setForeground( manageColor( E_CLASS_FOREGROUND ) );
-      polyline.setLineWidth( 2 );
-    }
-    {
-      // create shape for text
-      Shape shape = peCreateService.createShape( containerShape, false );
-      // create and set text graphics algorithm
-      Text text = gaService.createText( shape, addedClass.getName() );
-      text.setForeground( manageColor( E_CLASS_TEXT_FOREGROUND ) );
-      text.setHorizontalAlignment( Orientation.ALIGNMENT_CENTER );
-      // vertical alignment has as default value "center"
-      text.setFont( gaService.manageDefaultFont( getDiagram(), false, true ) );
-      gaService.setLocationAndSize( text, 0, 0, width, 20 );
-      // create link and wire it
-      link( shape, addedClass );
-    }
-    // call the layout feature
-    layoutPictogramElement( containerShape );
-    return containerShape;
-  }
+	    TDeploymentArtifact addedClass = ( TDeploymentArtifact )context.getNewObject();
+	    ContainerShape targetDiagram = ( ContainerShape )context.getTargetContainer();
+	    int targetContainerHeight = targetDiagram.getGraphicsAlgorithm().getHeight();
+	    int targetContainerWidth = targetDiagram.getGraphicsAlgorithm().getWidth();
+	    IPeCreateService peCreateService = Graphiti.getPeCreateService();
+	    ContainerShape containerShape = peCreateService.createContainerShape( targetDiagram,
+	                                                                          true );
+	    final int width = targetContainerWidth;
+	    final int height = 20;
+	    IGaService gaService = Graphiti.getGaService();
+	    RoundedRectangle roundedRectangle;
+	    {
+	      // create and set graphics algorithm
+	      roundedRectangle = gaService.createRoundedRectangle( containerShape, 5, 5 );
+	      roundedRectangle.setForeground( manageColor( E_CLASS_FOREGROUND ) );
+	      roundedRectangle.setBackground( manageColor( E_CLASS_BACKGROUND ) );
+	      roundedRectangle.setLineWidth( 2 );
+	      gaService.setLocationAndSize( roundedRectangle,
+	                                    0,
+	                                    targetContainerHeight - 20,
+	                                    width,
+	                                    height );
+	      if( addedClass.eResource() == null ) {
+	        getDiagram().eResource().getContents().add( addedClass );
+	      }
+	      // create link and wire it
+	      link( containerShape, addedClass );
+	    }
+	    {
+	      // create shape for line
+	      Shape shape = peCreateService.createShape( containerShape, false );
+	      // create and set graphics algorithm
+	      Polyline polyline = gaService.createPolyline( shape, new int[]{
+	        0, 20, width, 20
+	      } );
+	      polyline.setForeground( manageColor( E_CLASS_FOREGROUND ) );
+	      polyline.setLineWidth( 2 );
+	    }
+	    {
+	      // create shape for text
+	      Shape shape = peCreateService.createShape( containerShape, false );
+	      // create and set text graphics algorithm
+	      Text text = gaService.createText( shape, addedClass.getName() );
+	      text.setForeground( manageColor( E_CLASS_TEXT_FOREGROUND ) );
+	      text.setHorizontalAlignment( Orientation.ALIGNMENT_CENTER );
+	      // vertical alignment has as default value "center"
+	      text.setFont( gaService.manageDefaultFont( getDiagram(), false, true ) );
+	      gaService.setLocationAndSize( text, 0, 0, width, 20 );
+	      // create link and wire it
+	      link( shape, addedClass );
+	    }
+	    // call the layout feature
+	    layoutPictogramElement( containerShape );
+	    return containerShape;
+	  }
+	}
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
index 520101f..688cdcb 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
   //-1 means not specified by user
   private static int DEFAULT_MAX_INSTANCES = -1;
-  private static int DEFAULT_INIT_INSTANCES = 1;
   private Object contextObject = null;
@@ -73,64 +72,63 @@
   // Creates the business object for the application component
   public Object[] create( final ICreateContext context ) {
-    if (this.contextObject == null) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    // create Application Component
-    TNodeTemplateExtension newClass = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE.createTNodeTemplateExtension();
-    //newClass.setYcsbmulti( 1 );
-    //newClass.setCasmulti( 1 );
-    // initialize Application Component
-    // Max or Min instances == 0 => nothing specified by user
-    newClass.setInitInstances( DEFAULT_INIT_INSTANCES );
-    newClass.setMinInstances( DEFAULT_MIN_INSTANCES );
-    newClass.setMaxInstances(  BigInteger.valueOf( DEFAULT_MAX_INSTANCES ) );
-    newClass.setId( ( "C" + ( Integer )newClass.hashCode() ).toString() );
-    //newClass.setType(((TNodeTemplateExtension) this.contextObject ).getType());
-    //Set X and Y required for reloading tosca model in tosca editor
-    newClass.setX(context.getX());
-    newClass.setY(context.getY());
-    // create the node template
-    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );    
-    model.getDocumentRoot()
-      .getDefinitions()
-      .getServiceTemplate()
-      .get( 0 )
-      .getTopologyTemplate()
-      .getNodeTemplate()
-      .add( newClass );
-    Object parentObject = getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( context.getTargetContainer() );
-    TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = null;
-    if( parentObject == null )
-      return null;
-    if( parentObject instanceof TServiceTemplate ) {
-      serviceTemplate = ( TServiceTemplate )parentObject;
-    }
-    TTopologyTemplate topology = null;
-    if( serviceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate() == null ) {
-      topology = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTTopologyTemplate();
-      serviceTemplate.setTopologyTemplate( topology );
-    } else {
-      topology = serviceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate();
-    }
-    // Add object to domain model
-    topology.getNodeTemplate().add( newClass );
-    // Add object to diagram model
-    //getDiagram().eResource().getContents().add(newClass);
-    // do the add
-    addGraphicalRepresentation( context, newClass );
-    // activate direct editing after object creation
-    getFeatureProvider().getDirectEditingInfo().setActive( true );
-    // return newly created business object(s)
-    return new Object[]{
-      newClass
-    };
-  }
+	    if (this.contextObject == null) {
+	      return null;
+	    }
+	    // create Application Component
+	    TNodeTemplateExtension newClass = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE.createTNodeTemplateExtension();
+	    //newClass.setYcsbmulti( 1 );
+	    //newClass.setCasmulti( 1 );
+	    // initialize Application Component
+	    // Max or Min instances == 0 => nothing specified by user
+	    newClass.setMinInstances( DEFAULT_MIN_INSTANCES );
+	    newClass.setMaxInstances(  BigInteger.valueOf( DEFAULT_MAX_INSTANCES ) );
+	    newClass.setId( ( "C" + ( Integer )newClass.hashCode() ).toString() );
+	    //newClass.setType(((TNodeTemplateExtension) this.contextObject ).getType());
+	    //Set X and Y required for reloading tosca model in tosca editor
+	    newClass.setX(context.getX());
+	    newClass.setY(context.getY());
+	    // create the node template
+	    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );    
+	    model.getDocumentRoot()
+	      .getDefinitions()
+	      .getServiceTemplate()
+	      .get( 0 )
+	      .getTopologyTemplate()
+	      .getNodeTemplate()
+	      .add( newClass );
+	    Object parentObject = getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( context.getTargetContainer() );
+	    TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = null;
+	    if( parentObject == null )
+	      return null;
+	    if( parentObject instanceof TServiceTemplate ) {
+	      serviceTemplate = ( TServiceTemplate )parentObject;
+	    }
+	    TTopologyTemplate topology = null;
+	    if( serviceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate() == null ) {
+	      topology = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTTopologyTemplate();
+	      serviceTemplate.setTopologyTemplate( topology );
+	    } else {
+	      topology = serviceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate();
+	    }
+	    // Add object to domain model
+	    topology.getNodeTemplate().add( newClass );
+	    // Add object to diagram model
+	    //getDiagram().eResource().getContents().add(newClass);
+	    // do the add
+	    addGraphicalRepresentation( context, newClass );
+	    // activate direct editing after object creation
+	    getFeatureProvider().getDirectEditingInfo().setActive( true );
+	    // return newly created business object(s)
+	    return new Object[]{
+	      newClass
+	    };
+	  }
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
index cc27002..222ecc3 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.ModelHandler;
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.ToscaModelLayer;
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension;
+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elementCreators.CreateArtifactTemplate;
 import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
 import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
 import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.RecordingCommand;
@@ -46,257 +47,245 @@
 public class CreateResizeActionFeature extends AbstractCreateFeature {
-  private Object contextObject = null;
+	  private Object contextObject = null;
-  public CreateResizeActionFeature( final IFeatureProvider fp ) {
-    // set name and description of the creation feature
-    super( fp, "Resizing Action", "Resizing Action" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
-  }
+	  public CreateResizeActionFeature( final IFeatureProvider fp ) {
+	    // set name and description of the creation feature
+	    super( fp, "Resizing Action", "Resizing Action" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+	  }
-  public void setContextObject( final Object obj ) {
-    this.contextObject = obj;
-  }
+	  public void setContextObject( final Object obj ) {
+	    this.contextObject = obj;
+	  }
-  // Checks if user can create an elasticity action object in the target
-  // business object
-  @Override
-  public boolean canCreate( final ICreateContext context ) {
-    Object parentBo = getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( context.getTargetContainer() );
-    if( parentBo instanceof TNodeTemplate || parentBo instanceof TServiceTemplate ) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
+	  // Checks if user can create an elasticity action object in the target
+	  // business object
+	  @Override
+	  public boolean canCreate( final ICreateContext context ) {
+	    Object parentBo = getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( context.getTargetContainer() );
+	    if( parentBo instanceof TNodeTemplate || parentBo instanceof TServiceTemplate ) {
+	      return true;
+	    }
+	    return false;
+	  }
-  // Creates the business object for the elasticity action
-  @Override
-  public Object[] create( final ICreateContext context ) {
-    // MessageConsole myConsole = findConsole("MyConsole");
-    // MessageConsoleStream out = myConsole.newMessageStream();
-    if( this.contextObject == null )
-      return null;
-    String level = null;
-    ResizingAction ra = ( ResizingAction )this.contextObject;
-    Object parentObject = getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( context.getTargetContainer() );
+	  // Creates the business object for the elasticity action
+	  @Override
+	  public Object[] create( final ICreateContext context ) {
+	    // MessageConsole myConsole = findConsole("MyConsole");
+	    // MessageConsoleStream out = myConsole.newMessageStream();
+	    if( this.contextObject == null )
+	      return null;
+	    String level = null;
+	    ResizingAction ra = ( ResizingAction )this.contextObject;
+	    CreateArtifactTemplate artTempl = new CreateArtifactTemplate(ra.getName(), new QName("RA"), ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) ));
+	    Object parentObject = getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( context.getTargetContainer() );
-    if( parentObject == null )
-      return null;
-    TNodeTemplate tNode = null;
-    TServiceTemplate tService = null;
-    // Application Component
-    if( parentObject instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {
-      level = "C";
-      tNode = ( TNodeTemplate )parentObject;
-      if (tNode.getName()==null){
-        MessageDialog.openError(null, "Error", "Give a Name to the selected Component and try again.");
-        return null;
-      }
-    }
-    else if ( parentObject instanceof TServiceTemplate ){
-      level = "G";
-      tService = ( TServiceTemplate )parentObject;
-      if (tService.getSubstitutableNodeType() != null){
-     // Composite Application Component
-      // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate
-      TNodeTemplate substituteNode = null;
-      ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );
-      for (TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()
-        .getDefinitions()
-        .getServiceTemplate()
-        .get( 0 )
-        .getTopologyTemplate()
-        .getNodeTemplate()){
-        if ( tempNodeTemplate.getId().toString().equals( tService.getId().toString()) )
-        {
-          substituteNode = tempNodeTemplate;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      tNode = substituteNode;
+	    if( parentObject == null )
+	      return null;
+	    TNodeTemplate tNode = null;
+	    TServiceTemplate tService = null;
+	    // Application Component
+	    if( parentObject instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {
+	      level = "C";
+	      tNode = ( TNodeTemplate )parentObject;
+	      if (tNode.getName()==null){
+	        MessageDialog.openError(null, "Error", "Give a Name to the selected Component and try again.");
+	        return null;
+	      }
+	    }
+	    else if ( parentObject instanceof TServiceTemplate ){
+	      level = "G";
+	      tService = ( TServiceTemplate )parentObject;
+	      if (tService.getSubstitutableNodeType() != null){
+	     // Composite Application Component
+	      // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate
+	      TNodeTemplate substituteNode = null;
+	      ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );
+	      for (TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()
+	        .getDefinitions()
+	        .getServiceTemplate()
+	        .get( 0 )
+	        .getTopologyTemplate()
+	        .getNodeTemplate()){
+	        if ( tempNodeTemplate.getId().toString().equals( tService.getId().toString()) )
+	        {
+	          substituteNode = tempNodeTemplate;
+	          break;
+	        }
+	      }
+	      tNode = substituteNode;
-      }
-      else{
-     // Application
-        level = "A";
-        final TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension )( ( ( TServiceTemplate )parentObject ).getBoundaryDefinitions() );        
-        if ( boundaryDef.getPolicies() == null ){
-          final PoliciesType1 boundaryPolicies = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType1();
-          TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( parentObject );
-          editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-            .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
+	      }
+	      else{
+	     // Application
+	        level = "A";
+	        final TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension )( ( ( TServiceTemplate )parentObject ).getBoundaryDefinitions() );        
+	        if ( boundaryDef.getPolicies() == null ){
+	          final PoliciesType1 boundaryPolicies = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType1();
+	          TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( parentObject );
+	          editingDomain.getCommandStack()
+	            .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-              @Override
-              protected void doExecute() {
-                boundaryDef.setPolicies( boundaryPolicies );
-              }
-            } );
-        }
-        PoliciesType1 nodePolicyList = boundaryDef.getPolicies();
-        final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();
-        final TPolicy newPolicy = createNewPolicy(level, ra.getName());
-//        final TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();
-//        final String policyUniqueName = "G" + policy.size();
-//        newPolicy.setPolicyType( new QName("SYBLStrategy") );          
-////        newPolicy.setName( "S" + policyUniqueName + ":STRATEGY " + ra.getName() );
-//        newPolicy.setName( "STRATEGY " + ra.getName() );
-        TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( parentObject );
-        editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-          .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
+	              @Override
+	              protected void doExecute() {
+	                boundaryDef.setPolicies( boundaryPolicies );
+	              }
+	            } );
+	        }
+	        PoliciesType1 nodePolicyList = boundaryDef.getPolicies();
+	        final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();
+	        final TPolicy newPolicy = createNewPolicy(level, ra.getName());
+//	        final TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();
+//	        final String policyUniqueName = "G" + policy.size();
+//	        newPolicy.setPolicyType( new QName("SYBLStrategy") );          
+////	        newPolicy.setName( "S" + policyUniqueName + ":STRATEGY " + ra.getName() );
+	//
+//	        newPolicy.setName( "STRATEGY " + ra.getName() );
+	        TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( parentObject );
+	        editingDomain.getCommandStack()
+	          .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-            @Override
-            protected void doExecute() {
-              policy.add( newPolicy );
-            }
-          } );
-        return new Object[]{
-          newPolicy
-        };
-      }
-    }
+	            @Override
+	            protected void doExecute() {
+	              policy.add( newPolicy );
+	            }
+	          } );
+	        return new Object[]{
+	          newPolicy
+	        };
+	      }
+	    }
-    final TNodeTemplate nodeTemplate = tNode;
-    if ( nodeTemplate.getPolicies() == null ){
-      final PoliciesType nodePolicyList = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType();
-      TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( parentObject );
-      editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-        .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
+	    final TNodeTemplate nodeTemplate = tNode;
+	    if ( nodeTemplate.getPolicies() == null ){
+	      final PoliciesType nodePolicyList = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType();
+	      TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( parentObject );
+	      editingDomain.getCommandStack()
+	        .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-          @Override
-          protected void doExecute() {
-            nodeTemplate.setPolicies( nodePolicyList );
-          }
-        } );
-    }
-    final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodeTemplate.getPolicies().getPolicy();
-    final TPolicy newPolicy = createNewPolicy(level, ra.getName());
-//    final TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();
-//    final String policyUniqueName = nodeTemplate.getId() + policy.size();
-//    newPolicy.setPolicyType( new QName("SYBLStrategy") );         
-////    newPolicy.setName( "S" + policyUniqueName + ":STRATEGY " + ra.getName() );
-//    newPolicy.setName( "STRATEGY " + ra.getName() );
-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( parentObject );
-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
+	          @Override
+	          protected void doExecute() {
+	            nodeTemplate.setPolicies( nodePolicyList );
+	          }
+	        } );
+	    }
+	    final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodeTemplate.getPolicies().getPolicy();
+	    final TPolicy newPolicy = createNewPolicy(level, ra.getName());
+//	    final TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();
+	//    
+//	    final String policyUniqueName = nodeTemplate.getId() + policy.size();
+	//    
+//	    newPolicy.setPolicyType( new QName("SYBLStrategy") );         
+	//    
+////	    newPolicy.setName( "S" + policyUniqueName + ":STRATEGY " + ra.getName() );
+//	    newPolicy.setName( "STRATEGY " + ra.getName() );
+	    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( parentObject );
+	    editingDomain.getCommandStack()
+	      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-        @Override
-        protected void doExecute() {
-          policy.add( newPolicy );
-        }
-      } );
-    // do the add
-    addGraphicalRepresentation( context, ra );
-    // activate direct editing after object creation
-    getFeatureProvider().getDirectEditingInfo().setActive( true );
-    // return newly created business object(s)
-    return new Object[]{
-      newPolicy
-    };
-  }
+	        @Override
+	        protected void doExecute() {
+	          policy.add( newPolicy );
+	        }
+	      } );
+	    // do the add
+	    addGraphicalRepresentation( context, ra );
+	    // activate direct editing after object creation
+	    getFeatureProvider().getDirectEditingInfo().setActive( true );
+	    // return newly created business object(s)
+	    return new Object[]{
+	      newPolicy
+	    };
+	  }
-  //level can be "C" for Application Component, "G" for Composite Component, "A" for Application
-  TPolicy createNewPolicy(String level, String policyName){
+	  //level can be "C" for Application Component, "G" for Composite Component, "A" for Application
+	  TPolicy createNewPolicy(String level, String policyName){
-    // Create Policy Template 
-    final TPolicyTemplate newPolicyTemplate = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicyTemplate();
-    QName policyTypeName = new QName( "", "Strategy" );
-    newPolicyTemplate.setType( policyTypeName );
-    String id = level + ( ( Integer )newPolicyTemplate.hashCode() ).toString();
-    newPolicyTemplate.setId( id );
-    // Add the new Policy Template to the TOSCA Definitions element
-    final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );
-    DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions();
-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( definitions );
-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
+	    // Create Policy Template 
+	    final TPolicyTemplate newPolicyTemplate = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicyTemplate();
+	    QName policyTypeName = new QName( "", "Strategy" );
+	    newPolicyTemplate.setType( policyTypeName );
+	    String id = level + ( ( Integer )newPolicyTemplate.hashCode() ).toString();
+	    newPolicyTemplate.setId( id );
+	    // Add the new Policy Template to the TOSCA Definitions element
+	    final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );
+	    DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions();
+	    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( definitions );
+	    editingDomain.getCommandStack()
+	      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-        @Override
-        protected void doExecute() {
-          model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getPolicyTemplate().add( newPolicyTemplate );
-        }
-      } );
-    // Assign the created Policy Template to the new Policy
-    TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();
-    QName qnamePolicyTemplate = new QName( newPolicyTemplate.getId() );
-    newPolicy.setPolicyType( policyTypeName );  
-    newPolicy.setPolicyRef( qnamePolicyTemplate );
-    newPolicy.setName( "STRATEGY " + policyName );
-    return newPolicy;
-  }
-  private MessageConsole findConsole( String name ) {
-    ConsolePlugin plugin = ConsolePlugin.getDefault();
-    IConsoleManager conMan = plugin.getConsoleManager();
-    IConsole[] existing = conMan.getConsoles();
-    for( int i = 0; i < existing.length; i++ )
-      if( name.equals( existing[ i ].getName() ) )
-        return ( MessageConsole )existing[ i ];
-    // no console found, so create a new one
-    MessageConsole myConsole = new MessageConsole( name, null );
-    conMan.addConsoles( new IConsole[]{
-      myConsole
-    } );
-    return myConsole;
-  }
+	        @Override
+	        protected void doExecute() {
+	          model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getPolicyTemplate().add( newPolicyTemplate );
+	        }
+	      } );
+	    // Assign the created Policy Template to the new Policy
+	    TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();
+	    QName qnamePolicyTemplate = new QName( newPolicyTemplate.getId() );
+	    newPolicy.setPolicyType( policyTypeName );  
+	    newPolicy.setPolicyRef( qnamePolicyTemplate );
+	    newPolicy.setName( "STRATEGY " + policyName );
+	    return newPolicy;
+	  }
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
index 5043b93..f0db42b 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.ScriptArtifactPropertiesType;
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory;
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage;
+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elementCreators.CreateArtifactTemplate;
 import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
 import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMapUtil;
 import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMap.Entry;
@@ -52,221 +53,121 @@
 public class CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature extends AbstractCreateFeature {
-  private Object contextObject = null;
+	  private Object contextObject = null;
-  public CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature( final IFeatureProvider fp ) {
-    // set name and description of the creation feature
-    super( fp, "Software Dependency", "Software Dependency" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
-  }
+	  public CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature( final IFeatureProvider fp ) {
+	    // set name and description of the creation feature
+	    super( fp, "Software Dependency", "Software Dependency" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+	  }
-  public void setContextObject( final Object obj ) {
-    this.contextObject = obj;
-  }
+	  public void setContextObject( final Object obj ) {
+	    this.contextObject = obj;
+	  }
-  // Checks if user can create a software dependency object in the target
-  // business object
-  @Override
-  public boolean canCreate( final ICreateContext context ) {
-    return !( context.getTargetContainer() instanceof Diagram );
-  }
+	  // Checks if user can create a software dependency object in the target
+	  // business object
+	  @Override
+	  public boolean canCreate( final ICreateContext context ) {
+	    return !( context.getTargetContainer() instanceof Diagram );
+	  }
-  // Creates the business object for the software dependency
-  @Override
-  public Object[] create( final ICreateContext context ) {
+	  // Creates the business object for the software dependency
+	  @Override
+	  public Object[] create( final ICreateContext context ) {
 	    if( this.contextObject == null )
-	        return null;
-	      Object parentObject = getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( context.getTargetContainer() );
-	      TNodeTemplate tNode = null;
-	      if( parentObject == null )
-	        return null;
-	      if( parentObject instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {
-	        tNode = ( TNodeTemplate )parentObject;
-	      }
-	      if (tNode.getName()==null){
-	           MessageDialog.openError(null, "Error", "Give a Name to the selected Component and try again.");
-	           return null;
-	      }
-	      if( tNode.getDeploymentArtifacts() == null ) {
-	        final TNodeTemplate node = tNode;
-	        TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( parentObject );
-	        editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-	          .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-	            protected void doExecute() {
-	              node.setDeploymentArtifacts( ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTDeploymentArtifacts() );
-	            }
-	          } );
-	      } 
+	      return null;
+	    Object parentObject = getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( context.getTargetContainer() );
+	    TNodeTemplate tNode = null;
+	    if( parentObject == null )
+	      return null;
+	    if( parentObject instanceof TNodeTemplate ) {
+	      tNode = ( TNodeTemplate )parentObject;
+	    }
+	    if( tNode.getName() == null ) {
+	      MessageDialog.openError( null,
+	                               "Error",
+	                               "Give a Name to the selected Component and try again." );
+	      return null;
+	    }
+	    TArtifactTemplate artifactTemplate = ( TArtifactTemplate )this.contextObject;
+	    // Create Script Artifact Template
+	    CreateArtifactTemplate artTempl = new CreateArtifactTemplate(artifactTemplate.getId(), artifactTemplate.getType(), ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) ));
+	    TArtifactTemplate newArtifactTemplate = artTempl.getNewArtifactTemplate();
+	    // Create Implementation Artifact
+	    createImplementationArtifact( new QName( tNode.getName() ), artifactTemplate.getType(),
+	                                  new QName( artifactTemplate.getId()) );
+	    //addGraphicalRepresentation( context, artifactTemplate );
+	    addGraphicalRepresentation( context, newArtifactTemplate );
+	    // activate direct editing after object creation
+	    getFeatureProvider().getDirectEditingInfo().setActive( true );
+	    // return newly created business object(s)
+	    return new Object[]{
+	      newArtifactTemplate
+	    };
+	  }
+	  // Creates the install implementation artifact
+	  private void createImplementationArtifact( QName nodeType, QName artifactType,
+	                                                                   QName artifactID )
+	  {
+	    final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );
+	    DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions();
+	    TNodeTypeImplementation nodeTypeImplementation = null;
+	    // Test if NodeTypeImplementation for nodeType already exists
+	    for( TNodeTypeImplementation tempNodeTypeImplementation : definitions.getNodeTypeImplementation() )
+	    {
+	      if( tempNodeTypeImplementation.getNodeType()
+	        .toString()
+	        .equals( nodeType.toString() ) )
+	      {
+	        // NodeTypeImplementation already exists
+	        // We are going to add the artifact to the existing implementation
+	        nodeTypeImplementation = tempNodeTypeImplementation;
+	      }
+	    }
+	    if( nodeTypeImplementation == null ) {
+	      // NodeTypeImplementation does not exists
+	      final TNodeTypeImplementation newNodeTypeImplementation = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTNodeTypeImplementation();
+	      newNodeTypeImplementation.setNodeType( nodeType );
+	      newNodeTypeImplementation.setName( "name" );
+	      TImplementationArtifacts implementationArtifacts = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTImplementationArtifacts();
+	      newNodeTypeImplementation.setImplementationArtifacts( implementationArtifacts );
-	      // Add the new deployment artifact to the list
-	      final TDeploymentArtifacts deploymentArtifacts = tNode.getDeploymentArtifacts();
-	      TDeploymentArtifact tempDeploymentArtifact = ( TDeploymentArtifact )this.contextObject;
-	      TDeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTDeploymentArtifact();
-	      deploymentArtifact.setName( tempDeploymentArtifact.getName() );
-	      deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType( tempDeploymentArtifact.getArtifactType() );
-	      deploymentArtifact.setArtifactRef( new QName (tNode.getName() + "Script" ));
-	      final TDeploymentArtifact tempArtifact = deploymentArtifact;
-	      TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( parentObject );
+	      TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( definitions );
 	        .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
+	          @Override
 	          protected void doExecute() {
-	            deploymentArtifacts.getDeploymentArtifact().add( tempArtifact );
+	            model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getNodeTypeImplementation()
+	              .add( newNodeTypeImplementation );
 	        } );
-//	      ImplementationArtifactType tempImplementationArtifact = (ImplementationArtifactType) this.contextObject;
-//	       //Create Image Artifact Template
-//	       createArtifactTemplate(tNode.getName(), tempImplementationArtifact.getArtifactType().toString());
-//	       //Create Implementation Artifact
-//	       ImplementationArtifactType implementationArtifact = createImplementationArtifact( tNode.getName()+"Script", tempImplementationArtifact.getArtifactType(), new QName(tNode.getName()+"Script"));
-//        addGraphicalRepresentation( context, implementationArtifact );
-//       // activate direct editing after object creation
-//       getFeatureProvider().getDirectEditingInfo().setActive( true );
-//       // return newly created business object(s)
-//       return new Object[]{
-//         implementationArtifact
-//       };
-	      addGraphicalRepresentation( context, deploymentArtifact );
+	      nodeTypeImplementation = newNodeTypeImplementation;
+	    }
+	    // Create Implementation Artifact
+	    final ImplementationArtifactType installArtifactType = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createImplementationArtifactType();
+	    installArtifactType.setArtifactType( artifactType );
+	    installArtifactType.setArtifactRef( artifactID );
+	    installArtifactType.setInterfaceName( "Lifecycle" );
+	    installArtifactType.setOperationName( "execute" );
+	    final TNodeTypeImplementation nodeImplementation = nodeTypeImplementation;
+	    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( nodeTypeImplementation );
+	    editingDomain.getCommandStack()
+	      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-	      //Create Image Artifact Template
-	      createArtifactTemplate(tNode.getName(), tempDeploymentArtifact.getName());
-	      //Create Implementation Artifact
-	      createImplementationArtifact( tempDeploymentArtifact.getName(), new QName(tNode.getName()), new QName(tNode.getName()+"Script"));
-	      // activate direct editing after object creation
-	      getFeatureProvider().getDirectEditingInfo().setActive( true );
-	      // return newly created business object(s)
-	      return new Object[]{
-	        deploymentArtifact
-	      };
-  }
-  private void createArtifactTemplate(String nodeName, String artifactName){
-    //Create Artifact Template
-    final TArtifactTemplate artifactTemplate = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTArtifactTemplate();
-    //Create Script Artifact Properties
-    ScriptArtifactPropertiesType scriptProperties = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE.createScriptArtifactPropertiesType();
-    scriptProperties.setLanguage( "Shell" );
-    // Set the Properties of the Policy Template    
-    PropertiesType properties = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropertiesType();   
-    // Add the SYBL Policy to the FeatureMap of the Policy's Properties element
-    Entry e = FeatureMapUtil.createEntry(     Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getDocumentRoot_ScriptArtifactProperties(),  scriptProperties );
-    properties.getAny().add( e );      
-    artifactTemplate.setProperties( properties );
-    artifactTemplate.setId( nodeName + "Script" );
-    // Set artifact ref
-    TArtifactReference artifactRef = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTArtifactReference();
-    artifactRef.setReference( "Scripts"+ File.separator + artifactName);
-    ArtifactReferencesType artifactRefType = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createArtifactReferencesType();
-    artifactRefType.getArtifactReference().add( artifactRef );
-    artifactTemplate.setArtifactReferences( artifactRefType );
-    // Add the new Artifact Template to the TOSCA Definitions element
-    final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );
-    DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions();
-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( definitions );
-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-        @Override
-        protected void doExecute() {
-          model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getArtifactTemplate().add( artifactTemplate );
-        }
-      } );
-  }
-  //Creates the install implementation artifact
-  private ImplementationArtifactType createImplementationArtifact(String artifactName, QName nodeType, QName artifactID){
-    final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );
-    final DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions();
-    TNodeTypeImplementation nodeTypeImplementation = null;
-    //Test if NodeTypeImplementation for nodeType already exists
-    for ( TNodeTypeImplementation tempNodeTypeImplementation : definitions.getNodeTypeImplementation() ){
-      if ( tempNodeTypeImplementation.getNodeType().toString().equals(nodeType.toString()) ){
-        //NodeTypeImplementation already exists
-        //We are going to add the artifact to the existing implementation
-        nodeTypeImplementation = tempNodeTypeImplementation;
-      }
-    }
-    if ( nodeTypeImplementation == null ){
-      //NodeTypeImplementation does not exists
-      final TNodeTypeImplementation newNodeTypeImplementation = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTNodeTypeImplementation();
-      newNodeTypeImplementation.setNodeType( nodeType );
-      TImplementationArtifacts implementationArtifacts = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTImplementationArtifacts();
-      newNodeTypeImplementation.setImplementationArtifacts( implementationArtifacts );
-      TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( definitions );
-      editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-        .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-          @Override
-          protected void doExecute() {
-            definitions.getNodeTypeImplementation().add( newNodeTypeImplementation );
-          }
-        } );
-      nodeTypeImplementation = newNodeTypeImplementation;
-    }
-    //Create Implementation Artifact
-    final ImplementationArtifactType installArtifactType = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createImplementationArtifactType();
-    installArtifactType.setArtifactType( new QName("ScriptArtifact") );
-    installArtifactType.setArtifactRef( artifactID );
-    installArtifactType.setInterfaceName( "Lifecycle" );
-    installArtifactType.setOperationName( "execute" );
-    final TNodeTypeImplementation nodeImplementation = nodeTypeImplementation;
-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( nodeTypeImplementation );
-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-        @Override
-        protected void doExecute() {
-          nodeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts().getImplementationArtifact().add( installArtifactType );
-        }
-      } );    
-    return installArtifactType;
-  }
+	        @Override
+	        protected void doExecute() {
+	          nodeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts()
+	            .getImplementationArtifact()
+	            .add( installArtifactType );
+	        }
+	      } );
+	  }
+	}
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
index 3ca02ec..3083843 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
@@ -157,46 +157,54 @@
-  private void createArtifactTemplate(String nodeName, String description, String imageId){
-    //Create Artifact Template
-    final TArtifactTemplate artifactTemplate = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTArtifactTemplate();
-    //Create Image Artifact Properties
-    ImageArtifactPropertiesType imageProperties = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE.createImageArtifactPropertiesType();
-    imageProperties.setDescription( description );
-    if (imageId!=null){
-      imageProperties.setId( imageId );
-    }
-    // Set the Properties of the Policy Template    
-    PropertiesType properties = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropertiesType();   
-    // Add the SYBL Policy to the FeatureMap of the Policy's Properties element
-    Entry e = FeatureMapUtil.createEntry(     Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getDocumentRoot_ImageArtifactProperties(),  imageProperties );
-    properties.getAny().add( e );   
-    artifactTemplate.setProperties( properties );
-    artifactTemplate.setId( nodeName + "Image" );
-    // Add the new Artifact Template to the TOSCA Definitions element
-    final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );
-    DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions();
-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( definitions );
-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
+  private void createArtifactTemplate(String description, String artifactRef, String imageId){
+	    final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );
+	    for (TArtifactTemplate tempArtifactTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()
+	        .getDefinitions()
+	        .getArtifactTemplate()){
+	      if (tempArtifactTemplate.getId().equals( imageId ))
+	        return;
+	    }
+	    //Create Artifact Template
+	    final TArtifactTemplate artifactTemplate = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTArtifactTemplate();
+	    //Create Image Artifact Properties
+	    ImageArtifactPropertiesType imageProperties = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE.createImageArtifactPropertiesType();
+	    imageProperties.setDescription( description );
+	    if (imageId!=null){
+	      imageProperties.setId( imageId );
+	    }
+	    // Set the Properties of the Policy Template    
+	    PropertiesType properties = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropertiesType();   
+	    // Add the SYBL Policy to the FeatureMap of the Policy's Properties element
+	    Entry e = FeatureMapUtil.createEntry(     Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getDocumentRoot_ImageArtifactProperties(),  imageProperties );
+	    properties.getAny().add( e );   
+	    artifactTemplate.setProperties( properties );
+	    //artifactTemplate.setId( imageId );
+	    artifactTemplate.setId( artifactRef );
+	    // Add the new Artifact Template to the TOSCA Definitions element
+	    DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions();
+	    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( definitions );
+	    editingDomain.getCommandStack()
+	      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-        @Override
-        protected void doExecute() {
-          model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getArtifactTemplate().add( artifactTemplate );
-        }
-      } );
+	        @Override
+	        protected void doExecute() {
+	          model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getArtifactTemplate().add( artifactTemplate );
+	        }
+	      } );
-  }
+	  }
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
index 7c189e5..b678806 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 import javax.xml.namespace.QName;


 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TArtifactTemplate;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TDeploymentArtifact;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TImplementationArtifact;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TNodeTemplate;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TNodeTypeImplementation;

@@ -35,102 +36,109 @@

 public class DeleteApplicationComponentFeature extends DefaultDeleteFeature {


-  public DeleteApplicationComponentFeature( IFeatureProvider fp ) {

-    super( fp );

-    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

-  }

+	  public DeleteApplicationComponentFeature( IFeatureProvider fp ) {

+	    super( fp );

+	    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

+	  }


-  @Override

-  public void preDelete( IDeleteContext context ) {

-    // Removes the relationships related to the deleted application component

-    Object deletedObject = getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( context.getPictogramElement() );



-    TNodeTemplate deletedNodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplate )deletedObject;

-    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-    // Delete Policy Templates

-    if ( deletedNodeTemplate.getPolicies() != null )

-    {

-      for( TPolicy tempPolicy : deletedNodeTemplate.getPolicies().getPolicy() )

-        for( TPolicyTemplate tempPolicyTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

-          .getDefinitions()

-          .getPolicyTemplate() )

-        {

-          if( tempPolicy.getPolicyRef()

-            .toString()

-            .compareTo( tempPolicyTemplate.getId() ) == 0 )

-          {

-            model.getDocumentRoot()

-              .getDefinitions()

-              .getPolicyTemplate()

-              .remove( tempPolicyTemplate );

-          }

-        }

-    }

-    // Delete Relationships

-    for( TServiceTemplate tempServiceTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

-      .getDefinitions()

-      .getServiceTemplate() )

-    {

-      if ( tempServiceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate() != null ){

-        for( TRelationshipTemplate tempRelationshipTemplate : tempServiceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate()

-          .getRelationshipTemplate() )

-        {

-          if( tempRelationshipTemplate.getSourceElement()

-            .getRef()

-            .compareTo( deletedNodeTemplate.getId() ) == 0

-              || tempRelationshipTemplate.getTargetElement()

-                .getRef()

-                .compareTo( deletedNodeTemplate.getId() ) == 0 )

-          {

-            tempServiceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate()

-              .getRelationshipTemplate()

-              .remove( tempRelationshipTemplate );

-          }

-        }

-      }

-    }

-    //Delete NodeTypeImplementations

-    if (model.getDocumentRoot()

-        .getDefinitions()

-        .getNodeTypeImplementation() != null){

-    QName[] artifactTemplatesIDs = new QName[1];

-    for( TNodeTypeImplementation tempNodeTypeImplementation : model.getDocumentRoot()

-        .getDefinitions()

-        .getNodeTypeImplementation() )

-      {

-        if ( tempNodeTypeImplementation.getNodeType().toString().equals( deletedNodeTemplate.getName()) ){

-          //Find Artifact Templates to be Deleted

-          {

-            for (TImplementationArtifact tempImplementationArtifact: tempNodeTypeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts().getImplementationArtifact()){

-              artifactTemplatesIDs[artifactTemplatesIDs.length-1]=tempImplementationArtifact.getArtifactRef();

-            }

-          }

-          //Delete NodeTypeImplementation

-            {

-              model.getDocumentRoot()

-              .getDefinitions()

-              .getNodeTypeImplementation()

-                .remove( tempNodeTypeImplementation );

-            }

-          } 

-      }


-    //Delete ArtifactTemplates

-    for( TArtifactTemplate tempArtifactTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

-        .getDefinitions().getArtifactTemplate()){

-      for (QName tempArtifactTemplateID : artifactTemplatesIDs){

-        if (tempArtifactTemplate.getId().equals( tempArtifactTemplateID.toString() )){

-          //Delete Artifact Template

-          {

-            model.getDocumentRoot()

-            .getDefinitions()

-            .getArtifactTemplate()

-              .remove( tempArtifactTemplate );

-          }

-        }

-      }

-    }

-  }

-  }


+	  @Override

+	  public void preDelete( IDeleteContext context ) {

+	    // Removes the relationships related to the deleted application component

+	    Object deletedObject = getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( context.getPictogramElement() );



+	    TNodeTemplate deletedNodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplate )deletedObject;

+	    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

+	    // Delete Policy Templates

+	    if ( deletedNodeTemplate.getPolicies() != null )

+	    {

+	      for( TPolicy tempPolicy : deletedNodeTemplate.getPolicies().getPolicy() )

+	        for( TPolicyTemplate tempPolicyTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

+	          .getDefinitions()

+	          .getPolicyTemplate() )

+	        {

+	          if( tempPolicy.getPolicyRef()

+	            .toString()

+	            .compareTo( tempPolicyTemplate.getId() ) == 0 )

+	          {

+	            model.getDocumentRoot()

+	              .getDefinitions()

+	              .getPolicyTemplate()

+	              .remove( tempPolicyTemplate );

+	          }

+	        }

+	    }

+	    // Delete Relationships

+	    for( TServiceTemplate tempServiceTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

+	      .getDefinitions()

+	      .getServiceTemplate() )

+	    {

+	      if ( tempServiceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate() != null ){

+	        for( TRelationshipTemplate tempRelationshipTemplate : tempServiceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate()

+	          .getRelationshipTemplate() )

+	        {

+	          if( tempRelationshipTemplate.getSourceElement()

+	            .getRef()

+	            .compareTo( deletedNodeTemplate.getId() ) == 0

+	              || tempRelationshipTemplate.getTargetElement()

+	                .getRef()

+	                .compareTo( deletedNodeTemplate.getId() ) == 0 )

+	          {

+	            tempServiceTemplate.getTopologyTemplate()

+	              .getRelationshipTemplate()

+	              .remove( tempRelationshipTemplate );

+	          }

+	        }

+	      }

+	    }

+	    //Delete NodeTypeImplementations

+	    if (model.getDocumentRoot()

+	        .getDefinitions()

+	        .getNodeTypeImplementation() != null){

+	    QName[] artifactTemplatesIDs = new QName[1];

+	    for( TNodeTypeImplementation tempNodeTypeImplementation : model.getDocumentRoot()

+	        .getDefinitions()

+	        .getNodeTypeImplementation() )

+	      {

+	        if ( tempNodeTypeImplementation.getNodeType().toString().equals( deletedNodeTemplate.getName()) ){

+	          //Find Artifact Templates to be Deleted

+	          {

+	            for (TImplementationArtifact tempImplementationArtifact: tempNodeTypeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts().getImplementationArtifact()){

+	              artifactTemplatesIDs[artifactTemplatesIDs.length-1]=tempImplementationArtifact.getArtifactRef();

+	            }

+	          }

+	          //Delete NodeTypeImplementation

+	            {

+	              model.getDocumentRoot()

+	              .getDefinitions()

+	              .getNodeTypeImplementation()

+	                .remove( tempNodeTypeImplementation );

+	            }

+	          } 

+	      }


+	    //Find DeploymentArtifacts to be deleted

+	    if (deletedNodeTemplate.getDeploymentArtifacts() != null){

+	      for (TDeploymentArtifact tempDeploymentArtifact: deletedNodeTemplate.getDeploymentArtifacts().getDeploymentArtifact()){

+	        artifactTemplatesIDs[artifactTemplatesIDs.length-1]=tempDeploymentArtifact.getArtifactRef();

+	      }

+	    }


+	    //Delete ArtifactTemplates

+	    for( TArtifactTemplate tempArtifactTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

+	        .getDefinitions().getArtifactTemplate()){

+	      for (QName tempArtifactTemplateID : artifactTemplatesIDs){

+	        if (tempArtifactTemplateID != null && tempArtifactTemplate.getId().equals( tempArtifactTemplateID.toString() )){

+	          //Delete Artifact Template

+	          {

+	            model.getDocumentRoot()

+	            .getDefinitions()

+	            .getArtifactTemplate()

+	              .remove( tempArtifactTemplate );

+	          }

+	        }

+	      }

+	    }

+	  }

+	  }

+	}

diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc95589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+package org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.features;


+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;

+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;

+import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.RecordingCommand;

+import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain;

+import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.util.TransactionUtil;

+import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IFeatureProvider;

+import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.IDeleteContext;



+import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.features.DefaultDeleteFeature;


+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TArtifactTemplate;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TImplementationArtifact;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TNodeTemplate;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TNodeTypeImplementation;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.ModelHandler;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.ToscaModelLayer;



+public class DeleteArtifactTemplateFeature extends DefaultDeleteFeature{


+  private TNodeTypeImplementation parentNodeTypeImplementation;


+  public DeleteArtifactTemplateFeature( IFeatureProvider fp ) {

+    super( fp );

+  }


+  @Override

+  public void preDelete(IDeleteContext context) {


+    //TArtifactTemplate

+    Object deletedObject = getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( context.getPictogramElement() );


+    TArtifactTemplate deletedArtifactTemplate = (TArtifactTemplate) deletedObject;


+    String deletedArtifactTemplateId = deletedArtifactTemplate.getId();


+    //TNodeTemplate parent of TArtifactTemplate

+    PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService().getPictogramElementParent( context.getPictogramElement() );


+    TNodeTemplate parentNodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplate ) getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( parentPE );


+    final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );


+    final EList<TNodeTypeImplementation> nodeTypeImplementations = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getNodeTypeImplementation();


+    this.parentNodeTypeImplementation = null;

+    for (final TNodeTypeImplementation tempNodeTypeImplementation : nodeTypeImplementations){

+      if (tempNodeTypeImplementation.getNodeType().toString().compareTo( parentNodeTemplate.getName() )==0){

+        this.parentNodeTypeImplementation = tempNodeTypeImplementation;

+        break;

+      }

+    }


+    if (this.parentNodeTypeImplementation == null)

+      return;


+    final TNodeTypeImplementation nodeTypeImplementation = parentNodeTypeImplementation;

+    //for (final TImplementationArtifact tempImplementationArtifact : nodeTypeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts().getImplementationArtifact()){

+    for (int i=0; i<nodeTypeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts().getImplementationArtifact().size(); i++){

+      final TImplementationArtifact tempImplementationArtifact = nodeTypeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts().getImplementationArtifact().get( i );

+      if (tempImplementationArtifact.getArtifactRef().toString().compareTo( deletedArtifactTemplateId )==0){

+        //Implementation artifact refers to the TArtifactTemplate to be deleted

+        TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( nodeTypeImplementation );

+        editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+          .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


+            @Override

+            protected void doExecute() {

+              nodeTypeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts().getImplementationArtifact().remove( tempImplementationArtifact );

+            }

+          } );


+      }

+    }


+    //if there are no more implementation artifacts, delete implementation artifacts element

+    if (nodeTypeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts().getImplementationArtifact().size()==0){

+      nodeTypeImplementations.remove( nodeTypeImplementation );

+    }


+  }



diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
index 9454fe2..c04a4cd 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
@@ -16,7 +16,12 @@

 package org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.features;


+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TArtifactTemplate;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TDeploymentArtifact;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TNodeTemplate;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.ModelHandler;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.ToscaModelLayer;

+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;

 import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IFeatureProvider;

 import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.IDeleteContext;


@@ -24,35 +29,47 @@
 import org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.features.DefaultDeleteFeature;


 public class DeleteDeploymentArtifactFeature extends DefaultDeleteFeature{


-  private boolean deleteDeploymentArtifact = false;

-  private TNodeTemplate parentNodeTemplate;


+	  private boolean deleteDeploymentArtifact = false;

+	  private TNodeTemplate parentNodeTemplate;


-  public DeleteDeploymentArtifactFeature( IFeatureProvider fp ) {

-    super( fp );

-    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

-  }


-  @Override

-  public void preDelete(IDeleteContext context) {

-    // Checks whether the node template contained only the deleted deployment artifact  


-    PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService().getPictogramElementParent( context.getPictogramElement() );


-    TNodeTemplate parentNodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplate ) getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( parentPE );


-    if ( parentNodeTemplate.getDeploymentArtifacts().getDeploymentArtifact().size() == 1 ){

-      this.deleteDeploymentArtifact = true;

-      this.parentNodeTemplate = parentNodeTemplate;

-    }

-  }


-  @Override

-  public void postDelete(IDeleteContext context) {

-    // Removes the deployment artifacts element if no more artifacts left 


-    if ( this.deleteDeploymentArtifact == true )

-      this.parentNodeTemplate.setDeploymentArtifacts( null );

-  }

+	  public DeleteDeploymentArtifactFeature( IFeatureProvider fp ) {

+	    super( fp );

+	  }


+	  @Override

+	  public void preDelete(IDeleteContext context) {

+	    // Checks whether the node template contained only the deleted deployment artifact  


+	    PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService().getPictogramElementParent( context.getPictogramElement() );


+	    TNodeTemplate parentNodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplate ) getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( parentPE );


+	    if ( parentNodeTemplate.getDeploymentArtifacts().getDeploymentArtifact().size() == 1 ){

+	      this.deleteDeploymentArtifact = true;

+	      this.parentNodeTemplate = parentNodeTemplate;

+	    }


+	    //Delete corresponding TArtifactTemplate

+	    Object deletedObject = getFeatureProvider().getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement( context.getPictogramElement() );

+	    TDeploymentArtifact deletedDeploymentArtifact = (TDeploymentArtifact) deletedObject;

+	    String deletedDeploymentArtifactId = deletedDeploymentArtifact.getArtifactRef().toString();


+	    final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );


+	    for ( TArtifactTemplate tempArtifactTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getArtifactTemplate() ){

+	      if (tempArtifactTemplate.getId().compareTo( deletedDeploymentArtifactId )==0){

+	        model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getArtifactTemplate().remove( tempArtifactTemplate );

+	      }

+	    }

+	  }


+	  @Override

+	  public void postDelete(IDeleteContext context) {

+	    // Removes the deployment artifacts element if no more artifacts left 


+	    if ( this.deleteDeploymentArtifact == true )

+	      this.parentNodeTemplate.setDeploymentArtifacts( null );

+	  }



+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
index d3d2bc0..37ba308 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/features/
@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@
         this.hasDoneChanges = true;

         tServiceTemplate.setName( newName );


-        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

         tServiceTemplate.setSubstitutableNodeType(new QName("substituteNode_"+newName));


         // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate

diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
index 0fb3a93..3b7683d 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.TNodeTemplateExtension;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elementCreators.CreateArtifactTemplate;

 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;

 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;

 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;

@@ -106,613 +107,625 @@
  * Application Component Properties - Elasticity Tab


 public class ApplicationComponentElasticityRequirementsSection

-  extends GFPropertySection implements ITabbedPropertyConstants

+extends GFPropertySection implements ITabbedPropertyConstants



-  Composite client;

-  Section section;

-  private Table table;

-  private Button addButton;

-  private Button removeButton;

-  private Button addExecutableButton;

-  TableViewer tableViewer;

-  List<TPolicy> appComponentElasticityRequirements = new ArrayList<TPolicy>();

-  Section sectionRA;

-  private Table tableResizingActions;

-  private Button removeButtonRA;

-  private Button addButtonRA;

-  private Button conditionButtonRA;

-  TableViewer tableResizingActionsViewer;

-  List<TPolicy> appComponentResizingActions = new ArrayList<TPolicy>();

-  protected Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory elasticityFactory = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE;

+Composite client;

+Section section;

+private Table table;

+private Button addButton;

+private Button removeButton;

+private Button addExecutableButton;

+TableViewer tableViewer;

+List<TPolicy> appComponentElasticityRequirements = new ArrayList<TPolicy>();

+Section sectionRA;

+private Table tableResizingActions;

+private Button removeButtonRA;

+private Button addButtonRA;

+private Button conditionButtonRA;

+TableViewer tableResizingActionsViewer;

+List<TPolicy> appComponentResizingActions = new ArrayList<TPolicy>();

+protected Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory elasticityFactory = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE;


-  @Override

-  public void createControls( final Composite parent,

-                              TabbedPropertySheetPage tabbedPropertySheetPage )

-  {

-    super.createControls( parent, tabbedPropertySheetPage );

-    FormToolkit toolkit = new FormToolkit( parent.getDisplay() );

-    // Application Component Elasticity Requirements Section

-    this.section = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );

-    this.section.setText( "Application Component Elasticity Constraints" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    Composite client = toolkit.createComposite( this.section, SWT.WRAP );

-    Composite client1 = toolkit.createComposite( client, SWT.WRAP );

-    Composite client2 = toolkit.createComposite( client, SWT.WRAP );

-    GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();

-    layout.numColumns = 2;

-    layout.marginTop = 15;

-    layout.verticalSpacing = 15;

-    layout.marginWidth = 2;

-    layout.marginHeight = 2;

-    client.setLayout( layout );

-    layout = new GridLayout();

-    layout.numColumns = 1;

-    client1.setLayout( layout );

-    layout = new GridLayout();

-    layout.numColumns = 1;

-    client2.setLayout( layout );

-    GridData gd;

-    this.table = new Table( client1, SWT.BORDER

-                                     | SWT.VIRTUAL

-                                     | SWT.MULTI

-                                     | SWT.FULL_SELECTION );

-    this.table.setHeaderVisible( true );

-    this.table.setLinesVisible( false );

-    this.table.getHorizontalBar().setEnabled( false );

-    gd = new GridData( 300, this.table.getItemHeight() * 4 );

-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.table.setLayoutData( gd );

-    TableLayout tableLayout = new TableLayout();

-    this.table.setLayout( tableLayout );

-    TableColumn nameColumn = new TableColumn( this.table, SWT.CENTER );

-    ColumnLayoutData data = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

-    tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

-    data = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

-    tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

-    data = new ColumnWeightData( 150 );

-    tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

-    nameColumn.setText( "Constraint" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    this.tableViewer = new TableViewer( this.table );

-    ElasticityConstraintsProvider ERProvider = new ElasticityConstraintsProvider();

-    IStructuredContentProvider contentProvider = ERProvider.ERContentProvider;

-    this.tableViewer.setContentProvider( contentProvider );

-    this.tableViewer.setLabelProvider( ERProvider.ERContentLabelProvider );

-    this.tableViewer.setInput( this.appComponentElasticityRequirements );

-    this.addButton = new Button( client2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.addButton.setText( "Add" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    gd = new GridData();

-    gd.widthHint = 60;

-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.addButton.setLayoutData( gd );

-    // Listener for Add button

-    this.addButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


+public void createControls( final Composite parent,

+                            TabbedPropertySheetPage tabbedPropertySheetPage )


+  super.createControls( parent, tabbedPropertySheetPage );

+  FormToolkit toolkit = new FormToolkit( parent.getDisplay() );

+  // Application Component Elasticity Requirements Section

+  this.section = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );

+  this.section.setText( "Application Component Elasticity Constraints" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  Composite client = toolkit.createComposite( this.section, SWT.WRAP );

+  Composite client1 = toolkit.createComposite( client, SWT.WRAP );

+  Composite client2 = toolkit.createComposite( client, SWT.WRAP );

+  GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();

+  layout.numColumns = 2;

+  layout.marginTop = 15;

+  layout.verticalSpacing = 15;

+  layout.marginWidth = 2;

+  layout.marginHeight = 2;

+  client.setLayout( layout );

+  layout = new GridLayout();

+  layout.numColumns = 1;

+  client1.setLayout( layout );

+  layout = new GridLayout();

+  layout.numColumns = 1;

+  client2.setLayout( layout );

+  GridData gd;

+  this.table = new Table( client1, SWT.BORDER

+                                   | SWT.VIRTUAL

+                                   | SWT.MULTI

+                                   | SWT.FULL_SELECTION );

+  this.table.setHeaderVisible( true );

+  this.table.setLinesVisible( false );

+  this.table.getHorizontalBar().setEnabled( false );

+  gd = new GridData( 300, this.table.getItemHeight() * 4 );

+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.table.setLayoutData( gd );

+  TableLayout tableLayout = new TableLayout();

+  this.table.setLayout( tableLayout );

+  TableColumn nameColumn = new TableColumn( this.table, SWT.CENTER );

+  ColumnLayoutData data = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

+  tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

+  data = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

+  tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

+  data = new ColumnWeightData( 150 );

+  tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

+  nameColumn.setText( "Constraint" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  this.tableViewer = new TableViewer( this.table );

+  ElasticityConstraintsProvider ERProvider = new ElasticityConstraintsProvider();

+  IStructuredContentProvider contentProvider = ERProvider.ERContentProvider;

+  this.tableViewer.setContentProvider( contentProvider );

+  this.tableViewer.setLabelProvider( ERProvider.ERContentLabelProvider );

+  this.tableViewer.setInput( this.appComponentElasticityRequirements );

+  this.addButton = new Button( client2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.addButton.setText( "Add" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  gd = new GridData();

+  gd.widthHint = 60;

+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.addButton.setLayoutData( gd );

+  // Listener for Add button

+  this.addButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent e ) {

-        editDataStagingEntry( null );

-      }

+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent e ) {

+      editDataStagingEntry( null );

+    }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );


-    this.removeButton = new Button( client2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.removeButton.setText( "Remove" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    gd = new GridData();

-    gd.widthHint = 60;

-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.removeButton.setLayoutData( gd );

-    // Listener for Remove button

-    this.removeButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {

+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  this.removeButton = new Button( client2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.removeButton.setText( "Remove" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  gd = new GridData();

+  gd.widthHint = 60;

+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.removeButton.setLayoutData( gd );

+  // Listener for Remove button

+  this.removeButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        removeApplicationComponentElasticityRequirement( getSelectedObject() );

-      }

+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      removeApplicationComponentElasticityRequirement( getSelectedObject() );

+    }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    // Add section components to the toolkit

-    toolkit.adapt( this.table, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.addButton, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.removeButton, true, true );

-    this.section.setClient( client );

-    // Application Component Elasticity Actions Section

-    this.sectionRA = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );

-    this.sectionRA.setText( "Elasticity Strategies" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    Composite clientRA = toolkit.createComposite( this.sectionRA, SWT.WRAP );

-    Composite clientRA1 = toolkit.createComposite( clientRA, SWT.WRAP );

-    Composite clientRA2 = toolkit.createComposite( clientRA, SWT.WRAP );

-    GridLayout layoutRA;

-    layoutRA = new GridLayout();

-    layoutRA.numColumns = 2;

-    layoutRA.marginTop = 15;

-    layoutRA.verticalSpacing = 15;

-    layoutRA.marginWidth = 2;

-    layoutRA.marginHeight = 2;

-    clientRA.setLayout( layoutRA );

-    layoutRA = new GridLayout();

-    layoutRA.numColumns = 1;

-    clientRA1.setLayout( layoutRA );

-    layoutRA = new GridLayout();

-    layoutRA.numColumns = 1;

-    clientRA2.setLayout( layoutRA );

-    this.tableResizingActions = new Table( clientRA1, SWT.BORDER

-                                                      | SWT.VIRTUAL

-                                                      | SWT.MULTI

-                                                      | SWT.FULL_SELECTION );

-    this.tableResizingActions.setHeaderVisible( true );

-    this.tableResizingActions.setLinesVisible( false );

-    this.tableResizingActions.getHorizontalBar().setEnabled( false );

-    GridData gdRA;

-    gdRA = new GridData( 300, this.tableResizingActions.getItemHeight() * 4 );

-    gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    gdRA.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.tableResizingActions.setLayoutData( gdRA );

-    TableLayout tableLayoutRA = new TableLayout();

-    this.tableResizingActions.setLayout( tableLayoutRA );

-    TableColumn nameColumnRA = new TableColumn( this.tableResizingActions,

-                                                SWT.CENTER );

-    nameColumnRA.setText( "Strategy" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    nameColumnRA.setWidth( 100 );

-    ColumnWeightData dataRA = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

-    tableLayoutRA.addColumnData( dataRA );

-    // Set the Elasticity Actions table viewer

-    ResizingActionsProvider RAProvider = new ResizingActionsProvider();

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer = new TableViewer( this.tableResizingActions );

-    IStructuredContentProvider contentProviderRA = RAProvider.RAContentProvider;

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setContentProvider( contentProviderRA );

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setLabelProvider( RAProvider.RAContentLabelProvider );

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setInput( this.appComponentResizingActions );

-    // Add Elasticity Strategy button

-    this.addButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.addButtonRA.setText( "Add" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    // Listener for Adding Elasticity Strategy button

-    this.addButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {

+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  // Add section components to the toolkit

+  toolkit.adapt( this.table, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.addButton, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.removeButton, true, true );

+  this.section.setClient( client );

+  // Application Component Elasticity Actions Section

+  this.sectionRA = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );

+  this.sectionRA.setText( "Elasticity Strategies" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  Composite clientRA = toolkit.createComposite( this.sectionRA, SWT.WRAP );

+  Composite clientRA1 = toolkit.createComposite( clientRA, SWT.WRAP );

+  Composite clientRA2 = toolkit.createComposite( clientRA, SWT.WRAP );

+  GridLayout layoutRA;

+  layoutRA = new GridLayout();

+  layoutRA.numColumns = 2;

+  layoutRA.marginTop = 15;

+  layoutRA.verticalSpacing = 15;

+  layoutRA.marginWidth = 2;

+  layoutRA.marginHeight = 2;

+  clientRA.setLayout( layoutRA );

+  layoutRA = new GridLayout();

+  layoutRA.numColumns = 1;

+  clientRA1.setLayout( layoutRA );

+  layoutRA = new GridLayout();

+  layoutRA.numColumns = 1;

+  clientRA2.setLayout( layoutRA );

+  this.tableResizingActions = new Table( clientRA1, SWT.BORDER

+                                                    | SWT.VIRTUAL

+                                                    | SWT.MULTI

+                                                    | SWT.FULL_SELECTION );

+  this.tableResizingActions.setHeaderVisible( true );

+  this.tableResizingActions.setLinesVisible( false );

+  this.tableResizingActions.getHorizontalBar().setEnabled( false );

+  GridData gdRA;

+  gdRA = new GridData( 300, this.tableResizingActions.getItemHeight() * 4 );

+  gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  gdRA.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.tableResizingActions.setLayoutData( gdRA );

+  TableLayout tableLayoutRA = new TableLayout();

+  this.tableResizingActions.setLayout( tableLayoutRA );

+  TableColumn nameColumnRA = new TableColumn( this.tableResizingActions,

+                                              SWT.CENTER );

+  nameColumnRA.setText( "Strategy" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  nameColumnRA.setWidth( 100 );

+  ColumnWeightData dataRA = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

+  tableLayoutRA.addColumnData( dataRA );

+  // Set the Elasticity Actions table viewer

+  ResizingActionsProvider RAProvider = new ResizingActionsProvider();

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer = new TableViewer( this.tableResizingActions );

+  IStructuredContentProvider contentProviderRA = RAProvider.RAContentProvider;

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setContentProvider( contentProviderRA );

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setLabelProvider( RAProvider.RAContentLabelProvider );

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setInput( this.appComponentResizingActions );

+  // Add Elasticity Strategy button

+  this.addButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.addButtonRA.setText( "Add" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  // Listener for Adding Elasticity Strategy button

+  this.addButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        editDataStagingEntryRA( getSelectedObject() );

-      }

+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      editDataStagingEntryRA( getSelectedObject() );

+    }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    gdRA = new GridData();

-    gdRA.widthHint = 80;

-    gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.addButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );


-    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


-    // Add Elasticity Strategy Executable button

-    this.addExecutableButton = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.addExecutableButton.setText( "Exectutable" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    // Listener for Adding Elasticity Strategy button

-    this.addExecutableButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {

+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  gdRA = new GridData();

+  gdRA.widthHint = 80;

+  gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.addButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

+  // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

+  // Add Elasticity Strategy Executable button

+  this.addExecutableButton = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.addExecutableButton.setText( "Exectutable" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  // Listener for Adding Elasticity Strategy button

+  this.addExecutableButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        addResizingActionExecutable( parent, getSelectedElasticityStrategy() );

-      }

+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      addResizingActionExecutable( parent, getSelectedElasticityStrategy() );

+    }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    gdRA = new GridData();

-    gdRA.widthHint = 80;

-    gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.addExecutableButton.setLayoutData( gdRA );


+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  gdRA = new GridData();

+  gdRA.widthHint = 80;

+  gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.addExecutableButton.setLayoutData( gdRA );

+  // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

+  this.removeButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.removeButtonRA.setText( "Remove" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  // Listener for Remove Elasticity Strategy button

+  this.removeButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////



-    this.removeButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.removeButtonRA.setText( "Remove" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    // Listener for Remove Elasticity Strategy button

-    this.removeButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {

+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      removeApplicationComponentResizingAction( getSelectedElasticityStrategy() );

+    }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        removeApplicationComponentResizingAction( getSelectedElasticityStrategy() );

-      }

+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  gdRA = new GridData();

+  gdRA.widthHint = 80;

+  gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.removeButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

+  this.conditionButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.conditionButtonRA.setText( "Condition" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  // Listener for Remove Elasticity Strategy button

+  this.conditionButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    gdRA = new GridData();

-    gdRA.widthHint = 80;

-    gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.removeButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

-    this.conditionButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.conditionButtonRA.setText( "Condition" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    // Listener for Remove Elasticity Strategy button

-    this.conditionButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {

+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      addStrategyCondition( getSelectedElasticityStrategy() );

+    }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        addStrategyCondition( getSelectedElasticityStrategy() );

-      }

+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  gdRA = new GridData();

+  gdRA.widthHint = 80;

+  gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.conditionButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

+  // Add section components to the toolkit

+  toolkit.adapt( this.tableResizingActions, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.removeButtonRA, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.addButtonRA, true, true );

+  // toolkit.adapt( this.uploadButtonRA, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.conditionButtonRA, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.addExecutableButton, true, true );

+  this.sectionRA.setClient( clientRA );



-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    gdRA = new GridData();

-    gdRA.widthHint = 80;

-    gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.conditionButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

-    // Add section components to the toolkit

-    toolkit.adapt( this.tableResizingActions, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.removeButtonRA, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.addButtonRA, true, true );

-    // toolkit.adapt( this.uploadButtonRA, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.conditionButtonRA, true, true );


-    toolkit.adapt( this.addExecutableButton, true, true);

-    this.sectionRA.setClient( clientRA );

-  }

+// Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement

+void editDataStagingEntry( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

+  ElasticityConstraintDialog dialog;

+  if( selectedObject == null ) {

+    // Add button is pressed

+    dialog = new ElasticityConstraintDialog( this.section.getShell(),

+                                             "Application Component" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+    if( == Window.OK ) {

+      String newElasticityConstraint = dialog.getElasticityConstraint();


-  // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement

-  void editDataStagingEntry( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

-    ElasticityConstraintDialog dialog;

-    if( selectedObject == null ) {

-      // Add button is pressed

-      dialog = new ElasticityConstraintDialog( this.section.getShell(),

-                                               "Application Component" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-      if( == Window.OK ) {

-        String newElasticityConstraint = dialog.getElasticityConstraint();


+      if( newElasticityConstraint != null ) {


-        if (newElasticityConstraint.contains( "<" )){

+        if( newElasticityConstraint.contains( "<" ) ) {

           String[] cond = newElasticityConstraint.split( "<" );

-          newElasticityConstraint = cond[0] + "&lt;" + cond[1];

-        }

-        else if (newElasticityConstraint.contains( ">" )){

+          newElasticityConstraint = cond[ 0 ] + "&lt;" + cond[ 1 ];

+        } else if( newElasticityConstraint.contains( ">" ) ) {

           String[] cond = newElasticityConstraint.split( ">" );

-          newElasticityConstraint = cond[0] + "&gt;" + cond[1];

+          newElasticityConstraint = cond[ 0 ] + "&gt;" + cond[ 1 ];




-        SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription newSYBLConstraint = dialog.getSYBLConstraint();

-        if( newElasticityConstraint != null ) {

-          // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement to TOSCA

-          PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-          Object bo = null;

-          if( pe != null ) {

-            bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-              .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-          }

-          final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate;

-          if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

-            PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()

-              .getPictogramElementParent( pe );

-            nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()

-              .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

-          } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

-            nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

-          }

-          if( nodeTemplate.getPolicies() == null ) {

-            final PoliciesType nodePolicyList = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType();

-            TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( nodeTemplate );

-            editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-              .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-                @Override

-                protected void doExecute() {

-                  nodeTemplate.setPolicies( nodePolicyList );

-                }

-              } );

-          }

-          PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

-          final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

-          final TPolicy newPolicy = createNewPolicy( "Constraint",

-                                                     newElasticityConstraint, newSYBLConstraint );

+        // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement to TOSCA

+        PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+        Object bo = null;

+        if( pe != null ) {

+          bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+            .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+        }

+        final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate;

+        if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

+          PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()

+            .getPictogramElementParent( pe );

+          nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()

+            .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

+        } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

+          nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

+        }

+        if( nodeTemplate.getPolicies() == null ) {

+          final PoliciesType nodePolicyList = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType();

           TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( nodeTemplate );


             .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {



               protected void doExecute() {

-                policy.add( newPolicy );

+                nodeTemplate.setPolicies( nodePolicyList );


             } );

-          // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement to temp list

-          this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.add( newPolicy );

-          this.tableViewer.refresh();

-        } else {


+        PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

+        final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

+        final TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();

+        String type = "Constraint";

+        QName policyTypeName = new QName( "",

+                                          type,

+                                          null );

+        newPolicy.setPolicyType( policyTypeName );

+        newPolicy.setName( type.toUpperCase() + " " + newElasticityConstraint );


+        String id = "C" + ( ( Integer )nodeTemplate.hashCode() ).toString() + nodePolicyList.getPolicy().size();

+        QName qnamePolicyTemplate = new QName( id );

+        newPolicy.setPolicyRef( qnamePolicyTemplate );


+        TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( nodeTemplate );

+        editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+          .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


+            @Override

+            protected void doExecute() {

+              policy.add( newPolicy );

+            }

+          } );

+        // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement to temp list

+        this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.add( newPolicy );

+        this.tableViewer.refresh();






-  void editDataStagingEntryRA( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

-    ElasticityStrategyDialog dialog;

-    if( selectedObject == null ) {

-      // Add button is pressed

-      dialog = new ElasticityStrategyDialog( this.section.getShell(),

-                                             "Application Component" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-      if( == Window.OK ) {

-        String newElasticityStrategy = dialog.getElasticityStrategy();

-        SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription newSYBLStrategy = dialog.getSYBLStrategy();

-        if( newElasticityStrategy != null ) {

-          // Add Application Component Elasticity Strategy to TOSCA

-          PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-          Object bo = null;

-          if( pe != null ) {

-            bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-              .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-          }

-          final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate;

-          if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

-            PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()

-              .getPictogramElementParent( pe );

-            nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()

-              .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

-          } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

-            nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

-          }

-          if( nodeTemplate.getPolicies() == null ) {

-            final PoliciesType nodePolicyList = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType();

-            TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

-            editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-              .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {

+void editDataStagingEntryRA( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

+  ElasticityStrategyDialog dialog;

+  if( selectedObject == null ) {

+    // Add button is pressed


+    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+    Object bo = null;

+    if( pe != null ) {

+      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+    }

+    final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate;

+    if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

+      PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()

+        .getPictogramElementParent( pe );

+      nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()

+        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

+    } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

+      nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

+    }


+    dialog = new ElasticityStrategyDialog( this.section.getShell(),

+                                           "Application Component", nodeTemplate.getName() ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+    if( == Window.OK ) {

+      String newElasticityStrategy = dialog.getElasticityStrategy();

+      if( newElasticityStrategy != null ) {

+        // Add Application Component Elasticity Strategy to TOSCA


-                @Override

-                protected void doExecute() {

-                  nodeTemplate.setPolicies( nodePolicyList );

-                }

-              } );

-          }

-          PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

-          final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

-          final TPolicy newPolicy = createNewPolicy( "Strategy",

-                                                     newElasticityStrategy, newSYBLStrategy );

+        if( nodeTemplate.getPolicies() == null ) {

+          final PoliciesType nodePolicyList = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType();

           TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );


             .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {



               protected void doExecute() {

-                policy.add( newPolicy );

+                nodeTemplate.setPolicies( nodePolicyList );


             } );

-          this.appComponentResizingActions.add( newPolicy );

-          this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();

-        } else {

-          // Edit


+        PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

+        final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

+        final TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();

+        String type = "Strategy";

+        QName policyTypeName = new QName( "",

+                                          type,

+                                          null );

+        newPolicy.setPolicyType( policyTypeName );

+        newPolicy.setName( type.toUpperCase() + " " + newElasticityStrategy );


+        String id = "C" + ( ( Integer )nodeTemplate.hashCode() ).toString() + nodePolicyList.getPolicy().size();

+        QName qnamePolicyTemplate = new QName( id );

+        newPolicy.setPolicyRef( qnamePolicyTemplate );


+        TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

+        editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+          .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


+            @Override

+            protected void doExecute() {

+              policy.add( newPolicy );

+            }

+          } );

+        this.appComponentResizingActions.add( newPolicy );

+        this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();

+      } else {

+        // Edit






+void addStrategyCondition( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

+  if( selectedObject == null )

+    return;

+  TNodeTemplate nodeTemplate = null;

+  if( getSelectedPictogramElement() != null )

+    nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplate )Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( getSelectedPictogramElement() );

+  ElasticityConditionDialog dialog;

+  ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

+  dialog = new ElasticityConditionDialog( this.section.getShell(),

+                                          "Application Component",

+                                          model,

+                                          selectedObject.getName() ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  String newElasticityCondition = null;

+  if( == Window.OK ) {

+    newElasticityCondition = dialog.getSelectedCondition();

+  }

+  if( newElasticityCondition == null )

+    return;

+  // final String condition = newElasticityCondition;

+  String newCond = newElasticityCondition;

+  if( newCond.contains( "<" ) ) {

+    String[] cond = newCond.split( "<" );

+    newCond = cond[ 0 ] + "&lt;" + cond[ 1 ];

+  } else if( newCond.contains( ">" ) ) {

+    String[] cond = newCond.split( ">" );

+    newCond = cond[ 0 ] + "&gt;" + cond[ 1 ];

+  }

+  final String condition = newCond;

+  TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( nodeTemplate );

+  editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+    .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-  // type is either "Constraint" or "Strategy"

-  TPolicy createNewPolicy(String type, String policyName, SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription syblPolicy){

+      @Override

+      protected void doExecute() {

+        String[] strategy = selectedObject.getName().split( "STRATEGY" );

+        selectedObject.setName( strategy[ 0 ]

+                                + "STRATEGY "

+                                + condition

+                                + " :"

+                                + strategy[ 1 ] );

+      }

+    } );

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();



-    // Create Policy Template 


-    final TPolicyTemplate newPolicyTemplate = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicyTemplate();


-    QName policyTypeName = new QName( "", type, null );


-    newPolicyTemplate.setType( policyTypeName );


-    String id = "C" + ( ( Integer )newPolicyTemplate.hashCode() ).toString();


-    newPolicyTemplate.setId( id );

+// Remove the selected Application Component Elasticity Requirement from TOSCA

+void removeApplicationComponentElasticityRequirement( final TPolicy selectedObject )


+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  Object bo = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+  }

+  final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate;

+  if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

+    PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()

+      .getPictogramElementParent( pe );

+    nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

+  } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

+    nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

+  }

+  PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

+  final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

+  TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

+  editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+    .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {



-    // Set the Properties of the Policy Template    


-    PropertiesType properties = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropertiesType();    


-    // Add the SYBL Policy to the FeatureMap of the Policy's Properties element

-    Entry e = FeatureMapUtil.createEntry(     SyblPackage.eINSTANCE.getDocumentRoot_SYBLElasticityRequirementsDescription(),  syblPolicy );

-    properties.getAny().add( e );      


-    newPolicyTemplate.setProperties( properties );


-    // Add the new Policy Template to the TOSCA Definitions element


-    final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );


-    DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions();


-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( definitions );

-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-        @Override

-        protected void doExecute() {

-          model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getPolicyTemplate().add( newPolicyTemplate );


+      @Override

+      protected void doExecute() {

+        for( TPolicy tempPolicy : policy ) {

+          if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

+            if( tempPolicy.getName().compareTo( selectedObject.getName() ) == 0 )

+            {

+              policy.remove( tempPolicy );

+              if( policy.size() == 0 )

+                nodeTemplate.setPolicies( null );

+              break;

+            }


-      } );


-    // Assign the created Policy Template to the new Policy


-    TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();


-    QName qnamePolicyTemplate = new QName( newPolicyTemplate.getId() );


-    newPolicy.setPolicyType( policyTypeName );  


-    newPolicy.setPolicyRef( qnamePolicyTemplate );


-    newPolicy.setName( type.toUpperCase() + " " + policyName );


-    return newPolicy;

-  }


-  void addStrategyCondition( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

-    if( selectedObject == null )

-      return;

-    TNodeTemplate nodeTemplate = null;

-    if( getSelectedPictogramElement() != null )

-      nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplate )Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( getSelectedPictogramElement() );

-    ElasticityConditionDialog dialog;

-    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-    dialog = new ElasticityConditionDialog( this.section.getShell(),

-                                            "Application Component",

-                                            model,

-                                            selectedObject.getName() ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    String newElasticityCondition = null;

-    ConditionType policyCondition = null;

-    if( == Window.OK ) {

-      newElasticityCondition = dialog.getSelectedCondition();

-      policyCondition = dialog.getSYBLCondition();

-    }

-    if( newElasticityCondition == null )

-      return;


-    //final String condition = newElasticityCondition;


-    String newCond = newElasticityCondition;


-    if (newCond.contains( "<" )){

-      String[] cond = newCond.split( "<" );

-      newCond = cond[0] + "&lt;" + cond[1];

-    }

-    else if (newCond.contains( ">" )){

-      String[] cond = newCond.split( ">" );

-      newCond = cond[0] + "&gt;" + cond[1];

-    }


-    final String condition = newCond;


-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( nodeTemplate );

-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {

+      }

+    } );

+  this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.remove( selectedObject );

+  this.tableViewer.refresh();



-        @Override

-        protected void doExecute() {

-          String[] strategy = selectedObject.getName().split( "STRATEGY" );

-          selectedObject.setName( strategy[ 0 ]

-                                  + "STRATEGY "

-                                  + condition

-                                  + " :" + strategy[ 1 ] );

+// Return the selected Elasticity Requirement

+TPolicy getSelectedObject() {

+  TPolicy result = null;

+  IStructuredSelection selection = ( IStructuredSelection )this.tableViewer.getSelection();

+  Object obj = selection.getFirstElement();

+  result = ( TPolicy )obj;

+  return result;



+// Return the selected Elasticity Action

+TPolicy getSelectedElasticityStrategy() {

+  TPolicy result = null;

+  IStructuredSelection selection = ( IStructuredSelection )this.tableResizingActionsViewer.getSelection();

+  Object obj = selection.getFirstElement();

+  result = ( TPolicy )obj;

+  return result;




+ * Get Application Component Elasticity Actions

+ */

+public void getResizingActions() {

+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  Object bo = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+  }

+  final TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent;

+  if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

+    PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()

+      .getPictogramElementParent( pe );

+    appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

+  } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

+    appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

+  }


+  if( appComponent == null || appComponent.getPolicies() == null )

+    return;

+  PoliciesType nodePolicyList = appComponent.getPolicies();

+  for( TPolicy tempPolicy : nodePolicyList.getPolicy() ) {

+    if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Strategy" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

+      this.appComponentResizingActions.add( tempPolicy );

+  }




+ * Get Application Component Elasticity Constraints

+ */

+public void getElasticityConstraints() {

+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  Object bo = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+  }

+  final TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent;

+  if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

+    PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()

+      .getPictogramElementParent( pe );

+    appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

+  } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

+    appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

+  }


+  if( appComponent == null || appComponent.getPolicies() == null )

+    return;

+  PoliciesType nodePolicyList = appComponent.getPolicies();

+  for( TPolicy tempPolicy : nodePolicyList.getPolicy() ) {

+    if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

+      this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.add( tempPolicy );

+  }



+// Remove Application Component Elasticity Action

+void removeApplicationComponentResizingAction( final TPolicy selectedObject )


+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  Object bo = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+  }

+  final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate;

+  if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

+    PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()

+      .getPictogramElementParent( pe );

+    nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

+  } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

+    nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

+  }

+  PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

+  final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

+  TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

+  editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+    .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


+      @Override

+      protected void doExecute() {

+        for( TPolicy tempPolicy : policy ) {

+          if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Strategy" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

+            if( tempPolicy.getName().compareTo( selectedObject.getName() ) == 0 )

+            {

+              policy.remove( tempPolicy );

+              if( policy.size() == 0 )

+                nodeTemplate.setPolicies( null );

+              break;

+            }


-      } );

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();


-    //addPolicyCondition( selectedObject, policyCondition);

-  }


-//  void addPolicyCondition(final TPolicy selectedPolicy, final ConditionType policyCondition){


-//    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-//    EList<TPolicyTemplate> policyTemplates = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getPolicyTemplate();

-//    TPolicyTemplate policyTemplate = null;

-//    for ( TPolicyTemplate tempPolicyTemplate : policyTemplates ){

-//      if (tempPolicyTemplate.getId().toString().equals(selectedPolicy.getPolicyRef().toString())){

-//        policyTemplate = tempPolicyTemplate;

-//        break;

-//      }      

-//    }


-//    final SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription syblPolicy = (SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription) policyTemplate.getProperties().getAny().get(0).getValue();

-//    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( policyTemplate );

-//    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-//      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-//        @Override

-//        protected void doExecute() {

-//          syblPolicy.getSYBLSpecification().get( 0 ).getStrategy().get( 0 ).setCondition( policyCondition );

-//        }

-//      } );

-//  }

+      }

+    } );

+  this.appComponentResizingActions.remove( selectedObject );

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();



-  // Remove the selected Application Component Elasticity Requirement from TOSCA

-  void removeApplicationComponentElasticityRequirement( final TPolicy selectedObject )

-  {

-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-    }

-    final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate;

-    if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

-      PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()

-        .getPictogramElementParent( pe );

-      nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

-    } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

-      nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

-    }

-    PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

-    final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-        @Override

-        protected void doExecute() {

-          for( TPolicy tempPolicy : policy ) {

-            if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

-              if( tempPolicy.getName().compareTo( selectedObject.getName() ) == 0 )

-              {

-                policy.remove( tempPolicy );

-                if( policy.size() == 0 )

-                  nodeTemplate.setPolicies( null );

-                // remove corresponding Policy Template

-                String removedPolicyId = tempPolicy.getPolicyRef().toString();

-                ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-                DefinitionsType toscaDefinitions = model.getDocumentRoot()

-                  .getDefinitions();

-                final EList<TPolicyTemplate> policyTemplate = toscaDefinitions.getPolicyTemplate();

-                for( TPolicyTemplate tempPolicyTemplate : policyTemplate ) {

-                  if( tempPolicyTemplate.getId().equals( removedPolicyId ) ) {

-                    policyTemplate.remove( tempPolicyTemplate );

-                  }

-                }

-                break;

-              }

-          }

-        }

-      } );

-    this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.remove( selectedObject );

-    this.tableViewer.refresh();

-  }


-  // Return the selected Elasticity Requirement

-  TPolicy getSelectedObject() {

-    TPolicy result = null;

-    IStructuredSelection selection = ( IStructuredSelection )this.tableViewer.getSelection();

-    Object obj = selection.getFirstElement();

-    result = ( TPolicy )obj;

-    return result;

-  }


-  // Return the selected Elasticity Action

-  TPolicy getSelectedElasticityStrategy() {

-    TPolicy result = null;

-    IStructuredSelection selection = ( IStructuredSelection )this.tableResizingActionsViewer.getSelection();

-    Object obj = selection.getFirstElement();

-    result = ( TPolicy )obj;

-    return result;

-  }


-  /**

-   * Get Application Component Elasticity Actions

-   */

-  public void getResizingActions() {

+void addResizingActionExecutable( final Composite parent,

+                                  final TPolicy selectedObject )


+  if( selectedObject == null )

+    return;

+  FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog( parent.getShell(), SWT.OPEN );

+  dialog.setText( "Select Executable File" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  String result =;

+  if( result != null ) {

     PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

     Object bo = null;

     if( pe != null ) {

@@ -728,331 +741,205 @@
     } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

       appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;


-    PoliciesType nodePolicyList = appComponent.getPolicies();

-    if( nodePolicyList == null )

-      return;

-    for( TPolicy tempPolicy : nodePolicyList.getPolicy() ) {

-      if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Strategy" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

-        this.appComponentResizingActions.add( tempPolicy );

-    }

-  }


-  /**

-   * Get Application Component Elasticity Constraints

-   */

-  public void getElasticityConstraints() {

-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-    }

-    final TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent;

-    if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

-      PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()

-        .getPictogramElementParent( pe );

-      appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

-    } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

-      appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

-    }

-    PoliciesType nodePolicyList = appComponent.getPolicies();

-    if( nodePolicyList == null )

-      return;

-    for( TPolicy tempPolicy : nodePolicyList.getPolicy() ) {

-      if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

-        this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.add( tempPolicy );

-    }

-  }


-  // Remove Application Component Elasticity Action

-  void removeApplicationComponentResizingAction( final TPolicy selectedObject )

-  {

-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-    }

-    final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate;

-    if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

-      PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()

-        .getPictogramElementParent( pe );

-      nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

-    } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

-      nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

-    }

-    PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

-    final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-        @Override

-        protected void doExecute() {

-          for( TPolicy tempPolicy : policy ) {

-            if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Strategy" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

-              if( tempPolicy.getName().compareTo( selectedObject.getName() ) == 0 )

-              {

-                policy.remove( tempPolicy );

-                if( policy.size() == 0 )

-                  nodeTemplate.setPolicies( null );

-                // remove corresponding Policy Template

-                String removedPolicyId = tempPolicy.getPolicyRef().toString();

-                ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-                DefinitionsType toscaDefinitions = model.getDocumentRoot()

-                  .getDefinitions();

-                final EList<TPolicyTemplate> policyTemplate = toscaDefinitions.getPolicyTemplate();

-                for( TPolicyTemplate tempPolicyTemplate : policyTemplate ) {

-                  if( tempPolicyTemplate.getId().equals( removedPolicyId ) ) {

-                    policyTemplate.remove( tempPolicyTemplate );

-                  }

-                }

-                break;

-              }

-          }

-        }

-      } );

-    this.appComponentResizingActions.remove( selectedObject );

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();

-  }


-  void addResizingActionExecutable( final Composite parent, final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

+    // Create Resizing Artifact Template


-    if (selectedObject == null)

-      return;

+    CreateArtifactTemplate artTempl = new CreateArtifactTemplate(dialog.getFileName(), new QName("RA"), ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) ));


-    FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog( parent.getShell(), SWT.OPEN );

-    dialog.setText( "Select Executable File" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+    // Create Implementation Artifact

+    String operationName = selectedObject.getName();

+    // String operationName = "";

+    createImplementationArtifact( operationName,

+                                  dialog.getFileName(),

+                                  new QName( appComponent.getName() ),

+                                  new QName( dialog.getFileName() ) );


-    String result =;


-    if( result != null ) {


-      PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-      Object bo = null;

-      if( pe != null ) {

-        bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-          .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-      }

-      final TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent;

-      if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

-        PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()

-          .getPictogramElementParent( pe );

-        appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()

-          .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

-      } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

-        appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

-      }

-      //Create Resizing Artifact Template

-      createArtifactTemplate(appComponent.getName(), dialog.getFileName());


-      //Create Implementation Artifact

-      String operationName = selectedObject.getName();

-      //String operationName = "";

-      createImplementationArtifact( operationName, dialog.getFileName(), new QName(appComponent.getName()), new QName(appComponent.getName()+"_"+ dialog.getFileName() +"_"+"Script"));


-      // Add uploaded resizing scripts to Project Artifacts folder    


-      IWorkbenchPage activePage = PlatformUI.getWorkbench()

-        .getActiveWorkbenchWindow()

-        .getActivePage();

-      IEditorInput input = activePage.getActiveEditor().getEditorInput();

-      IFile file = null;

-      if( input instanceof ToscaDiagramEditorInput ) {

-        file = ( ( ToscaDiagramEditorInput )input ).getToscaFile();

-      }

-      IProject project = file.getProject();

-      String targetPath = Platform.getLocation()

-                          + File.separator + project.getName() + File.separator + "Artifacts" + File.separator + "Reconfiguration Scripts" + File.separator + dialog.getFileName(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$


-      File tmp = new File( targetPath );

-      try {

-        tmp.createNewFile();   

-      } catch( IOException e1 ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

-        e1.printStackTrace();

-      }


-      copySelectedFileToCloudProject( new File(result), tmp );


-      IProgressMonitor monitor = null;

-      try {

-        CloudModel.getRoot().refresh( monitor );

-      } catch( ProblemException e2 ) {

-        e2.printStackTrace();

-      }

-      // Refresh Palette Compartments

-      getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

-        .getDiagramTypeProvider()

-        .getDiagramBehavior()

-        .refreshPalette();

+    // Add uploaded resizing scripts to Project Artifacts folder

+    IWorkbenchPage activePage = PlatformUI.getWorkbench()

+      .getActiveWorkbenchWindow()

+      .getActivePage();

+    IEditorInput input = activePage.getActiveEditor().getEditorInput();

+    IFile file = null;

+    if( input instanceof ToscaDiagramEditorInput ) {

+      file = ( ( ToscaDiagramEditorInput )input ).getToscaFile();


-  }


-  private void copySelectedFileToCloudProject(File source, File destination){


-    InputStream selection = null;

-    OutputStream output = null;

+    IProject project = file.getProject();

+    String targetPath = Platform.getLocation()

+                        + System.getProperty( "file.separator" )

+                        + project.getName()

+                        + System.getProperty( "file.separator" )

+                        + "Artifacts" + System.getProperty( "file.separator" ) + "Reconfiguration Scripts" + System.getProperty( "file.separator" ) + dialog.getFileName(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

+    File tmp = new File( targetPath );

     try {

-      try {

-        selection = new FileInputStream(source);

-      } catch( FileNotFoundException e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

-        e.printStackTrace();

-      }

+      tmp.createNewFile();

+    } catch( IOException e1 ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated catch block

+      e1.printStackTrace();

+    }

+    copySelectedFileToCloudProject( new File( result ), tmp );

+    IProgressMonitor monitor = null;

     try {

-      output = new FileOutputStream(destination);

+      CloudModel.getRoot().refresh( monitor );

+    } catch( ProblemException e2 ) {

+      e2.printStackTrace();

+    }

+//    // Refresh Palette Compartments

+//    getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()

+//      .getDiagramTypeProvider()

+//      .getDiagramBehavior()

+//      .refreshPalette();

+  }



+private void copySelectedFileToCloudProject( File source, File destination ) {

+  InputStream selection = null;

+  OutputStream output = null;

+  try {

+    try {

+      selection = new FileInputStream( source );

     } catch( FileNotFoundException e ) {

       // TODO Auto-generated catch block



-    byte[] buf = new byte[1024];

+    try {

+      output = new FileOutputStream( destination );

+    } catch( FileNotFoundException e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated catch block

+      e.printStackTrace();

+    }

+    byte[] buf = new byte[ 1024 ];

     int bytesRead;

-     try {

-      while ((bytesRead = > 0) {

-      output.write(buf, 0, bytesRead);

+    try {

+      while( ( bytesRead = buf ) ) > 0 ) {

+        output.write( buf, 0, bytesRead );


     } catch( IOException e ) {

       // TODO Auto-generated catch block



-    } finally {

-      try {

-        selection.close();

-        output.close();

-      } catch( IOException e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

-        e.printStackTrace();

-      }


+  } finally {

+    try {

+      selection.close();

+      output.close();

+    } catch( IOException e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated catch block

+      e.printStackTrace();




-  private void createArtifactTemplate(String nodeName, String artifactName){


-    //Create Artifact Template

-    final TArtifactTemplate artifactTemplate = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTArtifactTemplate();


-    //Create Script Artifact Properties

-    ScriptArtifactPropertiesType scriptProperties = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE.createScriptArtifactPropertiesType();

-    scriptProperties.setLanguage( "Shell" );


-    // Set the Properties of the Policy Template    

-    PropertiesType properties = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropertiesType();   


-    // Add the SYBL Policy to the FeatureMap of the Policy's Properties element

-    Entry e = FeatureMapUtil.createEntry(     Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getDocumentRoot_ScriptArtifactProperties(),  scriptProperties );

-    properties.getAny().add( e );      


-    artifactTemplate.setProperties( properties );


-    artifactTemplate.setId( nodeName + "_" + artifactName + "_" + "Script" );



-    // Set artifact ref

-    TArtifactReference artifactRef = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTArtifactReference();

-    artifactRef.setReference( "Scripts"+ File.separator + artifactName);



-    ArtifactReferencesType artifactRefType = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createArtifactReferencesType();

-    artifactRefType.getArtifactReference().add( artifactRef );


-    artifactTemplate.setArtifactReferences( artifactRefType );


-    // Add the new Artifact Template to the TOSCA Definitions element


-    final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );


-    DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions();


+private void createArtifactTemplate( String nodeName, String artifactName ) {

+  // Create Artifact Template

+  final TArtifactTemplate artifactTemplate = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTArtifactTemplate();

+  // Create Script Artifact Properties

+  ScriptArtifactPropertiesType scriptProperties = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE.createScriptArtifactPropertiesType();

+  scriptProperties.setLanguage( "Shell" );

+  // Set the Properties of the Policy Template

+  PropertiesType properties = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropertiesType();

+  // Add the SYBL Policy to the FeatureMap of the Policy's Properties element

+  Entry e = FeatureMapUtil.createEntry( Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getDocumentRoot_ScriptArtifactProperties(),

+                                        scriptProperties );

+  properties.getAny().add( e );

+  artifactTemplate.setProperties( properties );

+  artifactTemplate.setId( nodeName + "_" + artifactName + "_" + "Script" );

+  artifactTemplate.setType( new QName( "ScriptArtifact" ) );

+  // Set artifact ref

+  TArtifactReference artifactRef = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTArtifactReference();

+  artifactRef.setReference( "Scripts" + System.getProperty( "file.separator" ) + artifactName );

+  ArtifactReferencesType artifactRefType = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createArtifactReferencesType();

+  artifactRefType.getArtifactReference().add( artifactRef );

+  artifactTemplate.setArtifactReferences( artifactRefType );

+  // Add the new Artifact Template to the TOSCA Definitions element

+  final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

+  DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions();

+  TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( definitions );

+  editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+    .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


+      @Override

+      protected void doExecute() {

+        model.getDocumentRoot()

+          .getDefinitions()

+          .getArtifactTemplate()

+          .add( artifactTemplate );

+      }

+    } );



+// Creates the install implementation artifact

+private ImplementationArtifactType createImplementationArtifact( String resizingActionName,

+                                                                 String artifactName,

+                                                                 QName nodeType,

+                                                                 QName artifactID )


+  final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

+  final DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot()

+    .getDefinitions();

+  TNodeTypeImplementation nodeTypeImplementation = null;

+  // Test if NodeTypeImplementation for nodeType already exists

+  for( TNodeTypeImplementation tempNodeTypeImplementation : definitions.getNodeTypeImplementation() )

+  {

+    if( tempNodeTypeImplementation.getNodeType()

+      .toString()

+      .equals( nodeType.toString() ) )

+    {

+      // NodeTypeImplementation already exists

+      // We are going to add the artifact to the existing implementation

+      nodeTypeImplementation = tempNodeTypeImplementation;

+    }

+  }

+  if( nodeTypeImplementation == null ) {

+    // NodeTypeImplementation does not exists

+    final TNodeTypeImplementation newNodeTypeImplementation = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTNodeTypeImplementation();

+    newNodeTypeImplementation.setNodeType( nodeType );

+    TImplementationArtifacts implementationArtifacts = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTImplementationArtifacts();

+    newNodeTypeImplementation.setImplementationArtifacts( implementationArtifacts );

     TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( definitions );


       .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {



         protected void doExecute() {

-          model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getArtifactTemplate().add( artifactTemplate );


+          definitions.getNodeTypeImplementation()

+            .add( newNodeTypeImplementation );


       } );


+    nodeTypeImplementation = newNodeTypeImplementation;




-  //Creates the install implementation artifact

-  private ImplementationArtifactType createImplementationArtifact(String resizingActionName, String artifactName, QName nodeType, QName artifactID){


-    final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );


-    final DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions();


-    TNodeTypeImplementation nodeTypeImplementation = null;


-    //Test if NodeTypeImplementation for nodeType already exists

-    for ( TNodeTypeImplementation tempNodeTypeImplementation : definitions.getNodeTypeImplementation() ){

-      if ( tempNodeTypeImplementation.getNodeType().toString().equals(nodeType.toString()) ){

-        //NodeTypeImplementation already exists

-        //We are going to add the artifact to the existing implementation

-        nodeTypeImplementation = tempNodeTypeImplementation;

+  // Create Implementation Artifact

+  final ImplementationArtifactType installArtifactType = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createImplementationArtifactType();

+  installArtifactType.setArtifactType( new QName( "ScriptArtifact" ) );

+  installArtifactType.setArtifactRef( artifactID );

+  installArtifactType.setInterfaceName( "Lifecycle" );

+  installArtifactType.setOperationName( resizingActionName );

+  final TNodeTypeImplementation nodeImplementation = nodeTypeImplementation;

+  TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( nodeTypeImplementation );

+  editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+    .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


+      @Override

+      protected void doExecute() {

+        nodeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts()

+          .getImplementationArtifact()

+          .add( installArtifactType );


-    }


-    if ( nodeTypeImplementation == null ){

-      //NodeTypeImplementation does not exists

-      final TNodeTypeImplementation newNodeTypeImplementation = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTNodeTypeImplementation();

-      newNodeTypeImplementation.setNodeType( nodeType );

-      TImplementationArtifacts implementationArtifacts = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTImplementationArtifacts();

-      newNodeTypeImplementation.setImplementationArtifacts( implementationArtifacts );


-      TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( definitions );

-      editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-        .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {

+    } );

+  return installArtifactType;



-          @Override

-          protected void doExecute() {

-            definitions.getNodeTypeImplementation().add( newNodeTypeImplementation );


-          }

-        } );

-      nodeTypeImplementation = newNodeTypeImplementation;

-    }


-    //Create Implementation Artifact

-    final ImplementationArtifactType installArtifactType = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createImplementationArtifactType();

-    installArtifactType.setArtifactType( new QName("ScriptArtifact") );

-    installArtifactType.setArtifactRef( artifactID );

-    installArtifactType.setInterfaceName( "Lifecycle" );

-    installArtifactType.setOperationName( resizingActionName );


-    final TNodeTypeImplementation nodeImplementation = nodeTypeImplementation;

-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( nodeTypeImplementation );

-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-        @Override

-        protected void doExecute() {

-          nodeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts().getImplementationArtifact().add( installArtifactType );


-        }

-      } );    


-    return installArtifactType;

-  }

-  /*

-   * Refresh Elasticity Tab(non-Javadoc)

-   * @see

-   *

-   */

-  @Override

-  public void refresh() {

-    // Refresh Elasticity Constraints

-    this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.clear();

-    getElasticityConstraints();

-    this.tableViewer.refresh();

-    // Refresh Elasticity Actions

-    this.appComponentResizingActions.clear();

-    getResizingActions();

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();

-  }


+ * Refresh Elasticity Tab(non-Javadoc)

+ * @see

+ *

+ */


+public void refresh() {

+  // Refresh Elasticity Constraints

+  this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.clear();

+  getElasticityConstraints();

+  this.tableViewer.refresh();

+  // Refresh Elasticity Actions

+  this.appComponentResizingActions.clear();

+  getResizingActions();

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();



diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
index 2059b42..d22d4b2 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
@@ -89,587 +89,728 @@
  * Application Component Properties - Main Tab
 public class ApplicationComponentNameSection extends GFPropertySection
-  implements ITabbedPropertyConstants, ModifyListener, SelectionListener
+implements ITabbedPropertyConstants, ModifyListener, SelectionListener
-  private Text nameText;
-  private Text descrText;
-  private Text imageText;
-  private Text keypairText;
-  private Text initialInstancesText;
-  private Text minInstancesText;
-  private Text maxInstancesText;
-  private CCombo cmbImageSize;
-  private Button uploadImage;
-  private Button keypairSelect;
+private Text nameText;
+private Text imageText;
+private Text keypairText;
+private Text minInstancesText;
+private Text maxInstancesText;
+private CCombo cmbImageSize;
+private Button uploadImage;
+private Button keypairSelect;
-  @Override
-  public void createControls( final Composite parent,
-                              TabbedPropertySheetPage tabbedPropertySheetPage )
-  {
-    super.createControls( parent, tabbedPropertySheetPage );
-    TabbedPropertySheetWidgetFactory factory = getWidgetFactory();
-    FormToolkit toolkit = new FormToolkit( parent.getDisplay() );
-    // Application Component Properties Section\
-    // Application Name label
-    Section section = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );
-    section.setText( "Application Component Properties" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    Composite client = toolkit.createComposite( section, SWT.WRAP );
-    GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();
-    layout.numColumns = 3;
-    layout.marginTop = 15;
-    layout.verticalSpacing = 15;
-    layout.marginWidth = 2;
-    layout.marginHeight = 2;
-    client.setLayout( layout );
-    GridData gd;
-    CLabel valueLabel = factory.createCLabel( client, "Name:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    gd = new GridData();
-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
-    gd.widthHint = 80;
-    // gd.widthHint=STANDARD_LABEL_WIDTH;
-    valueLabel.setLayoutData( gd );
-    // Application Name text
-    this.nameText = factory.createText( client, "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    this.nameText.setEditable( true );
-    gd = new GridData();
-    gd.horizontalSpan = 2;
-    gd.widthHint = 160;
-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    this.nameText.setLayoutData( gd );
-    // Application VM label
-    CLabel imageLabel = factory.createCLabel( client, "VM Image:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    gd = new GridData();
-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
-    gd.widthHint = 80;
-    // gd.widthHint=STANDARD_LABEL_WIDTH;
-    imageLabel.setLayoutData( gd );
-    this.imageText = factory.createText( client, "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    this.imageText.setEditable( true );
-    gd = new GridData();
-    gd.widthHint = 160;
-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    // Application VM text
-    this.imageText.setLayoutData( gd );
-    this.imageText.addModifyListener( this );
-    // VM Upload Image Button
-    this.uploadImage = new Button( client, SWT.PUSH );
-    this.uploadImage.setText( " Add Image... " ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    gd = new GridData();
-    gd.widthHint = 80;
-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    this.uploadImage.setLayoutData( gd );
-    // Listener for Add button
-    this.uploadImage.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {
+private String typesPrefix = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getNsPrefix();
-      @Override
-      public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent e ) {
-        FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog( parent.getShell(), SWT.OPEN );
-        dialog.setText( "Select Image File" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-        // dialog.setFilterExtensions(new String [] {"*.html"});
-        // dialog.setFilterPath("c:\\temp");
-        String result =;
-        if( result != null ) {
-          // Add uploaded image to Project Artifacts folder
-          IWorkbenchPage activePage = PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
-            .getActiveWorkbenchWindow()
-            .getActivePage();
-          IEditorInput input = activePage.getActiveEditor().getEditorInput();
-          IFile file = null;
-          if( input instanceof ToscaDiagramEditorInput ) {
-            file = ( ( ToscaDiagramEditorInput )input ).getToscaFile();
+private String typesNamespace = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getNsURI();
+private String imageType = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getImageArtifactPropertiesType().getName();
+public void createControls( final Composite parent,
+                            TabbedPropertySheetPage tabbedPropertySheetPage )
+  super.createControls( parent, tabbedPropertySheetPage );
+  TabbedPropertySheetWidgetFactory factory = getWidgetFactory();
+  FormToolkit toolkit = new FormToolkit( parent.getDisplay() );
+  // Application Component Properties Section\
+  // Application Name label
+  Section section = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );
+  section.setText( "Application Component Properties" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  Composite client = toolkit.createComposite( section, SWT.WRAP );
+  GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();
+  layout.numColumns = 3;
+  layout.marginTop = 15;
+  layout.verticalSpacing = 15;
+  layout.marginWidth = 2;
+  layout.marginHeight = 2;
+  client.setLayout( layout );
+  GridData gd;
+  CLabel valueLabel = factory.createCLabel( client, "Name:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  gd = new GridData();
+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
+  gd.widthHint = 80;
+  // gd.widthHint=STANDARD_LABEL_WIDTH;
+  valueLabel.setLayoutData( gd );
+  // Application Name text
+  this.nameText = factory.createText( client, "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  this.nameText.setEditable( true );
+  gd = new GridData();
+  gd.horizontalSpan = 2;
+  gd.widthHint = 160;
+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  this.nameText.setLayoutData( gd );
+  // Application VM label
+  CLabel imageLabel = factory.createCLabel( client, "VM Image:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  gd = new GridData();
+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
+  gd.widthHint = 80;
+  // gd.widthHint=STANDARD_LABEL_WIDTH;
+  imageLabel.setLayoutData( gd );
+  this.imageText = factory.createText( client, "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  this.imageText.setEditable( true );
+  gd = new GridData();
+  gd.widthHint = 160;
+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  // Application VM text
+  this.imageText.setLayoutData( gd );
+  this.imageText.addModifyListener( this );
+  // VM Upload Image Button
+  this.uploadImage = new Button( client, SWT.PUSH );
+  this.uploadImage.setText( " Add Image... " ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  gd = new GridData();
+  gd.widthHint = 80;
+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  this.uploadImage.setLayoutData( gd );
+  // Listener for Add button
+  this.uploadImage.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {
+    @Override
+    public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent e ) {
+      FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog( parent.getShell(), SWT.OPEN );
+      dialog.setText( "Select Image File" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+      // dialog.setFilterExtensions(new String [] {"*.html"});
+      // dialog.setFilterPath("c:\\temp");
+      String result =;
+      if( result != null ) {
+        // Add uploaded image to Project Artifacts folder
+        IWorkbenchPage activePage = PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
+          .getActiveWorkbenchWindow()
+          .getActivePage();
+        IEditorInput input = activePage.getActiveEditor().getEditorInput();
+        IFile file = null;
+        if( input instanceof ToscaDiagramEditorInput ) {
+          file = ( ( ToscaDiagramEditorInput )input ).getToscaFile();
+        }
+        IProject project = file.getProject();
+        String targetPath = Platform.getLocation()
+                            + System.getProperty( "file.separator" ) + project.getName() + System.getProperty( "file.separator" ) + "Artifacts"+ System.getProperty( "file.separator" ) + "Virtual Machine Images" + System.getProperty( "file.separator" ) + dialog.getFileName(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+        File tmp = new File( targetPath );
+        try {
+          tmp.createNewFile();
+        } catch( IOException e1 ) {
+          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+          e1.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        // Get image Id
+        BufferedReader reader = null;
+        try {
+          reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader (new File(result)));
+        } catch( FileNotFoundException e3 ) {
+          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+          e3.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        String         line = null;
+        StringBuilder  stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+        try {
+          while( ( line = reader.readLine() ) != null ) {
+              stringBuilder.append( line );
-          IProject project = file.getProject();
-          String targetPath = Platform.getLocation()
-                              + File.separator + project.getName() + File.separator + "Artifacts"+ File.separator + "Virtual Machine Images" + File.separator + dialog.getFileName(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
-          File tmp = new File( targetPath );
+        } catch( IOException e1 ) {
+          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+          e1.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        String imageId = stringBuilder.toString();
+        copySelectedFileToCloudProject( new File(result), tmp );
+        IProgressMonitor monitor = null;
+        try {
+          CloudModel.getRoot().refresh( monitor );
+        } catch( ProblemException e2 ) {
+          e2.printStackTrace();
+        }
+//        // Refresh Palette Compartments
+//        getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()
+//          .getDiagramTypeProvider()
+//          .getDiagramBehavior()
+//          .refreshPalette();        
+        CreateVMIFeature createImageFeature = new CreateVMIFeature( new ToscaFeatureProvider( getDiagramTypeProvider() ) );
+        TDeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTDeploymentArtifact();
+        deploymentArtifact.setName( dialog.getFileName());
+        deploymentArtifact.setArtifactRef( new QName (imageId) );
+        deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType( new QName( typesNamespace, imageType, typesPrefix ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+        createImageFeature.setContextObject( deploymentArtifact );
+        CreateContext createContext = new CreateContext();
+        createContext.setTargetContainer( ( ContainerShape )getSelectedPictogramElement() );
+        if( createImageFeature.canCreate( createContext ) )
+          createImageFeature.create( createContext );
+        refresh();
+      }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {
+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+    }
+  } );
+  // VM Image Flavor label
+  CLabel vmImageLabel = factory.createCLabel( client, "VM Type:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  gd = new GridData();
+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
+  gd.widthHint = 80;
+  vmImageLabel.setLayoutData( gd );
+  // Combo - VM Image Flavor
+  this.cmbImageSize = new CCombo( client, SWT.BORDER );
+  this.cmbImageSize.setEnabled( true );
+//  ArrayList<VirtualMachineImageFlavor> instanceTypes =
+//  MockUpInfoSystem.getInstance().getInstanceTypes();
+//  for (VirtualMachineImageFlavor type : instanceTypes )
+//   this.cmbImageSize.add(type.getName());
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:1024 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:1024 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:2048 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:2048 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:4096 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:4096 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:1024 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:1024 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:2048 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:2048 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:4096 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:4096 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:1024 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:1024 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:2048 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:2048 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:4096 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:4096 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:1024 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:1024 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:2048 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:2048 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:4096 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:4096 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:1024 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:1024 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:2048 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:2048 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:4096 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:4096 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:1024 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:1024 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:2048 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:2048 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:4096 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:4096 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:512 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:512 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:512 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:512 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:512 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:512 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:512 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:1024 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:1024 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:1024 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:2048 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:2048 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:2048 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:4096 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:4096 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:4096 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:8192 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:8192 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:8192 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:8192 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:8192 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:8192 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:8192 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:512 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:512 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:512 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:512 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:512 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:512 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:512 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:1024 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:1024 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:1024 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:2048 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:2048 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:2048 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:4096 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:4096 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:4096 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:8192 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:8192 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:8192 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:8192 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:8192 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:8192 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:8192 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:512 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:512 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:512 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:512 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:512 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:512 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:512 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:1024 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:1024 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:1024 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:2048 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:2048 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:2048 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:4096 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:4096 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:4096 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:8192 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:8192 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:8192 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:8192 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:8192 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:8192 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:8192 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:512 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:512 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:512 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:512 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:512 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:512 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:512 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:1024 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:1024 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:1024 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:1024 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:1024 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:1024 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:1024 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:2048 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:2048 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:2048 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:2048 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:2048 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:2048 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:2048 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:4096 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:4096 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:4096 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:4096 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:4096 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:4096 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:4096 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:8192 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:8192 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:8192 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:8192 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:8192 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:8192 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:8192 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:512 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:512 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:512 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:512 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:512 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:512 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:512 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:1024 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:1024 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:1024 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:1024 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:1024 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:1024 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:1024 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:2048 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:2048 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:2048 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:2048 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:2048 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:2048 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:2048 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:4096 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:4096 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:4096 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:4096 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:4096 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:4096 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:4096 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:8192 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:8192 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:8192 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:8192 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:8192 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:8192 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:8192 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:512 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:512 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:512 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:512 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:512 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:512 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:512 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:1024 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:1024 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:1024 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:1024 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:1024 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:1024 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:1024 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:2048 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:2048 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:2048 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:2048 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:2048 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:2048 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:2048 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:4096 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:4096 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:4096 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:4096 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:4096 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:4096 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:4096 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:8192 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:8192 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:8192 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:8192 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:8192 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:8192 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:8192 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:512 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:512 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:512 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:512 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:512 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:512 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:512 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:1024 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:1024 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:1024 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:1024 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:1024 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:1024 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:1024 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:2048 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:2048 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:2048 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:2048 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:2048 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:2048 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:2048 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:4096 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:4096 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:4096 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:4096 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:4096 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:4096 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:4096 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:8192 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:8192 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:8192 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:8192 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:8192 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:8192 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:8192 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:512 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:512 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:512 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:512 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:512 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:512 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:512 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:1024 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:1024 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:1024 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:1024 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:1024 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:1024 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:1024 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:2048 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:2048 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:2048 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:2048 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:2048 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:2048 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:2048 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:4096 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:4096 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:4096 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:4096 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:4096 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:4096 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:4096 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:8192 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:8192 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:8192 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:8192 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:8192 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:8192 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:8192 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:6144 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:6144 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:6144 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:6144 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:6144 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:6144 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:6144 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:6144 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:6144 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:6144 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:6144 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:6144 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:6144 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:6144 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:6144 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:6144 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:6144 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:6144 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:6144 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:6144 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:6144 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:1 ram:6144 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:6144 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:6144 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:6144 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:6144 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:6144 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:2 ram:6144 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:6144 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:6144 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:6144 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:6144 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:6144 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:6144 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:6144 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:6144 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:6144 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:6144 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:6144 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:6144 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:6144 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:4 ram:6144 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:5" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:10" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:20" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:40" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:60" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:80" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:100" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:diskdump" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:diskdump" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:diskdump" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:diskdump" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:diskdump" );
+  this.cmbImageSize.add( "vcpus:8 ram:6144 disk:diskdump" );
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  this.cmbImageSize.setEditable( false );
+  gd = new GridData();
+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  gd.horizontalSpan = 2;
+  gd.widthHint = 200;
+  this.cmbImageSize.setLayoutData( gd );
+  // Listener for Flavor
+  this.cmbImageSize.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {
+    @Override
+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {
+      createNodeFlavorProperties( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.cmbImageSize.getText() );
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {
+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+    }
+  } );
+  // KeyPair Label
+  CLabel keypairLabel = factory.createCLabel( client, "Keypair:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  gd = new GridData();
+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
+  gd.widthHint = 80;
+  keypairLabel.setLayoutData( gd );
+  // KeyPair text
+  this.keypairText = factory.createText( client, "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  this.keypairText.setEditable( true );
+  gd = new GridData();
+  gd.widthHint = 160;
+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  this.keypairText.setLayoutData( gd );
+  this.keypairText.addModifyListener( this );
+  // Select KeyPair Button
+  this.keypairSelect = new Button( client, SWT.PUSH );
+  this.keypairSelect.setText( " Select... " ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  gd = new GridData();
+  gd.widthHint = 80;
+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  this.keypairSelect.setLayoutData( gd );
+  // Listener for Add button
+  this.keypairSelect.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {
+    @Override
+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {
+      FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog( parent.getShell(), SWT.OPEN );
+      dialog.setText( "Select Keypair " ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+      dialog.setFilterExtensions( new String[]{
+        "*.pub"} ); // filter only pub keys //$NON-NLS-1$
+      // dialog.setFilterPath("c:\\temp");
+      String result =;
+      if( result != null ) {
+        CreateVMIFeature createImageFeature = new CreateVMIFeature( new ToscaFeatureProvider( getDiagramTypeProvider() ) );
+        TDeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTDeploymentArtifact();
+        deploymentArtifact.setName( dialog.getFileName() );
+        deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType( new QName( "KeyPair" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+        createImageFeature.setContextObject( deploymentArtifact );
+        CreateContext createContext = new CreateContext();
+        createContext.setTargetContainer( ( ContainerShape )getSelectedPictogramElement() );
+        if( createImageFeature.canCreate( createContext ) )
+          createImageFeature.create( createContext );
+        refresh();
+        // Add uploaded image to Project Artifacts folder
+        IWorkbenchPage activePage = PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
+          .getActiveWorkbenchWindow()
+          .getActivePage();
+        IEditorInput input = activePage.getActiveEditor().getEditorInput();
+        IFile file = null;
+        if( input instanceof ToscaDiagramEditorInput ) {
+          file = ( ( ToscaDiagramEditorInput )input ).getToscaFile();
+        }
+        IProject project = file.getProject();
+        String target = Platform.getLocation()
+                        + System.getProperty( "file.separator" ) + project.getName() + System.getProperty( "file.separator" ) + "Artifacts" +System.getProperty( "file.separator" )+"Deployment Scripts"+System.getProperty( "file.separator" ) + dialog.getFileName(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+        String source = dialog.getFilterPath()
+                        + System.getProperty( "file.separator" ) + dialog.getFileName(); //$NON-NLS-1$
+        File targetFile = new File( target );
+        if( !targetFile.exists() ) {
           try {
-            tmp.createNewFile();
-          } catch( IOException e1 ) {
-            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+            new LocalFile( new File( source ) ).copy( new LocalFile( new File( target ) ),
+                                                      EFS.NONE,
+                                                      null );
+          } catch( CoreException e1 ) {
-          // Get image Id
-          BufferedReader reader = null;
-          try {
-            reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader (new File(result)));
-          } catch( FileNotFoundException e3 ) {
-            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-            e3.printStackTrace();
-          }
-          String         line = null;
-          StringBuilder  stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
-          try {
-            while( ( line = reader.readLine() ) != null ) {
-                stringBuilder.append( line );
-            }
-          } catch( IOException e1 ) {
-            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-          }
-          String imageId = stringBuilder.toString();
-          copySelectedFileToCloudProject( new File(result), tmp );
-          IProgressMonitor monitor = null;
-          try {
-            CloudModel.getRoot().refresh( monitor );
-          } catch( ProblemException e2 ) {
-            e2.printStackTrace();
-          }
-          // Refresh Palette Compartments
-          getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()
-            .getDiagramTypeProvider()
-            .getDiagramBehavior()
-            .refreshPalette();        
-          CreateVMIFeature createImageFeature = new CreateVMIFeature( new ToscaFeatureProvider( getDiagramTypeProvider() ) );
-          TDeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTDeploymentArtifact();
-          deploymentArtifact.setName( dialog.getFileName());
-          deploymentArtifact.setArtifactRef( new QName (imageId) );
-          deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType( new QName( "VMI" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-          createImageFeature.setContextObject( deploymentArtifact );
-          CreateContext createContext = new CreateContext();
-          createContext.setTargetContainer( ( ContainerShape )getSelectedPictogramElement() );
-          if( createImageFeature.canCreate( createContext ) )
-            createImageFeature.create( createContext );
-          refresh();
-      }
-      @Override
-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {
-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
-      }
-    } );
-    // VM Description Label
-    CLabel vmDecsrLabel = factory.createCLabel( client, "VM Description:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    gd = new GridData();
-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
-    gd.widthHint = 80;
-    // gd.widthHint=STANDARD_LABEL_WIDTH;
-    // VM Description text
-    vmDecsrLabel.setLayoutData( gd );
-    this.descrText = factory.createText( client, "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    this.descrText.setEditable( false );
-    gd = new GridData();
-    gd.horizontalSpan = 2;
-    gd.widthHint = 160;
-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    this.descrText.setLayoutData( gd );
-    // VM Image Flavor label
-    CLabel vmImageLabel = factory.createCLabel( client, "VM Type:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    gd = new GridData();
-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
-    gd.widthHint = 80;
-    vmImageLabel.setLayoutData( gd );
-    // Combo - VM Image Flavor
-    this.cmbImageSize = new CCombo( client, SWT.BORDER );
-    this.cmbImageSize.setEnabled( true );
-    // // TODO - nickl For now use Amazon Flavors - get them from IS
-		ArrayList<VirtualMachineImageFlavor> flavors = MockUpInfoSystem
-				.getInstance().getFlavors();
-		for (VirtualMachineImageFlavor f : flavors) {
-			this.cmbImageSize.add(f.getName());
-		}
-    this.cmbImageSize.setEditable( false );
-    gd = new GridData();
-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gd.horizontalSpan = 2;
-    gd.widthHint = 200;
-    this.cmbImageSize.setLayoutData( gd );
-    // Listener for Flavor
-    this.cmbImageSize.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {
-      @Override
-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {
-        createNodeFlavorProperties( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.cmbImageSize.getText() );
-      }
-      @Override
-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {
-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
-      }
-    } );
-    // KeyPair Label
-    CLabel keypairLabel = factory.createCLabel( client, "Keypair:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    gd = new GridData();
-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
-    gd.widthHint = 80;
-    keypairLabel.setLayoutData( gd );
-    // KeyPair text
-    this.keypairText = factory.createText( client, "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    this.keypairText.setEditable( true );
-    gd = new GridData();
-    gd.widthHint = 160;
-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    this.keypairText.setLayoutData( gd );
-    this.keypairText.addModifyListener( this );
-    // Select KeyPair Button
-    this.keypairSelect = new Button( client, SWT.PUSH );
-    this.keypairSelect.setText( " Select... " ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    gd = new GridData();
-    gd.widthHint = 80;
-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    this.keypairSelect.setLayoutData( gd );
-    // Listener for Add button
-    this.keypairSelect.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {
-      @Override
-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {
-        FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog( parent.getShell(), SWT.OPEN );
-        dialog.setText( "Select Keypair " ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-        dialog.setFilterExtensions( new String[]{
-          "*.pub"} ); // filter only pub keys //$NON-NLS-1$
-        // dialog.setFilterPath("c:\\temp");
-        String result =;
-        if( result != null ) {
-          CreateVMIFeature createImageFeature = new CreateVMIFeature( new ToscaFeatureProvider( getDiagramTypeProvider() ) );
-          TDeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTDeploymentArtifact();
-          deploymentArtifact.setName( dialog.getFileName() );
-          deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType( new QName( "KeyPair" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-          createImageFeature.setContextObject( deploymentArtifact );
-          CreateContext createContext = new CreateContext();
-          createContext.setTargetContainer( ( ContainerShape )getSelectedPictogramElement() );
-          if( createImageFeature.canCreate( createContext ) )
-            createImageFeature.create( createContext );
-          refresh();
-          // Add uploaded image to Project Artifacts folder
-          IWorkbenchPage activePage = PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
-            .getActiveWorkbenchWindow()
-            .getActivePage();
-          IEditorInput input = activePage.getActiveEditor().getEditorInput();
-          IFile file = null;
-          if( input instanceof ToscaDiagramEditorInput ) {
-            file = ( ( ToscaDiagramEditorInput )input ).getToscaFile();
-          }
-          IProject project = file.getProject();
-          String target = Platform.getLocation()
-                          + "/" + project.getName() + "/Artifacts/Deployment Scripts/" + dialog.getFileName(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
-          String source = dialog.getFilterPath()
-                          + System.getProperty( "file.separator" ) + dialog.getFileName(); //$NON-NLS-1$
-          File targetFile = new File( target );
-          if( !targetFile.exists() ) {
-            try {
-              new LocalFile( new File( source ) ).copy( new LocalFile( new File( target ) ),
-                                                        EFS.NONE,
-                                                        null );
-            } catch( CoreException e1 ) {
-              e1.printStackTrace();
-            }
-          }
-          // File tmp = new File( targetPath );
-          // try {
-          // tmp.createNewFile();
-          // tmp.
-          // } catch( IOException e1 ) {
-          // // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-          // e1.printStackTrace();
-          // }
-          IProgressMonitor monitor = null;
-          try {
-            CloudModel.getRoot().refresh( monitor );
-          } catch( ProblemException e2 ) {
-            e2.printStackTrace();
-          }
-          // Refresh Palette Compartments
-          getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()
-            .getDiagramTypeProvider()
-            .getDiagramBehavior()
-            .refreshPalette();
-          ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.keypairText.setText( dialog.getFileName() );
+        // File tmp = new File( targetPath );
+        // try {
+        // tmp.createNewFile();
+        // tmp.
+        // } catch( IOException e1 ) {
+        // // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+        // e1.printStackTrace();
+        // }
+        IProgressMonitor monitor = null;
+        try {
+          CloudModel.getRoot().refresh( monitor );
+        } catch( ProblemException e2 ) {
+          e2.printStackTrace();
-      }
-      @Override
-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {
-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
-      }
-    } );
-    // Add section components to the toolkit
-    toolkit.adapt( vmImageLabel, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( this.cmbImageSize, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( valueLabel, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( this.nameText, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( imageLabel, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( this.imageText, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( keypairLabel, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( this.keypairText, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( vmDecsrLabel, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( this.descrText, true, true);
-    section.setClient( client );
-    // Application Component Instances Section
-    Section sectionInstances = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );
-    sectionInstances.setText( "Number of Instances" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    Composite clientInstances = toolkit.createComposite( sectionInstances,
-                                                         SWT.WRAP );
-    GridLayout layoutInstances = new GridLayout();
-    layoutInstances.numColumns = 2;
-    layoutInstances.marginTop = 15;
-    layoutInstances.verticalSpacing = 15;
-    layoutInstances.marginWidth = 2;
-    layoutInstances.marginHeight = 2;
-    clientInstances.setLayout( layoutInstances );
-    GridData gdInstances;
-    CLabel initialInstancesLabel = factory.createCLabel( clientInstances,
-                                                         "Initial:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    gdInstances = new GridData();
-    gdInstances.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gdInstances.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
-    // gd.widthHint=STANDARD_LABEL_WIDTH;
-    initialInstancesLabel.setLayoutData( gdInstances );
-    this.initialInstancesText = factory.createText( clientInstances, "1" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    this.initialInstancesText.setEditable( true );
-    gdInstances = new GridData();
-    gdInstances.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gdInstances.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
-    gdInstances.widthHint = 160;
-    this.initialInstancesText.setLayoutData( gdInstances );
-    this.initialInstancesText.addModifyListener( this );
-    CLabel minInstancesLabel = factory.createCLabel( clientInstances, "Min:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    gdInstances = new GridData();
-    gdInstances.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gdInstances.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
-    // gd.widthHint=STANDARD_LABEL_WIDTH;
-    minInstancesLabel.setLayoutData( gdInstances );
-    this.minInstancesText = factory.createText( clientInstances, "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    this.minInstancesText.setEditable( true );
-    gdInstances = new GridData();
-    gdInstances.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gdInstances.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
-    gdInstances.widthHint = 160;
-    this.minInstancesText.setLayoutData( gdInstances );
-    this.minInstancesText.addModifyListener( this );
-    CLabel maxInstancesLabel = factory.createCLabel( clientInstances, "Max:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    gdInstances = new GridData();
-    gdInstances.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gdInstances.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
-    // gd.widthHint=STANDARD_LABEL_WIDTH;
-    maxInstancesLabel.setLayoutData( gdInstances );
-    this.maxInstancesText = factory.createText( clientInstances, "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-    this.maxInstancesText.setEditable( true );
-    gdInstances = new GridData();
-    gdInstances.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
-    gdInstances.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
-    gdInstances.widthHint = 160;
-    this.maxInstancesText.setLayoutData( gdInstances );
-    this.maxInstancesText.addModifyListener( this );
-    // Add section components to the toolkit
-    toolkit.adapt( valueLabel, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( this.nameText, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( imageLabel, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( this.imageText, true, true );
-    section.setClient( client );
-    toolkit.adapt( minInstancesLabel, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( maxInstancesLabel, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( this.minInstancesText, true, true );
-    toolkit.adapt( this.maxInstancesText, true, true );
-    sectionInstances.setClient( clientInstances );
-  }
-  /*
-   * Refresh values of max and min instances
-   */
-  void refreshInstances() {
-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();
-    if( pe != null ) {
-      Object bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()
-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );
-      if( bo == null )
-        return;
-      TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent;
-      if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {
-        PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()
-          .getPictogramElementParent( pe );
-        appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()
-          .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );
-      } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate
-        appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;
-      }
-      String initInstances = Integer.toString( appComponent.getInitInstances() );
-      this.initialInstancesText.setText( initInstances );
-      String minInstances = Integer.toString( appComponent.getMinInstances() );
-      String maxInstances = ( ( BigInteger )appComponent.getMaxInstances() ).toString();
-      if( minInstances.compareTo( "-1" ) == 0 ) //$NON-NLS-1$
-        minInstances = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
-      if( maxInstances.compareTo( "-1" ) == 0 ) //$NON-NLS-1$
-        maxInstances = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
-      this.minInstancesText.setText( minInstances );
-      this.maxInstancesText.setText( maxInstances );
-    }
-  }
-  // Refresh Tab
-  @Override
-  public void refresh() {
-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();
-    if( pe != null ) {
-      final Object bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()
-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );
-      if( bo == null )
-        return;
-      TNodeTemplate appComponent;
-      if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {
-        PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()
-          .getPictogramElementParent( pe );
-        appComponent = ( TNodeTemplate )Graphiti.getLinkService()
-          .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );
-      } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate
-        appComponent = ( TNodeTemplate )bo;
-      }
-      String name = appComponent.getName();
-      this.nameText.setText( name == null
-                                         ? "" : name ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-      // set Image Artifact
-      String imageName = null;
-      TDeploymentArtifacts deploymentArtifacts = appComponent.getDeploymentArtifacts();
-      if( deploymentArtifacts != null ) {
-        for( TDeploymentArtifact artifact : deploymentArtifacts.getDeploymentArtifact() )
-        {
-          if( artifact.getArtifactType().toString().equals( "VMI" ) ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
-            imageName = artifact.getName();
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      this.imageText.setText( imageName == null
-                                               ? "" : imageName ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-      // set VM Flavor
-      if ( appComponent.getProperties() != null ){
-        NodePropertiesType nodeProperties = (NodePropertiesType) appComponent.getProperties().getAny().get( 0 ).getValue();
-        String flavor = nodeProperties.getFlavor();
-        this.cmbImageSize.setText( flavor == null
-                                           ? "" : flavor ); //$NON-NLS-1$
-      }
-      else{
-        this.cmbImageSize.setText( "" );
-      }
-      if( !( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) )
-        refreshInstances();
-    }
-  }
-  // Updates Application name or number of instances according the triggered
-  // listener
-  @Override
-  public void modifyText( final ModifyEvent e ) {
-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();
-    if( pe != null ) {
-      final Object bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()
-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );
-      // the filter assured, that it is a TNodeTemplate
-      if( bo == null )
-        return;
-      final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate;
-      if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {
-        PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()
-          .getPictogramElementParent( pe );
-        nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()
-          .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );
-      } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate
-        nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;
-      }
-      // nameText Listener
-      if( e.widget == this.nameText ) {
-        TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );
-        editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-          .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-            protected void doExecute() {
-              nodeTemplate.setName( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.nameText.getText() );
-            }
-          } );
-      }
-      // minInstancesText Listener
-      else if( e.widget == this.minInstancesText ) {
-        TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );
-        editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-          .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-            protected void doExecute() {
-              if( nodeTemplate != null ) {
-                if( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.minInstancesText.getText()
-                  .equals( "" ) ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
-                  // nodeTemplate.setMinInstances( -1 );
-                } else
-                  nodeTemplate.setMinInstances( Integer.parseInt( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.minInstancesText.getText() ) );
-              }
-            }
-          } );
-      }
-      // maxInstancesText Listener
-      else if( e.widget == this.maxInstancesText ) {
-        TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );
-        editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-          .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-            protected void doExecute() {
-              if( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.maxInstancesText.getText()
-                .compareTo( "" ) == 0 ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
-                // nodeTemplate.setMaxInstances( ( BigInteger
-                // )BigInteger.valueOf(-1) );
-              } else
-                nodeTemplate.setMaxInstances( ( BigInteger )BigInteger.valueOf( Integer.parseInt( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.maxInstancesText.getText() ) ) );
-            }
-          } );
-      }
-      // initialInstancesText Listener
-      else if( e.widget == this.initialInstancesText ) {
-        if( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.initialInstancesText.getText()
-          .compareTo( "" ) == 0 ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
-          TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );
-          editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-            .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-              protected void doExecute() {
-                nodeTemplate.setInitInstances( 1 );
-              }
-            } );
-        } else if( nodeTemplate.getInitInstances() != Integer.parseInt( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.initialInstancesText.getText() ) )
-        {
-          TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );
-          editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-            .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-              protected void doExecute() {
-                nodeTemplate.setInitInstances( Integer.parseInt( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.initialInstancesText.getText() ) );
-              }
-            } );
-        }
+//        // Refresh Palette Compartments
+//        getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider()
+//          .getDiagramTypeProvider()
+//          .getDiagramBehavior()
+//          .refreshPalette();
+        ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.keypairText.setText( dialog.getFileName() );
-  }
-  private void createNodeFlavorProperties( String flavor ) {
-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();
-    final TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent;
+    @Override
+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {
+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+    }
+  } );
+  // Add section components to the toolkit
+  toolkit.adapt( vmImageLabel, true, true );
+  toolkit.adapt( this.cmbImageSize, true, true );
+  toolkit.adapt( valueLabel, true, true );
+  toolkit.adapt( this.nameText, true, true );
+  toolkit.adapt( imageLabel, true, true );
+  toolkit.adapt( this.imageText, true, true );
+  toolkit.adapt( keypairLabel, true, true );
+  toolkit.adapt( this.keypairText, true, true );
+//  toolkit.adapt( vmDecsrLabel, true, true );
+//  toolkit.adapt( this.descrText, true, true);
+  section.setClient( client );
+  // Application Component Instances Section
+  Section sectionInstances = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );
+  sectionInstances.setText( "Number of Instances" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  Composite clientInstances = toolkit.createComposite( sectionInstances,
+                                                       SWT.WRAP );
+  GridLayout layoutInstances = new GridLayout();
+  layoutInstances.numColumns = 2;
+  layoutInstances.marginTop = 15;
+  layoutInstances.verticalSpacing = 15;
+  layoutInstances.marginWidth = 2;
+  layoutInstances.marginHeight = 2;
+  clientInstances.setLayout( layoutInstances );
+  GridData gdInstances;
+  CLabel minInstancesLabel = factory.createCLabel( clientInstances, "Min:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  gdInstances = new GridData();
+  gdInstances.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  gdInstances.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
+  // gd.widthHint=STANDARD_LABEL_WIDTH;
+  minInstancesLabel.setLayoutData( gdInstances );
+  this.minInstancesText = factory.createText( clientInstances, "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  this.minInstancesText.setEditable( true );
+  gdInstances = new GridData();
+  gdInstances.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  gdInstances.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
+  gdInstances.widthHint = 160;
+  this.minInstancesText.setLayoutData( gdInstances );
+  this.minInstancesText.addModifyListener( this );
+  CLabel maxInstancesLabel = factory.createCLabel( clientInstances, "Max:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  gdInstances = new GridData();
+  gdInstances.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  gdInstances.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
+  // gd.widthHint=STANDARD_LABEL_WIDTH;
+  maxInstancesLabel.setLayoutData( gdInstances );
+  this.maxInstancesText = factory.createText( clientInstances, "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+  this.maxInstancesText.setEditable( true );
+  gdInstances = new GridData();
+  gdInstances.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;
+  gdInstances.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER;
+  gdInstances.widthHint = 160;
+  this.maxInstancesText.setLayoutData( gdInstances );
+  this.maxInstancesText.addModifyListener( this );
+  // Add section components to the toolkit
+  toolkit.adapt( valueLabel, true, true );
+  toolkit.adapt( this.nameText, true, true );
+  toolkit.adapt( imageLabel, true, true );
+  toolkit.adapt( this.imageText, true, true );
+  section.setClient( client );
+  toolkit.adapt( minInstancesLabel, true, true );
+  toolkit.adapt( maxInstancesLabel, true, true );
+  toolkit.adapt( this.minInstancesText, true, true );
+  toolkit.adapt( this.maxInstancesText, true, true );
+  sectionInstances.setClient( clientInstances );
+ * Refresh values of max and min instances
+ */
+void refreshInstances() {
+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();
+  if( pe != null ) {
     Object bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()
       .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );
     if( bo == null )
+    TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent;
     if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {
       PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()
         .getPictogramElementParent( pe );
@@ -678,75 +819,221 @@
     } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate
       appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;
-    // Create Flavor Properties
-    NodePropertiesType nodeProperties = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE.createNodePropertiesType();
-    nodeProperties.setFlavor( flavor );
-    // Set the Properties of the Policy Template
-    final PropertiesType properties = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropertiesType();
-    // Add the SYBL Policy to the FeatureMap of the Policy's Properties element
-    Entry e = FeatureMapUtil.createEntry( Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getDocumentRoot_NodeProperties(),
-                                          nodeProperties );
-    properties.getAny().add( e );
-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( appComponent );
-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()
-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
-        @Override
-        protected void doExecute() {
-          appComponent.setProperties( properties );
+    String minInstances = Integer.toString( appComponent.getMinInstances() );
+    String maxInstances = ( ( BigInteger )appComponent.getMaxInstances() ).toString();
+    if( minInstances.compareTo( "-1" ) == 0 ) //$NON-NLS-1$
+      minInstances = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
+    if( maxInstances.compareTo( "-1" ) == 0 ) //$NON-NLS-1$
+      maxInstances = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
+    this.minInstancesText.setText( minInstances );
+    this.maxInstancesText.setText( maxInstances );
+  }
+// Refresh Tab
+public void refresh() {
+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();
+  if( pe != null ) {
+    final Object bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()
+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );
+    if( bo == null )
+      return;
+    TNodeTemplate appComponent;
+    if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {
+      PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()
+        .getPictogramElementParent( pe );
+      appComponent = ( TNodeTemplate )Graphiti.getLinkService()
+        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );
+    } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate
+      appComponent = ( TNodeTemplate )bo;
+    }
+    String name = appComponent.getName();
+    this.nameText.setText( name == null
+                                       ? "" : name ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+    // set Image Artifact
+    String imageName = null;
+    TDeploymentArtifacts deploymentArtifacts = appComponent.getDeploymentArtifacts();
+    if( deploymentArtifacts != null ) {
+      for( TDeploymentArtifact artifact : deploymentArtifacts.getDeploymentArtifact() )
+      {
+        if( artifact.getArtifactType().getLocalPart().equals( imageType ) ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
+          imageName = artifact.getName();
+          break;
-      } );
-  }
-  @Override
-  public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent e ) {
-    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
-  }
-  @Override
-  public void widgetDefaultSelected( SelectionEvent e ) {
-    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
-  }
-  private void copySelectedFileToCloudProject(File source, File destination){
-    InputStream selection = null;
-    OutputStream output = null;
-    try {
-      try {
-        selection = new FileInputStream(source);
-      } catch( FileNotFoundException e ) {
-        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-        e.printStackTrace();
+    }
+    this.imageText.setText( imageName == null
+                                             ? "" : imageName ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+    // set VM Flavor
+    if ( appComponent.getProperties() != null ){
+      NodePropertiesType nodeProperties = (NodePropertiesType) appComponent.getProperties().getAny().get( 0 ).getValue();
+      String flavor = nodeProperties.getFlavor();
+      this.cmbImageSize.setText( flavor == null
+                                         ? "" : flavor ); //$NON-NLS-1$
+    }
+    else{
+      this.cmbImageSize.setText( "" );
+    }
+    if( !( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) )
+      refreshInstances();
+  }
+// Updates Application name or number of instances according the triggered
+// listener
+public void modifyText( final ModifyEvent e ) {
+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();
+  if( pe != null ) {
+    final Object bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()
+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );
+    // the filter assured, that it is a TNodeTemplate
+    if( bo == null )
+      return;
+    final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate;
+    if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {
+      PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()
+        .getPictogramElementParent( pe );
+      nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()
+        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );
+    } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate
+      nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;
+    }
+    // nameText Listener
+    if( e.widget == this.nameText ) {
+      TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );
+      editingDomain.getCommandStack()
+        .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
+          protected void doExecute() {
+            nodeTemplate.setName( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.nameText.getText() );
+          }
+        } );
+    }
+    // minInstancesText Listener
+    else if( e.widget == this.minInstancesText ) {
+      TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );
+      editingDomain.getCommandStack()
+        .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
+          protected void doExecute() {
+            if( nodeTemplate != null ) {
+              if( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.minInstancesText.getText()
+                .equals( "" ) ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
+                // nodeTemplate.setMinInstances( -1 );
+              } else
+                nodeTemplate.setMinInstances( Integer.parseInt( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.minInstancesText.getText() ) );
+            }
+          }
+        } );
+    }
+    // maxInstancesText Listener
+    else if( e.widget == this.maxInstancesText ) {
+      TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );
+      editingDomain.getCommandStack()
+        .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
+          protected void doExecute() {
+            if( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.maxInstancesText.getText()
+              .compareTo( "" ) == 0 ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
+              // nodeTemplate.setMaxInstances( ( BigInteger
+              // )BigInteger.valueOf(-1) );
+            } else
+              nodeTemplate.setMaxInstances( ( BigInteger )BigInteger.valueOf( Integer.parseInt( ApplicationComponentNameSection.this.maxInstancesText.getText() ) ) );
+          }
+        } );
+    }
+  }
+private void createNodeFlavorProperties( String flavor ) {
+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();
+  final TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent;
+  Object bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()
+    .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );
+  if( bo == null )
+    return;
+  if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {
+    PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()
+      .getPictogramElementParent( pe );
+    appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()
+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );
+  } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate
+    appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;
+  }
+  // Create Flavor Properties
+  NodePropertiesType nodeProperties = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE.createNodePropertiesType();
+  nodeProperties.setFlavor( flavor );
+  // Set the Properties of the Policy Template
+  final PropertiesType properties = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropertiesType();
+  // Add the SYBL Policy to the FeatureMap of the Policy's Properties element
+  Entry e = FeatureMapUtil.createEntry( Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getDocumentRoot_NodeProperties(),
+                                        nodeProperties );
+  properties.getAny().add( e );
+  TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( appComponent );
+  editingDomain.getCommandStack()
+    .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {
+      @Override
+      protected void doExecute() {
+        appComponent.setProperties( properties );
+      }
+    } );
+public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent e ) {
+  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+public void widgetDefaultSelected( SelectionEvent e ) {
+  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+private void copySelectedFileToCloudProject(File source, File destination){
+  InputStream selection = null;
+  OutputStream output = null;
+  try {
     try {
-      output = new FileOutputStream(destination);
+      selection = new FileInputStream(source);
     } catch( FileNotFoundException e ) {
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-    byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
-    int bytesRead;
-     try {
-      while ((bytesRead = > 0) {
-      output.write(buf, 0, bytesRead);
-      }
+  try {
+    output = new FileOutputStream(destination);
+  } catch( FileNotFoundException e ) {
+    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+    e.printStackTrace();
+  }
+  byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
+  int bytesRead;
+   try {
+    while ((bytesRead = > 0) {
+    output.write(buf, 0, bytesRead);
+    }
+  } catch( IOException e ) {
+    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+    e.printStackTrace();
+  }
+  } finally {
+    try {
+      selection.close();
+      output.close();
     } catch( IOException e ) {
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-    } finally {
-      try {
-        selection.close();
-        output.close();
-      } catch( IOException e ) {
-        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-        e.printStackTrace();
-      }
-    }
diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
index b912bd4..66946d6 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
@@ -25,18 +25,28 @@

 import org.eclipse.camf.core.model.CloudModel;

 import org.eclipse.camf.core.reporting.ProblemException;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.DefinitionsType;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.DocumentRoot;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TArtifactReference;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TArtifactTemplate;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TDeploymentArtifact;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TDeploymentArtifacts;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.ToscaFactory;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.ModelHandler;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.ToscaDiagramEditor;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.ToscaModelLayer;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.diagram.ToscaFeatureProvider;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.features.CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature;

 import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.TNodeTemplateExtension;

 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;

 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;

+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;

 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;

 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;

+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;

 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;

+import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;

+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;

 import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.impl.CreateContext;



@@ -60,240 +70,240 @@
  *  Application Component Properties - Custom Scripts Tab


 public class ApplicationComponentScriptSection extends GFPropertySection

-  implements ITabbedPropertyConstants, ModifyListener

+implements ITabbedPropertyConstants, ModifyListener



-  Section section;

-  private Text deploymentScriptText;

+Section section;

+private Text deploymentScriptText;


-  @Override

-  public void createControls( Composite parent,

-                              TabbedPropertySheetPage tabbedPropertySheetPage )

-  {

-    super.createControls( parent, tabbedPropertySheetPage );

-    // TabbedPropertySheetWidgetFactory factory = getWidgetFactory();

-    FormToolkit toolkit = new FormToolkit( parent.getDisplay() );

-    this.section = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );

-    this.section.setText( "Deployment Script" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    Composite client = toolkit.createComposite( this.section, SWT.WRAP );


+public void createControls( Composite parent,

+                            TabbedPropertySheetPage tabbedPropertySheetPage )


+  super.createControls( parent, tabbedPropertySheetPage );

+  // TabbedPropertySheetWidgetFactory factory = getWidgetFactory();

+  FormToolkit toolkit = new FormToolkit( parent.getDisplay() );

+  this.section = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );

+  this.section.setText( "Deployment Script" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  Composite client = toolkit.createComposite( this.section, SWT.WRAP );

+  GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();

+  layout.numColumns = 1;

+  layout.marginTop = 15;

+  layout.marginWidth = 2;

+  layout.marginHeight = 2;

+  client.setLayout( layout );

+  TabbedPropertySheetWidgetFactory factory = getWidgetFactory();

+  deploymentScriptText = factory.createText( client,

+                                             "", SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.H_SCROLL ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  GridData gd = new GridData();

+  gd.widthHint = 1100;

+  gd.heightHint = 150;

+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.deploymentScriptText.setLayoutData( gd );

+  deploymentScriptText.addModifyListener( this );

+  // Add section components to the toolkit

+  toolkit.adapt( this.deploymentScriptText, true, true );

+  this.section.setClient( client );



-    GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();

-    layout.numColumns = 1;

-    layout.marginTop = 15;

-    layout.marginWidth = 2;

-    layout.marginHeight = 2;

-    client.setLayout( layout );


-    TabbedPropertySheetWidgetFactory factory = getWidgetFactory();


-    deploymentScriptText = factory.createText(client, "", SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.H_SCROLL ); //$NON-NLS-1$


-    GridData gd = new GridData();

-    gd.widthHint = 1100;

-    gd.heightHint = 150;

-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;   


-    this.deploymentScriptText.setLayoutData( gd );



-    deploymentScriptText.addModifyListener( this );   


-    // Add section components to the toolkit

-    toolkit.adapt( this.deploymentScriptText, true, true );

-    this.section.setClient( client );

-  }




-  /*

-   *  Refresh Tab(non-Javadoc)

-   * @see

-   */

-  @Override

-  public void refresh() {



-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      Object bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-      if( bo == null )

-        return;


-      if ( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ){

-        PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService().getPictogramElementParent( pe );


-        appComponent =  ( TNodeTemplateExtension ) Graphiti.getLinkService().getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

-      }

-      else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

-        appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

-      }

-    }


-    String fileName = null;

-    TDeploymentArtifacts deploymentArtifacts = appComponent.getDeploymentArtifacts();

-    if ( deploymentArtifacts != null ){

-      for ( TDeploymentArtifact artifact : deploymentArtifacts.getDeploymentArtifact() ){

-        if ( artifact.getArtifactType().toString().equals( "UA" )){

-          fileName = artifact.getName();

-          break;

-        }

-      }

-    }


-    IProject activeProject = ToscaDiagramEditor.getActiveProject();


-    if ( activeProject != null ){


-      IFile file = activeProject.getFile( new Path("/Artifacts/Deployment Scripts/" +  fileName));


-      if ( file.exists() == true ){

-        //Convert deployment script file to String        

-        BufferedReader br = null;

-        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

-        String line;


-        try {

-          br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(file.getContents()));

-        } catch( CoreException e1 ) {

-          // TODO Auto-generated catch block

-          e1.printStackTrace();

-        }


-        try {

-          while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

-              sb.append(line + "\n");

-          }

-        } catch( IOException e1 ) {

-          // TODO Auto-generated catch block

-          e1.printStackTrace();

-        }


-        this.deploymentScriptText.setText(sb.toString());

-      }

-      else{

-        this.deploymentScriptText.setText( "" );

-      }

-      }


-  }


-  @Override

-  public void modifyText( ModifyEvent e ) {


-    if ( this.deploymentScriptText.getText().equals("") ){

-      // this is also the case where the Deployment Script tab is preopened


+ * Refresh Tab(non-Javadoc)

+ * @see

+ *

+ */


+public void refresh() {

+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()

+    .getPictogramElementParent( pe );

+  TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    Object bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+    if( bo == null )


+    if( bo instanceof TArtifactTemplate ) {

+      appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()

+        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

+    } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

+      appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;



-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      Object bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-      if( bo == null )

-        return;


-      if ( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ){

-        PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService().getPictogramElementParent( pe );


-        appComponent =  ( TNodeTemplateExtension ) Graphiti.getLinkService().getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

-      }

-      else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

-        appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

-      }

-    }


-    IProject activeProject = ToscaDiagramEditor.getActiveProject();


-    if ( activeProject != null ){


-      String fileName = appComponent.getName() + "";


-      IFile file = activeProject.getFile( new Path("/Artifacts/Deployment Scripts/" +  fileName));


-      if ( !file.exists() ){

-        file = createDeploymentScript(activeProject);

-      }

-      else{

-        try {

-          file.setContents( new ByteArrayInputStream(this.deploymentScriptText.getText().getBytes()), false, false, null );

-        } catch( CoreException e1 ) {

-          // TODO Auto-generated catch block

-          e1.printStackTrace();

-        }

-      }



-    }




-  // Creates the Application Deployment file

-  public IFile createDeploymentScript(IProject activeProject) {   


-    IFile file = null;


-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      Object bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-      if( bo == null )

-        return null;


-      if ( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ){

-        PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService().getPictogramElementParent( pe );

-        pe = parentPE;

-        appComponent =  ( TNodeTemplateExtension ) Graphiti.getLinkService().getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );


-      }

-      else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

-        appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

-      }

-    }


-    String fileName = appComponent.getName() + "Deployment";  


-     file = activeProject.getFile( new Path("/Artifacts/Deployment Scripts/" +  fileName));

-     try {

-      file.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(this.deploymentScriptText.getText().getBytes()), false, null);

-      } catch (CoreException e1) {

-          // TODO Auto-generated catch block

-          e1.printStackTrace();

-          return null;

-      }



-      IProgressMonitor monitor = null;

+  String fileName = findImplementationArtifactName(appComponent.getName()+"Script");

+//  String fileName = null;

+//  // Find NodeTypeImplementation

+//   ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI(

+//   getDiagram() ) );

+//   DocumentRoot dr = model.getDocumentRoot();

+//   DefinitionsType dt = dr.getDefinitions();

+//   EList<TNodeTypeImplementation> nodeTypesImplementation =

+//   dt.getNodeTypeImplementation();

+//   EList<TArtifactTemplate> artifactTemplates = dt.getArtifactTemplate();

+//   TNodeTypeImplementation nodeTypeImplementation = null;

+//   for (TNodeTypeImplementation tempNodeImplementation :

+//   nodeTypesImplementation){

+//   if (appComponent.getName().equals(

+//   tempNodeImplementation.getNodeType().toString())){

+//   nodeTypeImplementation = tempNodeImplementation;

+//   break;

+//   }

+//   }

+//   if (nodeTypeImplementation!=null &&

+//   nodeTypeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts()!=null){

+//   EList<ImplementationArtifactType> implementationArtifacts =

+//   nodeTypeImplementation.getImplementationArtifacts().getImplementationArtifact();

+//   for (ImplementationArtifactType tempImplementationArtifact :

+//   implementationArtifacts){

+//   for (TArtifactTemplate tempArtifactTemplate : artifactTemplates){

+//   if

+//   (tempArtifactTemplate.getId().equals(tempImplementationArtifact.getArtifactRef().toString())){

+//   fileName=tempArtifactTemplate.getId();

+//   break;

+//   }

+//   }


+//   }

+//   }

+  //fileName = appComponent.getName() + "";

+  IProject activeProject = ToscaDiagramEditor.getActiveProject();

+  if( activeProject != null ) {

+    IFile file = activeProject.getFile( new Path( "/Artifacts/Deployment Scripts/"

+                                                  + fileName ) );

+    if( file.exists() == true ) {

+      // if ( file.exists() == true ){

+      // Convert deployment script file to String

+      BufferedReader br = null;

+      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

+      String line;

       try {

-        CloudModel.getRoot().refresh( monitor );

-      } catch( ProblemException e ) {

-        e.printStackTrace();

+        br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( file.getContents() ) );

+      } catch( CoreException e1 ) {

+        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

+        e1.printStackTrace();



-      // Refresh Palette Compartments

-      getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider().getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagramBehavior().refreshPalette();


-    // Call the Create User Application Feature to create a deployment artifact for the deployment script and add it to the artifacts list 

-    CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature createSDFeature = new CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature( new ToscaFeatureProvider(getDiagramTypeProvider()) );


-    TDeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTDeploymentArtifact();

-    deploymentArtifact.setName( fileName );

-    deploymentArtifact.setArtifactType( new QName( "SD" ) );  


-    createSDFeature.setContextObject( deploymentArtifact );


-    CreateContext createContext = new CreateContext();

-    createContext.setTargetContainer( (ContainerShape) pe );


-    if ( createSDFeature.canCreate( createContext ))

-      createSDFeature.create( createContext );


-    return file;


+      try {

+        while( ( line = br.readLine() ) != null ) {

+          sb.append( line + "\n" );

+        }

+      } catch( IOException e1 ) {

+        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

+        e1.printStackTrace();

+      }

+      this.deploymentScriptText.setText( sb.toString() );

+    } else {

+      this.deploymentScriptText.setText( "" );

+    }

+  }




+public void modifyText( ModifyEvent e ) {

+  if( this.deploymentScriptText.getText().equals( "" ) ) {

+    // this is also the case where the Deployment Script tab is preopened

+    return;

+  }

+  IProject activeProject = ToscaDiagramEditor.getActiveProject();

+  if( activeProject != null ) {

+    createDeploymentScript( activeProject );

+  }



+// Creates the Application Deployment file

+public IFile createDeploymentScript( IProject activeProject ) {

+  IFile file = null;

+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    Object bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+    if( bo == null )

+      return null;

+    if( bo instanceof TDeploymentArtifact ) {

+      PictogramElement parentPE = Graphiti.getPeService()

+        .getPictogramElementParent( pe );

+      pe = parentPE;

+      appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )Graphiti.getLinkService()

+        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( parentPE );

+    } else { // bo instanceof TNodeTemplate

+      appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )bo;

+    }

+  }

+  String fileName = appComponent.getName() + "";

+  file = activeProject.getFile( new Path( "/Artifacts/Deployment Scripts/"

+                                          + fileName ) );

+  if( file.exists() ) {

+    // Deployment file exists, update its contents

+    try {

+      file.setContents( new ByteArrayInputStream( this.deploymentScriptText.getText()

+                          .getBytes() ),

+                        false,

+                        false,

+                        null );

+    } catch( CoreException e1 ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated catch block

+      e1.printStackTrace();

+    }

+    return null;

+  }

+  // Deployment file does not exists, create one

+  try {

+    file.create( new ByteArrayInputStream( this.deploymentScriptText.getText()

+                   .getBytes() ),

+                 false,

+                 null );

+  } catch( CoreException e1 ) {

+    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

+    e1.printStackTrace();

+    return null;

+  }

+  try {

+    activeProject.refreshLocal( IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE,

+                                new NullProgressMonitor() );

+  } catch( CoreException e1 ) {

+    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

+    e1.printStackTrace();

+  }

+  IProgressMonitor monitor = null;

+  try {

+    CloudModel.getRoot().refresh( monitor );

+  } catch( ProblemException e ) {

+    e.printStackTrace();

+  }

+  // Refresh Palette Compartments

+  // getDiagramTypeProvider().getFeatureProvider().getDiagramTypeProvider().getDiagramBehavior().refreshPalette();

+  // Call the Create User Application Feature to create a deployment artifact

+  // for the deployment script and add it to the artifacts list

+  CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature createSDFeature = new CreateSoftwareDependencyFeature( new ToscaFeatureProvider( getDiagramTypeProvider() ) );

+  TArtifactTemplate artifactTemplate = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTArtifactTemplate();

+  artifactTemplate.setName( "SD"+fileName );

+  artifactTemplate.setId( fileName );

+  artifactTemplate.setType( new QName( "ScriptArtifact" ) );

+  createSDFeature.setContextObject( artifactTemplate );

+  CreateContext createContext = new CreateContext();

+  createContext.setTargetContainer( ( ContainerShape )pe );

+  if( createSDFeature.canCreate( createContext ) )

+    createSDFeature.create( createContext );

+  return file;



+private String findImplementationArtifactName(String artifactId){

+  ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

+  DocumentRoot dr = model.getDocumentRoot();

+  DefinitionsType dt = dr.getDefinitions();

+  EList<TArtifactTemplate> artifactTemplates =

+  dt.getArtifactTemplate();


+  for (TArtifactTemplate tempArtifactTemplate : artifactTemplates){

+    if (tempArtifactTemplate.getId().equals( artifactId )){

+      TArtifactReference artifactRef = tempArtifactTemplate.getArtifactReferences().getArtifactReference().get( 0 );

+      String artifactReference = artifactRef.getReference();

+      String artifactName = artifactReference.substring( artifactReference.indexOf( "\\" ) +1);

+      return artifactName;

+    }



+ return null;



diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
index 5f73157..aad7be9 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
@@ -76,685 +76,564 @@

  * Application Properties - Elasticity Tab


-public class ApplicationGlobalElasticityReqSection

-  extends GFPropertySection implements ITabbedPropertyConstants

+public class ApplicationGlobalElasticityReqSection extends GFPropertySection

+implements ITabbedPropertyConstants



-  Composite client;

-  Section section;

-  private Table table;

-  private Button addButton;

-  private Button removeButton;

-  TableViewer tableViewer;

-  List<TPolicy> appComponentElasticityRequirements = new ArrayList<TPolicy>();

-  Section sectionRA;

-  private Table tableResizingActions;

-  private Button removeButtonRA;

-  private Button addButtonRA;

-  private Button conditionButtonRA;

-  TableViewer tableResizingActionsViewer;

-  List<TPolicy> appComponentResizingActions = new ArrayList<TPolicy>();

-  protected Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory elasticityFactory = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE;

+Composite client;

+Section section;

+private Table table;

+private Button addButton;

+private Button removeButton;

+TableViewer tableViewer;

+List<TPolicy> appComponentElasticityRequirements = new ArrayList<TPolicy>();

+Section sectionRA;

+private Table tableResizingActions;

+private Button removeButtonRA;

+private Button addButtonRA;

+private Button conditionButtonRA;

+TableViewer tableResizingActionsViewer;

+List<TPolicy> appComponentResizingActions = new ArrayList<TPolicy>();

+protected Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory elasticityFactory = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE;


-  @Override

-  public void createControls( final Composite parent,

-                              TabbedPropertySheetPage tabbedPropertySheetPage )

-  {

-    super.createControls( parent, tabbedPropertySheetPage );

-    FormToolkit toolkit = new FormToolkit( parent.getDisplay() );

-    // Application Component Elasticity Requirements Section

-    this.section = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );

-    this.section.setText( "Application Component Elasticity Constraints" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    Composite client = toolkit.createComposite( this.section, SWT.WRAP );

-    Composite client1 = toolkit.createComposite( client, SWT.WRAP );

-    Composite client2 = toolkit.createComposite( client, SWT.WRAP );

-    GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();

-    layout.numColumns = 2;

-    layout.marginTop = 15;

-    layout.verticalSpacing = 15;

-    layout.marginWidth = 2;

-    layout.marginHeight = 2;

-    client.setLayout( layout );

-    layout = new GridLayout();

-    layout.numColumns = 1;

-    client1.setLayout( layout );

-    layout = new GridLayout();

-    layout.numColumns = 1;

-    client2.setLayout( layout );

-    GridData gd;

-    this.table = new Table( client1, SWT.BORDER

-                                     | SWT.VIRTUAL

-                                     | SWT.MULTI

-                                     | SWT.FULL_SELECTION );

-    this.table.setHeaderVisible( true );

-    this.table.setLinesVisible( false );

-    this.table.getHorizontalBar().setEnabled( false );

-    gd = new GridData( 300, this.table.getItemHeight() * 4 );

-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.table.setLayoutData( gd );

-    TableLayout tableLayout = new TableLayout();

-    this.table.setLayout( tableLayout );

-    TableColumn nameColumn = new TableColumn( this.table, SWT.CENTER );

-    ColumnLayoutData data = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

-    tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

-    data = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

-    tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

-    data = new ColumnWeightData( 150 );

-    tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

-    nameColumn.setText( "Constraint" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    this.tableViewer = new TableViewer( this.table );

-    ElasticityConstraintsProvider ERProvider = new ElasticityConstraintsProvider();

-    IStructuredContentProvider contentProvider = ERProvider.ERContentProvider;

-    this.tableViewer.setContentProvider( contentProvider );

-    this.tableViewer.setLabelProvider( ERProvider.ERContentLabelProvider );

-    this.tableViewer.setInput( this.appComponentElasticityRequirements );

-    this.addButton = new Button( client2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.addButton.setText( "Add" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    gd = new GridData();

-    gd.widthHint = 60;

-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.addButton.setLayoutData( gd );

-    // Listener for Add button

-    this.addButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


+public void createControls( final Composite parent,

+                            TabbedPropertySheetPage tabbedPropertySheetPage )


+  super.createControls( parent, tabbedPropertySheetPage );

+  FormToolkit toolkit = new FormToolkit( parent.getDisplay() );

+  // Application Component Elasticity Requirements Section

+  this.section = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );

+  this.section.setText( "Application Component Elasticity Constraints" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  Composite client = toolkit.createComposite( this.section, SWT.WRAP );

+  Composite client1 = toolkit.createComposite( client, SWT.WRAP );

+  Composite client2 = toolkit.createComposite( client, SWT.WRAP );

+  GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();

+  layout.numColumns = 2;

+  layout.marginTop = 15;

+  layout.verticalSpacing = 15;

+  layout.marginWidth = 2;

+  layout.marginHeight = 2;

+  client.setLayout( layout );

+  layout = new GridLayout();

+  layout.numColumns = 1;

+  client1.setLayout( layout );

+  layout = new GridLayout();

+  layout.numColumns = 1;

+  client2.setLayout( layout );

+  GridData gd;

+  this.table = new Table( client1, SWT.BORDER

+                                   | SWT.VIRTUAL

+                                   | SWT.MULTI

+                                   | SWT.FULL_SELECTION );

+  this.table.setHeaderVisible( true );

+  this.table.setLinesVisible( false );

+  this.table.getHorizontalBar().setEnabled( false );

+  gd = new GridData( 300, this.table.getItemHeight() * 4 );

+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.table.setLayoutData( gd );

+  TableLayout tableLayout = new TableLayout();

+  this.table.setLayout( tableLayout );

+  TableColumn nameColumn = new TableColumn( this.table, SWT.CENTER );

+  ColumnLayoutData data = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

+  tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

+  data = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

+  tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

+  data = new ColumnWeightData( 150 );

+  tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

+  nameColumn.setText( "Constraint" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  this.tableViewer = new TableViewer( this.table );

+  ElasticityConstraintsProvider ERProvider = new ElasticityConstraintsProvider();

+  IStructuredContentProvider contentProvider = ERProvider.ERContentProvider;

+  this.tableViewer.setContentProvider( contentProvider );

+  this.tableViewer.setLabelProvider( ERProvider.ERContentLabelProvider );

+  this.tableViewer.setInput( this.appComponentElasticityRequirements );

+  this.addButton = new Button( client2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.addButton.setText( "Add" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  gd = new GridData();

+  gd.widthHint = 60;

+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.addButton.setLayoutData( gd );

+  // Listener for Add button

+  this.addButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent e ) {

-        editDataStagingEntry( null );

-      }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    this.removeButton = new Button( client2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.removeButton.setText( "Remove" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    gd = new GridData();

-    gd.widthHint = 60;

-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.removeButton.setLayoutData( gd );

-    // Listener for Remove button

-    this.removeButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        removeApplicationComponentElasticityRequirement( getSelectedObject() );

-      }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    // Add section components to the toolkit

-    toolkit.adapt( this.table, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.addButton, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.removeButton, true, true );

-    this.section.setClient( client );

-    // Application Component Elasticity Actions Section

-    this.sectionRA = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );

-    this.sectionRA.setText( "Elasticity Strategies" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    Composite clientRA = toolkit.createComposite( this.sectionRA, SWT.WRAP );

-    Composite clientRA1 = toolkit.createComposite( clientRA, SWT.WRAP );

-    Composite clientRA2 = toolkit.createComposite( clientRA, SWT.WRAP );

-    GridLayout layoutRA;

-    layoutRA = new GridLayout();

-    layoutRA.numColumns = 2;

-    layoutRA.marginTop = 15;

-    layoutRA.verticalSpacing = 15;

-    layoutRA.marginWidth = 2;

-    layoutRA.marginHeight = 2;

-    clientRA.setLayout( layoutRA );

-    layoutRA = new GridLayout();

-    layoutRA.numColumns = 1;

-    clientRA1.setLayout( layoutRA );

-    layoutRA = new GridLayout();

-    layoutRA.numColumns = 1;

-    clientRA2.setLayout( layoutRA );

-    this.tableResizingActions = new Table( clientRA1, SWT.BORDER

-                                                      | SWT.VIRTUAL

-                                                      | SWT.MULTI

-                                                      | SWT.FULL_SELECTION );

-    this.tableResizingActions.setHeaderVisible( true );

-    this.tableResizingActions.setLinesVisible( false );

-    this.tableResizingActions.getHorizontalBar().setEnabled( false );

-    GridData gdRA;

-    gdRA = new GridData( 300, this.tableResizingActions.getItemHeight() * 4 );

-    gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    gdRA.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.tableResizingActions.setLayoutData( gdRA );

-    TableLayout tableLayoutRA = new TableLayout();

-    this.tableResizingActions.setLayout( tableLayoutRA );

-    TableColumn nameColumnRA = new TableColumn( this.tableResizingActions,

-                                                SWT.CENTER );

-    nameColumnRA.setText( "Strategy" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    nameColumnRA.setWidth( 100 );

-    ColumnWeightData dataRA = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

-    tableLayoutRA.addColumnData( dataRA );

-    // Set the Elasticity Actions table viewer

-    ResizingActionsProvider RAProvider = new ResizingActionsProvider();

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer = new TableViewer( this.tableResizingActions );

-    IStructuredContentProvider contentProviderRA = RAProvider.RAContentProvider;

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setContentProvider( contentProviderRA );

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setLabelProvider( RAProvider.RAContentLabelProvider );

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setInput( this.appComponentResizingActions );

-    // Add Elasticity Strategy button

-    this.addButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.addButtonRA.setText( "Add" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    // Listener for Adding Elasticity Strategy button

-    this.addButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        editDataStagingEntryRA( getSelectedObject() );

-      }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    gdRA = new GridData();

-    gdRA.widthHint = 60;

-    gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.addButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

-    this.removeButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.removeButtonRA.setText( "Remove" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    // Listener for Remove Elasticity Strategy button

-    this.removeButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        removeApplicationComponentResizingAction( getSelectedElasticityStrategy() );

-      }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    gdRA = new GridData();

-    gdRA.widthHint = 60;

-    gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.removeButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

-    this.conditionButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.conditionButtonRA.setText( "Condition" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    // Listener for Remove Elasticity Strategy button

-    this.conditionButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        addStrategyCondition( getSelectedElasticityStrategy() );

-      }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    gdRA = new GridData();

-    gdRA.widthHint = 60;

-    gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.conditionButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

-    // Add section components to the toolkit

-    toolkit.adapt( this.tableResizingActions, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.removeButtonRA, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.addButtonRA, true, true );

-    // toolkit.adapt( this.uploadButtonRA, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.conditionButtonRA, true, true );

-    this.sectionRA.setClient( clientRA );

-  }


-  // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement

-  void editDataStagingEntry( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

-    ElasticityConstraintDialog dialog;

-    if( selectedObject == null ) {

-      // Add button is pressed

-      dialog = new ElasticityConstraintDialog( this.section.getShell(),

-                                               "Application" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-      if( == Window.OK ) {

-        String newElasticityConstraint = dialog.getElasticityConstraint();


-        if (newElasticityConstraint.contains( "<" )){

-          String[] cond = newElasticityConstraint.split( "<" );

-          newElasticityConstraint = cond[0] + "&lt;" + cond[1];

-        }

-        else if (newElasticityConstraint.contains( ">" )){

-          String[] cond = newElasticityConstraint.split( ">" );

-          newElasticityConstraint = cond[0] + "&gt;" + cond[1];

-        }      



-        SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription newSYBLConstraint = dialog.getSYBLConstraint();

-        if( newElasticityConstraint != null ) {

-          // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement to TOSCA

-          PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-          Object bo = null;

-          if( pe != null ) {

-            bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-              .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-          }

-          final TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension )( ( ( TServiceTemplate )bo ).getBoundaryDefinitions() );        



-          if ( boundaryDef.getPolicies() == null ){


-            final PoliciesType1 boundaryPolicies = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType1();


-            TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

-            editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-              .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-                @Override

-                protected void doExecute() {

-                  boundaryDef.setPolicies( boundaryPolicies );

-                }

-              } );



-          }


-          PoliciesType1 nodePolicyList = boundaryDef.getPolicies();


-          final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

-          final TPolicy newPolicy = createNewPolicy( "Constraint",

-                                                     newElasticityConstraint, newSYBLConstraint );

-          TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

-          editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-            .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-              @Override

-              protected void doExecute() {

-                policy.add( newPolicy );

-              }

-            } );

-          // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement to temp list

-          this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.add( newPolicy );

-          this.tableViewer.refresh();

-        } else {

-        }

-      }

+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent e ) {

+      editDataStagingEntry( null );


-  }


-  void editDataStagingEntryRA( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

-    ElasticityStrategyDialog dialog;

-    if( selectedObject == null ) {

-      // Add button is pressed

-      dialog = new ElasticityStrategyDialog( this.section.getShell(),

+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  this.removeButton = new Button( client2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.removeButton.setText( "Remove" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  gd = new GridData();

+  gd.widthHint = 60;

+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.removeButton.setLayoutData( gd );

+  // Listener for Remove button

+  this.removeButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      removeApplicationComponentElasticityRequirement( getSelectedObject() );

+    }


+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  // Add section components to the toolkit

+  toolkit.adapt( this.table, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.addButton, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.removeButton, true, true );

+  this.section.setClient( client );

+  // Application Component Elasticity Actions Section

+  this.sectionRA = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );

+  this.sectionRA.setText( "Elasticity Strategies" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  Composite clientRA = toolkit.createComposite( this.sectionRA, SWT.WRAP );

+  Composite clientRA1 = toolkit.createComposite( clientRA, SWT.WRAP );

+  Composite clientRA2 = toolkit.createComposite( clientRA, SWT.WRAP );

+  GridLayout layoutRA;

+  layoutRA = new GridLayout();

+  layoutRA.numColumns = 2;

+  layoutRA.marginTop = 15;

+  layoutRA.verticalSpacing = 15;

+  layoutRA.marginWidth = 2;

+  layoutRA.marginHeight = 2;

+  clientRA.setLayout( layoutRA );

+  layoutRA = new GridLayout();

+  layoutRA.numColumns = 1;

+  clientRA1.setLayout( layoutRA );

+  layoutRA = new GridLayout();

+  layoutRA.numColumns = 1;

+  clientRA2.setLayout( layoutRA );

+  this.tableResizingActions = new Table( clientRA1, SWT.BORDER

+                                                    | SWT.VIRTUAL

+                                                    | SWT.MULTI

+                                                    | SWT.FULL_SELECTION );

+  this.tableResizingActions.setHeaderVisible( true );

+  this.tableResizingActions.setLinesVisible( false );

+  this.tableResizingActions.getHorizontalBar().setEnabled( false );

+  GridData gdRA;

+  gdRA = new GridData( 300, this.tableResizingActions.getItemHeight() * 4 );

+  gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  gdRA.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.tableResizingActions.setLayoutData( gdRA );

+  TableLayout tableLayoutRA = new TableLayout();

+  this.tableResizingActions.setLayout( tableLayoutRA );

+  TableColumn nameColumnRA = new TableColumn( this.tableResizingActions,

+                                              SWT.CENTER );

+  nameColumnRA.setText( "Strategy" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  nameColumnRA.setWidth( 100 );

+  ColumnWeightData dataRA = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

+  tableLayoutRA.addColumnData( dataRA );

+  // Set the Elasticity Actions table viewer

+  ResizingActionsProvider RAProvider = new ResizingActionsProvider();

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer = new TableViewer( this.tableResizingActions );

+  IStructuredContentProvider contentProviderRA = RAProvider.RAContentProvider;

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setContentProvider( contentProviderRA );

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setLabelProvider( RAProvider.RAContentLabelProvider );

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setInput( this.appComponentResizingActions );

+  // Add Elasticity Strategy button

+  this.addButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.addButtonRA.setText( "Add" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  // Listener for Adding Elasticity Strategy button

+  this.addButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      editDataStagingEntryRA( getSelectedObject() );

+    }


+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  gdRA = new GridData();

+  gdRA.widthHint = 60;

+  gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.addButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

+  this.removeButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.removeButtonRA.setText( "Remove" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  // Listener for Remove Elasticity Strategy button

+  this.removeButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      removeApplicationComponentResizingAction( getSelectedElasticityStrategy() );

+    }


+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  gdRA = new GridData();

+  gdRA.widthHint = 60;

+  gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.removeButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

+  this.conditionButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.conditionButtonRA.setText( "Condition" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  // Listener for Remove Elasticity Strategy button

+  this.conditionButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      addStrategyCondition( getSelectedElasticityStrategy() );

+    }


+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  gdRA = new GridData();

+  gdRA.widthHint = 60;

+  gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.conditionButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

+  // Add section components to the toolkit

+  toolkit.adapt( this.tableResizingActions, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.removeButtonRA, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.addButtonRA, true, true );

+  // toolkit.adapt( this.uploadButtonRA, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.conditionButtonRA, true, true );

+  this.sectionRA.setClient( clientRA );



+// Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement

+void editDataStagingEntry( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

+  ElasticityConstraintDialog dialog;

+  if( selectedObject == null ) {

+    // Add button is pressed

+    dialog = new ElasticityConstraintDialog( this.section.getShell(),

                                              "Application" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-      if( == Window.OK ) {

-        String newElasticityStrategy = dialog.getElasticityStrategy();

-        SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription newSYBLStrategy = dialog.getSYBLStrategy();

-        if( newElasticityStrategy != null ) {

-          // Add Application Component Elasticity Strategy to TOSCA

-          PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-          Object bo = null;

-          if( pe != null ) {

-            bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-              .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-          }

-          final TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension )( ( ( TServiceTemplate )bo ).getBoundaryDefinitions() );        


-          if ( boundaryDef.getPolicies() == null ){


-            final PoliciesType1 boundaryPolicies = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType1();


-            TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

-            editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-              .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-                @Override

-                protected void doExecute() {

-                  boundaryDef.setPolicies( boundaryPolicies );

-                }

-              } );

-          }


-          PoliciesType1 nodePolicyList = boundaryDef.getPolicies();

-          final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

-          final TPolicy newPolicy = createNewPolicy( "Strategy",

-                                                     newElasticityStrategy, newSYBLStrategy );

+    if( == Window.OK ) {

+      String newElasticityConstraint = dialog.getElasticityConstraint();


+      if( newElasticityConstraint != null ) {


+        if( newElasticityConstraint.contains( "<" ) ) {

+          String[] cond = newElasticityConstraint.split( "<" );

+          newElasticityConstraint = cond[ 0 ] + "&lt;" + cond[ 1 ];

+        } else if( newElasticityConstraint.contains( ">" ) ) {

+          String[] cond = newElasticityConstraint.split( ">" );

+          newElasticityConstraint = cond[ 0 ] + "&gt;" + cond[ 1 ];

+        }


+        // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement to TOSCA

+        PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+        Object bo = null;

+        if( pe != null ) {

+          bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+            .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+        }

+        final TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension )( ( ( TServiceTemplate )bo ).getBoundaryDefinitions() );

+        if( boundaryDef.getPolicies() == null ) {

+          final PoliciesType1 boundaryPolicies = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType1();

           TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );


             .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {



               protected void doExecute() {

-                policy.add( newPolicy );

+                boundaryDef.setPolicies( boundaryPolicies );


             } );

-          this.appComponentResizingActions.add( newPolicy );

-          this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();

-        } else {

-          // Edit


+        PoliciesType1 nodePolicyList = boundaryDef.getPolicies();

+        final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

+        final TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();

+        String type = "Constraint";

+        QName policyTypeName = new QName( "",

+                                          type,

+                                          null );

+        newPolicy.setPolicyType( policyTypeName );

+        newPolicy.setName( type.toUpperCase() + " " + newElasticityConstraint );


+        String id = "A" + ( ( Integer )boundaryDef.hashCode() ).toString() + nodePolicyList.getPolicy().size();

+        QName qnamePolicyTemplate = new QName( id );

+        newPolicy.setPolicyRef( qnamePolicyTemplate );


+        TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

+        editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+          .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


+            @Override

+            protected void doExecute() {

+              policy.add( newPolicy );

+            }

+          } );

+        // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement to temp list

+        this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.add( newPolicy );

+        this.tableViewer.refresh();







-  // type is either "Constraint" or "Strategy"

-  TPolicy createNewPolicy(String type, String policyName, SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription syblPolicy){


-    // Create Policy Template 

+void editDataStagingEntryRA( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

+  ElasticityStrategyDialog dialog;

+  if( selectedObject == null ) {

+    // Add button is pressed

+    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+    Object bo = null;

+    if( pe != null ) {

+      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+    }

+    TServiceTemplate application = (TServiceTemplate) bo;


-    final TPolicyTemplate newPolicyTemplate = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicyTemplate();


-    QName policyTypeName = new QName( "", type, null );


-    newPolicyTemplate.setType( policyTypeName );


-    String id = "A" + ( ( Integer )newPolicyTemplate.hashCode() ).toString();


-    newPolicyTemplate.setId( id );



-    // Set the Properties of the Policy Template    


-    PropertiesType properties = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropertiesType();    


-    // Add the SYBL Policy to the FeatureMap of the Policy's Properties element

-    Entry e = FeatureMapUtil.createEntry(     SyblPackage.eINSTANCE.getDocumentRoot_SYBLElasticityRequirementsDescription(),  syblPolicy );

-    properties.getAny().add( e );      


-    newPolicyTemplate.setProperties( properties );


-    // Add the new Policy Template to the TOSCA Definitions element


-    final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );


-    DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions();


-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( definitions );

-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-        @Override

-        protected void doExecute() {

-          model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getPolicyTemplate().add( newPolicyTemplate );


-        }

-      } );


-    // Assign the created Policy Template to the new Policy


-    TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();


-    QName qnamePolicyTemplate = new QName( newPolicyTemplate.getId() );


-    newPolicy.setPolicyType( policyTypeName );  


-    newPolicy.setPolicyRef( qnamePolicyTemplate );


-    newPolicy.setName( type.toUpperCase() + " " + policyName );


-    return newPolicy;

-  }


-  void addStrategyCondition( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

-    if( selectedObject == null )

-      return;


-    TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = null;


-    if (getSelectedPictogramElement() != null) 

-      serviceTemplate = (TServiceTemplate) Graphiti.getLinkService().getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement(getSelectedPictogramElement());


-    ElasticityConditionDialog dialog;

-    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-    dialog = new ElasticityConditionDialog( this.section.getShell(),

-                                            "Application Component",

-                                            model,

-                                            selectedObject.getName() ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    String newElasticityCondition = null;

-    ConditionType policyCondition = null;

+    dialog = new ElasticityStrategyDialog( this.section.getShell(),

+                                           "Application", application.getName() ); //$NON-NLS-1$

     if( == Window.OK ) {

-      newElasticityCondition = dialog.getSelectedCondition();

-      policyCondition = dialog.getSYBLCondition();

-    }

-    if( newElasticityCondition == null )

-      return;

+      String newElasticityStrategy = dialog.getElasticityStrategy();

+      if( newElasticityStrategy != null ) {

+        // Add Application Component Elasticity Strategy to TOSCA


-    String newCond = newElasticityCondition;


-    if (newCond.contains( "<" )){

-      String[] cond = newCond.split( "<" );

-      newCond = cond[0] + "&lt;" + cond[1];

-    }

-    else if (newCond.contains( ">" )){

-      String[] cond = newCond.split( ">" );

-      newCond = cond[0] + "&gt;" + cond[1];

-    }


-    final String condition = newCond;


-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( serviceTemplate );

-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {

+        final TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension )( application.getBoundaryDefinitions() );

+        if( boundaryDef.getPolicies() == null ) {

+          final PoliciesType1 boundaryPolicies = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType1();

+          TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

+          editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+            .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-        @Override

-        protected void doExecute() {

-          String[] strategy = selectedObject.getName().split( "STRATEGY" );

-          selectedObject.setName( strategy[ 0 ]

-                                  + "STRATEGY "

-                                  + condition + " :" 

-                                  + strategy[ 1 ] );

-        }

-      } );

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();


-    //addPolicyCondition( selectedObject, policyCondition);

-  }


-//  void addPolicyCondition(final TPolicy selectedPolicy, final ConditionType policyCondition){


-//    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-//    EList<TPolicyTemplate> policyTemplates = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getPolicyTemplate();

-//    TPolicyTemplate policyTemplate = null;

-//    for ( TPolicyTemplate tempPolicyTemplate : policyTemplates ){

-//      if (tempPolicyTemplate.getId().toString().equals(selectedPolicy.getPolicyRef().toString())){

-//        policyTemplate = tempPolicyTemplate;

-//        break;

-//      }      

-//    }


-//    final SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription syblPolicy = (SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription) policyTemplate.getProperties().getAny().get(0).getValue();

-//    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( policyTemplate );

-//    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-//      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-//        @Override

-//        protected void doExecute() {

-//          syblPolicy.getSYBLSpecification().get( 0 ).getStrategy().get( 0 ).setCondition( policyCondition );

-//        }

-//      } );

-//  }


-  // Remove the selected Application Component Elasticity Requirement from TOSCA

-  void removeApplicationComponentElasticityRequirement( final TPolicy selectedObject )

-  {

-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-    }


-    final TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension )( ( ( TServiceTemplate )bo ).getBoundaryDefinitions() );        


-    PoliciesType1 nodePolicyList = boundaryDef.getPolicies();


-    final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();


-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-        @Override

-        protected void doExecute() {

-          for( TPolicy tempPolicy : policy ) {

-            if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

-              if( tempPolicy.getName().compareTo( selectedObject.getName() ) == 0 )

-              {

-                policy.remove( tempPolicy );

-                if( policy.size() == 0 )

-                  boundaryDef.setPolicies( null );

-                // remove corresponding Policy Template

-                String removedPolicyId = tempPolicy.getPolicyRef().toString();

-                ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-                DefinitionsType toscaDefinitions = model.getDocumentRoot()

-                  .getDefinitions();

-                final EList<TPolicyTemplate> policyTemplate = toscaDefinitions.getPolicyTemplate();

-                for( TPolicyTemplate tempPolicyTemplate : policyTemplate ) {

-                  if( tempPolicyTemplate.getId().equals( removedPolicyId ) ) {

-                    policyTemplate.remove( tempPolicyTemplate );

-                  }

-                }

-                break;

+              @Override

+              protected void doExecute() {

+                boundaryDef.setPolicies( boundaryPolicies );


-          }

+            } );


-      } );

-    this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.remove( selectedObject );

-    this.tableViewer.refresh();

-  }

+        PoliciesType1 nodePolicyList = boundaryDef.getPolicies();

+        final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

+        final TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();

+        String type = "Strategy";

+        QName policyTypeName = new QName( "",

+                                          type,

+                                          null );

+        newPolicy.setPolicyType( policyTypeName );

+        newPolicy.setName( type.toUpperCase() + " " + newElasticityStrategy );


+        String id = "A" + ( ( Integer )boundaryDef.hashCode() ).toString() + nodePolicyList.getPolicy().size();

+        QName qnamePolicyTemplate = new QName( id );

+        newPolicy.setPolicyRef( qnamePolicyTemplate );


+        TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

+        editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+          .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-  // Return the selected Elasticity Requirement

-  TPolicy getSelectedObject() {

-    TPolicy result = null;

-    IStructuredSelection selection = ( IStructuredSelection )this.tableViewer.getSelection();

-    Object obj = selection.getFirstElement();

-    result = ( TPolicy )obj;

-    return result;

-  }


-  // Return the selected Elasticity Action

-  TPolicy getSelectedElasticityStrategy() {

-    TPolicy result = null;

-    IStructuredSelection selection = ( IStructuredSelection )this.tableResizingActionsViewer.getSelection();

-    Object obj = selection.getFirstElement();

-    result = ( TPolicy )obj;

-    return result;

-  }


-  /**

-   * Get Application Elasticity Actions

-   */

-  public void getResizingActions() {

-    // initiate global elasticity requirement list with requirements from

-    // description wizard

-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+            @Override

+            protected void doExecute() {

+              policy.add( newPolicy );

+            }

+          } );

+        this.appComponentResizingActions.add( newPolicy );

+        this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();

+      }


-    TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension )( ( ( TServiceTemplate )bo ).getBoundaryDefinitions() );        


-    PoliciesType1 nodePolicyList = boundaryDef.getPolicies();


-    if( nodePolicyList == null )

-      return;


-    for( TPolicy tempPolicy : nodePolicyList.getPolicy() )

-    {

-      if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Strategy" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

-        this.appComponentResizingActions.add( tempPolicy );

-    }





+void addStrategyCondition( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

+  if( selectedObject == null )

+    return;

+  TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = null;

+  if( getSelectedPictogramElement() != null )

+    serviceTemplate = ( TServiceTemplate )Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( getSelectedPictogramElement() );

+  ElasticityConditionDialog dialog;

+  ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

+  dialog = new ElasticityConditionDialog( this.section.getShell(),

+                                          "Application Component",

+                                          model,

+                                          selectedObject.getName() ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  String newElasticityCondition = null;

+  if( == Window.OK ) {

+    newElasticityCondition = dialog.getSelectedCondition();

+  }

+  if( newElasticityCondition == null )

+    return;

+  String newCond = newElasticityCondition;

+  if( newCond.contains( "<" ) ) {

+    String[] cond = newCond.split( "<" );

+    newCond = cond[ 0 ] + "&lt;" + cond[ 1 ];

+  } else if( newCond.contains( ">" ) ) {

+    String[] cond = newCond.split( ">" );

+    newCond = cond[ 0 ] + "&gt;" + cond[ 1 ];

+  }

+  final String condition = newCond;

+  TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( serviceTemplate );

+  editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+    .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


+      @Override

+      protected void doExecute() {

+        String[] strategy = selectedObject.getName().split( "STRATEGY" );

+        selectedObject.setName( strategy[ 0 ]

+                                + "STRATEGY "

+                                + condition

+                                + " :"

+                                + strategy[ 1 ] );

+      }

+    } );

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();



+// Remove the selected Application Component Elasticity Requirement from TOSCA

+void removeApplicationComponentElasticityRequirement( final TPolicy selectedObject )


+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  Object bo = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+  }

+  final TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension )( ( ( TServiceTemplate )bo ).getBoundaryDefinitions() );

+  PoliciesType1 nodePolicyList = boundaryDef.getPolicies();

+  final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

+  TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

+  editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+    .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


+      @Override

+      protected void doExecute() {

+        for( TPolicy tempPolicy : policy ) {

+          if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

+            if( tempPolicy.getName().compareTo( selectedObject.getName() ) == 0 )

+            {

+              policy.remove( tempPolicy );

+              if( policy.size() == 0 )

+                boundaryDef.setPolicies( null );

+              break;

+            }

+        }

+      }

+    } );

+  this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.remove( selectedObject );

+  this.tableViewer.refresh();



+// Return the selected Elasticity Requirement

+TPolicy getSelectedObject() {

+  TPolicy result = null;

+  IStructuredSelection selection = ( IStructuredSelection )this.tableViewer.getSelection();

+  Object obj = selection.getFirstElement();

+  result = ( TPolicy )obj;

+  return result;



+// Return the selected Elasticity Action

+TPolicy getSelectedElasticityStrategy() {

+  TPolicy result = null;

+  IStructuredSelection selection = ( IStructuredSelection )this.tableResizingActionsViewer.getSelection();

+  Object obj = selection.getFirstElement();

+  result = ( TPolicy )obj;

+  return result;




+ * Get Application Elasticity Actions

+ */

+public void getResizingActions() {

+  // initiate global elasticity requirement list with requirements from

+  // description wizard

+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  Object bo = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+  }

+  if (bo == null)

+    return;


-  /**

-   * Get Application Elasticity Constraints

-   */

-  public void getElasticityConstraints() {

-    // initiate global elasticity requirement list with requirements from

-    // description wizard

-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-    }

-    TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension )( ( ( TServiceTemplate )bo ).getBoundaryDefinitions() );        


-    PoliciesType1 nodePolicyList = boundaryDef.getPolicies();


-    if( nodePolicyList == null )

-      return;


-    for( TPolicy tempPolicy : nodePolicyList.getPolicy() )

-    {

-      if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

-        this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.add( tempPolicy );

-    }


+  TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension )( ( ( TServiceTemplate )bo ).getBoundaryDefinitions() );

+  PoliciesType1 nodePolicyList = boundaryDef.getPolicies();

+  if( nodePolicyList == null )

+    return;

+  for( TPolicy tempPolicy : nodePolicyList.getPolicy() ) {

+    if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Strategy" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

+      this.appComponentResizingActions.add( tempPolicy );




-  // Remove Application Component Elasticity Action

-  void removeApplicationComponentResizingAction( final TPolicy selectedObject )

-  {

-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-    }

-    final TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension )( ( ( TServiceTemplate )bo ).getBoundaryDefinitions() );        


-    PoliciesType1 nodePolicyList = boundaryDef.getPolicies();


-    final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


+ * Get Application Elasticity Constraints

+ */

+public void getElasticityConstraints() {

+  // initiate global elasticity requirement list with requirements from

+  // description wizard

+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  Object bo = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+  }

+  if (bo == null)

+    return;


+  TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension )( ( ( TServiceTemplate )bo ).getBoundaryDefinitions() );

+  PoliciesType1 nodePolicyList = boundaryDef.getPolicies();

+  if( nodePolicyList == null )

+    return;

+  for( TPolicy tempPolicy : nodePolicyList.getPolicy() ) {

+    if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

+      this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.add( tempPolicy );

+  }



-        @Override

-        protected void doExecute() {

-          for( TPolicy tempPolicy : policy ) {

-            if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Strategy" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

-              if( tempPolicy.getName().compareTo( selectedObject.getName() ) == 0 )

-              {

-                policy.remove( tempPolicy );

-                if( policy.size() == 0 )

-                  boundaryDef.setPolicies( null );

-                // remove corresponding Policy Template

-                String removedPolicyId = tempPolicy.getPolicyRef().toString();

-                ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-                DefinitionsType toscaDefinitions = model.getDocumentRoot()

-                  .getDefinitions();

-                final EList<TPolicyTemplate> policyTemplate = toscaDefinitions.getPolicyTemplate();

-                for( TPolicyTemplate tempPolicyTemplate : policyTemplate ) {

-                  if( tempPolicyTemplate.getId().equals( removedPolicyId ) ) {

-                    policyTemplate.remove( tempPolicyTemplate );

-                  }

-                }

-                break;

-              }

-          }

+// Remove Application Component Elasticity Action

+void removeApplicationComponentResizingAction( final TPolicy selectedObject )


+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  Object bo = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+  }

+  final TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension boundaryDef = ( TBoundaryDefinitionsExtension )( ( ( TServiceTemplate )bo ).getBoundaryDefinitions() );

+  PoliciesType1 nodePolicyList = boundaryDef.getPolicies();

+  final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

+  TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

+  editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+    .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


+      @Override

+      protected void doExecute() {

+        for( TPolicy tempPolicy : policy ) {

+          if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Strategy" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

+            if( tempPolicy.getName().compareTo( selectedObject.getName() ) == 0 )

+            {

+              policy.remove( tempPolicy );

+              if( policy.size() == 0 )

+                boundaryDef.setPolicies( null );

+              break;

+            }


-      } );

-    this.appComponentResizingActions.remove( selectedObject );

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();

-  }

+      }

+    } );

+  this.appComponentResizingActions.remove( selectedObject );

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();



-  /*

-   * Refresh Elasticity Tab(non-Javadoc)

-   * @see

-   *

-   */

-  @Override

-  public void refresh() {

-    // Refresh Elasticity Constraints

-    this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.clear();

-    getElasticityConstraints();

-    this.tableViewer.refresh();

-    // Refresh Elasticity Actions

-    this.appComponentResizingActions.clear();

-    getResizingActions();

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();

-  }


+ * Refresh Elasticity Tab(non-Javadoc)

+ * @see

+ *

+ */


+public void refresh() {

+  // Refresh Elasticity Constraints

+  this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.clear();

+  getElasticityConstraints();

+  this.tableViewer.refresh();

+  // Refresh Elasticity Actions

+  this.appComponentResizingActions.clear();

+  getResizingActions();

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();



diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
index d90d5d4..1d6b7ce 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/editor/property/
@@ -74,796 +74,691 @@

  * Composite Component Properties - Elasticity Tab


-public class CompositeElasticity

-  extends GFPropertySection implements ITabbedPropertyConstants

+public class CompositeElasticity extends GFPropertySection

+implements ITabbedPropertyConstants



-  Composite client;

-  Section section;

-  private Table table;

-  private Button addButton;

-  private Button removeButton;

-  TableViewer tableViewer;

-  List<TPolicy> appComponentElasticityRequirements = new ArrayList<TPolicy>();

-  Section sectionRA;

-  private Table tableResizingActions;

-  private Button removeButtonRA;

-  private Button addButtonRA;

-  private Button conditionButtonRA;

-  TableViewer tableResizingActionsViewer;

-  List<TPolicy> appComponentResizingActions = new ArrayList<TPolicy>();

-  protected Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory elasticityFactory = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE;

+Composite client;

+Section section;

+private Table table;

+private Button addButton;

+private Button removeButton;

+TableViewer tableViewer;

+List<TPolicy> appComponentElasticityRequirements = new ArrayList<TPolicy>();

+Section sectionRA;

+private Table tableResizingActions;

+private Button removeButtonRA;

+private Button addButtonRA;

+private Button conditionButtonRA;

+TableViewer tableResizingActionsViewer;

+List<TPolicy> appComponentResizingActions = new ArrayList<TPolicy>();

+protected Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory elasticityFactory = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE;


-  @Override

-  public void createControls( final Composite parent,

-                              TabbedPropertySheetPage tabbedPropertySheetPage )

-  {

-    super.createControls( parent, tabbedPropertySheetPage );

-    FormToolkit toolkit = new FormToolkit( parent.getDisplay() );

-    // Application Component Elasticity Requirements Section

-    this.section = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );

-    this.section.setText( "Application Component Elasticity Constraints" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    Composite client = toolkit.createComposite( this.section, SWT.WRAP );

-    Composite client1 = toolkit.createComposite( client, SWT.WRAP );

-    Composite client2 = toolkit.createComposite( client, SWT.WRAP );

-    GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();

-    layout.numColumns = 2;

-    layout.marginTop = 15;

-    layout.verticalSpacing = 15;

-    layout.marginWidth = 2;

-    layout.marginHeight = 2;

-    client.setLayout( layout );

-    layout = new GridLayout();

-    layout.numColumns = 1;

-    client1.setLayout( layout );

-    layout = new GridLayout();

-    layout.numColumns = 1;

-    client2.setLayout( layout );

-    GridData gd;

-    this.table = new Table( client1, SWT.BORDER

-                                     | SWT.VIRTUAL

-                                     | SWT.MULTI

-                                     | SWT.FULL_SELECTION );

-    this.table.setHeaderVisible( true );

-    this.table.setLinesVisible( false );

-    this.table.getHorizontalBar().setEnabled( false );

-    gd = new GridData( 300, this.table.getItemHeight() * 4 );

-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.table.setLayoutData( gd );

-    TableLayout tableLayout = new TableLayout();

-    this.table.setLayout( tableLayout );

-    TableColumn nameColumn = new TableColumn( this.table, SWT.CENTER );

-    ColumnLayoutData data = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

-    tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

-    data = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

-    tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

-    data = new ColumnWeightData( 150 );

-    tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

-    nameColumn.setText( "Constraint" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    this.tableViewer = new TableViewer( this.table );

-    ElasticityConstraintsProvider ERProvider = new ElasticityConstraintsProvider();

-    IStructuredContentProvider contentProvider = ERProvider.ERContentProvider;

-    this.tableViewer.setContentProvider( contentProvider );

-    this.tableViewer.setLabelProvider( ERProvider.ERContentLabelProvider );

-    this.tableViewer.setInput( this.appComponentElasticityRequirements );

-    this.addButton = new Button( client2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.addButton.setText( "Add" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    gd = new GridData();

-    gd.widthHint = 60;

-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.addButton.setLayoutData( gd );

-    // Listener for Add button

-    this.addButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


+public void createControls( final Composite parent,

+                            TabbedPropertySheetPage tabbedPropertySheetPage )


+  super.createControls( parent, tabbedPropertySheetPage );

+  FormToolkit toolkit = new FormToolkit( parent.getDisplay() );

+  // Application Component Elasticity Requirements Section

+  this.section = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );

+  this.section.setText( "Application Component Elasticity Constraints" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  Composite client = toolkit.createComposite( this.section, SWT.WRAP );

+  Composite client1 = toolkit.createComposite( client, SWT.WRAP );

+  Composite client2 = toolkit.createComposite( client, SWT.WRAP );

+  GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();

+  layout.numColumns = 2;

+  layout.marginTop = 15;

+  layout.verticalSpacing = 15;

+  layout.marginWidth = 2;

+  layout.marginHeight = 2;

+  client.setLayout( layout );

+  layout = new GridLayout();

+  layout.numColumns = 1;

+  client1.setLayout( layout );

+  layout = new GridLayout();

+  layout.numColumns = 1;

+  client2.setLayout( layout );

+  GridData gd;

+  this.table = new Table( client1, SWT.BORDER

+                                   | SWT.VIRTUAL

+                                   | SWT.MULTI

+                                   | SWT.FULL_SELECTION );

+  this.table.setHeaderVisible( true );

+  this.table.setLinesVisible( false );

+  this.table.getHorizontalBar().setEnabled( false );

+  gd = new GridData( 300, this.table.getItemHeight() * 4 );

+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  gd.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.table.setLayoutData( gd );

+  TableLayout tableLayout = new TableLayout();

+  this.table.setLayout( tableLayout );

+  TableColumn nameColumn = new TableColumn( this.table, SWT.CENTER );

+  ColumnLayoutData data = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

+  tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

+  data = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

+  tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

+  data = new ColumnWeightData( 150 );

+  tableLayout.addColumnData( data );

+  nameColumn.setText( "Constraint" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  this.tableViewer = new TableViewer( this.table );

+  ElasticityConstraintsProvider ERProvider = new ElasticityConstraintsProvider();

+  IStructuredContentProvider contentProvider = ERProvider.ERContentProvider;

+  this.tableViewer.setContentProvider( contentProvider );

+  this.tableViewer.setLabelProvider( ERProvider.ERContentLabelProvider );

+  this.tableViewer.setInput( this.appComponentElasticityRequirements );

+  this.addButton = new Button( client2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.addButton.setText( "Add" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  gd = new GridData();

+  gd.widthHint = 60;

+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.addButton.setLayoutData( gd );

+  // Listener for Add button

+  this.addButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent e ) {

-        editDataStagingEntry( null );

-      }

+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent e ) {

+      editDataStagingEntry( null );

+    }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    this.removeButton = new Button( client2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.removeButton.setText( "Remove" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    gd = new GridData();

-    gd.widthHint = 60;

-    gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.removeButton.setLayoutData( gd );

-    // Listener for Remove button

-    this.removeButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {

+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  this.removeButton = new Button( client2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.removeButton.setText( "Remove" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  gd = new GridData();

+  gd.widthHint = 60;

+  gd.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.removeButton.setLayoutData( gd );

+  // Listener for Remove button

+  this.removeButton.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        removeApplicationComponentElasticityRequirement( getSelectedObject() );

-      }

+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      removeApplicationComponentElasticityRequirement( getSelectedObject() );

+    }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    // Add section components to the toolkit

-    toolkit.adapt( this.table, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.addButton, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.removeButton, true, true );

-    this.section.setClient( client );

-    // Application Component Elasticity Actions Section

-    this.sectionRA = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );

-    this.sectionRA.setText( "Elasticity Strategies" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    Composite clientRA = toolkit.createComposite( this.sectionRA, SWT.WRAP );

-    Composite clientRA1 = toolkit.createComposite( clientRA, SWT.WRAP );

-    Composite clientRA2 = toolkit.createComposite( clientRA, SWT.WRAP );

-    GridLayout layoutRA;

-    layoutRA = new GridLayout();

-    layoutRA.numColumns = 2;

-    layoutRA.marginTop = 15;

-    layoutRA.verticalSpacing = 15;

-    layoutRA.marginWidth = 2;

-    layoutRA.marginHeight = 2;

-    clientRA.setLayout( layoutRA );

-    layoutRA = new GridLayout();

-    layoutRA.numColumns = 1;

-    clientRA1.setLayout( layoutRA );

-    layoutRA = new GridLayout();

-    layoutRA.numColumns = 1;

-    clientRA2.setLayout( layoutRA );

-    this.tableResizingActions = new Table( clientRA1, SWT.BORDER

-                                                      | SWT.VIRTUAL

-                                                      | SWT.MULTI

-                                                      | SWT.FULL_SELECTION );

-    this.tableResizingActions.setHeaderVisible( true );

-    this.tableResizingActions.setLinesVisible( false );

-    this.tableResizingActions.getHorizontalBar().setEnabled( false );

-    GridData gdRA;

-    gdRA = new GridData( 300, this.tableResizingActions.getItemHeight() * 4 );

-    gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    gdRA.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.tableResizingActions.setLayoutData( gdRA );

-    TableLayout tableLayoutRA = new TableLayout();

-    this.tableResizingActions.setLayout( tableLayoutRA );

-    TableColumn nameColumnRA = new TableColumn( this.tableResizingActions,

-                                                SWT.CENTER );

-    nameColumnRA.setText( "Strategy" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    nameColumnRA.setWidth( 100 );

-    ColumnWeightData dataRA = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

-    tableLayoutRA.addColumnData( dataRA );

-    // Set the Elasticity Actions table viewer

-    ResizingActionsProvider RAProvider = new ResizingActionsProvider();

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer = new TableViewer( this.tableResizingActions );

-    IStructuredContentProvider contentProviderRA = RAProvider.RAContentProvider;

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setContentProvider( contentProviderRA );

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setLabelProvider( RAProvider.RAContentLabelProvider );

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setInput( this.appComponentResizingActions );

-    // Add Elasticity Strategy button

-    this.addButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.addButtonRA.setText( "Add" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    // Listener for Adding Elasticity Strategy button

-    this.addButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {

+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  // Add section components to the toolkit

+  toolkit.adapt( this.table, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.addButton, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.removeButton, true, true );

+  this.section.setClient( client );

+  // Application Component Elasticity Actions Section

+  this.sectionRA = toolkit.createSection( parent, Section.TITLE_BAR );

+  this.sectionRA.setText( "Elasticity Strategies" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  Composite clientRA = toolkit.createComposite( this.sectionRA, SWT.WRAP );

+  Composite clientRA1 = toolkit.createComposite( clientRA, SWT.WRAP );

+  Composite clientRA2 = toolkit.createComposite( clientRA, SWT.WRAP );

+  GridLayout layoutRA;

+  layoutRA = new GridLayout();

+  layoutRA.numColumns = 2;

+  layoutRA.marginTop = 15;

+  layoutRA.verticalSpacing = 15;

+  layoutRA.marginWidth = 2;

+  layoutRA.marginHeight = 2;

+  clientRA.setLayout( layoutRA );

+  layoutRA = new GridLayout();

+  layoutRA.numColumns = 1;

+  clientRA1.setLayout( layoutRA );

+  layoutRA = new GridLayout();

+  layoutRA.numColumns = 1;

+  clientRA2.setLayout( layoutRA );

+  this.tableResizingActions = new Table( clientRA1, SWT.BORDER

+                                                    | SWT.VIRTUAL

+                                                    | SWT.MULTI

+                                                    | SWT.FULL_SELECTION );

+  this.tableResizingActions.setHeaderVisible( true );

+  this.tableResizingActions.setLinesVisible( false );

+  this.tableResizingActions.getHorizontalBar().setEnabled( false );

+  GridData gdRA;

+  gdRA = new GridData( 300, this.tableResizingActions.getItemHeight() * 4 );

+  gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  gdRA.verticalAlignment = GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.tableResizingActions.setLayoutData( gdRA );

+  TableLayout tableLayoutRA = new TableLayout();

+  this.tableResizingActions.setLayout( tableLayoutRA );

+  TableColumn nameColumnRA = new TableColumn( this.tableResizingActions,

+                                              SWT.CENTER );

+  nameColumnRA.setText( "Strategy" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  nameColumnRA.setWidth( 100 );

+  ColumnWeightData dataRA = new ColumnWeightData( 100 );

+  tableLayoutRA.addColumnData( dataRA );

+  // Set the Elasticity Actions table viewer

+  ResizingActionsProvider RAProvider = new ResizingActionsProvider();

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer = new TableViewer( this.tableResizingActions );

+  IStructuredContentProvider contentProviderRA = RAProvider.RAContentProvider;

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setContentProvider( contentProviderRA );

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setLabelProvider( RAProvider.RAContentLabelProvider );

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.setInput( this.appComponentResizingActions );

+  // Add Elasticity Strategy button

+  this.addButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.addButtonRA.setText( "Add" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  // Listener for Adding Elasticity Strategy button

+  this.addButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        editDataStagingEntryRA( getSelectedObject() );

-      }

+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      editDataStagingEntryRA( getSelectedObject() );

+    }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    gdRA = new GridData();

-    gdRA.widthHint = 60;

-    gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.addButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

-    this.removeButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.removeButtonRA.setText( "Remove" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    // Listener for Remove Elasticity Strategy button

-    this.removeButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {

+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  gdRA = new GridData();

+  gdRA.widthHint = 60;

+  gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.addButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

+  this.removeButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.removeButtonRA.setText( "Remove" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  // Listener for Remove Elasticity Strategy button

+  this.removeButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        removeApplicationComponentResizingAction( getSelectedElasticityStrategy() );

-      }

+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      removeApplicationComponentResizingAction( getSelectedElasticityStrategy() );

+    }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    gdRA = new GridData();

-    gdRA.widthHint = 60;

-    gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.removeButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

-    this.conditionButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

-    this.conditionButtonRA.setText( "Condition" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    // Listener for Remove Elasticity Strategy button

-    this.conditionButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {

+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  gdRA = new GridData();

+  gdRA.widthHint = 60;

+  gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.removeButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

+  this.conditionButtonRA = new Button( clientRA2, SWT.PUSH );

+  this.conditionButtonRA.setText( "Condition" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  // Listener for Remove Elasticity Strategy button

+  this.conditionButtonRA.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() {


-      @Override

-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        addStrategyCondition( getSelectedElasticityStrategy() );

-      }

+    @Override

+    public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      addStrategyCondition( getSelectedElasticityStrategy() );

+    }


-      @Override

-      public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-      }

-    } );

-    gdRA = new GridData();

-    gdRA.widthHint = 60;

-    gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

-    this.conditionButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

-    // Add section components to the toolkit

-    toolkit.adapt( this.tableResizingActions, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.removeButtonRA, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.addButtonRA, true, true );

-    // toolkit.adapt( this.uploadButtonRA, true, true );

-    toolkit.adapt( this.conditionButtonRA, true, true );

-    this.sectionRA.setClient( clientRA );

-  }

+    @Override

+    public void widgetDefaultSelected( final SelectionEvent e ) {

+      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

+    }

+  } );

+  gdRA = new GridData();

+  gdRA.widthHint = 60;

+  gdRA.horizontalAlignment = GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING;

+  this.conditionButtonRA.setLayoutData( gdRA );

+  // Add section components to the toolkit

+  toolkit.adapt( this.tableResizingActions, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.removeButtonRA, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.addButtonRA, true, true );

+  // toolkit.adapt( this.uploadButtonRA, true, true );

+  toolkit.adapt( this.conditionButtonRA, true, true );

+  this.sectionRA.setClient( clientRA );



-  // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement

-  void editDataStagingEntry( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

-    ElasticityConstraintDialog dialog;

-    if( selectedObject == null ) {

-      // Add button is pressed

-      dialog = new ElasticityConstraintDialog( this.section.getShell(),

-                                               "Application Component" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-      if( == Window.OK ) {

-        String newElasticityConstraint = dialog.getElasticityConstraint();

+// Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement

+void editDataStagingEntry( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

+  ElasticityConstraintDialog dialog;

+  if( selectedObject == null ) {

+    // Add button is pressed

+    dialog = new ElasticityConstraintDialog( this.section.getShell(),

+                                             "Application Component" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+    if( == Window.OK ) {

+      String newElasticityConstraint = dialog.getElasticityConstraint();


+      if( newElasticityConstraint != null ) {


-        if (newElasticityConstraint.contains( "<" )){

+        if( newElasticityConstraint.contains( "<" ) ) {

           String[] cond = newElasticityConstraint.split( "<" );

-          newElasticityConstraint = cond[0] + "&lt;" + cond[1];

-        }

-        else if (newElasticityConstraint.contains( ">" )){

+          newElasticityConstraint = cond[ 0 ] + "&lt;" + cond[ 1 ];

+        } else if( newElasticityConstraint.contains( ">" ) ) {

           String[] cond = newElasticityConstraint.split( ">" );

-          newElasticityConstraint = cond[0] + "&gt;" + cond[1];

-        }        

+          newElasticityConstraint = cond[ 0 ] + "&gt;" + cond[ 1 ];

+        }



-        SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription newSYBLConstraint = dialog.getSYBLConstraint();

-        if( newElasticityConstraint != null ) {

-          // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement to TOSCA

-          PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-          Object bo = null;

-          if( pe != null ) {

-            bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-              .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+        // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement to TOSCA

+        PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+        Object bo = null;

+        if( pe != null ) {

+          bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+            .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+        }

+        // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate

+        TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = ( TServiceTemplate )bo;

+        TNodeTemplate substituteNode = null;

+        ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

+        for( TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

+          .getDefinitions()

+          .getServiceTemplate()

+          .get( 0 )

+          .getTopologyTemplate()

+          .getNodeTemplate() )

+        {

+          if( tempNodeTemplate.getId()

+            .toString()

+            .compareTo( serviceTemplate.getId().toString() ) == 0 )

+          {

+            substituteNode = tempNodeTemplate;

+            break;




-          // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate

-          TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = (TServiceTemplate) bo;

-          TNodeTemplate substituteNode = null;

-          ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-          for (TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

-            .getDefinitions()

-            .getServiceTemplate()

-            .get( 0 )

-            .getTopologyTemplate()

-            .getNodeTemplate()){


-            if ( tempNodeTemplate.getId().toString().compareTo( serviceTemplate.getId().toString()) == 0 )

-            {

-              substituteNode = tempNodeTemplate;

-              break;

-            }


-          }


-          if ( substituteNode == null)

-            return;


-          final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate = (TNodeTemplateExtension) substituteNode;   

-          if( nodeTemplate.getPolicies() == null ) {

-            final PoliciesType nodePolicyList = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType();

-            TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( nodeTemplate );

-            editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-              .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-                @Override

-                protected void doExecute() {

-                  nodeTemplate.setPolicies( nodePolicyList );

-                }

-              } );

-          }

-          PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

-          final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

-          final TPolicy newPolicy = createNewPolicy( "Constraint",

-                                                     newElasticityConstraint, newSYBLConstraint );

+        }

+        if( substituteNode == null )

+          return;

+        final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )substituteNode;

+        if( nodeTemplate.getPolicies() == null ) {

+          final PoliciesType nodePolicyList = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType();

           TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( nodeTemplate );


             .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {



               protected void doExecute() {

-                policy.add( newPolicy );

+                nodeTemplate.setPolicies( nodePolicyList );


             } );

-          // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement to temp list

-          this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.add( newPolicy );

-          this.tableViewer.refresh();

-        } else {


+        PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

+        final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

+        final TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();

+        String type = "Constraint";

+        QName policyTypeName = new QName( "",

+                                          type,

+                                          null );

+        newPolicy.setPolicyType( policyTypeName );

+        newPolicy.setName( type.toUpperCase() + " " + newElasticityConstraint );


+        String id = "G" + ( ( Integer )nodeTemplate.hashCode() ).toString() + nodePolicyList.getPolicy().size();

+        QName qnamePolicyTemplate = new QName( id );

+        newPolicy.setPolicyRef( qnamePolicyTemplate );


+        TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( nodeTemplate );

+        editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+          .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


+            @Override

+            protected void doExecute() {

+              policy.add( newPolicy );

+            }

+          } );

+        // Add Application Component Elasticity Requirement to temp list

+        this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.add( newPolicy );

+        this.tableViewer.refresh();






-  void editDataStagingEntryRA( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

-    ElasticityStrategyDialog dialog;

-    if( selectedObject == null ) {

-      // Add button is pressed

-      dialog = new ElasticityStrategyDialog( this.section.getShell(),

-                                             "Application Component" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-      if( == Window.OK ) {

-        String newElasticityStrategy = dialog.getElasticityStrategy();

-        SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription newSYBLStrategy = dialog.getSYBLStrategy();

-        if( newElasticityStrategy != null ) {

-          // Add Application Component Elasticity Strategy to TOSCA

-          PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-          Object bo = null;

-          if( pe != null ) {

-            bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-              .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-          }

-          // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate

-          TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = (TServiceTemplate) bo;

-          TNodeTemplate substituteNode = null;

-          ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-          for (TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

-            .getDefinitions()

-            .getServiceTemplate()

-            .get( 0 )

-            .getTopologyTemplate()

-            .getNodeTemplate()){


-            if ( tempNodeTemplate.getId().toString().compareTo( serviceTemplate.getId().toString()) == 0 )

-            {

-              substituteNode = tempNodeTemplate;

-              break;

-            }


-          }


-          if ( substituteNode == null)

-            return;


-          final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate = (TNodeTemplateExtension) substituteNode; 

-          if( nodeTemplate.getPolicies() == null ) {

-            final PoliciesType nodePolicyList = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType();

-            TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

-            editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-              .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {

+void editDataStagingEntryRA( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

+  ElasticityStrategyDialog dialog;

+  if( selectedObject == null ) {

+    // Add button is pressed

+    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+    Object bo = null;

+    if( pe != null ) {

+      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+    }

+    // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate

+    TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = ( TServiceTemplate )bo;


+    dialog = new ElasticityStrategyDialog( this.section.getShell(),

+                                           "Application Component", serviceTemplate.getName() ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+    if( == Window.OK ) {

+      String newElasticityStrategy = dialog.getElasticityStrategy();

+      if( newElasticityStrategy != null ) {

+        // Add Application Component Elasticity Strategy to TOSCA


-                @Override

-                protected void doExecute() {

-                  nodeTemplate.setPolicies( nodePolicyList );

-                }

-              } );

+        TNodeTemplate substituteNode = null;

+        ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

+        for( TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

+          .getDefinitions()

+          .getServiceTemplate()

+          .get( 0 )

+          .getTopologyTemplate()

+          .getNodeTemplate() )

+        {

+          if( tempNodeTemplate.getId()

+            .toString()

+            .compareTo( serviceTemplate.getId().toString() ) == 0 )

+          {

+            substituteNode = tempNodeTemplate;

+            break;


-          PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

-          final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

-          final TPolicy newPolicy = createNewPolicy( "Strategy",

-                                                     newElasticityStrategy, newSYBLStrategy );

+        }

+        if( substituteNode == null )

+          return;

+        final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )substituteNode;

+        if( nodeTemplate.getPolicies() == null ) {

+          final PoliciesType nodePolicyList = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPoliciesType();

           TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );


             .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {



               protected void doExecute() {

-                policy.add( newPolicy );

+                nodeTemplate.setPolicies( nodePolicyList );


             } );

-          this.appComponentResizingActions.add( newPolicy );

-          this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();

-        } else {

-          // Edit


-      }

-    }

-  }



-  // type is either "Constraint" or "Strategy"

-  TPolicy createNewPolicy(String type, String policyName, SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription syblPolicy){


-    // Create Policy Template 


-    final TPolicyTemplate newPolicyTemplate = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicyTemplate();


-    QName policyTypeName = new QName( "", type, null );


-    newPolicyTemplate.setType( policyTypeName );


-    String id = "G" + ( ( Integer )newPolicyTemplate.hashCode() ).toString();


-    newPolicyTemplate.setId( id );



-    // Set the Properties of the Policy Template    


-    PropertiesType properties = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropertiesType();    


-    // Add the SYBL Policy to the FeatureMap of the Policy's Properties element

-    Entry e = FeatureMapUtil.createEntry(     SyblPackage.eINSTANCE.getDocumentRoot_SYBLElasticityRequirementsDescription(),  syblPolicy );

-    properties.getAny().add( e );      


-    newPolicyTemplate.setProperties( properties );

+        PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

+        final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

+        final TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();

+        String type = "Strategy";

+        QName policyTypeName = new QName( "",

+                                          type,

+                                          null );

+        newPolicy.setPolicyType( policyTypeName );

+        newPolicy.setName( type.toUpperCase() + " " + newElasticityStrategy );


-    // Add the new Policy Template to the TOSCA Definitions element


-    final ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );


-    DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions();


-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( definitions );

-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {

+        String id = "G" + ( ( Integer )nodeTemplate.hashCode() ).toString() + nodePolicyList.getPolicy().size();

+        QName qnamePolicyTemplate = new QName( id );

+        newPolicy.setPolicyRef( qnamePolicyTemplate );


+        TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

+        editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+          .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-        @Override

-        protected void doExecute() {

-          model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getPolicyTemplate().add( newPolicyTemplate );


-        }

-      } );


-    // Assign the created Policy Template to the new Policy


-    TPolicy newPolicy = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTPolicy();


-    QName qnamePolicyTemplate = new QName( newPolicyTemplate.getId() );


-    newPolicy.setPolicyType( policyTypeName );  


-    newPolicy.setPolicyRef( qnamePolicyTemplate );


-    newPolicy.setName( type.toUpperCase() + " " + policyName );


-    return newPolicy;

+            @Override

+            protected void doExecute() {

+              policy.add( newPolicy );

+            }

+          } );

+        this.appComponentResizingActions.add( newPolicy );

+        this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();

+      } else {

+        // Edit

+      }

+    }



-  void addStrategyCondition( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

-    if( selectedObject == null ) 

-      return;


-    // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate



-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-    }


-    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );



-    ElasticityConditionDialog dialog;


-    dialog = new ElasticityConditionDialog( this.section.getShell(),

-                                            "Composite Component",

-                                            model,

-                                            selectedObject.getName() ); //$NON-NLS-1$

-    String newElasticityCondition = null;

-    ConditionType policyCondition = null;

-    if( == Window.OK ) {

-      newElasticityCondition = dialog.getSelectedCondition();

-      policyCondition = dialog.getSYBLCondition();

-    }

-    if( newElasticityCondition == null )

-      return;


-    String newCond = newElasticityCondition;


-    if (newCond.contains( "<" )){

-      String[] cond = newCond.split( "<" );

-      newCond = cond[0] + "&lt;" + cond[1];

-    }

-    else if (newCond.contains( ">" )){

-      String[] cond = newCond.split( ">" );

-      newCond = cond[0] + "&gt;" + cond[1];

-    }


-    final String condition = newCond;


-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-        @Override

-        protected void doExecute() {

-          String[] strategy = selectedObject.getName().split( "STRATEGY" );

-          selectedObject.setName( strategy[ 0 ]

-                                  + "STRATEGY "

-                                  + condition + " :" 

-                                  + strategy[ 1 ] );

-        }

-      } );

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();


-    //addPolicyCondition( selectedObject, policyCondition);

+void addStrategyCondition( final TPolicy selectedObject ) {

+  if( selectedObject == null )

+    return;

+  // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate

+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  Object bo = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );



-//  void addPolicyCondition(final TPolicy selectedPolicy, final ConditionType policyCondition){


-//    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-//    EList<TPolicyTemplate> policyTemplates = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions().getPolicyTemplate();

-//    TPolicyTemplate policyTemplate = null;

-//    for ( TPolicyTemplate tempPolicyTemplate : policyTemplates ){

-//      if (tempPolicyTemplate.getId().toString().equals(selectedPolicy.getPolicyRef().toString())){

-//        policyTemplate = tempPolicyTemplate;

-//        break;

-//      }      

-//    }


-//    final SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription syblPolicy = (SyblElasticityRequirementsDescription) policyTemplate.getProperties().getAny().get(0).getValue();

-//    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( policyTemplate );

-//    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-//      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-//        @Override

-//        protected void doExecute() {

-//          syblPolicy.getSYBLSpecification().get( 0 ).getStrategy().get( 0 ).setCondition( policyCondition );

-//        }

-//      } );

-//  }

+  ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

+  ElasticityConditionDialog dialog;

+  dialog = new ElasticityConditionDialog( this.section.getShell(),

+                                          "Composite Component",

+                                          model,

+                                          selectedObject.getName() ); //$NON-NLS-1$

+  String newElasticityCondition = null;

+  if( == Window.OK ) {

+    newElasticityCondition = dialog.getSelectedCondition();

+  }

+  if( newElasticityCondition == null )

+    return;

+  String newCond = newElasticityCondition;

+  if( newCond.contains( "<" ) ) {

+    String[] cond = newCond.split( "<" );

+    newCond = cond[ 0 ] + "&lt;" + cond[ 1 ];

+  } else if( newCond.contains( ">" ) ) {

+    String[] cond = newCond.split( ">" );

+    newCond = cond[ 0 ] + "&gt;" + cond[ 1 ];

+  }

+  final String condition = newCond;

+  TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

+  editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+    .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-  // Remove the selected Application Component Elasticity Requirement from TOSCA

-  void removeApplicationComponentElasticityRequirement( final TPolicy selectedObject )

+      @Override

+      protected void doExecute() {

+        String[] strategy = selectedObject.getName().split( "STRATEGY" );

+        selectedObject.setName( strategy[ 0 ]

+                                + "STRATEGY "

+                                + condition

+                                + " :"

+                                + strategy[ 1 ] );

+      }

+    } );

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();



+// Remove the selected Application Component Elasticity Requirement from TOSCA

+void removeApplicationComponentElasticityRequirement( final TPolicy selectedObject )


+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  Object bo = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+  }

+  // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate

+  TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = ( TServiceTemplate )bo;

+  TNodeTemplate substituteNode = null;

+  ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

+  for( TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

+    .getDefinitions()

+    .getServiceTemplate()

+    .get( 0 )

+    .getTopologyTemplate()

+    .getNodeTemplate() )


-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+    if( tempNodeTemplate.getId()

+      .toString()

+      .compareTo( serviceTemplate.getId().toString() ) == 0 )

+    {

+      substituteNode = tempNodeTemplate;

+      break;


+  }

+  if( substituteNode == null )

+    return;

+  final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )substituteNode;

+  PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

+  final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

+  TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

+  editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+    .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-    // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate

-    TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = (TServiceTemplate) bo;

-    TNodeTemplate substituteNode = null;

-    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-    for (TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

-      .getDefinitions()

-      .getServiceTemplate()

-      .get( 0 )

-      .getTopologyTemplate()

-      .getNodeTemplate()){


-      if (tempNodeTemplate.getId().toString().compareTo( serviceTemplate.getId().toString()) == 0 )

-      {

-        substituteNode = tempNodeTemplate;

-        break;

-      }


-    }


-    if ( substituteNode == null)

-      return;


-    final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate = (TNodeTemplateExtension) substituteNode;  


-    PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

-    final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


-        @Override

-        protected void doExecute() {

-          for( TPolicy tempPolicy : policy ) {

-            if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

-              if( tempPolicy.getName().compareTo( selectedObject.getName() ) == 0 )

-              {

-                policy.remove( tempPolicy );

-                if( policy.size() == 0 )

-                  nodeTemplate.setPolicies( null );

-                // remove corresponding Policy Template

-                String removedPolicyId = tempPolicy.getPolicyRef().toString();

-                ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-                DefinitionsType toscaDefinitions = model.getDocumentRoot()

-                  .getDefinitions();

-                final EList<TPolicyTemplate> policyTemplate = toscaDefinitions.getPolicyTemplate();

-                for( TPolicyTemplate tempPolicyTemplate : policyTemplate ) {

-                  if( tempPolicyTemplate.getId().equals( removedPolicyId ) ) {

-                    policyTemplate.remove( tempPolicyTemplate );

-                  }

-                }

-                break;

-              }

-          }

+      @Override

+      protected void doExecute() {

+        for( TPolicy tempPolicy : policy ) {

+          if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

+            if( tempPolicy.getName().compareTo( selectedObject.getName() ) == 0 )

+            {

+              policy.remove( tempPolicy );

+              if( policy.size() == 0 )

+                nodeTemplate.setPolicies( null );

+              break;

+            }


-      } );

-    this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.remove( selectedObject );

-    this.tableViewer.refresh();

-  }


-  // Return the selected Elasticity Requirement

-  TPolicy getSelectedObject() {

-    TPolicy result = null;

-    IStructuredSelection selection = ( IStructuredSelection )this.tableViewer.getSelection();

-    Object obj = selection.getFirstElement();

-    result = ( TPolicy )obj;

-    return result;

-  }


-  // Return the selected Elasticity Action

-  TPolicy getSelectedElasticityStrategy() {

-    TPolicy result = null;

-    IStructuredSelection selection = ( IStructuredSelection )this.tableResizingActionsViewer.getSelection();

-    Object obj = selection.getFirstElement();

-    result = ( TPolicy )obj;

-    return result;

-  }


-  /**

-   * Get Application Component Elasticity Actions

-   */

-  public void getResizingActions() {

-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-    }

-    // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate

-    TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = (TServiceTemplate) bo;

-    TNodeTemplate substituteNode = null;

-    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-    for (TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

-      .getDefinitions()

-      .getServiceTemplate()

-      .get( 0 )

-      .getTopologyTemplate()

-      .getNodeTemplate()){


-      if ( tempNodeTemplate.getId().toString().compareTo( serviceTemplate.getId().toString()) == 0 )

-      {

-        substituteNode = tempNodeTemplate;

-        break;



-    }


-    if ( substituteNode == null)

-      return;


-    TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent = (TNodeTemplateExtension) substituteNode;  


-    PoliciesType nodePolicyList = appComponent.getPolicies();

-    if( nodePolicyList == null )

-      return;

-    for( TPolicy tempPolicy : nodePolicyList.getPolicy() ) {

-      if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Strategy" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

-        this.appComponentResizingActions.add( tempPolicy );

-    }

-  }

+    } );

+  this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.remove( selectedObject );

+  this.tableViewer.refresh();



-  /**

-   * Get Application Component Elasticity Constraints

-   */

-  public void getElasticityConstraints() {

-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

-    }

-    // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate

-    TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = (TServiceTemplate) bo;

-    TNodeTemplate substituteNode = null;

-    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-    for (TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

-      .getDefinitions()

-      .getServiceTemplate()

-      .get( 0 )

-      .getTopologyTemplate()

-      .getNodeTemplate()){


-      if ( tempNodeTemplate.getId().toString().compareTo( serviceTemplate.getId().toString()) == 0 )

-      {

-        substituteNode = tempNodeTemplate;

-        break;

-      }


-    }


-    if ( substituteNode == null)

-      return;


-    TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent = (TNodeTemplateExtension) substituteNode;  

-    PoliciesType nodePolicyList = appComponent.getPolicies();

-    if( nodePolicyList == null )

-      return;

-    for( TPolicy tempPolicy : nodePolicyList.getPolicy() ) {

-      if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

-        this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.add( tempPolicy );

-    }

-  }

+// Return the selected Elasticity Requirement

+TPolicy getSelectedObject() {

+  TPolicy result = null;

+  IStructuredSelection selection = ( IStructuredSelection )this.tableViewer.getSelection();

+  Object obj = selection.getFirstElement();

+  result = ( TPolicy )obj;

+  return result;



-  // Remove Application Component Elasticity Action

-  void removeApplicationComponentResizingAction( final TPolicy selectedObject )

+// Return the selected Elasticity Action

+TPolicy getSelectedElasticityStrategy() {

+  TPolicy result = null;

+  IStructuredSelection selection = ( IStructuredSelection )this.tableResizingActionsViewer.getSelection();

+  Object obj = selection.getFirstElement();

+  result = ( TPolicy )obj;

+  return result;




+ * Get Application Component Elasticity Actions

+ */

+public void getResizingActions() {

+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  Object bo = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+  }

+  // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate

+  TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = ( TServiceTemplate )bo;

+  if (serviceTemplate == null)

+    return;

+  TNodeTemplate substituteNode = null;

+  ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

+  for( TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

+    .getDefinitions()

+    .getServiceTemplate()

+    .get( 0 )

+    .getTopologyTemplate()

+    .getNodeTemplate() )


-    PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

-    Object bo = null;

-    if( pe != null ) {

-      bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

-        .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+    if( tempNodeTemplate.getId()

+      .toString()

+      .compareTo( serviceTemplate.getId().toString() ) == 0 )

+    {

+      substituteNode = tempNodeTemplate;

+      break;


-    // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate

-    TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = (TServiceTemplate) bo;

-    TNodeTemplate substituteNode = null;

-    ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-    for (TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

-      .getDefinitions()

-      .getServiceTemplate()

-      .get( 0 )

-      .getTopologyTemplate()

-      .getNodeTemplate()){


-      if ( tempNodeTemplate.getId().toString().compareTo( serviceTemplate.getId().toString()) == 0 )

-      {

-        substituteNode = tempNodeTemplate;

-        break;

-      }


-    }


-    if ( substituteNode == null)

-      return;


-    final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate = (TNodeTemplateExtension) substituteNode; 

-    PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

-    final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

-    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

-    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

-      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {

+  }

+  if( substituteNode == null )

+    return;

+  TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )substituteNode;

+  PoliciesType nodePolicyList = appComponent.getPolicies();

+  if( nodePolicyList == null )

+    return;

+  for( TPolicy tempPolicy : nodePolicyList.getPolicy() ) {

+    if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Strategy" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

+      this.appComponentResizingActions.add( tempPolicy );

+  }



-        @Override

-        protected void doExecute() {

-          for( TPolicy tempPolicy : policy ) {

-            if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Strategy" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

-              if( tempPolicy.getName().compareTo( selectedObject.getName() ) == 0 )

-              {

-                policy.remove( tempPolicy );

-                if( policy.size() == 0 )

-                  nodeTemplate.setPolicies( null );

-                // remove corresponding Policy Template

-                String removedPolicyId = tempPolicy.getPolicyRef().toString();

-                ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

-                DefinitionsType toscaDefinitions = model.getDocumentRoot()

-                  .getDefinitions();

-                final EList<TPolicyTemplate> policyTemplate = toscaDefinitions.getPolicyTemplate();

-                for( TPolicyTemplate tempPolicyTemplate : policyTemplate ) {

-                  if( tempPolicyTemplate.getId().equals( removedPolicyId ) ) {

-                    policyTemplate.remove( tempPolicyTemplate );

-                  }

-                }

-                break;

-              }

-          }


+ * Get Application Component Elasticity Constraints

+ */

+public void getElasticityConstraints() {

+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  Object bo = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+  }

+  // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate

+  TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = ( TServiceTemplate )bo;


+  if (serviceTemplate == null)

+    return;


+  TNodeTemplate substituteNode = null;

+  ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );


+  for( TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

+    .getDefinitions()

+    .getServiceTemplate()

+    .get( 0 )

+    .getTopologyTemplate()

+    .getNodeTemplate() )

+  {

+    if( tempNodeTemplate.getId()

+      .toString()

+      .compareTo( serviceTemplate.getId().toString() ) == 0 )

+    {

+      substituteNode = tempNodeTemplate;

+      break;

+    }

+  }

+  if( substituteNode == null )

+    return;

+  TNodeTemplateExtension appComponent = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )substituteNode;

+  PoliciesType nodePolicyList = appComponent.getPolicies();

+  if( nodePolicyList == null )

+    return;

+  for( TPolicy tempPolicy : nodePolicyList.getPolicy() ) {

+    if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Constraint" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

+      this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.add( tempPolicy );

+  }



+// Remove Application Component Elasticity Action

+void removeApplicationComponentResizingAction( final TPolicy selectedObject )


+  PictogramElement pe = getSelectedPictogramElement();

+  Object bo = null;

+  if( pe != null ) {

+    bo = Graphiti.getLinkService()

+      .getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement( pe );

+  }

+  // Find the substitute TNodeTemplate

+  TServiceTemplate serviceTemplate = ( TServiceTemplate )bo;

+  TNodeTemplate substituteNode = null;

+  ToscaModelLayer model = ModelHandler.getModel( EcoreUtil.getURI( getDiagram() ) );

+  for( TNodeTemplate tempNodeTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

+    .getDefinitions()

+    .getServiceTemplate()

+    .get( 0 )

+    .getTopologyTemplate()

+    .getNodeTemplate() )

+  {

+    if( tempNodeTemplate.getId()

+      .toString()

+      .compareTo( serviceTemplate.getId().toString() ) == 0 )

+    {

+      substituteNode = tempNodeTemplate;

+      break;

+    }

+  }

+  if( substituteNode == null )

+    return;

+  final TNodeTemplateExtension nodeTemplate = ( TNodeTemplateExtension )substituteNode;

+  PoliciesType nodePolicyList = nodeTemplate.getPolicies();

+  final EList<TPolicy> policy = nodePolicyList.getPolicy();

+  TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( bo );

+  editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+    .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


+      @Override

+      protected void doExecute() {

+        for( TPolicy tempPolicy : policy ) {

+          if( tempPolicy.getPolicyType().toString().contains( "Strategy" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$

+            if( tempPolicy.getName().compareTo( selectedObject.getName() ) == 0 )

+            {

+              policy.remove( tempPolicy );

+              if( policy.size() == 0 )

+                nodeTemplate.setPolicies( null );

+              break;

+            }


-      } );

-    this.appComponentResizingActions.remove( selectedObject );

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();

-  }

+      }

+    } );

+  this.appComponentResizingActions.remove( selectedObject );

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();



-  /*

-   * Refresh Elasticity Tab(non-Javadoc)

-   * @see

-   *

-   */

-  @Override

-  public void refresh() {

-    // Refresh Elasticity Constraints

-    this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.clear();

-    getElasticityConstraints();

-    this.tableViewer.refresh();

-    // Refresh Elasticity Actions

-    this.appComponentResizingActions.clear();

-    getResizingActions();

-    this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();

-  }


+ * Refresh Elasticity Tab(non-Javadoc)

+ * @see

+ *

+ */


+public void refresh() {

+  // Refresh Elasticity Constraints

+  this.appComponentElasticityRequirements.clear();

+  getElasticityConstraints();

+  this.tableViewer.refresh();

+  // Refresh Elasticity Actions

+  this.appComponentResizingActions.clear();

+  getResizingActions();

+  this.tableResizingActionsViewer.refresh();



diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/elementCreators/ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/elementCreators/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b77352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor/src/org/eclipse/camf/tosca/elementCreators/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+package org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elementCreators;




+import javax.xml.namespace.QName;


+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;

+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMapUtil;

+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMap.Entry;

+import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.RecordingCommand;

+import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain;

+import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.util.TransactionUtil;


+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.ArtifactReferencesType;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.DefinitionsType;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.PropertiesType;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TArtifactReference;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.TArtifactTemplate;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.ToscaFactory;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.editor.ToscaModelLayer;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.ScriptArtifactPropertiesType;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory;

+import org.eclipse.camf.tosca.elasticity.Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage;



+public class CreateArtifactTemplate {


+  TArtifactTemplate newArtifactTemplate = null;


+  public CreateArtifactTemplate(String artifactName, QName artifactType, final ToscaModelLayer model){

+    if (templateExists(model, artifactName)){

+      return;

+    }


+    // Create Artifact Template

+    final TArtifactTemplate artifactTemplate = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTArtifactTemplate();

+    // Create Script Artifact Properties

+    ScriptArtifactPropertiesType scriptProperties = Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsFactory.eINSTANCE.createScriptArtifactPropertiesType();

+    scriptProperties.setLanguage( "Shell" );

+    // Set the Properties of the Policy Template

+    PropertiesType properties = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropertiesType();

+    // Add the SYBL Policy to the FeatureMap of the Policy's Properties element

+    Entry e = FeatureMapUtil.createEntry( Tosca_Elasticity_ExtensionsPackage.eINSTANCE.getDocumentRoot_ScriptArtifactProperties(),

+                                          scriptProperties );

+    properties.getAny().add( e );

+    artifactTemplate.setProperties( properties );

+    artifactTemplate.setId( artifactName );

+    artifactTemplate.setName( "SD"+artifactName );

+    artifactTemplate.setType( artifactType );

+    // Set artifact ref

+    TArtifactReference artifactRef = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTArtifactReference();

+    artifactRef.setReference( "Scripts" + System.getProperty( "file.separator" ) + artifactName );

+    ArtifactReferencesType artifactRefType = ToscaFactory.eINSTANCE.createArtifactReferencesType();

+    artifactRefType.getArtifactReference().add( artifactRef );

+    artifactTemplate.setArtifactReferences( artifactRefType );


+    // Add the new Artifact Template to the TOSCA Definitions element

+    DefinitionsType definitions = model.getDocumentRoot().getDefinitions();

+    TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain( definitions );

+    editingDomain.getCommandStack()

+      .execute( new RecordingCommand( editingDomain ) {


+        @Override

+        protected void doExecute() {

+          model.getDocumentRoot()

+            .getDefinitions()

+            .getArtifactTemplate()

+            .add( artifactTemplate );

+        }

+      } );


+    this.newArtifactTemplate = artifactTemplate;


+  }


+  private boolean templateExists(final ToscaModelLayer model, String artifactName){


+    for (TArtifactTemplate tempArtifactTemplate : model.getDocumentRoot()

+            .getDefinitions()

+            .getArtifactTemplate()){

+      if (tempArtifactTemplate.getId().equals( artifactName ))

+        return true;

+    }


+    return false;

+  }


+  public TArtifactTemplate getNewArtifactTemplate(){

+    return this.newArtifactTemplate;

+  }
