blob: 63ef33190a46fc5938a12b8d792a04da84bb7aae [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser;
import java.util.List;
* @author jcamelon
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public interface IScanner {
public IScanner initialize( Reader sourceToBeRead, String fileName );
public void addDefinition(String key, IMacroDescriptor macroToBeAdded );
public void addDefinition(String key, String value);
public Object getDefinition(String key);
public Object[] getIncludePaths();
public void addIncludePath(String includePath);
public void overwriteIncludePath( List newIncludePaths );
public Token nextToken() throws ScannerException;
public void setQuickScan(boolean qs);
public void setCallback(IParserCallback c);