blob: d16bae6682de0d4c61b78ac7c9768c621ce299c5 [file] [log] [blame]
# * Copyright (c) 2006 Eclipse Foundation and others.
# * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# *
# *
# * Contributors:
# * Ward Cunningham, Bjorn Freeman-Benson (Eclipse Foundation)
# * - initial API and implementation
# * Wayne Beaton (Eclipse Foundation) - Bug 334531
# *******************************************************************************/
# usage:
# cat roots.txt | ./ > TEXT_FILE_OF_RLOGS
# alternate:
# --ignoretime
use strict;
my $dir = `pwd`;
my $ignoretime = 0;
$_ = shift;
$ignoretime = /\-\-ignoretime/;
my $last;
if (-e 'last.time' && !$ignoretime) {
$last = `date -r last.time +'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'`;
print stderr "incremental extract from $last\n";
} else {
print stderr "full extract\n";
my ($proj, $dir);
for (<STDIN>) {
($proj, $dir) = split /\t/;
find ('', $dir);
sub find {
my ($prefix, $filename) = @_;
#print stderr "$prefix -- $filename\n";
chdir( $prefix) or die $!;
return unless -r $filename;
return unless -x $filename;
return unless -d $filename;
chdir ($filename) or die $!;
$prefix .= "/$filename";
$prefix =~ s/^\/\//\//;
opendir (D, '.') or die $!;
my @names = sort grep -r $_ && !/^\./, readdir(D);
map process($prefix, $_), grep !-d $_ && /,v$/, @names;
map find($prefix, $_), grep { (-d $_ || -l $_) } $_, @names;
chdir( $prefix) or die $!;
sub process {
my ($prefix, $filename) = @_;
return if $filename =~ /\'/ ; # our database code cannot handle single quotes
return if $filename =~ /^-/ ; # rlog can't handle filenames that begin with dash
return unless -r $filename;
print "$proj\t$prefix/$filename\n";
if ($last) {
system ("rlog", "-N", "-d>$last", $filename);
} else {
system ("rlog", "-N", $filename);