blob: 62b37b5eaaff8d81d0618cbc26ebbdc810bdbcc6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 26.07.2011 Aaron Digulla.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Aaron Digulla - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
package m4e
class ConvertCmd extends AbstractCommand {
final static String DESCRIPTION = '''\
groupId:artifactId:version patches...
- Convert everything in the directory "downloads" into one big Maven repository
The first argument is used to create a POM file with a dependencyManagement element.'''
void run( String... args ) {
File downloads = new File( 'downloads' ).absoluteFile
if( !downloads.exists() ) {
throw new UserError( "Missing directory ${downloads}. Please create it and copy all files into it that you want to convert." )
if( args.size() < 2 ) {
throw new UserError( "Expected at least one argument: The groupId:artifactId:version of a POM in which to write the dependencyManagement element" )
targetRepo = new File( workDir, 'm2repo' ) "Converting everything in ${downloads} into ${targetRepo}" )
checkDependencyManagementInfo( args[1] )
List<String> patches = args[2..<args.size()] as List
importArchives( downloads )
applyPatches( patches )
createDependencyManagement() "The converted Maven repository can be found here: ${targetRepo}" )
String dmInfo
void checkDependencyManagementInfo( String info ) {
String[] parts = info.split( ':' )
if( parts.size() != 3 ) {
throw new UserError( "Expected argument format 'groupId:artifactId:version' but was '${info}'" )
dmInfo = info
File targetRepo
List<File> m2repos = []
void importArchives( File file ) {
if( file.isDirectory() ) {
file.eachFile { importArchives( it ) }
} else {
def cmd = new InstallCmd( workDir: workDir ) 'import', file.absolutePath )
mergeCounters( cmd )
m2repos.addAll( cmd.m2repos )
void mergeRepos() {
if( !targetRepo.deleteDir() ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Error deleting ${targetRepo}" )
def cmd = new MergeCmd( workDir: workDir )
List<String> args = []
args << 'merge'
for( File file : m2repos ) {
args << file.absolutePath
args << targetRepo.absolutePath args )
mergeCounters( cmd )
void attachSources() {
def cmd = new AttachSourcesCmd( workDir: workDir ) 'as', targetRepo.absolutePath )
mergeCounters( cmd )
void applyPatches( List<String> patches ) {
List args = [ 'ap', targetRepo.absolutePath ]
args.addAll( patches )
def cmd = new PatchCmd( workDir: workDir ) args as String[] )
mergeCounters( cmd )
void analyze() {
def cmd = new AnalyzeCmd( workDir: workDir ) 'an', targetRepo.absolutePath )
mergeCounters( cmd )
void createDependencyManagement() {
def cmd = new DependencyManagementCmd( workDir: workDir ) 'dm', targetRepo.absolutePath, dmInfo )
mergeCounters( cmd )