blob: d104ba7289908d368f8abc37e1564932d9e4d154 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 23.04.2012 Aaron Digulla.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Aaron Digulla - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
package m4e.p2;
class VersionRange {
static final NULL_RANGE = new VersionRange( null )
final Version lower
final boolean includeLower
final Version upper
final boolean includeUpper
VersionRange( String pattern, VersionCache cache = null ) {
if( !pattern ) {
lower = upper = null
includeLower = includeUpper = false
if( pattern.startsWith( '[' ) ) {
includeLower = true
pattern = pattern.substring( 1 )
} else if( pattern.startsWith( '(' ) ) {
includeLower = false
pattern = pattern.substring( 1 )
} else {
includeLower = false
if( pattern.endsWith( ']' ) ) {
includeUpper = true
pattern = pattern.substring( 0, pattern.size() - 1 )
} else if( pattern.endsWith( ')' ) ) {
includeUpper = false
pattern = pattern.substring( 0, pattern.size() - 1 )
} else {
includeUpper = false
String[] parts = pattern.split( ',', 2 )
if( parts.size() >= 1 ) {
lower = newVersion( cache, parts[0] )
} else {
lower = null
if( parts.size() >= 2 ) {
upper = newVersion( cache, parts[1] )
} else {
upper = null
private VersionRange( Version lower, boolean includeLower, Version upper, boolean includeUpper ) {
this.lower = lower
this.includeLower = includeLower
this.upper = upper
this.includeUpper = includeUpper
public VersionRange stripQualifier() {
return new VersionRange( lower?.stripQualifier(), includeLower, upper?.stripQualifier(), includeUpper )
private static newVersion( VersionCache cache, String pattern ) {
if( cache ) {
return cache.version( pattern )
return new Version( pattern )
String toString() {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder()
if( includeLower ) {
buffer.append( '[' )
} else if( lower && upper ) {
buffer.append( '(' )
if( lower ) {
buffer.append( lower )
if( upper ) {
buffer.append( ',' ).append( upper )
if( includeUpper ) {
buffer.append( ']' )
} else if( lower && upper ) {
buffer.append( ')' )
return buffer.toString()
String shortVersion() {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder()
if( includeLower ) {
buffer.append( '[' )
} else if( lower && upper ) {
buffer.append( '(' )
if( lower ) {
buffer.append( lower.shortVersion() )
if( upper ) {
buffer.append( ',' ).append( upper.shortVersion() )
if( includeUpper ) {
buffer.append( ']' )
} else if( lower && upper ) {
buffer.append( ')' )
return buffer.toString()
boolean contains( Version version ) {
int d1 = lower ? lower.compareTo( version ) : -1
int d2 = upper ? version.compareTo( upper ) : -1
int max1 = includeLower ? 0 : -1
int max2 = includeUpper ? 0 : -1
//println "${d1} ${d2} ${max1} ${max2}"
return d1 <= max1 && d2 <= max2