blob: 606f39389984323f8c8cda657f3ffef28b86e377 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 26.04.2012 Aaron Digulla.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Aaron Digulla - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
package m4e.ui
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.BorderLayout as BL
import groovy.model.DefaultTableModel
import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder
import javax.swing.DefaultListModel;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JList;
import javax.swing.JSplitPane;
import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JTextPane;
import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
import javax.swing.RowFilter;
import javax.swing.RowFilter.GeneralFilter;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
import javax.swing.table.TableRowSorter
import javax.swing.text.Style
import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants;
import javax.swing.text.StyleContext;
import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument
import de.pdark.decentxml.Attribute;
import de.pdark.decentxml.Document;
import de.pdark.decentxml.Element
import de.pdark.decentxml.Text;
import de.pdark.decentxml.Node;
import de.pdark.decentxml.XMLWriter;
import m4e.MavenRepositoryTools;
import m4e.Pom;
import m4e.p2.ui.FilterChangeListener;
class M2RepoView {
File repo
JFrame mainFrame
JTextPane pomView
JTable artifactsWidget
TableRowSorter sorter
JTextField filterText = new JTextField()
String title = 'Maven 2 Repository View'
void show() {
def swing = new SwingBuilder()
swing.edt {
mainFrame = frame( title: title, defaultCloseOperation: JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE, size: [ 800, 800 ], show: true) {
lookAndFeel( "system" )
hbox( constraints: BL.NORTH ) {
label( text: 'Filter:', labelFor: filterText, displayedMnemonic: 'F' )
widget( filterText )
button( action: action( name: 'Reload', mnemonic: 'R', closure: { reload() } ) )
splitPane( orientation: JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, dividerLocation: 400, constraints: BL.CENTER ) {
scrollPane( constraints: 'top' ) {
artifactsWidget = table( fillsViewportHeight: true ) {
tableModel( list: [] ) {
propertyColumn( header: 'Group ID', propertyName: 'groupId' )
propertyColumn( header: 'Artifact ID', propertyName: 'artifactId' )
propertyColumn( header: 'Version', propertyName: 'version' )
scrollPane( constraints: 'bottom' ) {
pomView = textPane()
xmlContext.defineStyles( pomView.document )
void initFilter() {
def l = new FilterChangeListener() {
void filterChanged( String value ) {
applyFilter( value )
filterText.document.addDocumentListener( l )
void initTable() {
sorter = new TableRowSorter<DefaultTableModel>( artifactsWidget.model )
artifactsWidget.rowSorter = sorter
artifactsWidget.selectionMode = ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION
artifactsWidget.rowSelectionAllowed = true
def l = { ListSelectionEvent e ->
int[] selectedRows = artifactsWidget.selectedRows
if( !selectedRows ) {
int index = selectedRows[0]
index = artifactsWidget.convertRowIndexToModel( index )
PomTableEntry value = artifactsWidget.model.rows.get( index )
selectPom( value.key() )
} as ListSelectionListener
artifactsWidget.selectionModel.addListSelectionListener( l )
void reload() {
new SwingBuilder().build {
doOutside {
void applyFilter( String value ) {
sorter.rowFilter = new SubStringFilter( value )
XmlContext xmlContext = new XmlContext()
String currentPom
void selectPom( String key ) {
if( key == currentPom ) {
println "Loading ${key}"
File file = MavenRepositoryTools.buildPath( repo, key, 'pom' )
def pom = Pom.load( file )
new XmlToStyledDocument( doc: pomView.document, context: xmlContext ).convert( pom.doc )
pomView.caretPosition = 0
currentPom = key
void loadPoms() {
println "Loading artifacts from ${repo}..."
def list = []
MavenRepositoryTools.eachPom( repo ) { File file ->
file = file.parentFile
String version =
file = file.parentFile
String artifactId =
file = file.parentFile
def path = file.pathRelativeTo( repo )
String groupId = path.replace( '/', '.' )
list << new PomTableEntry( groupId: groupId, artifactId: artifactId, version: version )
list.sort { it.key() }
println "Loaded ${list.size()} artifacts"
new SwingBuilder().build {
doLater {
mainFrame.title = "${title} - ${list.size} artifacts"
artifactsWidget.model.rowsModel.value = list
class SubStringFilter extends RowFilter<Object,Object> {
private String pattern
SubStringFilter( String pattern ) {
this.pattern = pattern
public boolean include( javax.swing.RowFilter.Entry<? extends Object, ? extends Object> entry ) {
return entry.getStringValue( 0 ).contains( pattern ) || entry.getStringValue( 1 ).contains( pattern )
class PomTableEntry {
String groupId
String artifactId
String version
String key() {
return "${groupId}:${artifactId}:${version}"
class XmlToStyledDocument extends XMLWriter {
StyledDocument doc
XmlContext context
int offset = 0
XmlToStyledDocument() {
super( new NullWriter() )
void convert( Document xml ) {
doc.remove( 0, doc.length )
xml.toXML( this )
void write( Node node, String s ) throws IOException {
append( node, s )
offset += s.size()
void append( Element e, String s ) {
doc.insertString( offset, s, context.STYLE_XML_ELEMENT )
void append( Text t, String s ) {
doc.insertString( offset, s, context.STYLE_TEXT_NODE )
void append( Attribute t, String s ) {
doc.insertString( offset, s, context.STYLE_XML_ATTRIBUTE )
void append( Object o, String s ) {
doc.insertString( offset, s, context.STYLE_REGULAR )
class XmlContext {
void defineStyles( StyledDocument doc ) {
def basic = StyleContext.defaultStyleContext.getStyle( StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE )
STYLE_REGULAR = doc.addStyle( 'regular', basic )
StyleConstants.setFontFamily( STYLE_REGULAR, Font.MONOSPACED )
STYLE_XML_ELEMENT = doc.addStyle( 'xmlElement', STYLE_REGULAR )
StyleConstants.setForeground( STYLE_XML_ELEMENT, new Color( 127, 0, 85 ) )
STYLE_XML_ATTRIBUTE = doc.addStyle( 'xmlAttribute', STYLE_REGULAR )
StyleConstants.setForeground( STYLE_XML_ATTRIBUTE, new Color( 63, 95, 191 ) )
STYLE_TEXT_NODE = doc.addStyle( 'text', STYLE_REGULAR )
StyleConstants.setBold( STYLE_TEXT_NODE, true )