blob: 49aa9d4981fdd8a8d9ec5145e8a2a53944eece17 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 23.04.2012 Aaron Digulla.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Aaron Digulla - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
package m4e.p2
import groovy.util.Node;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
class ProviderResolver {
P2Repo repo
DependencyCache dependencyCache
Map<String, List<P2Bundle>> providers = new HashMap().withDefault { [] }
void register( P2Bundle bundle, Node unit ) {
def provides = unit.provides
if( !provides ) {
provides.provided.each { provided ->
String namespace = provided.'@namespace'
String key = "${namespace}:${provided.'@name'}"
// println "define ${key}"
providers.get( key ).add( bundle )
void resolveRequirements() {
repo.features.each {
// println it
def newDeps = resolveRequirements( it.dependencies )
it.dependencies = newDeps
repo.plugins.each {
// println it
def newDeps = resolveRequirements( it.dependencies )
it.dependencies = newDeps
List<P2Dependency> resolveRequirements( List<P2Dependency> dependencies ) {
Set<P2Dependency> newDeps = new LinkedHashSet<P2Dependency>();
dependencies.each { dep ->
if( dep.type == 'osgi.bundle' || dep.type == 'org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu' ) {
// println "Keep ${dep}"
newDeps << dep
String key = "${dep.type}:${}"
// println key
def bundles = providers[key]
// println dep
// println bundles
if( bundles ) {
// println "Found ${key}"
bundles.each { bundle ->
def versionRange = repo.versionCache.range( "[${bundle.version},${bundle.version}]" )
newDeps << dependencyCache.dependency(, 'osgi.bundle', versionRange )
} else {
// TODO P2Dependency( id=org.eclipse.acceleo_root, version=3.1.3.v20120214-0359, type=binary )
// TODO P2Dependency( id=org.apache.commons.csv, version=[1.0.0,2.0.0), type=java.package )
// TODO P2Dependency( id=javax.sql, version=0.0.0, type=java.package )
//println dep
// println "Missing ${key}"
newDeps << dep
return newDeps as ArrayList