blob: da7ea9ee1d03dea5317367065813ef400f34a5f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 23.08.2011 Aaron Digulla.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Aaron Digulla - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
package m4e.patch;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import m4e.ImportTool;
import org.junit.Test;
import m4e.UserError
class PatchDependencyTest {
public void testOneField() throws Exception {
try {
PatchDependency.fromString( 'a' )
fail( 'Expected error' )
} catch( UserError e ) {
assertEquals( 'Expected at least three colon-separated values: [a]', e.message )
public void testTwoFields() throws Exception {
try {
PatchDependency.fromString( 'a:b' )
fail( 'Expected error' )
} catch( UserError e ) {
assertEquals( 'Expected at least three colon-separated values: [a:b]', e.message )
public void testThreeFields() throws Exception {
def d = PatchDependency.fromString( 'a:b:1' )
assertEquals( 'PatchDependency( a:b:1 )', d.toString() )
assertEquals( false, d.optional )
assertEquals( null, d.scope )
public void testOptionalTrue() throws Exception {
def d = PatchDependency.fromString( 'a:b:1:optional=true' )
assertEquals( 'PatchDependency( a:b:1 )', d.toString() )
assertEquals( true, d.optional )
public void testOptionalFalse() throws Exception {
def d = PatchDependency.fromString( 'a:b:1:optional=false' )
assertEquals( 'PatchDependency( a:b:1 )', d.toString() )
assertEquals( false, d.optional )