blob: 9ea16ab8c48f063ffd81ee590a56d7920e8a4b60 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.dndaddon;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.swt.AbstractPartRenderer;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.MUIElement;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.MPartStack;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.MStackElement;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.widgets.CTabFolder;
import org.eclipse.e4.ui.widgets.CTabItem;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
public class StackDropAgent extends DropAgent {
private Rectangle tabArea;
private MPartStack dropStack;
private CTabFolder dropCTF;
private ArrayList<Rectangle> itemRects;
private int curDropIndex = -2;
* @param manager
public StackDropAgent(DnDManager manager) {
public boolean canDrop(MUIElement dragElement, DnDInfo info) {
// We only except stack elements and whole stacks
if (!(dragElement instanceof MStackElement) && !(dragElement instanceof MPartStack))
return false;
// We have to be over a stack ourselves
if (!(info.curElement instanceof MPartStack))
return false;
MPartStack stack = (MPartStack) info.curElement;
// We only work for CTabFolders
if (!(stack.getWidget() instanceof CTabFolder))
return false;
// We can't drop stacks onto itself
if (stack == dragElement)
return false;
// only allow dropping into the the area
Rectangle areaRect = getTabAreaRect((CTabFolder) stack.getWidget());
boolean inArea = areaRect.contains(info.cursorPos);
if (inArea) {
tabArea = areaRect;
dropStack = (MPartStack) info.curElement;
dropCTF = (CTabFolder) dropStack.getWidget();
return inArea;
private Rectangle getTabAreaRect(CTabFolder theCTF) {
Rectangle ctfBounds = theCTF.getBounds();
ctfBounds.height = theCTF.getTabHeight();
Rectangle displayBounds = Display.getCurrent().map(theCTF.getParent(), null, ctfBounds);
return displayBounds;
private void createInsertRects() {
itemRects = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
if (dropCTF.getItems().length > 0) {
CTabItem[] items = dropCTF.getItems();
// First rect is from left to the center of the item
Rectangle itemRect = items[0].getBounds();
int centerX = itemRect.x + (itemRect.width / 2);
itemRect.width /= 2;
int curX = itemRect.x + itemRect.width;
Rectangle insertRect = dropCTF.getDisplay().map(dropCTF, null, itemRect);
// Process the other items
for (int i = 1; i < items.length; i++) {
itemRect = items[i].getBounds();
centerX = itemRect.x + (itemRect.width / 2);
itemRect.width = centerX - curX;
itemRect.x = curX;
curX = centerX;
insertRect = dropCTF.getDisplay().map(dropCTF, null, itemRect);
// Finally, add a rectangle from the center of the last element to the end
itemRect.x = curX;
itemRect.width = dropCTF.getBounds().width - curX;
insertRect = dropCTF.getDisplay().map(dropCTF, null, itemRect);
} else {
// Empty stack, whole area is index == 0
private int getDropIndex(DnDInfo info) {
if (itemRects == null)
return -1;
for (Rectangle itemRect : itemRects) {
if (itemRect.contains(info.cursorPos))
return itemRects.indexOf(itemRect);
return -1;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.dndaddon.DropAgent#dragLeave()
public void dragLeave(MUIElement dragElement, DnDInfo info) {
if (dndManager.getFeedbackStyle() == DnDManager.HOSTED) {
if (dragElement.getParent() != null)
dndManager.hostElement(dragElement, 16, 10);
} else {
tabArea = null;
curDropIndex = -2;
super.dragLeave(dragElement, info);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.dndaddon.DropAgent#dragLeave()
public boolean track(MUIElement dragElement, DnDInfo info) {
if (!tabArea.contains(info.cursorPos) || dropStack == null || !dropStack.isToBeRendered())
return false;
int dropIndex = getDropIndex(info);
if (curDropIndex == dropIndex || dropIndex == -1)
return true;
curDropIndex = dropIndex;
if (dropStack.getChildren().indexOf(dragElement) == dropIndex)
return true;
if (dndManager.getFeedbackStyle() == DnDManager.HOSTED) {
dock(dragElement, dropIndex);
} else {
if (dropIndex < dropCTF.getItemCount()) {
Rectangle itemBounds = dropCTF.getItem(dropIndex).getBounds();
itemBounds.width = 2;
itemBounds = Display.getCurrent().map(dropCTF, null, itemBounds);
} else if (dropCTF.getItemCount() > 0) {
Rectangle itemBounds = dropCTF.getItem(dropIndex - 1).getBounds();
itemBounds.x = itemBounds.x + itemBounds.width;
itemBounds.width = 2;
itemBounds = Display.getCurrent().map(dropCTF, null, itemBounds);
} else {
Rectangle fr = new Rectangle(tabArea.x, tabArea.y, tabArea.width, tabArea.height);
fr.width = 2;
if (dndManager.getFeedbackStyle() == DnDManager.GHOSTED) {
Rectangle ca = dropCTF.getClientArea();
ca = Display.getCurrent().map(dropCTF, null, ca);
return true;
* @param dragElement
* @param dropIndex
private void dock(MUIElement dragElement, int dropIndex) {
// Adjust the index if necessary
int elementIndex = dropStack.getChildren().indexOf(dragElement);
if (elementIndex != -1 && !(dragElement instanceof MPartStack)) {
// Get the index of this CTF entry
Control dragCtrl = (Control) dragElement.getWidget();
for (CTabItem cti : dropCTF.getItems()) {
if (dragCtrl == cti.getControl()) {
int itemIndex = dropCTF.indexOf(cti);
if (itemIndex <= dropIndex)
if (dragElement instanceof MStackElement) {
if (dragElement.getParent() != null)
if (dropIndex >= 0 && dropIndex < dropStack.getChildren().size())
dropStack.getChildren().add(dropIndex, (MStackElement) dragElement);
dropStack.getChildren().add((MStackElement) dragElement);
// (Re)active the element being dropped
dropStack.setSelectedElement((MStackElement) dragElement);
} else {
MPartStack stack = (MPartStack) dragElement;
MStackElement curSel = stack.getSelectedElement();
List<MStackElement> kids = stack.getChildren();
while (kids.size() > 0) {
MStackElement lastChild = kids.remove(kids.size() - 1);
if (dropIndex >= 0 && dropIndex < dropStack.getChildren().size())
dropStack.getChildren().add(dropIndex, lastChild);
// (Re)active the element being dropped
* @param dragElement
private void showFrame(MUIElement dragElement) {
CTabFolder ctf = (CTabFolder) dropStack.getWidget();
CTabItem[] items = ctf.getItems();
CTabItem item = null;
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].getData(AbstractPartRenderer.OWNING_ME) == dragElement) {
item = items[i];
Rectangle bounds = item.getBounds();
bounds = Display.getCurrent().map(dropCTF, null, bounds);
Rectangle outerBounds = new Rectangle(bounds.x - 3, bounds.y - 3, bounds.width + 6,
bounds.height + 6);
public boolean drop(MUIElement dragElement, DnDInfo info) {
if (dndManager.getFeedbackStyle() != DnDManager.HOSTED) {
int dropIndex = getDropIndex(info);
if (dropIndex != -1)
dock(dragElement, dropIndex);
return true;