blob: d6f962fe9fa77d1cd81875da0f7baa257fc44c42 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 Fabio Zadrozny and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Fabio Zadrozny - initial API and implementation -
package org.eclipse.e4.core.macros.internal;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ListenerList;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.macros.Activator;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.macros.CancelMacroException;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.macros.CancelMacroRecordingException;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.macros.EMacroService;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.macros.IMacroInstruction;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.macros.IMacroInstructionFactory;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.macros.IMacroInstructionsListener;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.macros.IMacroPlaybackContext;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.macros.IMacroRecordContext;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.macros.IMacroStateListener;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.macros.IMacroStateListener.StateChange;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.macros.MacroPlaybackException;
* Macro manager (pure java, without any OSGI requirements).
public class MacroManager {
private static final String JS_EXT = ".js"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String TEMP_MACRO_PREFIX = "temp_macro_"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* The max number of temporary macros to be kept (can't be lower than 1).
private int fMaxNumberOfTemporaryMacros = 5;
* Sets the maximum number of temporary macros (so, if more than
* {@code maxNumberOfTemporaryMacros} are created, the oldest ones will be
* removed until the number of temporary macros equals
* {@code maxNumberOfTemporaryMacros}).
* @param maxNumberOfTemporaryMacros
* The max number of temporary macros to be kept (must be ≥ 1).
public void setMaxNumberOfTemporaryMacros(int maxNumberOfTemporaryMacros) {
Assert.isTrue(maxNumberOfTemporaryMacros >= 1);
fMaxNumberOfTemporaryMacros = maxNumberOfTemporaryMacros;
* Provides the maximum number of temporary macros to be kept (if there are more
* macros than the value returned, older temporary macros should be removed).
* @return the maximum number of temporary macros to be kept.
public int getMaxNumberOfTemporaryMacros() {
return fMaxNumberOfTemporaryMacros;
* The directories where macros should be looked up. The first directory is the
* one where macros are persisted.
private File[] fMacrosDirectories;
* Holds the macro currently being recorded (if we're in record mode). If not in
* record mode, should be null.
private ComposableMacro fMacroBeingRecorded;
* Holds the last recorded or played back macro.
private IMacro fLastMacro;
* Flag indicating whether we're playing back a macro.
private boolean fIsPlayingBack = false;
* State to be used when recording macro.
private IMacroRecordContext fMacroRecordContext;
* State to be used when playing back macro.
private IMacroPlaybackContext fMacroPlaybackContext;
* Creates a manager for macros which will read macros from the given
* directories.
* @param macrosDirectories
* the directories where macros should be looked up. The first
* directory is the one where macros are persisted. If there are 2
* macros which would end up having the same name, the one in the
* directory that appears last is the one which is used.
public MacroManager(File... macrosDirectories) {
* Sets the macro directories which should be tracked for macros.
* @param macrosDirectories
* the directories where macros should be looked up. The first
* directory is the one where macros are persisted. If there are 2
* macros which would end up having the same name, the one in the
* directory that appears last is the one which is used.
public void setMacrosDirectories(File... macrosDirectories) {
for (File file : macrosDirectories) {
fMacrosDirectories = macrosDirectories;
* Return {@code true} if a macro is currently being recorded, and {@code false}
* otherwise.
* @return whether a macro is currently being recorded.
public boolean isRecording() {
return fMacroBeingRecorded != null;
* Return {@code true} if a macro is currently being played back, and
* {@code false} otherwise.
* @return whether a macro is currently being played back.
public boolean isPlayingBack() {
return fIsPlayingBack;
* Adds a macro instruction to the macro currently being recorded. Does nothing
* if no macro is being recorded.
* @param macroInstruction
* the macro instruction to be recorded.
* @throws CancelMacroRecordingException
* if the macro recording has been cancelled.
public void addMacroInstruction(IMacroInstruction macroInstruction) throws CancelMacroRecordingException {
ComposableMacro macroBeingRecorded = fMacroBeingRecorded;
if (macroBeingRecorded != null) {
for (IMacroInstructionsListener listener : fMacroInstructionsListeners) {
* Adds a macro instruction to be added to the current macro being recorded. The
* difference between this method and
* {@link #addMacroInstruction(IMacroInstruction)} is that it is meant to be
* used when an event may trigger the creation of multiple macro instructions
* and only one of those should be recorded.
* For instance, if a given KeyDown event is recorded in a StyledText and later
* an action is triggered by this event, the recorded action should overwrite
* the KeyDown event.
* @param macroInstruction
* the macro instruction to be added to the macro currently being
* recorded.
* @param event
* the event that triggered the creation of the macro instruction to
* be added. If there are multiple macro instructions added for the
* same event, only the one with the highest priority will be kept
* (if 2 events have the same priority, the last one will replace the
* previous one).
* @param priority
* the priority of the macro instruction being added (to be compared
* against the priority of other added macro instructions for the
* same event).
* @throws CancelMacroRecordingException
* if the macro recording has been cancelled.
* @see #addMacroInstruction(IMacroInstruction)
public void addMacroInstruction(IMacroInstruction macroInstruction, Object event, int priority)
throws CancelMacroRecordingException {
ComposableMacro macroBeingRecorded = fMacroBeingRecorded;
if (macroBeingRecorded != null) {
if (macroBeingRecorded.addMacroInstruction(macroInstruction, event, priority)) {
for (IMacroInstructionsListener listener : fMacroInstructionsListeners) {
private static final class MacroRecordContext implements IMacroRecordContext {
private final Map<Object, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>();
public Object get(String key) {
return ctx.get(key);
public void set(String key, Object value) {
ctx.put(key, value);
* Toggles the macro record (either starts recording or stops an existing
* record).
* @param macroService
* service to record macros.
* @param macroInstructionIdToFactory
* a mapping of the available macro instruction ids to the factory
* which is able to recreate the related macro instruction.
public void toggleMacroRecord(final EMacroService macroService,
Map<String, IMacroInstructionFactory> macroInstructionIdToFactory) {
if (fIsPlayingBack) {
// Can't toggle the macro record mode while playing back.
if (fMacroBeingRecorded == null) {
// Start recording
fMacroRecordContext = new MacroRecordContext();
fMacroBeingRecorded = new ComposableMacro(macroInstructionIdToFactory);
for (IMacroStateListener listener : fStateListeners) { -> listener.macroRecordContextCreated(fMacroRecordContext));
if (!notifyMacroStateChange(macroService, StateChange.RECORD_STARTED)) {
} else {
* Stops the macro recording.
* @param macroService
* service to record macros.
private void stopRecording(final EMacroService macroService) {
try {
if (fMacroBeingRecorded.getLength() > 0) {
// No point in saving an empty macro.
fLastMacro = fMacroBeingRecorded;
} finally {
fMacroBeingRecorded = null;
// Notify only after setting fMacroBeingRecorded to null (which will
// make isRecording return false on the notification);
notifyMacroStateChange(macroService, StateChange.RECORD_FINISHED);
fMacroRecordContext = null;
* Helper class to store a path an a time.
public static final class StoredMacroReference {
public final Path fPath;
public final long fLastModified;
public StoredMacroReference(Path path, long lastModified) {
fPath = path;
fLastModified = lastModified;
* Saves a composable macro as a temporary macro on disk.
* @param macro
* the macro to be recorded as a temporary macro.
private void saveTemporaryMacro(ComposableMacro macro) {
if (fMacrosDirectories == null || fMacrosDirectories.length == 0) {
// The first one is the one we use as a working directory to store
// temporary macros.
File macroDirectory = fMacrosDirectories[0];
if (!macroDirectory.isDirectory()) {
Activator.log(new RuntimeException(
String.format("Unable to save macro. Expected: %s to be a directory.", macroDirectory))); //$NON-NLS-1$
List<StoredMacroReference> storedMacroReferences = listTemporaryMacroReferences(macroDirectory);
try {
Path tempFile = Files.createTempFile(Paths.get(macroDirectory.toURI()), TEMP_MACRO_PREFIX, JS_EXT);
Files.write(tempFile, macro.toJSBytes(), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE,
} catch (IOException e) {
return; // Can't create file at expected place;
// Remove older files
while (storedMacroReferences.size() >= fMaxNumberOfTemporaryMacros) {
StoredMacroReference removeFile = storedMacroReferences.remove(storedMacroReferences.size() - 1);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
* Provides the path/time for the temporary macros at a given directory as n
* list sorted such that the last element is the oldest one and the first is the
* newest.
* @param macroDirectory
* the directory from where we should get the temporary macros.
* @return the temporary macros available along with their path and creation
* time
public List<StoredMacroReference> listTemporaryMacroReferences(File macroDirectory) {
// It is a sorted list and not a tree map to deal with the case of
// multiple times pointing to the same file (although hard to happen,
// it is not impossible).
List<StoredMacroReference> storedMacroReferences = new ArrayList<>();
try (DirectoryStream<Path> directoryStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(Paths.get(macroDirectory.toURI()),
new DirectoryStream.Filter<Path>() {
public boolean accept(Path entry) {
String name = entry.getFileName().toString().toLowerCase();
return name.startsWith(TEMP_MACRO_PREFIX) && name.endsWith(JS_EXT);
})) {
for (Path p : directoryStream) {
.add(new StoredMacroReference(p, Files.getLastModifiedTime(p).to(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)));
} catch (IOException e1) {
// Sort by reversed modified time (because it is faster to remove the
// last element from an ArrayList later on).
Collections.sort(storedMacroReferences, new Comparator<StoredMacroReference>() {
public int compare(StoredMacroReference o1, StoredMacroReference o2) {
return, o1.fLastModified);
return storedMacroReferences;
* Notifies that a macro state change occurred (see
* {@link org.eclipse.e4.core.macros.IMacroStateListener}).
* @return false if a listener has throw a CancelMacroException and true
* otherwise.
private boolean notifyMacroStateChange(final EMacroService macroService, final StateChange stateChange) {
boolean okToGo = true;
for (final IMacroStateListener listener : fStateListeners) {
try {
listener.macroStateChanged(macroService, stateChange);
} catch (CancelMacroException e) {
okToGo = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
return okToGo;
* Plays back the last recorded macro.
* @param macroService
* the macro service (used to notify listeners of the change.
* @param macroPlaybackContext
* a context to be used to playback the macro (passed to the macro to
* be played back).
* @param macroInstructionIdToFactory
* a map pointing from the macro instruction id to the factory used
* to create the related macro instruction.
* @throws MacroPlaybackException
* if some error happens when running the macro.
public void playbackLastMacro(EMacroService macroService, final IMacroPlaybackContext macroPlaybackContext,
final Map<String, IMacroInstructionFactory> macroInstructionIdToFactory)
throws MacroPlaybackException {
if (fLastMacro != null && !fIsPlayingBack) {
// Note that we can play back while recording, but we can't change
// the recording mode while playing back.
fIsPlayingBack = true;
try {
fMacroPlaybackContext = macroPlaybackContext;
for (IMacroStateListener listener : fStateListeners) { -> listener.macroPlaybackContextCreated(macroPlaybackContext));
if (notifyMacroStateChange(macroService, StateChange.PLAYBACK_STARTED)) {
fLastMacro.playback(macroPlaybackContext, macroInstructionIdToFactory);
} finally {
fIsPlayingBack = false;
notifyMacroStateChange(macroService, StateChange.PLAYBACK_FINISHED);
fMacroPlaybackContext = null;
* A list with the listeners to be notified of changes in the macro service.
private final ListenerList<IMacroStateListener> fStateListeners = new ListenerList<>();
* Adds a macro listener to be notified on changes in the macro record/playback
* state.
* @param listener
* the listener to be added.
public void addMacroStateListener(IMacroStateListener listener) {
* @param listener
* the macro listener which should no longer be notified of changes.
public void removeMacroStateListener(IMacroStateListener listener) {
* Provides the listeners which are currently registered to be notified of
* changes in the macro state.
* @return the currently registered listeners.
public IMacroStateListener[] getMacroStateListeners() {
Object[] listeners = fStateListeners.getListeners();
IMacroStateListener[] macroStateListeners = new IMacroStateListener[listeners.length];
System.arraycopy(listeners, 0, macroStateListeners, 0, listeners.length);
return macroStateListeners;
* Reloads the macros available from the disk.
public void reloadMacros() {
for (File macroDirectory : fMacrosDirectories) {
if (macroDirectory.isDirectory()) {
List<StoredMacroReference> storedMacroReferences = listTemporaryMacroReferences(macroDirectory);
if (storedMacroReferences.size() > 0) {
fLastMacro = new SavedJSMacro(storedMacroReferences.get(0).fPath.toFile());
return; // Load the last from the first directory (others aren't used for the last
// macro).
} else {
Activator.log(new RuntimeException(String.format("Expected: %s to be a directory.", macroDirectory))); //$NON-NLS-1$
private final ListenerList<IMacroInstructionsListener> fMacroInstructionsListeners = new ListenerList<>();
* Adds a macro instructions listener (it may be added to validate the current
* state of the macro recording).
* @param macroInstructionsListener
* the listener for macro instructions.
public void addMacroInstructionsListener(IMacroInstructionsListener macroInstructionsListener) {
* Removes a macro instructions listener.
* @param macroInstructionsListener
* the listener for macro instructions.
public void removeMacroInstructionsListener(IMacroInstructionsListener macroInstructionsListener) {
* Provides the macro record context or null if the macro engine is not
* recording.
* @return the macro record context created when macro record started or null if
* it is not currently recording.
public IMacroRecordContext getMacroRecordContext() {
return fMacroRecordContext;
* Provides the macro playback context or null if the macro engine is not
* playing back.
* @return the macro playback context created when macro playback started or
* null if it is not currently recording.
public IMacroPlaybackContext getMacroPlaybackContext() {
return fMacroPlaybackContext;
* Provides the number of macro instructions in the macro being currently
* recorded or -1 if there is no macro being recorded.
* @return the number of macro instructions in the macro currently recorded or
* -1 if no macro is being recorded.
public int getLengthOfMacroBeingRecorded() {
if (fMacroBeingRecorded != null) {
return fMacroBeingRecorded.getLength();
return -1;