blob: 329ccbf5a74aca023bda20d0a730a5007507be8d [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.flow;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.*;
* Reflects the context of code analysis, keeping track of enclosing
* try statements, exception handlers, etc...
public class FlowContext implements TypeConstants {
public AstNode associatedNode;
public FlowContext parent;
public final static FlowContext NotContinuableContext = new FlowContext(null,null);
public FlowContext(FlowContext parent, AstNode associatedNode) {
this.parent = parent;
this.associatedNode = associatedNode;
public Label breakLabel() {
return null;
public void checkExceptionHandlers(TypeBinding[] raisedExceptions, AstNode location, FlowInfo flowInfo, BlockScope scope) {
// check that all the argument exception types are handled
// JDK Compatible implementation - when an exception type is thrown,
// all related catch blocks are marked as reachable... instead of those only
// until the point where it is safely handled (Smarter - see comment at the end)
int remainingCount; // counting the number of remaining unhandled exceptions
int raisedCount; // total number of exceptions raised
if ((raisedExceptions == null) || ((raisedCount = raisedExceptions.length) == 0))
remainingCount = raisedCount;
// duplicate the array of raised exceptions since it will be updated
// (null replaces any handled exception)
System.arraycopy(raisedExceptions, 0, (raisedExceptions = new TypeBinding[raisedCount]), 0, raisedCount);
FlowContext traversedContext = this;
while (traversedContext != null) {
AstNode sub;
if (((sub = traversedContext.subRoutine()) != null) && sub.cannotReturn()) {
// traversing a non-returning subroutine means that all unhandled
// exceptions will actually never get sent...
// filter exceptions that are locally caught from the most enclosing
// try statement to the outer ones.
if (traversedContext instanceof ExceptionHandlingFlowContext) {
ExceptionHandlingFlowContext exceptionContext = (ExceptionHandlingFlowContext) traversedContext;
ReferenceBinding[] caughtExceptions;
if ((caughtExceptions = exceptionContext.handledExceptions) != NoExceptions) {
int caughtCount = caughtExceptions.length;
boolean[] locallyCaught = new boolean[raisedCount]; // at most
for (int caughtIndex = 0; caughtIndex < caughtCount; caughtIndex++) {
ReferenceBinding caughtException = caughtExceptions[caughtIndex];
for (int raisedIndex = 0; raisedIndex < raisedCount; raisedIndex++) {
TypeBinding raisedException;
if ((raisedException = raisedExceptions[raisedIndex]) != null) {
switch (scope.compareTypes(raisedException, caughtException)) {
case EqualOrMoreSpecific :
exceptionContext.recordHandlingException(caughtException, flowInfo.unconditionalInits(), raisedException, location, locallyCaught[raisedIndex]); // was already definitely caught ?
if (!locallyCaught[raisedIndex]){
locallyCaught[raisedIndex] = true; // remember that this exception has been definitely caught
case MoreGeneric :
exceptionContext.recordHandlingException(caughtException, flowInfo.unconditionalInits(), raisedException, location, false); // was not caught already per construction
// remove locally caught exceptions from the remaining ones
for (int i = 0; i < raisedCount; i++) {
if (locallyCaught[i]) {
raisedExceptions[i] = null; // removed from the remaining ones.
// method treatment for unchecked exceptions
if (exceptionContext.isMethodContext){
for (int i = 0; i < raisedCount; i++) {
TypeBinding raisedException;
if ((raisedException = raisedExceptions[i]) != null) {
if (scope.areTypesCompatible(raisedException, scope.getJavaLangRuntimeException())
|| scope.areTypesCompatible(raisedException, scope.getJavaLangError())){
remainingCount --;
raisedExceptions[i] = null;
if (remainingCount == 0)
traversedContext = traversedContext.parent;
// if reaches this point, then there are some remaining unhandled exception types.
for (int i = 0; i < raisedCount; i++) {
TypeBinding exception;
if ((exception = raisedExceptions[i]) != null) {
scope.problemReporter().unhandledException(exception, location, scope);
| unhandledExceptionTypes nameEnv traversedContext |
someExceptionTypes isEmpty ifTrue: [^self].
unhandledExceptionTypes := someExceptionTypes asOrderedCollection.
nameEnv := scope enclosingMethod nameEnvironment.
traversedContext := self.
[traversedContext isNil] whileFalse: [| caughtExceptions sub |
((sub := traversedContext subRoutine) notNil and: [sub cannotReturn])
ifTrue: [
" "Traversing a non-returning subroutine means that all unhandled exceptions will actually
never get sent..." "
" "Filter exceptions that are locally caught from the most enclosing try statement to the outer ones." "
(caughtExceptions := traversedContext handledExceptions) isNil
ifFalse: [
caughtExceptions do: [:handledExceptionAssoc | | handledException |
handledException := handledExceptionAssoc key.
unhandledExceptionTypes copy do: [:raisedException | | safe |
" "Any exception recognized as being caught is removed from the exceptions list" "
((safe := raisedException isCompatibleWith: handledException in: nameEnv)
or: [handledException isCompatibleWith: raisedException in: nameEnv])
ifTrue: [
recordInitializationInfo: initInfo
onException: handledException.
handledExceptionAssoc value: true.
safe ifTrue: [unhandledExceptionTypes remove: raisedException]]]]].
unhandledExceptionTypes isEmpty ifTrue: [^self].
traversedContext := traversedContext parent].
scope enclosingMethod errorInterface
unexpectedExceptionsError: unhandledExceptionTypes
from: invocationSite
public void checkExceptionHandlers(TypeBinding raisedException, AstNode location, FlowInfo flowInfo, BlockScope scope) {
// check that all the argument exception types are handled
// JDK Compatible implementation - when an exception type is thrown,
// all related catch blocks are marked as reachable... instead of those only
// until the point where it is safely handled (Smarter - see comment at the end)
FlowContext traversedContext = this;
while (traversedContext != null) {
AstNode sub;
if (((sub = traversedContext.subRoutine()) != null) && sub.cannotReturn()) {
// traversing a non-returning subroutine means that all unhandled
// exceptions will actually never get sent...
// filter exceptions that are locally caught from the most enclosing
// try statement to the outer ones.
if (traversedContext instanceof ExceptionHandlingFlowContext) {
ExceptionHandlingFlowContext exceptionContext = (ExceptionHandlingFlowContext) traversedContext;
ReferenceBinding[] caughtExceptions;
if ((caughtExceptions = exceptionContext.handledExceptions) != NoExceptions) {
boolean definitelyCaught = false;
for (int caughtIndex = 0, caughtCount = caughtExceptions.length; caughtIndex < caughtCount; caughtIndex++) {
ReferenceBinding caughtException = caughtExceptions[caughtIndex];
switch (scope.compareTypes(raisedException, caughtException)) {
case EqualOrMoreSpecific :
definitelyCaught); // was it already definitely caught ?
definitelyCaught = true;
case MoreGeneric :
false); // was not caught already per construction
if (definitelyCaught) return;
// method treatment for unchecked exceptions
if (exceptionContext.isMethodContext){
if (scope.areTypesCompatible(raisedException, scope.getJavaLangRuntimeException())
|| scope.areTypesCompatible(raisedException, scope.getJavaLangError()))
break; // not handled anywhere, thus jump to error handling
traversedContext = traversedContext.parent;
// if reaches this point, then there are some remaining unhandled exception types.
scope.problemReporter().unhandledException(raisedException, location, scope);
public Label continueLabel() {
return null;
public FlowContext getTargetContextForBreakLabel(char[] labelName) {
// lookup through break labels
FlowContext current = this, lastNonReturningSubRoutine = null;
while (current != null) {
if (current.isNonReturningContext()) {
lastNonReturningSubRoutine = current;
char[] currentLabelName;
if (((currentLabelName = current.labelName()) != null)
&& CharOperation.equals(currentLabelName, labelName)) {
if (lastNonReturningSubRoutine == null) {
return current;
} else {
return lastNonReturningSubRoutine;
current = current.parent;
// not found
return null;
public FlowContext getTargetContextForContinueLabel(char[] labelName) {
// lookup through continue labels
FlowContext current = this, lastContinuable = null, lastNonReturningSubRoutine = null;
while (current != null) {
if (current.isNonReturningContext()) {
lastNonReturningSubRoutine = current;
} else {
if (current.isContinuable()) {
lastContinuable = current;
char[] currentLabelName;
if (((currentLabelName = current.labelName()) != null)
&& CharOperation.equals(currentLabelName, labelName)) {
if ((lastContinuable != null) && (current.associatedNode.concreteStatement() == lastContinuable.associatedNode)) {
if (lastNonReturningSubRoutine == null) {
return lastContinuable;
} else {
return lastNonReturningSubRoutine;
} else {
// label is found, but not a continuable location
return NotContinuableContext;
current = current.parent;
// not found
return null;
public FlowContext getTargetContextForDefaultBreak() {
// lookup through break labels
FlowContext current = this, lastNonReturningSubRoutine = null;
while (current != null) {
if (current.isNonReturningContext()) {
lastNonReturningSubRoutine = current;
if (current.isBreakable()) {
if (lastNonReturningSubRoutine == null) {
return current;
} else {
return lastNonReturningSubRoutine;
current = current.parent;
// not found
return null;
public FlowContext getTargetContextForDefaultContinue() {
// lookup through continue labels
FlowContext current = this, lastNonReturningSubRoutine = null;
while (current != null) {
if (current.isNonReturningContext()) {
lastNonReturningSubRoutine = current;
if (current.isContinuable()) {
if (lastNonReturningSubRoutine == null) {
return current;
} else {
return lastNonReturningSubRoutine;
current = current.parent;
// not found
return null;
public String individualToString(){
return "Flow context"/*nonNLS*/;
public FlowInfo initsOnBreak() {
return FlowInfo.DeadEnd;
public boolean isBreakable() {
return false;
public boolean isContinuable() {
return false;
public boolean isNonReturningContext() {
return false;
public boolean isSubRoutine() {
return false;
public char[] labelName() {
return null;
public void recordBreakFrom(FlowInfo flowInfo) {
public void recordContinueFrom(FlowInfo flowInfo) {
boolean recordFinalAssignment(VariableBinding variable, Reference finalReference) {
return true; // keep going
public void recordReturnFrom(UnconditionalFlowInfo flowInfo) {
public void recordSettingFinal(VariableBinding variable, Reference finalReference) {
// for initialization inside looping statement that effectively loops
FlowContext context = this;
while (context != null) {
if (!context.recordFinalAssignment(variable, finalReference)){
break; // no need to keep going
context = context.parent;
void removeFinalAssignmentIfAny(Reference reference) {
public AstNode subRoutine() {
return null;
public String toString(){
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
FlowContext current = this;
int parentsCount = 0;
while ((current = current.parent) != null){ parentsCount++; }
FlowContext[] parents = new FlowContext[parentsCount+1];
current = this;
int index = parentsCount;
while (index >= 0) {
parents[index--] = current;
current = current.parent;
for(int i = 0; i < parentsCount; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) buffer.append('\t');
for(int j = 0; j < parentsCount+1; j++) buffer.append('\t');
return buffer.toString();