blob: 283589f16002747e968ee4c4fc4aca00770b03d7 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.impl;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.*;
* A type that exists in both old and new states.
* This type definitly has been or will be
* compiled during this incremental build. These
* types must hang onto their old structure because
* the builder will overwrite it with the new structure
* after compilation.
public class ModifiedBuilderType extends BuilderType {
* The tsEntry in the new state
protected TypeStructureEntry fNewTSEntry;
* The tsEntry for this type in the old state
protected TypeStructureEntry fOldTSEntry;
* The structure of this type in the old state
protected IBinaryType fOldStructure;
* Creates a new ModifiedBuilderType. The new tsEntry is not
* yet known because the type hasn't yet been compiled.
public ModifiedBuilderType(IncrementalImageBuilder builder, TypeStructureEntry oldEntry, IBinaryType oldBinary) {
super(builder, false, false);
fOldTSEntry = oldEntry;
fOldStructure = oldBinary;
* Adds the indictments for the descriptor's type, methods,
* and fields. Usually used when a type has been added or removed.
public void computeAllIndictments(IndictmentSet set) {
/* indictment for the type */
IType type = fOldTSEntry.getType();
/* indictments for all fields */
IBinaryField[] fields = fOldStructure.getFields();
if (fields != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
/* indictments for all methods */
IBinaryMethod[] methods = fOldStructure.getMethods();
if (methods != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
set.add(Indictment.createMethodIndictment(type, fOldStructure, methods[i]));
* Computes the indictments for the fields of this type
public void computeFieldIndictments(IndictmentSet indictments, IBinaryType newType, IType typeHandle) {
/* create a set of all old fields */
HashtableOfObject oldFieldsTable = new HashtableOfObject(11);
IBinaryField[] oldFields = fOldStructure.getFields();
if (oldFields != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < oldFields.length; i++) {
oldFieldsTable.put(oldFields[i].getName(), oldFields[i]);
/* check if each new field was in old field list */
IBinaryField[] newFields = newType.getFields();
if (newFields != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < newFields.length; i++) {
IBinaryField newField = newFields[i];
IBinaryField oldField = (IBinaryField) oldFieldsTable.get(newField.getName());
if (oldField == null) {
/* it's a new field -- create a indictment */
} else {
/* if it has it changed, issue an indictment */
oldFieldsTable.put(oldField.getName(), null); // TBD: there is no remove on HashtableOfObject
if (!, newField)) {
/* remaining old fields have been deleted -- create indictments */
Object[] remaining = oldFieldsTable.valueTable;
for (int i = remaining.length; i-- > 0;) {
if (remaining[i] != null) {
IBinaryField oldField = (IBinaryField) remaining[i];
* Computes the indictments for this type
public void computeIndictments(IndictmentSet indictments) {
if (getOldBinaryType() == null) {
// Don't know old structure. Must convict all dependents.
// Needed for 1FVQGL1: ITPJCORE:WINNT - SEVERE - Error saving java file
if (fNewTSEntry == null) {
/* a new type could not be generated */
IBinaryType newType = getNewState().getBinaryType(fNewTSEntry);
IType typeHandle = (IType)fOldTSEntry.getType();
/* see if there's a change to supertype hierarchy */
boolean hierarchyChange = detectHierarchyChange();
/* add the hierarchy indictment if there were any changes */
if (hierarchyChange) {
/* if type modifiers (including deprecated flag) have changed */
if (fOldStructure.getModifiers() != newType.getModifiers()) {
/* issue a type collaborator indictment */
/* compute indictments for members */
computeMethodIndictments(indictments, newType, typeHandle);
computeFieldIndictments(indictments, newType, typeHandle);
* Computes the method indictments for this type
public void computeMethodIndictments(IndictmentSet indictments, IBinaryType newType, IType typeHandle) {
boolean issueAbstractMethodIndictment = false;
if ((fOldStructure.getModifiers() & IConstants.AccAbstract) !=
(newType.getModifiers() & IConstants.AccAbstract)) {
issueAbstractMethodIndictment = true;
/* create a set of all old methods */
HashtableOfObject oldMethodsTable = new HashtableOfObject(21);
IBinaryMethod[] oldMethods = fOldStructure.getMethods();
if (oldMethods != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < oldMethods.length; i++) {
IBinaryMethod oldMethod = oldMethods[i];
char[] sig = CharOperation.concat(oldMethod.getSelector(), oldMethod.getMethodDescriptor());
oldMethodsTable.put(sig, oldMethod);
/* check if each new method was in old method list */
IBinaryMethod[] newMethods = newType.getMethods();
if (newMethods != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < newMethods.length; i++) {
IBinaryMethod newMethod = (IBinaryMethod) newMethods[i];
char[] sig = CharOperation.concat(newMethod.getSelector(), newMethod.getMethodDescriptor());
IBinaryMethod oldMethod = (IBinaryMethod) oldMethodsTable.get(sig);
if (oldMethod == null) {
/* it's a new method -- issue an indictment */
indictments.add(Indictment.createMethodIndictment(typeHandle, newType, newMethod));
/* if the new method is abstract, issue an abstract method indictment too */
if ((newMethod.getModifiers() & IConstants.AccAbstract) != 0) {
issueAbstractMethodIndictment = true;
} else {
/* if it has it changed, issue an indictment */
oldMethodsTable.put(sig, null); // TBD: there is no remove on HashtableOfObject
if (!, newMethod)) {
indictments.add(Indictment.createMethodIndictment(typeHandle, fOldStructure, oldMethod));
/* if an existing method changes its abstract state, issue an abstract method indictment too */
if ((oldMethod.getModifiers() & IConstants.AccAbstract) != (newMethod.getModifiers() & IConstants.AccAbstract)) {
issueAbstractMethodIndictment = true;
/* remaining old methods have been deleted -- issue indictments */
Object[] remaining = oldMethodsTable.valueTable;
for (int i = remaining.length; i-- > 0;) {
if (remaining[i] != null) {
IBinaryMethod oldMethod = (IBinaryMethod) remaining[i];
indictments.add(Indictment.createMethodIndictment(typeHandle, fOldStructure, oldMethod));
/* if old method is abstract, issue an abstract method indictment too */
if ((oldMethod.getModifiers() & IConstants.AccAbstract) != 0) {
issueAbstractMethodIndictment = true;
/* issue abstract method indictment now, if need be */
if (issueAbstractMethodIndictment) {
* Returns the tsEntry in the new state
public TypeStructureEntry getNewTypeStructureEntry() {
if (fNewTSEntry == null) {
if (fOldTSEntry != null) {
fNewTSEntry = fBuilder.fNewState.getTypeStructureEntry(fOldTSEntry.getType(), false);
return fNewTSEntry;
* Returns the binary type in the old state
public IBinaryType getOldBinaryType() {
return fOldStructure;
* Returns the old tsEntry
public TypeStructureEntry getOldTypeStructureEntry() {
return fOldTSEntry;
* Sets the tsEntry in the new state
public void setNewTypeStructureEntry(TypeStructureEntry newEntry) {
fNewTSEntry = newEntry;
* For debugging only
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("ModifiedBuilderType("/*nonNLS*/);
return buf.append(fOldTSEntry.getType().getName()).append(')').toString();