blob: d42409f71978887807cab76d44013cdb55b0b2c4 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.impl;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.Util;
* This class encapsulates a reference to an element in the workspace. This
* element may be a java source file, a class file, or a zip entry.
public class SourceEntry extends StateTables {
IPath fPath;
String fZipEntryPath;
String fZipEntryFileName;
* Creates a new SourceEntry.
public SourceEntry(IPath path , String zipEntryPath, String zipEntryFileName) {
fPath = path;
fZipEntryPath = zipEntryPath;
fZipEntryFileName = zipEntryFileName;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof SourceEntry))
return false;
SourceEntry entry = (SourceEntry)o;
if (!this.fPath.equals(entry.fPath))
return false;
if (!Util.equalOrNull(fZipEntryPath, entry.fZipEntryPath))
return false;
if (!Util.equalOrNull(fZipEntryFileName, entry.fZipEntryFileName))
return false;
return true;
public static SourceEntry fromPathWithZipEntryName(String pathWithZipEntryName) {
// Convert separators back. See getPathWithZipEntryName().
pathWithZipEntryName = pathWithZipEntryName.replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
int i = pathWithZipEntryName.lastIndexOf('#');
if (i == -1) {
return new SourceEntry(new Path(pathWithZipEntryName), null, null);
} else {
Path path = new Path(pathWithZipEntryName.substring(0, i));
String zipEntryName = pathWithZipEntryName.substring(i + 1);
String zipEntryPath = null, zipEntryFileName = null;
if (zipEntryName != null) {
int pos = zipEntryName.lastIndexOf('/');
if (pos != -1) {
zipEntryPath = zipEntryName.substring(0, pos);
zipEntryFileName = zipEntryName.substring(pos + 1);
} else {
zipEntryPath = null;
zipEntryFileName = zipEntryName;
return new SourceEntry(path, zipEntryPath, zipEntryFileName);
* Returns the 'file name'.
public String getFileName() {
if (fZipEntryFileName != null) {
return fZipEntryFileName;
return fPath.lastSegment();
* Returns the 'file name' without the file extension.
public String getName() {
String name = getFileName();
int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDot != -1)
name = name.substring(0, lastDot);
return name;
public IPath getPath() {
return fPath;
public String getPathWithZipEntryName() {
String s = fZipEntryFileName == null ?
fPath.toString() :
fPath.toString() + '#' + this.getZipEntryName();
// Convert separators.
// See 1FVQGE2: ITPJCORE:ALL - Class file has workbench relative source file attribute
// and 1FW1LHM: LFCOM:ALL - Source file names and dependency info
return s.replace('/', File.separatorChar);
public String getZipEntryName() {
return fZipEntryPath == null ? fZipEntryFileName : fZipEntryPath + "/"/*nonNLS*/ + fZipEntryFileName;
public int hashCode() {
int code = fPath.hashCode();
if (fZipEntryPath != null) {
code = code * 17 + fZipEntryPath.hashCode();
if (fZipEntryFileName != null) {
code = code * 17 + fZipEntryFileName.hashCode();
return code;
* Returns true if the source entry comes from a binary file, otherwise
* returns false.
public boolean isBinary() {
if (fZipEntryFileName != null) {
return fZipEntryFileName.endsWith(".class"/*nonNLS*/);
String extension = fPath.getFileExtension();
return extension != null && extension.equalsIgnoreCase("class"/*nonNLS*/);
* Returns true if the source entry comes from a compilation unit, otherwise
* returns false.
public boolean isSource() {
if (fZipEntryFileName != null) {
return fZipEntryFileName.endsWith(".java"/*nonNLS*/);
String extension = fPath.getFileExtension();
return extension != null && extension.equalsIgnoreCase("java"/*nonNLS*/);
* Returns a String that represents the value of this object.
* @return a string representation of the receiver
public String toString() {
return fZipEntryFileName == null ? fPath.toString() : fPath.toString() + ", entry: "/*nonNLS*/ + this.getZipEntryName();