blob: 1fd1b8c15827a75f19538b3df24dc576b4604868 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;
* This type is a port of smalltalks JavaLabel
public class Label {
public CodeStream codeStream;
final static int POS_NOT_SET = -1;
public int position = POS_NOT_SET; // iPOS=POS_NOT_SET Then it's pos is not set.
int[] forwardReferences = new int[10]; // Add an overflow check here.
int forwardReferenceCount = 0;
public Label() {
* @param codeStream org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.CodeStream
public Label(CodeStream codeStream) {
this.codeStream = codeStream;
* Add a forward refrence for the array.
void addForwardReference(int iPos) {
int length;
if (forwardReferenceCount >= (length = forwardReferences.length))
System.arraycopy(forwardReferences, 0, (forwardReferences = new int[2*length]), 0, length);
forwardReferences[forwardReferenceCount++] = iPos;
* Add a forward refrence for the array.
void appendForwardReferencesFrom(Label otherLabel) {
int otherCount = otherLabel.forwardReferenceCount;
if (otherCount == 0) return;
int length = forwardReferences.length;
int neededSpace = otherCount + forwardReferenceCount;
if (neededSpace >= length){
System.arraycopy(forwardReferences, 0, (forwardReferences = new int[neededSpace]), 0, forwardReferenceCount);
// append other forward references at the end, so they will get updated as well
System.arraycopy(otherLabel.forwardReferences, 0, forwardReferences, forwardReferenceCount, otherCount);
forwardReferenceCount = neededSpace;
* Put down a refernece to the array at the location in the codestream.
void branch() {
if (position == POS_NOT_SET) {
// Leave two bytes free to generate the jump afterwards
codeStream.position += 2;
codeStream.classFileOffset += 2;
} else { //Position is set. Write it!
codeStream.writeSignedShort((short) (position - codeStream.position + 1));
* No support for wide branches yet
void branchWide() {
if (position == POS_NOT_SET) {
// Leave 4 bytes free to generate the jump offset afterwards
codeStream.position += 4;
codeStream.classFileOffset += 4;
} else { //Position is set. Write it!
codeStream.writeSignedWord(position - codeStream.position + 1);
* @return boolean
public boolean hasForwardReferences() {
return forwardReferenceCount != 0;
* Some placed labels might be branching to a goto bytecode which we can optimize better.
public void inlineForwardReferencesFromLabelsTargeting(int gotoLocation) {
Code required to optimized unreachable gotos.
public boolean isBranchTarget(int location) {
Label[] labels = codeStream.labels;
for (int i = codeStream.countLabels - 1; i >= 0; i--){
Label label = labels[i];
if ((label.position == location) && label.isStandardLabel()){
return true;
return false;
Label[] labels = codeStream.labels;
for (int i = codeStream.countLabels - 1; i >= 0; i--){
Label label = labels[i];
if ((label.position == gotoLocation) && label.isStandardLabel()){
Code required to optimized unreachable gotos.
label.position = POS_NOT_SET;
} else {
break; // same target labels should be contiguous
public boolean isStandardLabel(){
return true;
* Place the label. If we have forward references resolve them.
public void place() { // Currently lacking wide support.
if (position == POS_NOT_SET) {
position = codeStream.position;
int oldPosition = position;
boolean optimizedBranch = false;
// TURNED OFF since fail on 1F4IRD9
if (forwardReferenceCount != 0) {
if (optimizedBranch = (forwardReferences[forwardReferenceCount - 1] + 2 == position) && (codeStream.bCodeStream[codeStream.classFileOffset - 3] == CodeStream.OPC_goto)) {
codeStream.position = (position -= 3);
codeStream.classFileOffset -= 3;
// also update the PCs in the related debug attributes
int index = codeStream.pcToSourceMapSize - 1;
while ((index >= 0) && (codeStream.pcToSourceMap[index][1] == oldPosition)) {
codeStream.pcToSourceMap[index--][1] = position;
// Beginning of new code
int index = codeStream.pcToSourceMapSize - 2;
if (codeStream.lastEntryPC == oldPosition) {
codeStream.lastEntryPC = position;
if ((index >= 0) && (codeStream.pcToSourceMap[index] == position)) {
// end of new code
if (codeStream.generateLocalVariableTableAttributes) {
LocalVariableBinding locals[] = codeStream.locals;
for (int i = 0, max = locals.length; i < max; i++) {
LocalVariableBinding local = locals[i];
if ((local != null) && (local.initializationCount > 0)) {
if (local.initializationPCs[((local.initializationCount - 1) << 1) + 1] == oldPosition) {
// we want to prevent interval of size 0 to have a negative size.
// see PR 1GIRQLA: ITPJCORE:ALL - ClassFormatError for local variable attribute
if (local.initializationPCs[((local.initializationCount - 1) << 1)] == oldPosition) {
local.initializationPCs[((local.initializationCount - 1) << 1)] = position;
local.initializationPCs[((local.initializationCount - 1) << 1) + 1] = position;
for (int i = 0; i < forwardReferenceCount; i++) {
codeStream.writeSignedShort(forwardReferences[i], (short) (position - forwardReferences[i] + 1));
// For all labels placed at that position we check if we need to rewrite the jump
// offset. It is the case each time a label had a forward reference to the current position.
// Like we change the current position, we have to change the jump offset. See 1F4IRD9 for more details.
if (optimizedBranch) {
for (int i = 0; i < codeStream.countLabels; i++) {
Label label = codeStream.labels[i];
if (oldPosition == label.position) {
label.position = position;
if (label instanceof CaseLabel) {
int offset = position - ((CaseLabel) label).instructionPosition;
for (int j = 0; j < label.forwardReferenceCount; j++) {
int forwardPosition = label.forwardReferences[j];
codeStream.writeSignedWord(forwardPosition, offset);
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < label.forwardReferenceCount; j++) {
int forwardPosition = label.forwardReferences[j];
codeStream.writeSignedShort(forwardPosition, (short) (position - forwardPosition + 1));
* Print out the receiver
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("(position="); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append(", forwards = ["); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < forwardReferenceCount - 1; i++)
buffer.append(forwardReferences[i] + ", "); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (forwardReferenceCount >= 1)
buffer.append("] )"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return buffer.toString();