blob: 4fd6366a53153434d579714d36f1566a18a994c5 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
* @see IPackageFragmentRoot
public class PackageFragmentRoot extends Openable implements IPackageFragmentRoot {
* The resource associated with this root.
* @see IResource
protected IResource fResource;
* Constructs a package fragment root which is the root of the java package
* directory hierarchy.
protected PackageFragmentRoot(IResource resource, IJavaProject project) {
this(resource, project, resource.getProjectRelativePath().toString());
fResource = resource;
* Constructs a package fragment root which is the root of the java package
* directory hierarchy.
protected PackageFragmentRoot(IResource resource, IJavaProject project, String path) {
super(PACKAGE_FRAGMENT_ROOT, project, path);
fResource = resource;
* @see IPackageFragmentRoot
public void attachSource(IPath zipPath, IPath rootPath, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
throw new JavaModelException(new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPES, this));
* Compute the package fragment children of this package fragment root.
* @exception JavaModelException The resource associated with this package fragment root does not exist
protected boolean computeChildren(OpenableElementInfo info) throws JavaModelException {
try {
// the underlying resource may be a folder or a project (in the case that the project folder
// is actually the package fragment root)
if (fResource.getType() == IResource.FOLDER || fResource.getType() == IResource.PROJECT) {
Vector vChildren = new Vector(5);
computeFolderChildren((IContainer) fResource, "", vChildren); //$NON-NLS-1$
IJavaElement[] children = new IJavaElement[vChildren.size()];
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
//problem resolving children; structure remains unknown
info.setChildren(new IJavaElement[]{});
throw e;
return true;
* Starting at this folder, create package fragments and add the fragments to the collection
* of children.
* @exception JavaModelException The resource associated with this package fragment does not exist
protected void computeFolderChildren(IContainer folder, String prefix, Vector vChildren) throws JavaModelException {
IPackageFragment pkg = getPackageFragment(prefix);
try {
IPath outputLocationPath = getJavaProject().getOutputLocation();
IResource[] members = folder.members();
for (int i = 0, max = members.length; i < max; i++) {
IResource member = members[i];
if (member.getType() == IResource.FOLDER && member.getName().indexOf('.') < 0) {
String newPrefix;
if (prefix.length() == 0) {
newPrefix = member.getName();
} else {
newPrefix = prefix + "." + member.getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$
// eliminate binary output only if nested inside direct subfolders
if (!member.getFullPath().equals(outputLocationPath)) {
computeFolderChildren((IFolder) member, newPrefix, vChildren);
} catch(IllegalArgumentException e){
throw new JavaModelException(e, IJavaModelStatusConstants.ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST); // could be thrown by ElementTree when path is not found
} catch (CoreException e) {
throw new JavaModelException(e);
* Returns a new element info for this element.
protected OpenableElementInfo createElementInfo() {
return new PackageFragmentRootInfo();
* @see IPackageFragmentRoot
public IPackageFragment createPackageFragment(String name, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
CreatePackageFragmentOperation op = new CreatePackageFragmentOperation(this, name, force);
runOperation(op, monitor);
return getPackageFragment(name);
* Returns the root's kind - K_SOURCE or K_BINARY, defaults
* to K_SOURCE if it is not on the classpath.
* @exception NotPresentException if the project and root do
* not exist.
protected int determineKind(IResource underlyingResource) throws JavaModelException {
IClasspathEntry[] entries= getJavaProject().getResolvedClasspath(true);
for (int i= 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
IClasspathEntry entry= entries[i];
if (entry.getPath().equals(underlyingResource.getFullPath())) {
return entry.getContentKind();
return IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE;
* Compares two objects for equality;
* for <code>PackageFragmentRoot</code>s, equality is having the
* same <code>JavaModel</code>, same resources, and occurrence count.
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof PackageFragmentRoot))
return false;
PackageFragmentRoot other = (PackageFragmentRoot) o;
return getJavaModel().equals(other.getJavaModel()) &&
fResource.equals(other.fResource) &&
fOccurrenceCount == other.fOccurrenceCount;
* @see IJavaElement
public boolean exists() {
if (!this.exists0()) return false;
// Make the root path a workspace relative path (case of a jar external to its project but internal to the workspace)
IPath path = this.getPath();
IJavaProject project = this.getJavaProject();
// Check that the package fragment root is in its parent's classpath
try {
IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots = project.getPackageFragmentRoots();
for (int i = 0, length = roots.length; i < length; i++) {
if (this.equals(roots[i])) return true;
if (project.getOutputLocation().equals(path)){ // special permission granted to project binary output (when building)
return true;
return false;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return false;
public boolean exists0() {
return super.exists();
* @see Openable
protected boolean generateInfos(OpenableElementInfo info, IProgressMonitor pm, Hashtable newElements, IResource underlyingResource) throws JavaModelException {
((PackageFragmentRootInfo) info).setRootKind(determineKind(underlyingResource));
return computeChildren(info);
* @see JavaElement#getHandleMemento()
protected char getHandleMementoDelimiter() {
* @see IPackageFragmentRoot
public int getKind() throws JavaModelException {
return ((PackageFragmentRootInfo)getElementInfo()).getRootKind();
* Returns an array of non-java resources contained in the receiver.
public Object[] getNonJavaResources() throws JavaModelException {
return ((PackageFragmentRootInfo) getElementInfo()).getNonJavaResources(getJavaProject(), getUnderlyingResource());
* @see IPackageFragmentRoot
public IPackageFragment getPackageFragment(String packageName) {
return new PackageFragment(this, packageName);
* Returns the package name for the given folder
* (which is a decendent of this root).
protected String getPackageName(IFolder folder) throws JavaModelException {
IPath myPath= getPath();
IPath pkgPath= folder.getFullPath();
int mySegmentCount= myPath.segmentCount();
int pkgSegmentCount= pkgPath.segmentCount();
StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer(IPackageFragment.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME);
for (int i= mySegmentCount; i < pkgSegmentCount; i++) {
if (i > mySegmentCount) {
return name.toString();
* @see IPackageFragmentRoot
public IPath getPath() {
return fResource.getFullPath();
* Cannot attach source to a folder.
* @see IPackageFragmentRoot
public IPath getSourceAttachmentPath() throws JavaModelException {
return null;
* Cannot attach source to a folder.
* @see IPackageFragmentRoot
public IPath getSourceAttachmentRootPath() throws JavaModelException {
return null;
* @see IJavaElement
public IResource getUnderlyingResource() throws JavaModelException {
if (fResource.exists()) {
return fResource;
} else {
throw newNotPresentException();
public int hashCode() {
return fResource.hashCode();
* @see IPackageFragmentRoot
public boolean isArchive() {
return false;
* @see IPackageFragmentRoot
public boolean isExternal() {
return false;
* Recomputes the children of this element, based on the current state
* of the workbench.
public void refreshChildren() {
try {
OpenableElementInfo info= (OpenableElementInfo)getElementInfo();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// do nothing.
* Reset the array of non-java resources contained in the receiver to null.
public void resetNonJavaResources() throws JavaModelException {
((PackageFragmentRootInfo) getElementInfo()).setNonJavaResources(null);
* @private Debugging purposes
protected void toStringInfo(int tab, StringBuffer buffer, Object info) {
if (getElementName().length() == 0) {
buffer.append("[project root]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
if (info == null) {
buffer.append(" (not open)"); //$NON-NLS-1$