blob: 2cd405cff79d30fc68912712203caa72b831ec48 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.*;
* This operation sets an <code>IJavaProject</code>'s classpath.
* @see IJavaProject
public class SetClasspathOperation extends JavaModelOperation {
IClasspathEntry[] oldResolvedPath;
IClasspathEntry[] newRawPath;
boolean saveClasspath;
* When executed, this operation sets the classpath of the given project.
public SetClasspathOperation(IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry[] oldResolvedPath, IClasspathEntry[] newRawPath, boolean saveClasspath) {
super(new IJavaElement[] {project});
this.oldResolvedPath = oldResolvedPath;
this.newRawPath = newRawPath;
this.saveClasspath = saveClasspath;
* Adds deltas for the given roots, with the specified change flag,
* and closes the root. Helper method for #setClasspath
protected void addDeltas(IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots, int flag, JavaElementDelta delta) {
for (int i= 0; i < roots.length; i++) {
IPackageFragmentRoot root= roots[i];
delta.changed(root, flag);
try {
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
* Returns the index of the item in the list if the given list contains the specified entry. If the list does
* not contain the entry, -1 is returned.
* A helper method for #setClasspath
protected int classpathContains(IClasspathEntry[] list, IClasspathEntry entry) {
for (int i= 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].equals(entry)) {
return i;
return -1;
* Sets the classpath of the pre-specified project.
protected void executeOperation() throws JavaModelException {
beginTask(Util.bind("classpath.settingProgress"), 2); //$NON-NLS-1$
JavaProject project= ((JavaProject) getElementsToProcess()[0]);
// change builder specs to build in the order given by the new classpath
JavaModelManager manager = project.getJavaModelManager();
manager.setBuildOrder(((JavaModel) project.getJavaModel()).computeBuildOrder(true));
// flush markers
// resolve new path (asking for marker creation if problems)
IClasspathEntry[] newResolvedPath = project.getResolvedClasspath(true, true);
if (this.oldResolvedPath != null) {
generateClasspathChangeDeltas(this.oldResolvedPath, newResolvedPath, manager, project);
} else {
* Generates the delta of removed/added/reordered roots.
* Use three deltas in case the same root is removed/added/reordered (i.e. changed from
* K_SOURCE to K_BINARY or visa versa)
protected void generateClasspathChangeDeltas(IClasspathEntry[] oldResolvedPath, IClasspathEntry[] newResolvedPath, JavaModelManager manager, JavaProject project) {
boolean hasChangedSourceEntries = false;
JavaElementDelta delta= new JavaElementDelta(getJavaModel());
boolean hasDelta = false;
boolean oldResolvedPathLongest= oldResolvedPath.length >= newResolvedPath.length;
for (int i= 0; i < oldResolvedPath.length; i++) {
int index= classpathContains(newResolvedPath, oldResolvedPath[i]);
if (index == -1) {
IPackageFragmentRoot[] pkgFragmentRoots = project.getPackageFragmentRoots(oldResolvedPath[i]);
addDeltas(pkgFragmentRoots, IJavaElementDelta.F_REMOVED_FROM_CLASSPATH, delta);
hasChangedSourceEntries |= oldResolvedPath[i].getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE;
// force detach source on jar package fragment roots (source will be lazily computed when needed)
for (int j = 0, length = pkgFragmentRoots.length; j < length; j++) {
IPackageFragmentRoot root = pkgFragmentRoots[j];
if (root instanceof JarPackageFragmentRoot) {
JarPackageFragmentRoot jarRoot = (JarPackageFragmentRoot)root;
try {
jarRoot.getWorkspace().getRoot().setPersistentProperty(jarRoot.getSourceAttachmentPropertyName(), null); // loose info - will be recomputed
} catch(CoreException ce){
hasDelta = true;
} else if (oldResolvedPathLongest && index != i) { //reordering of the classpath
addDeltas(project.getPackageFragmentRoots(oldResolvedPath[i]), IJavaElementDelta.F_CLASSPATH_REORDER, delta);
hasChangedSourceEntries |= oldResolvedPath[i].getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE;
hasDelta = true;
for (int i= 0; i < newResolvedPath.length; i++) {
int index= classpathContains(oldResolvedPath, newResolvedPath[i]);
if (index == -1) {
addDeltas(project.getPackageFragmentRoots(newResolvedPath[i]), IJavaElementDelta.F_ADDED_TO_CLASSPATH, delta);
hasChangedSourceEntries |= newResolvedPath[i].getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE;
hasDelta = true;
} else if (!oldResolvedPathLongest && index != i) { //reordering of the classpath
addDeltas(project.getPackageFragmentRoots(newResolvedPath[i]), IJavaElementDelta.F_CLASSPATH_REORDER, delta);
hasChangedSourceEntries |= newResolvedPath[i].getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE;
hasDelta = true;
if (hasDelta) {
try {
} catch(JavaModelException e){
// loose all built state - next build will be a full one
manager.setLastBuiltState(project.getProject(), null);
if (hasChangedSourceEntries) updateAffectedProjects(project.getProject().getFullPath());
* Possible failures: <ul>
* <li>NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS - the project supplied to the operation is
* <code>null</code>.
* <li>NULL_PATH - the output location path supplied to the operation
* is <code>null</code>.
* <li>PATH_OUTSIDE_PROJECT - the output location path supplied to the operation
* is outside of the project supplied to this operation.
* <li>DEVICE_PATH - the path supplied to this operation must not specify a
* device
* <li>RELATIVE_PATH - the path supplied to this operation must be
* an absolute path
* <li>INVALID_PATH - the output location cannot overlap any package fragment
* root, except the project folder.
* <li>ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST - the Java project does not exist
* </ul>
public IJavaModelStatus verify() {
IJavaModelStatus status = super.verify();
if (!status.isOK()) {
return status;
IJavaProject javaProject = (IJavaProject)getElementToProcess();
// retrieve output location
IPath outputLocation;
try {
outputLocation = javaProject.getOutputLocation();
} catch(JavaModelException e){
return e.getJavaModelStatus();
return JavaConventions.validateClasspath(javaProject, this.newRawPath, outputLocation);
* Update projects which are affected by this classpath change:
* those which refers to the current project as source
protected void updateAffectedProjects(IPath prerequisiteProjectPath){
try {
IJavaModel model = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getJavaModel();
IJavaProject[] projects = model.getJavaProjects();
for (int i = 0, projectCount = projects.length; i < projectCount; i++){
try {
JavaProject project = (JavaProject)projects[i];
IClasspathEntry[] classpath = project.getRawClasspath();
for (int j =0, entryCount = classpath.length; j < entryCount; j++){
IClasspathEntry entry = classpath[j];
if (entry.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_PROJECT
&& entry.getPath().equals(prerequisiteProjectPath)){
} catch(JavaModelException e){
} catch(JavaModelException e){