blob: 398878fa64478b02f629354b725b4ce13a71fd59 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.impl;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryMethod;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ElementChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClassFile;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathEntry;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.NotPresentException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.lookup.ReferenceInfo;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.Util;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.*;
import java.util.*;
* The incremental image builder
public class IncrementalImageBuilder extends AbstractImageBuilder {
protected IProject fNewProject;
protected IImageContext fImageContext;
* The source deltas between old and new workspaces
* Maps from IProject to IResourceDelta for the project
protected Hashtable fSourceDeltas;
* The image delta between old and new states
protected IDelta fImageDelta = null;
* The image context of the last call to getImageDelta()
protected IImageContext fContextOfLastDelta = null;
* Vector of IPath of source packages or zip files
* that have been added since old state.
* The path is relative to new state.
protected Vector fAddedPkgOrZips;
* Vector of IPath of source packages or zip files
* that have been removed since old state.
* The path is relative of old state.
protected Vector fRemovedPkgOrZips;
* Vector of ResourceDeltas representing changed source packages or zip files
* since old state.
protected Vector fChangedPkgOrZips;
* Vector of IPackage handles of builder packages
* that have been added since old state.
protected Vector fAddedPackageHandles;
* Vector of IPackage handles of builder packages
* that have been removed since old state.
protected Vector fRemovedPackageHandles;
* Vector of IPackage handles of builder packages
* that have changes since old state.
protected Vector fChangedPackageHandles;
* Set of affected IPackage: added, removed, directly changed or indirectly changed.
protected Hashtable fAffectedPackages;
* Vector of SourceEntry representing added classes since old state.
protected Vector fAddedClasses;
* Vector of SourceEntry representing removed classes since old state.
protected Vector fRemovedClasses;
* Vector of SourceEntry representing changed classes since old state.
protected Vector fChangedClasses;
* Vector of IPaths representing changed zips since old state.
protected Vector fChangedZips;
* Table of IType -> BuilderType for types that are being compiled,
* so that old structure can be compared to new structure during
* indictment processing
protected Hashtable fBuilderTypeTable;
* Creates a new incremental image builder on the given new workspace.
* The builder will build all classes that have changed since the old state,
* within the given image context.
protected IncrementalImageBuilder(StateImpl oldState, IProject newProject, IImageContext context) {
fDC = (JavaDevelopmentContextImpl) oldState.getDevelopmentContext();
fOldState = oldState;
fNewProject = newProject;
fImageContext = context;
fBuilderTypeTable = new Hashtable(11);
* Given an element delta for a changed package, add the package elements
* for changing elements to the table, keyed by package handle and file name.
* Added and removed elements are ignored.
protected void addChangedFileNamesFromChangedPackage(IResourceDelta pkgDelta, Hashtable table) {
IPackage[] pkgs = fNewState.getPathMap().packageHandlesFromPath(pkgDelta.getFullPath());
for (int p = 0; p < pkgs.length; ++p) {
IPackage pkg = pkgs[p];
Hashtable pkgTable = (Hashtable) table.get(pkg);
if (pkgTable == null) {
pkgTable = new Hashtable(11);
table.put(pkg, pkgTable);
IResourceDelta[] elementDeltas = pkgDelta.getAffectedChildren(IResourceDelta.CHANGED);
for (int i = 0; i < elementDeltas.length; ++i) {
IResourceDelta elementDelta = elementDeltas[i];
// Only add if the contents are changing.
if ((elementDelta.getFlags() & IResourceDelta.CONTENT) != 0) {
IPath path = elementDelta.getFullPath();
String extension = path.getFileExtension();
if (extension != null) {
if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase("java") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase("class")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
SourceEntry entry = new SourceEntry(path, null, null);
PackageElement element = new PackageElement(pkg, entry);
pkgTable.put(entry.getFileName(), element);
* Adds the new classes for this build to the state.
protected void addNewClasses() {
for (Enumeration e = fAddedClasses.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
addSourceElement((SourceEntry) e.nextElement());
* Adds the given source element to the new state's tables
* and dependency graph.
protected void addSourceElement(SourceEntry newEntry) {
if (newEntry.isSource()) {
PackageElement element = fNewState.packageElementFromSourceEntry(newEntry);
IPackage pkg = element.getPackage();
/* the addition must be in a package which is in the class path */
DependencyGraph graph = fNewState.getInternalDependencyGraph();
* Applies the deltas to the old state to build the new state.
* The old state and new state have been set.
* The new state knows its workspace and build context.
* This is the method that actually does the incremental build
public void applySourceDelta(Hashtable deltas) {
fNotifier = new BuildNotifier(fDC, false);
fNotifier.subTask(Util.bind("build.preparingBuild")); //$NON-NLS-1$
fSourceDeltas = deltas;
fNewState = fOldState.copy(fNewProject, fImageContext);
// options might have changed since last builder run, thus refresh them
fCompilerOptions = JavaModelManager.getOptions();
try {
/* find out what has changed at the package level */
fNotifier.subTask(Util.bind("build.analyzingPackages")); //$NON-NLS-1$
/* update the package map */
/* Update the source element table and namespace table for the removed and changed packages.
* The tables are simply deleted. They will be rebuilt lazily for changed packages. */
for (Enumeration e = fRemovedPackageHandles.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkgHandle = (IPackage) e.nextElement();
fWorkQueue = new WorkQueue();
/* rebuild the namespaces and issue indictments for changes */
// 1G220B5 - force compilation of all their dependents as well - only one level deeper
for (Enumeration e = fWorkQueue.getElementsToCompile().elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
/* find out what has changed at the package element level */
fNotifier.subTask(Util.bind("build.analyzingSources")); //$NON-NLS-1$
/* All dependents of changed zips will need compiling */
/* remove old classes and get affected JCUs */
/* flag changed classes and get compilation units to compile */
/* adding new classes might hide (equivalent to delete) old classes */
float amountPerIteration = 0.60f; // Approximation of n + (n/4) + (n/16) + ... = 0.85
/* keep compiling until there is nothing left to compile */
Vector vToCompile = fWorkQueue.getElementsToCompile();
while (vToCompile.size() != 0) {
fNotifier.setProgressPerCompilationUnit(amountPerIteration / vToCompile.size());
vToCompile = fWorkQueue.getElementsToCompile();
amountPerIteration *= 0.25f;
// not using PrincipalStructureByPackageTable
// propagatePrincipalStructureByPackageTable();
// Force all in build context
Don't force -- we're not doing lazy builds.
if (fAddedPackageHandles.size() > 0 || fChangedPackageHandles.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < fAddedPackageHandles.size(); ++i) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) fAddedPackageHandles.elementAt(i);
for (int i = 0; i < fChangedPackageHandles.size(); ++i) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) fChangedPackageHandles.elementAt(i);
/* Update resources in binary output */
IResourceDelta projectDelta = (IResourceDelta) deltas.get(fNewProject);
if (projectDelta != null) {
ProjectResourceCopier copier = new ProjectResourceCopier(fNewState.getJavaProject(), fDC, fNotifier, 0.10f);
/* Removals and recompilations can leave unused namespace nodes in the
* dependency graph. Clean them up. */
/* Copy resource to binary output */
//copyResources(projectDelta, 0.05f);
} finally {
* Applies the delta to the old state
* to build the new state. The old state and new state have been set.
* The new state knows its workspace and build context.
* This is the method that actually does the incremental build
public void applySourceDelta(IResourceDelta projectDelta) {
Hashtable deltas = new Hashtable(11);
deltas.put(fNewProject, projectDelta);
* The given source element has changed and will be compiled.
* Flag the node in the dependency graph, and store all compilation
* units that will need compiling as a result of the change.
protected void changedSourceElement(SourceEntry newEntry) {
PackageElement element = fNewState.packageElementFromSourceEntry(newEntry);
if (element.isSource()) {
/* remove problems for this source entry */
SourceEntry oldEntry = fOldState.getSourceEntry(element);
* Since the image builder is given as a result, let go of
* any unneeded structures.
protected void cleanUp() {
// Don't clear package level information because it's needed to compute the image delta.
fSourceDeltas = null;
fAddedClasses = fRemovedClasses = fChangedClasses = null;
* Removals and recompilations can leave unused namespace nodes in the
* dependency graph. Clean them up.
protected void cleanupUnusedNamespaceNodes() {
if (fRemovedClasses.size() > 0 || fChangedClasses.size() > 0) {
PackageMap packageMap = fNewState.getPackageMap();
DependencyGraph graph = fNewState.getInternalDependencyGraph();
Vector unused = graph.getUnusedNamespaceNodes();
for (Enumeration e = unused.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
NamespaceNode node = (NamespaceNode) e.nextElement();
IPackage pkg = node.getPackage();
if (!packageMap.containsPackage(pkg)) {
* Compare the visibility and gender of the two types.
* Returns true if equal, false if not.
protected boolean compareVisibilityAndGender(TypeStructureEntry tsEntry, org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType type) throws JavaModelException {
try {
/* This relies on visibility bits being the same between the image builder and the java model. */
IType oldType = (IType) tsEntry.getType().inState(fNewState);
final int visVlags = IConstants.AccPublic | IConstants.AccPrivate | IConstants.AccProtected;
int oldVis = oldType.getModifiers() & visVlags;
int newVis = type.getFlags() & visVlags;
return oldVis == newVis && oldType.isInterface() == type.isInterface();
catch (NotPresentException e) {
// Old state may be missing. See 1FVQGL1: ITPJCORE:WINNT - SEVERE - Error saving java file
return false;
* A unit is being (re)compiled. Save any previous type structure.
protected void compiling(CompilerCompilationUnit unit) {
/* Save old binaries if they exist */
SourceEntry sEntry = unit.getSourceEntry();
PackageElement element = fNewState.packageElementFromSourceEntry(sEntry);
if (fOldState.getSourceEntry(element) != null) {
* Computes the added, removed, changed classes for this incremental build.
* Vectors contain SourceEntry objects for each source element being added,
* removed, or changed.
* Takes into account package fragments, and only yields elements which are visible
* It's important to do this computation using the computed namespaces rather than
* directly from the source element tables, since types may be removed during namespace
* computation.
protected void computeAllClasses() {
fAddedClasses = new Vector();
fRemovedClasses = new Vector();
fChangedClasses = new Vector();
fChangedZips = new Vector(1);
/* do for each added builder package */
for (Enumeration e = fAddedPackageHandles.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) e.nextElement();
SourceEntry[] entries = fNewState.getSourceEntries(pkg);
if (entries != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
/* do for each removed builder package */
for (Enumeration e = fRemovedPackageHandles.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) e.nextElement();
// Don't force the package's table.
// If the package's table was not forced in the old state,
// there should be no work to do for its classes.
if (fOldState.getSourceElementTable().containsPackage(pkg)) {
SourceEntry[] entries = fOldState.getSourceEntries(pkg);
if (entries != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
/* build table of changed package elements, keyed by package */
Hashtable changeTable = new Hashtable(fChangedPkgOrZips.size() * 2 + 1);
for (Enumeration e = fChangedPkgOrZips.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IResourceDelta changedPkgOrZip = (IResourceDelta) e.nextElement();
IPath path = changedPkgOrZip.getFullPath();
// ask the state if it is a ZIP file only if it is present in this state
if (fNewState.isZipElement(path)) {
* Don't do any finer grained change calculation,
* all dependents of the zip and its namespaces
* will be recompiled
} else {
addChangedFileNamesFromChangedPackage(changedPkgOrZip, changeTable);
/* do for each changed builder package */
for (Enumeration e = fChangedPackageHandles.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) e.nextElement();
Hashtable changesForPkg = (Hashtable) changeTable.get(pkg);
Hashtable fileNames = new Hashtable();
SourceEntry[] oldEntries = fOldState.getSourceEntries(pkg);
if (oldEntries != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < oldEntries.length; ++i) {
SourceEntry oldEntry = oldEntries[i];
fileNames.put(oldEntry.getFileName(), oldEntry);
SourceEntry[] newEntries = fNewState.getSourceEntries(pkg);
if (newEntries != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < newEntries.length; ++i) {
SourceEntry newEntry = newEntries[i];
String fileName = newEntry.getFileName();
SourceEntry oldEntry = (SourceEntry) fileNames.remove(fileName);
if (oldEntry != null) {
// Present in old and new. Has it changed?
if (!newEntry.equals(oldEntry)) {
// It has changed path, so treat it as a removal and an addition
else if (changesForPkg != null && changesForPkg.containsKey(fileName)) {
} else {
// Present only in new
// Remaining ones are removed.
for (Enumeration ee = fileNames.elements(); ee.hasMoreElements();) {
* Computes the added, removed, changed packages and zips
* for this incremental build.
* Looks only in the union of the old and the new classpaths.
* Folders outside this union are ignored.
protected void computeAllPackages() {
fAddedPkgOrZips = new Vector();
fRemovedPkgOrZips = new Vector();
fChangedPkgOrZips = new Vector();
IPackageFragmentRoot[] oldRoots = fOldState.getPackageFragmentRootsInClassPath();
fNewState.readClassPath(); // TBD: Only read it if changed.
IPackageFragmentRoot[] newRoots = fNewState.getPackageFragmentRootsInClassPath();
for (Enumeration e = fSourceDeltas.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IResourceDelta delta = (IResourceDelta) e.nextElement();
computeAllPackages(delta, oldRoots, newRoots);
protected void computeAllPackages(IResourceDelta delta, IPackageFragmentRoot[] oldRoots, IPackageFragmentRoot[] newRoots) {
int status = delta.getKind();
IPath path = delta.getFullPath();
IResource rootResource = null;
switch (delta.getKind()) {
case IResourceDelta.ADDED :
/* Look for this package only in the new roots */
for (int i = 0; i < newRoots.length; i++) {
rootResource = null;
try {
rootResource = newRoots[i].getUnderlyingResource();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
if (rootResource != null && rootResource.getFullPath().isPrefixOf(path)) {
case IResourceDelta.REMOVED :
/* Look for this package only in the old roots */
for (int i = 0; i < oldRoots.length; i++) {
rootResource = null;
try {
rootResource = oldRoots[i].getUnderlyingResource();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
if (rootResource != null && rootResource.getFullPath().isPrefixOf(path)) {
case IResourceDelta.CHANGED :
/* Look for this package in the union of both sets of roots */
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < newRoots.length; i++) {
rootResource = null;
try {
rootResource = newRoots[i].getUnderlyingResource();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
if (rootResource != null && rootResource.getFullPath().isPrefixOf(path)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
for (int i = 0; i < oldRoots.length; i++) {
rootResource = null;
try {
rootResource = oldRoots[i].getUnderlyingResource();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
if (rootResource != null && rootResource.getFullPath().isPrefixOf(path)) {
found = true;
if (found) {
/* Only include changes if it's not an archive, or if it's an archive and the contents really changed */
if (!fNewState.isZipElement(path)
|| (delta.getFlags() & IResourceDelta.CONTENT) != 0) {
IResourceDelta[] children = delta.getAffectedChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
String extension = children[i].getFullPath().getFileExtension();
if (extension == null
|| extension.equalsIgnoreCase("zip") //$NON-NLS-1$
|| extension.equalsIgnoreCase("jar")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
// TBD: Currently rely on empty extension indicating folder
computeAllPackages(children[i], oldRoots, newRoots);
* Computes namespace changes for each added, removed and changed class file or JCU.
* The appropriate namespace node is informed of the changes, and it
* may invalidate its dependents where necessary. JCUs that need compiling
* as a result of invalidations are stored by the state.
* Must process removed types here, even though in most cases there will already
* be an explicit dependency on the removed type, because it is possible for others
* to have a namespace dependency but not a type dependency (e.g. in the case of errors).
protected void computeNamespaceChanges() {
for (Enumeration e = fSourceDeltas.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IResourceDelta delta = (IResourceDelta) e.nextElement();
// Should really only process packages in image context here,
// but in general other packages may depend on namespaces being added,
// not just those being removed and changed. So for now, process everything.
// The computations here must be based on the computed namespaces rather than
// directly off of the namespace contributions of affected source elements
// since the namespace computation may remove items due to conflicts.
int numPackages = fAddedPackageHandles.size() + fRemovedPackageHandles.size() + fChangedPackageHandles.size();
if (numPackages == 0) {
float progressDelta = 0.10f / numPackages;
// Process changes in the set of package prefixes
if (fAddedPackageHandles.size() > 0 || fRemovedPackageHandles.size() > 0) {
// Process added packages
for (Enumeration addedPkgs = fAddedPackageHandles.elements(); addedPkgs.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) addedPkgs.nextElement();
fNotifier.subTask(Util.bind("build.analyzing", PackageImpl.readableName(pkg))); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Mark all dependents of missing namespace as needing compile.
// If any types currently exist with the same name as this package,
// they must be recompiled
// Process removed packages
for (Enumeration removedPkgs = fRemovedPackageHandles.elements(); removedPkgs.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) removedPkgs.nextElement();
fNotifier.subTask(Util.bind("build.analyzing", PackageImpl.readableName(pkg))); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Mark all dependents of namespace as needing compile.
// If any types currently exist with the same name as this package,
// they must be recompiled
// Process changed packages
for (Enumeration changedPkgs = fChangedPackageHandles.elements(); changedPkgs.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) changedPkgs.nextElement();
fNotifier.subTask(Util.bind("build.analyzing", PackageImpl.readableName(pkg))); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Computes the names with namespace changes for the given type.
protected void computeNamespaceChanges(Hashtable oldTSEntries, String parentTypeName, org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType type, Vector vTypeNames) throws JavaModelException {
String typeName = type.getElementName();
if (parentTypeName != null) {
int len = parentTypeName.length() + typeName.length() + 1;
typeName = new StringBuffer(len).append(parentTypeName).append("$").append(typeName).toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$
/* Remove it so that only non-matching ones remain in the table. */
TypeStructureEntry tsEntry = (TypeStructureEntry) oldTSEntries.remove(typeName);
if (tsEntry == null || !compareVisibilityAndGender(tsEntry, type)) {
org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType[] memberTypes = type.getTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < memberTypes.length; ++i) {
computeNamespaceChanges(oldTSEntries, typeName, memberTypes[i], vTypeNames);
* Computes the names with namespace changes for the given element.
* Handles the cases where the element is added, removed, or changed.
protected void computeNamespaceChanges(PackageElement element, Vector vTypeNames) {
Hashtable oldTSEntries = new Hashtable(5);
SourceEntry oldSourceEntry = fOldState.getSourceEntry(element);
if (oldSourceEntry != null) {
// Ignore entries from zip files, since zip file changes are handled wholesale elsewhere.
if (oldSourceEntry.getZipEntryName() == null) {
org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.IType[] oldTypes = fOldState.getInternalDependencyGraph().getTypes(element);
if (oldTypes != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < oldTypes.length; ++i) {
TypeStructureEntry tsEntry = fOldState.getTypeStructureEntry(oldTypes[i], false);
if (tsEntry != null) {
oldTSEntries.put(tsEntry.getType().getSimpleName(), tsEntry);
SourceEntry newSourceEntry = fNewState.getSourceEntry(element);
if (newSourceEntry != null) {
// Ignore entries from zip files, since zip file changes are handled wholesale elsewhere.
if (oldSourceEntry.getZipEntryName() == null) {
/* use this if JavaModel is broken
String fileName = element.getFileName();
fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf('.'));
FakeType[] types = new FakeType[] {new FakeType(fileName)};
try {
computeNamespaceChanges(oldTSEntries, null, types[0], vTypeNames);
} catch (NotPresentException e) {} // ignore
IJavaElement javaElement = fNewState.getJavaElement(newSourceEntry);
if (javaElement instanceof ICompilationUnit) {
ICompilationUnit unit = (ICompilationUnit) javaElement;
try {
org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType[] types = unit.getTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
computeNamespaceChanges(oldTSEntries, null, types[i], vTypeNames);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// TBD: ignore
} else {
if (javaElement instanceof IClassFile) {
IClassFile classFile = (IClassFile) javaElement;
try {
computeNamespaceChanges(oldTSEntries, null, classFile.getType(), vTypeNames);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// TBD: ignore
for (Enumeration e = oldTSEntries.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
* Computes namespace changes for each added, removed and changed class file or JCU
* in an affected package.
protected void computeNamespaceChanges(IPackage pkg) {
* Must remove syntax problems for all source entries in this package
* in the old state, regardless of whether they contributed to the old
* state's namespace. This must be done before computing the new namespace
* because the computation may reveal new errors that we don't want to remove.
Hashtable oldTable = new Hashtable(21);
SourceEntry[] oldEntries = fOldState.getSourceEntries(pkg);
if (oldEntries != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < oldEntries.length; i++) {
SourceEntry oldEntry = oldEntries[i];
oldTable.put(oldEntry.getFileName(), oldEntry);
Vector vTypeNames = new Vector();
SourceEntry[] newEntries = fNewState.getSourceEntries(pkg);
if (newEntries != null) {
Dictionary sourceChanges = getSourceChanges(pkg);
for (int i = 0; i < newEntries.length; ++i) {
SourceEntry newEntry = newEntries[i];
SourceEntry oldEntry = (SourceEntry) oldTable.remove(newEntry.getFileName());
if (oldEntry == null) {
/* Added. Issue indictment based only on file name. */
} else {
if (!oldEntry.equals(newEntry) || sourceChanges.get(newEntry.getPath()) != null) {
/* Changed. Issue indictments by comparing source types with previously built types. */
PackageElement element = new PackageElement(pkg, newEntry);
computeNamespaceChanges(element, vTypeNames);
/* Only removed source entries should remain in oldTable now. */
for (Enumeration e = oldTable.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
SourceEntry oldEntry = (SourceEntry) e.nextElement();
/* Removed. Issue indictment based only on file name. */
if (vTypeNames.isEmpty()) {
IndictmentSet indicts = new IndictmentSet();
Hashtable nestedIndictsTable = null;
for (Enumeration e = vTypeNames.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
int lastDollar = name.lastIndexOf('$');
if (lastDollar == -1) {
} else {
// Nested type. Issue indictments as if containing type was a package.
// Dependencies on missing member types look like namespace dependencies on
// package with same name as enclosing type.
String qualification = name.substring(0, lastDollar);
// Convert qualification from $ separated to . separated.
// For example if name = "A$B$C", typeName = "C" and qualification = "A.B".
qualification = qualification.replace('$', '.');
String typeName = name.substring(lastDollar + 1);
// Issue indictments, not relative to current package.
// This catches dependencies on missing types in same package (e.g. ref is A.B).
IPackage nestedPkg = fDC.getImage().getPackageHandle(qualification, false);
nestedPkg = fNewState.canonicalize(nestedPkg);
if (nestedIndictsTable == null) {
nestedIndictsTable = new Hashtable(11);
IndictmentSet nestedIndicts = (IndictmentSet) nestedIndictsTable.get(nestedPkg);
if (nestedIndicts == null) {
nestedIndicts = new IndictmentSet();
nestedIndictsTable.put(nestedPkg, nestedIndicts);
// Issue indictments, relative to current package (only if not unnamed package).
// This catches dependencies on missing types in other packages (e.g. ref is some.other.pkg.A.B).
if (!pkg.isUnnamed()) {
nestedPkg = fDC.getImage().getPackageHandle(pkg.getName() + '.' + qualification, false);
if (nestedIndictsTable == null) {
nestedIndictsTable = new Hashtable(11);
nestedIndicts = (IndictmentSet) nestedIndictsTable.get(nestedPkg);
if (nestedIndicts == null) {
nestedIndicts = new IndictmentSet();
nestedIndictsTable.put(nestedPkg, nestedIndicts);
if (!indicts.isEmpty()) {
issueIndictments(pkg, indicts, false);
if (nestedIndictsTable != null) {
for (Enumeration e = nestedIndictsTable.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage nestedPkg = (IPackage) e.nextElement();
IndictmentSet nestedIndicts = (IndictmentSet) nestedIndictsTable.get(nestedPkg);
issueIndictments(pkg, nestedIndicts, false);
* Compute the added and removed package prefixes (not actual packages)
* and issue the appropriate indictments on the namespaces.
protected void computePackagePrefixChanges() {
Hashtable oldTable = computePackagePrefixes(fOldState.getPackageMap());
Hashtable newTable = computePackagePrefixes(fNewState.getPackageMap());
for (Enumeration e = oldTable.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
if (newTable.remove(name) == null) {
int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDot != -1) {
String parentName = name.substring(0, lastDot);
String simpleName = name.substring(lastDot + 1);
IPackage parentPkg = fDC.getImage().getPackageHandle(parentName, false);
IndictmentSet indictments = new IndictmentSet();
issueIndictments(parentPkg, indictments, false);
for (Enumeration e = newTable.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDot != -1) {
String parentName = name.substring(0, lastDot);
String simpleName = name.substring(lastDot + 1);
IPackage parentPkg = fDC.getImage().getPackageHandle(parentName, false);
IndictmentSet indictments = new IndictmentSet();
issueIndictments(parentPkg, indictments, false);
* Returns a set of strings containing the names of all packages
* in the image, and all their prefixes.
protected Hashtable computePackagePrefixes(PackageMap packageMap) {
Hashtable prefixes = new Hashtable(packageMap.size() * 3 + 1);
for (Enumeration e = packageMap.getAllPackages(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) e.nextElement();
if (!pkg.isUnnamed()) {
String name = pkg.getName();
while (!prefixes.containsKey(name)) {
prefixes.put(name, name);
int i = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (i == -1)
name = name.substring(0, i);
return prefixes;
* For debugging only.
static void dump(IResourceDelta delta) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
IPath path = delta.getFullPath();
for (int i = path.segmentCount(); --i > 0;) {
sb.append(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$
switch (delta.getKind()) {
case IResourceDelta.ADDED:
case IResourceDelta.REMOVED:
case IResourceDelta.CHANGED:
case IResourceDelta.NO_CHANGE:
IResourceDelta[] children = delta.getAffectedChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
* Returns an enumeration of the packages that have been affected
* by the build.
protected Enumeration getAffectedPackages() {
return fAffectedPackages.keys();
* Returns a builder type for the given old and new type structure entries.
* Either old or new entries may be null (but not both).
* This method should only be called if there is no associated builder
* type already in the builder type table.
protected BuilderType getBuilderType(TypeStructureEntry oldEntry, TypeStructureEntry newEntry) {
IType handle = null;
BuilderType type = null;
if (oldEntry == null) {
/* must have been added */
type = new NewBuilderType(this, newEntry);
handle = newEntry.getType();
} else {
if (newEntry == null) {
/* must have been deleted */
type = new OldBuilderType(this, oldEntry);
handle = oldEntry.getType();
} else {
if (oldEntry.fSourceEntry.equals(newEntry.fSourceEntry)) {
/* unchanged */
type = new UnmodifiedBuilderType(this, oldEntry);
handle = oldEntry.getType();
} else {
/* modified */
IBinaryType oldBinary = fOldState.getBinaryTypeOrNull(oldEntry);
type = new ModifiedBuilderType(this, oldEntry, oldBinary);
handle = oldEntry.getType();
fBuilderTypeTable.put(handle, type);
return type;
* Returns a builder type for the given type.
protected BuilderType getBuilderType(IType type) {
BuilderType builderType = (BuilderType) fBuilderTypeTable.get(type);
if (builderType != null) {
return builderType;
return getBuilderType(fOldState.getTypeStructureEntry(type, false), fNewState.getTypeStructureEntry(type, false));
* Returns an object describing the differences between the old
* state and the new state, otherwise returns null. The delta is
* restricted to the given ImageContext. This image delta will
* include entries for all program elements that are present in:
* <pre>
* (oldState UNION newState) INTERSECT imageContext
* That is, it will include each program element that is present in one or the other
* state and also in the given image context.
* Any delta objects navigated to from the result are restricted
* to the same ImageContext.
* Note that there is no necessary relationship between the image context
* supplied and the build contexts of the old and new states.
public IDelta getImageDelta(IImageContext imageContext) {
if (fImageDelta == null || !Util.equalOrNull(imageContext, fContextOfLastDelta)) {
fImageDelta = new DeltaImpl(this, imageContext);
fContextOfLastDelta = imageContext;
return fImageDelta;
* Returns a set of paths of files which are changing in the given package.
protected Dictionary getSourceChanges(IPackage pkgHandle) {
Dictionary set = new Hashtable(30);
/* do for each fragment of this package */
IPath[] newFrags = fNewState.getPackageMap().getFragments(pkgHandle);
for (int i = 0; i < newFrags.length; i++) {
IPath fragPath = newFrags[i];
/* find the JCUs for this package */
IResourceDelta[] fileDeltas = null;
for (Enumeration e = fChangedPkgOrZips.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IResourceDelta pkgDelta = (IResourceDelta) e.nextElement();
if (pkgDelta.getFullPath().equals(fragPath)) {
/* A zip file is changing. Don't bother optimizing this case -- too complex. */
if (!fNewState.isZipElement(fragPath)) {
fileDeltas = pkgDelta.getAffectedChildren(IResourceDelta.CHANGED);
if (fileDeltas != null) {
/* do for each changed file in this fragment */
for (int j = 0; j < fileDeltas.length; j++) {
IResourceDelta fileDelta = fileDeltas[j];
// See 1FVSC75: ITPJCORE:ALL - SCENARIO B1 - Builder should check F_CONTENT on changed files
if (fileDelta.getKind() == IResourceDelta.CHANGED && (fileDelta.getFlags() & IResourceDelta.CONTENT) != 0) {
IPath path = fileDelta.getFullPath();
/* skip non-java resources */
String extension = path.getFileExtension();
if (extension != null && (extension.equalsIgnoreCase("java") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase("class"))) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
set.put(path, path);
return set;
protected boolean hasPackageMapChanges() {
if (!Util.equalArraysOrNull(fOldState.getPackageFragmentRootsInClassPath(), fNewState.getPackageFragmentRootsInClassPath())) {
return true;
/* Has package or zip been added / removed ? */
if (fRemovedPkgOrZips.size() > 0 || fAddedPkgOrZips.size() > 0) {
return true;
/* if there is a changed zip file, assume package map changes */
for (Enumeration e = fChangedPkgOrZips.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IResourceDelta changed = (IResourceDelta) e.nextElement();
String extension = changed.getFullPath().getFileExtension();
if (extension != null) {
if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase("zip") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase("jar")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if there is a change to the list of source entries in this package, false
* otherwise. This is meant to be a fast optimization, to determine
* whether the source entries for this package need to be recomputed. This
* method works solely against the source workspace delta. When in doubt,
* it is always okay to return true here.
protected boolean hasSourceEntryChanges(IPackage pkgHandle) {
IPath[] oldFrags = fOldState.getPackageMap().getFragments(pkgHandle);
IPath[] newFrags = fNewState.getPackageMap().getFragments(pkgHandle);
if (!Util.equalArraysOrNull(oldFrags, newFrags)) {
/* The set of package fragments has changed. Don't bother optimizing this case -- too complex. */
return true;
/* do for each fragment of this package */
for (int i = 0; i < newFrags.length; i++) {
IPath fragPath = newFrags[i];
/* find the JCUs for this package */
IResourceDelta[] fileDeltas = null;
for (Enumeration e = fChangedPkgOrZips.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IResourceDelta pkgDelta = (IResourceDelta) e.nextElement();
if (pkgDelta.getFullPath().equals(fragPath)) {
/* A zip file is changing. Don't bother optimizing this case -- too complex. */
if (fNewState.isZipElement(fragPath)) {
return true;
fileDeltas = pkgDelta.getAffectedChildren();
if (fileDeltas == null) {
* It's a more complex interaction between zips, for example
* the package may be added in one zip and removed from another.
* Don't bother optimizing this case -- too complex.
return true;
/* do for each file in this fragment in the new workspace */
for (int j = 0; j < fileDeltas.length; j++) {
IPath path = fileDeltas[j].getFullPath();
/* skip java resources */
String extension = path.getFileExtension();
if (extension != null) {
if ((extension.equalsIgnoreCase("java") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase("class"))) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
/* if there is an added or removed jcu or binary, the source entries have changed */
int status = fileDeltas[j].getKind();
if (status == IResourceDelta.ADDED || status == IResourceDelta.REMOVED) {
return true;
/* it's a change, but it may be changing local status */
if (fileDeltas[j].getResource().isLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ZERO) != fOldState.contains(new SourceEntry(path, null, null))) {
return true;
return false;
* Issues indictments to the dependents of the specified element.
* If transitive is true, they are issued to all dependents transitively,
* otherwise they are issued only to immediate dependents.
* The trial process is run as the indictments are issued.
* Any newly-convicted compilation units are added to the to-be-compiled list.
protected void issueIndictments(Object element, IndictmentSet indicts, boolean transitive) {
DependencyGraph graph = fNewState.getInternalDependencyGraph();
Object[] dependents = graph.getDependents(element);
if (dependents.length > 0) {
Hashtable seen = new Hashtable(11);
seen.put(element, element); // Don't visit the given element
for (int i = 0; i < dependents.length; ++i) {
issueIndictments(graph, dependents[i], indicts, transitive, seen);
* Issues indictments to the specified element.
* If transitive is true, they are issued to all dependents transitively,
* otherwise they are issued only to this element.
* The trial process is run as the indictments are issued.
* Any newly-convicted compilation units are added to the to-be-compiled list.
protected void issueIndictments(DependencyGraph graph, Object element, IndictmentSet indicts, boolean transitive, Hashtable seen) {
// Only issue indictments to compilation units.
if (element instanceof PackageElement) {
PackageElement pkgElement = (PackageElement) element;
if (pkgElement.isSource()) {
// Have we already seen this one?
if (!seen.containsKey(element)) {
seen.put(element, element);
// Is it already in the queue?
if (!fWorkQueue.contains(pkgElement)) {
// If it's not being removed, conduct the trial.
if (fNewState.getSourceEntry(pkgElement) != null) {
if (tryUnit(pkgElement, indicts)) {
// Recurse if transitive
if (transitive) {
Object[] dependents = graph.getDependents(element);
for (int i = 0; i < dependents.length; ++i) {
issueIndictments(graph, dependents[i], indicts, transitive, seen);
* Mark the immediate dependents of the given element
* as needing to be compiled (if not marked so already),
* and add any newly marked ones to the list.
protected void markDependentsAsNeedingCompile(Object element) {
DependencyGraph graph = fNewState.getInternalDependencyGraph();
Object[] deps = graph.getDependents(element);
for (int i = 0; i < deps.length; ++i) {
if (deps[i] instanceof PackageElement) {
PackageElement pkgElement = (PackageElement) deps[i];
if (pkgElement.isSource()) {
if (!fWorkQueue.contains(pkgElement)) {
// Mark it, if it's not being removed.
if (fNewState.getSourceEntry(pkgElement) != null) {
* All elements that refer to changed zips, or packages
* referred to by changed zips, must be recompiled.
* This is conservative, but since the old zip structure
* is not available, we can't do much better.
protected void markDependentsOfChangedZips() {
PathMap oldPathMap = fOldState.getPathMap();
PathMap newPathMap = fNewState.getPathMap();
/* do for each changed zip */
for (Enumeration e = fChangedZips.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPath zip = (IPath) e.nextElement();
/* mark dependents of packages in old zip */
IPackage[] pkgs = oldPathMap.packageHandlesFromPath(zip);
for (int i = 0; i < pkgs.length; i++) {
/* mark dependents of packages in new zip */
pkgs = newPathMap.packageHandlesFromPath(zip);
for (int i = 0; i < pkgs.length; i++) {
/* mark dependents of the zip itself */
/* also handle zips which were removed from class path */
IPath[] paths = oldPathMap.getPaths();
for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; ++i) {
IPath zip = paths[i];
if (fOldState.isZipElement(zip) && !newPathMap.hasPath(zip)) {
/* mark dependents of packages in old zip */
IPackage[] pkgs = oldPathMap.packageHandlesFromPath(zip);
for (int j = 0; j < pkgs.length; j++) {
/* mark dependents of the zip itself */
* The given package is being added or removed. Make sure that no types
* exist with the same name as this package. If any such types
* exist, mark them as needing compilation and add them to the
* compile vector.
protected void markOverlappingTypesAsNeedingCompile(IPackage pkg) {
String pkgName = pkg.getName();
int lastDot;
while ((lastDot = pkgName.lastIndexOf('.')) > 0) {
/* try to get a compilation unit for this package name */
PackageElement element = fNewState.getCompilationUnitFromName(pkgName, fNewState.defaultPackageForProject());
if (element != null) {
/* strip off a package level */
pkgName = pkgName.substring(0, lastDot);
* Force compilation of everything in the given package (non-state-specific handle),
* if indicated by the build context.
protected void maybeForce(IPackage pkg) {
ImageContextImpl imageContext = (ImageContextImpl) fNewState.getBuildContext();
if (imageContext == null ? pkg.inState(fNewState).isPresent() : imageContext.containsPackage(pkg)) {
// fNotifier.subTask("Forcing " + pkg.getName());
* Propagate the principal structure by package table,
* being sure to exclude any affected packages.
protected void propagatePrincipalStructureByPackageTable() {
Hashtable newTable = (Hashtable) fOldState.getPrincipalStructureByPackageTable().clone();
for (Enumeration e = fAffectedPackages.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) e.nextElement();
* Recomputes the source entries for changed packages. As an optimization,
* only recompute the source entries for packages that may actually have
* changes to their source entries.
protected void recomputeSourceEntriesForChangedPackages() {
for (Enumeration e = fChangedPackageHandles.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) e.nextElement();
if (hasSourceEntryChanges(pkg)) {
// Now force it.
* Remove all types and compilation units from the new state
* that do not exist in the new workspace. Keep track of any
* types that will need to be compiled as a result of the change.
protected void removeOldClasses() {
for (Enumeration e = fRemovedClasses.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
SourceEntry entry = (SourceEntry) e.nextElement();
* Removes the given source element from the new state's tables
* and dependency graph. Marks all JCUs that depend on the removed element.
protected void removeSourceElement(SourceEntry entry) {
PackageElement element = fOldState.packageElementFromSourceEntry(entry);
SourceEntry oldEntry = fOldState.getSourceEntry(element);
if (oldEntry == null) {
// It didn't exist in the old state (strange).
// delete problems for this entry
// only delete non-syntax problems, since new syntax problems may have already
// been generated during namespace computations
/* remove type descriptor for types that belong to this source element */
DependencyGraph graph = fNewState.getInternalDependencyGraph();
Hashtable structureTable = fNewState.getPrincipalStructureTable();
IType[] types = graph.getTypes(element);
if (types != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
IType type = types[i];
if (!element.isBinary()) {
// The element has already been removed from the source element table.
// So don't do any source element table or fragment logic here.
// Don't delete the namespace for the package here, because it cannot be rebuilt lazily
// since the package may be in process of being removed.
* Hang onto the binary types for this source, because it will be compiled
protected void saveBinaryTypes(PackageElement element) {
DependencyGraph graph = fOldState.getInternalDependencyGraph();
IType[] types = graph.getTypes(element);
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
IType type = types[i];
BuilderType builderType = (BuilderType) fBuilderTypeTable.get(type);
if (builderType == null || !builderType.isAffected()) {
TypeStructureEntry oldEntry = fOldState.getTypeStructureEntry(type, false);
/* create and store the builder type */
// Allow it to be missing. See 1FW1S0Y: ITPJCORE:ALL - Java builder builds when non-Java files affected
IBinaryType oldBinary = fOldState.getBinaryTypeOrNull(oldEntry);
builderType = new ModifiedBuilderType(this, oldEntry, oldBinary);
fBuilderTypeTable.put(type, builderType);
/* remove the principal structure entry in the new state */
/* nuke the binary because it will soon be stale */
* Sort the compilation units by topological order.
protected void sort(PackageElement[] compileArray) {
DependencyGraph graph = fNewState.getInternalDependencyGraph();
int len = compileArray.length;
int[] sortOrder = new int[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
sortOrder[i] = graph.getOrder(compileArray[i]);
Util.sort(compileArray, sortOrder);
* Returns a string describe the builder
* @see IImageBuilder
public String toString() {
return "incremental image builder for:\n" + "\tnew state: " + getNewState() + "\n" + "\told state: " + getOldState(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-4$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
* If this type is a subtype is the originator of an abstract method
* indictment, it must be compiled
protected boolean tryAbstractMethodIndictments(PackageElement unit, IndictmentSet indictments) {
final boolean GUILTY = true, INNOCENT = false;
IType[] trialTypes = indictments.getAbstractMethodOriginators();
if (trialTypes.length == 0) {
return false;
/* if problems were detected, some innerclasses might not have been generated,
thus the state would not reflect their presence, and even if guilty could not
be convicted (also see 1GA6CV7) */
Vector problemVector = fOldState.getProblemReporter().getProblemVector(fOldState.getSourceEntry(unit));
if (problemVector != null){
Enumeration problems = problemVector.elements();
while (problems.hasMoreElements()){
IProblemDetail problem = (IProblemDetail) problems.nextElement();
if ((problem.getSeverity() & IProblemDetail.S_ERROR) != 0) return GUILTY;
/* do for each type in this package element */
IType[] types = fOldState.getInternalDependencyGraph().getTypes(unit);
for (int i = 0, imax = types.length; i < imax; i++) {
IType type = types[i];
TypeStructureEntry tsEntry = fOldState.getTypeStructureEntry(type, false);
/* shouldn't happen, but trust nobody! */
if (tsEntry == null) {
IType oldType = (IType) type.inState(fOldState);
int flags = oldType.getModifiers();
/* interfaces aren't affected by method additions/removals in super interfaces,
other than for compatibility checking, which is handled elsewhere */
if (oldType.isInterface()) {
/* only check superclasses if this class is not abstract, */
/* because abstract classes aren't affected by abstract method additions/removals */
/* on their superclasses, only on their superinterfaces */
boolean checkSuperclasses = (flags & IConstants.AccAbstract) == 0;
/* do for each abstract method originator */
BuilderType builderType = getBuilderType(type);
for (int j = 0, jmax = trialTypes.length; j < jmax; ++j) {
IType trialType = trialTypes[j];
if (checkSuperclasses) {
if (builderType.hasSuperclass(trialType)) {
return GUILTY;
if (builderType.hasSuperInterface(trialType)) {
return GUILTY;
/* no supertypes convicted this package element, so it must be innocent */
return INNOCENT;
* If a subtype of the originator of a method indictment redefines
* the method for which there is an indictment, it must be recompiled.
* This is also true if any superinterfaces of the subtype defines
* an indicted method.
protected boolean tryMethodDeclarations(BuilderType builderType, IndictmentSet indictments) {
final boolean GUILTY = true, INNOCENT = false;
/* try the methods of this type */
IBinaryType oldBinary = builderType.getOldBinaryType();
if (oldBinary == null) return GUILTY;
IBinaryMethod[] methods = oldBinary.getMethods();
if (methods != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < methods.length; k++) {
if (indictments.tryMethodDeclaration(methods[k])) {
return GUILTY;
/* recurse on superinterfaces */
char[][] interfaces = oldBinary.getInterfaceNames();
if (interfaces != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
BuilderType supr = getBuilderType(BinaryStructure.getType(builderType.getNewState(), builderType.getNewTypeStructureEntry(), interfaces[i]));
if (tryMethodDeclarations(supr, indictments)) {
return GUILTY;
return INNOCENT;
* If a subtype of the originator of a method indictment redefines
* the method for which there is an indictment, it must be recompiled.
protected boolean tryMethodDeclarations(PackageElement unit, IndictmentSet indictments) {
final boolean GUILTY = true, INNOCENT = false;
IType[] methodIndictmentOwners = indictments.getMethodIndictmentOwners();
if (methodIndictmentOwners.length == 0) {
return INNOCENT;
/* if problems were detected, some innerclasses might not have been generated,
thus the state would not reflect their presence, and even if guilty could not
be convicted (also see 1GA6CV7) */
Vector problemVector = fOldState.getProblemReporter().getProblemVector(fOldState.getSourceEntry(unit));
if (problemVector != null){
Enumeration problems = problemVector.elements();
while (problems.hasMoreElements()){
IProblemDetail problem = (IProblemDetail) problems.nextElement();
if ((problem.getSeverity() & IProblemDetail.S_ERROR) != 0) return GUILTY;
IType[] types = fOldState.getInternalDependencyGraph().getTypes(unit);
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
boolean found = false;
BuilderType trialType = getBuilderType(types[i]);
for (int j = 0, len = methodIndictmentOwners.length; j < len; ++j) {
//note this is conservative because owners are not matched to their methods
if (trialType.hasSuperType(methodIndictmentOwners[j])) {
found = true;
if (found) {
if (tryMethodDeclarations(trialType, indictments)){
return GUILTY;
return INNOCENT;
* Conducts a trial on a single compilation unit. Returns true if the unit
* is guilty. The sentence is compilation without possibility of parole.
protected boolean tryUnit(PackageElement unit, IndictmentSet indictments) {
/* innocent unless proven guilty */
final boolean GUILTY = true, INNOCENT = false;
/* quick test to see if there's no indictments */
if (indictments.isEmpty()) {
return INNOCENT;
/* automatically guilty if there is an upstream hierarchy change */
if (indictments.hasHierarchyIndictment()) {
return GUILTY;
/* gather the evidence */
ReferenceInfo evidence = fNewState.getReferencesForPackageElement(unit);
/* Unable to index unit, convict and let compiler try it */
if (evidence == null) {
return GUILTY;
if (indictments.tryAllEvidence(evidence)) {
return GUILTY;
* If a subtype of the originator of a method indictment redefines
* the method for which there is an indictment, it must be recompiled.
if (tryMethodDeclarations(unit, indictments)) {
return GUILTY;
* If this type is a subtype of the originator of an abstract method
* indictment, it may need to be recompiled.
if (tryAbstractMethodIndictments(unit, indictments)) {
return GUILTY;
* If there have been changes to constructors in the direct superclass,
* it must be recompiled.
if (tryZeroArgConstructorInSuperclass(unit, indictments)) {
return GUILTY;
/* evidence is exhausted and unit has not been convicted */
return INNOCENT;
* If there have been changes to the zero-arg constructor in the superclass of any types in the CU,
* the CU must be recompiled. This handles refs by default constructors and implicit super invocations in
* constructors, which aren't covered by the normal method indictments since they
* generate no evidence of refs to the super constructor.
protected boolean tryZeroArgConstructorInSuperclass(PackageElement unit, IndictmentSet indictments) {
if (!indictments.hasConstructorIndictments()) {
return false;
IType[] types = fOldState.getInternalDependencyGraph().getTypes(unit);
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
IType superclass = getBuilderType(types[i]).getSuperclass();
if (superclass != null) {
String key = '<' + superclass.getDeclaredName() + ">/0"; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (indictments.tryMethodEvidence(key.toCharArray())) {
return true;
return false;
* Processes changed classes in the state. Stores compilation
* units that need to be compiled as a result of the changes.
protected void updateChangedClasses() {
for (Enumeration e = fChangedClasses.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
SourceEntry entry = (SourceEntry) e.nextElement();
* Updates or rebuilds the package map with the affected package fragments.
* After, the added/removed/changed builder packages are known.
protected void updatePackageMap() {
// Simply rebuild if adding or removing packages, rather than trying to do this
// incrementally, which is tricky. E.g. a package should not really be added if its
// project does not appear in the class path.
boolean rebuild = hasPackageMapChanges();
if (rebuild) {
/* Set of affected package handles */
Vector affected = new Vector();
/* Process changed package fragments (package map not affected). *
* Due to changing class paths, a package which is changing in the source *
* may actually be added / removed rather than changed. Figure out which. */
for (Enumeration e = fChangedPkgOrZips.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IResourceDelta delta = (IResourceDelta) e.nextElement();
IPackage[] pkgHandles = null;
/* Look in the new state only if the package has not been removed */
if (delta.getKind() != IResourceDelta.REMOVED) {
pkgHandles = fNewState.getPathMap().packageHandlesFromPath(delta.getFullPath());
for (int i = 0; i < pkgHandles.length; i++) {
if (!affected.contains(pkgHandles[i])) {
/* Look in the old state only if the package has not been added */
if (delta.getKind() != IResourceDelta.ADDED) {
pkgHandles = fOldState.getPathMap().packageHandlesFromPath(delta.getFullPath());
for (int i = 0; i < pkgHandles.length; i++) {
if (!affected.contains(pkgHandles[i])) {
/* Partition affected packages into added/removed/changed */
fAddedPackageHandles = new Vector();
fRemovedPackageHandles = new Vector();
fChangedPackageHandles = new Vector();
PackageMap oldMap = fOldState.getPackageMap();
PackageMap newMap = fNewState.getPackageMap();
for (Enumeration e = affected.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) e.nextElement();
if (oldMap.containsPackage(pkg)) {
if (newMap.containsPackage(pkg)) {
} else {
} else {
if (newMap.containsPackage(pkg)) {
} else {
// This can occur if there are changes to a package
// which does not appear in either the old or new class path.
// Ignore it.
/* Check for added/removed/changed packages due to added/removed fragments and/or class path changes */
if (rebuild) {
for (Enumeration e = oldMap.getAllPackages(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) e.nextElement();
IPath[] newFragments = newMap.getFragments(pkg);
if (newFragments == null) {
// package has been removed due to class path change;
// may also have been removed due to source change
if (!fRemovedPackageHandles.contains(pkg)) {
} else
if (!Util.equalArraysOrNull(oldMap.getFragments(pkg), newFragments)) {
// package has changed package fragments due to class path change;
// may also have source change
if (!fChangedPackageHandles.contains(pkg)) {
for (Enumeration e = newMap.getAllPackages(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) e.nextElement();
if (!oldMap.containsPackage(pkg)) {
// package has been added due to class path change;
// may also have been added due to source change
if (!fAddedPackageHandles.contains(pkg)) {
/* Add all affected packages to fAffectedPackages. */
fAffectedPackages = new Hashtable(11);
for (Enumeration e = fAddedPackageHandles.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) e.nextElement();
fAffectedPackages.put(pkg, pkg);
for (Enumeration e = fRemovedPackageHandles.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) e.nextElement();
fAffectedPackages.put(pkg, pkg);
for (Enumeration e = fChangedPackageHandles.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
IPackage pkg = (IPackage) e.nextElement();
fAffectedPackages.put(pkg, pkg);
* Stores the results of a compilation in the appropriate state tables.
* Keeps track of what compilation units need to be compiled as a result
* of the changes.
protected void updateState(ConvertedCompilationResult[] results) {
int n = results.length;
PackageElement[] oldUnits = new PackageElement[n];
PackageElement[] newUnits = new PackageElement[n];
IType[][] oldTypeList = new IType[n][];
// Preparation
DependencyGraph oldGraph = fOldState.getInternalDependencyGraph();
DependencyGraph newGraph = fNewState.getInternalDependencyGraph();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
PackageElement element = results[i].getPackageElement();
// Be sure the package is in the set of affected packages.
// It may not be if this unit was recompiled in a package
// other than the ones which have direct changes.
IPackage pkg = element.getPackage();
fAffectedPackages.put(pkg, pkg);
// Be sure to look up the source entries in the old and new state,
// since they may be different.
SourceEntry oldSourceEntry = fOldState.getSourceEntry(element);
oldUnits[i] = (oldSourceEntry == null ? null : fOldState.packageElementFromSourceEntry(oldSourceEntry));
SourceEntry newSourceEntry = fNewState.getSourceEntry(element);
newUnits[i] = fNewState.packageElementFromSourceEntry(newSourceEntry);
if (oldUnits[i] != null) {
oldTypeList[i] = oldGraph.getTypes(oldUnits[i]);
// Remove old problems and principal structure from new state before
// storing new results.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (oldUnits[i] != null) {
SourceEntry sEntry = fOldState.getSourceEntry(oldUnits[i]);
if (oldTypeList[i] != null) {
IType[] oldTypes = oldTypeList[i];
for (int j = 0; j < oldTypes.length; ++j) {
// now calculate the changes
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
PackageElement unit = newUnits[i];
if (unit == null) {
// Unit isn't visible. Shouldn't have gotten this far. Skip it.
* Assumption: namespace changes have been dealt with before
* compilation. Compilation units that were removed have already generated
* type collaborator indictments. Here, we are only concerned
* with changes within each compilation unit.
TypeStructureEntry[] newTSEntries = results[i].getTypes();
IndictmentSet indictments = new IndictmentSet();
/* do for each type generated by unit in old state */
IType[] oldTypes = oldTypeList[i];
if (oldTypes != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < oldTypes.length; ++j) {
IType oldType = oldTypes[j];
boolean found = false;
for (int k = 0; k < newTSEntries.length; ++k) {
if (newTSEntries[k] != null && newTSEntries[k].getType().equals(oldType)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
/* do for each type in result */
for (int j = 0; j < newTSEntries.length; j++) {
TypeStructureEntry newTSEntry = newTSEntries[j];
if (newTSEntry != null) {
/* compute the indictments for this type */
IType type = newTSEntry.getType();
BuilderType bType = getBuilderType(type);
/* the new tsEntry wasn't known at compilation time */
if (bType.getNewTypeStructureEntry() == null) {
if (!indictments.isEmpty()) {
issueIndictments(unit, indictments, false);