blob: b3d61db06ce6cca99143d5625031e1e8e98e4fef [file] [log] [blame]
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.*;
import java.util.*;
* A <code>SearchEngine</code> searches for java elements following a search pattern.
* The search can be limited to a search scope.
* <p>
* Various search patterns can be created using the factory methods
* <code>createSearchPattern(String, int, int, boolean)</code>, <code>createSearchPattern(IJavaElement, int)</code>,
* <code>createOrSearchPattern(ISearchPattern, ISearchPattern)</code>.
* </p>
* <p>For example, one can search for references to a method in the hierarchy of a type,
* or one can search for the declarations of types starting with "Abstract" in a project.
* </p>
* <p>
* This class may be instantiated; it is not intended to be subclassed.
* </p>
public class SearchEngine {
* Returns a java search scope limited to the hierarchy of the given type.
* The java elements resulting from a search with this scope will
* be types in this hierarchy, or members of the types in this hierarchy.
* @param type the focus of the hierarchy scope
* @return a new hierarchy scope
* @exception JavaModelException if the hierarchy could not be computed on the given type
public static IJavaSearchScope createHierarchyScope(IType type) throws JavaModelException {
return new HierarchyScope(type);
* Returns a java search scope limited to the given resources.
* The java elements resulting from a search with this scope will
* have their underlying resource included in or equals to one of the given
* resources.
* <p>
* Resources must not overlap, e.g. one cannot include a folder and its children.
* </p>
* @param resources the resources the scope is limited to
* @return a new java search scope
public static IJavaSearchScope createJavaSearchScope(IResource[] resources) {
JavaSearchScope scope = new JavaSearchScope();
for (int i = 0, length = resources.length; i < length; i++) {
return scope;
* Returns a search pattern that combines the given two patterns into a "or" pattern.
* The search result will match either the left pattern or the right pattern.
* @param leftPattern the left pattern
* @param rightPattern the right pattern
* @return a "or" pattern
public static ISearchPattern createOrSearchPattern(ISearchPattern leftPattern, ISearchPattern rightPattern) {
return new OrPattern((SearchPattern)leftPattern, (SearchPattern)rightPattern);
* Returns a search pattern based on a given string pattern. The string patterns support '*' wild-cards.
* The remaining parameters are used to narrow down the type of expected results.
* <p>
* Examples:
* <ul>
* <li>search for case insensitive references to <code>Object</code>:
* <code>createSearchPattern("Object", TYPE, REFERENCES, false);</code>
* <li>search for case sensitive references to exact <code>Object()</code> constructor:
* <code>createSearchPattern("java.lang.Object()", CONSTRUCTOR, REFERENCES, true);</code>
* <li>search for implementors of <code>java.lang.Runnable</code>:
* <code>createSearchPattern("java.lang.Runnable", TYPE, IMPLEMENTORS, true);</code>
* @param searchFor determines the nature of the searched elements
* <ul>
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.CLASS</code>: only look for classes
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.INTERFACE</code>: only look for interfaces
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.TYPE</code>: look for both classes and interfaces
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.FIELD</code>: look for fields
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.METHOD</code>: look for methods
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.CONSTRUCTOR</code>: look for constructors
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.PACKAGE</code>: look for packages
* </ul>
* @param limitTo determines the nature of the expected matches
* <ul>
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS</code>: will search declarations matching with the corresponding
* element. In case the element is a method, declarations of matching methods in subtypes will also
* be found, allowing to find declarations of abstract methods, etc.
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES</code>: will search references to the given element.
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.ALL_OCCURRENCES</code>: will search for either declarations or references as specified
* above.
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.IMPLEMENTORS</code>: for interface, will find all types which implements a given interface.
* </ul>
* @param isCaseSensitive indicates whether the search is case sensitive or not.
* @return a search pattern on the given string pattern, or <code>null</code> if the string pattern is ill-formed.
public static ISearchPattern createSearchPattern(String stringPattern, int searchFor, int limitTo, boolean isCaseSensitive) {
return SearchPattern.createPattern(stringPattern, searchFor, limitTo, IJavaSearchConstants.PATTERN_MATCH, isCaseSensitive);
* Returns a search pattern based on a given Java element.
* The pattern is used to trigger the appropriate search, and can be parameterized as follows:
* @param element the java element the search pattern is based on
* @param limitTo determines the nature of the expected matches
* <ul>
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS</code>: will search declarations matching with the corresponding
* element. In case the element is a method, declarations of matching methods in subtypes will also
* be found, allowing to find declarations of abstract methods, etc.
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES</code>: will search references to the given element.
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.ALL_OCCURRENCES</code>: will search for either declarations or references as specified
* above.
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.IMPLEMENTORS</code>: for interface, will find all types which implements a given interface.
* </ul>
* @return a search pattern for a java element or <code>null</code> if the given element is ill-formed
public static ISearchPattern createSearchPattern(IJavaElement element, int limitTo) {
return SearchPattern.createPattern(element, limitTo);
* Returns a java search scope with the workspace as the only limit.
* @return a new workspace scope
public static IJavaSearchScope createWorkspaceScope() {
return new JavaWorkspaceScope();
* Searches for the Java element determined by the given signature. The signature
* can be incomplete. For example, a call like
* <code>search(ws,"run()",METHOD,REFERENCES,col)</code>
* searchs for all references to the method <code>run</code>.
* @param workspace the workspace
* @param pattern the pattern to be searched for
* @param searchFor a hint what kind of Java element the string pattern represents.
* Look into <code>IJavaSearchConstants</code> for valid values
* @param limitTo one of the following values:
* <ul>
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS</code>: search
* for declarations only </li>
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES</code>: search
* for all references </li>
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.ALL_OCCURENCES</code>: search
* for both declarations and all references </li>
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.IMPLEMENTORS</code>: search for
* all implementors of an interface; the value is only valid if
* the Java element represents an interface
* </ul>
* @param scope the search result has to be limited to the given scope
* @param resultCollector a callback object to which each match is reported
* @exception JavaModelException if the search failed. Reasons include:
* <ul>
* <li>the classpath is incorrectly set
* </ul>
public void search(IWorkspace workspace, String patternString, int searchFor, int limitTo, IJavaSearchScope scope, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector) throws JavaModelException {
search(workspace, createSearchPattern(patternString, searchFor, limitTo, true), scope, resultCollector);
* Searches for the given Java element.
* @param workspace the workspace
* @param element the Java element to be searched for
* @param limitTo one of the following values:
* <ul>
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS</code>: search
* for declarations only </li>
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES</code>: search
* for all references </li>
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.ALL_OCCURENCES</code>: search
* for both declarations and all references </li>
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.IMPLEMENTORS</code>: search for
* all implementors of an interface; the value is only valid if
* the Java element represents an interface
* </ul>
* @param scope the search result has to be limited to the given scope
* @param resultCollector a callback object to which each match is reported
* @exception JavaModelException if the search failed. Reasons include:
* <ul>
* <li>the element doesn't exist
* <li>the classpath is incorrectly set
* </ul>
public void search(IWorkspace workspace, IJavaElement element, int limitTo, IJavaSearchScope scope, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector) throws JavaModelException {
search(workspace, createSearchPattern(element, limitTo), scope, resultCollector);
* Searches for matches of a given search pattern. Search patterns can be created using helper
* methods (from a String pattern or a Java element) and encapsulate the description of what is
* being searched (e.g. search method declarations in a case sensitive way).
* @param workspace the workspace
* @param searchPattern the pattern to be searched for
* @param scope the search result has to be limited to the given scope
* @param resultCollector a callback object to which each match is reported
* @exception JavaModelException if the search failed. Reasons include:
* <ul>
* <li>the classpath is incorrectly set
* </ul>
public void search(IWorkspace workspace, ISearchPattern searchPattern, IJavaSearchScope scope, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector) throws JavaModelException {
/* search is starting */
try {
if (searchPattern == null) return;
/* initialize progress monitor */
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor = resultCollector.getProgressMonitor();
if (progressMonitor != null) {
progressMonitor.beginTask(Util.bind("engine.searching"), 105); // 5 for getting paths, 100 for locating matches //$NON-NLS-1$
/* index search */
PathCollector pathCollector = new PathCollector();
IndexManager indexManager = ((JavaModelManager)JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager())
int detailLevel = IInfoConstants.PathInfo | IInfoConstants.PositionInfo;
MatchLocator matchLocator = new MatchLocator((SearchPattern)searchPattern, detailLevel, resultCollector, scope);
if (indexManager != null) {
new PatternSearchJob(
if (progressMonitor != null) {
/* eliminating false matches and locating them */
if (progressMonitor != null && progressMonitor.isCanceled()) throw new OperationCanceledException();
matchLocator.locateMatches(pathCollector.getPaths(), workspace);
if (progressMonitor != null) {
} finally {
/* search has ended */
* Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope.
* The search can be selecting specific types (given a package or a type name
* prefix and match modes).
* @param workspace the workspace to search in
* @param packageName the full name of the package of the searched types, or a prefix for this
* package, or a wild-carded string for this package.
* @param typeName the dot-separated qualied name of the searched type (the qualification include
* the enclosing types if the searched type is a member type), or a prefix
* for this type, or a wild-carded string for this type.
* @param matchMode one of
* <ul>
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.EXACT_MATCH</code> if the package name and type name are the full names
* of the searched types.
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.PREFIX_MATCH</code> if the package name and type name are prefixes of the names
* of the searched types.
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.PATTERN_MATCH</code> if the package name and type name contain wild-cards.
* </ul>
* @param isCaseSensitive whether the search should be case senistive
* @param searchFor one of
* <ul>
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.CLASS</code> if searching for classes only
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.INTERFACE</code> if searching for interfaces only
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.TYPE</code> if searching for both classes and interfaces
* </ul>
* @param scope the scope to search in
* @param nameRequestor the requestor that collects the results of the search
* @param waitingPolicy one of
* <ul>
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.FORCE_IMMEDIATE_SEARCH</code> if the search should start immediately
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.CANCEL_IF_NOT_READY_TO_SEARCH</code> if the search should be canceled if the
* underlying indexer has not finished indexing the workspace
* <li><code>IJavaSearchConstants.WAIT_UNTIL_READY_TO_SEARCH</code> if the search should wait for the
* underlying indexer to finish indexing the workspace
* </ul>
* @param progressMonitor the progress monitor to report progress to, or <code>null</code> if no progress
* monitor is provided
* @exception JavaModelException if the search failed. Reasons include:
* <ul>
* <li>the classpath is incorrectly set
* </ul>
public void searchAllTypeNames(
IWorkspace workspace,
char[] packageName,
char[] typeName,
int matchMode,
boolean isCaseSensitive,
int searchFor,
IJavaSearchScope scope,
final ITypeNameRequestor nameRequestor,
int waitingPolicy,
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws JavaModelException {
IndexManager indexManager = ((JavaModelManager)JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager()).getIndexManager();
if (indexManager == null) return;
char classOrInterface;
case IJavaSearchConstants.CLASS :
classOrInterface = IIndexConstants.CLASS_SUFFIX;
case IJavaSearchConstants.INTERFACE :
classOrInterface = IIndexConstants.INTERFACE_SUFFIX;
default :
classOrInterface = IIndexConstants.TYPE_SUFFIX;
SearchPattern pattern = new TypeDeclarationPattern(
null, // do find member types
IIndexSearchRequestor searchRequestor = new IndexSearchAdapter(){
public void acceptClassDeclaration(String resourcePath, char[] simpleTypeName, char[][] enclosingTypeNames, char[] packageName) {
nameRequestor.acceptClass(packageName, simpleTypeName, enclosingTypeNames, resourcePath);
public void acceptInterfaceDeclaration(String resourcePath, char[] simpleTypeName, char[][] enclosingTypeNames, char[] packageName) {
nameRequestor.acceptInterface(packageName, simpleTypeName, enclosingTypeNames, resourcePath);
new PatternSearchJob(pattern, scope, IInfoConstants.NameInfo | IInfoConstants.PathInfo, searchRequestor, indexManager, progressMonitor),
* Searches for all declarations of the fields accessed in the given element.
* The element can be a compilation unit, a type, or a method.
* Reports the field declarations using the given collector.
* <p>
* Consider the following code:
* <code>
* <pre>
* class A {
* int field1;
* }
* class B extends A {
* String value;
* }
* class X {
* void test() {
* B b = new B();
* System.out.println(b.value + b.field1);
* };
* }
* </pre>
* </code>
* then searching for declarations of accessed fields in method
* <code>X.test()</code> would collect the fields
* <code>B.value</code> and <code>A.field1</code>.
* </p>
* @param workspace the workspace
* @param enclosingElement the method, type, or compilation unit to be searched in
* @param resultCollector a callback object to which each match is reported
* @exception JavaModelException if the search failed. Reasons include:
* <ul>
* <li>the element doesn't exist
* <li>the classpath is incorrectly set
* </ul>
public void searchDeclarationsOfAccessedFields(IWorkspace workspace, IJavaElement enclosingElement, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector) throws JavaModelException {
MatchLocator locator = new MatchLocator(
(SearchPattern)createSearchPattern("*", IJavaSearchConstants.FIELD, IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES, true), //$NON-NLS-1$
new JavaWorkspaceScope());
// TBD: limit search to type or method by passing start and end of enclosing element
new String[] {enclosingElement.getUnderlyingResource().getFullPath().toString()},
* Searches for all declarations of the types referenced in the given element.
* The element can be a compilation unit, a type, or a method.
* Reports the type declarations using the given collector.
* <p>
* Consider the following code:
* <code>
* <pre>
* class A {
* }
* class B extends A {
* }
* interface I {
* int VALUE = 0;
* }
* class X {
* void test() {
* B b = new B();
*, I.VALUE);
* };
* }
* </pre>
* <code>
* then searching for declarations of referenced types in method <code>X.test()</code>
* would collect the class <code>B</code> and the interface <code>I</code>.
* </p>
* @param workspace the workspace
* @param enclosingElement the method, type, or compilation unit to be searched in
* @param resultCollector a callback object to which each match is reported
* @exception JavaModelException if the search failed. Reasons include:
* <ul>
* <li>the element doesn't exist
* <li>the classpath is incorrectly set
* </ul>
public void searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes(IWorkspace workspace, IJavaElement enclosingElement, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector) throws JavaModelException {
MatchLocator locator = new MatchLocator(
(SearchPattern)createSearchPattern("*", IJavaSearchConstants.TYPE, IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES, true), //$NON-NLS-1$
new JavaWorkspaceScope());
// TBD: limit search to type or method by passing start and end of enclosing element
new String[] {enclosingElement.getUnderlyingResource().getFullPath().toString()},
* Searches for all declarations of the methods invoked in the given element.
* The element can be a compilation unit, a type, or a method.
* Reports the method declarations using the given collector.
* <p>
* Consider the following code:
* <code>
* <pre>
* class A {
* void foo() {};
* void bar() {};
* }
* class B extends A {
* void foo() {};
* }
* class X {
* void test() {
* A a = new B();
* B b = (B)a;
* };
* }
* </pre>
* </code>
* then searching for declarations of sent messages in method
* <code>X.test()</code> would collect the methods
* <code></code>, <code></code>, and <code></code>.
* </p>
* @param workspace the workspace
* @param enclosingElement the method, type, or compilation unit to be searched in
* @param resultCollector a callback object to which each match is reported
* @exception JavaModelException if the search failed. Reasons include:
* <ul>
* <li>the element doesn't exist
* <li>the classpath is incorrectly set
* </ul>
public void searchDeclarationsOfSentMessages(IWorkspace workspace, IJavaElement enclosingElement, IJavaSearchResultCollector resultCollector) throws JavaModelException {
MatchLocator locator = new MatchLocator(
(SearchPattern)createSearchPattern("*", IJavaSearchConstants.METHOD, IJavaSearchConstants.REFERENCES, true), //$NON-NLS-1$
new JavaWorkspaceScope());
// TBD: limit search to type or method by passing start and end of enclosing element
new String[] {enclosingElement.getUnderlyingResource().getFullPath().toString()},