blob: d515907237f1188138d062b56592ce0593f8112e [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.index.impl;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.*;
import java.util.*;
* An indexSummary is used when saving an index into a BlocksIndexOuput or
* reading it from a BlocksIndexInput. It contains basic informations about
* an index: first files/words in each block, number of files/words.
public class IndexSummary {
* First file for each block.
protected Vector firstFilesInBlocks= new Vector();
* First word for each block.
protected Vector firstWordsInBlocks= new Vector();
* Number of files in the index.
protected int numFiles;
* Number of words in the index.
protected int numWords;
static class FirstFileInBlock {
IndexedFile indexedFile;
int blockNum;
static class FirstWordInBlock {
char[] word;
int blockNum;
public String toString(){
return "FirstWordInBlock: " + new String(word) + ", blockNum: " + blockNum; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
protected int firstWordBlockNum;
protected boolean firstWordAdded= true;
* Adds the given file as the first file for the given Block number.
public void addFirstFileInBlock(IndexedFile indexedFile, int blockNum) {
FirstFileInBlock entry= new FirstFileInBlock();
entry.indexedFile= indexedFile;
entry.blockNum= blockNum;
* Adds the given word as the first word for the given Block number.
public void addFirstWordInBlock(char[] word, int blockNum) {
if (firstWordAdded) {
firstWordBlockNum= blockNum;
firstWordAdded= false;
FirstWordInBlock entry= new FirstWordInBlock();
entry.word= word;
entry.blockNum= blockNum;
* Returns the numbers of all the blocks
public int[] getAllBlockNums() {
int max = firstWordsInBlocks.size();
int[] blockNums = new int[max];
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++){
blockNums[i] = ((FirstWordInBlock)firstWordsInBlocks.elementAt(i)).blockNum;
return blockNums;
public int getBlockNum(int blockLocation) {
return ((FirstWordInBlock) firstWordsInBlocks.elementAt(blockLocation)).blockNum;
* Returns the number of the Block containing the file with the given number.
public int getBlockNumForFileNum(int fileNum) {
int min= 0;
int max= firstFilesInBlocks.size() - 1;
while (min <= max) {
int mid= (min + max) / 2;
FirstFileInBlock entry= (FirstFileInBlock) firstFilesInBlocks.elementAt(mid);
int compare= fileNum - entry.indexedFile.getFileNumber();
if (compare == 0)
return entry.blockNum;
if (compare < 0)
max= mid - 1;
min= mid + 1;
if (max < 0)
return -1;
FirstFileInBlock entry= (FirstFileInBlock) firstFilesInBlocks.elementAt(max);
return entry.blockNum;
* Returns the number of the Block containing the given word.
public int getBlockNumForWord(char[] word) {
int min= 0;
int max= firstWordsInBlocks.size() - 1;
while (min <= max) {
int mid= (min + max) / 2;
FirstWordInBlock entry= (FirstWordInBlock) firstWordsInBlocks.elementAt(mid);
int compare=, entry.word);
if (compare == 0)
return entry.blockNum;
if (compare < 0)
max= mid - 1;
min= mid + 1;
if (max < 0)
return -1;
FirstWordInBlock entry= (FirstWordInBlock) firstWordsInBlocks.elementAt(max);
return entry.blockNum;
public int[] getBlockNumsForPrefix(char[] prefix) {
int min= 0;
int size= firstWordsInBlocks.size();
int max= size - 1;
int match= -1;
while (min <= max && match < 0) {
int mid= (min + max) / 2;
FirstWordInBlock entry= (FirstWordInBlock) firstWordsInBlocks.elementAt(mid);
int compare= Util.startsWith(entry.word, prefix);
if (compare == 0) {
match= mid;
if (compare >= 0)
max= mid - 1;
min= mid + 1;
if (max < 0)
return new int[0];
if (match < 0)
match= max;
int firstBlock= match - 1;
// Look if previous blocks are affected
for (; firstBlock >= 0; firstBlock--) {
FirstWordInBlock entry= (FirstWordInBlock) firstWordsInBlocks.elementAt(firstBlock);
if (!CharOperation.startsWith(entry.word, prefix))
if (firstBlock < 0)
firstBlock= 0;
// Look if next blocks are affected
int firstNotIncludedBlock= match + 1;
for (; firstNotIncludedBlock < size; firstNotIncludedBlock++) {
FirstWordInBlock entry= (FirstWordInBlock) firstWordsInBlocks.elementAt(firstNotIncludedBlock);
if (!CharOperation.startsWith(entry.word, prefix))
int numberOfBlocks= firstNotIncludedBlock - firstBlock;
int[] result= new int[numberOfBlocks];
int pos= firstBlock;
for (int i= 0; i < numberOfBlocks; i++, pos++) {
FirstWordInBlock entry= (FirstWordInBlock) firstWordsInBlocks.elementAt(pos);
result[i]= entry.blockNum;
return result;
public int getFirstBlockLocationForPrefix(char[] prefix) {
int min = 0;
int size = firstWordsInBlocks.size();
int max = size - 1;
int match = -1;
while (min <= max) {
int mid = (min + max) / 2;
FirstWordInBlock entry = (FirstWordInBlock) firstWordsInBlocks.elementAt(mid);
int compare = Util.startsWith(entry.word, prefix);
if (compare == 0) {
match = mid;
if (compare >= 0) {
max = mid - 1;
} else {
match = mid; // not perfect match, but could be inside
min = mid + 1;
if (max < 0) return -1;
// no match at all, might be some matching entries inside max block
if (match < 0){
match = max;
} else {
// look for possible matches inside previous blocks
while (match > 0){
FirstWordInBlock entry = (FirstWordInBlock) firstWordsInBlocks.elementAt(match);
if (!CharOperation.startsWith(entry.word, prefix)){
return match;
* Returns the number of the first IndexBlock (containing words).
public int getFirstWordBlockNum() {
return firstWordBlockNum;
* Blocks are contiguous, so the next one is a potential candidate if its first word starts with
* the given prefix
public int getNextBlockLocationForPrefix(char[] prefix, int blockLoc) {
if (++blockLoc < firstWordsInBlocks.size()){
FirstWordInBlock entry= (FirstWordInBlock) firstWordsInBlocks.elementAt(blockLoc);
if (CharOperation.startsWith(entry.word, prefix)) return blockLoc;
return -1;
* Returns the number of files contained in the index.
public int getNumFiles() {
return numFiles;
* Returns the number of words contained in the index.
public int getNumWords() {
return numWords;
* Loads the summary in memory.
public void read(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {
numFiles= raf.readInt();
numWords= raf.readInt();
firstWordBlockNum= raf.readInt();
int numFirstFiles= raf.readInt();
for (int i= 0; i < numFirstFiles; ++i) {
FirstFileInBlock entry= new FirstFileInBlock();
String path= raf.readUTF();
int fileNum= raf.readInt();
entry.indexedFile= new IndexedFile(path, fileNum);
entry.blockNum= raf.readInt();
int numFirstWords= raf.readInt();
for (int i= 0; i < numFirstWords; ++i) {
FirstWordInBlock entry= new FirstWordInBlock();
entry.word= raf.readUTF().toCharArray();
entry.blockNum= raf.readInt();
* Sets the number of files of the index.
public void setNumFiles(int numFiles) {
this.numFiles= numFiles;
* Sets the number of words of the index.
public void setNumWords(int numWords) {
this.numWords= numWords;
* Saves the summary on the disk.
public void write(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {
long fp= raf.getFilePointer();
for (int i= 0, size= firstFilesInBlocks.size(); i < size; ++i) {
FirstFileInBlock entry= (FirstFileInBlock) firstFilesInBlocks.elementAt(i);
for (int i= 0, size= firstWordsInBlocks.size(); i < size; ++i) {
FirstWordInBlock entry= (FirstWordInBlock) firstWordsInBlocks.elementAt(i);
raf.writeUTF(new String(entry.word));