blob: 57cac2f69870860184a1443ae3e39d8b99d374d3 [file] [log] [blame]
* ECLIPSE_1_0 CONTENT ***********************************************************
What's new in this drop
* Indexing traces are showing fullpath of processed resources.
* AccSuper flag is properly tagged on generated classfiles.
* Removed unreachable empty statements.
* Cross-project incremental recompilation in presence of structural changes in produced binaries.
PRs Fixed in 1.0NL stream (since 1.0)
5218 AccSuper is not set properly
5136 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when a field declaration is an anonymous class
1GL4QKI: ITPJCORE:ALL - VerifyError when running app
eBay Defect 186249 - OTI PR# 1GLEYT1
* BUILD 137 (R 1.0) *************************************************************
What's new in this drop
* JCK1.3a compliant.
* All messages have been externalized.
PRs Fixed in 1.0NL stream (since 0.9)
1GJPBON: ITPUI:WIN2000 - Java search won't detect DBCS
1GJPCA9: ITPUI:WIN2000 - incorrect reversed text for search hit in Java search
1GJLGAK: ITPUI:WIN2000 - Progress message incorrect
1GIRQLA: ITPJCORE:ALL - ClassFormatError for local variable attribute
1GGCYEU: ITPJCORE:ALL - Using Ant for build skip files
1GH3218: ITPJUI:WIN - mnemonic problems
1GGLLUG: ITPJCORE:WINNT - @deprecated does not work if it is followed by a TAB
1GG8T8H: ITPJCORE:ALL - JCK1.3a - dasg04203 - definitely assigned value before the third operand of the conditional operator ? :
1GG8T56: ITPJCORE:ALL - JCK1.3a - dasg04103 - definitely assigned value before the second operand of the conditional operator ? :
1GG8IIO: ITPJCORE:ALL - JCK1.3a - icls06602 - Outer class fields in parameters of superconstructor call in inner class
1GG8IDR: ITPJCORE:ALL - JCK1.3a - lex05404m1 - an unterminated unicode escape.
1GG8I5J: ITPJCORE:ALL - JCK1.3a - icls06308 - Invocation of constructor by this can not be qualified.
1GG8HBG: ITPJCORE:ALL - JCK1.3a - dasg10004 - no definitely assigned value before the first expression statement in the incrementation part of a for statement
1GG8G7Y: ITPJCORE:ALL - JCK1.3a - exec00202m1 - Huge amount of literals overflows constantpool space.
1GG8G4G: ITPJCORE:ALL - JCK1.3a - dasg01003 - definitely assigned value after the boolean operator || when true
1GG8BWS: ITPJCORE:ALL - JCK1.3a - dasg00603 - definitely assigned value after the boolean operator && when true
1G2F1DT: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Error messages non NLS for JavaModelStatus
1GEK7SG: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - CodeCompletion - Code assist failure
1GEJDB0: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Open on selection doesn't work for types of length 1
1GDS4GV: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Search - implementors of an interface type not found in internal jars
1GF6C4M: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Eval - VerifyError while evaluating expression
1GFB94V: ITPJUI:ALL - Deleting a package requires 2 deletes
1GFVWDS: ITPJCORE:ALL - Hierarchy - Fail to compute hierarchy on
1GF9Y01: ITPCORE:WIN2000 - NPE when deleting everything in a java file and saving it.
1G2F1DT: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Error messages non NLS for JavaModelStatu
1GGCQZ3: ITPJCORE:ALL - NL problems in xml fil
1GFIRSN: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Classpath - Should allow nesting in binary output when no source folder in on CP