blob: f79a4f69705dd11b03b95ac62dbc921b85b8789a [file] [log] [blame]
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Selection node build by the parser in any case it was intending to
* reduce a single name reference containing the assist identifier.
* e.g.
* class X {
* void foo() {
* [start]ba[end]
* }
* }
* ---> class X {
* void foo() {
* <SelectOnName:ba>
* }
* }
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;
public class SelectionOnSingleNameReference extends SingleNameReference {
public SelectionOnSingleNameReference(char[] source, long pos) {
super(source, pos);
public TypeBinding resolveType(BlockScope scope) {
// it can be a package, type, member type, local variable or field
binding = scope.getBinding(token, VARIABLE | TYPE | PACKAGE, this);
if (!binding.isValidBinding()) {
if (binding instanceof ProblemFieldBinding) {
scope.problemReporter().invalidField(this, (FieldBinding) binding);
} else if (binding instanceof ProblemReferenceBinding) {
scope.problemReporter().invalidType(this, (TypeBinding) binding);
} else {
scope.problemReporter().unresolvableReference(this, binding);
throw new SelectionNodeFound();
throw new SelectionNodeFound(binding);
public String toStringExpression() {
return "<SelectOnName:"/*nonNLS*/ + super.toStringExpression() + ">"/*nonNLS*/;