blob: f2f4815f6ddde5bc99a7dcf9f149a493f31c745e [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.IAbstractSyntaxTreeVisitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.flow.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.*;
public class TryStatement extends Statement {
public Block tryBlock;
public Block[] catchBlocks;
public Argument[] catchArguments;
public Block finallyBlock;
BlockScope scope;
public boolean subRoutineCannotReturn = true; // should rename into subRoutineComplete to be set to false by default
ReferenceBinding[] caughtExceptionTypes;
boolean tryBlockExit;
boolean[] catchExits;
public int[] preserveExceptionHandler;
Label subRoutineStartLabel;
LocalVariableBinding anyExceptionVariable, returnAddressVariable;
final static char[] SecretReturnName = " returnAddress"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray() ;
final static char[] SecretAnyHandlerName = " anyExceptionHandler"/*nonNLS*/.toCharArray();
// for local variables table attributes
int preTryInitStateIndex = -1;
int mergedInitStateIndex = -1;
* TryStatement constructor comment.
public TryStatement() {
public FlowInfo analyseCode(BlockScope currentScope, FlowContext flowContext, FlowInfo flowInfo) {
// Consider the try block and catch block so as to compute the intersection of initializations and
// the minimum exit relative depth amongst all of them. Then consider the subroutine, and append its
// initialization to the try/catch ones, if the subroutine completes normally. If the subroutine does not
// complete, then only keep this result for the rest of the analysis
// process the finally block (subroutine) - create a context for the subroutine
preTryInitStateIndex = currentScope.methodScope().recordInitializationStates(flowInfo);
if (anyExceptionVariable != null) {
anyExceptionVariable.used = true;
if (returnAddressVariable != null) {
returnAddressVariable.used = true;
FlowContext insideSubContext;
FinallyFlowContext finallyContext;
UnconditionalFlowInfo subInfo;
if (subRoutineStartLabel == null) {
insideSubContext = flowContext;
finallyContext = null;
subInfo = null;
} else {
insideSubContext = new InsideSubRoutineFlowContext(flowContext, this);
subInfo = finallyBlock.analyseCode(
finallyContext = new FinallyFlowContext(flowContext, finallyBlock),
if (!((subInfo == FlowInfo.DeadEnd) || subInfo.isFakeReachable())) {
subRoutineCannotReturn = false;
// process the try block in a context handling the local exceptions.
ExceptionHandlingFlowContext handlingContext =
new ExceptionHandlingFlowContext(insideSubContext, tryBlock, caughtExceptionTypes, scope, flowInfo.unconditionalInits());
FlowInfo tryInfo;
if (tryBlock.statements == null) {
tryInfo = flowInfo;
tryBlockExit = false;
} else {
tryInfo = tryBlock.analyseCode(currentScope, handlingContext, flowInfo.copy());
tryBlockExit = (tryInfo == FlowInfo.DeadEnd) || tryInfo.isFakeReachable();
// check unreachable catch blocks
handlingContext.complainIfUnusedExceptionHandlers(catchBlocks, scope, this);
// process the catch blocks - computing the minimal exit depth amongst try/catch
if (catchArguments != null) {
int catchCount;
catchExits = new boolean[catchCount = catchBlocks.length];
for (int i = 0; i < catchCount; i++) {
// keep track of the inits that could potentially have led to this exception handler (for final assignments diagnosis)
FlowInfo catchInfo = flowInfo.copy().unconditionalInits()
//FlowInfo catchInfo = handlingContext.initsOnException(caughtExceptionTypes[i]);
// catch var is always set
"If we are about to consider an unchecked exception handler, potential inits may have occured inside
the try block that need to be detected , e.g.
try { x = 1; throwSomething();} catch(Exception e){ x = 2} "
"(uncheckedExceptionTypes notNil and: [uncheckedExceptionTypes at: index])
ifTrue: [catchInits addPotentialInitializationsFrom: tryInits]."
if (tryBlock.statements == null) {
catchInfo = catchBlocks[i].analyseCode(currentScope, insideSubContext, catchInfo);
catchExits[i] = ((catchInfo == FlowInfo.DeadEnd) || catchInfo.isFakeReachable());
tryInfo = tryInfo.mergedWith(catchInfo.unconditionalInits());
if (subRoutineStartLabel == null) {
mergedInitStateIndex = currentScope.methodScope().recordInitializationStates(tryInfo);
return tryInfo;
// we also need to check potential multiple assignments of final variables inside the finally block
finallyContext.complainOnRedundantFinalAssignments(tryInfo, currentScope);
if (subInfo == FlowInfo.DeadEnd) {
mergedInitStateIndex = currentScope.methodScope().recordInitializationStates(subInfo);
return subInfo;
} else {
FlowInfo mergedInfo = tryInfo.addInitializationsFrom(subInfo);
mergedInitStateIndex = currentScope.methodScope().recordInitializationStates(mergedInfo);
return mergedInfo;
public boolean cannotReturn(){
return subRoutineCannotReturn;
* Try statement code generation
public void generateCode(BlockScope currentScope, CodeStream codeStream) {
if ((bits & IsReachableMASK) == 0) {
if (tryBlock.isEmptyBlock()) {
if (subRoutineStartLabel != null) {
// since not passing the finallyScope, the block generation will exitUserScope(finallyScope)
finallyBlock.generateCode(scope, codeStream);
// May loose some local variable initializations : affecting the local variable attributes
if (mergedInitStateIndex != -1) {
codeStream.removeNotDefinitelyAssignedVariables(currentScope, mergedInitStateIndex);
// no local bytecode produced so no need for position remembering
int pc = codeStream.position;
Label endLabel = new Label(codeStream);
boolean requiresNaturalJsr = false;
// preparing exception labels
int maxCatches;
ExceptionLabel[] exceptionLabels = new ExceptionLabel[maxCatches = catchArguments == null ? 0 : catchArguments.length];
for (int i = 0; i < maxCatches; i++) {
boolean preserveCurrentHandler =
(preserveExceptionHandler[i / ExceptionHandlingFlowContext.BitCacheSize] & (1 << (i % ExceptionHandlingFlowContext.BitCacheSize))) != 0;
if (preserveCurrentHandler) {
exceptionLabels[i] = new ExceptionLabel(codeStream, (ReferenceBinding) catchArguments[i].binding.type);
ExceptionLabel anyExceptionLabel = null;
if (subRoutineStartLabel != null) {
subRoutineStartLabel.codeStream = codeStream;
anyExceptionLabel = new ExceptionLabel(codeStream, null);
// generate the try block
tryBlock.generateCode(scope, codeStream);
boolean tryBlockHasSomeCode = codeStream.position != pc; // flag telling if some bytecodes were issued inside the try block
// natural exit: only if necessary
boolean nonReturningSubRoutine = (subRoutineStartLabel != null) && subRoutineCannotReturn;
if ((!tryBlockExit) && tryBlockHasSomeCode) {
int position = codeStream.position;
if (nonReturningSubRoutine) {
} else {
requiresNaturalJsr = true;
codeStream.updateLastRecordedEndPC(position); //goto is tagged as part of the try block
// place end positions of user-defined exception labels
if (tryBlockHasSomeCode) {
for (int i = 0; i < maxCatches; i++) {
boolean preserveCurrentHandler =
(preserveExceptionHandler[i / ExceptionHandlingFlowContext.BitCacheSize] & (1 << (i % ExceptionHandlingFlowContext.BitCacheSize))) != 0;
if (preserveCurrentHandler) {
/* generate sequence of handler, all starting by storing the TOS (exception
thrown) into their own catch variables, the one specified in the source
that must denote the handled exception.
if (catchArguments == null) {
if (anyExceptionLabel != null) {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < maxCatches; i++) {
boolean preserveCurrentHandler =
(preserveExceptionHandler[i / ExceptionHandlingFlowContext.BitCacheSize] & (1 << (i % ExceptionHandlingFlowContext.BitCacheSize))) != 0;
if (preserveCurrentHandler) {
// May loose some local variable initializations : affecting the local variable attributes
if (preTryInitStateIndex != -1) {
codeStream.removeNotDefinitelyAssignedVariables(currentScope, preTryInitStateIndex);
// optimizing the case where the exception variable is not actually used
LocalVariableBinding catchVar;
int varPC = codeStream.position;
if ((catchVar = catchArguments[i].binding).resolvedPosition != -1) {, false);
} else {
codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(varPC, catchArguments[i]);
// Keep track of the pcs at diverging point for computing the local attribute
// since not passing the catchScope, the block generation will exitUserScope(catchScope)
catchBlocks[i].generateCode(scope, codeStream);
if (i == maxCatches - 1) {
if (anyExceptionLabel != null) {
if (subRoutineStartLabel != null) {
if (!catchExits[i] && preserveCurrentHandler) {
requiresNaturalJsr = true;
} else {
if (!catchExits[i] && preserveCurrentHandler) {
if (nonReturningSubRoutine) {
} else {
requiresNaturalJsr = true;
// addition of a special handler so as to ensure that any uncaught exception (or exception thrown
// inside catch blocks) will run the finally block
int finallySequenceStartPC = codeStream.position;
if (subRoutineStartLabel != null) {
// the additional handler is doing: jsr finallyBlock and rethrow TOS-exception;
if (preTryInitStateIndex != -1) { // reset initialization state, as for a normal catch block
codeStream.removeNotDefinitelyAssignedVariables(currentScope, preTryInitStateIndex);
if (nonReturningSubRoutine) {
codeStream.pop(); // "if subroutine cannot return, no need to jsr/jump to subroutine since it will be entered in sequence
} else {, false);
// end of catch sequence, place label that will correspond to the finally block beginning, or end of statement;
if (subRoutineStartLabel != null) {
if (nonReturningSubRoutine) {
requiresNaturalJsr = false;
Label veryEndLabel = new Label(codeStream);
if (requiresNaturalJsr) {
if (!nonReturningSubRoutine) {
codeStream.incrStackSize(1);, false);
codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(finallySequenceStartPC, finallyBlock); // entire sequence for finally is associated to finally block
finallyBlock.generateCode(scope, codeStream);
if (!nonReturningSubRoutine) {
int position = codeStream.position;
codeStream.updateLastRecordedEndPC(position); // the ret bytecode is part of the subroutine
if (requiresNaturalJsr) {;
} else {
// try block had no effect, only generate the body of the finally block if any
if (subRoutineStartLabel != null) {
finallyBlock.generateCode(scope, codeStream);
// May loose some local variable initializations : affecting the local variable attributes
if (mergedInitStateIndex != -1) {
codeStream.removeNotDefinitelyAssignedVariables(currentScope, mergedInitStateIndex);
codeStream.addDefinitelyAssignedVariables(currentScope, mergedInitStateIndex);
codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(pc, this);
public void resolve(BlockScope upperScope) {
// special scope for secret locals optimization.
scope = new BlockScope(upperScope);
if (finallyBlock != null && finallyBlock.statements != null) { // provision for returning and forcing the finally block to run
returnAddressVariable = new LocalVariableBinding(SecretReturnName, upperScope.getJavaLangObject(), 0); // the type does not matter as long as its not a normal base type
returnAddressVariable.constant = NotAConstant; // not inlinable
subRoutineStartLabel = new Label();
BlockScope finallyScope = new BlockScope(scope);
anyExceptionVariable = new LocalVariableBinding(SecretAnyHandlerName, scope.getJavaLangThrowable(), 0);
anyExceptionVariable.constant = NotAConstant; // not inlinable
// arguments type are checked against JavaLangThrowable in resolveForCatch(..)
if (catchBlocks != null) {
int length = catchArguments.length;
TypeBinding[] argumentTypes = new TypeBinding[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
BlockScope catchScope = new BlockScope(scope);
// side effect on catchScope in resolveForCatch(..)
if ((argumentTypes[i] = catchArguments[i].resolveForCatch(catchScope)) == null)
// Verify that the catch clause are ordered in the right way:
// more specialized first.
caughtExceptionTypes = new ReferenceBinding[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
caughtExceptionTypes[i] = (ReferenceBinding) argumentTypes[i];
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (scope.areTypesCompatible(caughtExceptionTypes[i], argumentTypes[j])) {
scope.problemReporter().wrongSequenceOfExceptionTypesError(this, i, j);
} else {
caughtExceptionTypes = new ReferenceBinding[0];
public String toString(int tab){
/* slow code */
String s = tabString(tab) ;
s = s + "try "/*nonNLS*/ ;
if (tryBlock == Block.None)
s =s + "{}"/*nonNLS*/ ;
s = s + "\n"/*nonNLS*/ + tryBlock.toString(tab+1) ;
if (catchBlocks != null)
for (int i = 0; i < catchBlocks.length ; i++)
s = s + "\n"/*nonNLS*/ + tabString(tab) + "catch ("/*nonNLS*/
+ catchArguments[i].toString(0) + ") "/*nonNLS*/
+ catchBlocks[i].toString(tab+1) ;
if (finallyBlock != null)
{ if (finallyBlock == Block.None)
s = s + "\n"/*nonNLS*/ + tabString(tab)+ "finally {}"/*nonNLS*/ ;
s = s + "\n"/*nonNLS*/ + tabString(tab)+ "finally\n"/*nonNLS*/ +
finallyBlock.toString(tab+1) ;}
return s ;}
public void traverse(IAbstractSyntaxTreeVisitor visitor, BlockScope blockScope) {
if (visitor.visit(this, blockScope)) {
tryBlock.traverse(visitor, scope);
if (catchArguments != null) {
for (int i = 0, max = catchBlocks.length; i < max; i++) {
catchArguments[i].traverse(visitor, scope);
catchBlocks[i].traverse(visitor, scope);
if (finallyBlock != null) finallyBlock.traverse(visitor, scope);
visitor.endVisit(this, blockScope);