blob: a26bdaa8beef583f6c51385eb4b1fed2b31b6dbb [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Internal block structure for parsing recovery
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.CharOperation;
public class RecoveredBlock extends RecoveredStatement implements CompilerModifiers, TerminalSymbols, BaseTypes {
public Block blockDeclaration;
public RecoveredStatement[] statements;
public int statementCount;
public boolean preserveContent = false;
public RecoveredLocalVariable pendingArgument;
public RecoveredBlock(Block block, RecoveredElement parent, int bracketBalance){
super(block, parent, bracketBalance);
this.blockDeclaration = block;
this.foundOpeningBrace = true;
* Record a nested block declaration
public RecoveredElement add(Block nestedBlockDeclaration, int bracketBalance) {
/* do not consider a nested block starting passed the block end (if set)
it must be belonging to an enclosing block */
if (blockDeclaration.sourceEnd != 0
&& nestedBlockDeclaration.sourceStart > blockDeclaration.sourceEnd){
return this.parent.add(nestedBlockDeclaration, bracketBalance);
RecoveredBlock element = new RecoveredBlock(nestedBlockDeclaration, this, bracketBalance);
// if we have a pending Argument, promote it into the new block
if (pendingArgument != null){
pendingArgument = null;
if (nestedBlockDeclaration.sourceEnd == 0) return element;
return this;
* Record a local declaration
public RecoveredElement add(LocalDeclaration localDeclaration, int bracketBalance) {
/* do not consider a local variable starting passed the block end (if set)
it must be belonging to an enclosing block */
if (blockDeclaration.sourceEnd != 0
&& localDeclaration.declarationSourceStart > blockDeclaration.sourceEnd){
return this.parent.add(localDeclaration, bracketBalance);
RecoveredLocalVariable element = new RecoveredLocalVariable(localDeclaration, this, bracketBalance);
if (localDeclaration instanceof Argument){
pendingArgument = element;
return this;
if (localDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd == 0) return element;
return this;
* Record a statement declaration
public RecoveredElement add(Statement statement, int bracketBalance) {
/* do not consider a nested block starting passed the block end (if set)
it must be belonging to an enclosing block */
if (blockDeclaration.sourceEnd != 0
&& statement.sourceStart > blockDeclaration.sourceEnd){
return this.parent.add(statement, bracketBalance);
RecoveredStatement element = new RecoveredStatement(statement, this, bracketBalance);
if (statement.sourceEnd == 0) return element;
return this;
* Addition of a type to an initializer (act like inside method body)
public RecoveredElement add(TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration, int bracketBalance) {
/* do not consider a type starting passed the block end (if set)
it must be belonging to an enclosing block */
if (blockDeclaration.sourceEnd != 0
&& typeDeclaration.declarationSourceStart > blockDeclaration.sourceEnd){
return this.parent.add(typeDeclaration, bracketBalance);
RecoveredStatement element = new RecoveredType(typeDeclaration, this, bracketBalance);
if (typeDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd == 0) return element;
return this;
* Attach a recovered statement
void attach(RecoveredStatement recoveredStatement) {
if (statements == null) {
statements = new RecoveredStatement[5];
statementCount = 0;
} else {
if (statementCount == statements.length) {
(statements = new RecoveredStatement[2 * statementCount]),
statements[statementCount++] = recoveredStatement;
* Answer the associated parsed structure
public AstNode parseTree(){
return blockDeclaration;
public String toString(int tab) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(tabString(tab));
result.append("Recovered block:\n"/*nonNLS*/);
result.append(blockDeclaration.toString(tab + 1));
if (this.statements != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.statementCount; i++) {
result.append(this.statements[i].toString(tab + 1));
return result.toString();
* Rebuild a block from the nested structure which is in scope
public Block updatedBlock(){
// if block was not marked to be preserved or empty, then ignore it
if (!preserveContent || statementCount == 0) return null;
Statement[] updatedStatements = new Statement[statementCount];
int updatedCount = 0;
// only collect the non-null updated statements
for (int i = 0; i < statementCount; i++){
Statement updatedStatement = statements[i].updatedStatement();
if (updatedStatement != null){
updatedStatements[updatedCount++] = updatedStatement;
if (updatedCount == 0) return null; // not interesting block
// resize statement collection if necessary
if (updatedCount != statementCount){
blockDeclaration.statements = new Statement[updatedCount];
System.arraycopy(updatedStatements, 0, blockDeclaration.statements, 0, updatedCount);
} else {
blockDeclaration.statements = updatedStatements;
return blockDeclaration;
* Rebuild a statement from the nested structure which is in scope
public Statement updatedStatement(){
return this.updatedBlock();
* A closing brace got consumed, might have closed the current element,
* in which case both the currentElement is exited
public RecoveredElement updateOnClosingBrace(int braceStart, int braceEnd){
if ((--bracketBalance <= 0) && (parent != null)){
/* if the block is the method body, then it closes the method too */
RecoveredMethod method = enclosingMethod();
if (method != null && method.methodBody == this){
return parent.updateOnClosingBrace(braceStart, braceEnd);
return parent;
return this;
* An opening brace got consumed, might be the expected opening one of the current element,
* in which case the bodyStart is updated.
public RecoveredElement updateOnOpeningBrace(int currentPosition){
// create a nested block
Block block = new Block(0);
block.sourceStart = parser().scanner.startPosition;
return this.add(block, 1);
* Final update the corresponding parse node
public void updateParseTree(){
* Rebuild a flattened block from the nested structure which is in scope
public Statement updateStatement(){
// if block was closed or empty, then ignore it
if (this.blockDeclaration.sourceEnd != 0 || statementCount == 0) return null;
Statement[] updatedStatements = new Statement[statementCount];
int updatedCount = 0;
// only collect the non-null updated statements
for (int i = 0; i < statementCount; i++){
Statement updatedStatement = statements[i].updatedStatement();
if (updatedStatement != null){
updatedStatements[updatedCount++] = updatedStatement;
if (updatedCount == 0) return null; // not interesting block
// resize statement collection if necessary
if (updatedCount != statementCount){
blockDeclaration.statements = new Statement[updatedCount];
System.arraycopy(updatedStatements, 0, blockDeclaration.statements, 0, updatedCount);
} else {
blockDeclaration.statements = updatedStatements;
return blockDeclaration;
* Record a field declaration
public RecoveredElement add(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, int bracketBalance) {
/* local variables inside method can only be final and non void */
char[][] fieldTypeName;
if ((fieldDeclaration.modifiers & ~AccFinal) != 0 /* local var can only be final */
|| (fieldDeclaration.type == null) // initializer
|| ((fieldTypeName = fieldDeclaration.type.getTypeName()).length == 1 // non void
&& CharOperation.equals(fieldTypeName[0], VoidBinding.sourceName()))){
this.updateSourceEndIfNecessary(this.previousAvailableLineEnd(fieldDeclaration.declarationSourceStart - 1));
return this.parent.add(fieldDeclaration, bracketBalance);
/* do not consider a local variable starting passed the block end (if set)
it must be belonging to an enclosing block */
if (blockDeclaration.sourceEnd != 0
&& fieldDeclaration.declarationSourceStart > blockDeclaration.sourceEnd){
return this.parent.add(fieldDeclaration, bracketBalance);
// ignore the added field, since indicates a local variable behind recovery point
// which thus got parsed as a field reference. This can happen if restarting after
// having reduced an assistNode to get the following context (see 1GEK7SG)
return this;