blob: 08955adcd49c0b5dd7fada6e12a8dc242cc7b615 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jdt.core;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.impl.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder.impl.ProblemFactory;
* The plug-in runtime class for the Java model plug-in containing the core
* (UI-free) support for Java projects.
* <p>
* Like all plug-in runtime classes (subclasses of <code>Plugin</code>), this
* class is automatically instantiated by the platform when the plug-in gets
* activated. Clients must not attempt to instantiate plug-in runtime classes
* directly.
* </p>
* <p>
* The single instance of this class can be accessed from any plug-in declaring
* the Java model plug-in as a prerequisite via
* <code>JavaCore.getJavaCore()</code>. The Java model plug-in will be activated
* automatically if not already active.
* </p>
public final class JavaCore extends Plugin implements IExecutableExtension {
private static Plugin JAVA_CORE_PLUGIN = null;
* The plug-in identifier of the Java core support
* (value <code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core"</code>).
public static final String PLUGIN_ID = "org.eclipse.jdt.core"/*nonNLS*/; // getPlugin().getDescriptor().getUniqueIdentifier();
* The identifier for the Java builder
* (value <code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder"</code>).
public static final String BUILDER_ID = PLUGIN_ID + ".javabuilder"/*nonNLS*/;
* The identifier for the Java model
* (value <code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.javamodel"</code>).
public static final String MODEL_ID = PLUGIN_ID + ".javamodel"/*nonNLS*/;
* The identifier for the Java nature
* (value <code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature"</code>).
* The presence of this nature on a project indicates that it is
* Java-capable.
* @see org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject#hasNature
public static final String NATURE_ID = PLUGIN_ID + ".javanature"/*nonNLS*/;
* Name of the handle id attribute in a Java marker
private static final String ATT_HANDLE_ID= "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager.handleId"/*nonNLS*/;
* Names of recognized configurable options
public static final String COMPILER_LOCAL_VARIABLE_ATTR = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.debug.localVariable"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are GENERATE or DO_NOT_GENERATE (default is DO_NOT_GENERATE)
public static final String COMPILER_LINE_NUMBER_ATTR = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.debug.lineNumber"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are GENERATE or DO_NOT_GENERATE (default is GENERATE)
public static final String COMPILER_SOURCE_FILE_ATTR = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.debug.sourceFile"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are GENERATE or DO_NOT_GENERATE (default is GENERATE)
public static final String COMPILER_CODEGEN_UNUSED_LOCAL = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.codegen.unusedLocal"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are PRESERVE or OPTIMIZE_OUT (default is OPTIMIZE_OUT)
public static final String COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.codegen.targetPlatform"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are VERSION_1_1 or VERSION_1_2 (default is VERSION_1_1)
public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNREACHABLE_CODE = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unreachableCode"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are ERROR or WARNING (default is ERROR)
public static final String COMPILER_PB_INVALID_IMPORT = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.invalidImport"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are ERROR or WARNING (default is ERROR)
public static final String COMPILER_PB_OVERRIDING_PACKAGE_DEFAULT_METHOD = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.overridingPackageDefaultMethod"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are WARNING or IGNORE (default is WARNING)
public static final String COMPILER_PB_METHOD_WITH_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.methodWithConstructorName"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are WARNING or IGNORE (default is WARNING)
public static final String COMPILER_PB_DEPRECATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.deprecation"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are WARNING or IGNORE (default is WARNING)
public static final String COMPILER_PB_HIDDEN_CATCH_BLOCK = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.hiddenCatchBlock"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are WARNING or IGNORE (default is WARNING)
public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_LOCAL = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedLocal"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are WARNING or IGNORE (default is WARNING)
public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_PARAMETER = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedParameter"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are WARNING or IGNORE (default is WARNING)
public static final String COMPILER_PB_SYNTHETIC_ACCESS_EMULATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.syntheticAccessEmulation"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are WARNING or IGNORE (default is IGNORE)
public static final String CORE_JAVA_BUILD_ORDER = PLUGIN_ID + ".computeJavaBuildOrder"/*nonNLS*/;
// possible values are COMPUTE or IGNORE (default is COMPUTE)
* Possible values for configurable options
public static final String GENERATE = "generate"/*nonNLS*/;
public static final String DO_NOT_GENERATE = "do not generate"/*nonNLS*/;
public static final String PRESERVE = "preserve"/*nonNLS*/;
public static final String OPTIMIZE_OUT = "optimize out"/*nonNLS*/;
public static final String VERSION_1_1 = "1.1"/*nonNLS*/;
public static final String VERSION_1_2 = "1.2"/*nonNLS*/;
public static final String ERROR = "error"/*nonNLS*/;
public static final String WARNING = "warning"/*nonNLS*/;
public static final String IGNORE = "ignore"/*nonNLS*/;
public static final String COMPUTE = "compute"/*nonNLS*/;
private static Hashtable ConfigurableOptions;
private static Hashtable Variables = new Hashtable(5);
// possible values are WARNING or IGNORE (default is IGNORE)
public static final String COMPILER_PB_NON_EXTERNALIZED_STRING_LITERAL = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.nonExternalizedStringLiteral"/*nonNLS*/;
* Creates the Java core plug-in.
public JavaCore(IPluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor) {
* Adds the given listener for changes to Java elements.
* Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.
* @param listener the listener
public static void addElementChangedListener(IElementChangedListener listener) {
* Configures the given marker attribute map for the given Java element.
* Used for markers which denote a Java element rather than a resource.
* @param attributes the mutable marker attribute map (key type: <code>String</code>,
* value type: <code>String</code>)
* @param element the Java element for which the marker needs to be configured
public static void addJavaElementMarkerAttributes(Map attributes, IJavaElement element) {
if (element instanceof IMember)
element= ((IMember) element).getClassFile();
if (attributes != null && element != null)
attributes.put(ATT_HANDLE_ID, element.getHandleIdentifier());
* Configures the given marker for the given Java element.
* Used for markers which denote a Java element rather than a resource.
* @param marker the marker to be configured
* @param element the Java element for which the marker needs to be configured
* @exception CoreException if the <code>IMarker.setAttribute</code> on the marker fails
public void configureJavaElementMarker(IMarker marker, IJavaElement element) throws CoreException {
if (element instanceof IMember)
element= ((IMember)element).getClassFile();
if (marker != null && element != null)
marker.setAttribute(ATT_HANDLE_ID, element.getHandleIdentifier());
* Returns the Java model element corresponding to the given handle identifier
* generated by <code>IJavaElement.getHandleIdentifier()</code>, or
* <code>null</code> if unable to create the associated element.
public static IJavaElement create(String handleIdentifier) {
if (handleIdentifier == null) {
return null;
try {
return JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getHandleFromMemento(handleIdentifier);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return null;
* Returns the Java element corresponding to the given file, or
* <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given file
* with a Java element.
* <p>The file must be one of:<ul>
* <li>a <code>.java</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>ICompilationUnit</code></li>
* <li>a <code>.class</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IClassFile</code></li>
* <li>a <code>.jar</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code></li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Creating a Java element has the side effect of creating and opening all of the
* element's parents if they are not yet open.
public static IJavaElement create(IFile file) {
if (file == null) {
return null;
String extension= file.getProjectRelativePath().getFileExtension();
if (extension != null) {
extension= extension.toLowerCase();
if (extension.equals("java"/*nonNLS*/)) {
return createCompilationUnitFrom(file);
} else if (extension.equals("class"/*nonNLS*/)) {
return createClassFileFrom(file);
} else if (extension.equals("jar"/*nonNLS*/) || extension.equals("zip"/*nonNLS*/)) {
return createJarPackageFragmentRootFrom(file);
return null;
* Returns the package fragment or package fragment root corresponding to the given folder, or
* <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given folder with a Java element.
* <p>
* Note that a package fragment root is returned rather than a default package.
* <p>
* Creating a Java element has the side effect of creating and opening all of the
* element's parents if they are not yet open.
public static IJavaElement create(IFolder folder) {
if (folder == null) {
return null;
if (folder.getName().indexOf('.') < 0) {
JavaProject project = (JavaProject) create(folder.getProject());
if (project == null) return null;
IJavaElement element = determineIfOnClasspath(folder, project);
try {
IPath outputLocation = project.getOutputLocation();
if (outputLocation == null) return null;
if (outputLocation.isPrefixOf(folder.getFullPath())) {
if (project.getClasspathEntryFor(outputLocation) != null) {
// if the output location is the same as an input location, return the element
return element;
} else {
// otherwise, do not create elements for folders in the output location
return null;
} else {
return element;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return null;
return null;
* Returns the Java project corresponding to the given project, or
* <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given project
* with a Java project.
* <p>
* Creating a Java Project has the side effect of creating and opening all of the
* project's parents if they are not yet open.
public static IJavaProject create(IProject project) {
if (project == null) {
return null;
JavaModel javaModel= JavaModelManager.getJavaModel(project.getWorkspace());
return javaModel.getJavaProject(project);
* Returns the Java element corresponding to the given resource, or
* <code>null</code> if unable to associate the given resource
* with a Java element.
* <p>
* The resource must be one of:<ul>
* <li>a project - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IJavaProject</code></li>
* <li>a <code>.java</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>ICompilationUnit</code></li>
* <li>a <code>.class</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IClassFile</code></li>
* <li>a <code>.jar</code> file - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code></li>
* <li>a folder - the element returned is the corresponding <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code>
* or <code>IPackageFragment</code></li>
* <li>the workspace root resource - the element returned is the <code>IJavaModel</code></li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Creating a Java element has the side effect of creating and opening all of the
* element's parents if they are not yet open.
public static IJavaElement create(IResource resource) {
if (resource == null) {
return null;
int type= resource.getType();
switch (type) {
case IResource.PROJECT:
return create((IProject)resource);
case IResource.FILE:
return create((IFile)resource);
case IResource.FOLDER:
return create((IFolder)resource);
case IResource.ROOT:
return create((IWorkspaceRoot)resource);
return null;
* Returns the Java model.
public static IJavaModel create(IWorkspaceRoot root) {
if (root == null) {
return null;
return JavaModelManager.getJavaModel(root.getWorkspace());
* Creates and returns a class file element for
* the given <code>.class</code> file. Returns <code>null</code> if unable
* to recognize the class file.
public static IClassFile createClassFileFrom(IFile file) {
IJavaProject project = (IJavaProject) create(file.getProject());
IPackageFragment pkg = (IPackageFragment) determineIfOnClasspath(file, project);
if (pkg == null) {
// fix for 1FVS7WE
// not on classpath - make the root its folder, and a default package
IPackageFragmentRoot root= project.getPackageFragmentRoot(file.getParent());
pkg= root.getPackageFragment(IPackageFragment.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME);
return pkg.getClassFile(file.getName());
* Creates and returns a compilation unit element for
* the given <code>.java</code> file. Returns <code>null</code> if unable
* to recognize the compilation unit.
public static ICompilationUnit createCompilationUnitFrom(IFile file) {
IProject fileProject = file.getProject();
IJavaProject project = (IJavaProject) create(fileProject);
IPackageFragment pkg= (IPackageFragment)determineIfOnClasspath(file, project);
if (pkg == null) {
// fix for 1FVS7WE
// not on classpath - make the root its folder, and a default package
IPackageFragmentRoot root= project.getPackageFragmentRoot(file.getParent());
pkg= root.getPackageFragment(IPackageFragment.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME);
return pkg.getCompilationUnit(file.getName());
* Creates and returns a handle for the given JAR file.
* The Java model associated with the JAR's project may be
* created as a side effect.
* Returns <code>null</code> if unable to create a JAR package fragment root.
* (for example, if the JAR file represents a non-Java resource)
public static IPackageFragmentRoot createJarPackageFragmentRootFrom(IFile file) {
IJavaProject project= (IJavaProject)create(file.getProject());
// Create a jar package fragment root only if on the classpath
IPath resourcePath = file.getFullPath();
try {
IClasspathEntry[] entries = project.getResolvedClasspath(true);
for (int i = 0, length = entries.length; i < length; i++) {
IClasspathEntry entry = entries[i];
IPath rootPath = entry.getPath();
if (rootPath.equals(resourcePath)) {
return project.getPackageFragmentRoot(file);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return null;
* Returns the package fragment root represented by the resource, or
* the package fragment the given resource is located in, or <code>null</code>
* if the given resource is not on the classpath of the given project.
private static IJavaElement determineIfOnClasspath(IResource resource, IJavaProject project) {
IPath resourcePath = resource.getFullPath();
try {
IClasspathEntry[] entries = project.getResolvedClasspath(true);
for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
IClasspathEntry entry = entries[i];
IPath rootPath = entry.getPath();
if (rootPath.equals(resourcePath)) {
return project.getPackageFragmentRoot(resource);
} else
if (rootPath.isPrefixOf(resourcePath)) {
IPackageFragmentRoot root = ((JavaProject)project).getPackageFragmentRoot(rootPath);
IPath pkgPath = resourcePath.removeFirstSegments(rootPath.segmentCount());
if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
// if the resource is a file, then remove the last segment which
// is the file name in the package
pkgPath= pkgPath.removeLastSegments(1);
StringBuffer pkgName = new StringBuffer(IPackageFragment.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME);
for (int j = 0, max = pkgPath.segmentCount(); j < max; j++) {
String segment = pkgPath.segment(j);
if (segment.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
return null;
if (j < pkgPath.segmentCount() - 1) {
return root.getPackageFragment(pkgName.toString());
} catch (JavaModelException npe) {
return null;
return null;
* Returns the path held in the given classpath variable.
* Returns <node>null</code> if unable to bind.
* <p>
* Classpath variable values are persisted locally to the workspace, and
* are preserved from session to session.
* <p>
* @param variableName the name of the classpath variable
* @return the path, or <code>null</code> if none
* @see #setClasspathVariable
public static IPath getClasspathVariable(String variableName) {
return (IPath)Variables.get(variableName);
* Returns the names of all known classpath variables.
* <p>
* Classpath variable values are persisted locally to the workspace, and
* are preserved from session to session.
* <p>
* @return the list of classpath variable names
* @see #setClasspathVariable
public static String[] getClasspathVariableNames() {
int length = Variables.size();
String[] result = new String[length];
Enumeration vars = Variables.keys();
int index = 0;
while (vars.hasMoreElements()){
result[index++] = (String)vars.nextElement();
return result;
* Answers a set of configurable options with their default values.
* These options allow to configure the behavior of the underlying components.
* Recognized options are listed below, optionName = possibleValue1 / possibleValue2
* where [] are enclosing the default value of the corresponding option.
* Note: more options might be added in further releases.
* When generated, this attribute will enable local variable names to be displayed
* in debugger, only in place where variables are definitely assigned
* (.class file is then bigger)
* When generated, this attribute will enable source code highlighting in debugger
* (.class file is then bigger).
* When generated, this attribute will enable the debugger to present the
* corresponding source code.
* Unless requested to preserve unused local variables (i.e. never read), the
* compiler will optimize them out, potentially altering debugging
* Generate .class files either backward compatible with JVM 1.1 or only executable
* on JVM 1.2 and later
* Unreachable code can either be reported as an error or a warning
* An import statement that cannot be resolved might either be reported
* either as an error or as a warning
* A package default method is not visible in a different package, and thus
* cannot be overriden. When enabling this option, the compiler will signal
* such scenarii.
* Naming a method with a constructor name is generally considered poor
* style programming. When enabling this option, the compiler will signal such
* scenarii
* When enabled, the compiler will signal use of deprecated API.
* Locally to a try statement, some catch blocks may hide others
* (e.g. try { throw new;
* } catch ( e) {
* } catch ( e) {}).
* When enabling this option, the compiler will issue a warning for hidden catch
* blocks corresponding to checked exceptions
* When enabled, the compiler will issue a warning for unused local variables
* (i.e. variables never read from)
* When enabled, the compiler will issue a warning for unused method parameters
* (i.e. parameters never read from)
* When enabled, the compiler will issue a warning whenever it emulates access
* to a non-accessible member of an enclosing type
* When enabled, the build order is automatically reflecting the classpath on each
* classpath change action. It can still be modified manually afterwards.
public static Hashtable getDefaultOptions(){
Hashtable defaultOptions = new Hashtable(10);
// Compiler settings
// JavaCore settings
defaultOptions.put(CORE_JAVA_BUILD_ORDER, IGNORE);
return defaultOptions;
* Returns the single instance of the Java core plug-in runtime class.
* Equivalent to <code>(JavaCore) getPlugin()</code>.
public static JavaCore getJavaCore() {
return (JavaCore) getPlugin();
* Returns the <code>IJavaProject</code> associated with the
* given <code>IProject</code>, or <code>null</code> if the
* project does not have a Java nature.
private IJavaProject getJavaProject(IProject project) {
try {
if (project.hasNature(NATURE_ID)) {
JavaModel model= JavaModelManager.getJavaModel(project.getWorkspace());
if (model != null) {
return model.getJavaProject(project);
} catch (CoreException e) {
return null;
* Answers a copy of the current set of configurable options supported by the Java core.
* These options allow to configure the behavior of the underlying components.
* Changes on the set of options are not committed until invoking <code>JavaCore.setOptions</code>
* For a list of recognized options, refer to <code>JavaCore.getDefaultOptions</code>
public static Hashtable getOptions(){
if (ConfigurableOptions == null) return ConfigurableOptions = getDefaultOptions();
return (Hashtable)ConfigurableOptions.clone();
* Returns the single instance of the Java core plug-in runtime class.
public static Plugin getPlugin() {
* This is a helper method which returns the resolved classpath entry denoted
* by a given entry (if it is a variable entry). It is obtained by resolving the variable
* reference in the first segment. Returns <node>null</code> if unable to resolve using
* the following algorithm:
* <ul>
* <li> if variable segment cannot be resolved, returns <code>null</code></li>
* <li> finds a project, JAR or binary folder in the workspace at the resolved path location</li>
* <li> if none finds an external JAR file or folder outside the workspace at the resolved path location </li>
* <li> if none returns <code>null</code></li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Variable source attachment path and root path are also resolved and recorded in the resulting classpath entry.
* <p>
* @return the resolved library or project classpath entry, or <code>null</code>
* if the given variable entry could not be resolved to a valid classpath entry
public static IClasspathEntry getResolvedClasspathEntry(IClasspathEntry entry) {
if (entry.getEntryKind() != IClasspathEntry.CPE_VARIABLE) return entry;
IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
IPath resolvedPath = JavaCore.getResolvedVariablePath(entry.getPath());
if (resolvedPath == null) return null;
Object target = JavaModel.getTarget(workspaceRoot, resolvedPath, false);
if (target == null) return null;
// inside the workspace
if (target instanceof IResource){
IResource resolvedResource = (IResource) target;
if (resolvedResource != null){
case IResource.PROJECT :
return JavaCore.newProjectEntry(resolvedPath); // internal project
case IResource.FILE :
String extension = resolvedResource.getFileExtension();
if ("jar"/*nonNLS*/.equalsIgnoreCase(extension) || "zip"/*nonNLS*/.equalsIgnoreCase(extension)){ // internal binary archive
return JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(
case IResource.FOLDER : // internal binary folder
return JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(
// outside the workspace
if (target instanceof File){
File externalFile = (File) target;
if (externalFile.isFile()){
String fileName = externalFile.getName().toLowerCase();
if (fileName.endsWith(".jar"/*nonNLS*/) || fileName.endsWith(".zip"/*nonNLS*/)){ // external binary archive
return JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(
} else { // external binary folder
return JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(
return null;
* Resolve a variable path (helper method)
public static IPath getResolvedVariablePath(IPath variablePath) {
if (variablePath == null) return null;
int count = variablePath.segmentCount();
if (count == 0) return null;
// lookup variable
String variableName = variablePath.segment(0);
IPath resolvedPath = JavaCore.getClasspathVariable(variableName);
if (resolvedPath == null || resolvedPath.isEmpty()) return null;
// append path suffix
if (count > 1){
resolvedPath = resolvedPath.append(variablePath.removeFirstSegments(1));
return resolvedPath;
* Returns whether the given marker references the given Java element.
* Used for markers which denote a Java element rather than a resource.
* @param element the element
* @param marker the marker
* @return <code>true</code> if the marker references the element
* @exception CoreException if the <code>IMarker.getAttribute</code> on the marker fails
public static boolean isReferencedBy(IJavaElement element, IMarker marker) throws CoreException {
if (element instanceof IMember)
element= ((IMember)element).getClassFile();
return (element != null
&& marker != null
&& element.getHandleIdentifier().equals(marker.getAttribute(ATT_HANDLE_ID)));
* Returns whether the given marker delta references the given Java element.
* Used for markers deltas which denote a Java element rather than a resource.
* @param element the element
* @param markerDelta the marker delta
* @return <code>true</code> if the marker delta references the element
* @exception CoreException if the <code>IMarkerDelta.getAttribute</code> on the marker delta fails
public static boolean isReferencedBy(IJavaElement element, IMarkerDelta markerDelta) throws CoreException {
if (element instanceof IMember) element= ((IMember) element).getClassFile();
return element != null
&& markerDelta != null
&& element.getHandleIdentifier().equals(markerDelta.getAttribute(ATT_HANDLE_ID));
* Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_LIBRARY</code> for the JAR or folder
* identified by the given absolute path. This specifies that all package fragments within the root
* will have children of type <code>IClassFile</code>.
* <p>
* A library entry is used to denote a prerequisite JAR or root folder containing binaries.
* The target JAR or folder can either be defined internally to the workspace (absolute path relative
* to the workspace root) or externally to the workspace (absolute path in the file system).
* e.g. Here are some examples of binary path usage<ul>
* <li><code> "c:/jdk1.2.2/jre/lib/rt.jar" </code> - reference to an external JAR</li>
* <li><code> "/Project/someLib.jar" </code> - reference to an internal JAR </li>
* <li><code> "c:/classes/" </code> - reference to an external binary folder</li>
* </ul>
* Note that this operation does not attempt to validate or access the
* resources at the given paths.
* <p>
* @param path the absolute path of the binary archive
* @param sourceAttachmentPath the absolute path of the corresponding source archive,
* or <code>null</code> if none
* @param sourceAttachmentRootPath the location of the root within the source archive
* or <code>null</code> if <code>archivePath</code> is also <code>null</code>
public static IClasspathEntry newLibraryEntry(IPath path, IPath sourceAttachmentPath, IPath sourceAttachmentRootPath) {
Assert.isTrue(path.isAbsolute(), Util.bind("classpath.needAbsolutePath"/*nonNLS*/));
return new ClasspathEntry(
* Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_PROJECT</code>
* for the project identified by the given absolute path.
* <p>
* A project entry is used to denote a prerequisite project on a classpath.
* The referenced project will be contributed as a whole, either as sources (in the Java Model, it
* contributes all its package fragment roots) or as binaries (when building, it contributes its
* whole output location).
* <p>
* A project reference allows to indirect through another project, independently from its internal layout.
* <p>
* The prerequisite project is referred to using an absolute path relative to the workspace root.
public static IClasspathEntry newProjectEntry(IPath path){
Assert.isTrue(path.isAbsolute(), Util.bind("classpath.needAbsolutePath"/*nonNLS*/));
return new ClasspathEntry(IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE, IClasspathEntry.CPE_PROJECT, path, null, null);
* Returns a new empty region.
public static IRegion newRegion() {
return new Region();
* Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_SOURCE</code> for the project's source folder
* identified by the given absolute path. This specifies that all package fragments within the root will
* have children of type <code>ICompilationUnit</code>.
* <p>
* The source folder is referred to using an absolute path relative to the workspace root, e.g. <code>"/Project/src"</code>.
* <p>
* A source entry is used to setup the internal source layout of a project, and cannot be used out of the
* context of the containing project (a source entry "Proj1/src" cannot be used on the classpath of Proj2).
public static IClasspathEntry newSourceEntry(IPath path){
Assert.isTrue(path.isAbsolute(), Util.bind("classpath.needAbsolutePath"/*nonNLS*/));
return new ClasspathEntry(IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE, IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE, path, null, null);
* Creates and returns a new classpath entry of kind <code>CPE_VARIABLE</code>
* for the given path. The first segment of the the path is the name of a classpath variable.
* The trailing segments of the path will be appended to resolved variable path.
* <p>
* A variable entry allows to express indirect references on a classpath to other projects or libraries,
* depending on what the classpath variable is referring.
* <p>
* e.g. Here are some examples of variable path usage<ul>
* <li><"JDTCORE" where variable <code>JDTCORE</code> is
* bound to "c:/jars/jdtcore.jar". The resoved classpath entry is denoting the library "c:\jars\jdtcore.jar"</li>
* <li> "JDTCORE" where variable <code>JDTCORE</code> is
* bound to "/Project_JDTCORE". The resoved classpath entry is denoting the project "/Project_JDTCORE"</li>
* <li> "PLUGINS/com.example/example.jar" where variable <code>PLUGINS</code>
* is bound to "c:/eclipse/plugins". The resolved classpath entry is denoting the library "c:/eclipse/plugins/com.example/example.jar"</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Note that this operation does not attempt to validate classpath variables
* or access the resources at the given paths.
* <p>
* @param variablePath the path of the binary archive; first segment is the
* name of a classpath variable
* @param variableSourceAttachmentPath the path of the corresponding source archive,
* or <code>null</code> if none; if present, the first segment is the
* name of a classpath variable (not necessarily the same variable
* as the one that begins <code>variablePath</code>)
* @param sourceAttachmentRootPath the location of the root within the source archive
* or <code>null</code> if <code>archivePath</code> is also <code>null</code>
public static IClasspathEntry newVariableEntry(IPath variablePath, IPath variableSourceAttachmentPath, IPath sourceAttachmentRootPath){
Assert.isTrue(variablePath != null && variablePath.segmentCount() >= 1, Util.bind("classpath.illegalVariablePath"/*nonNLS*/));
return new ClasspathEntry(
* Removed the given classpath variable. Does nothing if no value was
* set for this classpath variable.
* <p>
* This functionality cannot be used while the resource tree is locked.
* <p>
* Classpath variable values are persisted locally to the workspace, and
* are preserved from session to session.
* <p>
* @param variableName the name of the classpath variable
* @see #setClasspathVariable
* @deprecated - use version with extra IProgressMonitor
public static void removeClasspathVariable(String variableName) {
removeClasspathVariable(variableName, null);
* Removed the given classpath variable. Does nothing if no value was
* set for this classpath variable.
* <p>
* This functionality cannot be used while the resource tree is locked.
* <p>
* Classpath variable values are persisted locally to the workspace, and
* are preserved from session to session.
* <p>
* @param variableName the name of the classpath variable
* @param monitor the progress monitor to report progress
* @see #setClasspathVariable
public static void removeClasspathVariable(String variableName, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
try {
updateVariableValue(variableName, null, monitor);
} catch(JavaModelException e){
* Removes the given element changed listener.
* Has no affect if an identical listener is not registered.
* @param listener the listener
public static void removeElementChangedListener(IElementChangedListener listener) {
* Sets the value of the given classpath variable.
* The path must have at least one segment.
* <p>
* This functionality cannot be used while the resource tree is locked.
* <p>
* Classpath variable values are persisted locally to the workspace, and
* are preserved from session to session.
* <p>
* @param variableName the name of the classpath variable
* @param path the path
* @see #getClasspathVariable
* @deprecated - use API with IProgressMonitor
public static void setClasspathVariable(String variableName, IPath path) throws JavaModelException {
setClasspathVariable(variableName, path, null);
* Sets the value of the given classpath variable.
* The path must have at least one segment.
* <p>
* This functionality cannot be used while the resource tree is locked.
* <p>
* Classpath variable values are persisted locally to the workspace, and
* are preserved from session to session.
* <p>
* @param variableName the name of the classpath variable
* @param path the path
* @param monitor a monitor to report progress
* @see #getClasspathVariable
public static void setClasspathVariable(String variableName, IPath path, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
Assert.isTrue(path != null, Util.bind("classpath.nullVariablePath"/*nonNLS*/));
updateVariableValue(variableName, path, monitor);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* Method declared on IExecutableExtension.
* Record any necessary initialization data from the plugin.
public void setInitializationData(IConfigurationElement cfig, String propertyName, Object data) throws CoreException {}
* Set current set of configurable options supported by the Java core.
* These options allow to configure the behavior of the underlying components.
* For a list of recognized options, refer to <code>JavaCore.getDefaultOptions</code>
public static void setOptions(Hashtable configurableOptions){
ConfigurableOptions = (Hashtable) configurableOptions.clone();
* Shutdown the JavaCore plugin
* <p>
* De-registers the JavaModelManager as a resource changed listener and save participant.
* <p>
* @see Plugin#shutdown
public void shutdown() {
IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
((JavaModelManager) JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager()).shutdown();
* Initiate the background indexing process.
* This should be deferred after the plugin activation.
private void startIndexing() {
JavaModelManager manager = (JavaModelManager) JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager();
IndexManager indexManager = manager.getIndexManager();
if (indexManager != null) indexManager.reset();
// if there is a desktop defer the start of the indexing by posting a runnable
if (getDesktopPlugin() != null) {
IDesktop desktop= getDesktop();
ApplicationWindow window= (ApplicationWindow) desktop.getActiveDesktopWindow();
Display display= null;
if (window != null)
display= window.getDisplay();
if (display != null) {
* Startup of the JavaCore plugin
* <p>
* Registers the JavaModelManager as a resource changed listener and save participant.
* Starts the background indexing, and restore saved classpath variable values.
* <p>
* @see Plugin#startup
public void startup() {
JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager();
try {
IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
IndexManager indexManager = manager.getIndexManager();
if (indexManager != null) {
// need to initialize workbench now since a query may be done before indexing starts
indexManager.workspace = workspace;
IResourceChangeEvent.PRE_AUTO_BUILD | IResourceChangeEvent.POST_CHANGE
| IResourceChangeEvent.PRE_DELETE | IResourceChangeEvent.PRE_CLOSE);
workspace.addSaveParticipant(this, manager);
} catch(CoreException e) {
} catch(RuntimeException e){
throw e;
* Internal updating of a variable value (null path meaning removal).
private static void updateVariableValue(String variableName, IPath path, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException {
// gather classpath information for updating
Hashtable affectedProjects = new Hashtable(5);
JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager();
try {
IJavaModel model = manager.getJavaModel();
if (model != null){
IJavaProject[] projects = model.getJavaProjects();
nextProject: for (int i = 0, max = projects.length; i < max; i++){
IClasspathEntry[] entries = projects[i].getRawClasspath();
for (int j = 0, cplength = entries.length; j < cplength; j++){
IClasspathEntry oldEntry = entries[j];
if (oldEntry.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_VARIABLE){
IPath sourcePath, sourceRootPath;
if (oldEntry.getPath().segment(0).equals(variableName)
|| ((sourcePath = oldEntry.getSourceAttachmentPath()) != null && sourcePath.segment(0).equals(variableName))
|| ((sourceRootPath = oldEntry.getSourceAttachmentRootPath()) != null && sourceRootPath.segment(0).equals(variableName))) {
affectedProjects.put(projects[i], projects[i].getResolvedClasspath(true));
continue nextProject;
} catch(JavaModelException e){
if (path == null){
} else {
// new variable value is assigned
Variables.put(variableName, path);
if (!affectedProjects.isEmpty()){
boolean wasFiring = manager.isFiring();
try {
if (wasFiring) manager.stopDeltas();
// propagate classpath change
Enumeration projectsToUpdate = affectedProjects.keys();
while (projectsToUpdate.hasMoreElements()){
JavaProject project = (JavaProject)projectsToUpdate.nextElement();
project.getWorkspace().isAutoBuilding(), // force build if in auto build mode
} finally {
if (wasFiring){