blob: 6909d101815c7412a113ed8fb8debf9133244bb8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util;
public class PackageReferenceLocator extends PatternLocator {
protected PackageReferencePattern pattern;
// check that referenced type is actually defined in this package fragment
public static boolean isDeclaringPackageFragment(IPackageFragment packageFragment, ReferenceBinding typeBinding) {
char[] fileName = typeBinding.getFileName();
if (fileName != null) {
// retrieve the actual file name from the full path (sources are generally only containing it already)
CharOperation.replace(fileName, '/', '\\');
fileName = CharOperation.lastSegment(fileName, '\\');
try {
switch (packageFragment.getKind()) {
case IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE :
if (!Util.isJavaFileName(fileName) || !packageFragment.getCompilationUnit(new String(fileName)).exists()) {
return false; // unit doesn't live in selected package
case IPackageFragmentRoot.K_BINARY :
// if (Util.isJavaFileName(fileName)) { // binary with attached source
// int length = fileName.length;
// System.arraycopy(fileName, 0, fileName = new char[length], 0, length - 4); // copy all but extension
// System.arraycopy(SuffixConstants.SUFFIX_class, 0, fileName, length - 4, 4);
// }
if (!Util.isClassFileName(fileName) || !packageFragment.getClassFile(new String(fileName)).exists()) {
return false; // classfile doesn't live in selected package
} catch(JavaModelException e) {
// unable to determine kind; tolerate this match
return true; // by default, do not eliminate
public PackageReferenceLocator(PackageReferencePattern pattern) {
this.pattern = pattern;
public int match(ASTNode node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) { // interested in ImportReference
if (!(node instanceof ImportReference)) return IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH;
return nodeSet.addMatch(node, matchLevel((ImportReference) node));
//public int match(ConstructorDeclaration node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) - SKIP IT
//public int match(Expression node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) - SKIP IT
//public int match(FieldDeclaration node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) - SKIP IT
//public int match(MethodDeclaration node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) - SKIP IT
//public int match(MessageSend node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) - SKIP IT
public int match(Reference node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) { // interested in QualifiedNameReference
if (!(node instanceof QualifiedNameReference)) return IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH;
return nodeSet.addMatch(node, matchLevelForTokens(((QualifiedNameReference) node).tokens));
//public int match(TypeDeclaration node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) - SKIP IT
public int match(TypeReference node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) { // interested in QualifiedTypeReference only
if (!(node instanceof QualifiedTypeReference)) return IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH;
return nodeSet.addMatch(node, matchLevelForTokens(((QualifiedTypeReference) node).tokens));
protected int matchLevel(ImportReference importRef) {
if (!importRef.onDemand)
return matchLevelForTokens(importRef.tokens);
return matchesName(this.pattern.pkgName, CharOperation.concatWith(importRef.tokens, '.'))
protected int matchLevelForTokens(char[][] tokens) {
if (this.pattern.pkgName == null) return ACCURATE_MATCH;
switch (this.matchMode) {
case SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH:
case SearchPattern.R_PREFIX_MATCH:
if (CharOperation.prefixEquals(this.pattern.pkgName, CharOperation.concatWith(tokens, '.'), this.isCaseSensitive))
case SearchPattern.R_PATTERN_MATCH:
char[] patternName = this.pattern.pkgName[this.pattern.pkgName.length - 1] == '*'
? this.pattern.pkgName
: CharOperation.concat(this.pattern.pkgName, ".*".toCharArray()); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (CharOperation.match(patternName, CharOperation.concatWith(tokens, '.'), this.isCaseSensitive))
protected void matchReportImportRef(ImportReference importRef, Binding binding, IJavaElement element, int accuracy, MatchLocator locator) throws CoreException {
if (binding == null) {
this.matchReportReference(importRef, element, accuracy, locator);
} else {
if (locator.encloses(element)) {
long[] positions = importRef.sourcePositions;
int last = positions.length - 1;
if (binding instanceof ProblemReferenceBinding)
binding = ((ProblemReferenceBinding) binding).original;
if (binding instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
PackageBinding pkgBinding = ((ReferenceBinding) binding).fPackage;
if (pkgBinding != null)
last = pkgBinding.compoundName.length;
SearchMatch match = locator.newReferenceMatch(IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT, element, accuracy, ((int) (positions[0] >>> 32)), ((int) positions[last - 1])+1);;
protected void matchReportReference(ASTNode reference, IJavaElement element, int accuracy, MatchLocator locator) throws CoreException {
long[] positions = null;
int last = -1;
if (reference instanceof ImportReference) {
ImportReference importRef = (ImportReference) reference;
positions = importRef.sourcePositions;
last = importRef.onDemand ? positions.length : positions.length - 1;
} else {
TypeBinding typeBinding = null;
if (reference instanceof QualifiedNameReference) {
QualifiedNameReference qNameRef = (QualifiedNameReference) reference;
positions = qNameRef.sourcePositions;
switch (qNameRef.bits & ASTNode.RestrictiveFlagMASK) {
case BindingIds.FIELD : // reading a field
typeBinding = qNameRef.actualReceiverType;
case BindingIds.TYPE : //=============only type ==============
if (qNameRef.binding instanceof TypeBinding)
typeBinding = (TypeBinding) qNameRef.binding;
case BindingIds.VARIABLE : //============unbound cases===========
case BindingIds.TYPE | BindingIds.VARIABLE :
Binding binding = qNameRef.binding;
if (binding instanceof TypeBinding) {
typeBinding = (TypeBinding) binding;
} else if (binding instanceof ProblemFieldBinding) {
typeBinding = qNameRef.actualReceiverType;
last = qNameRef.tokens.length - (qNameRef.otherBindings == null ? 2 : qNameRef.otherBindings.length + 2);
} else if (binding instanceof ProblemBinding) {
ProblemBinding pbBinding = (ProblemBinding) binding;
typeBinding = pbBinding.searchType;
last = CharOperation.occurencesOf('.',;
} else if (reference instanceof QualifiedTypeReference) {
QualifiedTypeReference qTypeRef = (QualifiedTypeReference) reference;
positions = qTypeRef.sourcePositions;
typeBinding = qTypeRef.resolvedType;
if (typeBinding instanceof ArrayBinding)
typeBinding = ((ArrayBinding) typeBinding).leafComponentType;
if (typeBinding instanceof ProblemReferenceBinding)
typeBinding = ((ProblemReferenceBinding) typeBinding).original;
if (typeBinding instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
PackageBinding pkgBinding = ((ReferenceBinding) typeBinding).fPackage;
if (pkgBinding != null)
last = pkgBinding.compoundName.length;
if (last == -1) {
last = this.pattern.segments.length;
if (last > positions.length) last = positions.length;
int sourceStart = (int) (positions[0] >>> 32);
int sourceEnd = ((int) positions[last - 1])+1;
SearchMatch match = locator.newReferenceMatch(IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT, element, accuracy, sourceStart, sourceEnd);;
protected int referenceType() {
return IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT;
public int resolveLevel(ASTNode node) {
if (node instanceof QualifiedTypeReference)
return resolveLevel(((QualifiedTypeReference) node).resolvedType);
if (node instanceof QualifiedNameReference)
return this.resolveLevel((QualifiedNameReference) node);
// if (node instanceof ImportReference) - Not called when resolve is true, see MatchingNodeSet.reportMatching(unit)
public int resolveLevel(Binding binding) {
if (binding == null) return INACCURATE_MATCH;
char[][] compoundName = null;
if (binding instanceof ImportBinding) {
compoundName = ((ImportBinding) binding).compoundName;
} else {
if (binding instanceof ArrayBinding)
binding = ((ArrayBinding) binding).leafComponentType;
if (binding instanceof ProblemReferenceBinding)
binding = ((ProblemReferenceBinding) binding).original;
if (binding == null) return INACCURATE_MATCH;
if (binding instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
PackageBinding pkgBinding = ((ReferenceBinding) binding).fPackage;
if (pkgBinding == null) return INACCURATE_MATCH;
compoundName = pkgBinding.compoundName;
if (compoundName != null && matchesName(this.pattern.pkgName, CharOperation.concatWith(compoundName, '.'))) {
if (this.pattern.focus instanceof IPackageFragment && binding instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
// check that type is located inside this instance of a package fragment
if (!isDeclaringPackageFragment((IPackageFragment)this.pattern.focus, (ReferenceBinding)binding)) return IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH;
} else {
protected int resolveLevel(QualifiedNameReference qNameRef) {
TypeBinding typeBinding = null;
switch (qNameRef.bits & ASTNode.RestrictiveFlagMASK) {
case BindingIds.FIELD : // reading a field
if (qNameRef.tokens.length < (qNameRef.otherBindings == null ? 3 : qNameRef.otherBindings.length + 3))
return IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH; // must be at least p1.A.x
typeBinding = qNameRef.actualReceiverType;
case BindingIds.LOCAL : // reading a local variable
return IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH; // no package match in it
case BindingIds.TYPE : //=============only type ==============
if (qNameRef.binding instanceof TypeBinding)
typeBinding = (TypeBinding) qNameRef.binding;
* Handling of unbound qualified name references. The match may reside in the resolved fragment,
* which is recorded inside the problem binding, along with the portion of the name until it became a problem.
case BindingIds.VARIABLE : //============unbound cases===========
case BindingIds.TYPE | BindingIds.VARIABLE :
Binding binding = qNameRef.binding;
if (binding instanceof ProblemReferenceBinding) {
typeBinding = (TypeBinding) binding;
} else if (binding instanceof ProblemFieldBinding) {
if (qNameRef.tokens.length < (qNameRef.otherBindings == null ? 3 : qNameRef.otherBindings.length + 3))
return IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH; // must be at least p1.A.x
typeBinding = qNameRef.actualReceiverType;
} else if (binding instanceof ProblemBinding) {
ProblemBinding pbBinding = (ProblemBinding) binding;
if (CharOperation.occurencesOf('.', <= 0) // index of last bound token is one before the pb token
typeBinding = pbBinding.searchType;
return resolveLevel(typeBinding);
public String toString() {
return "Locator for " + this.pattern.toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$