blob: d1157c3010d2e1926850e80c744028e148134165 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileReader;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFormatException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.ITypeRequestor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.HashtableOfIntValues;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.SuffixConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.hierarchy.HierarchyResolver;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.HandleFactory;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.SimpleSet;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.Util;
public class MatchLocator implements ITypeRequestor {
public static final int MAX_AT_ONCE = 500;
// permanent state
public SearchPattern pattern;
public PatternLocator patternLocator;
public int matchContainer;
public SearchRequestor requestor;
public IJavaSearchScope scope;
public IProgressMonitor progressMonitor;
public org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies;
public HandleFactory handleFactory;
// cache of all super type names if scope is hierarchy scope
public char[][][] allSuperTypeNames;
// the following is valid for the current project
public MatchLocatorParser parser;
private Parser basicParser;
public INameEnvironment nameEnvironment;
public NameLookup nameLookup;
public LookupEnvironment lookupEnvironment;
public HierarchyResolver hierarchyResolver;
public CompilerOptions options;
// management of PossibleMatch to be processed
public int numberOfMatches; // (numberOfMatches - 1) is the last unit in matchesToProcess
public PossibleMatch[] matchesToProcess;
public PossibleMatch currentPossibleMatch;
* Time spent in the IJavaSearchResultCollector
public long resultCollectorTime = 0;
* An ast visitor that visits local type declarations.
public class LocalDeclarationVisitor extends ASTVisitor {
IJavaElement enclosingElement;
MatchingNodeSet nodeSet;
HashtableOfIntValues occurrencesCounts = new HashtableOfIntValues(); // key = class name (char[]), value = occurrenceCount (int)
public LocalDeclarationVisitor(IJavaElement enclosingElement, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) {
this.enclosingElement = enclosingElement;
this.nodeSet = nodeSet;
public boolean visit(TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration, BlockScope unused) {
try {
char[] simpleName;
if ((typeDeclaration.bits & ASTNode.IsAnonymousTypeMASK) != 0) {
simpleName = CharOperation.NO_CHAR;
} else {
simpleName =;
int occurrenceCount = occurrencesCounts.get(simpleName);
if (occurrenceCount == HashtableOfIntValues.NO_VALUE) {
occurrenceCount = 1;
} else {
occurrenceCount = occurrenceCount + 1;
occurrencesCounts.put(simpleName, occurrenceCount);
if ((typeDeclaration.bits & ASTNode.IsAnonymousTypeMASK) != 0) {
reportMatching(typeDeclaration, enclosingElement, -1, nodeSet, occurrenceCount);
} else {
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(typeDeclaration);
reportMatching(typeDeclaration, enclosingElement, level != null ? level.intValue() : -1, nodeSet, occurrenceCount);
return false; // don't visit members as this was done during reportMatching(...)
} catch (CoreException e) {
throw new WrappedCoreException(e);
public class WrappedCoreException extends RuntimeException {
public CoreException coreException;
public WrappedCoreException(CoreException coreException) {
this.coreException = coreException;
public static ClassFileReader classFileReader(IType type) {
IClassFile classFile = type.getClassFile();
JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager();
if (classFile.isOpen())
return (ClassFileReader) manager.getInfo(type);
IPackageFragment pkg = type.getPackageFragment();
IPackageFragmentRoot root = (IPackageFragmentRoot) pkg.getParent();
try {
if (!root.isArchive())
IPath zipPath = root.isExternal() ? root.getPath() : root.getResource().getLocation();
if (zipPath == null) return null; // location is null
ZipFile zipFile = null;
try {
if (JavaModelManager.ZIP_ACCESS_VERBOSE)
System.out.println("(" + Thread.currentThread() + ") [MatchLocator.classFileReader()] Creating ZipFile on " + zipPath); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
zipFile = manager.getZipFile(zipPath);
char[] pkgPath = pkg.getElementName().toCharArray();
CharOperation.replace(pkgPath, '.', '/');
char[] classFileName = classFile.getElementName().toCharArray();
char[] path = pkgPath.length == 0 ? classFileName : CharOperation.concat(pkgPath, classFileName, '/');
return, new String(path));
} finally {
} catch (ClassFormatException e) {
// invalid class file: return null
} catch (CoreException e) {
// cannot read class file: return null
} catch (IOException e) {
// cannot read class file: return null
return null;
public MatchLocator(
SearchPattern pattern,
SearchRequestor requestor,
IJavaSearchScope scope,
org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies,
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
this.pattern = pattern;
this.patternLocator = PatternLocator.patternLocator(this.pattern);
this.matchContainer = this.patternLocator.matchContainer();
this.requestor = requestor;
this.scope = scope;
this.workingCopies = workingCopies;
this.progressMonitor = progressMonitor;
* Add an additional binary type
public void accept(IBinaryType binaryType, PackageBinding packageBinding) {
this.lookupEnvironment.createBinaryTypeFrom(binaryType, packageBinding);
* Add an additional compilation unit into the loop
* -> build compilation unit declarations, their bindings and record their results.
public void accept(ICompilationUnit sourceUnit) {
// Switch the current policy and compilation result for this unit to the requested one.
CompilationResult unitResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 1, 1, this.options.maxProblemsPerUnit);
try {
CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit = basicParser().dietParse(sourceUnit, unitResult);
lookupEnvironment.completeTypeBindings(parsedUnit, true);
} catch (AbortCompilationUnit e) {
// at this point, currentCompilationUnitResult may not be sourceUnit, but some other
// one requested further along to resolve sourceUnit.
if (unitResult.compilationUnit == sourceUnit) { // only report once
} else {
throw e; // want to abort enclosing request to compile
* Add additional source types
public void accept(ISourceType[] sourceTypes, PackageBinding packageBinding) {
// case of SearchableEnvironment of an IJavaProject is used
ISourceType sourceType = sourceTypes[0];
while (sourceType.getEnclosingType() != null)
sourceType = sourceType.getEnclosingType();
if (sourceType instanceof SourceTypeElementInfo) {
// get source
SourceTypeElementInfo elementInfo = (SourceTypeElementInfo) sourceType;
IType type = elementInfo.getHandle();
ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = (ICompilationUnit) type.getCompilationUnit();
} else {
CompilationResult result = new CompilationResult(sourceType.getFileName(), 1, 1, 0);
CompilationUnitDeclaration unit =
SourceTypeConverter.FIELD_AND_METHOD // need field and methods
| SourceTypeConverter.MEMBER_TYPE, // need member types
// no need for field initialization
this.lookupEnvironment.completeTypeBindings(unit, true);
protected Parser basicParser() {
if (this.basicParser == null) {
ProblemReporter problemReporter =
new ProblemReporter(
new DefaultProblemFactory());
this.basicParser = new Parser(problemReporter, false);
return this.basicParser;
* Add the possibleMatch to the loop
* -> build compilation unit declarations, their bindings and record their results.
protected void buildBindings(PossibleMatch possibleMatch) {
if (this.progressMonitor != null && this.progressMonitor.isCanceled())
throw new OperationCanceledException();
try {
if (SearchEngine.VERBOSE)
System.out.println("Parsing " + possibleMatch.openable.toStringWithAncestors()); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.parser.nodeSet = possibleMatch.nodeSet;
CompilationResult unitResult = new CompilationResult(possibleMatch, 1, 1, this.options.maxProblemsPerUnit);
CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit = this.parser.dietParse(possibleMatch, unitResult);
if (parsedUnit != null) {
if (!parsedUnit.isEmpty())
// add the possibleMatch with its parsedUnit to matchesToProcess
possibleMatch.parsedUnit = parsedUnit;
int size = this.matchesToProcess.length;
if (this.numberOfMatches == size)
System.arraycopy(this.matchesToProcess, 0, this.matchesToProcess = new PossibleMatch[size == 0 ? 1 : size * 2], 0, this.numberOfMatches);
this.matchesToProcess[this.numberOfMatches++] = possibleMatch;
if (this.progressMonitor != null)
} finally {
this.parser.nodeSet = null;
* Caches the given binary type in the lookup environment and returns it.
* Returns the existing one if already cached.
* Returns null if source type binding was cached.
protected BinaryTypeBinding cacheBinaryType(IType type) throws JavaModelException {
IType enclosingType = type.getDeclaringType();
if (enclosingType != null)
cacheBinaryType(enclosingType); // cache enclosing types first, so that binary type can be found in lookup enviroment
IBinaryType binaryType = (IBinaryType) ((BinaryType) type).getElementInfo();
BinaryTypeBinding binding = this.lookupEnvironment.cacheBinaryType(binaryType);
if (binding == null) { // it was already cached as a result of a previous query
char[][] compoundName = CharOperation.splitOn('.', type.getFullyQualifiedName().toCharArray());
ReferenceBinding referenceBinding = this.lookupEnvironment.getCachedType(compoundName);
if (referenceBinding != null && (referenceBinding instanceof BinaryTypeBinding))
binding = (BinaryTypeBinding) referenceBinding; // if the binding could be found and if it comes from a binary type
return binding;
* Computes the super type names of the focus type if any.
protected char[][][] computeSuperTypeNames(IType focusType) {
String fullyQualifiedName = focusType.getFullyQualifiedName();
int lastDot = fullyQualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.');
char[] qualification = lastDot == -1 ? CharOperation.NO_CHAR : fullyQualifiedName.substring(0, lastDot).toCharArray();
char[] simpleName = focusType.getElementName().toCharArray();
SuperTypeNamesCollector superTypeNamesCollector =
new SuperTypeNamesCollector(
new MatchLocator(this.pattern, this.requestor, this.scope, this.workingCopies, this.progressMonitor), // clone MatchLocator so that it has no side effect
try {
this.allSuperTypeNames = superTypeNamesCollector.collect();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// problem collecting super type names: leave it null
return this.allSuperTypeNames;
* Creates an IMethod from the given method declaration and type.
protected IJavaElement createHandle(AbstractMethodDeclaration method, IJavaElement parent) {
if (!(parent instanceof IType)) return parent;
IType type = (IType) parent;
Argument[] arguments = method.arguments;
int argCount = arguments == null ? 0 : arguments.length;
if (type.isBinary()) {
// don't cache the methods of the binary type
// fall thru if its a constructor with a synthetic argument... find it the slower way
ClassFileReader reader = classFileReader(type);
if (reader != null) {
IBinaryMethod[] methods = reader.getMethods();
if (methods != null) {
boolean firstIsSynthetic = false;
try {
if (type.isMember() && method.isConstructor() && !Flags.isStatic(type.getFlags())) { // see
firstIsSynthetic = true;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// ignored
nextMethod : for (int i = 0, methodsLength = methods.length; i < methodsLength; i++) {
IBinaryMethod binaryMethod = methods[i];
char[] selector = binaryMethod.isConstructor() ? type.getElementName().toCharArray() : binaryMethod.getSelector();
if (CharOperation.equals(selector, method.selector)) {
char[][] parameterTypes = Signature.getParameterTypes(binaryMethod.getMethodDescriptor());
if (argCount != parameterTypes.length) continue nextMethod;
for (int j = 0; j < argCount; j++) {
char[] typeName;
if (j == 0 && firstIsSynthetic) {
typeName = type.getDeclaringType().getFullyQualifiedName().toCharArray();
} else {
TypeReference typeRef = arguments[firstIsSynthetic ? j - 1 : j].type;
typeName = CharOperation.concatWith(typeRef.getTypeName(), '.');
for (int k = 0, dim = typeRef.dimensions(); k < dim; k++)
typeName = CharOperation.concat(typeName, new char[] {'[', ']'});
char[] parameterTypeName = ClassFileMatchLocator.convertClassFileFormat(parameterTypes[j]);
if (!CharOperation.endsWith(Signature.toCharArray(parameterTypeName), typeName))
continue nextMethod;
parameterTypes[j] = parameterTypeName;
return type.getMethod(new String(selector), CharOperation.toStrings(parameterTypes));
return null;
String[] parameterTypeSignatures = new String[argCount];
for (int i = 0; i < argCount; i++) {
TypeReference typeRef = arguments[i].type;
char[] typeName = CharOperation.concatWith(typeRef.getTypeName(), '.');
for (int j = 0, dim = typeRef.dimensions(); j < dim; j++)
typeName = CharOperation.concat(typeName, new char[] {'[', ']'});
parameterTypeSignatures[i] = Signature.createTypeSignature(typeName, false);
return type.getMethod(new String(method.selector), parameterTypeSignatures);
* Creates an IField from the given field declaration and type.
protected IJavaElement createHandle(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration, IJavaElement parent) {
if (!(parent instanceof IType)) return parent;
if (fieldDeclaration.isField())
return ((IType) parent).getField(new String(;
// find occurence count of the given initializer in its type declaration
int occurrenceCount = 0;
FieldDeclaration[] fields = typeDeclaration.fields;
for (int i = 0, length = fields.length; i < length; i++) {
if (!fields[i].isField()) {
if (fields[i].equals(fieldDeclaration)) break;
return ((IType) parent).getInitializer(occurrenceCount);
* Creates hierarchy resolver if needed.
* Returns whether focus is visible.
protected boolean createHierarchyResolver(IType focusType, PossibleMatch[] possibleMatches) {
// cache focus type if not a possible match
char[][] compoundName = CharOperation.splitOn('.', focusType.getFullyQualifiedName().toCharArray());
boolean isPossibleMatch = false;
for (int i = 0, length = possibleMatches.length; i < length; i++) {
if (CharOperation.equals(possibleMatches[i].compoundName, compoundName)) {
isPossibleMatch = true;
if (!isPossibleMatch) {
if (focusType.isBinary()) {
try {
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return false;
} else {
// cache all types in the focus' compilation unit (even secondary types)
accept((ICompilationUnit) focusType.getCompilationUnit());
// resolve focus type
this.hierarchyResolver = new HierarchyResolver(this.lookupEnvironment, null/*hierarchy is not going to be computed*/);
ReferenceBinding binding = this.hierarchyResolver.setFocusType(compoundName);
return binding != null && binding.isValidBinding() && (binding.tagBits & TagBits.HierarchyHasProblems) == 0;
* Creates an IImportDeclaration from the given import statement
protected IJavaElement createImportHandle(ImportReference importRef) {
char[] importName = CharOperation.concatWith(importRef.getImportName(), '.');
if (importRef.onDemand)
importName = CharOperation.concat(importName, ".*" .toCharArray()); //$NON-NLS-1$
Openable openable = this.currentPossibleMatch.openable;
if (openable instanceof CompilationUnit)
return ((CompilationUnit) openable).getImport(new String(importName));
// binary types do not contain import statements so just answer the top-level type as the element
IType binaryType = ((ClassFile) openable).getType();
String typeName = binaryType.getElementName();
int lastDollar = typeName.lastIndexOf('$');
if (lastDollar == -1) return binaryType;
return createTypeHandle(typeName.substring(0, lastDollar));
* Creates an IType from the given simple top level type name.
protected IType createTypeHandle(String simpleTypeName) {
Openable openable = this.currentPossibleMatch.openable;
if (openable instanceof CompilationUnit)
return ((CompilationUnit) openable).getType(simpleTypeName);
IType binaryType = ((ClassFile) openable).getType();
if (simpleTypeName.equals(binaryType.getTypeQualifiedName()))
return binaryType; // answer only top-level types, sometimes the classFile is for a member/local type
try {
IClassFile classFile = binaryType.getPackageFragment().getClassFile(simpleTypeName + SuffixConstants.SUFFIX_STRING_class);
return classFile.getType();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// ignore as implementation of getType() cannot throw this exception
return null;
protected boolean encloses(IJavaElement element) {
return element != null && this.scope.encloses(element);
protected IBinaryType getBinaryInfo(ClassFile classFile, IResource resource) throws CoreException {
BinaryType binaryType = (BinaryType) classFile.getType();
if (classFile.isOpen())
return (IBinaryType) binaryType.getElementInfo(); // reuse the info from the java model cache
// create a temporary info
IBinaryType info;
try {
IJavaElement pkg = classFile.getParent();
PackageFragmentRoot root = (PackageFragmentRoot) pkg.getParent();
if (root.isArchive()) {
// class file in a jar
String pkgPath = pkg.getElementName().replace('.', '/');
String classFilePath = pkgPath.length() > 0
? pkgPath + "/" + classFile.getElementName() //$NON-NLS-1$
: classFile.getElementName();
ZipFile zipFile = null;
try {
zipFile = ((JarPackageFragmentRoot) root).getJar();
info =, classFilePath);
} finally {
} else {
// class file in a directory
String osPath = resource.getLocation().toOSString();
info =;
return info;
} catch (ClassFormatException e) {
return null;
} catch ( e) {
throw new JavaModelException(e, IJavaModelStatusConstants.IO_EXCEPTION);
protected IType getFocusType() {
return this.scope instanceof HierarchyScope ? ((HierarchyScope) this.scope).focusType : null;
protected void getMethodBodies(CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) {
if (unit.ignoreMethodBodies) {
unit.ignoreFurtherInvestigation = true;
return; // if initial diet parse did not work, no need to dig into method bodies.
// save existing values to restore them at the end of the parsing process
// see bug 47079 for more details
int[] oldLineEnds = this.parser.scanner.lineEnds;
int oldLinePtr = this.parser.scanner.linePtr;
try {
char[] contents = unit.compilationResult.compilationUnit.getContents();
// inline old setLineEnds
final int[] lineSeparatorPositions = unit.compilationResult.lineSeparatorPositions;
this.parser.scanner.lineEnds = lineSeparatorPositions;
this.parser.scanner.linePtr = lineSeparatorPositions.length - 1;
if (this.parser.javadocParser.checkDocComment) {
this.parser.nodeSet = this.currentPossibleMatch.nodeSet;
} finally {
this.parser.nodeSet = null;
// this is done to prevent any side effects on the compilation unit result
// line separator positions array.
this.parser.scanner.lineEnds = oldLineEnds;
this.parser.scanner.linePtr = oldLinePtr;
protected boolean hasAlreadyDefinedType(CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit) {
CompilationResult result = parsedUnit.compilationResult;
if (result == null) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < result.problemCount; i++)
if (result.problems[i].getID() == IProblem.DuplicateTypes)
return true;
return false;
* Create a new parser for the given project, as well as a lookup environment.
public void initialize(JavaProject project, int possibleMatchSize) throws JavaModelException {
if (this.nameEnvironment != null)
SearchableEnvironment searchableEnvironment = (SearchableEnvironment) project.newSearchableNameEnvironment(this.workingCopies);
// if only one possible match, a file name environment costs too much,
// so use the existing searchable environment which will populate the java model
// only for this possible match and its required types.
this.nameEnvironment = possibleMatchSize == 1
? (INameEnvironment) searchableEnvironment
: (INameEnvironment) new JavaSearchNameEnvironment(project);
// create lookup environment
this.options = new CompilerOptions(project.getOptions(true));
ProblemReporter problemReporter =
new ProblemReporter(
new DefaultProblemFactory());
this.lookupEnvironment = new LookupEnvironment(this, this.options, problemReporter, this.nameEnvironment);
this.parser = MatchLocatorParser.createParser(problemReporter, this);
// remember project's name lookup
this.nameLookup = searchableEnvironment.nameLookup;
// initialize queue of units
this.numberOfMatches = 0;
this.matchesToProcess = new PossibleMatch[possibleMatchSize];
protected void locateMatches(JavaProject javaProject, PossibleMatch[] possibleMatches, int start, int length) throws JavaModelException {
initialize(javaProject, length);
// create and resolve binding (equivalent to beginCompilation() in Compiler)
boolean bindingsWereCreated = true;
try {
for (int i = start, maxUnits = start + length; i < maxUnits; i++)
// create hierarchy resolver if needed
IType focusType = getFocusType();
if (focusType == null) {
this.hierarchyResolver = null;
} else if (!createHierarchyResolver(focusType, possibleMatches)) {
// focus type is not visible, use the super type names instead of the bindings
if (computeSuperTypeNames(focusType) == null) return;
} catch (AbortCompilation e) {
bindingsWereCreated = false;
// possible match resolution
for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfMatches; i++) {
if (this.progressMonitor != null && this.progressMonitor.isCanceled())
throw new OperationCanceledException();
PossibleMatch possibleMatch = this.matchesToProcess[i];
this.matchesToProcess[i] = null; // release reference to processed possible match
try {
process(possibleMatch, bindingsWereCreated);
} catch (AbortCompilation e) {
// problem with class path: it could not find base classes
// continue and try next matching openable reporting innacurate matches (since bindings will be null)
bindingsWereCreated = false;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// problem with class path: it could not find base classes
// continue and try next matching openable reporting innacurate matches (since bindings will be null)
bindingsWereCreated = false;
} catch (CoreException e) {
// core exception thrown by client's code: let it through
throw new JavaModelException(e);
} finally {
if (this.options.verbose)
System.out.println(Util.bind("compilation.done", //$NON-NLS-1$
new String[] {
String.valueOf(i + 1),
new String(possibleMatch.parsedUnit.getFileName())}));
// cleanup compilation unit result
possibleMatch.parsedUnit = null;
if (this.progressMonitor != null)
* Locate the matches amongst the possible matches.
protected void locateMatches(JavaProject javaProject, PossibleMatchSet matchSet) throws JavaModelException {
PossibleMatch[] possibleMatches = matchSet.getPossibleMatches(javaProject.getPackageFragmentRoots());
for (int index = 0, length = possibleMatches.length; index < length;) {
int max = Math.min(MAX_AT_ONCE, length - index);
locateMatches(javaProject, possibleMatches, index, max);
index += max;
* Locate the matches in the given files and report them using the search requestor.
public void locateMatches(SearchDocument[] searchDocuments) throws JavaModelException {
if (SearchEngine.VERBOSE) {
System.out.println("Locating matches in documents ["); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0, length = searchDocuments.length; i < length; i++)
System.out.println("\t" + searchDocuments[i]); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager();
try {
// optimize access to zip files during search operation
// initialize handle factory (used as a cache of handles so as to optimize space)
if (this.handleFactory == null)
this.handleFactory = new HandleFactory();
if (this.progressMonitor != null) {
// 1 for file path, 4 for parsing and binding creation, 5 for binding resolution? //$NON-NLS-1$
this.progressMonitor.beginTask("", searchDocuments.length * (this.pattern.mustResolve ? 10 : 5)); //$NON-NLS-1$
// initialize pattern for polymorphic search (ie. method reference pattern)
JavaProject previousJavaProject = null;
PossibleMatchSet matchSet = new PossibleMatchSet();
Util.sort(searchDocuments, new Util.Comparer() {
public int compare(Object a, Object b) {
return ((SearchDocument)a).getPath().compareTo(((SearchDocument)b).getPath());
for (int i = 0, l = searchDocuments.length; i < l; i++) {
if (this.progressMonitor != null && this.progressMonitor.isCanceled())
throw new OperationCanceledException();
// skip duplicate paths
SearchDocument searchDocument = searchDocuments[i];
String pathString = searchDocument.getPath();
if (i > 0 && pathString.equals(searchDocuments[i - 1].getPath())) continue;
Openable openable;
org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit workingCopy = null;
if (searchDocument instanceof JavaSearchParticipant.WorkingCopyDocument) {
workingCopy = ((JavaSearchParticipant.WorkingCopyDocument)searchDocument).workingCopy;
openable = (Openable) workingCopy;
} else {
openable = this.handleFactory.createOpenable(pathString, this.scope);
if (openable == null) continue; // match is outside classpath
// create new parser and lookup environment if this is a new project
IResource resource = null;
try {
JavaProject javaProject = (JavaProject) openable.getJavaProject();
resource = workingCopy != null ? workingCopy.getResource() : openable.getResource();
if (resource == null)
resource = javaProject.getProject(); // case of a file in an external jar
if (!javaProject.equals(previousJavaProject)) {
// locate matches in previous project
if (previousJavaProject != null) {
try {
locateMatches(previousJavaProject, matchSet);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
if (e.getException() instanceof CoreException) throw e;
// problem with classpath in this project -> skip it
previousJavaProject = javaProject;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// file doesn't exist -> skip it
matchSet.add(new PossibleMatch(this, resource, openable, searchDocument));
if (this.progressMonitor != null)
// last project
if (previousJavaProject != null) {
try {
locateMatches(previousJavaProject, matchSet);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
if (e.getException() instanceof CoreException) throw e;
// problem with classpath in last project -> skip it
if (this.progressMonitor != null)
} finally {
if (this.nameEnvironment != null)
* Locates the package declarations corresponding to this locator's pattern.
public void locatePackageDeclarations(SearchParticipant participant) throws JavaModelException {
locatePackageDeclarations(this.pattern, participant);
* Locates the package declarations corresponding to the search pattern.
protected void locatePackageDeclarations(SearchPattern searchPattern, SearchParticipant participant) throws JavaModelException {
if (searchPattern instanceof OrPattern) {
SearchPattern[] patterns = ((OrPattern) searchPattern).patterns;
for (int i = 0, length = patterns.length; i < length; i++)
locatePackageDeclarations(patterns[i], participant);
} else if (searchPattern instanceof PackageDeclarationPattern) {
if (searchPattern.focus != null) {
IResource resource = searchPattern.focus.getResource();
SearchDocument document = participant.getDocument(resource.getFullPath().toString());
this.currentPossibleMatch = new PossibleMatch(this, resource, null, document);
try {
IJavaElement element = searchPattern.focus;
if (encloses(element)) {
SearchMatch match = newDeclarationMatch(element, IJavaSearchResultCollector.EXACT_MATCH, -1, -1);
} catch (CoreException e) {
if (e instanceof JavaModelException) {
throw (JavaModelException) e;
} else {
throw new JavaModelException(e);
PackageDeclarationPattern pkgPattern = (PackageDeclarationPattern) searchPattern;
IJavaProject[] projects = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getJavaModel().getJavaProjects();
for (int i = 0, length = projects.length; i < length; i++) {
IJavaProject javaProject = projects[i];
IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots = javaProject.getPackageFragmentRoots();
for (int j = 0, rootsLength = roots.length; j < rootsLength; j++) {
IJavaElement[] pkgs = roots[j].getChildren();
for (int k = 0, pksLength = pkgs.length; k < pksLength; k++) {
IPackageFragment pkg = (IPackageFragment) pkgs[k];
if (pkg.getChildren().length > 0
&& pkgPattern.matchesName(pkgPattern.pkgName, pkg.getElementName().toCharArray())) {
IResource resource = pkg.getResource();
if (resource == null) // case of a file in an external jar
resource = javaProject.getProject();
SearchDocument document = participant.getDocument(resource.getFullPath().toString());
this.currentPossibleMatch = new PossibleMatch(this, resource, null, document);
try {
if (encloses(pkg)) {
SearchMatch match = newDeclarationMatch(pkg, IJavaSearchResultCollector.EXACT_MATCH, -1, -1);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
throw e;
} catch (CoreException e) {
throw new JavaModelException(e);
protected IType lookupType(ReferenceBinding typeBinding) {
if (typeBinding == null) return null;
char[] packageName = typeBinding.qualifiedPackageName();
IPackageFragment[] pkgs = this.nameLookup.findPackageFragments(
(packageName == null || packageName.length == 0)
: new String(packageName),
// iterate type lookup in each package fragment
char[] sourceName = typeBinding.qualifiedSourceName();
String typeName = new String(sourceName);
for (int i = 0, length = pkgs == null ? 0 : pkgs.length; i < length; i++) {
IType type = this.nameLookup.findType(
typeBinding.isClass() ? NameLookup.ACCEPT_CLASSES : NameLookup.ACCEPT_INTERFACES);
if (type != null) return type;
// search inside enclosing element
char[][] qualifiedName = CharOperation.splitOn('.', sourceName);
int length = qualifiedName.length;
if (length == 0) return null;
IType type = createTypeHandle(new String(qualifiedName[0])); // find the top-level type
if (type == null) return null;
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
type = type.getType(new String(qualifiedName[i]));
if (type == null) return null;
if (type.exists()) return type;
return null;
public JavaSearchMatch newDeclarationMatch(
IJavaElement element,
int accuracy,
int sourceStart,
int sourceEnd) {
SearchParticipant participant = getParticipant();
IResource resource = this.currentPossibleMatch.resource;
return newDeclarationMatch(element, accuracy, sourceStart, sourceEnd, participant, resource);
public JavaSearchMatch newDeclarationMatch(
IJavaElement element,
int accuracy,
int sourceStart,
int sourceEnd,
SearchParticipant participant,
IResource resource) {
switch (element.getElementType()) {
return new PackageDeclarationMatch(element, accuracy, sourceStart, sourceEnd, participant, resource);
case IJavaElement.TYPE:
return new TypeDeclarationMatch(element, accuracy, sourceStart, sourceEnd, participant, resource);
case IJavaElement.FIELD:
return new FieldDeclarationMatch(element, accuracy, sourceStart, sourceEnd, participant, resource);
case IJavaElement.METHOD:
return new MethodDeclarationMatch(element, accuracy, sourceStart, sourceEnd, participant, resource);
case IJavaElement.LOCAL_VARIABLE:
return new LocalVariableDeclarationMatch(element, accuracy, sourceStart, sourceEnd, participant, resource);
return null;
public JavaSearchMatch newFieldReferenceMatch(
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
int accuracy,
int sourceStart,
int sourceEnd,
ASTNode reference) {
int bits = reference.bits;
boolean isCoupoundAssigned = (bits & ASTNode.IsCompoundAssignedMASK) != 0;
boolean isReadAccess = isCoupoundAssigned || (bits & ASTNode.IsStrictlyAssignedMASK) == 0;
boolean isWriteAccess = isCoupoundAssigned || (bits & ASTNode.IsStrictlyAssignedMASK) != 0;
boolean insideDocComment = reference instanceof JavadocFieldReference || reference instanceof JavadocSingleNameReference;
SearchParticipant participant = getParticipant();
IResource resource = this.currentPossibleMatch.resource;
return new FieldReferenceMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, sourceStart, sourceEnd, isReadAccess, isWriteAccess, insideDocComment, participant, resource);
public JavaSearchMatch newLocalVariableReferenceMatch(
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
int accuracy,
int sourceStart,
int sourceEnd,
ASTNode reference) {
SearchParticipant participant = getParticipant();
IResource resource = this.currentPossibleMatch.resource;
return new LocalVariableReferenceMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, sourceStart, sourceEnd, participant, resource);
public JavaSearchMatch newMethodReferenceMatch(
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
int accuracy,
int sourceStart,
int sourceEnd,
ASTNode reference) {
SearchParticipant participant = getParticipant();
IResource resource = this.currentPossibleMatch.resource;
boolean insideDocComment = reference instanceof JavadocMessageSend;
return new MethodReferenceMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, sourceStart, sourceEnd, insideDocComment, participant, resource);
public JavaSearchMatch newPackageReferenceMatch(
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
int accuracy,
int sourceStart,
int sourceEnd,
ASTNode reference) {
SearchParticipant participant = getParticipant();
IResource resource = this.currentPossibleMatch.resource;
return new PackageReferenceMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, sourceStart, sourceEnd, participant, resource);
public JavaSearchMatch newTypeReferenceMatch(
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
int accuracy,
int sourceStart,
int sourceEnd,
ASTNode reference) {
SearchParticipant participant = getParticipant();
IResource resource = this.currentPossibleMatch.resource;
boolean insideDocComment =
reference instanceof JavadocArrayQualifiedTypeReference
|| reference instanceof JavadocArraySingleTypeReference
|| reference instanceof JavadocQualifiedTypeReference
|| reference instanceof JavadocSingleNameReference
|| reference instanceof JavadocSingleTypeReference;
return new TypeReferenceMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, sourceStart, sourceEnd, insideDocComment, participant, resource);
* Process a compilation unit already parsed and build.
protected void process(PossibleMatch possibleMatch, boolean bindingsWereCreated) throws CoreException {
this.currentPossibleMatch = possibleMatch;
CompilationUnitDeclaration unit = possibleMatch.parsedUnit;
try {
if (unit.isEmpty()) {
if (this.currentPossibleMatch.openable instanceof ClassFile) {
ClassFile classFile = (ClassFile) this.currentPossibleMatch.openable;
IBinaryType info = getBinaryInfo(classFile, this.currentPossibleMatch.resource);
if (info != null)
new ClassFileMatchLocator().locateMatches(this, classFile, info);
if (hasAlreadyDefinedType(unit)) return; // skip type has it is hidden so not visible
if (bindingsWereCreated && this.pattern.mustResolve && unit.types != null) {
if (SearchEngine.VERBOSE)
System.out.println("Resolving " + this.currentPossibleMatch.openable.toStringWithAncestors()); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (unit.scope != null)
unit.scope.faultInTypes(); // fault in fields & methods
reportMatching(unit, true);
} else {
reportMatching(unit, this.pattern.mustResolve);
} catch (AbortCompilation e) {
// could not resolve: report innacurate matches
reportMatching(unit, true); // was partially resolved
if (!(e instanceof AbortCompilationUnit)) {
// problem with class path
throw e;
} finally {
this.currentPossibleMatch = null;
protected void purgeMethodStatements(TypeDeclaration type, boolean checkEachMethod) {
checkEachMethod = checkEachMethod
&& this.currentPossibleMatch.nodeSet.hasPossibleNodes(type.declarationSourceStart, type.declarationSourceEnd);
AbstractMethodDeclaration[] methods = type.methods;
if (methods != null) {
if (checkEachMethod) {
for (int j = 0, length = methods.length; j < length; j++) {
AbstractMethodDeclaration method = methods[j];
if (!this.currentPossibleMatch.nodeSet.hasPossibleNodes(method.declarationSourceStart, method.declarationSourceEnd)) {
method.statements = null;
method.javadoc = null;
} else {
for (int j = 0, length = methods.length; j < length; j++) {
methods[j].statements = null;
methods[j].javadoc = null;
TypeDeclaration[] memberTypes = type.memberTypes;
if (memberTypes != null)
for (int i = 0, l = memberTypes.length; i < l; i++)
purgeMethodStatements(memberTypes[i], checkEachMethod);
* Called prior to the unit being resolved. Reduce the parse tree where possible.
protected void reduceParseTree(CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) {
// remove statements from methods that have no possible matching nodes
TypeDeclaration[] types = unit.types;
for (int i = 0, l = types.length; i < l; i++)
purgeMethodStatements(types[i], true);
public SearchParticipant getParticipant() {
return this.currentPossibleMatch.document.getParticipant();
protected void report(SearchMatch match) throws CoreException {
long start = -1;
if (SearchEngine.VERBOSE) {
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Reporting match"); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println("\tDocument path: " + match.getDocumentPath()); //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println("\tPositions: [" + match.getSourceStart() + ", " + match.getSourceEnd() + "]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
System.out.println("\tJava element: " + match.getDescriptiveLocation()); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println(match.getAccuracy() == IJavaSearchResultCollector.EXACT_MATCH
? "\tAccuracy: EXACT_MATCH" //$NON-NLS-1$
: "\tAccuracy: POTENTIAL_MATCH"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (SearchEngine.VERBOSE)
this.resultCollectorTime += System.currentTimeMillis()-start;
* Finds the accurate positions of the sequence of tokens given by qualifiedName
* in the source and reports a reference to this this qualified name
* to the search requestor.
protected void reportAccurateTypeReference(ASTNode typeRef, char[] name, IJavaElement element, int accuracy) throws CoreException {
if (accuracy == -1) return;
if (!encloses(element)) return;
int sourceStart = typeRef.sourceStart;
int sourceEnd = typeRef.sourceEnd;
// compute source positions of the qualified reference
Scanner scanner = this.parser.scanner;
scanner.resetTo(sourceStart, sourceEnd);
int token = -1;
int currentPosition;
do {
currentPosition = scanner.currentPosition;
try {
token = scanner.getNextToken();
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
// ignore
if (token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameIdentifier && this.pattern.matchesName(name, scanner.getCurrentTokenSource())) {
SearchMatch match = newTypeReferenceMatch(element, accuracy, currentPosition, scanner.currentPosition, typeRef);
} while (token != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF);
SearchMatch match = newTypeReferenceMatch(element, accuracy, sourceStart, sourceEnd+1, typeRef);
* Finds the accurate positions of each valid token in the source and
* reports a reference to this token to the search requestor.
* A token is valid if it has an accuracy which is not -1.
protected void reportAccurateFieldReference(QualifiedNameReference qNameRef, IJavaElement element, int[] accuracies) throws CoreException {
if (!encloses(element)) return;
int sourceStart = qNameRef.sourceStart;
int sourceEnd = qNameRef.sourceEnd;
char[][] tokens = qNameRef.tokens;
// compute source positions of the qualified reference
Scanner scanner = this.parser.scanner;
scanner.resetTo(sourceStart, sourceEnd);
int refSourceStart = -1, refSourceEnd = -1;
int length = tokens.length;
int token = -1;
int previousValid = -1;
int i = 0;
int accuracyIndex = 0;
do {
int currentPosition = scanner.currentPosition;
// read token
try {
token = scanner.getNextToken();
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
if (token != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF) {
char[] currentTokenSource = scanner.getCurrentTokenSource();
boolean equals = false;
while (i < length && !(equals = this.pattern.matchesName(tokens[i++], currentTokenSource)));
if (equals && (previousValid == -1 || previousValid == i - 2)) {
previousValid = i - 1;
if (refSourceStart == -1)
refSourceStart = currentPosition;
refSourceEnd = scanner.currentPosition - 1;
} else {
i = 0;
refSourceStart = -1;
previousValid = -1;
// read '.'
try {
token = scanner.getNextToken();
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
// ignore
if (accuracies[accuracyIndex] != -1) {
// accept reference
if (refSourceStart != -1) {
SearchMatch match = newFieldReferenceMatch(element, accuracies[accuracyIndex], refSourceStart, refSourceEnd+1, qNameRef);
} else {
SearchMatch match = newFieldReferenceMatch(element, accuracies[accuracyIndex], sourceStart, sourceEnd+1, qNameRef);
i = 0;
refSourceStart = -1;
previousValid = -1;
if (accuracyIndex < accuracies.length - 1)
} while (token != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF);
protected void reportBinaryMemberDeclaration(IResource resource, IMember binaryMember, IBinaryType info, int accuracy) throws CoreException {
ISourceRange range = binaryMember.getNameRange();
if (range.getOffset() == -1) {
ClassFile classFile = (ClassFile) binaryMember.getClassFile();
SourceMapper mapper = classFile.getSourceMapper();
if (mapper != null) {
IType type = classFile.getType();
String sourceFileName = mapper.findSourceFileName(type, info);
if (sourceFileName != null) {
char[] contents = mapper.findSource(type, sourceFileName);
if (contents != null)
range = mapper.mapSource(type, contents, binaryMember);
int startIndex = range.getOffset();
int endIndex = startIndex + range.getLength();
if (resource == null) resource = this.currentPossibleMatch.resource;
SearchMatch match = newDeclarationMatch(binaryMember, accuracy, startIndex, endIndex, getParticipant(), resource);
* Visit the given method declaration and report the nodes that match exactly the
* search pattern (ie. the ones in the matching nodes set)
* Note that the method declaration has already been checked.
protected void reportMatching(AbstractMethodDeclaration method, IJavaElement parent, int accuracy, boolean typeInHierarchy, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) throws CoreException {
IJavaElement enclosingElement = null;
if (accuracy > -1) {
enclosingElement = createHandle(method, parent);
if (enclosingElement != null) { // skip if unable to find method
// compute source positions of the selector
Scanner scanner = parser.scanner;
int nameSourceStart = method.sourceStart;
scanner.resetTo(nameSourceStart, method.sourceEnd);
try {
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
// ignore
int nameSourceEnd = scanner.currentPosition - 1;
if (encloses(enclosingElement)) {
SearchMatch match = newDeclarationMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, nameSourceStart, nameSourceEnd+1);
// handle nodes for the local type first
if ((method.bits & ASTNode.HasLocalTypeMASK) != 0) {
if (enclosingElement == null)
enclosingElement = createHandle(method, parent);
LocalDeclarationVisitor localDeclarationVisitor = new LocalDeclarationVisitor(enclosingElement, nodeSet);
try {
method.traverse(localDeclarationVisitor, (ClassScope) null);
} catch (WrappedCoreException e) {
throw e.coreException;
// references in this method
if (typeInHierarchy) {
ASTNode[] nodes = nodeSet.matchingNodes(method.declarationSourceStart, method.declarationSourceEnd);
if (nodes != null) {
if ((this.matchContainer & PatternLocator.METHOD_CONTAINER) != 0) {
if (enclosingElement == null)
enclosingElement = createHandle(method, parent);
if (encloses(enclosingElement)) {
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
ASTNode node = nodes[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(node);
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(node, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++)
* Visit the given resolved parse tree and report the nodes that match the search pattern.
protected void reportMatching(CompilationUnitDeclaration unit, boolean mustResolve) throws CoreException {
MatchingNodeSet nodeSet = this.currentPossibleMatch.nodeSet;
if (mustResolve) {
// move the possible matching nodes that exactly match the search pattern to the matching nodes set
Object[] nodes = nodeSet.possibleMatchingNodesSet.values;
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
ASTNode node = (ASTNode) nodes[i];
if (node == null) continue;
if (node instanceof ImportReference) {
// special case for import refs: they don't know their binding
// import ref cannot be in the hirarchy of a type
if (this.hierarchyResolver != null) continue;
ImportReference importRef = (ImportReference) node;
Binding binding = importRef.onDemand
? unit.scope.getTypeOrPackage(CharOperation.subarray(importRef.tokens, 0, importRef.tokens.length))
: unit.scope.getTypeOrPackage(importRef.tokens);
this.patternLocator.matchLevelAndReportImportRef(importRef, binding, this);
} else {
nodeSet.addMatch(node, this.patternLocator.resolveLevel(node));
nodeSet.possibleMatchingNodesSet = new SimpleSet(3);
if (nodeSet.matchingNodes.elementSize == 0) return; // no matching nodes were found
boolean matchedUnitContainer = (this.matchContainer & PatternLocator.COMPILATION_UNIT_CONTAINER) != 0;
if (matchedUnitContainer) {
// Currently a no-op
// ImportReference pkg = unit.currentPackage;
// if (pkg != null && nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(pkg) != null)
// reportPackageDeclaration(pkg);
ImportReference[] imports = unit.imports;
if (imports != null) {
for (int i = 0, l = imports.length; i < l; i++) {
ImportReference importRef = imports[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(importRef);
if (level != null)
this.patternLocator.matchReportImportRef(importRef, null, createImportHandle(importRef), level.intValue(), this);
TypeDeclaration[] types = unit.types;
if (types != null) {
for (int i = 0, l = types.length; i < l; i++) {
if (nodeSet.matchingNodes.elementSize == 0) return; // reported all the matching nodes
TypeDeclaration type = types[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(type);
int accuracy = (level != null && matchedUnitContainer) ? level.intValue() : -1;
reportMatching(type, null, accuracy, nodeSet, 1);
* Visit the given field declaration and report the nodes that match exactly the
* search pattern (ie. the ones in the matching nodes set)
protected void reportMatching(FieldDeclaration field, TypeDeclaration type, IJavaElement parent, int accuracy, boolean typeInHierarchy, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) throws CoreException {
IJavaElement enclosingElement = null;
if (accuracy > -1) {
enclosingElement = createHandle(field, type, parent);
if (encloses(enclosingElement)) {
SearchMatch match = newDeclarationMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, field.sourceStart, field.sourceEnd+1);
// handle the nodes for the local type first
if ((field.bits & ASTNode.HasLocalTypeMASK) != 0) {
if (enclosingElement == null)
enclosingElement = createHandle(field, type, parent);
LocalDeclarationVisitor localDeclarationVisitor = new LocalDeclarationVisitor(enclosingElement, nodeSet);
try {
field.traverse(localDeclarationVisitor, null);
} catch (WrappedCoreException e) {
throw e.coreException;
if (typeInHierarchy) {
ASTNode[] nodes = nodeSet.matchingNodes(field.declarationSourceStart, field.declarationSourceEnd);
if (nodes != null) {
if ((this.matchContainer & PatternLocator.FIELD_CONTAINER) == 0) {
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++)
} else {
if (enclosingElement == null)
enclosingElement = createHandle(field, type, parent);
if (encloses(enclosingElement))
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
ASTNode node = nodes[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(node);
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(node, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
* Visit the given type declaration and report the nodes that match exactly the
* search pattern (ie. the ones in the matching nodes set)
protected void reportMatching(TypeDeclaration type, IJavaElement parent, int accuracy, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet, int occurrenceCount) throws CoreException {
// create type handle
IJavaElement enclosingElement = parent;
if (enclosingElement == null) {
enclosingElement = createTypeHandle(new String(;
} else if (enclosingElement instanceof IType) {
enclosingElement = ((IType) parent).getType(new String(;
} else if (enclosingElement instanceof IMember) {
IMember member = (IMember) parent;
if (member.isBinary())
enclosingElement = parent;
enclosingElement = member.getType(new String(, occurrenceCount);
if (enclosingElement == null) return;
// report the type declaration
if (accuracy > -1 && encloses(enclosingElement)) {
SearchMatch match = newDeclarationMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, type.sourceStart, type.sourceEnd+1);
boolean matchedClassContainer = (this.matchContainer & PatternLocator.CLASS_CONTAINER) != 0;
// javadoc
if (type.javadoc != null) {
ASTNode[] nodes = nodeSet.matchingNodes(type.declarationSourceStart, type.sourceStart);
if (nodes != null) {
if (!matchedClassContainer) {
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++)
} else {
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
ASTNode node = nodes[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(node);
if (encloses(enclosingElement))
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(node, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
// super types
if ((type.bits & ASTNode.IsAnonymousTypeMASK) != 0) {
TypeReference superType =type.allocation.type;
if (superType != null) {
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(superType);
if (level != null && matchedClassContainer)
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(superType, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
} else {
TypeReference superClass = type.superclass;
if (superClass != null) {
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(superClass);
if (level != null && matchedClassContainer)
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(superClass, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
TypeReference[] superInterfaces = type.superInterfaces;
if (superInterfaces != null) {
for (int i = 0, l = superInterfaces.length; i < l; i++) {
TypeReference superInterface = superInterfaces[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(superInterface);
if (level != null && matchedClassContainer)
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(superInterface, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
// filter out element not in hierarchy scope
boolean typeInHierarchy = type.binding == null || typeInHierarchy(type.binding);
matchedClassContainer = matchedClassContainer && typeInHierarchy;
FieldDeclaration[] fields = type.fields;
if (fields != null) {
if (nodeSet.matchingNodes.elementSize == 0) return; // reported all the matching nodes
for (int i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i++) {
FieldDeclaration field = fields[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(field);
int value = (level != null && matchedClassContainer) ? level.intValue() : -1;
reportMatching(field, type, enclosingElement, value, typeInHierarchy, nodeSet);
AbstractMethodDeclaration[] methods = type.methods;
if (methods != null) {
if (nodeSet.matchingNodes.elementSize == 0) return; // reported all the matching nodes
for (int i = 0, l = methods.length; i < l; i++) {
AbstractMethodDeclaration method = methods[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(method);
int value = (level != null && matchedClassContainer) ? level.intValue() : -1;
reportMatching(method, enclosingElement, value, typeInHierarchy, nodeSet);
TypeDeclaration[] memberTypes = type.memberTypes;
if (memberTypes != null) {
for (int i = 0, l = memberTypes.length; i < l; i++) {
if (nodeSet.matchingNodes.elementSize == 0) return; // reported all the matching nodes
TypeDeclaration memberType = memberTypes[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(memberType);
int value = (level != null && matchedClassContainer) ? level.intValue() : -1;
reportMatching(memberType, enclosingElement, value, nodeSet, 1);
protected boolean typeInHierarchy(ReferenceBinding binding) {
if (this.hierarchyResolver == null) return true; // not a hierarchy scope
if (this.hierarchyResolver.subOrSuperOfFocus(binding)) return true;
if (this.allSuperTypeNames != null) {
char[][] compoundName = binding.compoundName;
for (int i = 0, length = this.allSuperTypeNames.length; i < length; i++)
if (CharOperation.equals(compoundName, this.allSuperTypeNames[i]))
return true;
return false;