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<title>JDT/Core Breaking API changes</title>
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<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="+3"><b>jdt core - Breaking API changes from R2.1 to R3.0</b></font>
<br><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-2" color="#8080ff">java development tooling core</font></td>
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This document lists the breaking API changes that occured between R2.1 and R3.0 and how to migrate from the R2.1 API to
the R3.0 API.
<li>(in progress) <code>IWorkingCopy</code> now extends <code>ICompilationUnit</code>
(see <a href=" ">bug 36987 </a>)
Historically, <code>IWorkingCopy</code> gathered all working copy concerns,
and <code>ICompilationUnit</code> implement this interface, though only the
factory method makes sense for them; thus their implementation of the working
copy features do nothing relevant to clients. <code>IWorkingCopy</code> also
implements the spec'ed factory method, but it doesn't work for these.
Clients using <code>IWorkingCopy</code> and <code>ICompilationUnit</code> can
adapt to this change by referencing <code>IWorkingCopy</code> instead of
<code>ICompilationUnit</code> when a working copy is needed.
<li>(in progress) Factory methods that create <code>IWorkingCopies</code> (i.e.
<code>getWorkingCopy</code> and <code>getSharedWorkingCopy</code>) now return
an <code>IWorkingCopy</code> instead of an <code>IJavaElement</code>.
Working copies were initialy designed to be editable elements on any <code>IJavaElement</code>.
Pratice showed that they were used only to edit <code>ICompilationUnit</code>. To avoid
downcasting to <code>IWorkingCopy</code>, the factory methods now return an
Clients using factory methods to create working copies can now remove the cast from
<code>IJavaElement</code> to <code>IWorkingCopy</code>.