blob: 54f743f12fbda81944f590bdb899bc48e973ed72 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.eval;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompletionRequestor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.ISelectionRequestor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util;
* Maps back and forth a code snippet to a compilation unit.
* The structure of the compilation unit is as follows:
* [package <package name>;]
* [import <import name>;]*
* public class <code snippet class name> extends <global variable class name> {
* [<declaring type> val$this;]
* public void run() {
* <code snippet>
* }
* }
class CodeSnippetToCuMapper implements EvaluationConstants {
* The generated compilation unit.
public char[] cuSource;
* Where the code snippet starts in the generated compilation unit.
public int lineNumberOffset = 0;
public int startPosOffset = 0;
// Internal fields
char[] codeSnippet;
char[] snippetPackageName;
char[][] snippetImports;
char[] snippetClassName;
char[] snippetVarClassName;
char[] snippetDeclaringTypeName;
// Mapping of external local variables
char[][] localVarNames;
char[][] localVarTypeNames;
int[] localVarModifiers;
* Rebuild source in presence of external local variables
public CodeSnippetToCuMapper(char[] codeSnippet, char[] packageName, char[][] imports, char[] className, char[] varClassName, char[][] localVarNames, char[][] localVarTypeNames, int[] localVarModifiers, char[] declaringTypeName) {
this.codeSnippet = codeSnippet;
this.snippetPackageName = packageName;
this.snippetImports = imports;
this.snippetClassName = className;
this.snippetVarClassName = varClassName;
this.localVarNames = localVarNames;
this.localVarTypeNames = localVarTypeNames;
this.localVarModifiers = localVarModifiers;
this.snippetDeclaringTypeName = declaringTypeName;
private void buildCUSource() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
// package declaration
if (this.snippetPackageName != null && this.snippetPackageName.length != 0) {
buffer.append("package "); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append(";").append(Util.LINE_SEPARATOR); //$NON-NLS-1$
// import declarations
char[][] imports = this.snippetImports;
for (int i = 0; i < imports.length; i++) {
buffer.append("import "); //$NON-NLS-1$
// class declaration
buffer.append("public class "); //$NON-NLS-1$
// super class is either a global variable class or the CodeSnippet class
if (this.snippetVarClassName != null) {
buffer.append(" extends "); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
buffer.append(" extends "); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append("."); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append(" {").append(Util.LINE_SEPARATOR); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.snippetDeclaringTypeName != null){
buffer.append(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append(DELEGATE_THIS); // val$this
// add some storage location for local variable persisted state
if (localVarNames != null) {
for (int i = 0, max = localVarNames.length; i < max; i++) {
buffer.append(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append(LOCAL_VAR_PREFIX); // val$...
// run() method declaration
buffer.append("public void run() throws Throwable {").append(Util.LINE_SEPARATOR); //$NON-NLS-1$
startPosOffset = buffer.length();
// a line separator is required after the code snippet source code
// in case the code snippet source code ends with a line comment
// end of class declaration
// store result
int length = buffer.length();
this.cuSource = new char[length];
buffer.getChars(0, length, this.cuSource, 0);
* Returns a completion requestor that wraps the given requestor and shift the results
* according to the start offset and line number offset of the code snippet in the generated compilation unit.
public ICompletionRequestor getCompletionRequestor(final ICompletionRequestor originalRequestor) {
return new ICompletionRequestor() {
public void acceptAnonymousType(char[] superTypePackageName,char[] superTypeName,char[][] parameterPackageNames,char[][] parameterTypeNames,char[][] parameterNames,char[] completionName,int modifiers,int completionStart,int completionEnd, int relevance){
originalRequestor.acceptAnonymousType(superTypePackageName, superTypeName, parameterPackageNames, parameterTypeNames, parameterNames, completionName, modifiers, completionStart - startPosOffset, completionEnd - startPosOffset, relevance);
public void acceptClass(char[] packageName, char[] className, char[] completionName, int modifiers, int completionStart, int completionEnd, int relevance) {
// Remove completion on generated class name or generated global variable class name
if (CharOperation.equals(packageName, CodeSnippetToCuMapper.this.snippetPackageName)
&& (CharOperation.equals(className, CodeSnippetToCuMapper.this.snippetClassName)
|| CharOperation.equals(className, CodeSnippetToCuMapper.this.snippetVarClassName))) return;
originalRequestor.acceptClass(packageName, className, completionName, modifiers, completionStart - startPosOffset, completionEnd - startPosOffset, relevance);
public void acceptError(IProblem error) {
error.setSourceStart(error.getSourceStart() - startPosOffset);
error.setSourceEnd(error.getSourceEnd() - startPosOffset);
error.setSourceLineNumber(error.getSourceLineNumber() - lineNumberOffset);
public void acceptField(char[] declaringTypePackageName, char[] declaringTypeName, char[] name, char[] typePackageName, char[] typeName, char[] completionName, int modifiers, int completionStart, int completionEnd, int relevance) {
originalRequestor.acceptField(declaringTypePackageName, declaringTypeName, name, typePackageName, typeName, completionName, modifiers, completionStart - startPosOffset, completionEnd - startPosOffset, relevance);
public void acceptInterface(char[] packageName, char[] interfaceName, char[] completionName, int modifiers, int completionStart, int completionEnd, int relevance) {
originalRequestor.acceptInterface(packageName, interfaceName, completionName, modifiers, completionStart - startPosOffset, completionEnd - startPosOffset, relevance);
public void acceptKeyword(char[] keywordName, int completionStart, int completionEnd, int relevance) {
originalRequestor.acceptKeyword(keywordName, completionStart - startPosOffset, completionEnd - startPosOffset, relevance);
public void acceptLabel(char[] labelName, int completionStart, int completionEnd, int relevance) {
originalRequestor.acceptLabel(labelName, completionStart - startPosOffset, completionEnd - startPosOffset, relevance);
public void acceptLocalVariable(char[] name, char[] typePackageName, char[] typeName, int modifiers, int completionStart, int completionEnd, int relevance) {
originalRequestor.acceptLocalVariable(name, typePackageName, typeName, modifiers, completionStart - startPosOffset, completionEnd - startPosOffset, relevance);
public void acceptMethod(char[] declaringTypePackageName, char[] declaringTypeName, char[] selector, char[][] parameterPackageNames, char[][] parameterTypeNames, char[][] parameterNames, char[] returnTypePackageName, char[] returnTypeName, char[] completionName, int modifiers, int completionStart, int completionEnd, int relevance) {
// Remove completion on generated method
if (CharOperation.equals(declaringTypePackageName, CodeSnippetToCuMapper.this.snippetPackageName)
&& CharOperation.equals(declaringTypeName, CodeSnippetToCuMapper.this.snippetClassName)
&& CharOperation.equals(selector, "run".toCharArray())) return; //$NON-NLS-1$
originalRequestor.acceptMethod(declaringTypePackageName, declaringTypeName, selector, parameterPackageNames, parameterTypeNames, parameterNames, returnTypePackageName, returnTypeName, completionName, modifiers, completionStart - startPosOffset, completionEnd - startPosOffset, relevance);
public void acceptMethodDeclaration(char[] declaringTypePackageName, char[] declaringTypeName, char[] selector, char[][] parameterPackageNames, char[][] parameterTypeNames, char[][] parameterNames, char[] returnTypePackageName, char[] returnTypeName, char[] completionName, int modifiers, int completionStart, int completionEnd, int relevance) {
// Remove completion on generated method
if (CharOperation.equals(declaringTypePackageName, CodeSnippetToCuMapper.this.snippetPackageName)
&& CharOperation.equals(declaringTypeName, CodeSnippetToCuMapper.this.snippetClassName)
&& CharOperation.equals(selector, "run".toCharArray())) return;//$NON-NLS-1$
originalRequestor.acceptMethodDeclaration(declaringTypePackageName, declaringTypeName, selector, parameterPackageNames, parameterTypeNames, parameterNames, returnTypePackageName, returnTypeName, completionName, modifiers, completionStart - startPosOffset, completionEnd - startPosOffset, relevance);
public void acceptModifier(char[] modifierName, int completionStart, int completionEnd, int relevance) {
originalRequestor.acceptModifier(modifierName, completionStart - startPosOffset, completionEnd - startPosOffset, relevance);
public void acceptPackage(char[] packageName, char[] completionName, int completionStart, int completionEnd, int relevance) {
originalRequestor.acceptPackage(packageName, completionName, completionStart - startPosOffset, completionEnd - startPosOffset, relevance);
public void acceptType(char[] packageName, char[] typeName, char[] completionName, int completionStart, int completionEnd, int relevance) {
// Remove completion on generated class name or generated global variable class name
if (CharOperation.equals(packageName, CodeSnippetToCuMapper.this.snippetPackageName)
&& (CharOperation.equals(snippetClassName, CodeSnippetToCuMapper.this.snippetClassName)
|| CharOperation.equals(snippetClassName, CodeSnippetToCuMapper.this.snippetVarClassName))) return;
originalRequestor.acceptType(packageName, typeName, completionName, completionStart - startPosOffset, completionEnd - startPosOffset, relevance);
public void acceptVariableName(char[] typePackageName, char[] typeName, char[] name, char[] completionName, int completionStart, int completionEnd, int relevance){
originalRequestor.acceptVariableName(typePackageName, typeName, name, completionName, completionStart, completionEnd, relevance);
public char[] getCUSource() {
if (this.cuSource == null) {
return this.cuSource;
* Returns the type of evaluation that corresponds to the given line number in the generated compilation unit.
public int getEvaluationType(int lineNumber) {
int currentLine = 1;
// check package declaration
if (this.snippetPackageName != null && this.snippetPackageName.length != 0) {
if (lineNumber == 1) {
return EvaluationResult.T_PACKAGE;
// check imports
char[][] imports = this.snippetImports;
if ((currentLine <= lineNumber) && (lineNumber < (currentLine + imports.length))) {
return EvaluationResult.T_IMPORT;
currentLine += imports.length + 1; // + 1 to skip the class declaration line
// check generated fields
currentLine +=
(this.snippetDeclaringTypeName == null ? 0 : 1)
+ (this.localVarNames == null ? 0 : this.localVarNames.length);
if (currentLine > lineNumber) {
return EvaluationResult.T_INTERNAL;
currentLine ++; // + 1 to skip the method declaration line
// check code snippet
if (currentLine >= this.lineNumberOffset) {
return EvaluationResult.T_CODE_SNIPPET;
// default
return EvaluationResult.T_INTERNAL;
* Returns the import defined at the given line number.
public char[] getImport(int lineNumber) {
int importStartLine = this.lineNumberOffset - 1 - this.snippetImports.length;
return this.snippetImports[lineNumber - importStartLine];
* Returns a selection requestor that wraps the given requestor and shift the problems
* according to the start offset and line number offset of the code snippet in the generated compilation unit.
public ISelectionRequestor getSelectionRequestor(final ISelectionRequestor originalRequestor) {
return new ISelectionRequestor() {
public void acceptClass(char[] packageName, char[] className, boolean needQualification) {
originalRequestor.acceptClass(packageName, className, needQualification);
public void acceptError(IProblem error) {
error.setSourceLineNumber(error.getSourceLineNumber() - lineNumberOffset);
error.setSourceStart(error.getSourceStart() - startPosOffset);
error.setSourceEnd(error.getSourceEnd() - startPosOffset);
public void acceptField(char[] declaringTypePackageName, char[] declaringTypeName, char[] name) {
originalRequestor.acceptField(declaringTypePackageName, declaringTypeName, name);
public void acceptInterface(char[] packageName, char[] interfaceName, boolean needQualification) {
originalRequestor.acceptInterface(packageName, interfaceName, needQualification);
public void acceptMethod(char[] declaringTypePackageName, char[] declaringTypeName, char[] selector, char[][] parameterPackageNames, char[][] parameterTypeNames, boolean isConstructor) {
originalRequestor.acceptMethod(declaringTypePackageName, declaringTypeName, selector, parameterPackageNames, parameterTypeNames, isConstructor);
public void acceptPackage(char[] packageName) {