blob: 4772a5fab8848ffab6c5d261bfd7d7351fba11ca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.Constant;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.StringConstant;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemSeverities;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Messages;
* Represents a class file wrapper on bytes, it is aware of its actual
* type name.
* Public APIs are listed below:
* byte[] getBytes();
* Answer the actual bytes of the class file
* char[][] getCompoundName();
* Answer the compound name of the class file.
* For example, {{java}, {util}, {Hashtable}}.
* byte[] getReducedBytes();
* Answer a smaller byte format, which is only contains some structural
* information. Those bytes are decodable with a regular class file reader,
* such as DietClassFileReader
public class ClassFile
implements AttributeNamesConstants, CompilerModifiers, TypeConstants, TypeIds {
public static final int INITIAL_CONTENTS_SIZE = 400;
public static final int INITIAL_HEADER_SIZE = 1500;
public static final int INNER_CLASSES_SIZE = 5;
* Build all the directories and subdirectories corresponding to the packages names
* into the directory specified in parameters.
* outputPath is formed like:
* c:\temp\ the last character is a file separator
* relativeFileName is formed like:
* java\lang\String.class *
* @param outputPath java.lang.String
* @param relativeFileName java.lang.String
* @return java.lang.String
public static String buildAllDirectoriesInto(
String outputPath,
String relativeFileName)
throws IOException {
char fileSeparatorChar = File.separatorChar;
String fileSeparator = File.separator;
File f;
// First we ensure that the outputPath exists
outputPath = outputPath.replace('/', fileSeparatorChar);
// To be able to pass the mkdirs() method we need to remove the extra file separator at the end of the outDir name
if (outputPath.endsWith(fileSeparator)) {
outputPath = outputPath.substring(0, outputPath.length() - 1);
f = new File(outputPath);
if (f.exists()) {
if (!f.isDirectory()) {
System.out.println(Messages.bind(Messages.output_isFile, f.getAbsolutePath()));
throw new IOException(Messages.output_isFileNotDirectory);
} else {
// we have to create that directory
if (!f.mkdirs()) {
System.out.println(Messages.bind(Messages.output_dirName, f.getAbsolutePath()));
throw new IOException(Messages.output_notValidAll);
StringBuffer outDir = new StringBuffer(outputPath);
StringTokenizer tokenizer =
new StringTokenizer(relativeFileName, fileSeparator);
String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
f = new File(outDir.append(token).append(fileSeparator).toString());
if (f.exists()) {
// The outDir already exists, so we proceed the next entry
// System.out.println("outDir: " + outDir + " already exists.");
} else {
// Need to add the outDir
if (!f.mkdir()) {
System.out.println(Messages.bind(Messages.output_fileName, f.getName()));
throw new IOException(Messages.output_notValid);
token = tokenizer.nextToken();
// token contains the last one
return outDir.append(token).toString();
* Request the creation of a ClassFile compatible representation of a problematic type
* @param typeDeclaration org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration
* @param unitResult org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationUnitResult
public static void createProblemType(
TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration,
CompilationResult unitResult) {
SourceTypeBinding typeBinding = typeDeclaration.binding;
ClassFile classFile = new ClassFile(typeBinding, null, true);
// TODO (olivier) handle cases where a field cannot be generated (name too long)
// TODO (olivier) handle too many methods
// inner attributes
if (typeBinding.isMemberType())
// add its fields
FieldBinding[] fields = typeBinding.fields;
if ((fields != null) && (fields != NoFields)) {
for (int i = 0, max = fields.length; i < max; i++) {
if (fields[i].constant() == null) {
FieldReference.getConstantFor(fields[i], null, false, null);
} else {
// we have to set the number of fields to be equals to 0
classFile.contents[classFile.contentsOffset++] = 0;
classFile.contents[classFile.contentsOffset++] = 0;
// leave some space for the methodCount
// add its user defined methods
MethodBinding[] methods = typeBinding.methods;
AbstractMethodDeclaration[] methodDeclarations = typeDeclaration.methods;
int maxMethodDecl = methodDeclarations == null ? 0 : methodDeclarations.length;
int problemsLength;
IProblem[] problems = unitResult.getErrors();
if (problems == null) {
problems = new IProblem[0];
IProblem[] problemsCopy = new IProblem[problemsLength = problems.length];
System.arraycopy(problems, 0, problemsCopy, 0, problemsLength);
if (methods != null) {
if (typeBinding.isInterface()) {
// we cannot create problem methods for an interface. So we have to generate a clinit
// which should contain all the problem
for (int i = 0, max = methods.length; i < max; i++) {
MethodBinding methodBinding;
if ((methodBinding = methods[i]) != null) {
// find the corresponding method declaration
for (int j = 0; j < maxMethodDecl; j++) {
if ((methodDeclarations[j] != null)
&& (methodDeclarations[j].binding == methods[i])) {
if (!methodBinding.isConstructor()) {
classFile.addAbstractMethod(methodDeclarations[j], methodBinding);
} else {
for (int i = 0, max = methods.length; i < max; i++) {
MethodBinding methodBinding;
if ((methodBinding = methods[i]) != null) {
// find the corresponding method declaration
for (int j = 0; j < maxMethodDecl; j++) {
if ((methodDeclarations[j] != null)
&& (methodDeclarations[j].binding == methods[i])) {
AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl;
if ((methodDecl = methodDeclarations[j]).isConstructor()) {
classFile.addProblemConstructor(methodDecl, methodBinding, problemsCopy);
} else {
classFile.addProblemMethod(methodDecl, methodBinding, problemsCopy);
// add abstract methods
// propagate generation of (problem) member types
if (typeDeclaration.memberTypes != null) {
for (int i = 0, max = typeDeclaration.memberTypes.length; i < max; i++) {
TypeDeclaration memberType = typeDeclaration.memberTypes[i];
if (memberType.binding != null) {
ClassFile.createProblemType(memberType, unitResult);
unitResult.record(typeBinding.constantPoolName(), classFile);
* Search the line number corresponding to a specific position
public static final int searchLineNumber(
int[] startLineIndexes,
int position) {
// this code is completely useless, but it is the same implementation than
// org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemHandler.searchLineNumber(int[], int)
// if (startLineIndexes == null)
// return 1;
int length = startLineIndexes.length;
if (length == 0)
return 1;
int g = 0, d = length - 1;
int m = 0;
while (g <= d) {
m = (g + d) / 2;
if (position < startLineIndexes[m]) {
d = m - 1;
} else
if (position > startLineIndexes[m]) {
g = m + 1;
} else {
return m + 1;
if (position < startLineIndexes[m]) {
return m + 1;
return m + 2;
* outputPath is formed like:
* c:\temp\ the last character is a file separator
* relativeFileName is formed like:
* java\lang\String.class
* @param generatePackagesStructure a flag to know if the packages structure has to be generated.
* @param outputPath the output directory
* @param relativeFileName java.lang.String
* @param contents byte[]
public static void writeToDisk(
boolean generatePackagesStructure,
String outputPath,
String relativeFileName,
byte[] contents)
throws IOException {
BufferedOutputStream output = null;
if (generatePackagesStructure) {
output = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(
new File(buildAllDirectoriesInto(outputPath, relativeFileName))));
} else {
String fileName = null;
char fileSeparatorChar = File.separatorChar;
String fileSeparator = File.separator;
// First we ensure that the outputPath exists
outputPath = outputPath.replace('/', fileSeparatorChar);
// To be able to pass the mkdirs() method we need to remove the extra file separator at the end of the outDir name
int indexOfPackageSeparator = relativeFileName.lastIndexOf(fileSeparatorChar);
if (indexOfPackageSeparator == -1) {
if (outputPath.endsWith(fileSeparator)) {
fileName = outputPath + relativeFileName;
} else {
fileName = outputPath + fileSeparator + relativeFileName;
} else {
int length = relativeFileName.length();
if (outputPath.endsWith(fileSeparator)) {
fileName = outputPath + relativeFileName.substring(indexOfPackageSeparator + 1, length);
} else {
fileName = outputPath + fileSeparator + relativeFileName.substring(indexOfPackageSeparator + 1, length);
output = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(
new File(fileName)));
try {
} finally {
public CodeStream codeStream;
public ConstantPool constantPool;
public int constantPoolOffset;
// the header contains all the bytes till the end of the constant pool
public byte[] contents;
public int contentsOffset;
protected boolean creatingProblemType;
public ClassFile enclosingClassFile;
public byte[] header;
// that collection contains all the remaining bytes of the .class file
public int headerOffset;
public ReferenceBinding[] innerClassesBindings;
public int methodCount;
public int methodCountOffset;
public int numberOfInnerClasses;
public boolean ownSharedArrays = false; // flag set when header/contents are set to shared arrays
// used to generate private access methods
public int produceDebugAttributes;
public SourceTypeBinding referenceBinding;
public long targetJDK;
* This methods creates a new instance of the receiver.
public ClassFile() {
// default constructor for subclasses
* This methods creates a new instance of the receiver.
* @param aType org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SourceTypeBinding
* @param enclosingClassFile org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ClassFile
* @param creatingProblemType <CODE>boolean</CODE>
public ClassFile(
SourceTypeBinding aType,
ClassFile enclosingClassFile,
boolean creatingProblemType) {
this.referenceBinding = aType;
// generate the magic numbers inside the header
header[headerOffset++] = (byte) (0xCAFEBABEL >> 24);
header[headerOffset++] = (byte) (0xCAFEBABEL >> 16);
header[headerOffset++] = (byte) (0xCAFEBABEL >> 8);
header[headerOffset++] = (byte) (0xCAFEBABEL >> 0);
final CompilerOptions options = aType.scope.compilerOptions();
this.targetJDK = options.targetJDK;
header[headerOffset++] = (byte) (this.targetJDK >> 8); // minor high
header[headerOffset++] = (byte) (this.targetJDK >> 0); // minor low
header[headerOffset++] = (byte) (this.targetJDK >> 24); // major high
header[headerOffset++] = (byte) (this.targetJDK >> 16); // major low
constantPoolOffset = headerOffset;
headerOffset += 2;
constantPool = new ConstantPool(this);
// Modifier manipulations for classfile
int accessFlags = aType.getAccessFlags();
if (aType.isPrivate()) { // rewrite private to non-public
accessFlags &= ~AccPublic;
if (aType.isProtected()) { // rewrite protected into public
accessFlags |= AccPublic;
// clear all bits that are illegal for a class or an interface
&= ~(
| AccProtected
| AccPrivate
| AccStatic
| AccSynchronized
| AccNative);
// set the AccSuper flag (has to be done after clearing AccSynchronized - since same value)
if (!aType.isInterface()) { // class or enum
accessFlags |= AccSuper;
this.enclosingClassFile = enclosingClassFile;
// innerclasses get their names computed at code gen time
// now we continue to generate the bytes inside the contents array
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (accessFlags >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) accessFlags;
int classNameIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForType(aType.constantPoolName());
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (classNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) classNameIndex;
int superclassNameIndex;
if (aType.isInterface()) {
superclassNameIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForType(ConstantPool.JavaLangObjectConstantPoolName);
} else {
superclassNameIndex =
(aType.superclass == null ? 0 : constantPool.literalIndexForType(aType.superclass.constantPoolName()));
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (superclassNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) superclassNameIndex;
ReferenceBinding[] superInterfacesBinding = aType.superInterfaces();
int interfacesCount = superInterfacesBinding.length;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (interfacesCount >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) interfacesCount;
for (int i = 0; i < interfacesCount; i++) {
int interfaceIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForType(superInterfacesBinding[i].constantPoolName());
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (interfaceIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) interfaceIndex;
produceDebugAttributes = options.produceDebugAttributes;
innerClassesBindings = new ReferenceBinding[INNER_CLASSES_SIZE];
this.creatingProblemType = creatingProblemType;
codeStream = new CodeStream(this, this.targetJDK);
// retrieve the enclosing one guaranteed to be the one matching the propagated flow info
// 1FF9ZBU: LFCOM:ALL - Local variable attributes busted (Sanity check)
ClassFile outermostClassFile = this.outerMostEnclosingClassFile();
if (this == outermostClassFile) {
codeStream.maxFieldCount = aType.scope.referenceType().maxFieldCount;
} else {
codeStream.maxFieldCount = outermostClassFile.codeStream.maxFieldCount;
* Generate the byte for a problem method info that correspond to a boggus method.
* @param method org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration
* @param methodBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.nameloopkup.MethodBinding
public void addAbstractMethod(
AbstractMethodDeclaration method,
MethodBinding methodBinding) {
// force the modifiers to be public and abstract
methodBinding.modifiers = AccPublic | AccAbstract;
int methodAttributeOffset = this.contentsOffset;
int attributeNumber = this.generateMethodInfoAttribute(methodBinding);
this.completeMethodInfo(methodAttributeOffset, attributeNumber);
* This methods generate all the attributes for the receiver.
* For a class they could be:
* - source file attribute
* - inner classes attribute
* - deprecated attribute
public void addAttributes() {
// update the method count
contents[methodCountOffset++] = (byte) (methodCount >> 8);
contents[methodCountOffset] = (byte) methodCount;
int attributeNumber = 0;
// leave two bytes for the number of attributes and store the current offset
int attributeOffset = contentsOffset;
contentsOffset += 2;
// source attribute
if ((produceDebugAttributes & CompilerOptions.Source) != 0) {
String fullFileName =
new String(referenceBinding.scope.referenceCompilationUnit().getFileName());
fullFileName = fullFileName.replace('\\', '/');
int lastIndex = fullFileName.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastIndex != -1) {
fullFileName = fullFileName.substring(lastIndex + 1, fullFileName.length());
// check that there is enough space to write all the bytes for the field info corresponding
// to the @fieldBinding
if (contentsOffset + 8 >= contents.length) {
int sourceAttributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (sourceAttributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) sourceAttributeNameIndex;
// The length of a source file attribute is 2. This is a fixed-length
// attribute
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 2;
// write the source file name
int fileNameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(fullFileName.toCharArray());
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (fileNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) fileNameIndex;
// Deprecated attribute
if (referenceBinding.isDeprecated()) {
// check that there is enough space to write all the bytes for the field info corresponding
// to the @fieldBinding
if (contentsOffset + 6 >= contents.length) {
int deprecatedAttributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (deprecatedAttributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) deprecatedAttributeNameIndex;
// the length of a deprecated attribute is equals to 0
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
// Inner class attribute
if (numberOfInnerClasses != 0) {
// Generate the inner class attribute
int exSize = 8 * numberOfInnerClasses + 8;
if (exSize + contentsOffset >= this.contents.length) {
// Now we now the size of the attribute and the number of entries
// attribute name
int attributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) attributeNameIndex;
int value = (numberOfInnerClasses << 3) + 2;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 24);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 16);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) value;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (numberOfInnerClasses >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) numberOfInnerClasses;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfInnerClasses; i++) {
ReferenceBinding innerClass = innerClassesBindings[i];
int accessFlags = innerClass.getAccessFlags();
int innerClassIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForType(innerClass.constantPoolName());
// inner class index
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (innerClassIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) innerClassIndex;
// outer class index: anonymous and local have no outer class index
if (innerClass.isMemberType()) {
// member or member of local
int outerClassIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForType(innerClass.enclosingType().constantPoolName());
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (outerClassIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) outerClassIndex;
} else {
// equals to 0 if the innerClass is not a member type
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
// name index
if (!innerClass.isAnonymousType()) {
int nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(innerClass.sourceName());
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
} else {
// equals to 0 if the innerClass is an anonymous type
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
// access flag
if (innerClass.isAnonymousType()) {
accessFlags |= AccPrivate;
} else if (innerClass.isLocalType() && !innerClass.isMemberType()) {
accessFlags |= AccPrivate;
} else if (innerClass.isMemberType() && innerClass.isInterface()) {
accessFlags |= AccStatic; // implicitely static
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (accessFlags >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) accessFlags;
// add signature attribute
char[] genericSignature = referenceBinding.genericSignature();
if (genericSignature != null) {
// check that there is enough space to write all the bytes for the field info corresponding
// to the @fieldBinding
if (contentsOffset + 8 >= contents.length) {
int signatureAttributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (signatureAttributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) signatureAttributeNameIndex;
// the length of a signature attribute is equals to 2
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 2;
int signatureIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (signatureIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) signatureIndex;
if (targetJDK >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5
&& this.referenceBinding.isNestedType()
&& !this.referenceBinding.isMemberType()) {
// add enclosing method attribute (1.5 mode only)
if (contentsOffset + 10 >= contents.length) {
int enclosingMethodAttributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (enclosingMethodAttributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) enclosingMethodAttributeNameIndex;
// the length of a signature attribute is equals to 2
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 4;
int enclosingTypeIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForType(this.referenceBinding.enclosingType().constantPoolName());
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (enclosingTypeIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) enclosingTypeIndex;
byte methodIndexByte1 = 0;
byte methodIndexByte2 = 0;
if (this.referenceBinding instanceof LocalTypeBinding) {
MethodBinding methodBinding = ((LocalTypeBinding) this.referenceBinding).enclosingMethod;
if (methodBinding != null) {
int enclosingMethodIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForMethod(methodBinding.selector, methodBinding.signature());
methodIndexByte1 = (byte) (enclosingMethodIndex >> 8);
methodIndexByte2 = (byte) enclosingMethodIndex;
contents[contentsOffset++] = methodIndexByte1;
contents[contentsOffset++] = methodIndexByte2;
if (this.targetJDK >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && !this.creatingProblemType) {
TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = referenceBinding.scope.referenceContext;
if (typeDeclaration != null) {
final Annotation[] annotations = typeDeclaration.annotations;
if (annotations != null) {
attributeNumber += generateRuntimeAnnotations(annotations);
// update the number of attributes
if (attributeOffset + 2 >= this.contents.length) {
contents[attributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
contents[attributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
// resynchronize all offsets of the classfile
header = constantPool.poolContent;
headerOffset = constantPool.currentOffset;
int constantPoolCount = constantPool.currentIndex;
header[constantPoolOffset++] = (byte) (constantPoolCount >> 8);
header[constantPoolOffset] = (byte) constantPoolCount;
* This methods generate all the default abstract method infos that correpond to
* the abstract methods inherited from superinterfaces.
public void addDefaultAbstractMethods() { // default abstract methods
MethodBinding[] defaultAbstractMethods =
for (int i = 0, max = defaultAbstractMethods.length; i < max; i++) {
int methodAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
int attributeNumber = generateMethodInfoAttribute(defaultAbstractMethods[i]);
completeMethodInfo(methodAttributeOffset, attributeNumber);
private int addFieldAttributes(FieldBinding fieldBinding, int fieldAttributeOffset) {
int attributesNumber = 0;
// 4.7.2 only static constant fields get a ConstantAttribute
// Generate the constantValueAttribute
if (fieldBinding.isConstantValue()){
if (contentsOffset + 8 >= contents.length) {
// Now we generate the constant attribute corresponding to the fieldBinding
int constantValueNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (constantValueNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) constantValueNameIndex;
// The attribute length = 2 in case of a constantValue attribute
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 2;
// Need to add the constant_value_index
Constant fieldConstant = fieldBinding.constant();
switch (fieldConstant.typeID()) {
case T_boolean :
int booleanValueIndex =
constantPool.literalIndex(fieldConstant.booleanValue() ? 1 : 0);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (booleanValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) booleanValueIndex;
case T_byte :
case T_char :
case T_int :
case T_short :
int integerValueIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (integerValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) integerValueIndex;
case T_float :
int floatValueIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (floatValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) floatValueIndex;
case T_double :
int doubleValueIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (doubleValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) doubleValueIndex;
case T_long :
int longValueIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (longValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) longValueIndex;
case T_JavaLangString :
int stringValueIndex =
((StringConstant) fieldConstant).stringValue());
if (stringValueIndex == -1) {
if (!creatingProblemType) {
// report an error and abort: will lead to a problem type classfile creation
TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = referenceBinding.scope.referenceContext;
FieldDeclaration[] fieldDecls = typeDeclaration.fields;
for (int i = 0, max = fieldDecls.length; i < max; i++) {
if (fieldDecls[i].binding == fieldBinding) {
// problem should abort
} else {
// already inside a problem type creation : no constant for this field
contentsOffset = fieldAttributeOffset;
} else {
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (stringValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) stringValueIndex;
if (this.targetJDK < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && fieldBinding.isSynthetic()) {
if (contentsOffset + 6 >= contents.length) {
int syntheticAttributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (syntheticAttributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) syntheticAttributeNameIndex;
// the length of a synthetic attribute is equals to 0
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
if (fieldBinding.isDeprecated()) {
if (contentsOffset + 6 >= contents.length) {
int deprecatedAttributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (deprecatedAttributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) deprecatedAttributeNameIndex;
// the length of a deprecated attribute is equals to 0
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
// add signature attribute
char[] genericSignature = fieldBinding.genericSignature();
if (genericSignature != null) {
// check that there is enough space to write all the bytes for the field info corresponding
// to the @fieldBinding
if (contentsOffset + 8 >= contents.length) {
int signatureAttributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (signatureAttributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) signatureAttributeNameIndex;
// the length of a signature attribute is equals to 2
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 2;
int signatureIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (signatureIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) signatureIndex;
if (this.targetJDK >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && !this.creatingProblemType) {
FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration = fieldBinding.sourceField();
if (fieldDeclaration != null) {
Annotation[] annotations = fieldDeclaration.annotations;
if (annotations != null) {
attributesNumber += generateRuntimeAnnotations(annotations);
return attributesNumber;
* This methods generates the bytes for the given field binding
* @param fieldBinding the given field binding
private void addFieldInfo(FieldBinding fieldBinding) {
// check that there is enough space to write all the bytes for the field info corresponding
// to the @fieldBinding
if (contentsOffset + 8 >= contents.length) {
// Now we can generate all entries into the byte array
// First the accessFlags
int accessFlags = fieldBinding.getAccessFlags();
if (targetJDK < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
// pre 1.5, synthetic was an attribute, not a modifier
accessFlags &= ~AccSynthetic;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (accessFlags >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) accessFlags;
// Then the nameIndex
int nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
// Then the descriptorIndex
int descriptorIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(fieldBinding.type.signature());
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
int fieldAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
int attributeNumber = 0;
// leave some space for the number of attributes
contentsOffset += 2;
attributeNumber += addFieldAttributes(fieldBinding, fieldAttributeOffset);
contents[fieldAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
contents[fieldAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
* This methods generate all the fields infos for the receiver.
* This includes:
* - a field info for each defined field of that class
* - a field info for each synthetic field (e.g. this$0)
* This methods generate all the fields infos for the receiver.
* This includes:
* - a field info for each defined field of that class
* - a field info for each synthetic field (e.g. this$0)
public void addFieldInfos() {
SourceTypeBinding currentBinding = referenceBinding;
FieldBinding[] syntheticFields = currentBinding.syntheticFields();
int fieldCount =
+ (syntheticFields == null ? 0 : syntheticFields.length);
// write the number of fields
if (fieldCount > 0xFFFF) {
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (fieldCount >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) fieldCount;
FieldBinding[] fieldBindings = currentBinding.fields();
for (int i = 0, max = fieldBindings.length; i < max; i++) {
if (syntheticFields != null) {
for (int i = 0, max = syntheticFields.length; i < max; i++) {
* This methods stores the bindings for each inner class. They will be used to know which entries
* have to be generated for the inner classes attributes.
* @param refBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding
private void addInnerClasses(ReferenceBinding refBinding) {
// check first if that reference binding is there
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfInnerClasses; i++) {
if (innerClassesBindings[i] == refBinding)
int length = innerClassesBindings.length;
if (numberOfInnerClasses == length) {
innerClassesBindings = new ReferenceBinding[length * 2],
innerClassesBindings[numberOfInnerClasses++] = refBinding;
private void addMissingAbstractProblemMethod(MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, MethodBinding methodBinding, IProblem problem, CompilationResult compilationResult) {
// always clear the strictfp/native/abstract bit for a problem method
generateMethodInfoHeader(methodBinding, methodBinding.modifiers & ~(AccStrictfp | AccNative | AccAbstract));
int methodAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
int attributeNumber = generateMethodInfoAttribute(methodBinding);
// Code attribute
int codeAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(25);
buffer.append("\t" + problem.getMessage() + "\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
buffer.insert(0, Messages.compilation_unresolvedProblem);
String problemString = buffer.toString();
codeStream.preserveUnusedLocals = true;
// return codeStream.generateCodeAttributeForProblemMethod(comp.options.runtimeExceptionNameForCompileError, "")
completeMethodInfo(methodAttributeOffset, attributeNumber);
* Generate the byte for a problem clinit method info that correspond to a boggus method.
* @param problems org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.Problem[]
public void addProblemClinit(IProblem[] problems) {
// leave two spaces for the number of attributes
contentsOffset -= 2;
int attributeOffset = contentsOffset;
contentsOffset += 2;
int attributeNumber = 0;
int codeAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
String problemString = "" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
int problemLine = 0;
if (problems != null) {
int max = problems.length;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(25);
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
IProblem problem = problems[i];
if ((problem != null) && (problem.isError())) {
buffer.append("\t" +problem.getMessage() + "\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (problemLine == 0) {
problemLine = problem.getSourceLineNumber();
problems[i] = null;
} // insert the top line afterwards, once knowing how many problems we have to consider
if (count > 1) {
buffer.insert(0, Messages.compilation_unresolvedProblems);
} else {
buffer.insert(0, Messages.compilation_unresolvedProblem);
problemString = buffer.toString();
// return codeStream.generateCodeAttributeForProblemMethod(comp.options.runtimeExceptionNameForCompileError, "")
attributeNumber++; // code attribute
contents[attributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
contents[attributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
* Generate the byte for a problem method info that correspond to a boggus constructor.
* @param method org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration
* @param methodBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.nameloopkup.MethodBinding
* @param problems org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.Problem[]
public void addProblemConstructor(
AbstractMethodDeclaration method,
MethodBinding methodBinding,
IProblem[] problems) {
// always clear the strictfp/native/abstract bit for a problem method
generateMethodInfoHeader(methodBinding, methodBinding.modifiers & ~(AccStrictfp | AccNative | AccAbstract));
int methodAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
int attributeNumber = generateMethodInfoAttribute(methodBinding, true);
// Code attribute
int codeAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
codeStream.reset(method, this);
String problemString = "" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
int problemLine = 0;
if (problems != null) {
int max = problems.length;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(25);
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
IProblem problem = problems[i];
if ((problem != null) && (problem.isError())) {
buffer.append("\t" +problem.getMessage() + "\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (problemLine == 0) {
problemLine = problem.getSourceLineNumber();
} // insert the top line afterwards, once knowing how many problems we have to consider
if (count > 1) {
buffer.insert(0, Messages.compilation_unresolvedProblems);
} else {
buffer.insert(0, Messages.compilation_unresolvedProblem);
problemString = buffer.toString();
// return codeStream.generateCodeAttributeForProblemMethod(comp.options.runtimeExceptionNameForCompileError, "")
((SourceTypeBinding) methodBinding.declaringClass)
completeMethodInfo(methodAttributeOffset, attributeNumber);
* Generate the byte for a problem method info that correspond to a boggus constructor.
* Reset the position inside the contents byte array to the savedOffset.
* @param method org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration
* @param methodBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.nameloopkup.MethodBinding
* @param problems org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.Problem[]
* @param savedOffset <CODE>int</CODE>
public void addProblemConstructor(
AbstractMethodDeclaration method,
MethodBinding methodBinding,
IProblem[] problems,
int savedOffset) {
// we need to move back the contentsOffset to the value at the beginning of the method
contentsOffset = savedOffset;
methodCount--; // we need to remove the method that causes the problem
addProblemConstructor(method, methodBinding, problems);
* Generate the byte for a problem method info that correspond to a boggus method.
* @param method org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration
* @param methodBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.nameloopkup.MethodBinding
* @param problems org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.Problem[]
public void addProblemMethod(
AbstractMethodDeclaration method,
MethodBinding methodBinding,
IProblem[] problems) {
if (methodBinding.isAbstract() && methodBinding.declaringClass.isInterface()) {
method.abort(ProblemSeverities.AbortType, null);
// always clear the strictfp/native/abstract bit for a problem method
generateMethodInfoHeader(methodBinding, methodBinding.modifiers & ~(AccStrictfp | AccNative | AccAbstract));
int methodAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
int attributeNumber = generateMethodInfoAttribute(methodBinding, true);
// Code attribute
int codeAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
codeStream.reset(method, this);
String problemString = "" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
int problemLine = 0;
if (problems != null) {
int max = problems.length;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(25);
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
IProblem problem = problems[i];
if ((problem != null)
&& (problem.isError())
&& (problem.getSourceStart() >= method.declarationSourceStart)
&& (problem.getSourceEnd() <= method.declarationSourceEnd)) {
buffer.append("\t" +problem.getMessage() + "\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (problemLine == 0) {
problemLine = problem.getSourceLineNumber();
problems[i] = null;
} // insert the top line afterwards, once knowing how many problems we have to consider
if (count > 1) {
buffer.insert(0, Messages.compilation_unresolvedProblems);
} else {
buffer.insert(0, Messages.compilation_unresolvedProblem);
problemString = buffer.toString();
// return codeStream.generateCodeAttributeForProblemMethod(comp.options.runtimeExceptionNameForCompileError, "")
((SourceTypeBinding) methodBinding.declaringClass)
completeMethodInfo(methodAttributeOffset, attributeNumber);
* Generate the byte for a problem method info that correspond to a boggus method.
* Reset the position inside the contents byte array to the savedOffset.
* @param method org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration
* @param methodBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.nameloopkup.MethodBinding
* @param problems org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.Problem[]
* @param savedOffset <CODE>int</CODE>
public void addProblemMethod(
AbstractMethodDeclaration method,
MethodBinding methodBinding,
IProblem[] problems,
int savedOffset) {
// we need to move back the contentsOffset to the value at the beginning of the method
contentsOffset = savedOffset;
methodCount--; // we need to remove the method that causes the problem
addProblemMethod(method, methodBinding, problems);
* Generate the byte for all the special method infos.
* They are:
* - synthetic access methods
* - default abstract methods
public void addSpecialMethods() {
// add all methods (default abstract methods and synthetic)
// default abstract methods
generateMissingAbstractMethods(referenceBinding.scope.referenceType().missingAbstractMethods, referenceBinding.scope.referenceCompilationUnit().compilationResult);
MethodBinding[] defaultAbstractMethods = this.referenceBinding.getDefaultAbstractMethods();
for (int i = 0, max = defaultAbstractMethods.length; i < max; i++) {
int methodAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
int attributeNumber = generateMethodInfoAttribute(defaultAbstractMethods[i]);
completeMethodInfo(methodAttributeOffset, attributeNumber);
// add synthetic methods infos
SyntheticMethodBinding[] syntheticMethods = this.referenceBinding.syntheticMethods();
if (syntheticMethods != null) {
for (int i = 0, max = syntheticMethods.length; i < max; i++) {
SyntheticMethodBinding syntheticMethod = syntheticMethods[i];
switch (syntheticMethod.kind) {
case SyntheticMethodBinding.FieldReadAccess :
// generate a method info to emulate an reading access to
// a non-accessible field
case SyntheticMethodBinding.FieldWriteAccess :
// generate a method info to emulate an writing access to
// a non-accessible field
case SyntheticMethodBinding.MethodAccess :
case SyntheticMethodBinding.SuperMethodAccess :
case SyntheticMethodBinding.BridgeMethod :
// generate a method info to emulate an access to a non-accessible method / super-method or bridge method
case SyntheticMethodBinding.ConstructorAccess :
// generate a method info to emulate an access to a non-accessible constructor
case SyntheticMethodBinding.EnumValues :
// generate a method info to define <enum>#values()
case SyntheticMethodBinding.EnumValueOf :
// generate a method info to define <enum>#valueOf(String)
case SyntheticMethodBinding.SwitchTable :
// generate a method info to define the switch table synthetic method
* Generate the bytes for a synthetic method that provides an access to a private constructor.
* @param methodBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.nameloopkup.SyntheticAccessMethodBinding
public void addSyntheticConstructorAccessMethod(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding) {
int methodAttributeOffset = this.contentsOffset;
// this will add exception attribute, synthetic attribute, deprecated attribute,...
int attributeNumber = generateMethodInfoAttribute(methodBinding);
// Code attribute
int codeAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
attributeNumber++; // add code attribute
((SourceTypeBinding) methodBinding.declaringClass)
// update the number of attributes
contents[methodAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
contents[methodAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
* Generate the bytes for a synthetic method that implements Enum#valueOf(String) for a given enum type
* @param methodBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.nameloopkup.SyntheticAccessMethodBinding
public void addSyntheticEnumValueOfMethod(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding) {
int methodAttributeOffset = this.contentsOffset;
// this will add exception attribute, synthetic attribute, deprecated attribute,...
int attributeNumber = generateMethodInfoAttribute(methodBinding);
// Code attribute
int codeAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
attributeNumber++; // add code attribute
((SourceTypeBinding) methodBinding.declaringClass)
// update the number of attributes
contents[methodAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
contents[methodAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
public void addSyntheticSwitchTable(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding) {
int methodAttributeOffset = this.contentsOffset;
// this will add exception attribute, synthetic attribute, deprecated attribute,...
int attributeNumber = generateMethodInfoAttribute(methodBinding);
// Code attribute
int codeAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
attributeNumber++; // add code attribute
((SourceTypeBinding) methodBinding.declaringClass)
// update the number of attributes
contents[methodAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
contents[methodAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
* Generate the bytes for a synthetic method that implements Enum#values() for a given enum type
* @param methodBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.nameloopkup.SyntheticAccessMethodBinding
public void addSyntheticEnumValuesMethod(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding) {
int methodAttributeOffset = this.contentsOffset;
// this will add exception attribute, synthetic attribute, deprecated attribute,...
int attributeNumber = generateMethodInfoAttribute(methodBinding);
// Code attribute
int codeAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
attributeNumber++; // add code attribute
((SourceTypeBinding) methodBinding.declaringClass)
// update the number of attributes
contents[methodAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
contents[methodAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
* Generate the byte for a problem method info that correspond to a synthetic method that
* generate an read access to a private field.
* @param methodBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.nameloopkup.SyntheticAccessMethodBinding
public void addSyntheticFieldReadAccessMethod(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding) {
int methodAttributeOffset = this.contentsOffset;
// this will add exception attribute, synthetic attribute, deprecated attribute,...
int attributeNumber = generateMethodInfoAttribute(methodBinding);
// Code attribute
int codeAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
attributeNumber++; // add code attribute
((SourceTypeBinding) methodBinding.declaringClass)
// update the number of attributes
contents[methodAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
contents[methodAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
* Generate the byte for a problem method info that correspond to a synthetic method that
* generate an write access to a private field.
* @param methodBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.nameloopkup.SyntheticAccessMethodBinding
public void addSyntheticFieldWriteAccessMethod(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding) {
int methodAttributeOffset = this.contentsOffset;
// this will add exception attribute, synthetic attribute, deprecated attribute,...
int attributeNumber = generateMethodInfoAttribute(methodBinding);
// Code attribute
int codeAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
attributeNumber++; // add code attribute
((SourceTypeBinding) methodBinding.declaringClass)
// update the number of attributes
contents[methodAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
contents[methodAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
* Generate the bytes for a synthetic method that provides access to a private method.
* @param methodBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.nameloopkup.SyntheticAccessMethodBinding
public void addSyntheticMethodAccessMethod(SyntheticMethodBinding methodBinding) {
int methodAttributeOffset = this.contentsOffset;
// this will add exception attribute, synthetic attribute, deprecated attribute,...
int attributeNumber = generateMethodInfoAttribute(methodBinding);
// Code attribute
int codeAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
attributeNumber++; // add code attribute
((SourceTypeBinding) methodBinding.declaringClass)
// update the number of attributes
contents[methodAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
contents[methodAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
* That method completes the creation of the code attribute by setting
* - the attribute_length
* - max_stack
* - max_locals
* - code_length
* - exception table
* - and debug attributes if necessary.
* @param codeAttributeOffset <CODE>int</CODE>
public void completeCodeAttribute(int codeAttributeOffset) {
// reinitialize the localContents with the byte modified by the code stream
this.contents = codeStream.bCodeStream;
int localContentsOffset = codeStream.classFileOffset;
// codeAttributeOffset is the position inside localContents byte array before we started to write
// any information about the codeAttribute
// That means that to write the attribute_length you need to offset by 2 the value of codeAttributeOffset
// to get the right position, 6 for the max_stack etc...
int code_length = codeStream.position;
if (code_length > 65535) {
if (localContentsOffset + 20 >= this.contents.length) {
int max_stack = codeStream.stackMax;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 6] = (byte) (max_stack >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 7] = (byte) max_stack;
int max_locals = codeStream.maxLocals;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 8] = (byte) (max_locals >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 9] = (byte) max_locals;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 10] = (byte) (code_length >> 24);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 11] = (byte) (code_length >> 16);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 12] = (byte) (code_length >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 13] = (byte) code_length;
// write the exception table
ExceptionLabel[] exceptionLabels = codeStream.exceptionLabels;
int exceptionHandlersCount = 0; // each label holds one handler per range (start/end contiguous)
for (int i = 0, length = codeStream.exceptionLabelsCounter; i < length; i++) {
exceptionHandlersCount += codeStream.exceptionLabels[i].count / 2;
int exSize = exceptionHandlersCount * 8 + 2;
if (exSize + localContentsOffset >= this.contents.length) {
// there is no exception table, so we need to offset by 2 the current offset and move
// on the attribute generation
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (exceptionHandlersCount >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) exceptionHandlersCount;
for (int i = 0, max = codeStream.exceptionLabelsCounter; i < max; i++) {
ExceptionLabel exceptionLabel = exceptionLabels[i];
if (exceptionLabel != null) {
int iRange = 0, maxRange = exceptionLabel.count;
while (iRange < maxRange) {
int start = exceptionLabel.ranges[iRange++]; // even ranges are start positions
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (start >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) start;
int end = exceptionLabel.ranges[iRange++]; // odd ranges are end positions
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (end >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) end;
int handlerPC = exceptionLabel.position;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (handlerPC >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) handlerPC;
if (exceptionLabel.exceptionType == null) {
// any exception handler
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
} else {
int nameIndex;
if (exceptionLabel.exceptionType == BaseTypes.NullBinding) {
/* represents ClassNotFoundException, see class literal access*/
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForType(ConstantPool.JavaLangClassNotFoundExceptionConstantPoolName);
} else {
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForType(exceptionLabel.exceptionType.constantPoolName());
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
// debug attributes
int codeAttributeAttributeOffset = localContentsOffset;
int attributeNumber = 0;
// leave two bytes for the attribute_length
localContentsOffset += 2;
// first we handle the linenumber attribute
if (codeStream.generateLineNumberAttributes) {
/* Create and add the line number attribute (used for debugging)
* Build the pairs of:
* (bytecodePC lineNumber)
* according to the table of start line indexes and the pcToSourceMap table
* contained into the codestream
int[] pcToSourceMapTable;
if (((pcToSourceMapTable = codeStream.pcToSourceMap) != null)
&& (codeStream.pcToSourceMapSize != 0)) {
int lineNumberNameIndex =
if (localContentsOffset + 8 >= this.contents.length) {
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (lineNumberNameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) lineNumberNameIndex;
int lineNumberTableOffset = localContentsOffset;
localContentsOffset += 6;
// leave space for attribute_length and line_number_table_length
int numberOfEntries = 0;
int length = codeStream.pcToSourceMapSize;
for (int i = 0; i < length;) {
// write the entry
if (localContentsOffset + 4 >= this.contents.length) {
int pc = pcToSourceMapTable[i++];
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (pc >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) pc;
int lineNumber = pcToSourceMapTable[i++];
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (lineNumber >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) lineNumber;
// now we change the size of the line number attribute
int lineNumberAttr_length = numberOfEntries * 4 + 2;
this.contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = (byte) (lineNumberAttr_length >> 24);
this.contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = (byte) (lineNumberAttr_length >> 16);
this.contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = (byte) (lineNumberAttr_length >> 8);
this.contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = (byte) lineNumberAttr_length;
this.contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = (byte) (numberOfEntries >> 8);
this.contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = (byte) numberOfEntries;
// then we do the local variable attribute
if (codeStream.generateLocalVariableTableAttributes) {
int localVariableTableOffset = localContentsOffset;
int numberOfEntries = 0;
int localVariableNameIndex =
final boolean methodDeclarationIsStatic = codeStream.methodDeclaration.isStatic();
int maxOfEntries = 8 + 10 * (methodDeclarationIsStatic ? 0 : 1);
for (int i = 0; i < codeStream.allLocalsCounter; i++) {
maxOfEntries += 10 * codeStream.locals[i].initializationCount;
// reserve enough space
if (localContentsOffset + maxOfEntries >= this.contents.length) {
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (localVariableNameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) localVariableNameIndex;
localContentsOffset += 6;
// leave space for attribute_length and local_variable_table_length
int nameIndex;
int descriptorIndex;
SourceTypeBinding declaringClassBinding = null;
if (!methodDeclarationIsStatic) {
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0; // the startPC for this is always 0
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (code_length >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) code_length;
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(ConstantPool.This);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
declaringClassBinding = (SourceTypeBinding) codeStream.methodDeclaration.binding.declaringClass;
descriptorIndex =
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;// the resolved position for this is always 0
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
// used to remember the local variable with a generic type
int genericLocalVariablesCounter = 0;
LocalVariableBinding[] genericLocalVariables = null;
int numberOfGenericEntries = 0;
for (int i = 0, max = codeStream.allLocalsCounter; i < max; i++) {
LocalVariableBinding localVariable = codeStream.locals[i];
final TypeBinding localVariableTypeBinding = localVariable.type;
boolean isParameterizedType = localVariableTypeBinding.isParameterizedType() || localVariableTypeBinding.isTypeVariable();
if (localVariable.initializationCount != 0 && isParameterizedType) {
if (genericLocalVariables == null) {
// we cannot have more than max locals
genericLocalVariables = new LocalVariableBinding[max];
genericLocalVariables[genericLocalVariablesCounter++] = localVariable;
for (int j = 0; j < localVariable.initializationCount; j++) {
int startPC = localVariable.initializationPCs[j << 1];
int endPC = localVariable.initializationPCs[(j << 1) + 1];
if (startPC != endPC) { // only entries for non zero length
if (endPC == -1) {
Messages.bind(Messages.abort_invalidAttribute, new String(,
(ASTNode) localVariable.declaringScope.methodScope().referenceContext);
if (isParameterizedType) {
// now we can safely add the local entry
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (startPC >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) startPC;
int length = endPC - startPC;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (length >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) length;
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
descriptorIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(localVariableTypeBinding.signature());
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
int resolvedPosition = localVariable.resolvedPosition;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (resolvedPosition >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) resolvedPosition;
int value = numberOfEntries * 10 + 2;
localVariableTableOffset += 2;
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 24);
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 16);
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 8);
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) value;
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (numberOfEntries >> 8);
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset] = (byte) numberOfEntries;
final boolean currentInstanceIsGeneric =
&& declaringClassBinding != null
&& declaringClassBinding.typeVariables != NoTypeVariables;
if (genericLocalVariablesCounter != 0 || currentInstanceIsGeneric) {
// add the local variable type table attribute
numberOfGenericEntries += (currentInstanceIsGeneric ? 1 : 0);
maxOfEntries = 8 + numberOfGenericEntries * 10;
// reserve enough space
if (localContentsOffset + maxOfEntries >= this.contents.length) {
int localVariableTypeNameIndex =
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (localVariableTypeNameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) localVariableTypeNameIndex;
value = numberOfGenericEntries * 10 + 2;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 24);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 16);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) value;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (numberOfGenericEntries >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) numberOfGenericEntries;
if (currentInstanceIsGeneric) {
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0; // the startPC for this is always 0
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (code_length >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) code_length;
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(ConstantPool.This);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
descriptorIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(declaringClassBinding.genericTypeSignature());
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;// the resolved position for this is always 0
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < genericLocalVariablesCounter; i++) {
LocalVariableBinding localVariable = genericLocalVariables[i];
for (int j = 0; j < localVariable.initializationCount; j++) {
int startPC = localVariable.initializationPCs[j << 1];
int endPC = localVariable.initializationPCs[(j << 1) + 1];
if (startPC != endPC) {
// only entries for non zero length
// now we can safely add the local entry
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (startPC >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) startPC;
int length = endPC - startPC;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (length >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) length;
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
descriptorIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(localVariable.type.genericTypeSignature());
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
int resolvedPosition = localVariable.resolvedPosition;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (resolvedPosition >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) resolvedPosition;
// update the number of attributes
// ensure first that there is enough space available inside the localContents array
if (codeAttributeAttributeOffset + 2 >= this.contents.length) {
this.contents[codeAttributeAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
// update the attribute length
int codeAttributeLength = localContentsOffset - (codeAttributeOffset + 6);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 2] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 24);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 3] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 16);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 4] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 5] = (byte) codeAttributeLength;
contentsOffset = localContentsOffset;
* That method completes the creation of the code attribute by setting
* - the attribute_length
* - max_stack
* - max_locals
* - code_length
* - exception table
* - and debug attributes if necessary.
* @param codeAttributeOffset <CODE>int</CODE>
public void completeCodeAttributeForClinit(int codeAttributeOffset) {
// reinitialize the contents with the byte modified by the code stream
this.contents = codeStream.bCodeStream;
int localContentsOffset = codeStream.classFileOffset;
// codeAttributeOffset is the position inside contents byte array before we started to write
// any information about the codeAttribute
// That means that to write the attribute_length you need to offset by 2 the value of codeAttributeOffset
// to get the right position, 6 for the max_stack etc...
int code_length = codeStream.position;
if (code_length > 65535) {
if (localContentsOffset + 20 >= this.contents.length) {
int max_stack = codeStream.stackMax;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 6] = (byte) (max_stack >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 7] = (byte) max_stack;
int max_locals = codeStream.maxLocals;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 8] = (byte) (max_locals >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 9] = (byte) max_locals;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 10] = (byte) (code_length >> 24);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 11] = (byte) (code_length >> 16);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 12] = (byte) (code_length >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 13] = (byte) code_length;
// write the exception table
ExceptionLabel[] exceptionLabels = codeStream.exceptionLabels;
int exceptionHandlersCount = 0; // each label holds one handler per range (start/end contiguous)
for (int i = 0, length = codeStream.exceptionLabelsCounter; i < length; i++) {
exceptionHandlersCount += codeStream.exceptionLabels[i].count / 2;
int exSize = exceptionHandlersCount * 8 + 2;
if (exSize + localContentsOffset >= this.contents.length) {
// there is no exception table, so we need to offset by 2 the current offset and move
// on the attribute generation
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (exceptionHandlersCount >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) exceptionHandlersCount;
for (int i = 0, max = codeStream.exceptionLabelsCounter; i < max; i++) {
ExceptionLabel exceptionLabel = exceptionLabels[i];
if (exceptionLabel != null) {
int iRange = 0, maxRange = exceptionLabel.count;
while (iRange < maxRange) {
int start = exceptionLabel.ranges[iRange++]; // even ranges are start positions
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (start >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) start;
int end = exceptionLabel.ranges[iRange++]; // odd ranges are end positions
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (end >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) end;
int handlerPC = exceptionLabel.position;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (handlerPC >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) handlerPC;
if (exceptionLabel.exceptionType == null) {
// any exception handler
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
} else {
int nameIndex;
if (exceptionLabel.exceptionType == BaseTypes.NullBinding) {
/* represents denote ClassNotFoundException, see class literal access*/
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForType(ConstantPool.JavaLangClassNotFoundExceptionConstantPoolName);
} else {
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForType(exceptionLabel.exceptionType.constantPoolName());
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
// debug attributes
int codeAttributeAttributeOffset = localContentsOffset;
int attributeNumber = 0;
// leave two bytes for the attribute_length
localContentsOffset += 2;
// first we handle the linenumber attribute
if (codeStream.generateLineNumberAttributes) {
/* Create and add the line number attribute (used for debugging)
* Build the pairs of:
* (bytecodePC lineNumber)
* according to the table of start line indexes and the pcToSourceMap table
* contained into the codestream
int[] pcToSourceMapTable;
if (((pcToSourceMapTable = codeStream.pcToSourceMap) != null)
&& (codeStream.pcToSourceMapSize != 0)) {
int lineNumberNameIndex =
if (localContentsOffset + 8 >= this.contents.length) {
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (lineNumberNameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) lineNumberNameIndex;
int lineNumberTableOffset = localContentsOffset;
localContentsOffset += 6;
// leave space for attribute_length and line_number_table_length
int numberOfEntries = 0;
int length = codeStream.pcToSourceMapSize;
for (int i = 0; i < length;) {
// write the entry
if (localContentsOffset + 4 >= this.contents.length) {
int pc = pcToSourceMapTable[i++];
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (pc >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) pc;
int lineNumber = pcToSourceMapTable[i++];
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (lineNumber >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) lineNumber;
// now we change the size of the line number attribute
int lineNumberAttr_length = numberOfEntries * 4 + 2;
this.contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = (byte) (lineNumberAttr_length >> 24);
this.contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = (byte) (lineNumberAttr_length >> 16);
this.contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = (byte) (lineNumberAttr_length >> 8);
this.contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = (byte) lineNumberAttr_length;
this.contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = (byte) (numberOfEntries >> 8);
this.contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = (byte) numberOfEntries;
// then we do the local variable attribute
if (codeStream.generateLocalVariableTableAttributes) {
int localVariableTableOffset = localContentsOffset;
int numberOfEntries = 0;
// codeAttribute.addLocalVariableTableAttribute(this);
if ((codeStream.pcToSourceMap != null)
&& (codeStream.pcToSourceMapSize != 0)) {
int localVariableNameIndex =
if (localContentsOffset + 8 >= this.contents.length) {
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (localVariableNameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) localVariableNameIndex;
localContentsOffset += 6;
// leave space for attribute_length and local_variable_table_length
int nameIndex;
int descriptorIndex;
// used to remember the local variable with a generic type
int genericLocalVariablesCounter = 0;
LocalVariableBinding[] genericLocalVariables = null;
int numberOfGenericEntries = 0;
for (int i = 0, max = codeStream.allLocalsCounter; i < max; i++) {
LocalVariableBinding localVariable = codeStream.locals[i];
final TypeBinding localVariableTypeBinding = localVariable.type;
boolean isParameterizedType = localVariableTypeBinding.isParameterizedType() || localVariableTypeBinding.isTypeVariable();
if (localVariable.initializationCount != 0 && isParameterizedType) {
if (genericLocalVariables == null) {
// we cannot have more than max locals
genericLocalVariables = new LocalVariableBinding[max];
genericLocalVariables[genericLocalVariablesCounter++] = localVariable;
for (int j = 0; j < localVariable.initializationCount; j++) {
int startPC = localVariable.initializationPCs[j << 1];
int endPC = localVariable.initializationPCs[(j << 1) + 1];
if (startPC != endPC) { // only entries for non zero length
if (endPC == -1) {
Messages.bind(Messages.abort_invalidAttribute, new String(,
(ASTNode) localVariable.declaringScope.methodScope().referenceContext);
if (localContentsOffset + 10 >= this.contents.length) {
// now we can safely add the local entry
if (isParameterizedType) {
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (startPC >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) startPC;
int length = endPC - startPC;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (length >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) length;
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
descriptorIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(localVariableTypeBinding.signature());
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
int resolvedPosition = localVariable.resolvedPosition;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (resolvedPosition >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) resolvedPosition;
int value = numberOfEntries * 10 + 2;
localVariableTableOffset += 2;
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 24);
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 16);
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 8);
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) value;
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (numberOfEntries >> 8);
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset] = (byte) numberOfEntries;
if (genericLocalVariablesCounter != 0) {
// add the local variable type table attribute
// reserve enough space
int maxOfEntries = 8 + numberOfGenericEntries * 10;
if (localContentsOffset + maxOfEntries >= this.contents.length) {
int localVariableTypeNameIndex =
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (localVariableTypeNameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) localVariableTypeNameIndex;
value = numberOfGenericEntries * 10 + 2;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 24);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 16);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) value;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (numberOfGenericEntries >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) numberOfGenericEntries;
for (int i = 0; i < genericLocalVariablesCounter; i++) {
LocalVariableBinding localVariable = genericLocalVariables[i];
for (int j = 0; j < localVariable.initializationCount; j++) {
int startPC = localVariable.initializationPCs[j << 1];
int endPC = localVariable.initializationPCs[(j << 1) + 1];
if (startPC != endPC) { // only entries for non zero length
// now we can safely add the local entry
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (startPC >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) startPC;
int length = endPC - startPC;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (length >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) length;
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
descriptorIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(localVariable.type.genericTypeSignature());
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
int resolvedPosition = localVariable.resolvedPosition;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (resolvedPosition >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) resolvedPosition;
// update the number of attributes
// ensure first that there is enough space available inside the contents array
if (codeAttributeAttributeOffset + 2 >= this.contents.length) {
this.contents[codeAttributeAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
// update the attribute length
int codeAttributeLength = localContentsOffset - (codeAttributeOffset + 6);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 2] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 24);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 3] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 16);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 4] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 5] = (byte) codeAttributeLength;
contentsOffset = localContentsOffset;
* That method completes the creation of the code attribute by setting
* - the attribute_length
* - max_stack
* - max_locals
* - code_length
* - exception table
* - and debug attributes if necessary.
* @param codeAttributeOffset <CODE>int</CODE>
* @param startLineIndexes int[]
public void completeCodeAttributeForClinit(
int codeAttributeOffset,
int[] startLineIndexes,
int problemLine) {
// reinitialize the contents with the byte modified by the code stream
this.contents = codeStream.bCodeStream;
int localContentsOffset = codeStream.classFileOffset;
// codeAttributeOffset is the position inside contents byte array before we started to write
// any information about the codeAttribute
// That means that to write the attribute_length you need to offset by 2 the value of codeAttributeOffset
// to get the right position, 6 for the max_stack etc...
int code_length = codeStream.position;
if (code_length > 65535) {
if (localContentsOffset + 20 >= this.contents.length) {
int max_stack = codeStream.stackMax;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 6] = (byte) (max_stack >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 7] = (byte) max_stack;
int max_locals = codeStream.maxLocals;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 8] = (byte) (max_locals >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 9] = (byte) max_locals;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 10] = (byte) (code_length >> 24);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 11] = (byte) (code_length >> 16);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 12] = (byte) (code_length >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 13] = (byte) code_length;
// write the exception table
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
// debug attributes
int codeAttributeAttributeOffset = localContentsOffset;
int attributeNumber = 0; // leave two bytes for the attribute_length
localContentsOffset += 2; // first we handle the linenumber attribute
// first we handle the linenumber attribute
if (codeStream.generateLineNumberAttributes) {
if (localContentsOffset + 20 >= this.contents.length) {
/* Create and add the line number attribute (used for debugging)
* Build the pairs of:
* (bytecodePC lineNumber)
* according to the table of start line indexes and the pcToSourceMap table
* contained into the codestream
int lineNumberNameIndex =
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (lineNumberNameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) lineNumberNameIndex;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 6;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 1;
// first entry at pc = 0
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (problemLine >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) problemLine;
// now we change the size of the line number attribute
// then we do the local variable attribute
if (codeStream.generateLocalVariableTableAttributes) {
int localVariableNameIndex =
if (localContentsOffset + 8 >= this.contents.length) {
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (localVariableNameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) localVariableNameIndex;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 2;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
// update the number of attributes
// ensure first that there is enough space available inside the contents array
if (codeAttributeAttributeOffset + 2 >= this.contents.length) {
this.contents[codeAttributeAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
// update the attribute length
int codeAttributeLength = localContentsOffset - (codeAttributeOffset + 6);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 2] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 24);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 3] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 16);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 4] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 5] = (byte) codeAttributeLength;
contentsOffset = localContentsOffset;
public void completeCodeAttributeForMissingAbstractProblemMethod(
MethodBinding binding,
int codeAttributeOffset,
int[] startLineIndexes,
int problemLine) {
// reinitialize the localContents with the byte modified by the code stream
this.contents = codeStream.bCodeStream;
int localContentsOffset = codeStream.classFileOffset;
// codeAttributeOffset is the position inside localContents byte array before we started to write// any information about the codeAttribute// That means that to write the attribute_length you need to offset by 2 the value of codeAttributeOffset// to get the right position, 6 for the max_stack etc...
int max_stack = codeStream.stackMax;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 6] = (byte) (max_stack >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 7] = (byte) max_stack;
int max_locals = codeStream.maxLocals;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 8] = (byte) (max_locals >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 9] = (byte) max_locals;
int code_length = codeStream.position;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 10] = (byte) (code_length >> 24);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 11] = (byte) (code_length >> 16);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 12] = (byte) (code_length >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 13] = (byte) code_length;
// write the exception table
if (localContentsOffset + 50 >= this.contents.length) {
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
// debug attributes
int codeAttributeAttributeOffset = localContentsOffset;
int attributeNumber = 0; // leave two bytes for the attribute_length
localContentsOffset += 2; // first we handle the linenumber attribute
if (codeStream.generateLineNumberAttributes) {
if (localContentsOffset + 12 >= this.contents.length) {
/* Create and add the line number attribute (used for debugging)
* Build the pairs of:
* (bytecodePC lineNumber)
* according to the table of start line indexes and the pcToSourceMap table
* contained into the codestream
int lineNumberNameIndex =
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (lineNumberNameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) lineNumberNameIndex;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 6;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 1;
if (problemLine == 0) {
problemLine = searchLineNumber(startLineIndexes, binding.sourceStart());
// first entry at pc = 0
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (problemLine >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) problemLine;
// now we change the size of the line number attribute
// then we do the local variable attribute
// update the number of attributes// ensure first that there is enough space available inside the localContents array
if (codeAttributeAttributeOffset + 2 >= this.contents.length) {
this.contents[codeAttributeAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
// update the attribute length
int codeAttributeLength = localContentsOffset - (codeAttributeOffset + 6);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 2] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 24);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 3] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 16);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 4] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 5] = (byte) codeAttributeLength;
contentsOffset = localContentsOffset;
* That method completes the creation of the code attribute by setting
* - the attribute_length
* - max_stack
* - max_locals
* - code_length
* - exception table
* - and debug attributes if necessary.
* @param codeAttributeOffset <CODE>int</CODE>
public void completeCodeAttributeForProblemMethod(
AbstractMethodDeclaration method,
MethodBinding binding,
int codeAttributeOffset,
int[] startLineIndexes,
int problemLine) {
// reinitialize the localContents with the byte modified by the code stream
this.contents = codeStream.bCodeStream;
int localContentsOffset = codeStream.classFileOffset;
// codeAttributeOffset is the position inside localContents byte array before we started to write// any information about the codeAttribute// That means that to write the attribute_length you need to offset by 2 the value of codeAttributeOffset// to get the right position, 6 for the max_stack etc...
int max_stack = codeStream.stackMax;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 6] = (byte) (max_stack >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 7] = (byte) max_stack;
int max_locals = codeStream.maxLocals;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 8] = (byte) (max_locals >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 9] = (byte) max_locals;
int code_length = codeStream.position;
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 10] = (byte) (code_length >> 24);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 11] = (byte) (code_length >> 16);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 12] = (byte) (code_length >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 13] = (byte) code_length;
// write the exception table
if (localContentsOffset + 50 >= this.contents.length) {
// write the exception table
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
// debug attributes
int codeAttributeAttributeOffset = localContentsOffset;
int attributeNumber = 0; // leave two bytes for the attribute_length
localContentsOffset += 2; // first we handle the linenumber attribute
if (codeStream.generateLineNumberAttributes) {
if (localContentsOffset + 20 >= this.contents.length) {
/* Create and add the line number attribute (used for debugging)
* Build the pairs of:
* (bytecodePC lineNumber)
* according to the table of start line indexes and the pcToSourceMap table
* contained into the codestream
int lineNumberNameIndex =
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (lineNumberNameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) lineNumberNameIndex;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 6;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 1;
if (problemLine == 0) {
problemLine = searchLineNumber(startLineIndexes, binding.sourceStart());
// first entry at pc = 0
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (problemLine >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) problemLine;
// now we change the size of the line number attribute
// then we do the local variable attribute
if (codeStream.generateLocalVariableTableAttributes) {
// compute the resolved position for the arguments of the method
int argSize;
int localVariableTableOffset = localContentsOffset;
int numberOfEntries = 0;
// codeAttribute.addLocalVariableTableAttribute(this);
int localVariableNameIndex =
if (localContentsOffset + 8 >= this.contents.length) {
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (localVariableNameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) localVariableNameIndex;
localContentsOffset += 6;
// leave space for attribute_length and local_variable_table_length
int descriptorIndex;
int nameIndex;
SourceTypeBinding declaringClassBinding = null;
final boolean methodDeclarationIsStatic = codeStream.methodDeclaration.isStatic();
if (!methodDeclarationIsStatic) {
if (localContentsOffset + 10 >= this.contents.length) {
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (code_length >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) code_length;
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(ConstantPool.This);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
declaringClassBinding = (SourceTypeBinding) codeStream.methodDeclaration.binding.declaringClass;
descriptorIndex =
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
// the resolved position for this is always 0
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
// used to remember the local variable with a generic type
int genericLocalVariablesCounter = 0;
LocalVariableBinding[] genericLocalVariables = null;
int numberOfGenericEntries = 0;
if (binding.isConstructor()) {
ReferenceBinding declaringClass = binding.declaringClass;
if (declaringClass.isNestedType()) {
NestedTypeBinding methodDeclaringClass = (NestedTypeBinding) declaringClass;
argSize = methodDeclaringClass.enclosingInstancesSlotSize;
SyntheticArgumentBinding[] syntheticArguments;
if ((syntheticArguments = methodDeclaringClass.syntheticEnclosingInstances()) != null) {
for (int i = 0, max = syntheticArguments.length; i < max; i++) {
LocalVariableBinding localVariable = syntheticArguments[i];
final TypeBinding localVariableTypeBinding = localVariable.type;
if (localVariableTypeBinding.isParameterizedType() || localVariableTypeBinding.isTypeVariable()) {
if (genericLocalVariables == null) {
// we cannot have more than max locals
genericLocalVariables = new LocalVariableBinding[max];
genericLocalVariables[genericLocalVariablesCounter++] = localVariable;
if (localContentsOffset + 10 >= this.contents.length) {
// now we can safely add the local entry
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (code_length >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) code_length;
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
descriptorIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(localVariableTypeBinding.signature());
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
int resolvedPosition = localVariable.resolvedPosition;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (resolvedPosition >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) resolvedPosition;
} else {
argSize = 1;
} else {
argSize = binding.isStatic() ? 0 : 1;
int genericArgumentsCounter = 0;
int[] genericArgumentsNameIndexes = null;
int[] genericArgumentsResolvedPositions = null;
TypeBinding[] genericArgumentsTypeBindings = null;
if (method.binding != null) {
TypeBinding[] parameters = method.binding.parameters;
Argument[] arguments = method.arguments;
if ((parameters != null) && (arguments != null)) {
for (int i = 0, max = parameters.length; i < max; i++) {
TypeBinding argumentBinding = parameters[i];
if (localContentsOffset + 10 >= this.contents.length) {
// now we can safely add the local entry
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (code_length >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) code_length;
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(arguments[i].name);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
int resolvedPosition = argSize;
if (argumentBinding.isParameterizedType() || argumentBinding.isTypeVariable()) {
if (genericArgumentsCounter == 0) {
// we cannot have more than max locals
genericArgumentsNameIndexes = new int[max];
genericArgumentsResolvedPositions = new int[max];
genericArgumentsTypeBindings = new TypeBinding[max];
genericArgumentsNameIndexes[genericArgumentsCounter] = nameIndex;
genericArgumentsResolvedPositions[genericArgumentsCounter] = resolvedPosition;
genericArgumentsTypeBindings[genericArgumentsCounter++] = argumentBinding;
descriptorIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(argumentBinding.signature());
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
if ((argumentBinding == BaseTypes.LongBinding)
|| (argumentBinding == BaseTypes.DoubleBinding))
argSize += 2;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (resolvedPosition >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) resolvedPosition;
int value = numberOfEntries * 10 + 2;
localVariableTableOffset += 2;
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 24);
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 16);
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 8);
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) value;
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (numberOfEntries >> 8);
this.contents[localVariableTableOffset] = (byte) numberOfEntries;
final boolean currentInstanceIsGeneric =
&& declaringClassBinding != null
&& declaringClassBinding.typeVariables != NoTypeVariables;
if (genericLocalVariablesCounter != 0 || genericArgumentsCounter != 0 || currentInstanceIsGeneric) {
// add the local variable type table attribute
numberOfEntries = numberOfGenericEntries + genericArgumentsCounter + (currentInstanceIsGeneric ? 1 : 0);
// reserve enough space
int maxOfEntries = 8 + numberOfEntries * 10;
if (localContentsOffset + maxOfEntries >= this.contents.length) {
int localVariableTypeNameIndex =
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (localVariableTypeNameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) localVariableTypeNameIndex;
value = numberOfEntries * 10 + 2;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 24);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 16);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) value;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (numberOfEntries >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) numberOfEntries;
if (currentInstanceIsGeneric) {
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0; // the startPC for this is always 0
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (code_length >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) code_length;
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(ConstantPool.This);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
descriptorIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(declaringClassBinding.genericTypeSignature());
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;// the resolved position for this is always 0
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < genericLocalVariablesCounter; i++) {
LocalVariableBinding localVariable = genericLocalVariables[i];
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (code_length >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) code_length;
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
descriptorIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(localVariable.type.genericTypeSignature());
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
int resolvedPosition = localVariable.resolvedPosition;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (resolvedPosition >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) resolvedPosition;
for (int i = 0; i < genericArgumentsCounter; i++) {
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (code_length >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) code_length;
nameIndex = genericArgumentsNameIndexes[i];
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
descriptorIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(genericArgumentsTypeBindings[i].genericTypeSignature());
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
int resolvedPosition = genericArgumentsResolvedPositions[i];
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (resolvedPosition >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) resolvedPosition;
// update the number of attributes// ensure first that there is enough space available inside the localContents array
if (codeAttributeAttributeOffset + 2 >= this.contents.length) {
this.contents[codeAttributeAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
// update the attribute length
int codeAttributeLength = localContentsOffset - (codeAttributeOffset + 6);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 2] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 24);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 3] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 16);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 4] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 8);
this.contents[codeAttributeOffset + 5] = (byte) codeAttributeLength;
contentsOffset = localContentsOffset;
* That method completes the creation of the code attribute by setting
* - the attribute_length
* - max_stack
* - max_locals
* - code_length
* - exception table
* - and debug attributes if necessary.
* @param binding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SyntheticAccessMethodBinding
* @param codeAttributeOffset <CODE>int</CODE>
public void completeCodeAttributeForSyntheticMethod(
SyntheticMethodBinding binding,
int codeAttributeOffset,
int[] startLineIndexes) {
* That method completes the creation of the code attribute by setting
* - the attribute_length
* - max_stack
* - max_locals
* - code_length
* - exception table
* - and debug attributes if necessary.
* @param binding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SyntheticAccessMethodBinding
* @param codeAttributeOffset <CODE>int</CODE>
public void completeCodeAttributeForSyntheticMethod(
boolean hasExceptionHandlers,
SyntheticMethodBinding binding,
int codeAttributeOffset,
int[] startLineIndexes) {
// reinitialize the contents with the byte modified by the code stream
this.contents = codeStream.bCodeStream;
int localContentsOffset = codeStream.classFileOffset;
// codeAttributeOffset is the position inside contents byte array before we started to write
// any information about the codeAttribute
// That means that to write the attribute_length you need to offset by 2 the value of codeAttributeOffset
// to get the right position, 6 for the max_stack etc...
int max_stack = codeStream.stackMax;
contents[codeAttributeOffset + 6] = (byte) (max_stack >> 8);
contents[codeAttributeOffset + 7] = (byte) max_stack;
int max_locals = codeStream.maxLocals;
contents[codeAttributeOffset + 8] = (byte) (max_locals >> 8);
contents[codeAttributeOffset + 9] = (byte) max_locals;
int code_length = codeStream.position;
contents[codeAttributeOffset + 10] = (byte) (code_length >> 24);
contents[codeAttributeOffset + 11] = (byte) (code_length >> 16);
contents[codeAttributeOffset + 12] = (byte) (code_length >> 8);
contents[codeAttributeOffset + 13] = (byte) code_length;
if ((localContentsOffset + 40) >= this.contents.length) {
if (hasExceptionHandlers) {
// write the exception table
ExceptionLabel[] exceptionLabels = codeStream.exceptionLabels;
int exceptionHandlersCount = 0; // each label holds one handler per range (start/end contiguous)
for (int i = 0, length = codeStream.exceptionLabelsCounter; i < length; i++) {
exceptionHandlersCount += codeStream.exceptionLabels[i].count / 2;
int exSize = exceptionHandlersCount * 8 + 2;
if (exSize + localContentsOffset >= this.contents.length) {
// there is no exception table, so we need to offset by 2 the current offset and move
// on the attribute generation
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (exceptionHandlersCount >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) exceptionHandlersCount;
for (int i = 0, max = codeStream.exceptionLabelsCounter; i < max; i++) {
ExceptionLabel exceptionLabel = exceptionLabels[i];
if (exceptionLabel != null) {
int iRange = 0, maxRange = exceptionLabel.count;
while (iRange < maxRange) {
int start = exceptionLabel.ranges[iRange++]; // even ranges are start positions
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (start >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) start;
int end = exceptionLabel.ranges[iRange++]; // odd ranges are end positions
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (end >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) end;
int handlerPC = exceptionLabel.position;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (handlerPC >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) handlerPC;
if (exceptionLabel.exceptionType == null) {
// any exception handler
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
} else {
int nameIndex;
switch( {
case T_null :
/* represents ClassNotFoundException, see class literal access*/
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForType(ConstantPool.JavaLangClassNotFoundExceptionConstantPoolName);
case T_long :
/* represents NoSuchFieldError, see switch table generation*/
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForType(ConstantPool.JavaLangNoSuchFieldErrorConstantPoolName);
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForType(exceptionLabel.exceptionType.constantPoolName());
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
this.contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
} else {
// there is no exception table, so we need to offset by 2 the current offset and move
// on the attribute generation
contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
// debug attributes
int codeAttributeAttributeOffset = localContentsOffset;
int attributeNumber = 0;
// leave two bytes for the attribute_length
localContentsOffset += 2;
// first we handle the linenumber attribute
if (codeStream.generateLineNumberAttributes) {
if (localContentsOffset + 12 >= this.contents.length) {
int index = 0;
int lineNumberNameIndex =
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (lineNumberNameIndex >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) lineNumberNameIndex;
int lineNumberTableOffset = localContentsOffset;
localContentsOffset += 6;
// leave space for attribute_length and line_number_table_length
// Seems like do would be better, but this preserves the existing behavior.
index = searchLineNumber(startLineIndexes, binding.sourceStart);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[localContentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (index >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) index;
// now we change the size of the line number attribute
contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = 0;
contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = 0;
contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = 0;
contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = 6;
contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = 0;
contents[lineNumberTableOffset++] = 1;
// then we do the local variable attribute
if (codeStream.generateLocalVariableTableAttributes) {
int localVariableTableOffset = localContentsOffset;
int numberOfEntries = 0;
int localVariableNameIndex =
if (localContentsOffset + 8 > this.contents.length) {
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (localVariableNameIndex >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) localVariableNameIndex;
localContentsOffset += 6;
// leave space for attribute_length and local_variable_table_length
int nameIndex;
int descriptorIndex;
// used to remember the local variable with a generic type
int genericLocalVariablesCounter = 0;
LocalVariableBinding[] genericLocalVariables = null;
int numberOfGenericEntries = 0;
for (int i = 0, max = codeStream.allLocalsCounter; i < max; i++) {
LocalVariableBinding localVariable = codeStream.locals[i];
final TypeBinding localVariableTypeBinding = localVariable.type;
boolean isParameterizedType = localVariableTypeBinding.isParameterizedType() || localVariableTypeBinding.isTypeVariable();
if (localVariable.initializationCount != 0 && isParameterizedType) {
if (genericLocalVariables == null) {
// we cannot have more than max locals
genericLocalVariables = new LocalVariableBinding[max];
genericLocalVariables[genericLocalVariablesCounter++] = localVariable;
for (int j = 0; j < localVariable.initializationCount; j++) {
int startPC = localVariable.initializationPCs[j << 1];
int endPC = localVariable.initializationPCs[(j << 1) + 1];
if (startPC != endPC) { // only entries for non zero length
if (endPC == -1) {
Messages.bind(Messages.abort_invalidAttribute, new String(,
(ASTNode) localVariable.declaringScope.methodScope().referenceContext);
if (localContentsOffset + 10 > this.contents.length) {
// now we can safely add the local entry
if (isParameterizedType) {
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (startPC >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) startPC;
int length = endPC - startPC;
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (length >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) length;
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(;
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
descriptorIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(localVariableTypeBinding.signature());
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
int resolvedPosition = localVariable.resolvedPosition;
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (resolvedPosition >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) resolvedPosition;
int value = numberOfEntries * 10 + 2;
localVariableTableOffset += 2;
contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 24);
contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 16);
contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 8);
contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) value;
contents[localVariableTableOffset++] = (byte) (numberOfEntries >> 8);
contents[localVariableTableOffset] = (byte) numberOfEntries;
if (genericLocalVariablesCounter != 0) {
// add the local variable type table attribute
int maxOfEntries = 8 + numberOfGenericEntries * 10;
// reserve enough space
if (localContentsOffset + maxOfEntries >= this.contents.length) {
int localVariableTypeNameIndex =
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (localVariableTypeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) localVariableTypeNameIndex;
value = numberOfGenericEntries * 10 + 2;
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 24);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 16);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (value >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) value;
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (numberOfGenericEntries >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) numberOfGenericEntries;
for (int i = 0; i < genericLocalVariablesCounter; i++) {
LocalVariableBinding localVariable = genericLocalVariables[i];
for (int j = 0; j < localVariable.initializationCount; j++) {
int startPC = localVariable.initializationPCs[j << 1];
int endPC = localVariable.initializationPCs[(j << 1) + 1];
if (startPC != endPC) { // only entries for non zero length
// now we can safely add the local entry
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (startPC >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) startPC;
int length = endPC - startPC;
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (length >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) length;
nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(;
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
descriptorIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(localVariable.type.genericTypeSignature());
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
int resolvedPosition = localVariable.resolvedPosition;
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) (resolvedPosition >> 8);
contents[localContentsOffset++] = (byte) resolvedPosition;
// update the number of attributes
// ensure first that there is enough space available inside the contents array
if (codeAttributeAttributeOffset + 2 >= this.contents.length) {
contents[codeAttributeAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
contents[codeAttributeAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
// update the attribute length
int codeAttributeLength = localContentsOffset - (codeAttributeOffset + 6);
contents[codeAttributeOffset + 2] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 24);
contents[codeAttributeOffset + 3] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 16);
contents[codeAttributeOffset + 4] = (byte) (codeAttributeLength >> 8);
contents[codeAttributeOffset + 5] = (byte) codeAttributeLength;
contentsOffset = localContentsOffset;
* Complete the creation of a method info by setting up the number of attributes at the right offset.
* @param methodAttributeOffset <CODE>int</CODE>
* @param attributeNumber <CODE>int</CODE>
public void completeMethodInfo(
int methodAttributeOffset,
int attributeNumber) {
// update the number of attributes
contents[methodAttributeOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNumber >> 8);
contents[methodAttributeOffset] = (byte) attributeNumber;
* This methods returns a char[] representing the file name of the receiver
* @return char[]
public char[] fileName() {
return constantPool.UTF8Cache.returnKeyFor(1);
private void generateAnnotation(Annotation annotation, int attributeOffset) {
if (contentsOffset + 4 >= this.contents.length) {
TypeBinding annotationTypeBinding = annotation.resolvedType;
if (annotationTypeBinding == null) {
this.contentsOffset = attributeOffset;
final int typeIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(annotationTypeBinding.signature());
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (typeIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) typeIndex;
if (annotation instanceof NormalAnnotation) {
NormalAnnotation normalAnnotation = (NormalAnnotation) annotation;
MemberValuePair[] memberValuePairs = normalAnnotation.memberValuePairs;
if (memberValuePairs != null) {
final int memberValuePairsLength = memberValuePairs.length;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (memberValuePairsLength >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) memberValuePairsLength;
for (int i = 0; i < memberValuePairsLength; i++) {
MemberValuePair memberValuePair = memberValuePairs[i];
if (contentsOffset + 2 >= this.contents.length) {
final int elementNameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (elementNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) elementNameIndex;
MethodBinding methodBinding = memberValuePair.binding;
if (methodBinding == null) {
contentsOffset = attributeOffset;
} else {
generateElementValue(memberValuePair.value, methodBinding.returnType, attributeOffset);
} else {
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
} else if (annotation instanceof SingleMemberAnnotation) {
SingleMemberAnnotation singleMemberAnnotation = (SingleMemberAnnotation) annotation;
// this is a single member annotation (one member value)
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 1;
if (contentsOffset + 2 >= this.contents.length) {
final int elementNameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(VALUE);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (elementNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) elementNameIndex;
MethodBinding methodBinding = singleMemberAnnotation.memberValuePairs()[0].binding;
if (methodBinding == null) {
contentsOffset = attributeOffset;
} else {
generateElementValue(singleMemberAnnotation.memberValue, methodBinding.returnType, attributeOffset);
} else {
// this is a marker annotation (no member value pairs)
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
* That method generates the header of a code attribute.
* - the index inside the constant pool for the attribute name ("Code")
* - leave some space for attribute_length(4), max_stack(2), max_locals(2), code_length(4).
public void generateCodeAttributeHeader() {
if (contentsOffset + 20 >= this.contents.length) {
int constantValueNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (constantValueNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) constantValueNameIndex;
// leave space for attribute_length(4), max_stack(2), max_locals(2), code_length(4)
contentsOffset += 12;
private void generateElementValue(
Expression defaultValue,
TypeBinding memberValuePairReturnType,
int attributeOffset) {
Constant constant = defaultValue.constant;
TypeBinding defaultValueBinding = defaultValue.resolvedType;
if (defaultValueBinding == null) {
contentsOffset = attributeOffset;
} else {
if (memberValuePairReturnType.isArrayType() && !defaultValueBinding.isArrayType()) {
// automatic wrapping
if (contentsOffset + 3 >= this.contents.length) {
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) '[';
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 1;
if (constant != null && constant != Constant.NotAConstant) {
generateElementValue(attributeOffset, defaultValue, constant, memberValuePairReturnType.leafComponentType());
} else {
generateElementValueForNonConstantExpression(defaultValue, attributeOffset, defaultValueBinding);
* @param attributeOffset
private void generateElementValue(int attributeOffset, Expression defaultValue, Constant constant, TypeBinding binding) {
if (contentsOffset + 3 >= this.contents.length) {
switch ( {
case T_boolean :
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 'Z';
int booleanValueIndex =
constantPool.literalIndex(constant.booleanValue() ? 1 : 0);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (booleanValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) booleanValueIndex;
case T_byte :
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 'B';
int integerValueIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (integerValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) integerValueIndex;
case T_char :
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 'C';
integerValueIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (integerValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) integerValueIndex;
case T_int :
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 'I';
integerValueIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (integerValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) integerValueIndex;
case T_short :
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 'S';
integerValueIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (integerValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) integerValueIndex;
case T_float :
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 'F';
int floatValueIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (floatValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) floatValueIndex;
case T_double :
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 'D';
int doubleValueIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (doubleValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) doubleValueIndex;
case T_long :
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 'J';
int longValueIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (longValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) longValueIndex;
case T_JavaLangString :
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 's';
int stringValueIndex =
constantPool.literalIndex(((StringConstant) constant).stringValue().toCharArray());
if (stringValueIndex == -1) {
if (!creatingProblemType) {
// report an error and abort: will lead to a problem type classfile creation
TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = referenceBinding.scope.referenceContext;
} else {
// already inside a problem type creation : no attribute
contentsOffset = attributeOffset;
} else {
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (stringValueIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) stringValueIndex;
private void generateElementValueForNonConstantExpression(Expression defaultValue, int attributeOffset, TypeBinding defaultValueBinding) {
if (defaultValueBinding != null) {
if (defaultValueBinding.isEnum()) {
if (contentsOffset + 5 >= this.contents.length) {
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 'e';
FieldBinding fieldBinding = null;
if (defaultValue instanceof QualifiedNameReference) {
QualifiedNameReference nameReference = (QualifiedNameReference) defaultValue;
fieldBinding = (FieldBinding) nameReference.binding;
} else if (defaultValue instanceof SingleNameReference) {
SingleNameReference nameReference = (SingleNameReference) defaultValue;
fieldBinding = (FieldBinding) nameReference.binding;
} else {
contentsOffset = attributeOffset;
if (fieldBinding != null) {
final int enumConstantTypeNameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(fieldBinding.type.signature());
final int enumConstantNameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (enumConstantTypeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) enumConstantTypeNameIndex;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (enumConstantNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) enumConstantNameIndex;
} else if (defaultValueBinding.isAnnotationType()) {
if (contentsOffset + 1 >= this.contents.length) {
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) '@';
generateAnnotation((Annotation) defaultValue, attributeOffset);
} else if (defaultValueBinding.isArrayType()) {
// array type
if (contentsOffset + 3 >= this.contents.length) {
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) '[';
if (defaultValue instanceof ArrayInitializer) {
ArrayInitializer arrayInitializer = (ArrayInitializer) defaultValue;
int arrayLength = arrayInitializer.expressions != null ? arrayInitializer.expressions.length : 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (arrayLength >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) arrayLength;
for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
generateElementValue(arrayInitializer.expressions[i], defaultValueBinding.leafComponentType(), attributeOffset);
} else {
contentsOffset = attributeOffset;
} else {
// class type
if (contentsOffset + 3 >= this.contents.length) {
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 'c';
if (defaultValue instanceof ClassLiteralAccess) {
ClassLiteralAccess classLiteralAccess = (ClassLiteralAccess) defaultValue;
final int classInfoIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(classLiteralAccess.targetType.signature());
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (classInfoIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) classInfoIndex;
} else {
contentsOffset = attributeOffset;
} else {
contentsOffset = attributeOffset;
public int generateMethodInfoAttribute(MethodBinding methodBinding) {
return generateMethodInfoAttribute(methodBinding, false);
* That method generates the attributes of a code attribute.
* They could be:
* - an exception attribute for each try/catch found inside the method
* - a deprecated attribute
* - a synthetic attribute for synthetic access methods
* It returns the number of attributes created for the code attribute.
* @param methodBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodBinding
* @return <CODE>int</CODE>
public int generateMethodInfoAttribute(MethodBinding methodBinding, boolean createProblemMethod) {
// leave two bytes for the attribute_number
contentsOffset += 2;
// now we can handle all the attribute for that method info:
// it could be:
// - a CodeAttribute
// - a ExceptionAttribute
// - a DeprecatedAttribute
// - a SyntheticAttribute
// Exception attribute
ReferenceBinding[] thrownsExceptions;
int attributeNumber = 0;
if ((thrownsExceptions = methodBinding.thrownExceptions) != NoExceptions) {
// The method has a throw clause. So we need to add an exception attribute
// check that there is enough space to write all the bytes for the exception attribute
int length = thrownsExceptions.length;
int exSize = 8 + length * 2;
if (exSize + contentsOffset >= this.contents.length) {
int exceptionNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (exceptionNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) exceptionNameIndex;
// The attribute length = length * 2 + 2 in case of a exception attribute
int attributeLength = length * 2 + 2;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 24);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 16);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) attributeLength;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (length >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int exceptionIndex = constantPool.literalIndexForType(thrownsExceptions[i].constantPoolName());
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (exceptionIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) exceptionIndex;
if (methodBinding.isDeprecated()) {
// Deprecated attribute
// Check that there is enough space to write the deprecated attribute
if (contentsOffset + 6 >= this.contents.length) {
int deprecatedAttributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (deprecatedAttributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) deprecatedAttributeNameIndex;
// the length of a deprecated attribute is equals to 0
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
if (this.targetJDK < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && methodBinding.isSynthetic()) {
// Synthetic attribute
// Check that there is enough space to write the deprecated attribute
if (contentsOffset + 6 >= this.contents.length) {
int syntheticAttributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (syntheticAttributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) syntheticAttributeNameIndex;
// the length of a synthetic attribute is equals to 0
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
// add signature attribute
char[] genericSignature = methodBinding.genericSignature();
if (genericSignature != null) {
// check that there is enough space to write all the bytes for the field info corresponding
// to the @fieldBinding
if (contentsOffset + 8 >= this.contents.length) {
int signatureAttributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (signatureAttributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) signatureAttributeNameIndex;
// the length of a signature attribute is equals to 2
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 2;
int signatureIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (signatureIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) signatureIndex;
if (this.targetJDK >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 && !this.creatingProblemType && !createProblemMethod) {
AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = methodBinding.sourceMethod();
if (methodDeclaration != null) {
Annotation[] annotations = methodDeclaration.annotations;
if (annotations != null) {
attributeNumber += generateRuntimeAnnotations(annotations);
if ((methodBinding.tagBits & TagBits.HasParameterAnnotations) != 0) {
Argument[] arguments = methodDeclaration.arguments;
if (arguments != null) {
attributeNumber += generateRuntimeAnnotationsForParameters(arguments);
return attributeNumber;
public int generateMethodInfoAttribute(MethodBinding methodBinding, AnnotationMethodDeclaration declaration) {
int attributesNumber = generateMethodInfoAttribute(methodBinding);
int attributeOffset = contentsOffset;
if ((declaration.modifiers & AccAnnotationDefault) != 0) {
// add an annotation default attribute
int annotationDefaultNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (annotationDefaultNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) annotationDefaultNameIndex;
int attributeLengthOffset = contentsOffset;
contentsOffset += 4;
generateElementValue(declaration.defaultValue, declaration.binding.returnType, attributeOffset);
if (contentsOffset != attributeOffset) {
int attributeLength = contentsOffset - attributeLengthOffset - 4;
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 24);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 16);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 8);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) attributeLength;
return attributesNumber;
* That method generates the header of a method info:
* The header consists in:
* - the access flags
* - the name index of the method name inside the constant pool
* - the descriptor index of the signature of the method inside the constant pool.
* @param methodBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodBinding
public void generateMethodInfoHeader(MethodBinding methodBinding) {
generateMethodInfoHeader(methodBinding, methodBinding.modifiers);
* That method generates the header of a method info:
* The header consists in:
* - the access flags
* - the name index of the method name inside the constant pool
* - the descriptor index of the signature of the method inside the constant pool.
* @param methodBinding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodBinding
* @param accessFlags the access flags
public void generateMethodInfoHeader(MethodBinding methodBinding, int accessFlags) {
// check that there is enough space to write all the bytes for the method info corresponding
// to the @methodBinding
methodCount++; // add one more method
if (contentsOffset + 10 >= this.contents.length) {
if (targetJDK < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) {
// pre 1.5, synthetic was an attribute, not a modifier
accessFlags &= ~AccSynthetic;
if (methodBinding.isRequiredToClearPrivateModifier()) {
accessFlags &= ~AccPrivate;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (accessFlags >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) accessFlags;
int nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(methodBinding.selector);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
int descriptorIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(methodBinding.signature());
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
* That method generates the method info header of a clinit:
* The header consists in:
* - the access flags (always default access + static)
* - the name index of the method name (always <clinit>) inside the constant pool
* - the descriptor index of the signature (always ()V) of the method inside the constant pool.
public void generateMethodInfoHeaderForClinit() {
// check that there is enough space to write all the bytes for the method info corresponding
// to the @methodBinding
methodCount++; // add one more method
if (contentsOffset + 10 >= this.contents.length) {
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) ((AccDefault | AccStatic) >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (AccDefault | AccStatic);
int nameIndex = constantPool.literalIndex(ConstantPool.Clinit);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (nameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) nameIndex;
int descriptorIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (descriptorIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) descriptorIndex;
// We know that we won't get more than 1 attribute: the code attribute
contents[contentsOffset++] = 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = 1;
* Generate the byte for problem method infos that correspond to missing abstract methods.
* @param methodDeclarations Array of all missing abstract methods
public void generateMissingAbstractMethods(MethodDeclaration[] methodDeclarations, CompilationResult compilationResult) {
if (methodDeclarations != null) {
for (int i = 0, max = methodDeclarations.length; i < max; i++) {
MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = methodDeclarations[i];
MethodBinding methodBinding = methodDeclaration.binding;
String readableName = new String(methodBinding.readableName());
IProblem[] problems = compilationResult.problems;
int problemsCount = compilationResult.problemCount;
for (int j = 0; j < problemsCount; j++) {
IProblem problem = problems[j];
if (problem != null
&& problem.getID() == IProblem.AbstractMethodMustBeImplemented
&& problem.getMessage().indexOf(readableName) != -1) {
// we found a match
addMissingAbstractProblemMethod(methodDeclaration, methodBinding, problem, compilationResult);
* @param annotations
* @return the number of attributes created while dumping the annotations in the .class file
private int generateRuntimeAnnotations(final Annotation[] annotations) {
int attributesNumber = 0;
final int length = annotations.length;
int visibleAnnotationsCounter = 0;
int invisibleAnnotationsCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Annotation annotation = annotations[i];
if (isRuntimeInvisible(annotation)) {
} else if (isRuntimeVisible(annotation)) {
if (invisibleAnnotationsCounter != 0) {
int annotationAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
if (contentsOffset + 10 >= contents.length) {
int runtimeInvisibleAnnotationsAttributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (runtimeInvisibleAnnotationsAttributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) runtimeInvisibleAnnotationsAttributeNameIndex;
int attributeLengthOffset = contentsOffset;
contentsOffset += 4; // leave space for the attribute length
int annotationsLengthOffset = contentsOffset;
contentsOffset += 2; // leave space for the annotations length
contents[annotationsLengthOffset++] = (byte) (invisibleAnnotationsCounter >> 8);
contents[annotationsLengthOffset++] = (byte) invisibleAnnotationsCounter;
loop: for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (invisibleAnnotationsCounter == 0) break loop;
Annotation annotation = annotations[i];
if (isRuntimeInvisible(annotation)) {
generateAnnotation(annotation, annotationAttributeOffset);
if (this.contentsOffset == annotationAttributeOffset) {
break loop;
if (contentsOffset != annotationAttributeOffset) {
int attributeLength = contentsOffset - attributeLengthOffset - 4;
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 24);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 16);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 8);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) attributeLength;
} else {
contentsOffset = annotationAttributeOffset;
if (visibleAnnotationsCounter != 0) {
int annotationAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
if (contentsOffset + 10 >= contents.length) {
int runtimeVisibleAnnotationsAttributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (runtimeVisibleAnnotationsAttributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) runtimeVisibleAnnotationsAttributeNameIndex;
int attributeLengthOffset = contentsOffset;
contentsOffset += 4; // leave space for the attribute length
int annotationsLengthOffset = contentsOffset;
contentsOffset += 2; // leave space for the annotations length
contents[annotationsLengthOffset++] = (byte) (visibleAnnotationsCounter >> 8);
contents[annotationsLengthOffset++] = (byte) visibleAnnotationsCounter;
loop: for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (visibleAnnotationsCounter == 0) break loop;
Annotation annotation = annotations[i];
if (isRuntimeVisible(annotation)) {
generateAnnotation(annotation, annotationAttributeOffset);
if (this.contentsOffset == annotationAttributeOffset) {
break loop;
if (contentsOffset != annotationAttributeOffset) {
int attributeLength = contentsOffset - attributeLengthOffset - 4;
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 24);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 16);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 8);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) attributeLength;
} else {
contentsOffset = annotationAttributeOffset;
return attributesNumber;
private int generateRuntimeAnnotationsForParameters(Argument[] arguments) {
final int argumentsLength = arguments.length;
final int VISIBLE_INDEX = 0;
final int INVISIBLE_INDEX = 1;
int invisibleParametersAnnotationsCounter = 0;
int visibleParametersAnnotationsCounter = 0;
int[][] annotationsCounters = new int[argumentsLength][2];
for (int i = 0; i < argumentsLength; i++) {
Argument argument = arguments[i];
Annotation[] annotations = argument.annotations;
if (annotations != null) {
for (int j = 0, max2 = annotations.length; j < max2; j++) {
Annotation annotation = annotations[j];
if (isRuntimeInvisible(annotation)) {
} else if (isRuntimeVisible(annotation)) {
int attributesNumber = 0;
int annotationAttributeOffset = contentsOffset;
if (invisibleParametersAnnotationsCounter != 0) {
if (contentsOffset + 7 >= contents.length) {
int attributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) attributeNameIndex;
int attributeLengthOffset = contentsOffset;
contentsOffset += 4; // leave space for the attribute length
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) argumentsLength;
invisibleLoop: for (int i = 0; i < argumentsLength; i++) {
if (contentsOffset + 2 >= contents.length) {
if (invisibleParametersAnnotationsCounter == 0) {
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 0;
} else {
final int numberOfInvisibleAnnotations = annotationsCounters[i][INVISIBLE_INDEX];
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (numberOfInvisibleAnnotations >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) numberOfInvisibleAnnotations;
if (numberOfInvisibleAnnotations != 0) {
Argument argument = arguments[i];
Annotation[] annotations = argument.annotations;
for (int j = 0, max = annotations.length; j < max; j++) {
Annotation annotation = annotations[j];
if (isRuntimeInvisible(annotation)) {
generateAnnotation(annotation, annotationAttributeOffset);
if (contentsOffset == annotationAttributeOffset) {
break invisibleLoop;
if (contentsOffset != annotationAttributeOffset) {
int attributeLength = contentsOffset - attributeLengthOffset - 4;
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 24);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 16);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 8);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) attributeLength;
} else {
contentsOffset = annotationAttributeOffset;
if (visibleParametersAnnotationsCounter != 0) {
if (contentsOffset + 7 >= contents.length) {
int attributeNameIndex =
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (attributeNameIndex >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) attributeNameIndex;
int attributeLengthOffset = contentsOffset;
contentsOffset += 4; // leave space for the attribute length
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) argumentsLength;
visibleLoop: for (int i = 0; i < argumentsLength; i++) {
if (contentsOffset + 2 >= contents.length) {
if (visibleParametersAnnotationsCounter == 0) {
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 0;
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) 0;
} else {
final int numberOfVisibleAnnotations = annotationsCounters[i][VISIBLE_INDEX];
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) (numberOfVisibleAnnotations >> 8);
contents[contentsOffset++] = (byte) numberOfVisibleAnnotations;
if (numberOfVisibleAnnotations != 0) {
Argument argument = arguments[i];
Annotation[] annotations = argument.annotations;
for (int j = 0, max = annotations.length; j < max; j++) {
Annotation annotation = annotations[j];
if (isRuntimeVisible(annotation)) {
generateAnnotation(annotation, annotationAttributeOffset);
if (contentsOffset == annotationAttributeOffset) {
break visibleLoop;
if (contentsOffset != annotationAttributeOffset) {
int attributeLength = contentsOffset - attributeLengthOffset - 4;
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 24);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 16);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) (attributeLength >> 8);
contents[attributeLengthOffset++] = (byte) attributeLength;
} else {
contentsOffset = annotationAttributeOffset;
return attributesNumber;
* Answer the actual bytes of the class file
* This method encodes the receiver structure into a byte array which is the content of the classfile.
* Returns the byte array that represents the encoded structure of the receiver.
* @return byte[]
public byte[] getBytes() {
byte[] fullContents = new byte[headerOffset + contentsOffset];
System.arraycopy(header, 0, fullContents, 0, headerOffset);
System.arraycopy(contents, 0, fullContents, headerOffset, contentsOffset);
return fullContents;
* Answer the compound name of the class file.
* @return char[][]
* e.g. {{java}, {util}, {Hashtable}}.
public char[][] getCompoundName() {
return CharOperation.splitOn('/', fileName());
protected void initByteArrays() {
LookupEnvironment env = this.referenceBinding.scope.environment();
synchronized (env) {
if (env.sharedArraysUsed) {
this.ownSharedArrays = false;
int members = referenceBinding.methods().length + referenceBinding.fields().length;
this.header = new byte[INITIAL_HEADER_SIZE];
this.contents = new byte[members < 15 ? INITIAL_CONTENTS_SIZE : INITIAL_HEADER_SIZE];
} else {
this.ownSharedArrays = env.sharedArraysUsed = true;
this.header = env.sharedClassFileHeader;
this.contents = env.sharedClassFileContents;
private boolean isRuntimeInvisible(Annotation annotation) {
final TypeBinding annotationBinding = annotation.resolvedType;
if (annotationBinding == null) {
return false;
long metaTagBits = annotationBinding.getAnnotationTagBits(); // could be forward reference
if ((metaTagBits & TagBits.AnnotationRetentionMASK) == 0)
return true; // by default the retention is CLASS
return (metaTagBits & TagBits.AnnotationRetentionMASK) == TagBits.AnnotationClassRetention;
private boolean isRuntimeVisible(Annotation annotation) {
final TypeBinding annotationBinding = annotation.resolvedType;
if (annotationBinding == null) {
return false;
long metaTagBits = annotationBinding.getAnnotationTagBits();
if ((metaTagBits & TagBits.AnnotationRetentionMASK) == 0)
return false; // by default the retention is CLASS
return (metaTagBits & TagBits.AnnotationRetentionMASK) == TagBits.AnnotationRuntimeRetention;
* Returns the most enclosing classfile of the receiver. This is used know to store the constant pool name
* for all inner types of the receiver.
* @return org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.ClassFile
public ClassFile outerMostEnclosingClassFile() {
ClassFile current = this;
while (current.enclosingClassFile != null)
current = current.enclosingClassFile;
return current;
* This is used to store a new inner class. It checks that the binding @binding doesn't already exist inside the
* collection of inner classes. Add all the necessary classes in the right order to fit to the specifications.
* @param binding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding
public void recordEnclosingTypeAttributes(ReferenceBinding binding) {
// add all the enclosing types
ReferenceBinding enclosingType = referenceBinding.enclosingType();
int depth = 0;
while (enclosingType != null) {
enclosingType = enclosingType.enclosingType();
enclosingType = referenceBinding;
ReferenceBinding enclosingTypes[];
if (depth >= 2) {
enclosingTypes = new ReferenceBinding[depth];
for (int i = depth - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
enclosingTypes[i] = enclosingType;
enclosingType = enclosingType.enclosingType();
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
} else {
* This is used to store a new inner class. It checks that the binding @binding doesn't already exist inside the
* collection of inner classes. Add all the necessary classes in the right order to fit to the specifications.
* @param binding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding
public void recordNestedLocalAttribute(ReferenceBinding binding) {
// add all the enclosing types
ReferenceBinding enclosingType = referenceBinding.enclosingType();
int depth = 0;
while (enclosingType != null) {
enclosingType = enclosingType.enclosingType();
enclosingType = referenceBinding;
ReferenceBinding enclosingTypes[];
if (depth >= 2) {
enclosingTypes = new ReferenceBinding[depth];
for (int i = depth - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
enclosingTypes[i] = enclosingType;
enclosingType = enclosingType.enclosingType();
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
} else {
* This is used to store a new inner class. It checks that the binding @binding doesn't already exist inside the
* collection of inner classes. Add all the necessary classes in the right order to fit to the specifications.
* @param binding org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding
public void recordNestedMemberAttribute(ReferenceBinding binding) {
* Resize the pool contents
private final void resizeContents(int minimalSize) {
int length = this.contents.length;
int toAdd = length;
if (toAdd < minimalSize)
toAdd = minimalSize;
System.arraycopy(this.contents, 0, this.contents = new byte[length + toAdd], 0, length);
* This methods leaves the space for method counts recording.
public void setForMethodInfos() {
// leave some space for the methodCount
methodCountOffset = contentsOffset;
contentsOffset += 2;