blob: adde505d843df54a97121b4793f1707864cd4e0e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2009 Remy Chi Jian Suen and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Remy Chi Jian Suen - initial API and implementation
WorkbenchAwareRemoteShare_PromptMessage = {0} would like to synchronize some resources with you.{1}
OverrideWithRemoteAction_ActionLabel = Override with Remote
OverrideWithRemoteOperation_SubTaskName = Overriding resources with remote copy...
OverrideWithRemoteOperation_CreatingResource = Creating {0}...
OverrideWithRemoteOperation_ReplacingResource = Replacing {0} with remote content...
OverrideWithRemoteOperation_DeletingResource = Deleting {0}...
CompareWithHandler_FileNotSelectedError = A file must be selected for comparison.
CompareWithHandler_ResourceComparisonJobTitle = Resource Compare with Remote Peer
CompareWithHandler_CompareInputDescription = Remote Peer ({0})
CompareWithHandler_CompareEditorWorkbenchJobTitle = Compare Editor Renderer
CompareWithMenuContributionItem_MenuTitle = Compare With
SynchronizeWithHandler_SynchronizeResourceTaskName = Contacting remote peer to synchronize {0}...
SynchronizeWithHandler_SynchronizeResourcesTaskName = Contacting remote peer to synchronize resources...
SynchronizeWithHandler_SynchronizeRequestDenial = Synchronization request has been denied.
SynchronizeWithHandler_SynchronizeRequestError = An error has occurred while sending the synchronization request to the remote peer.
SynchronizeWithHandler_SynchronizeRequestInterrupted = Synchronization request operation was interrupted.
SynchronizeWithHandler_RemoteSynchronizationTaskName = Remote synchronization with {0}
SynchronizeWithHandler_RemoteSynchronizationResourceDescription = Remote synchronization of {0} with {1}
SynchronizeWithHandler_RemoteSynchronizationResourcesDescription = Remote synchronization of resources with {0}
SynchronizeWithMenuContributionItem_MenuTitle = Synchronize With
RemoteSubscriberParticipant_PageDescription = Remote Peer
RemotePeerSynchronizeWizard_WindowTitle = Synchronize
RemotePeerSynchronizeWizardPage_Title = Synchronize with Remote Peer
RemotePeerSynchronizeWizardPage_Description = Select the resources to be synchronized.
RemotePeerSynchronizeWizardPage_NoRemotePeerSelectedError = A remote peer must be selected to synchronize with.