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<h1><img src="../../intro/css/images/ecf_intro.gif">Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF)</h1>
<h2>SharedObjectContainer Lifecycle - DRAFT</h2>
<p> SharedObjectContainers can provide access to arbitrary
communications protocols. So, for example, communication with a remote
instant messaging client, a server-based web service, or a distributed
multi-point application can all be represented through an
implementation of a SharedObjectContainer that understands the specific
application-level protocol or protocols necessary to communicate with a
given service or set of services. The primary role of the
SharedObjectContainer is to provide SharedObjects with </p>
<li>a consistent API for achieving secure access to a remote service</li>
<li>a consistent API for sending and receiving asynchronous messages
to/from an arbitrary communications service</li>
<li>consistent information about message reliability and group
membership </li>
ECF also defines an extensible factory for
creating ISharedObjectContainer instances called <a
The lifecycle of a ISharedObjectContainer is typically as follows:
<li>An ISharedObjectContainer instance is created via
SharedObjectContainerFactory.getDefault().createSharedObjectContainer() </li>
<li>ISharedObjects are created and added to the
ISharedObjectContainer </li>
<li>The ISharedObjectContainer 'joins/connects' with a remote
communications group via
ISharedObjectContainer.joinGroup() </li>
<li>The ISharedObject instances created/added in step #2 above send
asynchronous messages and receive asynchronous
events from the remote services </li>
<li>ISharedObject implementation code presents/manages user
interfaces, handles user input, keeps local state,
communicates with replicas or external services, exposes/introduces
local Eclipse-provided services to
remotes, etc. </li>
<li>When the ISharedObjectContainer is no longer needed for
communication, the ISharedObjectContainer can be
directed to leave the group, or leave the group on its own. </li>
<li>When the ISharedObjectContainer is no longer needed at all the
ISharedObjectContainer.dispose() method
can be called to free any resources managed by the container or it's
associated ISharedObjects. </li>