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<title>Shared Model Editing</title>
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<h1><img src="../../intro/css/images/ecf_intro.gif">Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF)</h1>
<h2>Shared Model Editing Using GraphShare</h2>
<p>The Shared Data Graph Editor allows a group of Eclipse users
connected to the same container group to collaboratively edit arbitrary
EMF-generated models. It is an example application that shows how to
use the GraphShare service.</p>
<p>In addition to ECF, you will need:<br>
<li>Eclipse 3.1M4+</li>
<li>EMF+SDO 2.1.0.I2005+<br>
<li>In your workspace, create a simple project, e.g. <span
style="font-style: italic;">test</span>.</li>
<li>Use the ECF Collaboration Client to connect to a collaboration
server (local or remote).</li>
<li>Create a sample file to collaboratively edit:</li>
<li>In the Navigator view, right-click your newly-created project
and select <span style="font-style: italic;">New -&gt; Other...</span></li>
<li>Select <span style="font-style: italic;">Example EMF Model
Creation Wizards -&gt; Data Graph Model</span> and click <span
style="font-style: italic;">Next</span>.</li>
<li>Choose a unique filename for your new model. Note that the full
workspace path of this file (including the project and all folders) is
very important -- it is what identifies the model among the peers.
Click <span style="font-style: italic;">Next</span>.</li>
<li>Select <span style="font-style: italic;">http:///org/eclipse/ecf/example/library.ecore</span>
as the model URI and <span style="font-style: italic;">Library</span>
as the Model Object. Click <span style="font-style: italic;">Finish</span>.<br>
<li>If you are the first one to share this file, you will see an
empty Library. If someone else already published this model, you will
get the initial copy from them.</li>
<li>Make changes to the model. When you save, your changes will be
broadcast to others. When someone else saves, your unsaved changes, if
any, will be thrown away and replaced by theirs.<br>