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<title>Running a Collaboration Server on Localhost</title>
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<h1><img src="../../intro/css/images/ecf_intro.gif">Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF)</h1>
<h2>Running a Collaboration Server on Localhost</h2>
<li> Download ECF projects from CVS into your workspace as described <a
href="">here</a>. </li>
<li> Choose Run... or Debug... from the Eclipse Run Menu. </li>
<li> Under 'Java Application' choose 'ECF Collab Server'. </li>
<li> Choose 'Run' (or Debug). </li>
<li> This will run a simple server on your localhost machine with the
ECF URL: ecftcp://localhost:3282/server. You can then connect to this
server with an Eclipse client as described in Connecting an ECF
Collaboration Client to an Existing Server above.</li>
<li> Install the ECF 'Server Feature' as described <a href="">here</a></li>
<li> From operating system shell, go to <eclipseinstalllocation>/features/org.eclipse.ecf.serverfeature_<version>/bin</li>
<li> Depending upon operating system, use 'startserver.cmd' (windows) or '' (Unix) to
start a localhost server. See the file ../conf/server.xml to setup configuration
information for the localhost server</li>