blob: 9467dd6cfac8c44097b6fd3e60dcb33ae729f9a0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2007 Remy Suen and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompaning materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Remy Suen <> - initial API and implementation
# Markus Kuppe <> - bug 1830436
#Fri Sep 28 19:04:47 EDT 2007
code=My source code can be found at \:pserver\\:/cvsroot/technology under the org.eclipse.ecf/applications/kosmos/plugins/ module.
logs=Eclipse logs - http\:// - http\://\#Where_are_Eclipse.27s_log_files_located_at.3F
newsgroup=Try asking for help on the newsgroups - http\://
tm=Check out Eclipse's Target Management project - http\://
manage=Manage your Eclipse environment - http\://
about=I am an IRC bot written by rcjsuen with help from the \#eclipse community using the ECF bot framework. See http\:// for more details.
javadoc=The Eclipse Platform APIs are at - http\://
commands=For a list of the available commands that I provide, see http\://
news=Try asking for help on the newsgroups - http\://
cdt=Take a look at the C/C++ Development Tools - http\://
log=Eclipse logs - http\:// - http\://\#Where_are_Eclipse.27s_log_files_located_at.3F
bugzilla=Eclipse Bugzilla - https\://
deadlock=In a deadlock? http\://
ecf=Take a look at the Eclipse Communication Framework - http\://
svn=For Subversion support, try Subclipse (http\:// or Subversive (http\://\=overview&project\=subversive)
paste=Please paste the relevant information to a pastebin - http\:// - http\:// - http\://
pastebin=Please paste the relevant information to a pastebin - http\:// - http\:// - http\://
bot=I am an IRC bot written by rcjsuen with help from the \#eclipse community using the ECF bot framework. See http\:// for more details.
ask=If you have a question, just ask, don't ask if you can ask a question.
keys=For a list of available key bindings press Ctrl + Shift + L - http\://\=/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/guide/wrkAdv_keyBindings_accelSet.htm
plugins=Look for plug-ins at the Eclipse Plug-in Central (http\:// and EclipsePlugins (http\://
source=My source code can be found at \:pserver\\:/ecf under the plugins/ module.
cmd=For a list of the available commands that I provide, see http\://
vm=To learn more about the Eclipse launcher / binary, see - http\:// - http\:// - http\://
snippets=SWT Snippets - http\://
wtp=Check out Eclipse's Web Tools Platform - http\://
php=Take a look at PDT (http\:// or PHPEclipse (http\://
origin=I am named after an android, KOS-MOS, from a PlayStation 2 game series called 'Xeonsaga'.