blob: d8787346125b347be2518bb22d6a9d201d667b50 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Remy Suen and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompaning materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Remy Suen <> - initial API and implementation
# Markus Kuppe <> - bug 184036
#Sat Feb 09 10:18:09 EST 2008
startup=To start Eclipse... http\://\#How_do_I_start_Eclipse.3F
php=Take a look at PDT (http\:// or PHPEclipse (http\://
logs=Looking for your Eclipse logs? Try Window > Show View > Other > PDE Runtime > Error Log. Or look at the <workspace>/.metadata/.log file. If you want to paste it somewhere, see ~pastebin - http\://\#Where_are_Eclipse.27s_log_files_located.3F - http\://
cdt=Take a look at the C/C++ Development Tools - http\://
log=Looking for your Eclipse logs? Try Window > Show View > Other > PDE Runtime > Error Log. Or look at the <workspace>/.metadata/.log file. If you want to paste it somewhere, see ~pastebin - http\://\#Where_are_Eclipse.27s_log_files_located.3F - http\://
ww=Looking for word wrap support in Eclipse text editors? This is not supported out of the box, please see bug 35779 - https\://\=35779 - Meanwhile, take a look at fellow IRC user AhtiK's plug-in - http\:// - Or try out Eclipse Colorer - http\://
extract=Extracting that new, sexy Eclipse download? Before you proceed, stop and make sure you are extracting it to a new and empty folder. Extracting it on top of another Eclipse installation is hazardous. "Never, ever unpack a new installation over an older existing one." -nitind
remove-dep=Wondering where to install a plug-in another plug-in requires like Subclipse and Mylyn? Maybe the plug-in doesn't actually need that dependency - http\://\#How_do_I_not_install_a_plug-in.27s_extraneous_dependency_when_I.27m_in_the_Update_Manager.3F
gcj=GCJ is not officially supported by Eclipse as a Java runtime environment. Please talk with your distribution's packaging team and/or the GCJ team for assistance. To run Eclipse with a different JVM, see\: http\://\#I_just_installed_Eclipse_on_Linux.2C_but_it_does_not_start._What_is_the_problem.3F
line=Want to display line numbers in your editor? http\://\#How_do_I_show_line_numbers_in_the_Eclipse_text_editor.3F
info=Please state your CPU architecture (x86, 64-bit, etc.), operating system (Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, etc.), your Java runtime environment (unless you checked in your workspace logs and/or in the about dialog, you do not know _for sure_, please see ~jre. No, typing 'java -version' in the command line does not count as checking), your Eclipse version, and where did you download Eclipse from.
natures=Need to assign a nature to a project by hand? http\://\#How_do_I_manually_assign_a_project_Nature_or_BuildCommand.3F
pdt-install=Trying to install PDT? See http\://
about=I am an IRC bot written by rcjsuen with help from the \#eclipse community using the ECF bot framework. See http\:// for more details.
memory=Having memory problems? Please see http\://\#I.27m_having_memory.2C_heap.2C_or_permgen_problems.2C_what_can_I_do.3F and http\://
nature=Need to assign a nature to a project by hand? http\://\#How_do_I_manually_assign_a_project_Nature_or_BuildCommand.3F
ecf=Take a look at the Eclipse Communication Framework - http\://
gui=Looking for a Java GUI designer plug-in for Eclipse? Go take a look at the *free* Visual Editor (http\://, Instantiations' *commercial* WindowBuilder (http\://, and/or Jigloo (http\:// , which is *free for non-commercial use*.
bugzilla=Eclipse Bugzilla - https\://
imagebin=Please upload your screenshots online - http\://\=add - http\:// - http\://
completion=Java autocompletion not working when you press Ctrl-Space? Try the following\: open Window->Preferences (for Mac users\: Eclipse->Preferences). Then navigate to Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Advanced. Ensure that all the entries in the uppermost list are checked. Click okay and check whether autocompletion is working now.
vm=To learn more about the Eclipse launcher / binary, see - http\:// - http\:// - http\://
downloads=Looking for a specific Eclipse version? - http\://\#Where_can_I_get_Eclipse.3F - http\:// - http\://
eclipse.ini=Want to set startup flags for eclipse, like -vm, -vmargs, or -consolelog? Edit your eclipse.ini file. - http\:// - http\://\#eclipse.ini
ve-eclipse3.3=There is no stable VE 1.3 for Eclipse 3.3 -- yet. See http\://\#Development_Resources for roadmap and interim build installation guide.
ini=Trying to configure the eclipse.ini file? Take a look at this wiki page - http\://
bot=I am an IRC bot written by rcjsuen with help from the \#eclipse community using the ECF bot framework. See http\:// for more details.
manage=Manage your Eclipse environment - http\://
ve=Check out the Visual Editor Project - http\://
ubuntu-java=Trying to get Java running on Ubuntu Linux? Is someone in the channel saying some foreign phrase like "a supported JRE"? Look here - https\://
plugin=Look for plug-ins at the Eclipse Plug-in Central (http\:// and EclipsePlugins (http\://
dev-faq=Writing Eclipse plug-ins / RCP apps and don't know where to turn? See these FAQs - http\:// - http\:// - http\:// / Or look at EclipseCon talks/tutorials - http\://
code=My source code can be found at \:pserver\\:/cvsroot/technology under the org.eclipse.ecf/applications/kosmos/plugins/ module.
keys=For a list of available key bindings press Ctrl + Shift + L. To configure your key bindings, see Window > Preference > General > Keys. See also http\://\#What.27s_the_key_for_....3F
sdk-download=Looking for different versions and/or platforms for the Eclipse SDK or any of the base Eclipse bundles? See http\://
ve-install=Trying to install the Visual Editor? See http\://
pde-svn=Is there a way to use PDE map files with a SVN repo? Yes\: http\://
help=Looking for help? Go look at the FAQs first - http\:// - http\://\:FAQ You may also want to try asking for help on the newsgroup. http\:// Still no luck? Just ask the question\! To help us help you, please provide information about your system, see ~info. For a list of the commands I provide, please see ~list.
paste=Please paste the relevant information to a pastebin - http\:// - http\:// - http\://
faq=Please see the FAQs http\:// - http\://\:FAQ - http\://
64-win=Running 64-bit Windows and can't see a thing? Are your dialogs and wizards empty? Try a 64-bit 3.4 Eclipse milestone build - http\://
vmargs=Problems starting Eclipse? See http\://\#How_do_I_start_Eclipse.3F
gmf=Check out the Graphical Modeling Framework - http\://
hi=Welcome to \#eclipse\! If you have a question, just go ahead and ask. \:) Or, type ~faq for a link to the Frequently Asked Questions. If you have errors or logs to paste, use a ~pastebin. If you have screenshots to share, see ~imagebin.
bugs=Eclipse Bugzilla - https\://
tm=Check out Eclipse's Target Management project - http\://
findclass=Looking for a particular class in the Eclipse APIs? http\://
emf=Check out the Eclipse Modeling Framework project - http\://
snippets=SWT Snippets - http\:// - JFace Snippets - http\://
deadlock=In a deadlock? http\://
jre=Please verify your Java runtime environment - http\://\#How_do_I_find_out_which_Java_runtime_environment_is_being_used_to_run_my_Eclipse.3F
svn=For Subversion support, try Subclipse (http\:// or Subversive (http\://\=overview&project\=subversive)
cmd=Check out the list of available commands I provide - http\://
content-type=How do I open my own file types in the WTP/PDT editors? http\://\#How_do_I_use_my_own_filename_extensions_in_the_XML_editor.3F_It_only_works_correctly_if_a_file_ends_with_.xml.
clean=Please try restarting Eclipse with the '-clean' argument. http\://\#I_have_just_installed_a_plug-in_but_I_do_not_see_any_indication_of_it_in_my_workspace._What_do_I_do.3F
equinoxlog=If the workspace log file does not exist (<workspace>/.metadata/.log) then there might be a log file in your Eclipse installation directory under the "configuration" directory. Look for a file called <some_long_number>.log.
updates=Never used Update Manager? - http\://\#Where_can_I_get_project_XYZ.3F - http\://\#What_is_the_Update_Manager.3F
cdt-faq=Looking for all of the answers related to CDT, or just most of them? Check out the mighty CDT-FAQ (http\://
origin=I am named after an android, KOS-MOS, from a PlayStation 2 game series called 'Xenosaga'.
ask=If you have a question, just ask, don't ask if you can ask a question.
update-manager=Never used Update Manager? - http\://\#Where_can_I_get_project_XYZ.3F - http\://\#What_is_the_Update_Manager.3F
sdk-downloads=Looking for different versions and/or platforms for the Eclipse SDK or any of the base Eclipse bundles? See http\://
image=Please upload your screenshots online - http\://\=add - http\:// - http\://
plugins=Look for plug-ins at the Eclipse Plug-in Central (http\:// and EclipsePlugins (http\://
archives=Looking for an old Eclipse version? - http\://
news=Try asking for help on the newsgroups - http\://
javadoc=The Eclipse Platform APIs are at - http\://
forms=Want to learn how to use Eclipse Forms? Take a look at these two articles - http\:// - http\://\=Article-Forms33/index.html
wtp=Check out Eclipse's Web Tools Platform - http\://
newsgroup=Try asking for help on the newsgroups - http\://
viewvc=Looking for a web interface to the source code released by Eclipse projects? http\://
consolelog=Writing an Eclipse-based application and can't find anything useful in your console and/or getting "Unhandled event loop exceptions"? Add -consoleLog as a 'Program Argument' to your launch configuration. See http\://\#I_get_an_unhandled_event_loop_exception_in_my_console._What_gives.3F
source=My source code can be found at \:pserver\\:/cvsroot/technology under the org.eclipse.ecf/applications/kosmos/plugins/ module.
launcher=To learn more about the Eclipse launcher / binary, see - http\:// - http\:// - http\://
linux-install=Trying to install Eclipse on Linux? http\://\#How_do_I_install_Eclipse_on_Linux.3F
compare=Wondering what the difference between all those Eclipse packages are? See http\://
permgen=Having permgen problems? Please see http\://\#I.27m_having_memory.2C_heap.2C_or_permgen_problems.2C_what_can_I_do.3F and http\://
pastebin=Please paste the relevant information to a pastebin - http\:// - http\:// - http\://