copyright changes 2010 to 2011
diff --git a/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/ant/taskdefs/ b/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/ant/taskdefs/
index 2e8336f..a9366b8 100644
--- a/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/ant/taskdefs/
+++ b/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/ant/taskdefs/
@@ -1,128 +1,128 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution.
- * The Eclipse Public License is available at
- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     egwin - initial implementation, Dec 2009
- *     egwin - expanded to add file output and property expansion support, Jan 2010
- *     egwin - clean-up and comment
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.ant.taskdefs;
- * This class expanded to do everything Ant's "Echo" class/task does, while also supporting "if=" and "unless="
- *      used primarily in debugging builds and for dependency warnings.
- *
- * @author Eric Gwin
- * @since EclipseLink 2.2.0,
- */
-public class Say extends Task {
-    private String encoding = "";             // encoding to use when writing to file, defaults to platform default
-    private String ifProperty;                // the name of the property to test; if exist=true, then exec=true
-    private String unlessProperty;            // the name of the property to test; if exist=true, then exec=false
-    protected boolean append = false;         // whether to append message to file if it exists.
-    protected int level = Project.MSG_WARN;   // logging level (when to output). Should be: error, warning, info, verbose, or debug.
-    protected File outfile = null;            // file to write to (standard out if not specified).
-    protected String message = "";            // message to print if conditions met.
-    // The "meat"
-    public void execute() throws BuildException {
-        if (testIf() && testUnless()) {
-            if (outfile == null) {
-                log(message, level);
-            } else {
-                Writer outbuffer = null;
-                try {
-                    String f = outfile.getAbsolutePath();
-                    if (encoding.length() == 0 || encoding == null) {
-                        outbuffer = new FileWriter(f, append);
-                    } else {
-                        outbuffer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(f, append), encoding));
-                    }
-                    outbuffer.write(message, 0, message.length());
-                } catch (IOException e) {
-                    throw new BuildException(e, getLocation());
-                } finally {
-                    FileUtils.close(outbuffer);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Conditional printing: if "if=" doesn't exist return "true" for print status
-    // otherwise return result of test: "ifProperty" isn't null
-    private boolean testIf() {
-        if (ifProperty == null || ifProperty.equals("")) {
-            return true;
-        }
-        return getProject().getProperty(ifProperty) != null;
-    }
-    // Conditional printing: if "unless=" doesn't exist return "true" for print status
-    // otherwise return result of test: "unlessProperty" is null
-    private boolean testUnless() {
-        if (unlessProperty == null || unlessProperty.equals("")) {
-            return true;
-        }
-        return getProject().getProperty(unlessProperty) == null;
-    }
-    // allows for property substitution within 'message' string
-    public void addText(String singlelinemsg) {
-        message = message + getProject().replaceProperties(singlelinemsg);
-    }
-    // Setters
-    public void setAppend(boolean append) {
-        this.append = append;
-    }
-    public void setEncoding(String encoding) {
-        this.encoding = encoding;
-    }
-    public void setFile(File outfile) {
-        this.outfile = outfile;
-    }
-    public void setIf(String c) {
-        ifProperty = c;
-    }
-    public void setLevel(SayLevel sayLevel) {
-        level = sayLevel.getLevel();
-    }
-    public void setMessage(String singlelinemsg) {
-        this.message = singlelinemsg;
-    }
-    public void setUnless(String c) {
-        unlessProperty = c;
-    }
-    // innerclass
-    public static class SayLevel extends LogLevel {
-    }
-  }

+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Oracle. All rights reserved.

+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the

+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0

+ * which accompanies this distribution.

+ * The Eclipse Public License is available at

+ * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at

+ *

+ *

+ * Contributors:

+ *     egwin - initial implementation, Dec 2009

+ *     egwin - expanded to add file output and property expansion support, Jan 2010

+ *     egwin - clean-up and comment

+ ******************************************************************************/

+package org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.ant.taskdefs;

















+ * This class expanded to do everything Ant's "Echo" class/task does, while also supporting "if=" and "unless="

+ *      used primarily in debugging builds and for dependency warnings.

+ *

+ * @author Eric Gwin

+ * @since EclipseLink 2.2.0,

+ */

+public class Say extends Task {


+    private String encoding = "";             // encoding to use when writing to file, defaults to platform default

+    private String ifProperty;                // the name of the property to test; if exist=true, then exec=true

+    private String unlessProperty;            // the name of the property to test; if exist=true, then exec=false


+    protected boolean append = false;         // whether to append message to file if it exists.

+    protected int level = Project.MSG_WARN;   // logging level (when to output). Should be: error, warning, info, verbose, or debug.

+    protected File outfile = null;            // file to write to (standard out if not specified).

+    protected String message = "";            // message to print if conditions met.


+    // The "meat"

+    public void execute() throws BuildException {

+        if (testIf() && testUnless()) {

+            if (outfile == null) {

+                log(message, level);

+            } else {

+                Writer outbuffer = null;

+                try {

+                    String f = outfile.getAbsolutePath();

+                    if (encoding.length() == 0 || encoding == null) {

+                        outbuffer = new FileWriter(f, append);

+                    } else {

+                        outbuffer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(f, append), encoding));

+                    }

+                    outbuffer.write(message, 0, message.length());

+                } catch (IOException e) {

+                    throw new BuildException(e, getLocation());

+                } finally {

+                    FileUtils.close(outbuffer);

+                }

+            }

+        }

+    }


+    // Conditional printing: if "if=" doesn't exist return "true" for print status

+    // otherwise return result of test: "ifProperty" isn't null

+    private boolean testIf() {

+        if (ifProperty == null || ifProperty.equals("")) {

+            return true;

+        }

+        return getProject().getProperty(ifProperty) != null;

+    }


+    // Conditional printing: if "unless=" doesn't exist return "true" for print status

+    // otherwise return result of test: "unlessProperty" is null

+    private boolean testUnless() {

+        if (unlessProperty == null || unlessProperty.equals("")) {

+            return true;

+        }

+        return getProject().getProperty(unlessProperty) == null;

+    }


+    // allows for property substitution within 'message' string

+    public void addText(String singlelinemsg) {

+        message = message + getProject().replaceProperties(singlelinemsg);

+    }


+    // Setters

+    public void setAppend(boolean append) {

+        this.append = append;

+    }


+    public void setEncoding(String encoding) {

+        this.encoding = encoding;

+    }


+    public void setFile(File outfile) {

+        this.outfile = outfile;

+    }


+    public void setIf(String c) {

+        ifProperty = c;

+    }


+    public void setLevel(SayLevel sayLevel) {

+        level = sayLevel.getLevel();

+    }


+    public void setMessage(String singlelinemsg) {

+        this.message = singlelinemsg;

+    }


+    public void setUnless(String c) {

+        unlessProperty = c;

+    }


+    // innerclass

+    public static class SayLevel extends LogLevel {

+    }

+  }

diff --git a/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/ant/taskdefs/ b/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/ant/taskdefs/
index 044311c..a8398f1 100644
--- a/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/ant/taskdefs/
+++ b/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/ant/taskdefs/
@@ -1,240 +1,240 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution.
- * The Eclipse Public License is available at
- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
- *
- *
- * SelectBundle
- *   property to set
- *   basename     (bnd, org.eclipse.equinox) required
- *   separator    (-,_) default to _
- *   criterion    OSGi selection criteria [1.0,2.0) required
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     egwin - initial conception and implementation
- */
-package org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.ant.taskdefs;
-import org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.helper.Version;
-public class SelectBundle extends Task {
-    private boolean includepath = false; // whether to include the path (directory property) in the value of property if selection is successful (default: no)
-    private boolean versiononly = false; // whether to return bundle version info only, or full bundle name (default: full bundle name)
-    private String criterion = "";       // the OSGi-like criteria used to 'select' the most appropriate jar. for example:(1.0,2.0]
-    private String basename  = "";       // basename of jar (org.eclipse.persistence.jpa, javax.xml.bind, javax.persistence)
-    private String directory = "";       // directory to search for the jar
-    private String property  = "";       // property to set with filename of 'selected' jar
-    private String separator = "_";      // the separator used to differentiate basename and jarversion
-    private String suffix    = "jar";    // suffix of file to find (default: jar)
-    private boolean minInclusive = false;   // local: whether the 'floor' version is inclusive or not "("=true "["=false
-    private boolean maxInclusive = false;   // local: whether the 'ceiling' version is inclusive or not "("=true "["=false
-    private Version minVersion   = null;    // local: the value of the "floor" version
-    private Version maxVersion   = null;    // local: the value of the "ceiling" version
-    private String  version      = "";      // the 'version' component of the "bestmatch" string
-    private void evaluateCriteria() throws BuildException {
-        // ()= includes
-        // []= up to, not including
-        // should be at most 1 ','
-        // can have 1 version, or two containing up to four version parts (major.minor.bugfix.qualifier)
-        if ( !( criterion == null || criterion.length() == 0)) {
-            int endIndex = criterion.length() - 1;
-            boolean minSquareBracket = criterion.startsWith("[");
-            boolean maxSquareBracket = criterion.endsWith("]");
-            boolean minRoundBracket = criterion.startsWith("(");
-            boolean maxRoundBracket = criterion.endsWith(")");
-            boolean initInt = criterion.substring(0,1).contains("0123456789");
-            boolean endInt = criterion.substring(endIndex-1,endIndex).contains("0123456789");
-            boolean commapresent = criterion.contains(",");
-            // validate beginning of string
-            if ( !( minSquareBracket || minRoundBracket || initInt ) )
-                throw new BuildException("The criterion attribute must begin with (,[, or a number.", getLocation());
-            // validate end of string
-            if ( !( maxSquareBracket || maxRoundBracket || endInt ) )
-                throw new BuildException("The criterion attribute must end with ),], or a number.", getLocation());
-            // validate basic syntax
-            if((initInt && !endInt) || (!initInt && endInt) || (!initInt && !commapresent) || (initInt && commapresent) )
-                throw new BuildException("The criterion attribute must be a valid OSGi version range string", getLocation());
-            // determine "floor" version
-            minInclusive = (minSquareBracket || initInt);
-            maxInclusive = (maxSquareBracket || endInt);
-            //singleton version
-            if(initInt) {
-                log("evaluateCriteria: Singleton detected", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-                minVersion = new Version(criterion);
-                // an approximation of infinity (high value for major.monor.micro and qualifier)
-                maxVersion = new Version("99999.99999.99999.ÿÿÿÿÿÿ");
-            }
-            // version range
-            if(!initInt) {
-                log("evaluateCriteria: Range(min:" + criterion.substring(1,criterion.indexOf(',')) + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-                minVersion = new Version( criterion.substring(1,criterion.indexOf(',')) );
-            }
-            if(!endInt) {
-                log("evaluateCriteria: Range(max:" + criterion.substring(criterion.indexOf(',')+1,endIndex) + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-                maxVersion = new Version( criterion.substring(criterion.indexOf(',')+1,endIndex) );
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            // criteria not specified. Default is "any version" or "[0.0,infinity]"
-            minInclusive = true;
-            minVersion = new Version();
-            // an approximation of infinity (high value for major.monor.micro and qualifier)
-            maxVersion = new Version("99999.99999.99999.ÿÿÿÿÿÿ");
-        }
-        // Debug Logging
-        if(minInclusive)
-            log("evaluateCriteria: minInclusive(true)", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-        else
-            log("evaluateCriteria: minInclusive(false)", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-        if(maxInclusive)
-            log("evaluateCriteria: maxInclusive(true)", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-        else
-            log("evaluateCriteria: maxInclusive(false)", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-        log("evaluateCriteria: minVersion(" + minVersion.getIdentifier() + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-        log("evaluateCriteria: maxVersion(" + maxVersion.getIdentifier() + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-    }
-    private String matchCriteria() {
-        String bestMatch = null;       //filename of file selected
-        String[] filelist = getListOfFiles(directory);
-        log("matchCriteria: basename.length='" + Integer.toString(basename.length()) + "'", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-        log("matchCriteria: separator.length='" + Integer.toString(separator.length()) + "'", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-        int relativeVersionIndex = basename.length() + separator.length();
-        log("matchCriteria: relativeVersionIndex(" + Integer.toString(relativeVersionIndex) + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-        if( filelist != null ) {
-            log("matchCriteria: filelist.length='" + Integer.toString(filelist.length) + "'", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-            for ( int i=0; i<filelist.length; i++ )
-            {
-                int versionEndIndex = filelist[i].indexOf("."+suffix);
-                log("matchCriteria: versionEndIndex(" + Integer.toString(versionEndIndex)+")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-                log("matchCriteria: filelist["+ Integer.toString(i) + "](" + filelist[i] + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-                // Should add try block to test for version exception
-                version = filelist[i].substring(relativeVersionIndex,versionEndIndex);
-                log("matchCriteria: version string of found file(" + version + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-                if(version.length()>0){
-                    if(minInclusive && maxInclusive) {
-                        if(minVersion.le(version) && ){
-                            bestMatch = filelist[i];
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else if (minInclusive && !maxInclusive){
-                        if(minVersion.le(version) && ){
-                            bestMatch = filelist[i];
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else if (!minInclusive && maxInclusive){
-                        if( && ){
-                            bestMatch = filelist[i];
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else if (!minInclusive && !maxInclusive ){
-                        if( && ){
-                            bestMatch = filelist[i];
-                        }
-                    }
-                    log("matchCriteria: Best Match so far(" + bestMatch + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-                }
-            }
-            log("matchCriteria: BestMatch(" + bestMatch + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-        }
-        else log("matchCriteria: filelist is null!", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-        return bestMatch;
-    }
-    private String[] getListOfFiles(String directory) {
-        class MyFilter implements FilenameFilter
-        {
-            public boolean accept(File directory, String filepattern)
-            {
-                if ( filepattern.startsWith(basename + separator) && filepattern.endsWith("." + suffix) ) return true;
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-        return new new MyFilter() );
-    }
-    // The "meat"
-    public void execute() throws BuildException {
-        if (getProject() == null) {
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Project not set!");
-        }
-        if (basename == null || basename.length() == 0) {
-            throw new BuildException("The basename attribute must be present.", getLocation());
-        }
-        if (directory == null || directory.length() == 0) {
-            throw new BuildException("The directory attribute must be present.", getLocation());
-        }
-        if (property == null || property.length() == 0) {
-            throw new BuildException("The property attribute must be present.", getLocation());
-        }
-        log("execute: ** Evaluate **", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-        evaluateCriteria();
-        log("execute: ** Match **", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-        String file = matchCriteria();
-        if( file != null ){
-            if (includepath)
-                getProject().setNewProperty(property, directory+"/"+file);
-            else {  
-                if (versiononly)
-                    getProject().setNewProperty(property, version);
-                else   
-                    getProject().setNewProperty(property, file);
-            }
-        }
-        log("execute: Search Finished.", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-    }
-    // Setters
-    public void setIncludepath(boolean includepath) {
-        this.includepath = includepath;
-    }
-    public void setVersionOnly(boolean versiononly) {
-        this.versiononly = versiononly;
-    }
-    public void setCriterion(String criterion) {
-        this.criterion = criterion;
-    }
-    public void setBasename(String basename) {
-        this.basename = basename;
-    }
-    public void setDirectory(String directory) {
- = directory;
-        log("setDirectory: directory='" + directory + "'", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
-    }
-    public void setProperty(String property) {
- = property;
-    }
-    public void setSeparator(String separator) {
-        if ( (separator.length() > 1) || (separator.length() == 0) ) {
-            throw new BuildException("The separator attribute can only be a single character.", getLocation());
-        }
-        this.separator = separator;
-    }
-    public void setSuffix(String suffix) {
-        this.suffix = suffix;
-    }

+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Oracle. All rights reserved.

+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the

+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0

+ * which accompanies this distribution.

+ * The Eclipse Public License is available at

+ * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at

+ *

+ *

+ * SelectBundle

+ *   property to set

+ *   basename     (bnd, org.eclipse.equinox) required

+ *   separator    (-,_) default to _

+ *   criterion    OSGi selection criteria [1.0,2.0) required

+ *

+ * Contributors:

+ *     egwin - initial conception and implementation

+ */


+package org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.ant.taskdefs;







+import org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.helper.Version;


+public class SelectBundle extends Task {

+    private boolean includepath = false; // whether to include the path (directory property) in the value of property if selection is successful (default: no)

+    private boolean versiononly = false; // whether to return bundle version info only, or full bundle name (default: full bundle name)

+    private String criterion = "";       // the OSGi-like criteria used to 'select' the most appropriate jar. for example:(1.0,2.0]

+    private String basename  = "";       // basename of jar (org.eclipse.persistence.jpa, javax.xml.bind, javax.persistence)

+    private String directory = "";       // directory to search for the jar

+    private String property  = "";       // property to set with filename of 'selected' jar

+    private String separator = "_";      // the separator used to differentiate basename and jarversion

+    private String suffix    = "jar";    // suffix of file to find (default: jar)


+    private boolean minInclusive = false;   // local: whether the 'floor' version is inclusive or not "("=true "["=false

+    private boolean maxInclusive = false;   // local: whether the 'ceiling' version is inclusive or not "("=true "["=false

+    private Version minVersion   = null;    // local: the value of the "floor" version

+    private Version maxVersion   = null;    // local: the value of the "ceiling" version

+    private String  version      = "";      // the 'version' component of the "bestmatch" string


+    private void evaluateCriteria() throws BuildException {

+        // ()= includes

+        // []= up to, not including

+        // should be at most 1 ','

+        // can have 1 version, or two containing up to four version parts (major.minor.bugfix.qualifier)

+        if ( !( criterion == null || criterion.length() == 0)) {

+            int endIndex = criterion.length() - 1;

+            boolean minSquareBracket = criterion.startsWith("[");

+            boolean maxSquareBracket = criterion.endsWith("]");

+            boolean minRoundBracket = criterion.startsWith("(");

+            boolean maxRoundBracket = criterion.endsWith(")");

+            boolean initInt = criterion.substring(0,1).contains("0123456789");

+            boolean endInt = criterion.substring(endIndex-1,endIndex).contains("0123456789");

+            boolean commapresent = criterion.contains(",");

+            // validate beginning of string

+            if ( !( minSquareBracket || minRoundBracket || initInt ) )

+                throw new BuildException("The criterion attribute must begin with (,[, or a number.", getLocation());

+            // validate end of string

+            if ( !( maxSquareBracket || maxRoundBracket || endInt ) )

+                throw new BuildException("The criterion attribute must end with ),], or a number.", getLocation());

+            // validate basic syntax

+            if((initInt && !endInt) || (!initInt && endInt) || (!initInt && !commapresent) || (initInt && commapresent) )

+                throw new BuildException("The criterion attribute must be a valid OSGi version range string", getLocation());

+            // determine "floor" version

+            minInclusive = (minSquareBracket || initInt);

+            maxInclusive = (maxSquareBracket || endInt);

+            //singleton version

+            if(initInt) {

+                log("evaluateCriteria: Singleton detected", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                minVersion = new Version(criterion);

+                // an approximation of infinity (high value for major.monor.micro and qualifier)

+                maxVersion = new Version("99999.99999.99999.ÿÿÿÿÿÿ");

+            }

+            // version range

+            if(!initInt) {

+                log("evaluateCriteria: Range(min:" + criterion.substring(1,criterion.indexOf(',')) + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                minVersion = new Version( criterion.substring(1,criterion.indexOf(',')) );

+            }

+            if(!endInt) {

+                log("evaluateCriteria: Range(max:" + criterion.substring(criterion.indexOf(',')+1,endIndex) + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                maxVersion = new Version( criterion.substring(criterion.indexOf(',')+1,endIndex) );

+            }

+        }

+        else {

+            // criteria not specified. Default is "any version" or "[0.0,infinity]"

+            minInclusive = true;

+            minVersion = new Version();

+            // an approximation of infinity (high value for major.monor.micro and qualifier)

+            maxVersion = new Version("99999.99999.99999.ÿÿÿÿÿÿ");

+        }


+        // Debug Logging

+        if(minInclusive)

+            log("evaluateCriteria: minInclusive(true)", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+        else

+            log("evaluateCriteria: minInclusive(false)", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+        if(maxInclusive)

+            log("evaluateCriteria: maxInclusive(true)", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+        else

+            log("evaluateCriteria: maxInclusive(false)", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+        log("evaluateCriteria: minVersion(" + minVersion.getIdentifier() + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+        log("evaluateCriteria: maxVersion(" + maxVersion.getIdentifier() + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);


+    }


+    private String matchCriteria() {

+        String bestMatch = null;       //filename of file selected

+        String[] filelist = getListOfFiles(directory);


+        log("matchCriteria: basename.length='" + Integer.toString(basename.length()) + "'", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+        log("matchCriteria: separator.length='" + Integer.toString(separator.length()) + "'", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+        int relativeVersionIndex = basename.length() + separator.length();

+        log("matchCriteria: relativeVersionIndex(" + Integer.toString(relativeVersionIndex) + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+        if( filelist != null ) {

+            log("matchCriteria: filelist.length='" + Integer.toString(filelist.length) + "'", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+            for ( int i=0; i<filelist.length; i++ )

+            {

+                int versionEndIndex = filelist[i].indexOf("."+suffix);

+                log("matchCriteria: versionEndIndex(" + Integer.toString(versionEndIndex)+")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                log("matchCriteria: filelist["+ Integer.toString(i) + "](" + filelist[i] + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                // Should add try block to test for version exception

+                version = filelist[i].substring(relativeVersionIndex,versionEndIndex);


+                log("matchCriteria: version string of found file(" + version + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                if(version.length()>0){

+                    if(minInclusive && maxInclusive) {

+                        if(minVersion.le(version) && ){

+                            bestMatch = filelist[i];

+                        }

+                    }

+                    else if (minInclusive && !maxInclusive){

+                        if(minVersion.le(version) && ){

+                            bestMatch = filelist[i];

+                        }

+                    }

+                    else if (!minInclusive && maxInclusive){

+                        if( && ){

+                            bestMatch = filelist[i];

+                        }

+                    }

+                    else if (!minInclusive && !maxInclusive ){

+                        if( && ){

+                            bestMatch = filelist[i];

+                        }

+                    }

+                    log("matchCriteria: Best Match so far(" + bestMatch + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                }

+            }

+            log("matchCriteria: BestMatch(" + bestMatch + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+        }

+        else log("matchCriteria: filelist is null!", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+        return bestMatch;

+    }


+    private String[] getListOfFiles(String directory) {

+        class MyFilter implements FilenameFilter

+        {

+            public boolean accept(File directory, String filepattern)

+            {

+                if ( filepattern.startsWith(basename + separator) && filepattern.endsWith("." + suffix) ) return true;

+                return false;

+            }

+        }

+        return new new MyFilter() );

+    }


+    // The "meat"

+    public void execute() throws BuildException {

+        if (getProject() == null) {

+            throw new IllegalStateException("Project not set!");

+        }

+        if (basename == null || basename.length() == 0) {

+            throw new BuildException("The basename attribute must be present.", getLocation());

+        }

+        if (directory == null || directory.length() == 0) {

+            throw new BuildException("The directory attribute must be present.", getLocation());

+        }

+        if (property == null || property.length() == 0) {

+            throw new BuildException("The property attribute must be present.", getLocation());

+        }

+        log("execute: ** Evaluate **", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+        evaluateCriteria();

+        log("execute: ** Match **", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+        String file = matchCriteria();


+        if( file != null ){

+            if (includepath)

+                getProject().setNewProperty(property, directory+"/"+file);

+            else {  

+                if (versiononly)

+                    getProject().setNewProperty(property, version);

+                else   

+                    getProject().setNewProperty(property, file);

+            }

+        }

+        log("execute: Search Finished.", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+    }


+    // Setters

+    public void setIncludepath(boolean includepath) {

+        this.includepath = includepath;

+    }


+    public void setVersionOnly(boolean versiononly) {

+        this.versiononly = versiononly;

+    }


+    public void setCriterion(String criterion) {

+        this.criterion = criterion;

+    }


+    public void setBasename(String basename) {

+        this.basename = basename;

+    }


+    public void setDirectory(String directory) {

+ = directory;

+        log("setDirectory: directory='" + directory + "'", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+    }


+    public void setProperty(String property) {

+ = property;

+    }


+    public void setSeparator(String separator) {

+        if ( (separator.length() > 1) || (separator.length() == 0) ) {

+            throw new BuildException("The separator attribute can only be a single character.", getLocation());

+        }

+        this.separator = separator;

+    }


+    public void setSuffix(String suffix) {

+        this.suffix = suffix;

+    }



diff --git a/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/helper/ b/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/helper/
index fc7f4c4..800b10b 100644
--- a/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/helper/
+++ b/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/helper/
@@ -1,233 +1,233 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution.
- * The Eclipse Public License is available at
- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
- *
- *
- * Version
- *   class defines OSGi-like behavior to a version object
- *   it has an identifier (Major.Minor.Micro.Qualifier) and can compare itself to others
- *   it can report its identifier, and its identifier can be set
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     egwin - initial conception and implementation
- */
-package org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.helper;
-import java.lang.NumberFormatException;
-import org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.helper.VersionException;;
-public class Version {
-    private String  identifier = "0.0";
-    private Integer major = 0;
-    private Integer minor = 0;
-    private Integer micro = 0;
-    private String  qualifier = "";
-    private int[] indexList = {0,0,0};               //holds the indexes of the "."s in the identifier string.
-    // helper
-    private String validateIdentifier(String identifier) throws VersionException{
-        String validated=identifier;
-        boolean error=false;
-        if ( validated.startsWith(".") ) {
-            throw new VersionException("Initial '.' invalids version");
-        }
-        else {
-            if( validated.endsWith(".") ) {
-                throw new VersionException("Terminating '.' invalids version");
-            }
-            else {
-                int index = 0;
-                int subindex = 0;
-                int count = 0;
-                int maxindex = validated.lastIndexOf(".");
-                while( !error && ( (subindex = validated.substring(index).indexOf(".")) >0 || index<maxindex )) {
-                    if(count>2 && subindex>0)
-                        throw new VersionException("Maximum tokens (4) exceeded.");
-                    else {
-                        index += subindex;
-                        indexList[count] = index;
-                        index++;                //increment to point to char after found '.'
-                        count++;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return validated;
-    }
-    // setter
-    private void setMajor(Integer major) {
-        this.major = major;
-    }
-    private void setMinor(Integer minor) {
-        this.minor = minor;
-    }
-    private void setMicro(Integer micro) {
-        this.micro = micro;
-    }
-    private void setQualifier(String qualifier) {
-        this.qualifier = qualifier;
-    }
-    private void setAll(String identifier) throws VersionException{
-        // assumes basic validation completed
-        try {
-            if( identifier != "" ){
-                if( indexList[0] > 0 ) {
-                    setMajor(Integer.valueOf( identifier.substring(0, indexList[0])));
-                    if( indexList[1] > 0 ) {
-                        setMinor(Integer.valueOf( identifier.substring(indexList[0]+1, indexList[1])));
-                        if( indexList[2] > 0 ) {
-                            setMicro(Integer.valueOf( identifier.substring(indexList[1]+1, indexList[2])));
-                            setQualifier(identifier.substring(indexList[2]+1));
-                        }
-                        else
-                            setMicro(Integer.valueOf( identifier.substring(indexList[1]+1)));
-                    }
-                    else
-                        setMinor(Integer.valueOf( identifier.substring(indexList[0]+1) ));
-                }
-                else
-                    setMajor(Integer.valueOf(identifier));
-            }
-        } catch ( NumberFormatException e){
-            throw new VersionException("A numeric version token is invalid. " + e.getMessage() + " in \"" + identifier + "\".", e);
-        }
-        String validIdentifier = getMajorStr() + "." + getMinorStr() + "." + getMicroStr();
-        if(getQualifier() != null && getQualifier() != "" ) {
-            validIdentifier+= "." + getQualifier();
-        }
-        this.identifier = validIdentifier;
-    }
-    // Public methods
-    //     constructors
-    public Version() {
-    }
-    public Version(String identifier) {
-        setIdentifier(identifier);
-    }
-    // getters
-    public Integer getMajorInt() {
-        return this.major;
-    }
-    public Integer getMinorInt() {
-        return this.minor;
-    }
-    public Integer getMicroInt() {
-        return this.micro;
-    }
-    public String getMajorStr() {
-        return this.major.toString();
-    }
-    public String getMinorStr() {
-        return this.minor.toString();
-    }
-    public String getMicroStr() {
-        return this.micro.toString();
-    }
-    public String getQualifier() {
-        return this.qualifier;
-    }
-    public String getIdentifier() {
-        return this.identifier;
-    }
-    // setters
-    public void setIdentifier(String identifier) {
-        setAll(validateIdentifier(identifier));
-    }
-    // Compare Versions
-    public boolean gt( Version comp ) {
-        boolean result=false;
-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp.getIdentifier()) > 0) {
-            result = true;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    public boolean lt( Version comp ) {
-        boolean result=false;
-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp.getIdentifier()) < 0) {
-            result = true;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    public boolean ge( Version comp ) {
-        boolean result=false;
-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp.getIdentifier()) >= 0) {
-            result = true;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    public boolean le( Version comp ) {
-        boolean result=false;
-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp.getIdentifier()) <= 0) {
-            result = true;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    public boolean eq( Version comp ) {
-        boolean result=false;
-        if(this.identifier.equals(comp.getIdentifier())) {
-            result = true;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    // Compare version strings
-    public boolean gt( String comp ) {
-        boolean result=false;
-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) > 0) {
-            result = true;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    public boolean lt( String comp ) {
-        boolean result=false;
-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) < 0) {
-            result = true;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    public boolean ge( String comp ) {
-        boolean result=false;
-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) >= 0) {
-            result = true;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    public boolean le( String comp ) {
-        boolean result=false;
-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) <= 0) {
-            result = true;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    public boolean eq( String comp ) {
-        boolean result=false;
-        if(this.identifier.equals(comp)) {
-            result = true;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file

+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Oracle. All rights reserved.

+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the

+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0

+ * which accompanies this distribution.

+ * The Eclipse Public License is available at

+ * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at

+ *

+ *

+ * Version

+ *   class defines OSGi-like behavior to a version object

+ *   it has an identifier (Major.Minor.Micro.Qualifier) and can compare itself to others

+ *   it can report its identifier, and its identifier can be set

+ *

+ * Contributors:

+ *     egwin - initial conception and implementation

+ */


+package org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.helper;


+import java.lang.NumberFormatException;


+import org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.helper.VersionException;;


+public class Version {

+    private String  identifier = "0.0";

+    private Integer major = 0;

+    private Integer minor = 0;

+    private Integer micro = 0;

+    private String  qualifier = "";


+    private int[] indexList = {0,0,0};               //holds the indexes of the "."s in the identifier string.


+    // helper

+    private String validateIdentifier(String identifier) throws VersionException{

+        String validated=identifier;

+        boolean error=false;


+        if ( validated.startsWith(".") ) {

+            throw new VersionException("Initial '.' invalids version");

+        }

+        else {

+            if( validated.endsWith(".") ) {

+                throw new VersionException("Terminating '.' invalids version");

+            }

+            else {

+                int index = 0;

+                int subindex = 0;

+                int count = 0;

+                int maxindex = validated.lastIndexOf(".");

+                while( !error && ( (subindex = validated.substring(index).indexOf(".")) >0 || index<maxindex )) {

+                    if(count>2 && subindex>0)

+                        throw new VersionException("Maximum tokens (4) exceeded.");

+                    else {

+                        index += subindex;

+                        indexList[count] = index;

+                        index++;                //increment to point to char after found '.'

+                        count++;

+                    }

+                }

+            }

+        }

+        return validated;

+    }


+    // setter

+    private void setMajor(Integer major) {

+        this.major = major;

+    }

+    private void setMinor(Integer minor) {

+        this.minor = minor;

+    }

+    private void setMicro(Integer micro) {

+        this.micro = micro;

+    }

+    private void setQualifier(String qualifier) {

+        this.qualifier = qualifier;

+    }


+    private void setAll(String identifier) throws VersionException{

+        // assumes basic validation completed

+        try {

+            if( identifier != "" ){

+                if( indexList[0] > 0 ) {

+                    setMajor(Integer.valueOf( identifier.substring(0, indexList[0])));

+                    if( indexList[1] > 0 ) {

+                        setMinor(Integer.valueOf( identifier.substring(indexList[0]+1, indexList[1])));

+                        if( indexList[2] > 0 ) {

+                            setMicro(Integer.valueOf( identifier.substring(indexList[1]+1, indexList[2])));

+                            setQualifier(identifier.substring(indexList[2]+1));

+                        }

+                        else

+                            setMicro(Integer.valueOf( identifier.substring(indexList[1]+1)));

+                    }

+                    else

+                        setMinor(Integer.valueOf( identifier.substring(indexList[0]+1) ));

+                }

+                else

+                    setMajor(Integer.valueOf(identifier));

+            }

+        } catch ( NumberFormatException e){

+            throw new VersionException("A numeric version token is invalid. " + e.getMessage() + " in \"" + identifier + "\".", e);

+        }

+        String validIdentifier = getMajorStr() + "." + getMinorStr() + "." + getMicroStr();

+        if(getQualifier() != null && getQualifier() != "" ) {

+            validIdentifier+= "." + getQualifier();

+        }

+        this.identifier = validIdentifier;

+    }


+    // Public methods

+    //     constructors

+    public Version() {

+    }

+    public Version(String identifier) {

+        setIdentifier(identifier);

+    }


+    // getters

+    public Integer getMajorInt() {

+        return this.major;

+    }

+    public Integer getMinorInt() {

+        return this.minor;

+    }

+    public Integer getMicroInt() {

+        return this.micro;

+    }

+    public String getMajorStr() {

+        return this.major.toString();

+    }

+    public String getMinorStr() {

+        return this.minor.toString();

+    }

+    public String getMicroStr() {

+        return this.micro.toString();

+    }

+    public String getQualifier() {

+        return this.qualifier;

+    }

+    public String getIdentifier() {

+        return this.identifier;

+    }


+    // setters

+    public void setIdentifier(String identifier) {

+        setAll(validateIdentifier(identifier));

+    }


+    // Compare Versions

+    public boolean gt( Version comp ) {

+        boolean result=false;


+        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp.getIdentifier()) > 0) {

+            result = true;

+        }

+        return result;

+    }

+    public boolean lt( Version comp ) {

+        boolean result=false;


+        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp.getIdentifier()) < 0) {

+            result = true;

+        }

+        return result;

+    }

+    public boolean ge( Version comp ) {

+        boolean result=false;


+        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp.getIdentifier()) >= 0) {

+            result = true;

+        }

+        return result;

+    }

+    public boolean le( Version comp ) {

+        boolean result=false;


+        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp.getIdentifier()) <= 0) {

+            result = true;

+        }

+        return result;

+    }

+    public boolean eq( Version comp ) {

+        boolean result=false;


+        if(this.identifier.equals(comp.getIdentifier())) {

+            result = true;

+        }

+        return result;

+    }


+    // Compare version strings

+    public boolean gt( String comp ) {

+        boolean result=false;


+        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) > 0) {

+            result = true;

+        }

+        return result;

+    }

+    public boolean lt( String comp ) {

+        boolean result=false;


+        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) < 0) {

+            result = true;

+        }

+        return result;

+    }

+    public boolean ge( String comp ) {

+        boolean result=false;


+        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) >= 0) {

+            result = true;

+        }

+        return result;

+    }

+    public boolean le( String comp ) {

+        boolean result=false;


+        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) <= 0) {

+            result = true;

+        }

+        return result;

+    }

+    public boolean eq( String comp ) {

+        boolean result=false;


+        if(this.identifier.equals(comp)) {

+            result = true;

+        }

+        return result;

+    }
