blob: d5fa4fe672bece46dfd47f1a918f8816f05c758a [file] [log] [blame]
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Ant naming conventions:
* - regardless of the actual OS platform,'/' is the directory separator
* (Ant will convert as appropriate).
* - multi-word properties use periods '.'
* - properties ending in .jar define jarfile names only (no path)
* - properties ending in .lib are fully qualified jars (path and filename)
* - properties ending in .dir are directory paths
* - properties ending in .path are path refid names (classpath fragments)
* - multi-word targets use hyphens '-'
* - targets beginning with test- are reserved for high level test targets,
* and are used in test results parsing
* - targets typically use the form <action>-<object>-<type> (ie. package-bundle-zip)
* - multi-word macros use underscores '_'
* - multi-word macro attributes are concatinated
* e.g. 'runpathref'
* - multi-word tasks (taskdef) names are concatinated
* e.g. 'validateconnection'
* - OS environment variables are in ALLCAPS and have 'env' as a prefix
* e.g. ${env.XXX}.
* - Ant properties are lower case.
* Contributors:
* eric.gwin - initial API and implementation (checked in by tware)
<project name="EclipseLink Bootstrap Automated Builds" basedir="." default="nightly">
<!-- ONLY project specific info should be defined here -->
<!-- Anything that may change on a future branch should be defined in the -->
<!-- Branch specific Autobuild.xml -->
<echo message="---- Bootstrap ----"/>
<target name="init">
<condition property="_Win" value="true">
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="Windows XP"/>
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="Windows NT"/>
<property name="build.compiler" value="javac1.5"/>
<format property="" pattern="yyyyMMdd"/>
<format property="run.time" pattern="HHmm"/>
<property environment="env"/>
<!-- This needs to be here because if not set we need to check OS -->
<!-- and define appropriate default locations for svn -->
<property name="svn.exec" value="${env.SVN_EXEC}"/>
<echo message="ANT_ARGS='${env.ANT_ARGS}'"/>
<echo message="ANT_OPTS='${env.ANT_OPTS}'"/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message="date.time = '${}.${run.time}'"/>
<echo message="java.version = '${java.version}'"/>
<echo message=" = '${}'"/>
<echo message="os.arch = '${os.arch}'"/>
<echo message="os.version = '${os.version}'"/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message="ant.file = '${ant.file}'"/>
<echo message="ant.version = '${ant.version}'"/>
<echo message=" '${}'"/>
<echo message=" '${}'"/>
<echo message="ant.home = '${ant.home}'"/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message="basedir = '${basedir}'"/>
<!-- Set svn.exec to os appropriate value -->
<!-- (fallback in case env.SVN_EXEC not set) -->
<target name="init-linux" unless="_Win" depends="init">
<property name="svn.exec" value="/usr/local/bin/svn"/>
<target name="init-win" if="_Win" depends="init-linux">
<property name="svn.exec" value="svn"/>
<!-- Setup properties needed if testing using a local repos on RedHat -->
<!-- (-D_RHB=1 defined on command-line) -->
<target name="init-test" if="_LocalRepos" depends="init">
<property name="" value="file:"/>
<property name="svn.base.urlpath" value="///var/svn/repos/eclipselink"/>
<!-- Setup properties needed if testing using a local repos on RedHat -->
<!-- (-D_RHB=1 defined on command-line) -->
<target name="init-test2" if="_RHB" depends="init-test">
<property name="" value="http:"/>
<target name="properties-init" depends="init-win,init-test2">
<echo message="svn.exec ='${svn.exec}'"/>
<!-- # Build environment definitions -->
<!-- # build.root.dir is the directory the branch's build -->
<!-- # files are in -->
<!-- # will always be specified on command-line -->
<!-- # if used -->
<!-- # junit.lib and junit.dir are only specified here because they -->
<!-- # need to be defined in ANT the same as in the CLASSPATH -->
<!-- # that ANT is invoked with. (the junit used at runtime -->
<!-- # must be defined in the classpath ANT is invoked with) -->
<property name="" value=""/>
<property name="build.root.dir" value="${env.BRANCH_PATH}"/>
<property name="build.deps.dir" value="${env.BLD_DEPS_DIR}"/>
<property name="log.dir" value="${env.LOG_DIR}"/>
<property name="junit.dir" value="${env.JUNIT_HOME}"/>
<property name="junit.lib" value="${junit.dir}/junit.jar"/>
<property name="branch.dir" value="${}trunk"/>
<property name="autobld.file" value="autobuild.xml"/>
<!-- # Subversion definitions (URLs, protocols & control files) -->
<!-- # -->
<!-- # svn.exec is set by init and depends upon the OS -->
<property name="" value="http:"/>
<property name="svn.protocol" value="svn:"/>
<property name="" value="svn+ssh:"/>
<property name="" value=""/>
<property name="svn.base.urlpath" value="//${}/svnroot/rt/org.eclipse.persistence"/>
<property name="svn.base.url" value="${}${svn.base.urlpath}"/>
<property name="svn.branch.url" value="${svn.base.url}/${branch.dir}"/>
<property name="" value="${svn.branch.url}/buildsystem"/>
<property name="current.svnrev.file" value="${log.dir}/.current_svnrev_${env.BRANCH_NM}_${env.TARGET}"/>
<property name="latest.svnrev.file" value="${log.dir}/.latest_svnrev_${env.BRANCH_NM}_${env.TARGET}"/>
<echo message="env.HOME_DIR = '${env.HOME_DIR}'"/>
<echo message="env.JAVA_HOME = '${env.JAVA_HOME}'"/>
<echo message="env.JUNIT_HOME = '${env.JUNIT_HOME}'"/>
<echo message="env.MAVENANT_DIR= '${env.MAVENANT_DIR}'"/>
<echo message="env.PATH = '${env.PATH}'"/>
<echo message="env.CLASSPATH = '${env.CLASSPATH}'"/>
<echo message="env.SVN_EXEC = '${env.SVN_EXEC}'"/>
<echo message="env.TARGET = '${env.TARGET}'"/>
<echo message=""/>
<echo message=" = '${}'"/>
<echo message="build.root.dir = '${build.root.dir}'"/>
<echo message="build.deps.dir = '${build.deps.dir}'"/>
<echo message="log.dir = '${log.dir}'"/>
<echo message="junit.dir = '${junit.dir}'"/>
<echo message="junit.lib = '${junit.lib}'"/>
<echo message="branch.dir = '${branch.dir}'"/>
<echo message="autobld.file = '${autobld.file}'"/>
<echo message=""/>
<echo message="env.CLASSPATH = '${env.CLASSPATH}'"/>
<echo message=""/>
<echo message=" = '${}'"/>
<echo message="svn.protocol = '${svn.protocol}'"/>
<echo message=" = '${}'"/>
<echo message="svn.base.urlpath= '${svn.base.urlpath}'"/>
<echo message="svn.base.url = '${svn.base.url}'"/>
<echo message="svn.branch.url = '${svn.branch.url}'"/>
<echo message=" = '${}'"/>
<echo message="current.svnrev.file= '${current.svnrev.file}'"/>
<echo message="latest.svnrev.file = '${latest.svnrev.file}'"/>
<!-- Used for Build testing: Set if "target" in .sh appended by ".test" -->
<target name="no-get-src" if="_NoUpdateSrc" depends="properties-init">
<echo message="Update of local source Skipped."/>
<target name="get-src" unless="_NoUpdateSrc" depends="no-get-src">
<echo message="** Begin of Source Retrieval **"/>
<echo message="** From: ${svn.branch.url}"/>
<echo message="** Root: ${build.root.dir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${build.root.dir}"/>
<!-- the following arg makes the source retrieval "quiet". We really -->
<!-- should log the files that were updated, so commenting out. -->
<!-- <arg value="-q"/> -->
<exec executable="${svn.exec}" dir="${build.root.dir}/.." failonerror="true" logError="true" >
<arg value="co"/>
<arg value="${svn.branch.url}"/>
<chmod file="${build.root.dir}/buildsystem/*.sh" perm="ug+x"/>
<echo message="** End of Source Retrieval **"/>
<target name="build" depends="get-src" description="Trigger an automated build without testing or publish">
<echo message="'build' target: Calling 'build-no-publish' target in '${build.root.dir}/${autobld.file}'"/>
<ant antfile="${autobld.file}" dir="${build.root.dir}" target="build-no-publish"/>
<!-- Untested: Possible way to call ant and specify a different logger.
<pathelement location="${ant.home}/lib/ant-launcher.jar"/>
<arg value="-buildfile"/>
<arg file="${autobld.file}"/>
<arg value="-logger"/>
<arg value=""/>
<arg value="${build.root.dir}/buildsystem/"/>
<arg value="${}"/>
<arg value="-Dbasedir=${build.root.dir}"/>
<arg value="build-no-publish"/>
</java -->
<target name="milestone" depends="get-src" description="Trigger a build promotion of a nightly build to a milestone">
<echo message="'milestone' target: Calling 'build-milestone' target in '${build.root.dir}/${autobld.file}'"/>
<ant antfile="${autobld.file}" dir="${build.root.dir}" target="build-milestone"/>
<target name="nightly" if="_DoBuild" depends="query-svn-changed, get-src, build-aborted" description="Trigger the nightly automated build and lrg tests">
<!-- Don't move current to latest until source sucessfully retrieved -->
<move file="${current.svnrev.file}" tofile="${latest.svnrev.file}"/>
<echo message="'nightly' target: Calling 'build-nightly' target in '${build.root.dir}/${autobld.file}'"/>
<ant antfile="${autobld.file}" dir="${build.root.dir}" target="build-nightly"/>
<target name="oracle" depends="properties-init" description="Trigger the oracle automated build">
<echo message="'oracle' target: Calling 'build-oracle' target in '${build.root.dir}/${autobld.file}'"/>
<ant antfile="${autobld.file}" dir="${build.root.dir}" target="build-oracle"/>
<target name="cb" if="_DoBuild" depends="query-svn-changed, get-src, build-aborted" description="Trigger an automated 'continuous build' (compile and run short verify)">
<!-- Don't move current to latest until source sucessfully retrieved -->
<move file="${current.svnrev.file}" tofile="${latest.svnrev.file}"/>
<echo message="'cb' target: Calling 'build-continuous' target in '${build.root.dir}/${autobld.file}'"/>
<ant antfile="${autobld.file}" dir="${build.root.dir}" target="build-continuous"/>
<!-- ============================================================================= -->
<!-- Continuous build Order -->
<!-- properties-init = sets up various properties -->
<!-- query-svn-changed = calls 'get-svn-headrev' -->
<!-- sets '_DoBuild' if any condition exists where -->
<!-- the revision files don't match -->
<!-- get-svn-headrev = creates a file that contains current head rev info -->
<!-- no-cb = if head rev unchanged, prints 'no build' message -->
<!-- otherwise does nothing -->
<!-- cb = if head rev changed, updates latest head rev file -->
<!-- calls 'get-src' which updates the source tree -->
<!-- calls the continuous build target -->
<!-- otherwise does nothing -->
<!-- ============================================================================= -->
<target name="build-aborted" unless="_DoBuild">
<echo message="----------------------------------"/>
<echo message=" ${}.${run.time} build unnecessary. No new svn transactions."/>
<echo message=" "/>
<target name="query-svn-changed" depends="get-svn-headrev">
<condition property="_DoBuild" value="true">
<available file="${latest.svnrev.file}"/>
<filesmatch file1="${current.svnrev.file}" file2="${latest.svnrev.file}"/>
<condition property="_NoUpdateSrc" value="1">
<isset property="_DoBuild"/>
<target name="get-svn-headrev" depends="properties-init">
<exec executable="${svn.exec}" failonerror="true" logError="true" output="${current.svnrev.file}">
<arg value="info"/>
<arg value="--revision"/>
<arg value="HEAD"/>
<arg value="${svn.branch.url}"/>
<exec executable="grep" failonerror="true" logError="true" input="${current.svnrev.file}" output="${current.svnrev.file}">
<arg value="Last"/>
<target name="publish-all" depends="properties-init" description="Manually trigger all publish targets">
<echo message="'publish' target: Calling 'build-nightly' target in '${build.root.dir}/${autobld.file}'"/>
<ant antfile="${autobld.file}" dir="${build.root.dir}" target="publish-all"/>
<target name="publish-build" depends="properties-init" description="Manually trigger Build publish target">
<echo message="'publish' target: Calling 'build-nightly' target in '${build.root.dir}/${autobld.file}'"/>
<ant antfile="${autobld.file}" dir="${build.root.dir}" target="publish-build"/>
<target name="publish-maven" depends="properties-init" description="Manually trigger just Maven publish">
<echo message="'publish-maven' target: Calling 'publish-maven' target in '${build.root.dir}/${autobld.file}'"/>
<ant antfile="autobuild.xml" dir="${build.root.dir}" target="publish-maven"/>
<target name="publish-web" depends="properties-init" description="Manually trigger webpublish target">
<echo message="'publish' target: Calling 'build-nightly' target in '${build.root.dir}/${autobld.file}'"/>
<ant antfile="${autobld.file}" dir="${build.root.dir}" target="publish-results"/>
<!-- Below target is intended to be called only by post-processing portion of build script -->
<target name="save-tst-results" depends="properties-init" description="Trigger saving of the test results for a failed cb">
<echo message="Calling 'save-tst-results' target in '${build.root.dir}/${autobld.file}'"/>
<ant antfile="${autobld.file}" dir="${build.root.dir}" target="save-tst-results"/>
<target name="custom" if="" depends="get-src" description="Trigger custom target in build.xml">
<echo message="'custome' target: Calling 'custom' target in '${build.root.dir}/${autobld.file}' with end-target set to ${}"/>
<ant antfile="${autobld.file}" dir="${build.root.dir}" target="custom"/>