blob: 61069af095497a68867a3b4afe0fe7d2a21a6e4b [file] [log] [blame]
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Ant naming conventions:
* - regardless of the actual OS platform,'/' is the directory separator
* (Ant will convert as appropriate).
* - multi-word properties use periods '.'
* - multi-word targets use hyphens '-'
* - multi-word macros use underscores '_'
* - multi-word macro attributes are concatinated
* e.g. 'runpathref'
* - multi-word tasks (taskdef) names are concatinated
* e.g. 'validateconnection'
* - OS environment variables are in ALLCAPS and have 'env' as a prefix
* e.g. ${env.XXX}.
* - Ant properties are lower case.
* Contributors:
* yipzhao - initial implementation
<!-- This ant project includes the following tasks:
- websphere-install : adds jars
- websphere-setup : removes and creates datasource and shared library
- websphere-start : starts server
- websphere-stop : stops server
- websphere-deploy : deploys ear
- websphere-undeploy : undeploys ear
<project name="Eclipse Persistence Services JPA WebSphere Testing" basedir=".">
<!-- Allows a user to overide certain user specific properties. -->
<property file="${user.home}/"/>
<property file="./"/>
<!-- This copy junit.jar to WebSphere server lib/ext. -->
<target name="websphere-install">
<copy file="${junit.lib}" todir="${was.home}/lib/ext"/>
<copy file="${oracle.extensions.depend.dir}/${oracle.spatial.lib}" todir="${was.home}/lib/ext"/>
<copy file="${eclipselink.jar.dir}/eclipselink.jar" todir="${was.home}/lib/ext"/>
<!-- Start the server. -->
<target name="websphere-start">
<echo message="WebSphere Server is Starting......"/>
<copy file="${eclipselink.jar.dir}/eclipselink.jar" todir="${was.home}/lib/ext"/>
<exec executable="${was.home}/bin/startServer.${suffix}">
<arg value="server1"/>
<echo message="Finish Starting WebSphere Server."/>
This target is to create datasource, shared library for running JPA tests on the WebSphere server.
Note: WebSphere server must be running.
<target name="websphere-setup">
<echo message="*****Config WebSphere Server*****"/>
<copy overwrite="true" file="${was.jython.scripts.dir}/" tofile="${was.home}/bin/"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%oracleDriver%%" value="${jdbc.driver.jar}"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%nodeName%%" value="${nodeName}"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%serverName%%" value="${serverName}"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%dbUser%%" value="${db.user}"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%dbPassword%%" value="${db.pwd}"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%dbURL%%" value="${db.url}"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%eclipselinkLibDir%%" value="${eclipselink.jar.dir}"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%oracleExtensionLibDir%%" value="${oracle.extensions.jar.dir}"/>
<sleep seconds="20"/>
<exec executable="${was.home}/bin/wsadmin.${suffix}">
<arg line="-lang jython -user ${server.user} -password ${server.pwd} -f ${was.home}/bin/"/>
<!-- websphere-setup removes and recreates datasource and shared library, so we don't need to do anything in websphere-reset. -->
<target name="websphere-reset">
<!-- Stop the server. -->
<target name="websphere-stop">
<echo message="WebSphere Server is Stopping......"/>
<exec executable="${was.home}/bin/stopServer.${suffix}">
<arg value="server1"/>
<delete file="${was.home}/lib/ext/eclipselink.jar" failonerror="false"/>
<echo message="Finish Stopping WebSphere Server."/>
Deploy the application ear to the server.
Note: WebSphere server must be running.
<target name="websphere-deploy">
<echo message="*****Deploy ${} on WebSphere Server*****"/>
<copy overwrite="true" file="${was.jython.scripts.dir}/" tofile="${was.home}/bin/"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%serverVersion%%" value="${server.version}"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%cellName%%" value="${cellName}"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%nodeName%%" value="${nodeName}"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%serverName%%" value="${serverName}"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%appName%%" value="${}"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%ear%%" value="${}.ear"/>
<sleep seconds="20"/>
<exec executable="${was.home}/bin/wsadmin.${suffix}">
<arg line="-lang jython -user ${server.user} -password ${server.pwd} -f ${was.home}/bin/"/>
Undeploy the application ear to the server.
Note: WebSphere server must be running.
<target name="websphere-undeploy">
<echo message="*****Undeploy ${} on WebSphere Server*****"/>
<copy overwrite="true" file="${was.jython.scripts.dir}/" tofile="${was.home}/bin/"/>
<replace file="${was.home}/bin/" token="%%appName%%" value="${}"/>
<sleep seconds="20"/>
<exec executable="${was.home}/bin/wsadmin.${suffix}">
<arg line="-lang jython -user ${server.user} -password ${server.pwd} -f ${was.home}/bin/"/>