blob: 47dd8740dc0aa543c6674e63ff55aa5307e6c4bd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation
import com.mongodb.BasicDBList;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.DB;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.DBCursor;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.Mongo;
import com.mongodb.MongoException;
import com.mongodb.ServerAddress;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext;
* This class is an entry point for dynamic entity xml and source generation for MongoDB. It also
* provides API for discovering metadata (table names, etc) and generating EclipseLink-JPA NoSql,
* mapping files.
* <p>
* Provisional API: This interface is part of an interim API that is still under development and
* expected to change significantly before reaching stability. It is available at this early stage
* to solicit feedback from pioneering adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this
* API will almost certainly be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.<p>
* @author John Bracken
* @version 2.6
public class MongoEntityGenerator {
/** Mongo database connection to use in generation. */
private Mongo connection;
/** Mongo database instance to use in generation. */
private DB database;
/** Number of rows in each collection to sample during generation. */
private int rowSampleSize;
* Constructs a new {@link MongoEntityGenerator} based on the provided
* db connection information.
* @param host the MongoDB network host.
* @param port the port of the Mongo database.
* @param dbName the name of the Mongo database.
* @param rowSampleSize number of rows in each collection to sample to determine the table
* structure. Since not all rows may have all possible values explicitly defined, it's important
* to use a sufficient sample size.
* @throws MongoException
* @throws UnknownHostException
public MongoEntityGenerator(String host,
int port,
String dbName,
int rowSampleSize) throws MongoException, UnknownHostException {
this.rowSampleSize = rowSampleSize;
this.connection = new Mongo(new ServerAddress(host, port));
this.database = this.connection.getDB(dbName);
* Builds a list of {@link CollectionDescriptor}s that describe the collection and associated
* column metadata of the Mongo collections named in <code>collectionNames</code>.
* @param collectionNames names of the Mongo collections to build descriptors for.
* @return {@link List} of {@link CollectionDescriptor}s.
private List<CollectionDescriptor> buildCollectionDescriptors(Collection<String> collectionNames) {
List<CollectionDescriptor> collectionDescriptors = new LinkedList<CollectionDescriptor>();
for (String collectionName : collectionNames) {
CollectionDescriptor collectionDescriptor = new CollectionDescriptor(collectionName);
return collectionDescriptors;
* Generates a {@link String} representation of an eclipselink-orm.xml descriptor based
* on the provided MongoDB {@link CollectionDescriptor} definitions.
* @param collectionDescriptors the MongoDB collections to generate entities from.
* @param packageName the package name to qualify all generated entities for.
* @return a {@link String} representation of the eclipselink-orm.xml.
private ExternalORMConfiguration generate(List<CollectionDescriptor> collectionDescriptors,
String packageName) {
try {
// Create a new orm.xml metadata model.
ExternalORMConfiguration config = new ORMRepository().buildORMConfiguration(null, ORMDocumentType.ECLIPELINK_2_6);
// track all entity names being used.
Set<String> allEntityNames = new HashSet<String>();
// Iterate over all collection descriptors and create an entity and associated mapping for them.
for (CollectionDescriptor collection : collectionDescriptors) {
// add an entity with a unique name
String collectionName = collection.getName();
String entityName = uniqueJavaClassName(collectionName, packageName, allEntityNames);
ExternalEntity exEntity = config.addEntity(entityName);
// access type is virtual
// Configure NoSql settings
ExternalNoSql noSqlDesc = exEntity.addNoSql();
// add mappings
generateMappings(exEntity, collection, packageName, config, allEntityNames);
// Generate a default, read all query for all entities
return config;
catch (IOException e) {
// Never happens
return null;
* Generates and adds to the specified entity a mapping for the leaf mapping described by the
* {@link CollectionDescriptor}.
* @param exEntity entity to add the mapping to.
* @param column the column to generate the mapping from.
* @param columnName the name of the column.
* @param javaColumnName the java identifier name to use for the column.
private void generateLeafMapping(ExternalEmbeddable exEntity,
LeafColumnDescriptor column,
String columnName,
String javaColumnName) {
ExternalColumnMapping mapping;
// If this is a list-type column, then a collection based mapping is required.
if (column.isList()) {
mapping = exEntity.addElementCollectionMapping(javaColumnName);
((ExternalElementCollectionMapping) mapping).setTargetClassName(column.getColumnType().getName());
else {
// special case where _id is reserved as a pk name in mongo.
// this is always intended to be an ID mapping.
if (columnName.equals("_id")) {
mapping = exEntity.addIdMapping(javaColumnName);
else {
mapping = exEntity.addBasicMapping(javaColumnName);
* Generates mappings for the provided mapped class ({@link ExternalEmbeddableEntity}) based on
* the columns enumerated in the provided {@link CollectionDescriptor}.
* @param exEntity the entity to generate mappings on.
* @param collection the Mongo DB collection descriptor to derive rows from.
* @param config the orm configuration.
* @param allEntityNames a {@link Set} of all of the entity names already in use.
private void generateMappings(ExternalEmbeddable exEntity,
CollectionDescriptor collection,
String packageName,
ExternalORMConfiguration config,
Set<String> allEntityNames) {
for (ColumnDescriptor column : collection.columns()) {
String columnName = column.getColumnName();
String javaColumnName = NameTools.javaNameFromDatabaseName(columnName);
javaColumnName = jpaAnnotationToMappingName(javaColumnName);
if (column instanceof LeafColumnDescriptor) {
generateLeafMapping(exEntity, (LeafColumnDescriptor) column, columnName, javaColumnName);
else if (column instanceof NestedColumnDescriptor) {
generateNestedMapping(exEntity, config, packageName, allEntityNames, (NestedColumnDescriptor) column, columnName, javaColumnName);
* Generates a mapping on the provided mapped class that represents the nested mapping. This will
* also involved generating an {@link Embeddable} to represent the nested value.
* @param exEntity the entity to generate the mapping on.
* @param config the {@link ExternalORMConfiguration} that the entity is associated with.
* @param allEntityNames the existing used namespace for all mapped classes.
* @param column the nested column to generate the mapping for.
* @param columnName the name of the column.
* @param javaColumnName the java identifier name for the column.
private void generateNestedMapping(ExternalEmbeddable exEntity,
ExternalORMConfiguration config,
String packageName,
Set<String> allEntityNames,
NestedColumnDescriptor column,
String columnName,
String javaColumnName) {
// Create the embeddable for the nested value
String embeddableName = uniqueJavaClassName(columnName, packageName, allEntityNames);
ExternalEmbeddable embeddable = config.addEmbeddable(embeddableName);
// generate mappings for the embeddable
generateMappings(embeddable, column.getColumnDescriptor(), packageName, config, allEntityNames);
// if a collection, generate an Element Collection
if (column.isList()) {
ExternalElementCollectionMapping mapping = exEntity.addElementCollectionMapping(javaColumnName);
// otherwise, just an embedded mapping.
else {
ExternalEmbeddedMapping mapping = exEntity.addEmbeddedMapping(javaColumnName);
* Generates and adds a root level named query for each entity
* enumerate in the {@link ExternalORMConfiguration}.
* @param config the configuration to generate and add queries from.
private void generateQueries(ExternalORMConfiguration config) {
for (ExternalEntity entity : config.entities()) {
String entityName = entity.getClassShortName();
ExternalNamedQuery query = config.addNamedQuery(entityName + ".findAll");
char identifier = Character.toLowerCase(entityName.charAt(0));
query.setQuery("select " + identifier + " from " + entityName + " " + identifier);
* Generates a set of EclipseLink, java entity files mapped to the underlying Mongo
* database for the given <code>collectionNames</code>.
* @param collectionNames names of the Mongo collections to generate entities for.
* @param packageName java package to use for the generated code.
* @param baseDirectory the base directory to use for the generated code.
* @param type the access type to use (method versus field annotations).
* @param characterEncoding the type of character encoding to use (e.g. "UTF-8").
* @throws Exception
public void generateSource(Collection<String> collectionNames,
String packageName,
File baseDirectory,
AccessType type,
String characterEncoding) throws Exception {
// Create metadata descriptors for the specified collections.
List<CollectionDescriptor> collectionDescriptors = buildCollectionDescriptors(collectionNames);
ExternalORMConfiguration config = generate(collectionDescriptors, packageName);
// Ensure that the provided gen directory and package folders exists
File packageDirectory = new File(baseDirectory, packageName.replace('.', '/') + "/");
// Build up the velocity generator
Properties vep = new Properties();
vep.setProperty("resource.loader", "class");
vep.setProperty("class.resource.loader.class", "org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader");
VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine();
// Generate source for entities
for (ExternalEntity entity : config.entities()) {
generateSource(entity, type, "", packageName, packageDirectory, ve, characterEncoding);
// Generate source for embeddables
for (ExternalEmbeddable entity : config.embeddables()) {
generateSource(entity, type, "", packageName, packageDirectory, ve, characterEncoding);
* Generates the entity source file for the provided mapping metadata.
* @param entity the metadata representation of the entity.
* @param accessType the {@link AccessType} to use (method or field) for annotations.
* @param templateName the source gen template to use (embeddable, entity, etc).
* @param packageName the package name to use.
* @param packageDirectory the directory to generate the source file in.
* @param ve the velocity engine to use.
* @param characterEncoding the type of character encoding to use.
* @throws Exception
private void generateSource(ExternalEmbeddable entity, AccessType accessType,
String templateName, String packageName,
File packageDirectory, VelocityEngine ve,
String characterEncoding) throws Exception {
VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();
context.put("entity", entity);
context.put("mappings", ListTools.list(entity.mappings()));
context.put("packageName", packageName);
context.put("accessType", accessType);
StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
ve.mergeTemplate(templateName, context, w);
String fileContent = w.toString();
File javaFile = new File(packageDirectory, entity.getClassShortName() + ".java");
byte[] content = fileContent.getBytes(characterEncoding);
FileOutputStream writer = new FileOutputStream(javaFile);
* Creates an eclipselink-orm.xml descriptor mapping the provided <code>collectionNames</code>
* as EclipseLink dynamic entities.
* @param collectionNames the names of the Mongo collections to generate for.
* @param packageName the qualifying package name to use for the generated entities.
* @return a {@link String} representation of the eclipselink-orm.xml.
public String generateXML(Collection<String> collectionNames, String packageName) {
// Create metadata descriptors for the specified collections.
List<CollectionDescriptor> collectionDescriptors = buildCollectionDescriptors(collectionNames);
// Generate an eclpselink-orm.xml from the collection descriptors
return generate(collectionDescriptors, packageName).getXML();
* Updates the give {@link CollectionDescriptor} with the leaf column information defined
* by row value.
* @param collectionDescriptor the {@link CollectionDescriptor} to update.
* @param columnName the name of the column.
* @param value the row value of the column.
private void handleLeafColumn(CollectionDescriptor collectionDescriptor,
String columnName,
Object value) {
LeafColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor = (LeafColumnDescriptor) collectionDescriptor.getColumn(columnName);
if (columnDescriptor == null) {
columnDescriptor = collectionDescriptor.addLeafColumn(columnName);
Class<?> valueClass = value.getClass();
// Special case for an id-type column. If one is not explicitly defined,
// Mongo auto-generates one and uses the noted class for the type. This
// should be considered a String in java.
valueClass = valueClass.getName().equals("org.bson.types.ObjectId") ? String.class : valueClass;
// if the column type isn't consistent, just use Object as the type.
if (columnDescriptor.getColumnType() == null) {
else if (columnDescriptor.getColumnType() != valueClass) {
* Updates the given {@link CollectionDescriptor} with the a column representing
* the list-type value.
* @param collectionDescriptor the {@link CollectionDescriptor} to update.
* @param columnName the name of the column to update.
* @param value the row value, or in this case the list value row.
private void handleListColumn(CollectionDescriptor collectionDescriptor,
String columnName,
BasicDBList listValue) {
ColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor = collectionDescriptor.getColumn(columnName);
if (listValue.size() > 0) {
Iterator<?> listValues = listValue.listIterator();
Object valueFromList =;
// Handle nested list
if (valueFromList instanceof BasicDBObject) {
NestedColumnDescriptor nestedColumnDesc;
if (columnDescriptor == null) {
nestedColumnDesc = collectionDescriptor.addNestedColumn(columnName);
else {
nestedColumnDesc = (NestedColumnDescriptor) columnDescriptor;
updateCollectionDescriptor(nestedColumnDesc.getColumnDescriptor(), (DBObject) valueFromList);
// Iterate over subsequent nested values to ensure the superset of all columns keys
// are included
while (listValues.hasNext()) {
valueFromList =;
updateCollectionDescriptor(nestedColumnDesc.getColumnDescriptor(), (DBObject) valueFromList);
// Handle leaf list
else if (valueFromList != null) {
LeafColumnDescriptor leafColumnDescriptor;
if (columnDescriptor == null) {
leafColumnDescriptor = collectionDescriptor.addLeafColumn(columnName);
else {
leafColumnDescriptor = (LeafColumnDescriptor) columnDescriptor;
// Iterate over subsequent elements. If the element type isn't the same as the last,
// default to Object and break.
while (listValues.hasNext()) {
valueFromList =;
if ((valueFromList != null) && (leafColumnDescriptor.getColumnType() != valueFromList.getClass())) {
* Updates the given {@link CollectionDescriptor} with the nested column information
* derived from the provided row value.
* @param collectionDescriptor the {@link CollectionDescriptor} to update.
* @param columnName name of the column.
* @param value row value of the column, or in this case the nest row.
private void handleNestedColumn(CollectionDescriptor collectionDescriptor,
String columnName,
Object value) {
NestedColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor =
(NestedColumnDescriptor) collectionDescriptor.getColumn(columnName);
if (columnDescriptor == null) {
columnDescriptor = collectionDescriptor.addNestedColumn(columnName);
updateCollectionDescriptor(columnDescriptor.getColumnDescriptor(), (DBObject)value);
private String jpaAnnotationToEntityName(String entityName) {
// Add "Entity" at the end of the entity name to prevent collision with
// @Entity, @MappedSuperclass and @Embeddable
if (entityName.equalsIgnoreCase("Entity") ||
entityName.equalsIgnoreCase("Embeddable") ||
entityName.equalsIgnoreCase("MappedSuperclass")) {
entityName += "Entity";
return entityName;
private String jpaAnnotationToMappingName(String mappingName) {
// Add "Mapping" at the end of the entity name to prevent collision with
// @Basic, @ElementCollection, @Embedded and @Id
if (mappingName.equalsIgnoreCase("Id") ||
mappingName.equalsIgnoreCase("Basic") ||
mappingName.equalsIgnoreCase("Embedded") ||
mappingName.equalsIgnoreCase("ElementCollection")) {
mappingName += "Mapping";
return mappingName;
* Returns the names of the Mongo collections on the specified database.
* @return the name of the Mongo collections.
public Set<String> listCollectionNames() {
Set<String> collectionNames = this.database.getCollectionNames();
// Remove the internal system.indexes table name
return collectionNames;
* Generates a unique, fully qualified and singularised entity name for the specified
* Mongo collection name.
* @param collectionName the name of the Mongo collection.
* @param packageName the package name to qualify the entity name with.
* @param allEntityNames all of the existing entity names in use.
* @return the unique, qualifed and singularised entity name.
private String uniqueJavaClassName(String collectionName, String packageName, Set<String> allEntityNames) {
String entityName = StringUtil.singularise(NameTools.javaNameFromDatabaseName(collectionName, true));
entityName = jpaAnnotationToEntityName(entityName);
if (StringTools.isNotBlank(packageName)) {
entityName = packageName + "." + entityName;
entityName = NameTools.uniqueName(entityName, allEntityNames);
return entityName;
* Updates the given {@link CollectionDescriptor} with columns implied by the provided row
* or {@link DBObject}.
* @param collectionDescriptor the {@link CollectionDescriptor} to update.
* @param dbObject the row to infer columns from.
private void updateCollectionDescriptor(CollectionDescriptor collectionDescriptor, DBObject dbObject) {
// iterate over all of the available names in the row.
for (String columnName : dbObject.keySet()) {
Object value = dbObject.get(columnName);
// if a column does not yet exist in our descriptor, add one.
if (value != null) {
// List type
if (value instanceof BasicDBList) {
handleListColumn(collectionDescriptor, columnName, (BasicDBList) value);
// Single Nested
else if (value instanceof BasicDBObject) {
handleNestedColumn(collectionDescriptor, columnName, value);
// Leaf Value
else {
handleLeafColumn(collectionDescriptor, columnName, value);
* Updates the {@link CollectionDescriptor}s associated with the provided
* {@link CollectionDescriptor}.
* @param collectionDescriptor the {@link CollectionDescriptor} to update.
private void updateColumnDescriptors(CollectionDescriptor collectionDescriptor) {
// Read the collection from the database
DBCollection collection = this.database.getCollection(collectionDescriptor.getName());
// Read a sampling of the rows to determine the super set of column keys
// that are in the collection.
DBCursor cursor = collection.find().limit(this.rowSampleSize);
for (DBObject row : cursor) {
updateCollectionDescriptor(collectionDescriptor, row);