blob: f1a9b6c89a7f5cfc7f8362412426106b2f2e32a8 [file] [log] [blame]
/********************* */
/*! \file options_template.cpp
** \verbatim
** Top contributors (to current version):
** Tim King, Morgan Deters, Kshitij Bansal
** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
** Copyright (c) 2009-2016 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
** \brief Contains code for handling command-line options.
** Contains code for handling command-line options
#if !defined(_BSD_SOURCE) && defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64__)
// force use of optreset; mingw32 croaks on argv-switching otherwise
# include "cvc4autoconfig.h"
# define _BSD_SOURCE
#endif /* !_BSD_SOURCE && __MINGW32__ && !__MINGW64__ */
#ifdef __MINGW64__
#define _BSD_SOURCE // Needed to avoid 'optreset' error at link
extern int optreset;
#endif /* __MINGW64__ */
#include <getopt.h>
// clean up
# undef _BSD_SOURCE
#endif /* CVC4_IS_NOT_REALLY_BSD */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <new>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <limits>
#include "base/cvc4_assert.h"
#include "base/exception.h"
#include "base/output.h"
#include "base/tls.h"
#include "options/argument_extender.h"
#include "options/argument_extender_implementation.h"
#include "options/didyoumean.h"
#include "options/language.h"
#include "options/options_handler.h"
#line 64 "${template}"
#include "options/options_holder.h"
#include "cvc4autoconfig.h"
#include "options/base_handlers.h"
#line 72 "${template}"
using namespace CVC4;
using namespace CVC4::options;
namespace CVC4 {
CVC4_THREADLOCAL(Options*) Options::s_current = NULL;
* This is a default handler for options of built-in C++ type. This
* template is really just a helper for the handleOption() template,
* below. Variants of this template handle numeric and non-numeric,
* integral and non-integral, signed and unsigned C++ types.
* handleOption() makes sure to instantiate the right one.
* This implements default behavior when e.g. an option is
* unsigned but the user specifies a negative argument; etc.
template <class T, bool is_numeric, bool is_integer>
struct OptionHandler {
static T handle(std::string option, std::string optionarg);
};/* struct OptionHandler<> */
/** Variant for integral C++ types */
template <class T>
struct OptionHandler<T, true, true> {
static bool stringToInt(T& t, const std::string& str) {
std::istringstream ss(str);
ss >> t;
char tmp;
return !( || ss.get(tmp));
static bool containsMinus(const std::string& str) {
return str.find('-') != std::string::npos;
static T handle(const std::string& option, const std::string& optionarg) {
try {
T i;
bool success = stringToInt(i, optionarg);
throw OptionException(option + ": failed to parse "+ optionarg +
" as an integer of the appropraite type.");
// Depending in the platform unsigned numbers with '-' signs may parse.
// Reject these by looking for any minus if it is not signed.
if( (! std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed) && containsMinus(optionarg) ) {
// unsigned type but user gave negative argument
throw OptionException(option + " requires a nonnegative argument");
} else if(i < std::numeric_limits<T>::min()) {
// negative overflow for type
std::stringstream ss;
ss << option << " requires an argument >= "
<< std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
throw OptionException(ss.str());
} else if(i > std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
// positive overflow for type
std::stringstream ss;
ss << option << " requires an argument <= "
<< std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
throw OptionException(ss.str());
return i;
// if(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed) {
// return T(i.getLong());
// } else {
// return T(i.getUnsignedLong());
// }
} catch(std::invalid_argument&) {
// user gave something other than an integer
throw OptionException(option + " requires an integer argument");
};/* struct OptionHandler<T, true, true> */
/** Variant for numeric but non-integral C++ types */
template <class T>
struct OptionHandler<T, true, false> {
static T handle(std::string option, std::string optionarg) {
std::stringstream in(optionarg);
long double r;
in >> r;
if(! in.eof()) {
// we didn't consume the whole string (junk at end)
throw OptionException(option + " requires a numeric argument");
if(! std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed && r < 0.0) {
// unsigned type but user gave negative value
throw OptionException(option + " requires a nonnegative argument");
} else if(r < -std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
// negative overflow for type
std::stringstream ss;
ss << option << " requires an argument >= "
<< -std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
throw OptionException(ss.str());
} else if(r > std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
// positive overflow for type
std::stringstream ss;
ss << option << " requires an argument <= "
<< std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
throw OptionException(ss.str());
return T(r);
};/* struct OptionHandler<T, true, false> */
/** Variant for non-numeric C++ types */
template <class T>
struct OptionHandler<T, false, false> {
static T handle(std::string option, std::string optionarg) {
// The above line causes a compiler error if this version of the template
// is ever instantiated (meaning that a specialization is missing). So
// don't worry about the segfault in the next line, the "return" is only
// there to keep the compiler from giving additional, distracting errors
// and warnings.
return *(T*)0;
};/* struct OptionHandler<T, false, false> */
/** Handle an option of type T in the default way. */
template <class T>
T handleOption(std::string option, std::string optionarg) {
return OptionHandler<T, std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized, std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer>::handle(option, optionarg);
/** Handle an option of type std::string in the default way. */
template <>
std::string handleOption<std::string>(std::string option, std::string optionarg) {
return optionarg;
* Run handler, and any user-given predicates, for option T.
* If a user specifies a :handler or :predicates, it overrides this.
template <class T>
typename T::type runHandlerAndPredicates(T, std::string option, std::string optionarg, options::OptionsHandler* handler) {
// By default, parse the option argument in a way appropriate for its type.
// E.g., for "unsigned int" options, ensure that the provided argument is
// a nonnegative integer that fits in the unsigned int type.
return handleOption<typename T::type>(option, optionarg);
template <class T>
void runBoolPredicates(T, std::string option, bool b, options::OptionsHandler* handler) {
// By default, nothing to do for bool. Users add things with
// :predicate in options files to provide custom checking routines
// that can throw exceptions.
: d_holder(new options::OptionsHolder())
, d_handler(new options::OptionsHandler(this))
, d_forceLogicListeners()
, d_beforeSearchListeners()
, d_tlimitListeners()
, d_tlimitPerListeners()
, d_rlimitListeners()
, d_rlimitPerListeners()
Options::~Options() {
delete d_handler;
delete d_holder;
void Options::copyValues(const Options& options){
if(this != &options) {
delete d_holder;
d_holder = new options::OptionsHolder(*options.d_holder);
std::string Options::formatThreadOptionException(const std::string& option) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "can't understand option `" << option
<< "': expected something like --threadN=\"--option1 --option2\","
<< " where N is a nonnegative integer";
return ss.str();
ListenerCollection::Registration* Options::registerAndNotify(
ListenerCollection& collection, Listener* listener, bool notify)
ListenerCollection::Registration* registration =
if(notify) {
return registration;
ListenerCollection::Registration* Options::registerForceLogicListener(
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet && wasSetByUser(options::forceLogicString);
return registerAndNotify(d_forceLogicListeners, listener, notify);
ListenerCollection::Registration* Options::registerBeforeSearchListener(
Listener* listener)
return d_beforeSearchListeners.registerListener(listener);
ListenerCollection::Registration* Options::registerTlimitListener(
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet &&
return registerAndNotify(d_tlimitListeners, listener, notify);
ListenerCollection::Registration* Options::registerTlimitPerListener(
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet && wasSetByUser(options::perCallMillisecondLimit);
return registerAndNotify(d_tlimitPerListeners, listener, notify);
ListenerCollection::Registration* Options::registerRlimitListener(
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet && wasSetByUser(options::cumulativeResourceLimit);
return registerAndNotify(d_rlimitListeners, listener, notify);
ListenerCollection::Registration* Options::registerRlimitPerListener(
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet && wasSetByUser(options::perCallResourceLimit);
return registerAndNotify(d_rlimitPerListeners, listener, notify);
ListenerCollection::Registration* Options::registerUseTheoryListListener(
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet && wasSetByUser(options::useTheoryList);
return registerAndNotify(d_useTheoryListListeners, listener, notify);
ListenerCollection::Registration* Options::registerSetDefaultExprDepthListener(
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet && wasSetByUser(options::defaultExprDepth);
return registerAndNotify(d_setDefaultExprDepthListeners, listener, notify);
ListenerCollection::Registration* Options::registerSetDefaultExprDagListener(
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet && wasSetByUser(options::defaultDagThresh);
return registerAndNotify(d_setDefaultDagThreshListeners, listener, notify);
ListenerCollection::Registration* Options::registerSetPrintExprTypesListener(
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet && wasSetByUser(options::printExprTypes);
return registerAndNotify(d_setPrintExprTypesListeners, listener, notify);
ListenerCollection::Registration* Options::registerSetDumpModeListener(
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet && wasSetByUser(options::dumpModeString);
return registerAndNotify(d_setDumpModeListeners, listener, notify);
ListenerCollection::Registration* Options::registerSetPrintSuccessListener(
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet && wasSetByUser(options::printSuccess);
return registerAndNotify(d_setPrintSuccessListeners, listener, notify);
ListenerCollection::Registration* Options::registerDumpToFileNameListener(
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet && wasSetByUser(options::dumpToFileName);
return registerAndNotify(d_dumpToFileListeners, listener, notify);
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet && wasSetByUser(options::regularChannelName);
return registerAndNotify(d_setRegularChannelListeners, listener, notify);
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet && wasSetByUser(options::diagnosticChannelName);
return registerAndNotify(d_setDiagnosticChannelListeners, listener, notify);
Listener* listener, bool notifyIfSet)
bool notify = notifyIfSet && wasSetByUser(options::replayLogFilename);
return registerAndNotify(d_setReplayFilenameListeners, listener, notify);
#line 394 "${template}"
#ifdef CVC4_DEBUG
#else /* CVC4_DEBUG */
#endif /* CVC4_DEBUG */
#if defined(CVC4_MUZZLED) || defined(CVC4_COMPETITION_MODE)
options::OptionsHolder::OptionsHolder() : ${all_modules_defaults}
#line 412 "${template}"
static const std::string mostCommonOptionsDescription = "\
Most commonly-used CVC4 options:${common_documentation}";
#line 417 "${template}"
static const std::string optionsDescription = mostCommonOptionsDescription + "\n\
Additional CVC4 options:${remaining_documentation}";
#line 423 "${template}"
static const std::string optionsFootnote = "\n\
[*] Each of these options has a --no-OPTIONNAME variant, which reverses the\n\
sense of the option.\n\
static const std::string languageDescription = "\
Languages currently supported as arguments to the -L / --lang option:\n\
auto attempt to automatically determine language\n\
cvc4 | presentation | pl CVC4 presentation language\n\
smt1 | smtlib1 SMT-LIB format 1.2\n\
smt | smtlib | smt2 |\n\
smt2.0 | smtlib2 | smtlib2.0 SMT-LIB format 2.0\n\
smt2.5 | smtlib2.5 SMT-LIB format 2.5\n\
smt2.6 | smtlib2.6 SMT-LIB format 2.6\n\
tptp TPTP format (cnf and fof)\n\
sygus SyGuS format\n\
Languages currently supported as arguments to the --output-lang option:\n\
auto match output language to input language\n\
cvc4 | presentation | pl CVC4 presentation language\n\
cvc3 CVC3 presentation language\n\
smt1 | smtlib1 SMT-LIB format 1.2\n\
smt | smtlib | smt2 |\n\
smt2.0 | smtlib2.0 | smtlib2 SMT-LIB format 2.0\n\
smt2.5 | smtlib2.5 SMT-LIB format 2.5\n\
smt2.6 | smtlib2.6 SMT-LIB format 2.6\n\
tptp TPTP format\n\
z3str SMT-LIB 2.0 with Z3-str string constraints\n\
ast internal format (simple syntax trees)\n\
std::string Options::getDescription() const {
return optionsDescription;
void Options::printUsage(const std::string msg, std::ostream& out) {
out << msg << optionsDescription << std::endl
<< optionsFootnote << std::endl << std::flush;
void Options::printShortUsage(const std::string msg, std::ostream& out) {
out << msg << mostCommonOptionsDescription << std::endl
<< optionsFootnote << std::endl
<< "For full usage, please use --help."
<< std::endl << std::endl << std::flush;
void Options::printLanguageHelp(std::ostream& out) {
out << languageDescription << std::flush;
* This is a table of long options. By policy, each short option
* should have an equivalent long option (but the reverse isn't the
* case), so this table should thus contain all command-line options.
* Each option in this array has four elements:
* 1. the long option string
* 2. argument behavior for the option:
* no_argument - no argument permitted
* required_argument - an argument is expected
* optional_argument - an argument is permitted but not required
* 3. this is a pointer to an int which is set to the 4th entry of the
* array if the option is present; or NULL, in which case
* getopt_long() returns the 4th entry
* 4. the return value for getopt_long() when this long option (or the
* value to set the 3rd entry to; see #3)
* If you add something here, you should add it in src/main/usage.h
* also, to document it.
* If you add something that has a short option equivalent, you should
* add it to the getopt_long() call in parseOptions().
static struct option cmdlineOptions[] = {${all_modules_long_options}
{ NULL, no_argument, NULL, '\0' }
};/* cmdlineOptions */
#line 502 "${template}"
// static void preemptGetopt(int& argc, char**& argv, const char* opt) {
// Debug("preemptGetopt") << "preempting getopt() with " << opt << std::endl;
// AlwaysAssert(opt != NULL && *opt != '\0');
// AlwaysAssert(strlen(opt) <= maxoptlen);
// ++argc;
// unsigned i = 1;
// while(argv[i] != NULL && argv[i][0] != '\0') {
// ++i;
// }
// if(argv[i] == NULL) {
// argv = (char**) realloc(argv, (i + 6) * sizeof(char*));
// for(unsigned j = i; j < i + 5; ++j) {
// argv[j] = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * maxoptlen);
// argv[j][0] = '\0';
// }
// argv[i + 5] = NULL;
// }
// strncpy(argv[i], opt, maxoptlen - 1);
// argv[i][maxoptlen - 1] = '\0'; // ensure NUL-termination even on overflow
// }
namespace options {
/** Set a given Options* as "current" just for a particular scope. */
class OptionsGuard {
CVC4_THREADLOCAL_TYPE(Options*)* d_field;
Options* d_old;
OptionsGuard(CVC4_THREADLOCAL_TYPE(Options*)* field, Options* opts) :
d_old(*field) {
*field = opts;
~OptionsGuard() {
*d_field = d_old;
};/* class OptionsGuard */
}/* CVC4::options namespace */
* Parse argc/argv and put the result into a CVC4::Options.
* The return value is what's left of the command line (that is, the
* non-option arguments).
std::vector<std::string> Options::parseOptions(Options* options,
int argc, char* argv[])
throw(OptionException) {
Assert(options != NULL);
Assert(argv != NULL);
options::OptionsGuard guard(&s_current, options);
const char *progName = argv[0];
// To debug options parsing, you may prefer to simply uncomment this
// and recompile. Debug flags have not been parsed yet so these have
// not been set.
Debug("options") << "Options::parseOptions == " << options << std::endl;
Debug("options") << "argv == " << argv << std::endl;
// Find the base name of the program.
const char *x = strrchr(progName, '/');
if(x != NULL) {
progName = x + 1;
options->d_holder->binary_name = std::string(progName);
ArgumentExtender* argumentExtender = new ArgumentExtenderImplementation();
for(int position = 1; position < argc; position++) {
std::vector<std::string> nonoptions;
parseOptionsRecursive(options, argumentExtender, &nonoptions);
for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = nonoptions.begin(),
iend = nonoptions.end(); i != iend; ++i){
Debug("options") << "nonoptions " << *i << std::endl;
delete argumentExtender;
return nonoptions;
void Options::parseOptionsRecursive(Options* options,
ArgumentExtender* extender,
std::vector<std::string>* nonoptions)
throw(OptionException) {
int argc;
char** argv;
extender->getArguments(&argc, &argv);
if(Debug.isOn("options")) {
Debug("options") << "starting a new parseOptionsRecursive with "
<< argc << " arguments" << std::endl;
for( int i = 0; i < argc ; i++ ){
Assert(argv[i] != NULL);
Debug("options") << " argv[" << i << "] = " << argv[i] << std::endl;
// Having this synonym simplifies the generation code in mkoptions.
options::OptionsHandler* handler = options->d_handler;
options::OptionsHolder* holder = options->d_holder;
// Reset getopt(), in the case of multiple calls to parseOptions().
// This can be = 1 in newer GNU getopt, but older (< 2007) require = 0.
optind = 0;
optreset = 1; // on BSD getopt() (e.g. Mac OS), might need this
int main_optind = 0;
int old_optind;
while(true) { // Repeat Forever
// Stop this round of parsing. We now parse recursively
// to start on a new character array for argv.
parseOptionsRecursive(options, extender, nonoptions);
optopt = 0;
std::string option, optionarg;
optind = main_optind;
old_optind = main_optind;
//optind_ref = &main_optind;
//argv = main_argv;
// If we encounter an element that is not at zero and does not start
// with a "-", this is a non-option. We consume this element as a
// non-option.
if (main_optind > 0 && main_optind < argc &&
argv[main_optind][0] != '-') {
Debug("options") << "enqueueing " << argv[main_optind]
<< " as a non-option." << std::endl;
Debug("options") << "[ before, main_optind == " << main_optind << " ]"
<< std::endl;
Debug("options") << "[ before, optind == " << optind << " ]" << std::endl;
Debug("options") << "[ argc == " << argc << ", argv == " << argv << " ]"
<< std::endl;
int c = getopt_long(argc, argv,
cmdlineOptions, NULL);
while(main_optind < optind) {
Debug("options") << "[ got " << int(c) << " (" << char(c) << ") ]"
<< "[ next option will be at pos: " << optind << " ]"
<< std::endl;
// The initial getopt_long call should always determine that argv[0]
// is not an option and returns -1. We always manually advance beyond
// this element.
// We have to reinitialize optind to 0 instead of 1 as we need to support
// changing the argv array passed to getopt.
// This is needed as are using GNU extensions.
// From:
// A program that scans multiple argument vectors, or rescans the same
// vector more than once, and wants to make use of GNU extensions such
// as '+' and '-' at the start of optstring, or changes the value of
// POSIXLY_CORRECT between scans, must reinitialize getopt() by
// resetting optind to 0, rather than the traditional value of 1.
// (Resetting to 0 forces the invocation of an internal initialization
// routine that rechecks POSIXLY_CORRECT and checks for GNU extensions
// in optstring.)
if ( old_optind == 0 && c == -1 ) {
Assert(main_optind > 0);
if ( c == -1 ) {
if(Debug.isOn("options")) {
Debug("options") << "done with option parsing" << std::endl;
for(int index = optind; index < argc; ++index) {
Debug("options") << "remaining " << argv[index] << std::endl;
option = argv[old_optind == 0 ? 1 : old_optind];
optionarg = (optarg == NULL) ? "" : optarg;
Debug("preemptGetopt") << "processing option " << c
<< " (`" << char(c) << "'), " << option << std::endl;
switch(c) {
#line 724 "${template}"
case ':':
// This can be a long or short option, and the way to get at the
// name of it is different.
throw OptionException(std::string("option `") + option +
"' missing its required argument");
case '?':
if( ( optopt == 0 ||
( optopt >= ${long_option_value_begin} &&
optopt <= ${long_option_value_end} )
) && !strncmp(argv[optind - 1], "--thread", 8) &&
strlen(argv[optind - 1]) > 8 )
if(! isdigit(argv[optind - 1][8])) {
throw OptionException(formatThreadOptionException(option));
std::vector<std::string>& threadArgv = holder->threadArgv;
char *end;
long tnum = strtol(argv[optind - 1] + 8, &end, 10);
if(tnum < 0 || (*end != '\0' && *end != '=')) {
throw OptionException(formatThreadOptionException(option));
if(threadArgv.size() <= size_t(tnum)) {
threadArgv.resize(tnum + 1);
if(threadArgv[tnum] != "") {
threadArgv[tnum] += " ";
if(*end == '\0') { // e.g., we have --thread0 "foo"
if(argc <= optind) {
throw OptionException(std::string("option `") + option +
"' missing its required argument");
Debug("options") << "thread " << tnum << " gets option "
<< argv[optind] << std::endl;
threadArgv[tnum] += argv[main_optind];
} else { // e.g., we have --thread0="foo"
if(end[1] == '\0') {
throw OptionException(std::string("option `") + option +
"' missing its required argument");
Debug("options") << "thread " << tnum << " gets option "
<< (end + 1) << std::endl;
threadArgv[tnum] += end + 1;
Debug("options") << "thread " << tnum << " now has "
<< threadArgv[tnum] << std::endl;
throw OptionException(std::string("can't understand option `") + option +
"'" + suggestCommandLineOptions(option));
Debug("options") << "got " << nonoptions->size()
<< " non-option arguments." << std::endl;
std::string Options::suggestCommandLineOptions(const std::string& optionName) throw() {
DidYouMean didYouMean;
const char* opt;
for(size_t i = 0; (opt = cmdlineOptions[i].name) != NULL; ++i) {
didYouMean.addWord(std::string("--") + cmdlineOptions[i].name);
return didYouMean.getMatchAsString(optionName.substr(0, optionName.find('=')));
static const char* smtOptions[] = {
#line 802 "${template}"
};/* smtOptions[] */
std::vector<std::string> Options::suggestSmtOptions(const std::string& optionName) throw() {
std::vector<std::string> suggestions;
const char* opt;
for(size_t i = 0; (opt = smtOptions[i]) != NULL; ++i) {
if(std::strstr(opt, optionName.c_str()) != NULL) {
return suggestions;
std::vector< std::vector<std::string> > Options::getOptions() const throw() {
std::vector< std::vector<std::string> > opts;
#line 824 "${template}"
return opts;
}/* CVC4 namespace */