blob: 7431357b9d3cb3f772536197bef12807f5598786 [file] [log] [blame]
--- RCPTT testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Element-Name: CommentsOnTwoSide
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _GeHaIN6EEeazRdus0LPc_A
Save-Time: 1/23/17 11:42 AM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
let [val review [amend-review -review [create-review -server $serverURL]]] {
openCompareEditor $review
// Switch to patchset 1 and enter a comment
with [get-editor "Compare.*"] {
switchRightInput -to "1.*"
insertComment -on right -text part1 -atLine 0 -save
insertComment -on right -text part2 -atLine 2 -save
insertComment -on left -text part3 -atLine 1 -save
//Assert that the "against" comment contains one draft
with [get-editor "Compare.*"] {
assert-that-rightCommentCount-in-compare -atLine 1 -is "drafts : 2"
assert-that-leftCommentCount-in-compare -atLine 1 -is "drafts : 1"
//Swap the sides of the patches
with [get-editor "Compare.*"] {
switchLeftInput -to "1.*"
switchRightInput -to "2.*"
//Assert that the "against" comment contains one draft
with [get-editor "Compare.*"] {
assert-that-rightCommentCount-in-compare -atLine 1 -is "drafts : 1"
assert-that-leftCommentCount-in-compare -atLine 1 -is "drafts : 2"