blob: c9939fd94e513a4279b31c1f1cb0e77a0850c9c5 [file] [log] [blame]
--- RCPTT testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Element-Name: OpenImage.test
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _aCSEEP6TEeaAeadKIFsvzA
Save-Time: 3/2/17 8:18 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
try {
add-gerrit-server -serverURL "" -serverName EF -userName ""
openCompareEditor 90644 -serverName EF
with [get-editor "Compare.*"] {
switchLeftInput -to "11.*"
switchRightInput -to "BASE.*"
assert-that-status-in-compare -atLine 13 -is "D"
assert-that-filename-in-compare -atLine 13 -is "minusOne.png.*"
get-tree | select [get-item "" -index 13] | double-click
assert-that-compare-editor-titles-are -left "Patch Set 11: minusOne.png" -right "Base: minusOne.png (75ea799b93)"
//Make sure that we show an image (we check the class name of what is shown in the editor)
get-canvas | get-property className | equals "" | verify-true
get-canvas -after [get-label "Base: minusOne.png (75ea799b93)"] -index 1 | get-property className
| equals "" | verify-true
} -finally {
remove-gerrit-server -serverName EF