blob: 0d784334ee4d9c6f1864d39477e9279f163c4d68 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<project name="IncrementVersionsTask" basedir="." default="set-version">
<property name="WORKSPACE" location="${ant.file}/../../../" />
ATTENTION: especially if you move this ant script to a different directory,
please make sure to run the show-workspace-path first, and check that
the root is set correctly (i.e., the one that contains only the projects
of this specific Eclipse project), otherwise you may easily change the
MANIFEST.MF and feature.xml in all of your Eclipse projects :)
<target name="show-workspace-path">
<echo message="WORKSPACE: ${WORKSPACE}" />
<target name="set-version" description="Modifies artifacts to set a release version" >
<input message="Please enter the new release version (MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO):" addproperty="version.main" defaultvalue="${version_main}" />
<property name="version.osgi" value="${version.main}.qualifier"/>
<propertyfile file="" comment="Build version">
<entry key="version_main" value="${version.main}" />
<entry key="version_osgi" value="${version.osgi}" />
<antcall target="-modify-artifacts"/>
<target name="-modify-artifacts" if="version.main" >
<echo message="VERSION MAIN: ${version.main}" />
<echo message="VERSION OSGI: ${version.osgi}" />
<echo message="WORKSPACE : ${WORKSPACE}" />
<echo message="" />
<!-- MANIFEST.MF -->
<regexp pattern="Bundle-Version: .*" />
<substitution expression="Bundle-Version: ${version.osgi}" />
<fileset id="path.manifest" dir="${WORKSPACE}">
<include name="**/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" />
<exclude name="buildroot/**" />
<!-- feature.xml -->
<regexp pattern="(\s\s+)version=&quot;.*&quot;" />
<substitution expression="\1version=&quot;${version.osgi}&quot;" />
<fileset id="path.feature" dir="${WORKSPACE}">
<include name="**/feature.xml" />
<exclude name="buildroot/**" />