blob: 1dcd522f6186bc26d2151972c659289424c6258f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Chair for Applied Software Engineering,
* Technische Universitaet Muenchen.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
package org.eclipse.emf.ecp.common.model.workSpaceModel.util;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecp.common.model.ECPAssociationClassElement;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecp.common.model.ECPMetaModelElementContext;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecp.common.model.ECPModelelementContext;
* This class contains some utility methods for adding or deleting elements related to {@link AssociationClassElement}.
* @author Michael Haeger
public final class AssociationClassHelper {
* Private constructor.
private AssociationClassHelper() {
* This method computes the additional {@link AssociationClassElement}'s for a dropped element.
* @param objectsToDrop The dropped element.
* @param elements The elements of the diagram the element was dropped on.
* @param context The context.
* @return The the {@link AssociationClassElement}'s which should be added.
public static List<EObject> getRelatedAssociationClassToDrop(List<EObject> objectsToDrop, List<EObject> elements,
ECPMetaModelElementContext context) {
List<EObject> result = new LinkedList<EObject>();
for (EObject objectToDrop : objectsToDrop) {
// get all features and try to find a AssociationClassElement
EList<EStructuralFeature> features = objectToDrop.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures();
for (EStructuralFeature feature : features) {
if (feature instanceof EReference
&& context.isAssociationClassElement(((EReference) feature).getEReferenceType())) {
// get the value of the feature
Object evaluatedFeatures = objectToDrop.eGet(feature);
// feature value is a list
if (evaluatedFeatures instanceof List<?>) {
for (Object evaluatedFeature : (List<?>) evaluatedFeatures) {
handleAssociationClass(objectToDrop, objectsToDrop, (EObject) evaluatedFeature, elements,
result, context);
} // feature value is a single AssociationClassElement
else if (context.isAssociationClassElement((EObject) evaluatedFeatures)) {
handleAssociationClass(objectToDrop, objectsToDrop, (EObject) evaluatedFeatures, elements,
result, context);
return result;
private static void handleAssociationClass(EObject objectToDrop, List<EObject> objectsToDrop, EObject association,
List<EObject> elements, List<EObject> result, ECPMetaModelElementContext context) {
ECPAssociationClassElement ecpAssociation = context.getAssociationClassElement(association);
if (!result.contains(association) && !elements.contains(association)) {
// if source and target are on the diagram add also the AssociationClassElement
Object source = association.eGet(ecpAssociation.getSourceFeature());
Object target = association.eGet(ecpAssociation.getTargetFeature());
if (source.equals(objectToDrop)) {
if (elements.contains(target) || objectsToDrop.contains(target)) {
} else if (target.equals(objectToDrop)) {
if (elements.contains(source) || objectsToDrop.contains(source)) {
* This method computes the additional {@link AssociationClassElement}'s for a deleted element.
* @param objectToDelete The deleted element.
* @param context The context.
* @return The the {@link AssociationClassElement}'s which should be also deleted.
public static List<EObject> getRelatedAssociationClassToDelete(EObject objectToDelete,
ECPMetaModelElementContext context) {
List<EObject> result = new LinkedList<EObject>();
// get all features and try to find a AssociationClassElement
EList<EStructuralFeature> features = objectToDelete.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures();
for (EStructuralFeature feature : features) {
if (feature instanceof EReference
&& context.isAssociationClassElement(((EReference) feature).getEReferenceType())) {
// get the value of the feature
Object evaluatedFeatures = objectToDelete.eGet(feature);
if (evaluatedFeatures == null) {
// feature value is a list
if (evaluatedFeatures instanceof List<?>) {
for (Object evaluatedFeature : (List<?>) evaluatedFeatures) {
if (context.isAssociationClassElement((EObject) evaluatedFeature)) {
result.add((EObject) evaluatedFeature);
} // feature value is a single AssociationClassElement
else if (context.isAssociationClassElement((EObject) evaluatedFeatures)) {
result.add((EObject) evaluatedFeatures);
return result;
* This method returns the other side of an association as a model element for a given element and association.
* @param element One end of the association
* @param association The association
* @param context The context.
* @return The other side of the association or {@code null} if the element not belongs to the association
public static EObject getRelatedModelElement(EObject element, EObject association, ECPModelelementContext context) {
ECPAssociationClassElement ecpAssociation = context.getMetaModelElementContext().getAssociationClassElement(
Object source = association.eGet(ecpAssociation.getSourceFeature());
Object target = association.eGet(ecpAssociation.getTargetFeature());
if (element.equals(source)) {
return (EObject) target;
} else if (element.equals(target)) {
return (EObject) source;
return null;
* This method returns the other side of an association as an {@link EReference} for a given reference and
* association.
* @param eReference One end of the association
* @param association The association
* @param context The context.
* @return The other side of the association or {@code null} if the reference not belongs to the association
public static EReference getRelatedEReference(EReference eReference, EObject association,
ECPMetaModelElementContext context) {
ECPAssociationClassElement ecpAssociation = context.getAssociationClassElement(association);
if (eReference.equals(ecpAssociation.getTargetFeature().getEOpposite())) {
return ecpAssociation.getSourceFeature().getEOpposite();
} else if (eReference.equals(ecpAssociation.getSourceFeature().getEOpposite())) {
return ecpAssociation.getTargetFeature().getEOpposite();
return null;
* This method returns all features of a given association.
* @param association the association
* @param context the context.
* @return a list of features.
public static List<EStructuralFeature> getAssociationFeatures(EObject association,
ECPMetaModelElementContext context) {
ECPAssociationClassElement ecpAssociation = context.getAssociationClassElement(association);
return ecpAssociation.getAssociationFeatures();
* This method creates an association model element and setup all references between the given model elements. The
* reference is contained in the source model element. The method automatically calculate source and target.
* @param eReference The reference that belongs to {@code modelElement}
* @param modelElement One model element
* @param relatedModelElement Second model element
* @param context The context.
public static void createAssociation(EReference eReference, EObject modelElement, EObject relatedModelElement,
ECPMetaModelElementContext context) {
EClass eClazz = eReference.getEReferenceType();
EPackage ePackage = eClazz.getEPackage();
final EObject association = ePackage.getEFactoryInstance().create(eClazz);
ECPAssociationClassElement ecpAssociation = context.getAssociationClassElement(association);
if (ecpAssociation.getSourceFeature().getEOpposite().equals(eReference)) {
association.eSet(ecpAssociation.getSourceFeature(), modelElement);
association.eSet(ecpAssociation.getTargetFeature(), relatedModelElement);
} else {
association.eSet(ecpAssociation.getSourceFeature(), relatedModelElement);
association.eSet(ecpAssociation.getTargetFeature(), modelElement);
* This methods computes the association features for an association. Use this for standard implementation.
* @param eClazz the {@link EClass}
* @param source the source feature
* @param target the target feature
* @return all association features without source and target
public static List<EStructuralFeature> getAssociationFeatures(EClass eClazz, EReference source, EReference target) {
LinkedList<EStructuralFeature> result = new LinkedList<EStructuralFeature>();
return result;