blob: 22f0f38f0d7a296addc744f20aa9982bd8729e42 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:TaskDescription xmi:version="2.0"
xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma=""
xmlns:rmc="" rmc:version="7.5.0" xmlns:epf=""
epf:version="1.5.0" xmi:id="_a3uz4LBYEdm7Eph_l9Cn9w"
name="assess_results,_0l53cMlgEdmt3adZL5Dmdw" guid="_a3uz4LBYEdm7Eph_l9Cn9w" changeDate="2008-07-14T09:22:56.260-0700"
<mainDescription>Coordinate the assessment and discuss with the team how the iteration results will be best presented to stakeholders so&#xD;
they can learn as much about the solution as possible. Listen what the team has to say about what went wrong and what went&#xD;
right during the iteration. This knowledge will help everybody make informed decisions&amp;nbsp;on the next iteration planning&#xD;
and determine the best course of action for the project. This task is performed at the end of every iteration until the end&#xD;
of the project.</mainDescription>
<sections xmi:id="_o28GgMMsEdmdo9HxCRR_Gw" name="Prepare for iteration assessment"
Towards the end of the iteration, the team jointly assesses whether the objectives and evaluation criteria established&#xD;
in the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../practice.mgmt.iterative_dev.base/workproducts/iteration_plan_B46FED39.html&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_0aQBEslgEdmt3adZL5Dmdw&quot;>Iteration Plan&lt;/a> were met, and whether the team adhered to the plan and completed all&#xD;
the work items committed to the iteration.&amp;nbsp;The team&amp;nbsp;makes use&amp;nbsp;of objective measures to the greatest&#xD;
extent possible. To assess that a given work item is completed, the team ensures that the corresponding test cases were&#xD;
successfully run against it.&#xD;
The team prepares a demo of the features implemented at that point, so during the iteration assessment stakeholders can&#xD;
have a real sense of progress made. The team decides on whether&amp;nbsp;each developer demonstrates the features they&#xD;
implemented or the project manager or senior developer demonstrates it all, having other team members present to answer&#xD;
questions. The project manager&amp;nbsp;prepares&amp;nbsp;reports that show&amp;nbsp;project status, such as&amp;nbsp;work burndown and&#xD;
test case reports.&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
These activities happen in preparation for the iteration assessment meeting with stakeholders that occur on the last&#xD;
day of the iteration.&#xD;
<sections xmi:id="_iSiDEIx4Edyzd4h-mxj9YA" name="Demonstrate value and gather feedback"
The team demonstrates the product to customers, end-users, and other stakeholders to collect their feedback, or better&#xD;
yet, have end users to use the product themselves. This can be done throughout the iteration,&amp;nbsp;but at least during&#xD;
the iteration assessment that occurs at the end of the iteration (see &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_FekBAC4IEdyhZrtGEIITGQ&quot;>Guideline: Iteration Assessment&lt;/a>). Work that is not completed should not be&#xD;
Resulting knowledge, such as new functionality, requested changes and defects are recorded in the &lt;a&#xD;
class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../core.mgmt.common.base/workproducts/work_items_list_39D03CC8.html&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_rGNWsCbSEdqh1LYUOGRh2A&quot;>Work Items List&lt;/a>, so project priorities, scope and duration can be refined in the&#xD;
next iteration planning.&#xD;
<sections xmi:id="_iL7cQEpqEdup0IY9DKDPkg" name="Perform a retrospective" guid="_iL7cQEpqEdup0IY9DKDPkg">
Review with the team the approach taken to development and collaboration, the effectiveness of the development&#xD;
environment, the suitability of the working environment, and other factors. Discuss what things went well, what could&#xD;
have gone better, and how things could be changed to deliver better results. Capture in the current &lt;a&#xD;
class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../practice.mgmt.iterative_dev.base/workproducts/iteration_plan_B46FED39.html&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_0aQBEslgEdmt3adZL5Dmdw&quot;>Iteration Plan&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;the assessment results,&amp;nbsp;stakeholder feedback, and actions&#xD;
to be taken to improve the development approach for next iteration. Record lessons learned in this iteration&#xD;
with&amp;nbsp;a collection of lessons learned for the entire project.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
<sections xmi:id="_1YHH8DLqEdueZPye-FaNgA" name="Close-out project" guid="_1YHH8DLqEdueZPye-FaNgA">
This step must be performed only when the iteration review coincides with the end of the project. Involve the team and&#xD;
stakeholders in&amp;nbsp;a final assessment for project acceptance which, if successful, marks the point when the customer&#xD;
accepts ownership of the software product. Complete the close-out of the project by disposing of the remaining assets&#xD;
and reassigning the remaining staff.&#xD;
<purpose>Demonstrate the value of the solution increment that was built during the iteration and apply the lessons learned to modify&#xD;
the project or improve the process.</purpose>