blob: 6f14ca7d2341d762a61616aaf7999746fe1c6a43 [file] [log] [blame]
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Getting Started&#xD;
Iterative development is based on the idea that a software system is built iteratively in a series of increments. Each&#xD;
increment adds a subset of the final system's functionality, and the system grows to become more and more complete over&#xD;
the course of the project's iterations.&#xD;
Consider having all iterations with the same duration. This is important for two reasons: it establishes the &quot;heart&#xD;
beat&quot; of the project and it helps understand the project team's performance. This supports the creation of successively&#xD;
more accurate estimates of remaining work. Attack the hardest problems on the first iterations, but do not overload the&#xD;
first iteration too much. Make sure progress can be shown at the end of each iteration. Do not extend an iteration in&#xD;
order to finish work, neither finish an iteration without any software to be demonstrated. If needed, break the problem&#xD;
into smaller, more manageable pieces so this balance can be achieved.&#xD;
Plan an iteration in detail&amp;nbsp;only when&amp;nbsp;it is due to start. Each iteration starts with an iteration planning&#xD;
meeting with the whole project team. In this meeting, the objectives of the iteration are defined in terms of work&#xD;
items; tasks are identified for these work items; team members sign up&amp;nbsp;for tasks and provide their estimates. At&#xD;
the end of the iteration planning meeting, the iteration plan is comprised of a set of work items, decomposed into&#xD;
tasks that individual team members sign up for. The iteration can be started. Once an iteration is under way, it should&#xD;
be allowed to proceed according to its plan, with as little external interruption as possible.&#xD;
During the course of the iteration, team members provide frequent status of their tasks in focused meetings. The&#xD;
frequency of these meetings is decided by team - it could be daily, a couple times a week, or weekly. Team members work&#xD;
on the tasks they signed up for, following the appropriate priority. Allow detailed informal peer coordination to&#xD;
happen, and mark completed work items in the iteration plan. The overall iteration status is hence readily available in&#xD;
the iteration plan at all times. Any work items that have not been justifiably completed by the end of the iteration&#xD;
are removed from the iteration and re-assigned to the next&amp;nbsp;one (or just returned to the work items list).&#xD;
Make all iterations follow the same pattern. This helps the team to focus on&amp;nbsp;activities that are specific to the&#xD;
beginning, middle and end of an iteration. For example, some common activities performed during an iteration are:&#xD;
iteration planning, iteration architecture work, continuous development of micro-increments, creation of stable weekly&#xD;
builds, bug fixing and iteration review and retrospective. See&amp;nbsp;&lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_DI_tICNaEdyCq8v2ZO4QcA&quot;>Iteration Lifecycle&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;for more information.&#xD;
Common Pitfalls&#xD;
There are common pitfalls experienced when adopting&amp;nbsp;an iterative approach, as the ones listed in the following&#xD;
sections. Fore more information on challenges when transitioning from waterfall to an iterative development approach,&#xD;
see &lt;a class=&quot;elementlinkwithusertext&quot;&#xD;
What project managers should plan for&#xD;
One of the most difficult&amp;nbsp;situations for project managers is to transition from a traditional development approach&#xD;
such as waterfall to an iterative approach. There is more planning with iterative development than with waterfall - one&#xD;
plan per iteration. At every iteration there is negotiation with stakeholders, changes in scope and re-planning.&#xD;
Project managers need to avoid detailed planning upfront and should work with their best estimates for the tasks at&#xD;
hand in a given iteration. However, this behavior should not motivate that unplanned and non-prioritized requirements&#xD;
create scope-creep, nor unnecessary rework happens on elements that are not broken. The iteration plan, with iteration&#xD;
objectives and planned tasks&amp;nbsp;should be collaboratively created by project manager, team and stakeholders in order&#xD;
to promote a common understanding and buy-in into what is expected at the end of an iteration.&#xD;
Which comes first: specifications or software&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
In a waterfall approach, progress is often measured by the completion of specifications. For example, if the design&#xD;
specification is completed and signed-off, the team advances to the implementation based on the design specification.&#xD;
With iterative development, artifacts evolve throughout the iterations, and every iteration should result in an&#xD;
increment in the capabilities offered by the solution, in other words, implemented, tested software that is able to be&#xD;
demonstrated - and potentially shipped - to customers. Software comes first. Planning is more important than the plans.&#xD;
Designing and architecting an evolving solution is more important than capturing and polishing design and architecture&#xD;
models. At the end of each iteration, perform an assessment to gauge the completion of requirements&amp;nbsp;that have&#xD;
passed&amp;nbsp;test cases. Another way to make significant progress is by focusing on the harder problems (or risks) as&#xD;
early as possible, thus making sure a sounding, executable architecture is created and used as basis for the other&#xD;
Different iterations for the different disciplines&#xD;
A common problem found in organizations moving from a waterfall to an iterative process is that they use the iteration&#xD;
concept only as an “envelope” for their engineering disciplines. For example, it is common to hear people in those&#xD;
organizations talk about, for example, “requirements iteration” or “test iteration”. A fundamental tenet of iterative&#xD;
development is that it takes a holistic view of work items: each work item assigned to an iteration is completed in&#xD;
that iteration. For example, a ‘Login User’ work item would see all required tasks, such as design, code, and test, to&#xD;
complete that work item. At the end of the iteration the Login User behavior can be demonstrated as an integral part of&#xD;
the executable system.&#xD;
No visible progress&#xD;
Some teams will have work items that are not completed during an iteration as expected, and will not report problems.&#xD;
This creates a false impression that work items planned for the iteration are being closed, thus showing an inaccurate&#xD;
iteration burndown.&lt;br />&#xD;
In order to avoid this, monitor active tasks closely and address any slippage promptly. Use frequent, short status&#xD;
meetings to gauge progress and detect issues. Create a “no blame” environment where everyone feels empowered by the&#xD;
team and actively seeks advice and help from the team.&#xD;
Adding work to an ongoing iteration&#xD;
Management or stakeholders may impose more work to be added to an on-going iteration. While this is sometimes&#xD;
legitimate, for business reasons, there is a risk that this work just gets informally accepted by the team, without&#xD;
passing through the work items list, where it gets prioritized with the remaining work.&lt;br />&#xD;
In order to&amp;nbsp;minimize the impact of new work being added to an iteration, make sure to involve stakeholders in the&#xD;
planning process, so they understand the impact a new work item brings to the current iteration. Be prepared to&#xD;
negotiate the removal of lower priority work from the iteration, in order to accommodate the new requested work.&#xD;
Another approach is to convince stakeholders that in a few weeks the iteration will end – with demonstrable progress –&#xD;
and the new work item can be prioritized and assigned to the next iteration.&#xD;